Ekaterina Andreeva - biography, photo, personal life of the presenter. Ekaterina Andreeva: biography, personal life, husband, children, daughter (photo) Bad habits, style and hobbies

The girl’s father worked as deputy chairman of the USSR State Supply Committee, and her mother was a housewife. By the way, Catherine has younger sister Svetlana.

Unknown childhood

At first, Ekaterina Andreeva lived on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, later on Leninsky, and then in the center. One way or another, the Kremlin has always been nearby. As a child, the girl even thought that she lived in the Spasskaya Tower. When Katya first came to kindergarten, then she told the teacher so. The kindergarten workers became alarmed and began to find out who the new girl’s parents were and whether she needed special care. By the way, when it turned out that Andreeva had lied about her position in society, then, in her own words, she got it badly. However, Catherine herself is sure that she was not lying, because it actually seemed to her that she was living in the Kremlin.

As a child, Katya Andreeva was quite slim. She was fond of basketball, and even studied for some time at an Olympic reserve school. By the way, pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the presenter’s figure in any way.

However, in her fifth year at the institute, while Ekaterina was writing her diploma and leading a fairly sedentary lifestyle, something terrible happened. The journalist herself recalls this nightmare with a shudder. She weighed about 80 kilograms. However, for her height (at that time about 170 cm), she did not look at all ugly fat, according to at least, she thought so herself.

"I was big: big face, powerful neck and arms. I realized that I’m not big, but simply huge, after weighing myself,” the presenter grins.

“I could easily sit in the kitchen in the evening and eat a frying pan fried potatoes with chicken, eat it all with a jar of pattisons, for example, and wash it down with tea and mother’s pies. I didn’t realize that I was getting better. There were no scales in the house. If someone wants to keep themselves “in body,” then scales are a must at home; you can’t rely on clothes,” says Ekaterina Andreeva.

Then Catherine started going to the gym and went on a diet. In four years she lost 20 kilograms. By the way, the old weight never returned. Now Andreeva knows better than ever what patience means. And diet and fitness have already become firmly established in her life.

It is worth noting that Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1990, and also studied at the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute, and after that she even worked at the Prosecutor General’s Office. There she was listed in the records management department of the investigative department.

Television career

Ekaterina Andreeva had a direct path to the profession of a lawyer, historian, or into the acting environment. However, she chose television.

At the institute, the celebrity first studied at the Faculty of Law, but when she realized that jurisprudence was not working out, she switched to the history department, because she had always been interested in history.

It was easy for Andreeva to get on television. She learned about recruitment for advanced training courses for television and radio broadcasting workers. But during her studies, the girl did not believe in her strength. Simply because she was often scolded. The teachers believed that Catherine, cold and arrogant on the screen, was a kind of “ The Snow Queen" By the way, Andreeva studied with Igor Kirillov and became one of the last television personalities to go through announcer school.

Ekaterina Andreeva began working on television in 1991. At first she was an announcer Central television and the Ostankino television company, then the presenter of Good Morning, and since 1995 she worked at the ORT television company as an editor information programs and presenter of "News". She has been with the Directorate of Information Programs since 1995, and went on air in 1995.

Ekaterina Andreeva on video

Andreeva became the permanent and permanent host of the “Time” program on Channel One in 1998. By the way, in 1999, according to the results of an online survey, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.

By this time, Ekaterina Andreeva had already graduated from the Faculty of History and the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Radio and Television Workers. And besides, she wrote a dissertation on the Nuremberg trials.

“When I first went on air, my pulse was beating so fast that I could barely breathe,” recalls Katya, but now there is little that can unsettle her and she can work in any conditions. But Andreeva fights fatigue easily; she simply lies down on the nearest sofa and dozes for about twenty minutes.


The TV presenter is very careful about her diet. She can no longer eat more than her body needs. Katya does not consider herself a gourmet and does not welcome any specialties in food.

“Everything should be simple,” says Andreeva. And he claims that the most ideal is Japanese cuisine. They contain only natural products and maximum vitamins. And the products are cooked at maximum heat and quickly so that the vitamins remain “alive.” In the morning, the celebrity eats porridge, at lunch - soup with meat broth, and in the evening he eats something light.

Bad habits, style and hobbies

Perfect on screen, but in real life she has bad habits. Catherine cannot live without chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for sweets can be explained, then Ekaterina Andreeva was already desperate to quit smoking. True, the TV presenter prefers ultra-light cigarettes and certainly Muratti. By the way, in Moscow they don’t sell your favorite brand with a carbon filter, and tobacco has to be transported from Italy.

The TV presenter is her own stylist. And at the same time she is considered one of the most stylish television workers. She prefers a strict and sophisticated style. And in everything, be it clothes, cosmetics or manners. Katya buys essential clothes herself, does her own hair and applies essential makeup.

Ekaterina Andreeva loves going to antique stores. According to her, she has a keen nose for old things. It is impossible to deceive the presenter or sell her a fake. At the same time, she knows how to bargain if she knows that the thing is really hers.

Film roles

Ekaterina Andreeva can be seen on screens and not as a TV presenter. She acted in films. The first film with her participation was released in 1990. It was called “Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout”

Ekaterina says that her husband Dusan, having seen her for the first time on TV, found her through journalist acquaintances. For three years the young man courted his beloved. All this time, he intensively studied the Russian language; when he met Catherine, he knew literally ten words in Russian. And at one fine moment Andreeva realized that this was exactly the person she had been waiting for all her life.

By the way, my daughter Natalya graduated from the MGIMO Faculty of Law and does not intend to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

Participant's name: Andreeva Ekaterina Sergeevna

Age (birthday): 27.11.1961

Moscow city

Education: MGOU VYUZI

Family: married, has a daughter

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Catherine's father was an influential and respected person, he served as chairman of the State Supply of the USSR, and her mother was a housewife and keeper of the hearth. Andreeva and her younger sister Svetlana were brought up in strictness and discipline. The girl grew up tall and thin, so her parents enrolled her in the basketball section. Thanks to her excellent performance, Ekaterina was sent to an Olympic reserve school.

Having received a matriculation certificate, Andreeva entered the evening department of VYUZI (now Moscow State Law University), where she mastered the intricacies of jurisprudence.

Ekaterina completed her internship at investigative committee General Prosecutor's Office. She got Stavropol and Krasnodar, where the maximum crime rate was recorded.

After one incident involving the murder of a little girl, Andreeva decided to put an end to her failed profession.

To receive a second education, Ekaterina went to the Nadezhda Krupskaya Pedagogical University. In 1990, she received a diploma and decided to take courses in radio and television broadcasting.. Igor Kirillov, a speaker teacher, noted the talented and beautiful student from the first classes.

Television debut

In 1991, Andreeva first appeared on the Central Channel as an announcer. Since 1995, the girl has been an editor and presenter information block“News” on the “ORT” channel. In 1997, Ekaterina changed her place of work to Channel One and became the permanent presenter of the Vremya program.

In 1999, she was recognized as the most beautiful presenter according to a survey of television viewers.. She was remembered by many fans for her simple hairstyle, reminiscent of a school teacher. In addition to her career as a television journalist, Andreeva managed to play in popular films: “Fiend of Hell”, “In the Mirror of Venus”, “Personal Number”.

In the track record of one of the most famous TV presenters post-Soviet space there are such prestigious awards as: “Order of Friendship” and the “TEFI” figurine in the category “Host of an information program”. According to the TNS Russia analytical agency in 2010, Ekaterina entered the Top 10 most popular presenters. In addition, Andreeva is an honorary citizen of Montenegro. Only neighboring Ukraine included Ekaterina on the list of journalists prohibited from entering the Russian Federation.

Andreeva's beloved man

Catherine was married twice. She prefers to remain silent about her first wife; it is only known that she has a daughter, Natalya (born August 19, 1982), who decided not to follow in the footsteps of famous mother and graduated from MGIMO.

In 1989, Andreeva met Montenegrin Dusko Perovic. The man spent more than three years wooing the uncriminal career woman. Realizing that Catherine was special and could not be bribed with expensive gifts, Dushko tried to win her heart through his actions.

At one fine moment Andreeva felt that this was the one the only man, with whom she is ready to live until a ripe old age. In her interviews, Ekaterina never tires of thanking God for bringing her to this ideal person. The presenter believes that it was her husband who taught her to use her time rationally, to be tolerant, patient, and loyal to people, even if they do not deserve it.

To stay in excellent physical fitness at 56 years old Ekaterina regularly attends fitness training, yoga, pilates, and tai chi. Every morning the TV diva begins with gymnastics and breathing exercises.

Photo of Catherine

Ekaterina Andreeva often records videos with recipes for her Instagram, as well as short videos from travel and everyday life.

One of the best and beautiful TV presenters Channel One - Ekaterina Andreeva. The biography and personal life of the famous announcer has already for a long time interests many. What especially excites many fans is how old Ekaterina Andreeva is. The presenter, however, never hid her age, and explained her youthful appearance proper nutrition and a sports lifestyle.

Childhood and youth of the TV presenter

The biography of Katya Andreeva begins on November 27, 1961. It was on this day in Moscow that she was born. Little girl Katya’s father worked in a government position and was involved in logistics. But my mother completely devoted herself to her children, husband and household chores. In addition to Katya, there was another child in the family - her younger sister Sveta. Both girls studied at a regular school, but Katya additionally attended the basketball section and was even enrolled in an Olympic reserve school at one time. But soon, for some reason, I stopped playing my favorite basketball.

Despite successful sports background, the girl does not want to connect her life with basketball and sends her documents to a law school, planning to study by correspondence at evening time. However, later he realizes that he doesn’t want to be a lawyer either and changes jurisprudence to Teacher Education at the Krupskaya Institute and successfully graduates.

At the end of 1990, the girl enrolled in a speaker course. It was these courses that made it clear that this is what she wants to connect her career with. Actually, the girl’s talent as a TV presenter was noticed almost immediately. Even the famous announcer Igor Kirillov undertakes to personally train the future TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva.

Few people know that before starting work on television, the girl managed to serve in the Krasnodar General Prosecutor's Office. Moreover, she dealt exclusively with criminal cases.

One of these was the case of the murder of a minor child. Her decision to leave the police is connected with this case, since the young lady was repeatedly subjected to threats, and once there was even an attack that was directly related to this case.

Television career

In the future, the girl is offered to try herself as a TV presenter on the program “ Good morning", and Catherine happily accepts the offer. Great broadcasts grammatically correct speech and the girl’s pleasant appearance does not go unnoticed and she is already offered to host more serious television programs, such as “Vesti” and programs with economic topics. However, the novice announcer has proven herself excellent in them too.

It’s worth adding right away that the famous presenter has been repeatedly awarded prestigious awards. The most significant of them:

By the way, in 2014 the famous Russian TV presenter for their Political Views included in the sanctions list for entry into Ukraine.

In 1994, Ekaterina became the official announcer famous channel"ORT" by appointment of Sergei Dorenko, where he continues to work to this day. At the same time, the number of fans of this amazing woman is growing every year.

In addition, Ekaterina can be seen in popular Russian television films, where the girl played small roles, such as:

  • “Unknown pages from the life of a scout”;
  • "Fiend of Hell";
  • "Personal number";
  • "In the Mirror of Venus"

And also based on interesting personality Andreeva even created a cartoon character for the TV show “Cartoon Personality,” which was broadcast on Channel One. Ekaterina still remains one of the most popular announcers on Russian television.

Personal life

At Ekaterina Andreeva's everything is fine in my personal life. She manages to be a wonderful TV presenter, a caring mother and a loving wife. Almost nothing is known about the first marriage of the famous announcer and the woman does not like to talk about it, considering this story to be old and lived-in. Although he has it from his first marriage eldest daughter Natalya. But about my second marriage and new wife with interesting name Dusan, a famous businessman and lawyer, the TV presenter speaks with special love and warmth. Unfortunately, Dusko Perovic and Ekaterina Andreeva do not have any children together yet.

Dusan, while still living in his homeland in Yugoslavia, saw a girl on the TV screen, where she was hosting another program, and immediately began to look for a meeting with her, asking her mutual friends for her phone number. Friends gave her the number, but immediately warned that Ekaterina was a serious person and it was unlikely that anything would come of it. But the purposeful young man He had his own plan of conquest and he went ahead, trying to win the woman he loved. However, this joyful event happened only after three long years.

As the presenter herself says, their painting was mystical, since young people were denied painting exactly six times. Catherine's husband is a foreign citizen and he had to provide a certificate stating that he is not married. But either the certificate was incorrectly completed, or the dates had expired, or even the groom’s middle name was not Perovich, but Petrovich. Therefore, at some point the announcer even thought about giving up wedding ceremony, considering this chain of events non-random.

In addition to work, Ekaterina devotes quite a lot of time to her many hobbies. Her favorite hobbies are Pilates, yoga and tai chi.

Moreover, the famous TV presenter goes to each of her hobbies twice a week. And also the announcer always starts her day with an easy morning exercises and believes that this is what keeps her in good shape.

Ekaterina herself very frankly and calmly answers many provocative questions from journalists. The girl does not hide the fact that she smokes a lot, loves driving fast, repairs equipment herself and collects descriptions of events and Interesting Facts Soviet history. Despite the fact that Ekaterina is already 56 years old, the girl follows fashion trends, communicates on popular social networks.

Attention, TODAY only!

A real star and beauty of Channel One, the wonderful presenter Ekaterina Andreeva has been delighting viewers with her appearance on the screen for many years. The age of this wonderful and feminine person has been debated for a long time. Some to this day are sure that Catherine is no more than 45, while others insist that her age does not exceed 35. But few people realize that this year this charming and eternally young TV presenter will celebrate her 54th birthday. The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting, so we will talk about the most significant and bright moments of her life in our article.

Birth and family of Katya

The future TV presenter was born in Moscow on November 27, 1961. Catherine's father was the deputy chairman State Committee for logistics services. The mother of the future journalist took care of the children and kept the home. In the family, Ekaterina is not only child. Her younger sister named Sveta grew up with her.

Ekaterina studied in a regular secondary school, where I became seriously interested in basketball. He pushed her into such an unusual sport for a girl. high growth. Katya even studied at the Olympic reserve school for some time, but for unknown reasons she decided to leave it.

Catherine's education

Contrary to all interests, future TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is interesting to many viewers, enters the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute (VYUZI) in the evening department. After some time, the girl changes her decision and makes a choice in favor of the Krupskaya Moscow Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, after graduating from higher education educational institution, the future TV presenter is enrolling in courses for television and radio workers. From this moment on, the name and biography of Ekaterina Andreeva arouse keen interest among the public. Even then, Igor Kirillov himself was interested in the girl, who expressed a desire to teach her announcer skills on his own.

Work in the Prosecutor General's Office

Before working on television, Ekaterina managed to serve in the General Prosecutor's Office, in the investigative department, where she oversaw the most complex crime-prone areas (Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory).

Few people know that while working at the prosecutor’s office, a terrible incident happened to Ekaterina. Then the girl was leading the case of the murder of a girl, she was only 18 years old. Having been late at work, Catherine returned home late at night. Suddenly, several people approached her, took out a knife and began to demand a murder case. Catherine was saved by a man who suddenly came out from around the corner. When the bandits were distracted, the girl pushed one of them hard and ran away. That's when her athletic skills came in handy.

Television career

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva continues on television. The first program in which she took part was “Good Morning”. After this, Katya was assigned to present news on economic topics. Next, the presenter tried herself as a car expert on the “Big Races” program.

After this, the biography of presenter Ekaterina Andreeva became the object of close attention of journalists and viewers. In 1994, the aspiring presenter was supposed to host her first episode of the “News” program on ORT, where Katya played the role of announcer. But, unfortunately, she refused to film because of the tragedy that occurred in Budenovsk. Creative biography announcer Ekaterina Andreeva began to gain momentum again two months later.

Since 1995, the presenter has not left the screens of ORT, and since 1998 she has become the constant presenter of the Vremya program.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreeva: personal life

Many people are perplexed how this woman can combine such hard work on television with family responsibilities, be a wonderful mother and a loving wife.

The personal biography of presenter Ekaterina Andreeva is, in a sense, under a veil of secrecy. The TV presenter prefers not to talk about her first husband. His name and the date of their wedding are also unknown. From this marriage, the journalist is raising a daughter, Natasha.

The second husband of Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography, by the way, is also somewhat of a secret, first saw his first wife on television. Through the efforts of mutual friends, their fateful meeting was soon organized. Dusan (that’s the name of Catherine’s current husband), before proposing to the girl, courted her for three years. It should be noted that at the time we met, the man knew no more than 10 Russian words, because he had just recently arrived in the USSR from distant Montenegro. While Dushan was paying attention to Catherine, he actively began to study the Russian language. 3 years after their first meeting, the couple got married. “Dushan is the man I’ve been waiting for all my life,” says Ekaterina Andreeva herself.

The biography (daughter Natasha, by the way, graduated from MGIMO and received a law degree) of the family of the famous Channel One announcer has been on the lips of journalists for almost 20 years. But, as you know, Catherine does not want to reveal her secrets and let the public into her life.

It is only known that when the presenter met Dusan, she was still legally married to her first husband. The woman does not respect relationships on the side, therefore, at first she preferred to dot all the points in her marriage.

Catherine also claims that she forbids her to watch to my current husband programs with her participation, explaining this by the fact that once, through the screen, the presenter felt that someone was influencing her. Seeing Dushan for the first time, she realized that exactly the same energy came from him.

Interests and hobbies

The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva, personal life, the secrets of her beauty to this day are topics of interest to everyone. Therefore, next we want to tell you about what the famous announcer does in his free time.

Ekaterina regularly attends classes in Pilates, yoga, fitness, and tai chi. The presenter devotes two days a week to each lesson. In the mornings, Ekaterina always does gymnastics.

She is a believer who observes all Christian fasts and regularly attends God's Church.

As for food preferences, here is TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva, whose biography is filled with the most interesting events, quite picky. She has not eaten meat for more than 15 years, but she does not consider herself a vegetarian, because the TV presenter loves fish, eggs and dairy products. She does not eat sweets, starchy foods or fatty foods; she prefers to eat more fruits and vegetables.

The famous TV presenter sleeps at least 8 hours a day. Ekaterina claims that before hard work and sleepless night she uses the Da Vinci method. It consists in the fact that you need to sleep every two hours for 15 minutes. After this method, strength and energy come on their own. TV presenter Ekaterina Andreevna, whose biography has not ceased to interest the public for almost 20 years, advises to always ventilate the room and not allow the room temperature to exceed 22 degrees.

Few people know that the TV presenter was once a heavy smoker. On this moment Katerina gave up this bad habit. Today she actively promotes the fight against smoking. Katya never visits a solarium and believes that it is best to tan in the sun by applying a special sunscreen.

Few people realize that Catherine always applies her own makeup. He tries to use only natural French cosmetics based on herbs grown in environmentally friendly places.

Katya is also a supporter of hydrotherapy. Every day, the TV presenter consumes more than 1.5 liters of water per day. As for alcohol, he prefers dry wine. He believes that a little wine a day is good for the body.

Filmography of the TV presenter

The biography of the announcer Ekaterina Andreeva is replete with not only information projects, but also filming in several films. So, in 1990, the TV presenter played the role of a passenger in feature film entitled “Unknown Pages from the Life of a Scout.” 1991 was also a significant year for Katya, because she was invited to star in the film “Incarnation of Hell,” where the girl played the role of Elena, Georges’ love. In 1991, the aspiring actress delighted viewers with her appearance in the film “In the Mirror of Venus,” in which she played the role of Chistov’s wife. In 2004, Ekaterina Andreeva starred in the film “Personal Number”, where she played herself.

Also, the TV presenter’s character was used for the First Channel’s “Multi-Personality” program.

Awards of Ekaterina Andreeva

The famous journalist has the following awards in her arsenal:

2006 - Order of Friendship;

2007 - “TEFI” in the category “Presenter in an information program”;

In August 2014, Ukrainian authorities added Ekaterina Andreeva to the list of banned journalists.


The biography of Ekaterina Andreeva is quite interesting and varied. Charm, charisma, sexuality, beauty - these are all the qualities that this fragile woman possesses. It is no wonder that Catherine does not change over the years, either externally or internally. She has been an object of imitation for many women for a long time. So we wish the TV presenter success in her new endeavors.

Lately there have been a lot of rumors related to the “disappearance” famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva from the air of Channel One. Some connect this with another conflict on the channel, others believe that this is “somehow” connected with the upcoming elections. There were even critics who said that it was time for Andreeva to leave television career due to age. However, none of these versions has found official confirmation. Both “sides” – the TV presenter and the channel’s management – ​​put everything in its place.

Where does the presenter go?

TV viewers have known Ekaterina Andreeva for a long time. She became the symbol of the television program “Time,” which first aired on January 1, 1968. She has been working as a presenter since 1997.

The TV presenter herself assured that she is not leaving Channel One. She remains in the company and retains the “leading chair”, but will work in a program that is designed for other time zones. Commenting and refuting rumors on her Instagram, she wrote: “My “Time” cannot end - from the Volga to the Yenisei - I am taking “Time” to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much larger than Moscow!”

The fact that Andreeva will no longer host the “Time” program for Central Russia on weekdays is also stated in the message of Channel One. “The presenters of the program Ekaterina Andreeva and Vitaly Eliseev will try out the new studio on air in other time zones,” the channel’s press service reports. In addition, Andreeva and Eliseev will go on air with the Saturday editions of Vremya in all broadcast areas of the channel.

New program format

It is possible that Andreeva will still return to the “Time” program in the European part of Russia, the press service also noted. However, this will happen after the new interactive format is adapted. As channel representative Larisa Krymova said, this may take several weeks.

The BBC, citing its sources, reports that Kirill Kleimenov will be in the presenter's chair at least until the presidential elections - until March 18, 2018. “The press service of BBC Channel One confirmed that such a replacement did indeed take place, but it is temporary and limited in nature,” the report says. It is clarified that the change of presenter actually has something to do with the new news format.

At the same time, as the source clarifies, they decided to replace Andreeva due to the difficulties that arose in working on camera new studio. Plus, as another BBC interlocutor said, there is another reason for Andreeva’s departure - “ difficult relationships with the general director of the TV channel Konstantin Ernst.” However, in a conversation with RBC, a representative of Channel One categorically rejected this version, saying that these were rumors.