Elina Chaga personal life. Leonid Agutin about cheating on Anzhelika Varum: “Everything is fine with my wife. Elina Chaga's childhood and family

Such assumptions were made on the basis of the singer’s published poem, which she dedicated to the topic of parting with a loved one. And now information has been added to this that Agutina is allegedly having an affair with a young artist.

The network calculated that Leonid’s likely mistress is Elina Chaga. The singer met the artist on the set of the show “The Voice”. Agutin saw great potential in her and took her under his wing.

Users of social networks believe that there is more than just a business relationship between Leonid and Elina. In the comments to the photographs on Elina’s microblog, questions arose about whether she really had an affair with Leonid: “They say you took Agutin away from the family, is this true?” But Chaga is still ignoring user messages and does not answer the question about the nature of the relationship with the married artist.

Allegedly, during the celebration of the artist’s 50th anniversary in a restaurant in the capital, Leonid, waiting for his wife Anzhelika to go home, began to openly show interest in Elina. The couple reportedly flirted without being embarrassed by the presence of others.

However, it is not only the singer’s talent that captivates her loyal fans. The artist will soon be 50, but she is still as slim and young.

For several years now, the theory has been spreading that the song “Everything is in your hands” was actually performed by Agutin. There is a video on the Internet, the authors of which lower Varum’s voice by two tones and get a voice that is very similar to Agutin.

The blue-eyed, brown-haired woman, who a year ago became one of the brightest finalists of the show “The Voice,” has long been called “ new muse» Leonid Agutin. The 46-year-old musician, who became the girl’s mentor on the project, does not hide his tender feelings for her. Agutin still takes an active part in Elina’s fate - he records her in his studio, arranges presentations for the aspiring star and produces her videos. Chaga herself accepts the master’s care with gratitude, and answers all questions about their more than close cooperation vaguely. SUPER talked to the girl to get answers to questions of interest to the public.

Elina, with the appearance of Leonid Agutin in your life, you have firmly established yourself in show business. Last summer they appeared in Jurmala on the “New Wave”. It’s not surprising that there is talk about you and Leonid.

I myself treat such rumors with understanding. For the competition " New wave“I came at the invitation of the organizers, because the song “Tea with Sea Buckthorn” was included in concert program. Of course, I was very pleased that my mentor Leonid Agutin supported me and personally introduced me at the concert. This is very important for a beginner performer. But besides me, Leonid works with many participants in the “Voice” show to one degree or another. For example, he negotiated the signing of a contract with Alena Toymintseva and Nargiz Zakirova.

They say that Agutin drew attention to you because of your resemblance to his wife, Angelica Varum. Do you yourself think you have something in common?

If yes, I don't see anything wrong with it. Is the music performed by Anzhelika Varum and written by Leonid Agutin bad? I just manage to sing well with the same subtone. This is not given to every voice singer.

Some people wonder what kind of short term You already have your third video on the way - for an aspiring singer this is a luxury.

Yes, and it will be out soon solo album, with whom I have to tour. To make the songs recognizable, we shoot video clips. People need to get used to me somehow.

Doesn't it bother you that your repertoire consists exclusively of Agutin's songs?

No. I feel absolutely in the right place. And listeners will definitely hear my original songs.

Some people remember how you tried your luck on Alla Pugacheva’s project “Factor A”. Why didn’t your career work out then - did you ask Pugacheva for help?

To be honest, I was counting on her help. But due to my young age and inexperience, I had a sea of ​​illusions, and therefore disappointments and tears too. But I'm grateful for this lesson. In fact, we remained on good, warm terms. We recently met with Lolita, who was also a mentor on the project, behind the scenes, and she told me: “My girl, look how everything turned out. Thank God you didn’t get on Factor-A, but what a producer you have now!” So, everything that is done is all for the better.

Is it true that Pugacheva and Kirkorov wanted to buy one of your songs?

Rumors spread across the network about the divorce of the well-known star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum. The couple broke up due to Leonid’s very close relationship with one of the participants in the “Voice” show, Elina Chaga. Many claim that they have more than just communication, and Elina is Agutin’s mistress. On her Instagram page, Elina commented on the entire situation. She claims that this is all a provocation yellow press, and the rest are just falling for it.

Young mistress of Leonid Agutin

Rumors have appeared on the Internet about the divorce of the star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum. The stars themselves do not comment on this situation, but their fans are confident that the couple will divorce. All doubts disappeared after a touching poem about breaking up with a loved one, which Angelika Varum wrote and published on her Instagram page. The reason for possible divorce is new darling Leonid Agutin.

The singer’s mistress turned out to be Elina Chaga, a participant in the show “The Voice”. They met her at blind auditions, where Elina got into Agutin’s team. From an ordinary professional relationship, their communication grew into a closer relationship. They are often seen together in various places; from the outside they really look like a couple in love. As it later turned out, Leonid helps her not only with promotion on the show, but also rents an apartment in the center of Moscow.

On July 16, Leonid Agutin turned 50 years old. He celebrated his anniversary with his friends and relatives. Of course, Agutin’s wife, Angelika Varum, was present at the celebration. What turned out to be quite surprising was that Elina Chaga was also present there. After Angelica had already left home, Leonid began flirting with Elina in front of everyone. No one expected such actions from the singer. Eyewitnesses claim that they not only flirted openly, but also kissed.

Fans are interested in what is really going on in the family of Agutin and Varum, but they do not comment on it. Elina was also asked questions, which she ignores and also tries not to comment on what is happening.

Celebrity couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum

Met everyone famous couple stars back in the early 90s. At that time, Leonid was not yet so popular, and he was still married. Angelica had already released 2 hits at that time. Then Leonid talked with Angelica’s father and between words said: “Imagine if Angelica and I suddenly get married?” Angelica's father did not take these words seriously, he took it as a harmless joke.

4 years later, Agutin and Varum began working together and recorded a joint hit. For a long time which they spent together at concerts and filming brought them closer together. So, in 1998, their romance broke out. A year and a half later, the couple had a daughter, Lisa. A year later, after the birth of their daughter, Leonid and Angelica got married.

In 2018 star couple celebrated 20th anniversary life together. They celebrated their anniversary on January 23rd in one of the most luxurious restaurants in Miami. Relatives, acquaintances, and friends were invited to the celebration. Their daughter Lisa also came to congratulate her beloved parents; she came with her boyfriend. According to the couple, this is only a small part of the celebration. They planned to fully celebrate upon arrival in Moscow, gathering all the stars with whom they had been friends and communicated over the years.

Elina Chaga - talented singer, each song of which invariably becomes a hit. The girl's entire biography is a story about ups and downs, willpower and faith in own strength. Perhaps, it was determination and loyalty to her dream that allowed Elina to achieve fame and love from listeners, because the path to the heights of popularity was not always straight and smooth.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on May 20, 1993. Elina's homeland is the village of Kushchevskaya, in the Kuban. Musical talent manifested itself in Elina Akhyadova - this is real name stars - with early childhood. Already at the age of three the girl was a soloist in children's ensemble called "Firefly". And at four I went to preparatory group local music school, amazing the teachers with both talent and such a young age.

When Elina was 9 years old, the girl got into trouble: after swimming in a pond in the summer, she felt bad. High fever, fever, fainting all pointed to an infection. But the doctors at the local hospital were powerless; the treatment did not help. To transport Elina to Rostov-on-Don, doctors ordered a helicopter, but it did not arrive at the appointed time. Then the girl’s parents themselves took the child to regional center. Fortunately, everything ended well, and Elina recovered.


When Elina turned 11 years old, the girl went to her first serious music competition - “Song of the Year”, the event was held in Anapa. Alas, the first place did not go to Elina; the singer took second place. However, both the audience and the jury noticed the talented girl, and one of the organizers of the competition even promised Elina that she would watch her creative development.

The first talent competition was followed by a second: at the age of 15, Elina Chaga, at the insistence of her teacher Rosa Makaryan, set off to conquer the Junior Eurovision stage. The girl prepared a composition for the qualifying round own composition. Unfortunately, Elina did not manage to shine here either - the aspiring singer did not make it past the semi-finals, leaving qualifying round literally one step away from victory.

Failures did not break Elina’s self-confidence and dream of the stage. The girl continued to study music and vocals, graduated from the music school with excellent grades and went to enter the College of Arts in Rostov-on-Don.

Elina Chaga was late for the start entrance examinations, however, the college management recognized the girl as a regular participant in local music competitions, and Elina was allowed to take the exams. So future star became a student in the pop and jazz department of the Rostov College of Arts.

Two years later, Elina moved to the capital, believing that in Moscow she would receive more possibilities to make your dreams come true. The girl transferred to the third year of the Moscow College of Arts and soon successfully received her diploma.

In parallel with her studies, Elina constantly sent out applications for various castings for music competitions and projects. For example, a girl tried to get to Factor-A several times, but she never made it past the qualifying stage. The song “Dream” performed by Elina earned praise from those included in the jury, but Alla Borisovna interrupted the singer’s performance. And after the program it turned out that Elina left the project.

In 2012, Elina Chaga again decided to try her luck and sent an application to participate in the TV show “The Voice”. The girl felt confident in her abilities, but literally before the traditional “blind auditions” (the qualifying stage of the project), the show’s management announced that the selection was over, there were already enough participants. However, a year later, those who did not wait in line were invited to the project again. And this time everything turned out much more successfully for Elina.

For the blind auditions, Elina Chaga chose the fiery composition “Mercy” by singer Duffy. The girl’s bright and emotional performance captivated the judges. and turned their chairs towards Elina, and expressed admiration for Chaga’s vocal talent. The girl chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor, and, as time has shown, this choice turned out to be correct.

Elina Chaga did not become the winner of the project - the girl did not make it to the semi-finals of the show. The last composition performed by the singer on the “Voices” stage was popular song former "manufacturer" "About him."

However, failure in the project itself unexpectedly turned into crazy success in Elina’s stage career: the girl was offered a contract with Leonid Agutin’s production company. This is how Chaga’s life began new era- the era of music videos, concerts, music albums and centerfold photos in fashion publications.

Elina Chaga's songs instantly became popular, and the army of fans of the bright brunette began to grow day by day. Fans especially loved the compositions “Tea with Sea Buckthorn”, “Flew Down”, “No Exit in See”, “The Sky is You”.

Personal life

There are many rumors about Elina Chaga’s personal life on the Internet. Most often the girl is credited romantic relationship with its producer Leonid Agutin. Allegedly, Elina’s resemblance to Leonid’s wife was the reason for the musician’s feelings for the young singer.

However, Elina repeatedly emphasized in an interview that any assumptions by journalists this topic- these are just baseless fantasies, and she is connected with Leonid solely by her love of music and a signed contract.

The girl also hints that she is not alone, but keeps the name of her happy chosen one a secret for now. Who knows, perhaps Elina’s fans will soon be pleased with the news of the wedding of their favorite performer.

Elina Chaga now

Now Elina Chaga continues to record new compositions and, according to rumors, is preparing for the release of an album. Also in the interview, the girl admitted that she had repeatedly received invitations to join one or another musical groups, but I’m not ready to make such a decision yet.

Fans can only follow the news about Elina’s work in