A fragment from Alexander Shashin's book “Looking for the strongest move. Chess Strategy Top Button Bar

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Name: Looking for the strongest move: a new algorithm for finding the strongest move

Publisher: mongus

Year: 2013

Format: PDF

Number of pages: 401

Size: 38.6 Mb

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The famous St. Petersburg coach, Master of Sports of the USSR Alexander Shashin wrote a book that is the fruit of many years of analysis and reflection. The 500-page work consists of three parts: "A universal method for finding the strongest chess move", "A universal method for finding the strongest chess move in practice" and "Contours of a unified theory of a chess game".

Our ultimate chess goal, which we will persistently and persistently pursue, is a universal method for finding the strongest chess move. I will add: a method that works in all possible chess positions without exception. In all!

Designed for skilled chess players, but will be of interest to a wide range of chess lovers.

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Studying the laws of the checkers game, a beginner checkers player should not memorize individual options. The main thing is to understand the essence of the techniques used, to develop combinational vision, to learn how to find the strongest move in a particular position. When experience is gained in the game, you can move on to studying the beginnings of the game. You should learn to avoid rude viewings. Do not fall for simple combinations. If the opponent makes a mistake, use it immediately. In the previous chapter, we considered various combinations. All of them were obtained either in the middle of the game or in the end. The same combinations are found at the very beginning of the game. Each such combination is usually preceded by a trap. At the very beginning of a game of checkers, there are positions in which, at first glance, a profitable continuation immediately turns out to lead to a loss. To fall into a trap means to suffer material losses or get a lost position. In this section, we will introduce you to the traps at the beginning of the game. First, we will show you the simple ones and gradually move on to the more difficult traps.

First trap

1. a3-b4 b6-a5 2. e3-d4 a7-b6 3. d2-e3 f6-g5 4. g3-h4? (This careless move leads White to the loss of a pawn. He should have played 4. c1-d2.) (Diagram 1) 4... b6-c5! and no matter how White beats, he loses a checker. For example: 5. d4:b6 b8-a7 6. h4:f6 a7:a3, and with the next move Black takes White's checker f6.

Second trap

1. c3-b4 b6-a5 2. e3-f4 a5xc3 3. d2xb4 f6-g5 4. g3-h4? (Mistake. White falls into a trap and loses two checkers. It is correct to play 4. b2-c3.) (Diagram 2) 4... g5:e3 5. f2:d4 h6-g5! 6. h4:f6 g7:a5X.

Third trap

1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. d4-c5 b6xd4 3. e3xc5 d6xb4 4. a3xc5 e7-f6 5. d2-e3 g5-h4 6. b2-c3? (This move leads to the loss of a checker. Usually 6. b2-a3 is played here.) (Diagram 3) 6... c7-d6! 7. c5:g5 h6:b4X.

Fourth trap

1. c3-d4 d6-c5 2. b2-сЗ f6-g5 3. c3-b4 g7-f6 4. b4:d6 e7:c5 5. g3-h4 c7-d6 6. f1-g3 f6-e5? (By this exchange, Black wants to free himself from the pin and falls into a trap. Should have continued 6... b6-a5 7. d4:b6 a5:c7.) (Diagram 4) 7. d4:f6! g5:e7 8. h4-g5! h6:f4 9. g3:a5, and White wins two checkers.

Fifth trap

1. e3-d4 d6-c5 2. f2-e3 f6-g5 3. g3-h4 g5-f4 4. e3:g5 h6:f4 5. a3-b4 с5:еЗ? (It is correct to play 5... c5:a3 and after 6. d4-c5 b6:d4 7. c3:g3 the checkers are even. Black's erroneous fifth move loses a checker.) (Diagram 5) 6. b4-c5! b6:d4 7. c3:g3, and the black checker e3 remained in captivity.

Sixth trap

1. c3-b4 f6-g5 2. b4-a5 b6-c5 3. b2-c3 g7-f6 4. g3-f4 g5-h4 5. h2-g3 f6-g5 6. c1-b2? (One wrong move and Black breaks into the kings. At the very beginning of the game, try not to open the queen squares. You should have played 6. c3-d4.) (Diagram 6) 6... c7-b6! 7. a5xe5 c5-d4 8. e3xc5 g5xc1 and Black wins.

Seventh trap

1. g3-h4 b6-a5 2. f2-g3 c7-b6 3. e3-f4 d6-c5 4. c3-b4 a5:c3 5. d2:d6 e7:c5 6. b2-c3 f8-e7? (Black is building a shock column to attack the white checker f4, but he does not notice the sudden and swift response of the enemy. It is correct to play 6... b6-a5.) (Diagram 7) 7. сЗ-b4! c5-d4 (if 1... e7-d6, then 8. f4-g5 h6:f4 9. g3:a5 will follow, and White has two extra checkers) 8. f4-g5 h6:f4 9. g3:c3, and winning the checker should bring White victory.

Trap eight

1. c3-b4 b6-a5 2. b4-c5 d6xb4 3. a3xc5 f6-g5 4. b2-c3 g5-h4 5. a1-b2 g7-f6 6. b2-a3 f6-g5 7. c3-b4 a5:c3 8. d2:b4 h8-g7? (The move loses the game. White makes a combination and breaks into the kings. The best answer is 8... c7-b6.) (Diagram 8) 9. c5-d6! e7xc5 10.b4xd6 c7xe5 e3-f4 g5xe3 12.f2xh8 with a win.

The ninth trap

1. c3-b4 b6-a5 2. b4-c5 d6xb4 3. a3xc5 c7-b6 4. g3-f4 b6xd4 5. e3xc5 f6-g5 6. d2-e3 d8-c7? (Opening a queen square, Black allows White to carry out a combination. It was necessary to continue 6... g7-f6.) (Diagram 9) 7. e3-d4! g5xe3 8. c5-b6 e3xc5 (8... a7xc5 does not help, then 9. d4xd2X) 9.b6xh4 with a win. Beginning checkers players very often fall for this combination.

Tenth trap

1. c3-d4 b6-a5 2. d4-c5 d6xb4 3. a3xc5 c7-b6 4. g3-f4 b6xd4 5. e3xc5 d8-c7? 6. d2-e3 c7-b6 7. e3-d4 f6-g5? (This move leads to a lightning-fast defeat of Black. But it should be noted that there is no salvation in the created position.) (Diagram 10) 8. b2-c3! g5:e3 9. сЗ-b4 a5:е5 10. f2:a5X. Previously, if Black had played 7...b8-c7, then 8. c1-d2 c7-d6 9. b2-a3 d6:b4 10. a3:c5 f6-g5 would have followed, and White would have played the same combination : 11. d2-c3! g5xe3 12.c3-b4 a5xe5 13.f2xa5X. It is also a widespread method of winning.

Eleventh trap

1. сЗ-b4 f6-e5 2. g3-h4 e5-f4 3. e3:g5 h6:f4 4. b4-а5 g7-f6 5. b2-сЗ h8-g7 6. a1-b2 g7-h6 7. c3-b4? (Thanks to White's mistake, Black plays the combination. You came across this idea when considering the eighth trap. But then White won, and now a similar blow brings victory to Black. Instead of the losing move 7. c3-b4?, White should have continued 7. f2-g3. ) (Diagram 11) 7... f4-e3! 8. d2:f4 f6-g5 9. h4:f6 e7:e3 10. f2:d4 d6-c5 11. b4:d6 c7:a1, and Black won.

Twelfth trap

1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. b2-c3 b6-a5 3. d4--c5 d6:b4 4. a3:c5 c7-b6 5. a1-b2 b6:d4 6. e3:c5 g7-f6 7 .g3-h4 f8-g7 8.c3-d4? (White's lattice position allows Black to execute a combination and break into the kings. The correct move is 8. b2-a3.) (Diagram 12) 8... e7-d6! 9. с5:е7 g5-f4! 10. е7:еЗ h6-g5 11. h4:f6 g7:a1 with a win.

Thirteenth trap

11 c3-d4 f6-g5 2. g3-f4 g7-f6 3. b2-сЗ g5-h4 4. c1-b2 f6-e5 5. d4:f6 e7:g5 6. сЗ-b4 b6-с5 7. d2 -c3 h8-g7? (The last move defeats Black. White makes a combination with a move to the kings. It was necessary to continue 7... f8-g7.) (Diagram 13) 8. f2-g3! h4:d4 9. c3:e5 g5:e3 10. e1-f2 d6:f4 11. b4:d6 c7:e5 12. f2:h8 with an easy win. A completely invisible trap!

Fourteenth trap

1. g3-f4 f6-e5 2. h2-g3 g7-f6 3. сЗ-b4 e5-d4 4. e3:c5 b6:d4 5. b4-a5 f6-g5 6. d2-e3 d6-c5 7. c1-d2 g5-h4 8. d2-c3? (A careless move leads White to defeat. They had the correct answer - 8. g1- h2.) (Diagram 14) 8... e7-d6! 9. c3xe5 h6-g5 10. f4xh6 d6xd2 11. e1xc3 c5-b4 12. a3xc5 c7-b6 13. a5xc7 b8xd2X. (Met in the game Y. Arendt - E. Lysenko.)

Fifteenth trap

1. c3-d4 f6-g5 2. g3-f4 g7-f6 3. b2-сЗ g5-h4 4. f4-g5 h6:f4 5. e3:g5 b6-с5 6. d4:b6 a7:c5 7. сЗ-b4 b8-а7 8. a1-b2? (This imperceptible mistake allows Black to carry out a combination with a passage to the kings. The combination begins with a quiet move, forcing White's simple g5 to go to the side square h6.) (Diagram 15) 8... f6-e5! 9. g5-h6 f8-g7! 10. h6:f8 h8-g7 11. f8:h6 e5-f4 12. h6:b6 c7:a1, and Black wins.

Sixteenth trap

1. a3-b4 b6-a5 2. b2-a3 c7-b6 3. a1-b2 d6-c5 4. b4xd6 e7xc5 5. g3-f4 f8-e7? (Black falls into a disguised trap. Should have played 5...f6-g5 with approximate equality in position.) (Diagram 16) 6. сЗ-b4! a5:a1 7. f4-e5 f6:d4 8. c1-b2 a1:c3 9. d2:f8X. The same combination worked after Black's 5...b8-c7?

Seventeenth trap

1. e3-d4 d6-e5 2. a3-b4 h6-g5 3. b4-c5 g5-f4 4. b2-a3? (An imperceptible mistake immediately leads to a loss. 4. g3-h4 should have continued.) (Diagram 17) 4... f6-g5! 5. d4:h4 b6:b2 6. a1:c3 (if 6. g3:e5, then the same thing happens) 6... e7-f6 7. g3:e5 f6:b2, and Black wins. (This is how B. Mirotin won against S. Vorontsov.)

Trap eighteen

1. c3-d4 b6-a5 2. b2-c3 c7-b6 3. g3-f4 f6-g5 4. d4-e5 b8-c7? (Wrong move. After it, White makes a combination and breaks into the kings. Correct 4... d6-с5.) (Diagram 18) 5. e3-d4! g5xc5 6.f2-e3! d6:f4 7. e3:g5 h6:f4 8. сЗ-b4 a5:сЗ 9. d2:b8. White is sure to win.

Trap nineteen

1. a3-b4 h6-g5 2. b4-a5 g5-h4 3. c3-b4 f6-g5 4. b2-c3? (The move is the cause of all White's future troubles. The correct answers are 4. b4-c5 or 4. b2-a3.) 4... g7-h6 5. a1-b2. (Diagram 19) 5... b6-c5 6. b2-a3 c7-b6! 7. a5:e5 g5-f4 8. b4:d6 e7:c5 9. e3:g5 h4:b2, and White, having given up the d2 checker on the next move, remains in the minority. (This is how E. Lysenko won against E. Svidersky.)

Twentieth trap

1. c3-d4 d6-c5 2. b2-c3 c7-d6 3. a1-b2 b8-c7 4. g3-f4 f6-g5 5. f2-g3 g5-h4 6. g1-f2 g7-f6? (It's hard to believe that this move is the cause of all Black's troubles. Their queen squares are firmly closed, but White still finds a combinational way to break into the pre-king square. Black's best plan is to exchange 6... b6-a5 7. d4:b6 a7 :с5.) (Diagram 20) 7. f4-e5! d6:f4 8. g3:g7 h8:f6 9. a3-b4! c5:a3 10. d4-c5 b6:d4 11. c3:g7. Now, in order to keep White out of the kings, Black is forced to give up a simple move 11... e7-f6, and with an extra checker, White is obliged to win. We have considered twenty different traps at the beginning of the game. All of them ended with a combination. Sometimes, with her help, we broke into kings, in a number of cases we won a checker or several checkers. And that, as a rule, brought victory. Traps are often invisible, and before you make the next move, you must "measure it seven times."

Perhaps the system is not so easy to use, at least out of habit. But if it significantly correlates with computer scores, then the system can be used post factum, when commenting. Compared with computer algorithms, the parameters are three orders of magnitude smaller, and the calculation of variants is provided for only one half-move. The sequence, if I understand correctly, is:
  1. We calculate the parameters.
  2. We define the zone.
  3. We generate candidate moves that will improve one or another parameter.
I doubt that such limited funds may be of interest to computer developers. algorithms, except when playing 1 µs per move. After all, there is no huge number of subtle heuristics (structural defects, open lines, etc.)

It is fundamentally important that the method is verifiable, i.e. he is open to criticism. Not like in super string theory: "Give us a solution, and we can justify it."

Let's look at an example of one of the parameters, p. This is the mobility of pieces - the factor responsible for chess time (and, in a way, an analogue of kinetic energy). Obviously, we are talking about a criterion that is applicable to other types of chess: shatranj, xiang-qi, shogi.

The well-known tabiya that occurs after the 10th or 11th moves. According to Nimzowitsch, it makes sense to overprotect the d4-pawn, i.e. play 11.Be3. In modern grandmaster practice, this somewhat passive move is rare, but it is quite possible and, with a rearrangement, leads to a well-known approximately equal position. In the spirit of Steinitz or Sveshnikov, one should consider an attack 11.Bg5, White should be active. This is how they play much more frequently. Finally, the semi-expectant remains the most popular. 11.Le1. Let's compare these possibilities by the specified parameter:

Initial (white/black): 45/36
Defense ( 11.Be3): 48/36 total +3
Aggression ( 11.Bg5): 49/35 total +5
Neutral stroke ( 11.Le1): 50/36 total +5

So, modern practice prefers moves that increase the difference in the mobility of the pieces. However, the question remains, which continuation maximizes this parameter? A little check points to 11.Bf4 (53/36): +8 , excellent result. The h2-b8 diagonal is empty, there is not much work for the bishop on it, so almost no one puts the bishop there. However, according to formal criteria, it is precisely 11.Bf4 provides maximum gain R.

Obviously, the verification of the method should be carried out as follows. Engine games and games with too long and short controls (blitz and correspondence) should be thrown out of MegaBase. Cut off the first moves, throw out also strictly forced answers, because. in these cases, the players do not solve the problem of choice (either solved at home or absent). There will be a hundred million positions left. Identify those in which, according to Shashin, it is necessary to increase the mobility of the figures. Generate deviation statistics for Houdini at a fixed depth: system recommendation / engine recommendation / actually made move.

I hope that the adherents of the doctrine will do this boring, but important work for evaluating the methodology. I myself cannot do the research, if only because the technical capabilities of my 1999 computer are very limited.

Rules of the game in Russian checkers

The goal of the game is to capture all the opponent's checkers or "lock" them (i.e. make it impossible to move)

The game is played only on dark fields. The checkerboard is located between the partners in such a way that there is a dark corner field to the left of the player. In the initial position, each side has 12 checkers, which occupy the first three rows on each side.

Checkers are divided into simple and queens. In the initial position, all checkers are simple. Upon reaching the last (eighth from itself) horizontal row, a simple checker turns into a king

Moves are made in turn, by moving one's checkers to an unoccupied field. Passing is not allowed. The first move is always made by the white player. A simple one only moves forward one square diagonally. The king moves diagonally to any square, both forward and backward, and she cannot jump over her checkers

If a simple checker is next to an opponent's checker, behind which there is a free field, it must be transferred through this checker to a free field, after that, the opponent's checker is removed from the board. If at the same time it becomes possible to continue capturing other checkers of the opponent, then this capture must be made. When fighting through a queen's field, a simple checker turns into a queen and continues the fight according to the rules of the king. In one move, the opponent's checker can be beaten only once (Turkish strike rule). According to this rule, if during the battle of several checkers of the opponent, a checker or a king re-enters an already beaten checker, then the move stops. Beaten checkers of the opponent are removed only after the end of the move. Capturing the opponent's checker is obligatory and is performed both forward and backward. With several capture options, for example, one checker or two, the player chooses the capture option at his discretion.



  • if a participant who has three kings (or more) against one opponent's king does not take the opponent's king in 15 moves;
  • if in a position in which both participants have kings, the balance of forces has not changed (there was no capture, not a single simple checker became a king) during:
    • in 2 and 3 figure endings - 5 moves,
    • in 4 and 5 figure endings - 30 moves,
    • in 6 and 7 figure endings - 60 moves;
  • if the participant, having:
    • three simple
    • three ladies,
    • two ladies and a simple one,
    • lady and two simple,
    against one king of the opponent, located on the main road (the main diagonal of the board), in 5 moves he will not take the king of the opponent;
  • if within 15 moves the participants made moves only with kings, without moving simple checkers and without making a capture.

Rules of the game in Giveaway (Reverse checkers)

Giveaways are checkers with the reverse goal of the game - to lose all your checkers: to force the opponent to "eat" or "lock" them.

Rules for playing Diagonal Checkers

The rules are similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but the initial arrangement is different (the large diagonal is free, above and to the left of it all the cells are occupied by black checkers, from below and to the right - by white checkers).

Rules of the game in International Checkers

The game is played on a board of 10×10 cells. Checkers are placed on the black fields of the first four horizontal rows on each side. The player with white moves first, then the moves are made alternately. Checkers are divided into simple and queens. In the initial position, all checkers are simple.

A simple checker moves diagonally forward one square. Upon reaching any field of the last horizontal, a simple checker turns into a queen.

The king moves diagonally to any free square both forward and backward.

Taking is mandatory if possible. Checkers are removed from the board only after the capturing checker has stopped.

When capturing, the rule of the Turkish strike is applied - if, during the battle of several enemy checkers, a checker or king re-enters an already beaten checker, then the move stops (that is, it is forbidden to take the same checker twice, while you can cross the same empty field twice ).

If there are several options for capturing, you need to execute the one that removes the maximum number of opponent's checkers (regardless of their quality - both simple and king are considered one checker). If there are still several options, you can choose any of them. If there is a choice of fighting with a queen or a simple one, then you can take any of them, observing in this case the rule of taking the largest number of checkers.

If a simple checker in the process of capturing reaches the queen square and can attack further in the role of a simple checker, then it continues the battle with this move and remains simple. Otherwise, she turns into a queen and stops. According to the rules of the queen, she acquires the right to fight only from the next move.


The game is considered won in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants left the game or announced that he was surrendering;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make the next move;
  • if one of the opponents has all the checkers beaten.

A game is considered to have ended in a draw in the following cases:


  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • if it is impossible to win any of the opponents;
  • three (or more) times the same position is repeated (the same arrangement of checkers), and the turn of the move each time will be for the same side;
  • participants within 25 moves made moves only with kings, without moving simple checkers and without making a capture;
  • if the participant, having at the end of the game:
    • three simple
    • three ladies,
    • two ladies and a simple one,
    • lady and two simple,
    against a lone king or one king against a lone king or a simple checker, will not achieve a won position with his 5th move;
  • five kings or four kings and one simple checker against two queens remain on the board, and the strongest side will not achieve a won position with its 50th move.

checker notation

According to the notation adopted in international checkers, all black fields have numbers (from 1 to 50). The numbering of the board starts from the black side and goes from right to left. To record the move of a simple checker or king, first designate the field where the checker or king stood, then put a dash and write down the field on which it is placed (for example: 8-12). When recording a capture (battle), a colon is put instead of a dash (for example: 12:21, 47:24:35).

Rules of the game in English checkers (Checkers)

The rules of the game in English checkers (Checkers) are very similar to the rules of the game in Russian checkers, but have some differences:

  • the player playing black checkers goes first
  • a simple checker cannot hit back;
  • the queen can only move one square in any direction;
  • the king can only hit through one square in any direction;
  • You can hit any number of checkers.

If a simple checker in the process of capturing the opponent's checkers reaches the field of the last horizontal and it is given the opportunity to further capture by the king according to the rules of battle, then it turns into a king, stopping on the field of the last row. According to the rules of the queen, she acquires the right to capture only from the next move.


The game is considered won in the following cases:

  • if one of the opponents has all the checkers beaten;
  • if the checkers of one of the participants are locked and he cannot make the next move;
  • if one of the participants announced that he was giving up.


A game is considered to have ended in a draw in the following cases:

  • if one of the participants offers a draw, and the other accepts it;
  • three (or more) times the same position is repeated (the same arrangement of checkers), and the turn of the move each time will be for the same side;
  • during the last 40 moves there has been no change in strength, that is, none of the players managed to push at least one checker to the kings, and at least one checker or king was not removed from the board.

Please note that the game will be saved in history and points will be awarded for it only if 3 or more move transitions have been completed (for example, 2 moves for white and one for black for the Russian Checkers mode).

Mode panel

The mode panel allows you to select the current game mode.

Top button bar

Move back, Move forward- allows you to undo and redo moves in a game with a computer.

Offer a draw allows you to send a draw offer to your opponent. If he agrees, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points for both players will not change;


A new game– start a new game with the computer.

Leave the game

Additional buttons in co-op

Offer a draw allows you to send a draw offer to the sorpenik. If he agrees, the game will be completed as a draw, while the number of points for both players will not change;

surrender- ends the game (defeat counts).

Leave the game- allows you to immediately end the current game (defeat counts).

Bottom button bar

Settings- opens the settings menu where you can:

  • Choose the color of the shapes;
  • Change the difficulty level of the computer;
  • Enable or disable automatic move for situations where, according to the rules of the game, there is only one possible move;
  • Enable the display of captured pieces and the history of moves;
  • Turn sound on or off;
  • Prevent other players from inviting you to the game;
  • Open blacklist.

Description- opens the description of the game.

Questions and Feedback- opens the guest book, where you can leave a review or a wish for the game.

Story- the history of all your games with the date of the game, the opponent and his place in the ranking.

The games you won are marked in yellow, the games you lost are marked in red, and the games you ended in a draw are marked in blue.

An asterisk marks games that you have added to your favorites.

Points are awarded only for victories over opponents (no points are awarded for draws and victories over the computer).

Elo rating system, Elo coefficient - a method of calculating the relative strength of players in games in which two players participate. This rating system was developed by Arpad Elo, an American physics professor of Hungarian origin.

In your personal account, you can specify additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, as well as store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will get access to your personal account and will be able to send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose a different one.

Position, map of Peterhof and photo reports from the 82nd festival at the link: http://pl-2012-vesna.narod2.ru/

Attention! Those wishing to stay in the DDT of the Petrodvorets district during the 82nd chess festival from March 26 to March 29, please urgently contact the director of the festival Pavel Igorevich Drugov by tel. +79052624250, e-mail: [email protected] . The cost of living is 500 rubles per person per day, the rooms are renovated in the same building with gaming halls.

Congratulations to the second board of our club Maxim Chigaev on his victory in the international chess tournament in Yerevan (Armenia) - 1st place and 2nd IM score! Also, on March 12, Maxim was awarded the first international title - FIDE Master! Maxim was able to win on March 16 in the last round in the decisive game of international master Kalashyan (2418). Well done, Maxim!

Congratulations to the Petrovskaya Ladya team consisting of: MG Vladimir Fedoseev, MF Maxim Chigaev, CCM Egor Kuzmin, CCM Valentina Fedoseeva, CCM Andrey Aminov, CCM Ivan Panov, CCM Nikolai Zhilchikov, CCM Polina Rybakova, with a victory in the St. Petersburg team championship among high school students! Dear guys, you are definitely the strongest and best in St. Petersburg!

On March 10, the second blitz tournament for the "Samson" prize was held, dedicated to International Women's Day. The victory was again won by cms Artem Zubritsky, second-third place was shared by mm Alexander Sotsky and mm Oleg Biryukov. Polina Rybakova won the women's prize. The winners were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. The next blitz tournament will take place on May 5.

On March 26-29, in the DDT of the Petrodvortsovy district (St. Petersburg Avenue, 4a), rooms 305,315, an official referee seminar will be held for assigning 2 and 3 referee categories. The head of the seminar, judge of the 1st category A.A. Kalyamin, lecturers - international referee V.P. Ivanov and judge 1 category P.I. Others. Start at 14.00. Registration of participants by e-mail [email protected] ex.ru or by phone 8-905-267-16-55, Kalyamin Andrey Arkadyevich, until March 25. All participants of the seminar receive a document on passing it, those who passed the exam receive certificates of judges of categories 2 and 3 (a category 2 judge can receive a category 3 judge). The registration fee is 500 rubles.

Attention! The next blitz tournament for the Samson Cup, dedicated to International Women's Day, will be held on March 10 at 11.30 am at DDT.

On March 7, the director of the DDT of the Petrodvorets district, Svetlana Vasilievna VASILIEVA, and the vice-president of our club, Andrey Arkadyevich KALYAMIN, celebrate their birthdays. Our congratulations!!!

Club "Petrovskaya Ladya" also congratulates all women on International Women's Day on March 8!

Attention! The 7th round at the 82nd Petrovskaya Ladya festival will start on March 29 at 9:30 am, so that the participants can be in time for the competitions at the ShKiDC.

The Russian Chess Federation on its website www.russiachess.org has published a fragment from Alexander Shashin's book "Looking for the Strongest Move". We are glad that the RCF drew attention to the outstanding St. Petersburg chess coach, philosopher and scientist A.A. Shashin, who brought up the Peterhof chess players A. Eliseev, P. Drugov, A. Terekhov, I. Valov and others, and we offer readers a part of the material.

1. A universal method for finding the strongest chess move.

2. A universal method for finding the strongest chess move in practice.

3. Contours of the unified theory of chess game.

The author claims to solve the most important question for a chess player: to find the strongest move in any position using the algorithms of Tal, Capablanca, Petrosian, or by combining these algorithms. According to the author, his textbook is an integral system in theory and practice, just like A. Nimzowitsch's, only at a new qualitative level.

Alexander Shashin

USSR Master of Sports Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shashin (born 1944) has been working as a coach at the Anichkov Palace chess school in St. Petersburg since 1979. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of the Leningrad Technological Institute. Leningrad City Council with a degree in Radiation Chemistry, then for 3.5 years he worked there as a teacher of physics at the department. Champion of the USSR and three-time champion of Leningrad among youths, champion of the All-Union Spartakiad of schoolchildren (1961, played in the Leningrad team on the 1st board). In different years he helped grandmasters V. Korchnoi and A. Morozevich. The latter wrote the Preface to the textbook, in which, in particular, he said: “Our face-to-face acquaintance with A.A. Shashin took place in the spring of 2003, at a very difficult moment in my career. Behind was 2002, one of the most unsuccessful in my entire 15-year professional career. Fate was pleased then to introduce me to an amazing person, a coach, a physicist by education and, perhaps, a vocation - Shashin San Sanych, as I have been calling him somewhat frivolously since then. His support at that moment is hard to overestimate. Our many hours of kitchen conversations brought me back to life as a chess player and as a person. Thanks to patience and extraordinary innate intelligence, San Sanych managed not only to awaken my chess appetite anew, but also to show such facets of life that before him, due to my age and peculiarities of my character, I stubbornly ignored. S.S. it was at this moment that he significantly enriched and expanded my ideas; when choosing a move, I often successfully used the ideas he proposed. The fact that the period from July 2003 to July 2004 turned out to be the most successful in my entire career is largely due to our “table” conversations. I triumphantly returned to the top five, winning along the way almost everything where I played ... "

A. Shashin's textbook "Looking for the strongest move" will be published in English towards the end of this year. In the foreseeable future, it is planned to publish the textbook in Russian.