Where to get an electronic signature for government services. Receipt through multifunctional centers. To obtain a simple digital signature, you need

Welcome to website. In this article we will tell you about obtaining an electronic signature through the portal public services. Electronic digital signature is a unique signature in which all user data is encrypted and with the help of which an individual is identified.

This signature has a number of significant advantages:

  • The user can create requests in government bodies and departments using the Internet.
  • Receive any government services via the Internet.
  • Take advantage of favorable prices in the online store and auctions.

So, what is an electronic signature on gosuslugi.ru, how to get it and how much will it cost?

On this moment There are three main types of electronic signatures. The usual signature, which is most often used, does not have degrees of protection, unlike the other two, which are more enhanced. They also have differences in status and places of use. Here are the signatures now:

  • A simple signature contains only a password and login. At the time of receiving the service, you must enter a digital code, which will be sent as an SMS message to your phone or email; the code is one-time use, so you will have to receive it for each operation. Such identification is very common; to obtain this signature it is not necessary to visit specialized centers.
  • A strengthened unqualified signature, it is capable of not only identifying the sender, but also recording any changes to a previously signed document. This signature can only be obtained in a specialized center; it can be used in any service sector, but state secret documents are not signed with it.
  • A strengthened qualified signature has the highest level of protection at the legislative level. Electronic documents are equivalent to paper ones and have the same legal force. Along with the key, the user receives a certificate, which contains all the information about its verification. For all operations that have legal meaning, you must use this key.

There is a simpler explanation for the differences between these signatures:

  • A simple signature is equivalent to a regular badge; if someone else used a phone or computer, only the owner bears full responsibility.
  • An unqualified signature can resemble a pass to an organization, that is, relations between the parties are built solely on trust.
  • A qualified signature is a passport, with its help you can use all services, and is considered an important element of identification in all transactions of a legal nature.

It is worth remembering that the choice of digital signature depends on the user, but a qualified signature makes it possible to use maximum amount services on the portal. Since you still need to find out how and where to obtain an electronic signature for an individual for the website gosuslugi.ru, let’s continue.

What are the types of digital signature keys?

When a user receives an electronic signature, the center that is responsible for verifying the applicant’s identity issues him special keys. The signature itself consists of two main keys:

  • Open.
  • Closed.

The private key is available only to the owner, it contains important information and it is used directly for signing documents.

The public key is intended for verification, that is, this key becomes available to all parties to the contract, and it is used specifically to verify the authenticity of a given user signature.

The certificate of this signature is a file confirming the authenticity of the keys. This document can be in several versions - paper and electronic. The certificate contains public keys, and specifically personal data about the owner. The certificate also contains the necessary information about the center that issued this signature. This certificate is considered a full-fledged identification document of the owner - participant in the circulation of the document.

EDS encoding occurs through this certificate. But it is worth knowing that each party to the contract must have valid these certificates.

The certificate is valid for 12 months. When given time expires, the certificate becomes invalid and the signature automatically loses its authenticity. To continue working with documents, an extension of this certificate is required.

It is worth knowing that if there is a change of name, owner or other changes in the organization, the certificate is also subject to mandatory renewal.

An electronic signature is an encryption means, and they are used to carry out specific functions:

  • Creation of electronic signature.
  • Electronic signature check.
  • Creating an ES key.
  • Checking the ES key.

What needs to be done on gosuslugi.ru to obtain a signature?

To have access to all services on the portal, you must have a directly enhanced qualified signature. Obtaining an electronic signature for individuals for State Services can be carried out both before registration on the portal and after registration. It is optimal to receive it after registration, since the user can first make sure whether he needs it to receive the necessary services.

Now about how to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature for the State Services portal. To do this you need:

  • Find out all the information about organizations involved in issuing signatures.
  • Select the desired organization.
  • Find out what level of service and prices for the service.
  • Apply for it.

There are centers that provide training on how to use signatures, conduct auctions, work with important documents, and much more.

The government services portal allows you to apply for this signature to the center that the user chooses. Or you can first contact the center itself, and then register with the signature in hand. This condition became mandatory only for legal entities.

Regardless of which option was chosen, you will only have to receive it at a specialized center. The type of signature is selected depending on how confidential the transactions will be.

We create an application to obtain an electronic signature

The process of creating and issuing signatures is constantly changing, many people ask where and how to get an electronic signature for State Services for free, the UEC was involved in this issuance, but this project is not working now.

But it’s worth knowing how this signature is obtained at the moment. To do this, you need to go to the government services portal and select the required center that issues keys for quick search you can use a filter.

Then you go to the data page by double-clicking on the line, a link to the site of this center will open. It contains all the necessary information about creating an application and prices for this service.

If you cannot understand something, you can call the support service at the phone number indicated in the information during business hours and ask what documents will be required to obtain. It is still necessary to go to the center, since the electronic signature and certificate are issued personally to the applicant.

Electronic signature functionality for public services

To make it easier for citizens of the Russian Federation to use signatures to sign important documents, the government has created two systems:

  • ESIA is a network through which citizens have the right to use certain municipal and government services.
  • EPGU is directly the state portal itself in Russia.

ESIA can be used using a regular signature; it allows you to receive minor electronic services. But for the EPGU, a qualified signature is already required, since important legal operations are already carried out here.

Individuals those who have digital signatures can use the portal functionality in an accessible version. They have the opportunity:

  • Re-obtaining a Russian passport.
  • Obtaining a TIN.
  • Obtaining a foreign passport.
  • Open a private business.
  • Register at your place of residence.
  • Receive traffic police certificates regarding fines.
  • Register motor vehicles.
  • Receive information about retirement accounts.

To use these functions, the user needs to know where to obtain an electronic signature for State Services and how to obtain an electronic signature without delay.

How to obtain an electronic signature for public services

It is not possible to obtain a qualified signature for free. She is more needed legal entities, individuals expand the list of services when they register for State Services using SNILS.

To get authorization standard view on the portal, you need to go to your personal account and fill out all the information about the user, indicate the SNILS number, passport details and others important information. After checking this data, the result will be sent to your postal address.

After this the user will be able to use big list services, to speed up the verification process, you can use the services of the Service Center in your region.

Obtaining a signature payable service. The number of services is expanded free of charge on the portal, but you have to pay for a signature on the portal, which looks like a flash drive. The cost of signing depends on the functionality of the key.

To create this signature, you need to collect a package of documents, fill out forms and contact the center, where specialists will help you obtain an electronic signature for State Services. You will also need to purchase a flash card or disk in advance on which the signature will be encrypted. This procedure contains the following:

  • Contact the center, if the applicant has prepared documents and everything necessary in advance, then the procedure will last no more than 30 minutes.
  • Then choose a password; it should be simple and easy to remember, since it cannot be replaced and if the keys are lost, they will have to be restored again.
  • Fill out the forms, create a private key and download the required files.
  • Submit a package of documents and create passwords.
  • Obtain a certificate for digital signature keys.

At the moment, many centers have been created that issue keys, and in each of them the procedure may be different. Some centers use the Internet for this, while others require a personal visit. This all depends entirely on the center you choose.

Approximately how much does it cost to get an EP?

Creating an electronic digital signature is a difficult and expensive process. The cost of keys varies and depends on the center that issues them. The price of a signature varies from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles, the price depends on what functions the user wants to see.

Due to increasing popularity, the cost may soon drop. So when the user selects , where to get an electronic signature key for government services, you need to carefully study the price range of each center.

Would an electronic signature be suitable for other resources?

It will not be possible to use digital signature for the State Services portal on other sites. The Federal Tax Service website requires a different key in which the TIN will be recorded. Therefore, you will have to purchase a separate key for each portal. Universal keys have not yet been created.

You can expand the set of functions of the key yourself, there are now on the Internet detailed instructions, how to do it. But no one knows whether it will be possible to work with important documents after such an expansion of functionality.

That's all. Forging an electronic signature is almost impossible; it resembles an iron door, but the structures that participate in transactions look like cardboard houses.

An electronic signature (ES) is information in electronic digital form that can be used to identify an individual or legal entity without his personal presence.

In electronic document management, two types of electronic signature are used:

  • simple electronic signature;
  • enhanced electronic signature (can be qualified or unqualified).

They differ in the degree of protection and scope of application.

2. What is a simple electronic signature?

A simple electronic signature is essentially a combination of login and password, confirmation code by email, SMS, USSD, and the like.

Any document signed in this way is, by default, not equivalent to a paper document signed by hand. This is a kind of statement of intent, which means the party agrees with the terms of the transaction, but does not participate in it.

But if the parties enter into an agreement to recognize an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten one in a personal meeting, then such documents may acquire legal significance. This, for example, happens when you connect an online bank to a credit or debit card. A bank employee identifies you by your passport, and you sign an agreement to connect to online banking. In the future, you use a simple electronic signature, but it has the same legal force as a handwritten one.

3. What is a strong unqualified electronic signature?

A strengthened unqualified electronic signature is two unique sequences of characters that are uniquely related to each other: the electronic signature key and the electronic signature verification key. To form this link, cryptographic information protection tools are used ( Cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) are tools that allow you to sign digital documents with an electronic signature, as well as encrypt the data contained in them, thereby facilitating their reliable protection from interference by third parties. CIPF is implemented in the form of software products and technical solutions.

"> CIPF). That is, it is more secure than a simple electronic signature.

The enhanced unqualified signature itself is not an analogue of a handwritten signature. It means that the document was signed by a specific person and has not been changed since then. But such a signature is usually valid only in conjunction with an agreement to recognize it as handwritten. True, not everywhere, but only in the document flow with the department (organization) with which such an agreement was signed.

4. What is an enhanced qualified electronic signature?

An enhanced qualified electronic signature differs from an enhanced unqualified one in that cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation are used to generate it. And only a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation can issue such a signature. In this case, the guarantor of authenticity is the qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key provided by such a center. The certificate is issued on a USB drive. To use it, in some cases you may need to install additional software.

An enhanced qualified signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. It can be used everywhere, but to use it with a number of organizations, you need to enter additional information into a qualified electronic signature certificate.

How to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature

To obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature you will need:

  • identification document;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • main state registration number of the record state registration individual as individual entrepreneur(if you are an individual entrepreneur);
  • an additional set of documents confirming your authority to act on behalf of the legal entity (if you receive the signature of a representative of the legal entity).

The documents must be submitted to an accredited certification center (you can find them in the list or on the map), whose employee, after establishing your identity and checking the documents, will write the certificate and electronic signature keys onto a certified electronic medium - electronic card or flash drive. You can also purchase information cryptographic protection products there.

The cost of the service for providing a certificate and electronic signature keys is determined by the regulations of the accredited certification center and depends, in particular, on the scope of application of the electronic signature.

5. Does an electronic signature have an expiration date?

The validity period of an electronic signature verification key certificate (both qualified and unqualified) depends on the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) used and the certification center where the certificate was received.

Typically, the validity period is one year.

Signed documents are valid even after the expiration of the electronic signature verification key certificate.

6. What is ESIA and why is it needed?

The federal state information system “Unified System of Identification and Authorization” (USIA) is a system that allows citizens to interact with authorities online.

Its advantage is that a user who has registered once in the system (on the gosuslugi.ru portal) does not need to go through the registration procedure on government and other resources each time to gain access to any information or service. Also, to use resources that interact with the ESIA, you do not need to additionally identify your identity and equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one - this has already been done.

With the development of e-government and electronic document management in general, the number of resources interacting with the unified identification and authentication system is growing. Thus, private organizations can also use the ESIA.

Since 2018, a system for remote identification of clients of Russian banks and users has come into effect. information systems subject to registration with the Unified Identification of Authorities and the citizen providing his biometric data (facial image and voice sample) to a unified biometric system. That is, you can receive banking services without leaving your home.

The portal gosuslugi.ru has several levels account. Using the simplified and standard levels, you sign applications with a simple electronic signature. But to gain access to all services, you need a verified account - for this you need to confirm your identity, that is, equate a simple electronic signature to a handwritten one.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service

Individuals, receiving services through a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, use an enhanced unqualified signature, equivalent to a handwritten one. The verification key certificate can be obtained from personal account, but personal identification and equating an electronic signature with a handwritten one occur at the level of entering your personal account: you can log in either using the login and password that are issued during a personal visit to tax office, either using a confirmed account on the gosuslugi.ru portal, or even using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

But individual entrepreneurs and legal entities may need an enhanced qualified signature to receive services (for example, to register an online cash register).

On the Rosreestr website

Some of Rosreestr’s services (for example, submit an application, make an appointment) can be obtained using a simple electronic signature. But most services are provided to those who have an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

For participation in electronic trading

In order to participate in electronic trading, you need an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Do you need an EDS? Do you want to know how to create an electronic signature for government services? Where and how to get it, saving time on searching for the necessary information? Read a simple and understandable description in which we will tell you how to solve these problems without making mistakes.

Note: There is an opinion that to access your personal account on the government services portal, a key (digital signature) is required. This is not entirely true. The attribute (flash drive) is necessary for legal entities, i.e. for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and others commercial organizations. Individuals only need to pass authorization. Standard registration (receiving an activation code by E-mail) expands access to services and creates a simple electronic signature.

Explanation of abbreviations in the text:

  • EDS (EDS) – Electronic Digital Signature;
  • CA – Certification Authority;
  • NEP – Unqualified Electronic Signature;
  • CEP – Qualified Electronic Signature;
  • UEC – Universal Electronic Card;
  • SNILS – pension insurance certificate (green plastic card);
  • FTS – Federal Tax Service.

Types of electronic signature

There are three types of EP. The most common one, which we often use, does not have the same levels of information protection as the other two - Enhanced. They differ in status and their scope is not the same. Let's look at their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature requires the use of a login and password. When accessing services, to confirm the operation, a one-time code may be requested, sent via a CMS message or email. We often encounter such types of identification. To do this, you do not need to contact specialized centers.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature– this attribute not only identifies the sender, but also records changes to the signed document. They receive the UNP from the certification center. The scope of the NEP is limited. State and municipal documents containing secrets cannot be signed with it.
  3. Reinforced qualified electronic signature has the most high degree protection at the legislative level. Electronic documents are equivalent to paper ones with all the attributes of approval and have the same legal force. The certificate, which is issued along with the key, contains information on its verification. To carry out legally significant transactions, it is necessary to use this key (signature).

To make it easier to distinguish them from each other, let’s draw an analogy with clear paper attributes of personal identification:

  1. a simple electronic signature is equivalent to a badge, if others have used the PC (phone), you are responsible for the consequences;
  2. unqualified EPit's like a pass in an organization where there is an element of trust between the parties;
  3. qualified EPpassport, gives the right to use all services, is the most significant element of personal identification in legal transactions.

Note:Decide for yourself what type of signature you need, but a qualified electronic signature covers all services provided on the Unified Portal, of which there are slightly less than a thousand. Therefore further we'll talk it is about its creation and receipt.

Where do you get an electronic signature?

To access all portal services, you must have an enhanced qualified signature. This can be done before registration or after. The second option is preferable, because you will be convinced that digital signature is really necessary for government services.

What needs to be done on the site?

  1. Obtain information about Accredited Certification Centers.
  2. Choose one available to you.
  3. Inquire about the level of service provided and prices for services.
  4. Submit your application.

Note:Some CAs offer the opportunity to undergo training on using electronic signatures, conducting tenders, working with various document extensions, etc.

On the government services portal, you can submit an application to receive an electronic signature in the center you choose. It is possible to first contact the CA and then register using your existing electronic signature (for legal entities this is a prerequisite).

Note:Regardless of the option chosenYou must obtain a qualified electronic signature from the Certification Center. Depending on the degree of secrecy of legally significant transactions, the type of digital signature is selected.

How to create an application for an electronic digital signature for government services?

Let me make a reservation right away: the process of issuing electronic signature keys to both legal entities and individuals is constantly undergoing changes. For example, the widely advertised Rostelecom CA does not work for technical reasons.

The project to obtain a key for free using UEC has been suspended. Perhaps by the time the article is published the situation will change better side. The question arises: how to create an electronic signature for government services now?

Programs required for electronic operation

For ES attributes to work, you need to install several programs. You can do this yourself. You will need a crypto provider Vipnet CSP and one of two programs for verifying the signature: CryptoARM or Vipnet CryptoFile.

CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in

If the digital signature does not work in some programs, for example, Office or Banking systems, install CryptoPro EDSBrowser plugin. the possibilities for using and verifying signatures will expand. Or... For the government services website, download the plugin, which is automatically detected on the page: ds-plugin.gosuslugi.ru/plugin/upload/Index.spr

Note:The key is valid for 13 months, so don’t miss out on updating your data. The flash drive is guaranteed for a yearit is also better to replace it. The CA will tell you how to do this in your personal account yourself.

How to get an electronic signature for government services for free?

It is impossible to purchase a qualified electronic signature, which requires a visit to a CA, for free. This mostly applies to legal entities. Individuals can obtain broader powers by registering on the government services website using SNILS.

To understand the need for a particular account, study the information on the page gosuslugi.ru/help/faq#q.

Note: When asked how to get an electronic signature for government services for free, we answer: unfortunately, not at all. You can expand your powers for free, but you have to pay for a digital signature for government services in the form of a flash drive - an electronic token. The price depends on the functionality of the key and the prices of the CA.

Verification of digital signature for public services

To make sure that the digital signature you purchased from the CA is working, go to gosuslugi.ru/pgu/eds. Check the certificate and file handling. This will not cause any difficulties - everything is simple there. As a result, you will receive electronic signature data and a message: Document authenticity confirmed.

Is the electronic signature suitable for other resources?

Unfortunately, the electronic signature key for government services will not be valid, for example, for the Federal Tax Service portal. For tax authorities, a different type of (non-)qualified signature is required. It must contain the TIN data, and sometimes the registered powers of the legal entity. Therefore, for different needs you need to purchase separate keys. It's inconvenient, but for now universal look no signatures were made.

Good afternoon, dear readers! This article is dedicated to business owners, regardless of its size and organizational form and ordinary citizens of our country. It will be equally useful and interesting for both simple individual entrepreneurs and owners of large commercial enterprises. What do they have in common? The answer is simple - document flow and the need to interact with various government agencies! Therefore, let's talk about a tool that will significantly simplify the movement of documentation, both within the enterprise and outside it! Today we will look in detail at how to obtain an electronic signature (EDS)!

Let's start with the essence of an electronic signature and the mechanism of its functioning, then consider the scope and unconditional usefulness, after which we will discuss how to obtain it for individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and also talk about the necessary documents. We have collected as much as possible full information about how to get an electronic digital signature! By the way, if necessary, you can use it to close an individual entrepreneur. The article describes how to do this!

What is an electronic digital signature: the simple essence of a complex concept!

Every document at the enterprise must be signed authorized person. The signature gives it legal force. Modern technologies transferred document flow to electronic format. Which turned out to be extremely convenient! Firstly, electronic documents simplified and accelerated data exchange within the enterprise (especially with international cooperation). Secondly, the costs associated with their turnover have decreased. Thirdly, the security of commercial information has significantly increased. Despite the electronic format, each document must be signed, which is why an electronic digital signature was developed.

What is an electronic digital signature? This is an analogue of traditional painting in digital format, which is used to give legal force to documents on electronic media. The word “analogue” should be understood as a sequence of cryptographic symbols randomly generated using special software. It is stored on electronic media. Typically flash drives are used.

There are two important concepts associated with electronic signature: certificate and key. A certificate is a document that certifies that an electronic signature belongs to a specific person. It can be regular or enhanced. The latter is issued only by some accredited certification centers or directly by the FSB.

The electronic signature key is the same sequence of characters. Keys are used in pairs. The first is the signature, and the second is the verification key that certifies its authenticity. For each new signed document, a new one is generated unique key. It is important to understand that the information received on a flash drive at the certification center is not an electronic signature - it is just a means for creating it.

A signature in electronic format has the same legal weight and force as under a paper document. Of course, if there were no violations when applying this parameter. If any inconsistency or any deviations from the norm are detected, the document will not become valid. The use of digital signatures is regulated by the state through two laws: Federal Law No. 1 and Federal Law No. 63. They affect all areas of application of a signature: in civil law relations, when interacting with municipal and state bodies.

How the idea of ​​using EPC came about: let's remember the past!

In 1976, two American cryptographers, Diffie and Hellman, proposed that electronic digital signatures could be created. It was just a theory, but it resonated with the public. As a result, already in 1977 the RSA cryptographic algorithm saw the light of day, which made it possible to create the first electronic signatures. Compared to the present, they were very primitive, but it was at this moment that the foundation for the future was laid rapid development industry and widespread adoption of electronic document management.

The millennium brought significant changes. The United States passed a law according to which a signature on paper was equal in legal force to an electronic one. This is how a new rapidly growing market segment emerged, the volume of which, according to American analysts, will amount to $30 billion by 2020.

In Russia, the first electronic devices began to be used only in 1994. The first law that regulated their use was adopted in 2002. However, it was distinguished by extremely vague formulations and ambiguity in the interpretation of terms. The law did not give a clear answer to the question of how to obtain an electronic signature and use it.

In 2010, a large-scale project was developed to create a virtual environment for the provision of public services in electronic format, which in August of the same year was submitted for consideration to the President of the Russian Federation. One of the key areas of the project is the possibility of using digital signatures. The regions were obliged to create conditions for free access of individuals and legal entities to the possibilities of electronic document management, so that everyone could receive an electronic document. Since then, the “electronic state” has been actively developing in Russia.

In 2011, the President obliged executive authorities to switch to electronic document management within their structures. By June of the same year, all officials were provided with digital signatures. The program was financed from the federal budget. In 2012, electronic document management began working in all executive authorities of the Russian Federation without exception.

After these transformations, two pressing issues arose. Firstly, the EP was not universal. For each purpose a new signature had to be obtained. Secondly, some crypto providers were not compatible with others, which put their clients at risk predicament. Therefore, since 2012, a global process of unification in the field of electronic document management began. Thanks to which we have modern universal signatures and software.

Digital signature: 5 advantages and 6 use cases!

Many entrepreneurs have not yet applied economic activity EPC. In many ways, the reason for this is simple ignorance of all its capabilities and advantages. Using electronic format to sign documents, subjects entrepreneurial activity(Individual entrepreneurs, legal entities) receive the following benefits:

  1. Documents are maximally protected from falsification.

Since the computer is very difficult to deceive. IN in this case completely excluded human factor. After all, you may simply not notice that the signature under the document differs from the original one. It is impossible to forge an electronic signature. This requires very large computing power, which is almost impossible to implement at the current level of device development, and a lot of time.

  1. Optimization, acceleration and simplification of document flow.

Completely eliminates the possibility of data leakage or loss of important papers. Any copy certified by an electronic identifier is guaranteed to be received by the addressee in the sent form: no extraordinary circumstances can cause its damage.

  1. Reduce costs by eliminating paper media.

For small companies, maintaining paper documentation was not burdensome, but this cannot be said about large enterprises. Many of them had to rent separate premises and warehouses for storing documents for 5 years. In addition to the costs of paper, printers, ink, stationery, there was also rent! In addition, depending on the field of activity, some companies could reduce costs by reducing the number of employees who dealt with documents: receiving, processing, etc. The need to recycle paper has also disappeared: for individual species For organizations whose activities involve confidential information, even this expense line turned out to be significant. The process of destroying documents under digital signature is a few clicks of a computer mouse.

  1. The format of documents signed by electronic signatures fully complies with international requirements.
  2. There is no need to obtain a separate signature to participate in tenders or submit reports to regulatory authorities.

You can obtain an electronic signature, which will allow you to use it on all necessary sites.

Before we move on to the question of how to obtain an electronic signature, we list all the possible options for its use:

  1. Internal document flow. Involves the movement of commercial information, orders, instructions, etc. inside the company.
  2. External document flow. It's about on the exchange of documents between two partner organizations in the B2B system or between an enterprise and a B2C client.
  3. Submitting reports to regulatory authorities:
  • Federal Tax Service,
  • Pension Fund,
  • Social Security Fund,
  • Customs service,
  • Rosalkogolregulirovanie,
  • Rosfinmonitoring and others.
  1. To gain access to the Client-Bank system.
  2. To participate in auctions and trades.
  3. To receive government services:
  • State Services website,
  • RosPatent,
  • Rosreestr.

How to get an electronic signature: step-by-step instructions!

Having assessed all the advantages of using an electronic signature, you decided to get one. And, of course, we were faced with a logical question: how to do this? We will answer this question with detailed step by step instructions, which will help you quickly and easily get digital signature!

In total you will have to go through 6 steps.

Step 1. Selecting the type of electronic signature.

Step 2. Selecting a certification authority.

Step 3. Filling out the application.

Step 4. Payment of the invoice.

Step 5. Collecting a package of documents.

Step 6. Obtaining an electronic signature.

Now let's talk about each step in more detail!

Step 1. Choosing a type: everyone likes their own!

The first step to obtaining an electronic signature is choosing its type. According to federal laws The following types of digital signatures are distinguished:

  1. Simple. It encodes information about the owner of the signature so that the recipient of the paper is convinced who the sender is. It does not protect against counterfeiting.
  2. Reinforced:
  • unqualified - confirms not only the identity of the sender, but also the fact that no changes were made to the document after signing.
  • qualified – the most secure signature, the legal force of which is 100% equivalent to that of an ordinary signature! It is issued only in those centers that are accredited by the FSB.

IN Lately More and more customers want to receive an enhanced qualified signature, which is quite reasonable. Like any other “keys” that provide access to private information or financial transactions, digital signatures are hunted by scammers from the most various categories. Analysts believe that over the next 10 years the first two species will simply become obsolete. The choice depends on the use case for the digital signature. To make it easier to make a decision, we have compiled the data in a table; it will help you make a choice and settle on a specific necessary and sufficient form.

Scope of application Simple Unskilled Qualified
Internal document flow + + +
External document flow + + +
Arbitration court + + +
State Services website + - +
Supervisory authorities - - +
Electronic auctions - - +

If you are going to obtain an electronic digital signature for the convenience of filing reports, you will have to submit an application for a qualified one. If the goal is document flow at the enterprise, then it is enough to obtain a simple or unqualified signature.

Step 2. Certification center: TOP 7 largest and most reliable companies!

A certification center is an organization whose purpose is to generate and issue electronic digital signatures. A CA is a legal entity whose charter specifies the corresponding type of activity. Their functions include:

  • issuance of digital signature;
  • providing a public key to everyone;
  • blocking an electronic signature if there is a suspicion of its unreliability;
  • confirmation of the authenticity of the signature;
  • mediation in case of conflict situations;
  • supplying clients with all necessary software;
  • technical support.

Currently on site Russian Federation There are about a hundred such centers operating. But there are only seven industry leaders:

  1. EETP – market leader electronic trading RF. The company's activities are highly diversified, which does not prevent it from occupying leading positions in each segment. In addition to organizing and conducting auctions, she is engaged in the sale of property that is not selling well, teaches the specifics of participating in auctions, and generates and sells digital signatures.
  2. Electronic Express is the official operator of electronic document management of the Federal Tax Service. Has a full set of licenses (including the FSB license).
  3. Taxnet – develops software for electronic document management. Including the creation and implementation of digital signatures.
  4. Sertum-Pro Kontur is a company that deals with electronic signature certificates. In addition, it offers many convenient additional services for its clients, which will significantly expand the capabilities of the electronic signature.
  5. Taxkom - the company specializes in external and internal document flow of companies and reporting to various regulatory authorities. For this purpose, appropriate software is developed and electronic signatures are created. It is on the list of official data operators for cash register equipment.
  6. The Tensor company is a giant in the world of document flow over telecommunication networks. Provides a full range of services: from the development of complexes for automating the workflow at enterprises to the creation and implementation of electronic signatures.
  7. National Certification Center - develops and sells various digital signature certificates, offers clients software for generating and submitting reports to all government bodies.

Choose a CA depending on your capabilities and location. It is important to check whether there is a point for issuing ready-made electronic signatures in your city. This is quite easy to find out by visiting the official websites of the companies.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the centers from our TOP-7 list, then you can use the services of other companies. Full list accredited CAs can be found on the website www.minsvyaz.ru in the “Important” section.

Step 3. How to get an electronic signature: fill out the application!

The choice has been made, now you know exactly what you want, so it’s time to submit an application to the certification center. This can be done in two ways: by visiting the company’s office or filling out an application on its website.

Remote submission of an application will save you from a personal visit. The application contains a minimum of information: full name, contact phone number and email. Within an hour after sending, a CA employee will call you back and clarify the necessary information. In addition, he will answer all the questions that interest you and advise you on what type of digital signature to choose for your case.

Step 4. Pay the bill: money up front!

You will have to pay for the service before receiving it. That is, immediately after accepting the application and agreeing on the details with the client, an invoice will be issued in his name. The cost of digital signature varies depending on the company you contacted, region of residence and type of signature. It includes:

  • generating a signature key certificate,
  • software necessary for creating, signing and sending documents,
  • technical customer support.

The minimum price is about 1500 rubles. Average 5,000 – 7,000 rubles. The cost of one electronic signature may be less than 1,500 rubles, only if signatures are ordered for large quantity employees of one enterprise.

Step 5. Documents for obtaining digital signature: we create a package!

When forming a package of documents, it is essential which subject civil law acts as a customer: an individual, legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Therefore, we will consider documents for obtaining an electronic signature separately for each category.

Individuals must provide:

  • statement,
  • passport plus copies,
  • individual taxpayer number,
  • SNILS.
  • Receipt of payment.

An authorized representative of the recipient of the electronic signature can submit documents to the CA. To do this you need to issue a power of attorney.

To obtain an electronic signature, a legal entity will have to prepare:

  1. Statement.
  2. Two certificates of state registration: with OGRN and TIN.
  3. Extract from the register of legal entities. Important! The extract must be “fresh”. Each certification authority has its own requirements in this regard.
  4. Passport plus a copy of the person who will use the electronic signature.
  5. SNILS of the employee who will use the digital signature.
  6. If the signature is issued for the director, then an order of appointment must be attached.
  7. For employees who are lower in the company's hierarchical ladder, you will have to issue a power of attorney for the right to use the electronic signature.
  8. Receipt of payment.

Documents for obtaining digital signature by individual entrepreneurs:

  1. Statement.
  2. Certificate of registration with OGRNIP number.
  3. Certificate with TIN.
  4. An extract from the register of entrepreneurs, issued no earlier than 6 months ago, or a copy certified by a notary.
  5. Passport.
  6. SNILS.
  7. Receipt of payment.

An authorized representative of an individual entrepreneur can pick up an electronic digital signature if he has a power of attorney and a passport. When submitting an application electronically, documents are sent to the CA by mail, and when visiting in person, they are submitted simultaneously with the application.

Step 6. Getting a digital signature: the finish line!

You can obtain documents at numerous issuing points located throughout the country. Information about them can be found on the official website of the CA. Typically, the time frame for receiving a signature does not exceed two to three days.

Delay is possible only on the part of the customer who did not pay for the services of the certification center on time or did not collect all Required documents. Please note that you need to receive an extract from the unified state register Individual entrepreneur or legal entity, as this process takes 5 working days! Some CAs provide the service of urgent issuance of digital signatures. Then the whole procedure takes about one hour. Now you know how to get an electronic signature.

Important! The electronic signature is valid for one year from the date of its receipt. After this period, you will need to renew it or get a new one.

Do-it-yourself digital signature: the impossible is possible!

In fact, creating an electronic signature yourself is quite possible. If you have the appropriate education, thoroughly understand what an electronic digital signature is and have invincible enthusiasm. However, do not forget that you will not only have to generate a cryptographic sequence, you also need to develop and write the corresponding software. A natural question arises: why do this? Moreover, the market is replete with ready-made solutions! For large companies It is also not profitable to “tinker” with the independent development of electronic signatures, since you will have to hire new employees in the IT department. And in the article