What does Ksenia Sobchak's mother do? Biography of the famous TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak

We would like to introduce to your attention an extraordinary personality Russian show business, a bright politician and caring mother Ksenia Sobchak. She is known to literally all residents of Russia and beyond.

Our heroine is pretty versatile personality- journalist, actress, television and radio presenter, public and political figure.

Ksenia Sobchak became popular thanks to her chaotic actions, frankness, direct and not always flattering statements addressed to someone. Many note her sharp tongue and causticity. However, Ksenia has incredible charisma and is always the center of attention.

Shocking behavior, extraordinary antics and direct statements only fuel interest in this person. Biography and creative life The heroine of the article thereby becomes quite rich and interesting for the public.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak

Our heroine is quite a popular person. Many of her fans want to know everything about her, including her physical parameters, such as height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak - not a difficult question. She does not hide her date of birth. So, in November 2018, Ksenia will turn 37 years old.

The actress has almost model parameters. Her height is about 167 centimeters, she weighs about 58 kilograms. Ksenia Sobchak carefully monitors her appearance. She pays a lot of attention to her wardrobe and selection of clothes. This is not surprising, because it must correspond to its status.

According to the Zodiac Sign, Ksenia Sobchak is a tough, fair, Scorpio who does not tolerate deception. And the Year of the Rooster brought more colorful colors to her character - a creative mindset, creative thinking and self-confidence.

Biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Leningrad, St. Petersburg – hometown our heroine. This is where she was born and raised. Her parents were quite wealthy; the “socialite” never felt financial needs.

His father is a politician, at one time he was the head of St. Petersburg, and his mother is now a deputy and has a history education.

Since childhood, I stood out among my peers. Her rebellious nature was hard on everyone. At school her behavior was also negative. She disrupted class more than once. Even then her causticism was noted.

The parents still spoiled the girl, paid her a lot of attention and gave her expensive gifts. Gave her a good education. Father and mother tried to instill in their daughter a love of art, so little Ksenia studied music, ballet and foreign languages. All this provided a good basis for her future life.

In defiance of her father, she went to study at the Faculty of International Relations, but later she got involved in studying herself.

After some time he moved to Moscow. This happened after the death of her father

After graduating from university, she becomes the host of the television show “Home”. It was this project that brought her popularity. Here, Ksenia Sobchak did not hesitate to make statements to the participants of the show, thereby provoking scandals. Later she began to be invited to other television shows. She also hosted such programs as “ The last hero", "Girls", "Two Stars" and so on.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, he has been trying his hand at cinema and starring in advertising videos.

After some time he decides to go into politics. Communication skills came to her aid. A year ago I decided to nominate my candidacy for the post of President of the Russian Federation. Her party “Against All” deserved a lot of attention.

As for the personal life of Ksenia Sobchak, it was also full of bright events. Many different novels are attributed to her. There was a case when a “socialite” ran away from the aisle. She is now married.

Thus, we see that the biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak is interesting to the public. They are filled with memorable events. She certainly bright personality. Has varied interests. He has incredible charisma, a sharp tongue and a chaotic character. It should be noted that with age and family relationships, Sobchak has calmed down a little and does less extraordinary things. Journalists continue to follow her life and try to catch the most interesting events.

Family and children of Ksenia Sobchak

Our heroine's relatives were not associated with art. Parents did not occupy last place in the country's political arena. Both of them are politicians. Perhaps that is why Ksenia Sobchak also decided to follow in their footsteps. She received a good education and speaks several languages. The road to the country's political arena is open to her. This year she ran for President Russian Federation.

In general, the family and children of Ksenia Sobchak - actual topic. Much remains behind the scenes, outside public life journalist Ksenia Sobchak. But it is known that the actress is married and just recently gave birth to a child. Now, in addition to the role of a “socialite” and a politician, she successfully tries on the role of a caring mother. Many note her seriousness in raising her child. I must say that she gained a little experience, since her husband’s children also live with her and her husband. Ksenia Sobchak got along quite well with them literally from the first days.

Son of Ksenia Sobchak - Plato

As mentioned earlier, Ksenia has a child. The son of Ksenia Sobchak, Plato, is still just a baby. He was born a couple of years ago. His zodiac sign is Scorpio, like his mother.

The boy will turn two years old in November. Ksenia Sobchak notes that Plato is a pretty strong kid. She copes well with maternal responsibilities. She takes care of him and cannot leave him for long because she misses him very much.

On the Internet you can see a photo of Ksenia Sobchak with her son. 2018 was a very bright year for her family. There are pictures on Instagram where the “socialite” is pushing her baby on a sled, shots from vacation, and others.

The opinions of Ksenia Sobchak’s fans are divided: some say that Plato looks like his mother, while others, on the contrary, note the baby’s strong resemblance to his father.

Now, of course, it is very early to talk about Plato’s future, whether he will follow in the footsteps of his parents or not. But you can be sure that Ksenia Sobchak and her husband will do everything possible for the happiness of their son.

Ksenia Sobchak's husband - Maxim Vitorgan

Ksenia Sobchak had known her chosen one for a long time. But it was only in 2013 that things began between them romantic relationship which later developed into marriage. It is worth noting that the couple secretly legalized their relationship. Almost no one knew about their wedding, not even relatives and friends.

The fact that the “socialite” got married became known at the premiere of the film at the Fitil cinema in Moscow.

Ksenia Sobchak's husband is Maxim Vitorgan. He is a theater and film actor, participates in various television shows and directs. He became popular thanks to his roles in films from Quartet I. He has several directorial works, for example, “Unblue Light”.

As Maxim Vitorgan himself says, he was able to discern in his wife the subtle sensual nature that hides behind the public image of Ksenia Sobchak. He notes that the actress perfect wife, caring mother and a true friend, who is easy to spend time with. In his Instagram profile, Maxim Vitorgan stated that he loves his wife very much.

Before his marriage to Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim was married three times. There are children from their first wives, with whom our heroine quickly and easily got along. Ksenia and Maxim Vitorgan recently had a son. New parents just love him

Ksenia Sobchak, latest news for today

Our heroine is a rather extraordinary person. Many note her shocking, chaotic character. In society she is always the center of attention. If not actions, then at least simply sharp criticism addressed to someone is her business card.

On the Internet, the query “Ksenia Sobchak, last news for today".

It is known that she recently nominated herself for President of Russia. Many did not believe in Sobchak’s serious intentions. They considered this a way to take away electoral votes from A. Navalny (it is known that there had previously been a small skirmish between them).

Now our heroine has adopted a more measured family life. Of course, she continues to comment on some events in the country, be it political life or show business.

Media workers are still watching her to catch some more extraordinary trick. Recently, the Sobchak family vacationed together in Malibu.

At all family relationships Ksenia is quite calm. Her marriage can be called happy. And although rumors about her possible divorce from Maxim Vitorgan recently spread in the media, they were later dispelled.

I must say that there is a lot of gossip and rumors around Ksenia Sobchak. So, just recently there was news that the actress is pregnant again. This news was denied by Ksenia herself, posting a photo on Instagram in a swimsuit with her son and husband. In this shot she is posing in a swimsuit, her figure is toned and there is no round belly at all.

Let us remember that two years ago our heroine gave birth to a child, a boy, who was named Plato.

Photo by Ksenia Sobchak in Maxim magazine

Throughout her public life, Ksenia Sobchak did various things, which largely attracted attention to this person. There are many different candid photos, in which Ksenia Sobchak starred in a swimsuit and even naked. Many fans reacted quite well to this, since finally the “socialite” showed her figure in full glory

But still, not everyone perceived these photographs positively and calmly. Some noted that these are shameful images and should not be shown publicly.

When our heroine began to engage in politics and nominated herself for the post of President of the country, it was noted that there was more than enough compromising evidence on this person. Not everyone supported this idea. I also remembered the photo of Ksenia Sobchak in Maxim magazine, where she spoke in a very frank manner. Positively minded voters noted that if she were elected leader of the country, she would be the first President of the Russian Federation to pose for an erotic magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak

Our heroine is a very popular person. She has a large number of fans, and there are also those who do not take her actions seriously. However, there is no person who would be indifferent to this person.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ksenia Sobchak are in particular demand among Internet users. Wikipedia reveals her biography, career development, creative works, political life and more. Awards and prizes are presented here, as well as video works with the participation of the “socialite”.

Ksenia Sobchak is an active user social networks. On Instagram, the actress often publishes photos from her personal life. There are a lot of family photos here, from vacations and travels. A huge number of fans who are interested in the life of Ksenia Sobchak are subscribed to her page. It is worth noting that their number is growing every day.

Anatoly Sobchak was born on August 10, 1937 in Chita, like many children born in the country of the Soviets, he absorbed a bunch of nationalities. My paternal grandfather was Polish, my grandmother was Czech; maternal grandfather is Russian, grandmother is Ukrainian. In addition to Anatoly, there were three more children in the family. Father worked as an engineer at railway, mother worked as an accountant.

Despite this diversity, Sobchak always considered himself Russian - “for me, to be Russian is to think and speak Russian, to be proud of my country and its contribution to the world heritage, and to be ashamed of Chechen war, Chernobyl, abandoned collective farm fields and the poverty of the people, whose country owns countless natural resources. Remember the victims of Stalinist repressions and interethnic conflicts. But first of all, we're talking about about faith! Faith in peace, democracy and prosperity of Russia, which we must leave to our children and grandchildren.

Anatoly was one of four sons. When he was only two years old, the whole family moved to Uzbekistan. In 1941, Sobchak’s father went to the front, and all the burdens of supporting the family and raising children fell on the shoulders of his mother. This poverty and half-starvation had a great influence on the young Sobchak.

“When I was little, the most rare and precious thing was food. I had many friends, good parents and pets, but I never had enough to eat. I still remember this constant feeling of hunger. Our only salvation was our goat, since we could not afford to keep a cow. My brothers and I went every day to collect grass. One day someone hit our goat with a stick, she got sick and died. You know, I have never cried as much in my life as I did that day,” recalled Anatoly Alexandrovich.

He went through the hungry years and continued his studies, gaining authority and popularity among his peers. Even when he was a child, his peers gave him the nicknames “professor” and “judge” for his qualities, because he had a broad outlook and was fair in resolving disputes. During wartime, Leningrad University professors, actors and writers were evacuated to Uzbekistan. of them turned out to be Sobchak's neighbors. Stories about Leningrad and university life impressed the boy so much that he decided that he should definitely enter Leningrad State University.

Student time

After graduation high school, Sobchak entered the Faculty of Law at Tashkent University. He studied there for one year and then received a transfer to Leningrad State University. He loved to study and was very quickly awarded a Lenin scholarship. At the same time, he married Nonna Handzyuk, who also came to Leningrad to get an education. The young couple was very poor, but what was missing was food or material benefits, was compensated by abundant cultural life Leningrad, which Sobchak loved as his hometown. After some time, Sobchak and his wife had a daughter, Maria, who later followed in her father’s footsteps and became a lawyer. However, the marriage was unsuccessful and ended in divorce in 1977.

After university, Sobchak was assigned to work as a lawyer in Stavropol region. Sobchak worked there for three years, and three years later, in 1962, he returned to Leningrad to defend his Ph.D. thesis and continue working as a lawyer and teacher.

In 1973, he submitted a doctoral dissertation in which he put forward ideas for the liberalization of the socialist economy and closer links between the state economy and the private market. His ideas were considered quite risky and his thesis was rejected. Sobchak later learned that he had been blacklisted by the university because of his support for his former professor, who was fired after his daughter emigrated to Israel. Sobchak decided to postpone defending his doctoral thesis. When he felt that the situation had changed, he wrote another dissertation, successfully defended it in Moscow and became a doctor of law in 1982.

At his alma mater, Sobchak founded and headed the first department of economic law in the USSR. He worked there until 1989, the time when he entered politics. Sobchak's knowledge, wisdom and teaching style made him very popular among students, and even when he later became the mayor of St. Petersburg, he continued to lecture at the university.

Companion Lyudmila Narusova

In 1975, Sobchak met Lyudmila Narusova, who was destined to become his second wife.

“I was divorced, and my husband did not want to give up the apartment that my parents paid for. It was a difficult situation, and someone recommended a lawyer who taught at the university. I was told that he dealt with difficult cases and had an unconventional way of thinking. I went to the university to meet him and ended up having to wait a long time for him. Then I saw how, after the lecture, young attractive students huddled around him, asking him questions and trying to flirt with him, and I thought that he would not help me. At the time, I had no idea that he had also gone through a divorce and knew about it firsthand.

We went to a cafe to discuss my situation. I was so upset that I started telling him everything about myself and my life, and I cried all the time. He listened to me and decided that he needed to talk to my husband. He had the gift of persuasion, and as a result, my husband backed down.

To thank the lawyer for his help, I bought him a bouquet of chrysanthemums and prepared three hundred rubles in an envelope. It was money - the monthly salary of an assistant professor. He took the flowers and returned the money saying, “You’re so pale.” Why don't you go to the market and buy yourself some fruit. I was very offended by this. Three months later we met at some party and he didn't even remember me. And that was even worse. I did my best to make sure he never forgets me again! We started dating, but there was quite a big age gap between us—he was thirty-nine and I was only twenty-five. We dated for 5 years and he seemed in no hurry to propose. However, in 1980 we finally got married and a year later our daughter Ksenia,” recalls Lyudmila Borisovna.

It is unlikely that the happy father would have guessed that several decades later, his daughter would surpass him in popularity and would even be a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation. However, when he took her from the hospital, all he dreamed of was to live long enough to celebrate her eighteenth birthday and had no idea that he would die, just a couple of months after Ksenia Anatolyevna celebrated her 18th birthday.

This was his second marriage, and the late Sobchak adored his wife and admitted that he owed her his life. She became more than just a wife; she was his comrade-in-arms, fighting for her husband's cause and even his very existence. He later wrote that during his severe persecution, her devotion, courage and support won her great respect even from his enemies. Living and working so close to Sobchak, Lyudmila also joined politics, being elected to the State Duma for St. Petersburg in 1995.

From university life to politics

Meanwhile, Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union, resulting in a total reform of the country - perestroika, which marked the beginning of the democratization of power. In 1989, Sobchak was elected as a people's deputy of the USSR in the first democratic elections in the country.

A talented lawyer and professor, he was also talented in politics. He was appointed head of the parliamentary investigation into the shooting of peaceful demonstrators in Tbilisi in 1989 - his report exposed gross misconduct by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB against people. His direct questions during the cross-examination of then Soviet Premier Nikolai Ryzhkov regarding the orders and actions of all government officials were broadcast throughout the country, something unheard of just a few years ago.

Mayor of St. Petersburg

In 1990, Sobchak was elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. The following year, in the general elections for the head of the city, he was elected the first mayor of Leningrad. On the same day a referendum was held on the return of Leningrad historical name Saint Petersburg.

Sobchak quickly assembled a strong team of young professionals who were also talented managers. Most of the people on his team now make up Russia's political elite. One of his assistants was former student Dmitry Medvedev, and the post of vice-mayor was Vladimir Putin. Sobchak sincerely loved St. Petersburg, sought to improve its image throughout the world and return it to the status of the cultural capital of Russia.

Meanwhile, the coup carried out by supporters of the Communist Party in August 1991 gave Sobchak the opportunity to make history. While Boris Yeltsin, the President of Russia, gathered and coordinated the opposition in Moscow, Sobchak did the same in St. Petersburg. He bravely confronted the security forces and convinced them not to send the army into the city.

The coup failed Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991, and Sobchak became Russia's second most popular political leader after Yeltsin. His legal education and experience allowed him to practically write the new Constitution post-Soviet Russia. However, Sobchak was perhaps too soft a politician and could not use his immediate popularity after the coup to move to a higher level of politics. Instead, he became caught up in the local politics of St. Petersburg and began to fall out of favor after failing to curb organized crime in the city. Soon, accusations of corruption and financial impropriety began to appear in the press.

From the peak of popularity to criminal prosecution

At the beginning of 1996, Sobchak's competitors launched a full campaign to discredit him; it was organized by his assistant Vladimir Yakovlev. Scandals involving Sobchak and his team appeared in the press; they were accused of mismanagement of city resources, which led to losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. Sobchak was accused of illegally privatizing property in prestigious areas of St. Petersburg. Some believed that Sobchak and his popularity were too inconvenient for Boris Yeltsin, whose second presidential term would have been in jeopardy if Sobchak had decided to run.

“I wouldn’t even want my enemies to experience what my family and I have experienced over the past four years. From a person with an unblemished reputation, I instantly turned into a corrupt official, I was persecuted and accused of all mortal sins,” Anatoly Sobchak later wrote in his book “A Dozen Knives in the Back.”

He lost the election by just over 1%, but the persecution did not stop. Sobchak had already had two heart attacks and felt very bad. In 1997, investigators from the prosecutor's office tried to forcibly bring him in for questioning - he was supposed to be a witness in a corruption case. His wife insisted that Sobchak was too ill to be questioned, but investigators did not believe her and tried to take him away by force. She called ambulance, and doctors diagnosed a third heart attack in Anatoly Alexandrovich.

After the hospital in November 1997, Anatoly and his wife left for France. He lived in Paris for 2 years, underwent treatment, taught at the Sorbonne and worked with archives.


Sobchak returned to St. Petersburg in July 1999. His most ardent persecutors were either fired or arrested on criminal charges. In October 1999, Sobchak received an official notification from the Prosecutor General's Office that the criminal case against him was closed. All accusations published by the press were found to be unfounded. Sobchak restored his honor by winning cases against those who published defamatory materials about him.

In December 1999, Sobchak ran for the State Duma. However, the lack of support played a decisive role, and tough competition with the city authorities - Sobchak lost, losing only 1.2%.

On December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigns; Vladimir Putin, Sobchak's former protégé, was appointed acting president until the March elections. In turn, Putin appointed Sobchak as his confidant in Kaliningrad, where he went on February 15.

Death and legacy

Five days later, on February 20, 2000, Sobchak was found dead. Immediately, the press voiced the opinion of Sobchak’s wife and relatives that it was a murder, but an autopsy established that the cause of death was acute heart failure.

Rumors about the murder appeared immediately, but the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region opened a criminal case into murder (poisoning) only in May. An autopsy carried out in St. Petersburg showed the absence of both alcohol and poisoning. In August, prosecutors dropped the case. Although brother Anatoly Alexander Alexandrovich is still sure that his brother was killed.

Sobchak was a representative of the generation that spent political stage both in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Having gained mass popularity during perestroika, he became one of the ideologists and political leader of capitalist reforms. In a sense, Sobchak's death, which coincided with the end of Yeltsin's presidency, closed the romantic period of Russia's democratization.

  • Name: Ksenia
  • Surname: Sobchak
  • Date of Birth: 05.11.1981
  • Place of Birth: Leningrad
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpion
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: presenter, actress, public figure, journalist
  • Height: 167 cm
  • Weight: 57 cm

Discussions around the person of Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak take place, it seems, on a daily basis. Now the outrageous star has entered politics, and into the ranks of the opposition. But many remember her as the host of the reality show “Dom-2” - bright, impartial, compromising. She does not mince words, does not choose words and does not depend at all on the opinions of others. Not everyone liked this state of affairs, and therefore the journalist gathered around her an entire army of indignants. But whatever Ksenia’s position, she remains an extraordinary, persistent, at times scandalous and courageous person.

Photo by Ksenia Sobchak

Politician's daughter

Ksenia Sobchak's destiny to become a prominent person in the country was destined. Ksyusha is the daughter of quite influential parents. People still remember the times when Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak served as mayor of St. Petersburg in 1991-1996. Mom Lyudmila Borisovna showed active political position in the 2000s.

The girl felt responsible for her behavior with early age, and from childhood I learned the pros and cons of the status of “the mayor’s daughter.” She received a good education and developed creatively, studied foreign languages, took ballet lessons at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. Downside medal was the inability to spend time like all ordinary children. When her school friends went out for a walk, she “gnawed at the granite of science,” and any exit from the house was accompanied by several bodyguards.

Ksyusha received her secondary education at the school at the Herzen State Pedagogical University in St. Petersburg. Higher education - in Moscow State University International Relations (but she graduated from the first year at St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations).

Television career

Her first large-scale work was the role of host of the Dom2 project. The girl coped with it perfectly, providing the show with high ratings and growing interest. Sobchak stood firm in the face of attacks, criticism and condemnation. The project, and even the presenter herself, has accumulated enough anti-fans, both among the public and those around her. Nevertheless, Ksyusha overcame all difficulties with dignity. Through thorns to the stars - this is how we can say about the beginning of Ksenia’s professional career.

From 2004 to 2012, Ksenia Anatolyevna and her co-host Ksyusha Borodina lived the life of a television project. But in 2012 I decided to part with the role of “advisor” in building relationships. Olga Buzova became her successor, and Ksenia continued her television career in a different genre.

Over the years, interest in Sobchak has reached its peak. Some admired her character, eloquence, and ability to take a punch. Others criticized her for clearly, without mincing words, expressing own opinion. It, by the way, almost always disagreed with the opinion of the majority.

It was thanks to the “witty words” of the presenter that the TV programs did not go unnoticed:

  • "Who doesn't want to become a millionaire?" (TNT, 2008);
  • “Everyday Life of Barabaka”, “Barabaka and Gray wolf"(radio station "Silver Rain");
  • “The Last Hero” (Channel One, 2008-2009);
  • “Blonde in Chocolate” (MUZ-TV);
  • “Girls” (Russia-1, 2010);
  • “Freedom of Thought” (Channel Five, 2010);
  • “Top Model in Russian” (2011, 2012);
  • "Let's get married" ( Ukrainian channel STB, 2011);
  • “Sobchak Live” (Rain, since 2012);
  • “The Main Topic” (channel on Georgian television PIK, 2012).

The life of the characteristic blonde was and continues to be followed by the public. Over time, she herself began to gradually move away from the role of a socialite. Her interests took on a different direction: less extravaganzas and shows, more arguments, a clear position and opinions different from the majority. With this attitude, she changed her focus a little and channeled her ability to “make noise” and stir up the public into politics.

Film career, books

Ksyusha managed to make herself known in films: almost two dozen roles, mostly minor and episodic. TV viewers saw her in the films:

  • "Thieves and Prostitutes" (2004);
  • "Most best movie"(2007);
  • "Hitler Kaput" (2008);
  • “Beauty Demands” (2008);
  • "Golden Key" (2009);
  • “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” (2012);
  • "Corporate Party" (2013);
  • “Odnoklassniki.ru: CLICK your luck” (2013).

In 2006, Paris Hilton spoke in the voice of Ksyusha Sobchak in the comedy “Chocolate Blonde”. By the way, parallels were often drawn between this overseas blonde and Sobchak. As confirmation, we can say that in the Russified World versions of Warcraft character Sobchak was listed as “Psenia Kobchak”, and in the foreign version they parodied Paris Hilton - Haris Pilton. In 2013 and 2015, cartoon characters also spoke in her voice (“ Real squirrel", "Puzzle").

The first author's works of the daring Ksenia were publications dedicated to women's topics- “Stylish things by Ksenia Sobchak”, “Masks, glosses, curlers. The ABC of Beauty." Has changed over time public position socialite, as well as topics for creativity. In co-authorship with O. Robski, a “manual” was published “Married to a Millionaire”, then there was “Encyclopedia of a Sucker”. Fifth her writing work became “Philosophy in the Boudoir” (for GQ).

Political activity

The troublemaker plunged headlong into the ranks of the opposition in 2011. She vehemently protested against the results of the elections to the State Duma and the presidential elections, went out to Bolotnaya Square, then took part in rallies on Sakharov Avenue and Novy Arbat.

Gradually, Sobchak’s cooperation with federal TV channels came to naught, in 2011 her candidacy was withdrawn from the MUZ-TV Prize. In 2012, the television project “State Department with Ksenia Sobchak” launched on MTV was released only once. This form of transmission nevertheless continued: “State Department-2” a couple of weeks later was released on the Internet version of the magazine “Snob”. Sobchak continued her activities on television on the Dozhd channel. Many famous personalities, politicians, and journalists became guests of the “Sobchak Live” program.

From a “socialite”, the brave Ksyusha transformed into a sought-after journalist and publicist, albeit undesirable for many. And, despite her opposing views, caustic, catchy comments, her talent in this area cannot be denied. She found and occupied her niche.

Personal life

Sobchak has always stated that she is in no hurry to get married, that family and children are not the main thing that can accompany her women's happiness. Nevertheless, she still got married, albeit after thirty, and, it seems, is quite happy in her marriage.

Ksenia’s relationships with men have always been made public: her first romance with businessman Alexander Shusterovich in 2005 was supposed to develop into an official celebration. However, the marriage did not take place; literally two days separated Sobchak from the status of a wife.

In 2011, the media reported information about the relationship between Ksyusha and former State Duma deputy Sergei Kapkov. Already in 2012, the outrageous blonde found not only a like-minded person political views, but also his chosen one in the person of Ilya Yashin.

In 2013, Ksenia finally officially entered the status of a wife. The information that Sobchak and actor Maxim Vitorgan were legally married was kept secret for a long time not only from the public, but also from close newlyweds. Maxim hundred for Ksenia is the embodiment of all the qualities of a real man. The actor himself was delighted with her personal qualities, which only vaguely resembled the created screen image.

In 2016, the public noticed Sobchak’s baby bump. Ksyusha and Maxim refuse to comment on their personal lives. The addition to the family should happen just in time for Ksenia’s 35th birthday.

TV presenter, journalist and socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly expressed her skepticism about family values and to childbirth in particular. All her novels stopped before reaching their logical conclusion, that is, before the wedding.

Most of her fans and opponents thought that Sobchak would never marry. But no, she got married and gave birth to a child. Actor Maxim Vitorgan became the chosen one of 32-year-old Ksenia, and this news came as a complete surprise to everyone.

Hereditary actor

Maxim Vitorgan was born into the acting family of Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Butler. Son famous parents, he graduated from GITIS in 1993, and entered the Moscow Youth Theater, where he played in the productions of “The Thunderstorm” and “Decembrists”.

Since 1999 he served in Lenkom, but for his creative career managed to work with the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, Theater of Nations, Center named after. Meyerhold. He became widely known as a member of the Quartet I theater, where he played the role of DJ Misha in the production of Radio Day and Election Day. These productions were filmed.

Maxim’s filmography includes more than 50 works. Most often in films he gets roles in comedies, a fact he explains by his typical appearance: “Such a large, clumsy person.”

The mystery of the novel

Sobchak and Vitorgan met at the “For Fair Elections” rally, but the acquaintance did not continue immediately. At that time, Ksenia was in a relationship, and Vitorgan began to conquer her.

As he himself admits, at the first meeting, Ksenia made a stunning impression on him. “I have never seen such a combination of strength, energy and fragility.”

The couple hid their relationship for a long time, even from relatives and closest friends. On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan got married.

The ceremony took place at the Fitil cinema. The invitees were sure that they had come to the premiere with the participation of Vitorgan. But suddenly, completely unexpectedly, Ksenia appeared, wedding dress and veil. This came as a surprise to most guests.

Various theories were circulated in the press as to why Sobchak chose Vitorgan. One of them said that in this way Ksenia is trying to forget her previous novel, the other - that there are no hunters for Sobchak’s hand, so she grabbed the first person she came across (years go by, and no one really wants to get involved with such a woman). They also discussed the version of creating an unnecessary news story, and that Sobchak wants to move away from the opposition...

Interesting notes:

Few people believed in the sincerity of this couple and in the reality of marriage. Nobody thought about such a simple thing that the iron Sobchak could “float” and fall in love.

However, many things speak in favor of this particular version.

In principle, all of her serious relationships ended with a proposal, but it didn’t go further than that.

In her lifetime, Sobchak has seen billionaires, stars, ardent patriots, and fighters against the regime - but no one offered her the main thing. What Vitorgan offered her - to love her for who she is.

In addition, such convinced “childfree” people do not give birth to children simply because it is time. They give birth to children in exceptional cases. For example, for love.

Unity of opposites

At first glance, they are too different. She is provocative, social, with a reputation as one of the most scandalous media personalities. He is selective in communication, a reserved intellectual. According to Maxim himself, he was so uninterested in the social scene that he did not even suspect the scale of his wife’s popularity.

“The press is interested in her every sneeze, every word becomes the reason for an entire article,” he shared his experiences in an interview with one of the portals. “If I find myself at some social events, it means I was beaten badly.”

Despite the difference in lifestyle and temperament, the couple is still together. Many note that Sobchak has become softer and has stopped getting involved in various adventures. Vitorgan began to look better, lost weight, and began to dress stylishly.

On November 18, 2016, the couple had a son, Plato.. At first, the young mother practically did not leave Vacation home, in which they live with the mother of the journalist, Lyudmila Narusova. Ksenia admits that just a few years ago she could not even imagine that she would enjoy a quiet, “village” life.

Vitorgan also enjoys fatherhood. The actor has two children from previous marriages, but he perceives later fatherhood completely differently. “Every time I look at him, I don’t really understand why I even need to leave the house... He’s such a lucky guy: calm, attentive, reasonable.”

She appears on television, she hosts scandalous shows, she writes books, she always evokes a storm of a wide variety of emotions - from delight to hatred. She flashes on the pages of magazines and newspapers. She is famous, although she has never been a singer or actress. There is more than one joke about her. It can be called socialite, Russian Paris Hilton. And you probably already guessed who we’ll be talking about, of course, Ksenia Sobchak.

Ksenia Sobchak - surname and childhood.

However, the surname Sobchak for people of the older generation is associated not with Ksyusha, but with her father. The first mayor of St. Petersburg was Anatoly Sobchak, and surprisingly, Ksenia managed to become much more famous than her father. Her mother, second wife of Anatoly Sobchak, Lyudmila Narusova, candidate historical sciences, member of the Federation Council. From his first marriage, Anatoly Sobchak also had a daughter, Maria Sobchak. Ksenia's father, Anatoly Sobchak, a lawyer by training, was the mayor of St. Petersburg until 1997, when a criminal case was opened against him on charges of abuse job responsibilities, but in 1999 all charges were dropped. He was also one of the three main authors of the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Anatoly Sobchak died in February 2000, according to the official version, from heart failure, but there were also rumors about his murder, since “he knew too much.”

Ksenia Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). According to the zodiac sign, Scorpio is a fairly strong and sometimes repulsive, too decisive zodiac sign.

As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. In middle school she studied at school No. 185 with in-depth study in English, was an excellent student. Then she graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. That is, I received a fairly good education, both basic and in the field of art. Fluent in English.

In 1998, she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. And, having moved to Moscow in 2001, he transferred to the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO. Where she received her bachelor's degree in 2002 and then entered the master's program at the Faculty of Political Science. In parallel with her studies, she also participated in various television projects. Thus, according to Forbes magazine, for the year from September 2008 to September 2009, Ksenia Sobchak’s income amounted to $1.2 million. Moreover, in February 2010, she acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in the Russian cellular retailer Euroset "

The popularity of Ksenia Sobchak brought her television career and very scandalous behavior. So in 2004, she became the host of the reality show “Dom-2” on the TNT channel, no less scandalous than her reputation, which she still hosts.

She also hosted such reality shows as “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “The Last Hero-6” on Channel One, “In Chocolate” (challenging and provoking reality shows about herself and her life) on Muz-TV . She was one of the hosts of the show “Two Stars” on Channel One. In 2008 and 2010, together with Ivan Urgant, she was the presenter of the Muz-TV Award. Filmed in commercials Euroset company.

This year she became the host of the show “Top Model in Russian” on MuzTV. She is also the host of her own radio program “Everyday Life of Barabaki” on the “Silver Rain” radio station. Since March 15, 2010, he has been hosting the talk show “Freedom of Thought” on Channel Five. Since April 23, 2010 he has been leading entertainment program“Girls” on Russia 1 TV channel. At the festival “ A big difference"in Odessa she was a member of the jury.

In the Russian media, Ksenia Sobchak is often called a “socialite” or even “the main socialite.” And in Lately and “the main pop symbol of the bygone 2000s.” Ksenia managed to create an image for herself that is quite scandalous and in some ways, she always creates an occasion that the media can’t help but fall for, she is always the center of attention. And this fame and popularity makes her a very popular TV presenter. After all, if this or that show is hosted by Sobchak, it will definitely be watched by both those who admire her and those who hate her. Those who hate will definitely look, will definitely look at “this Sobchak.” Ksenia cannot be called a stupid girl, nor can she be called spoiled. She just knows very well what the public needs, how to turn on, how to shock, how to force people, the public, to discuss her and, accordingly, sell her projects, the shows that she hosts. Sometimes it seems that Ksenia is quite a skilled provocateur, and this allows her to be not just a presenter on television, but a fairly popular and sought-after TV presenter, or simply Ksenia Sobchak, whom everyone has heard of. After all, in fact, it is very difficult to find a person who does not know who Sobchak is.

But with such popularity, Ksenia, surprisingly, manages to keep many aspects of her personal life secret, without making them public. According to rumors, Ksenia’s first friend, who appeared to her when she was still in school, was named Anton and he was from a simple family. Then she only dated rich and successful men. So, from the age of 17, for four years she lived in a civil marriage with businessman Vyacheslav Leibman, whom she met back in 1998, living in St. Petersburg. Vyacheslav Leibman was then vice-president of the Eco Phoenix Holding company, which was engaged in the storage and disposal of petroleum products. Ksenia was the first to break off this relationship.

She then dated businessman Umar Dzhabrailov, who was much older than her, twice divorced, and already had two adult daughters. The relationship, like last time, was interrupted by Ksenia herself, and just like her past lover, and Umar Dzhabrailov tried to return her for some time.

Afterwards, Ksenia had an affair with Alexander Shustorovich, also a famous businessman. Citizen of the USA and Russia. Alexander Shustorovich graduated Harvard University majoring in “Art”, after which he received diplomas in the specialties “Jurisprudence” and “Business Administration”. It was with him that Ksenia Sobchak almost walked down the aisle, but in last moment changed my mind. As in previous times, Ksenia did not elaborate on the reasons for the breakdown of relations, answering questions from curious journalists, only that it was only her and Alexander’s business. In many ways, verbose and sharp-tongued, Ksenia Sobchak always knew how not to talk about her personal life.

Then it's enough serious relationship began between Ksenia Sobchak and the general director of the Silver Rain radio station (where she worked at that time) Dmitry Savitsky. He is a hereditary journalist, like Ksenia, he grew up in intelligent family, received a good education. His mother, journalist Tatyana Savitskaya, treated Ksenia quite well. Seems like the perfect match. But soon they also separated, and as Ksenia stated, “by mutual consent.” However, between them there are still enough preserved a good relationship, and Ksenia Sobchak after their breakup still worked at the Silver Rain radio station.

But despite the fact that Ksenia does not talk much about her personal life, scandals related specifically to her personal life have appeared more than once. A striking example became a scandalous video clip filmed in 2007 by her and rapper Timati, called “Dance”. After which journalists attributed an affair to them.

Today, Ksenia is 30 years old, and her “hand and heart” still remain free, and Ksenia herself in one of her interviews stated that family is not for her, since: “family and children are not the things that interest me... This doesn’t give me any sentimental feelings, I don’t like small children, I don’t want to live as a family in its classical sense. These values ​​are not for me!.. I believe that capitalism is the best contraceptive. When do you normal life, work, education, money and opportunities, then there is absolutely no desire to spend this life on diapers, borscht and other pleasures.”

In addition to her career as a television and radio host, Ksenia also became a writer. To date, she has written several books. The first of these was a book published in 2006 called “Stylish Things.” In this book, Ksenia Sobchak talked about the secrets of her own style, about the regular work she does to create her image, about what is hidden under the facade of the life of popular people who are constantly in sight and always have to look good.

In 2007, the book “How to Marry an Oligarch” appeared, written in co-authorship with Oksana Robski. And in 2010, a book called “Encyclopedia of a Sucker” was published. In this book, Ksenia singles out such a type of humanity as a “sucker”, very negative character. She also identifies several types of them, each of which she describes in a very harsh and sharp-tongued manner. In the same year, her book “Philosophy in the Boudoir,” written in collaboration with Sokolova, was also published.

Today Ksenia Sobchak is enough famous person And a prominent representative popular culture, the culture of reality TV and constant observation of the personal, and indeed life in general, of famous or rich people. The public's wishes ordinary people, to spy on the lives of those for whom everything in life is not as gray and ordinary as theirs, to spy on the lives of those who, it seems, live exceptionally well, in luxury and “in chocolate.” And Ksenia Sobchak is not trying to prove that this is not so, on the contrary, she works for this industry, the industry of mass culture, the industry, the industry of complete voyeurism and works quite successfully.

And it's very inexpensive. At the same time, the book is very well made, excellent printing, gorgeous paper.