Get a personal digital signature. Help setting up your workplace. document on the appointment of a manager

IN multifunctional centers, starting from 2017, you can obtain an electronic (digital) signature key, issue EDS for physical It is easy for a person to go to the MFC; the process does not require much time or money.

Since April 6, 2011, it has been valid throughout Russia the federal law No. 63 Federal Law, regulating the creation and use of such signatures.

It replaced the no longer valid No. 1-FZ. Many people are interested in why an electronic signature is needed and what advantages it provides.

In this review, we will talk about all the legal and everyday nuances associated with obtaining, using and restoring signatures.

In the era of the development of cryptography (encryption), experts created programs whose algorithms generate multi-character complex combinations. To use the system, a bunch of two keys is used - public and private.

The first user forwards to those with whom he plans to exchange confidential data. The second one is used by the owner himself. It allows you to send certificates to other people and authenticate official documents.

Both options are software products that have an expiration date. Upon completion, replacement is required. This is similar to the validity of licenses for antivirus programs, for which the period of use must be extended. This restriction ensures the safety of users.

It is so difficult and expensive to hack and tamper with a file that in the vast majority of cases, attackers simply do not have such resources.

The main scope of application is document authentication for various purposes filled out by individuals (private citizens) or legal entities (enterprises and organizations). We are talking about a complete analogue of a personal painting, which has the same legal force in any authorities.

Types of digital signatures and their differences

Let's move on to a more detailed consideration of the point about what types of electronic signatures there are and how they differ. The first option is a simple email. signature.

It can be used to work on government service websites or used for internal company affairs related to the signing of orders, resolutions, and correspondence.

The sole purpose is to confirm actual authorship. This option has no legal force at the state level.

A more advanced version, which has protection that guarantees authenticity and authorship, is called an unqualified electronic signature.

It can be used for internal and external (by mutual agreement) document flow. In the production of such software products, new generation cryptographic systems are used.

The most effective and legally recognized is a qualified signature, abbreviated as CES. With its help, you can submit tax returns, work with the Pension Fund website, and participate in auctions.

The level of protection in this case is maximum, because cryptographic systems used for keys are tested by FSB experts and certified by security authorities.

Using a qualified electronic signature, you limit access to confidential documents and receive protection against theft important information, incl. industrial espionage.

List of documents for obtaining an electronic digital signature

Some users are not aware of what documents are needed to obtain an electronic signature. The point is that ordinary people, entrepreneurs and company managers will have a different list of required papers.

In the first case, it is enough to write an application, attaching a receipt and a photocopy of your passport certified by a notary. The second one is more difficult:

  • Order on the appointment of the head of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Passport of the person submitting the application (original);
  • If a third party is submitting the application, a power of attorney in his name is required;
  • Charter of the enterprise (certified copy);
  • Statement of payment.

The registration procedure is quick. On average, production takes no more than three days from the date of application. Applications are always processed in order of priority, and this happens without any hitches.

Receipt through multifunctional centers

Often people simply do not know where the accredited service is located issuance of digital signature, and are wondering if it is possible to get electronic signature through the MFC at your place of residence.

Experts answer that such a possibility really exists. By contacting the municipal services center, any citizen or representative of a legal entity will be able to receive the keys within ten working days from the date of submission of the application. Such services have been provided since 2017.

To register, you need to make an appointment by calling the hotline 88005505030 or come to the department to pick up an electronic queue coupon.

Upon arrival, you will need to write an application according to the sample that will be given to you on the spot. You also need to have your passport and... The service is free for the public.

The procedure is extremely simple. First, you register on the website of the certification center, select a registration service, prepare the above papers, pay for the service in a convenient way (bank, terminal, Visa or MasterCard).

There are several ways to obtain an electronic signature for individuals, and they differ in purpose.

How to make an electronic signature for government services

If you need to use the capabilities of the website, work with the tax service and Rosreestr portals, you will need a qualified signature. With its help, a citizen can carry out the following operations:

  • Receive or replace a civil or TIN;
  • Request information about income, debts, fines from the tax and;
  • Receive electronically;
  • Check the account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Register or deregister in the city, carry out similar operations with the car;
  • Apply to a university in another city;
  • Conclude contracts for remote work;
  • Participate in the system electronic trading countrywide;
  • Register ;
  • Obtain a license, patent.

You can obtain this type of digital signature from certification centers. Cost – 950 rub. To do this you will need to perform the following set of steps:

  • Visit the official website of the NCC of the Russian Federation and go through a quick registration procedure;
  • IN personal account indicate where you live and where you want to receive an electronic signature;
  • Clarify for what purposes it is planned to be used;
  • Request an invoice and pay it in a convenient way;
  • Arrive at the receiving location at the specified time with the package necessary documents.

So you can easily make an individual an electronic signature for government services and other tasks related to official document flow and various registrations. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process, and it will take a little time.

Digital signature and distribution of powers

Often the signature belongs to a legal entity - more precisely, the head of a company or business owner. But at the same time, all the main “current” tasks are performed by his deputy, the head of the legal department or another official in the company.

In this case, a logical question arises - how to issue a power of attorney for the use of an electronic signature by another person? Is such a procedure possible in principle?

Yes, such a possibility is provided for and enshrined in law. In accordance with the Regulations on the use of digital signatures dated December 27, 2012, legal entities have the right to appoint authorized representatives, who, in turn, will use special digital signatures.

An application with a power of attorney is submitted to the certification center (you can download a sample here). After this, the representative will be issued certificates.

Loss of digital signature and procedures related to restoration

Your laptop was stolen or your hard drive was damaged and cannot be restored. What to do in this case, To How to restore an electronic signature in the prescribed manner? If the key is lost, it cannot be recovered. You will have to apply for a new one.

The essence is the same as during the initial appeal. There is also no difference in timing. You simply repeat the previously completed procedure. Warn everyone about such changes. Use backup storage options such as portable flash drives to avoid unnecessary hassle.

If necessary, you can use the help of specialists who will help you quickly and competently collect all the necessary documents and issue or restore an electronic digital signature in the shortest possible time.

Intensive pace of development electronic services allowed to simplify the business model legal entities and gradually came into use by individuals. Now an electronic signature is used to resolve everyday paper issues.

An electronic signature is electronic information that is attached to a document and gives it legal significance. Federal Law No. 63-FZ recognizes an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten signature on paper.

An electronic signature is a unique set of characters created using a special encryption program. It cannot be forged or hacked, which cannot be said about a signature made with one’s own hand on paper. When receiving an electronic signature, citizens undergo a mandatory identification procedure using their passport.

An electronic signature certifies the authenticity of a document, identifies its owner and guarantees the invariability of the document after it is signed.

EDS capabilities for individuals

The owner of an electronic signature receives online access to most services provided by government agencies. With an electronic signature, you can interact with them remotely. Almost any application on the state portal, for example, can be submitted by signing with an electronic signature. Electronic signature for individuals:

  • provides access to all functions of the State Services portal;
  • confirms the authorship of materials and images posted on the network;
  • makes it easier to apply to a university (especially important for non-resident applicants);
  • allows us to conclude employment contract with a remote employer;
  • simplifies the registration of real estate transactions;
  • makes it possible - many electronic platforms allow individuals to trade;

In connection with the active development of electronic services in the state, the scope of application of electronic signatures will expand.

In many Western European countries, an electronic signature is a mandatory attribute of identity verification. For example, state elections in Estonia are conducted electronically.

How to obtain an electronic signature for an individual at Infotex Internet Trust

At the accredited certification center "Infotex Internet Trust", an electronic signature is issued on a USB drive, which protects the key from unauthorized access by third parties. Only its owner who knows the PIN code can use the electronic signature.

For individuals, it provides maximum data protection and legal significance of the document. To receive it, you need to submit an online application, pay the bill, then drive up to the pickup point with identification documents. The price of an electronic signature for individuals is 950 rubles.

Our specialist will advise you on setting up your workplace and the possibilities of using an electronic signature. In case of difficulties, contact the service technical support"Infotex Internet Trust" company.

Hello, dear colleague! In this article, we will talk in detail about how to obtain an electronic signature and what is required of you for this. This is most likely not an article, but step-by-step algorithm, in which I tried to answer all the most important questions on this topic. Now I won’t tell you what a digital signature is and why it is needed. I talked about this in some detail in mine. You can go and read it, and then return to study this article. So, let's begin...

Algorithm for obtaining an electronic signature

I decided to start my article with a description of the sequence of steps that you need to complete to obtain an electronic signature.

  1. Select which electronic signature (ES) you need.
  2. Select Certification Authority (CA).
  3. Fill out and send the application to the CA.
  4. Receive an invoice and pay it.
  5. Provide all necessary documents (scans) to the CA.
  6. Come to the CA with original documents to receive an electronic signature.

Let us now take you through each step in detail.

Step 1. Selecting an electronic signature

At this stage, you must determine for what purposes and tasks you need an electronic signature. This may be the key for working with EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services); key for submitting reports to Rosalkogolregulirovanie, Rosfinmonitoring, Pension Fund, tax authorities, etc.; or a key for working on electronic platforms and participating in electronic auctions.

Step 2. Selecting a Certification Authority

The current list of Certification Centers for obtaining digital signatures is always available on the official website of the Ministry of Communications and mass communications RF - .

To do this you need to go to this site and home page in the “Important” column, find the “Accreditation of certification centers” section.

This format is opened using the program Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet editor. As of May 26, 2015, this list included 361 CAs.

One of such CAs is the Certification Center of Internet Technologies and Communications LLC.

This is the certification center that I know personally and for the quality of whose services I can vouch. Good team, excellent and high quality service, use modern technologies, as well as speed of service provision and reasonable prices.

Step 3. Filling out the application

After you have chosen a suitable CA, you need to fill out and submit an application for issuing an electronic signature. This can be done remotely - on the center’s website, or directly in the office.

In this form you need to provide your name, address Email(e-mail), contact phone number and comment: “I need an electronic signature”, and also enter the “captcha” - letter code, located to the left of the input field. After that, click on the “Leave a request for digital signature” button.

Within one hour from the moment you submit your application, the center manager will contact you to clarify details and advise you on all your questions.

Step 4. Pay the bill

I think this step will not cause you any difficulties. Pay the invoice and send the supporting document to the CA.

Step 5. Submitting documents to the CA

When submitting an application for the production of an electronic key certificate to the certification center, the applicant must provide the necessary package of documents.

Documents for obtaining digital signature

List of documents for individuals:

— application for issuance of electronic signature;

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS).

List of documents for legal entities:

— application for issuance of electronic signature;

- certificate of state registration legal entity (OGRN);

- certificate of registration with tax authority(TIN);

— an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, valid for no more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the statute of limitations for statements may differ from one CA to another.

— passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the future owner of the electronic signature (copies of the page with photo and page with registration);

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS) of the owner of the electronic signature;

If the electronic signature is prepared in the name of the head of the organization, then it is also necessary to provide a document on the appointment of the head with his signature and the seal of the organization;

If the owner of the electronic signature is not the first person, but an employee of the organization (its authorized representative), then it is necessary to provide as part of the documents a power of attorney to transfer powers to such an employee with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization;

If documents are submitted or received an electronic signature not by the owner of the digital signature himself, but by an authorized representative of a legal entity, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney to transfer functions to him with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization, as well as an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of such a representative.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs (IP):

— application for issuance of electronic signature;

— certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs;

— certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);

— an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, valid for no more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the statute of limitations for statements may differ from one CA to another.

— passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copies of the page with photo and page with registration);

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS);

If documents are submitted or received an electronic signature not by the owner of the digital signature himself, but by his authorized representative, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney certified by a notary for this representative.

If the owner of the electronic signature transfers all functions upon its receipt to his authorized representative, then the list necessary documentation also includes an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of this authorized representative.

Step 6. Obtaining electronic signature

You can receive an electronic signature at any CA issuing point convenient for you, providing the originals of all necessary documents. The originals will only be needed to verify the information and will then be returned to you.

So you and I have looked at the entire procedure for obtaining an electronic signature; as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it.

How much does an electronic signature cost?

It is quite difficult to accurately answer this question, since the cost of electronic signature depends on the following parameters:

— type and scope of application of electronic signature;

— pricing policy of the CA;

— region of issue of electronic signature.

It is also worth clearly understanding what this cost consists of:

— registration and issue of an electronic key certificate;

— granting rights to work with specialized software;

— issuance of software necessary to work with electronic signatures;

— transfer of the electronic signature carrier protection key;

- technical support.

Price range for issuing an electronic signature for participation in electronic trading fluctuates between 5-7 thousand rubles.

Electronic signature production time

The production time for the electronic signature depends entirely on you, i.e. on how quickly the necessary package of documents is prepared and transferred to the CA and payment for this service is made. Someone can receive an electronic digital signature in 1 hour, while for others it can take from several days to one week. But the average time for issuing an electronic digital signature for most CAs is 2-3 business days. The period for preparing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs to the Federal Tax Service is 5 working days. Therefore, make sure to receive it in advance.

EDS validity period

Keep in mind that the digital signature is valid for exactly 1 year. Those. The digital signature must be reissued every year. You can renew your digital signature at the same CA where you received it, or apply for issue at another CA.

What does an electronic signature look like?

Most of us are accustomed to the fact that an electronic signature looks like an ordinary flash drive. This is the so-called key carrier (ruToken or eToken). Inside, this flash drive consists of a crypto program (CryptoPro CSP), a private key and a public key. You can read about this in more detail.

Electronic signature verification

Verifying the authenticity of an electronic signature is quite simple. To do this, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions, which is described in this video tutorial:

Digital signature pin code

Key media or USB keys (eToken, ruToken, ruToken digital signature) are issued with standard passwords (PIN codes) already installed:

- For eToken this password is 1234567890;

- For ruToken And ruToken EDS this is: user – 12345678; administrator – 87654321.

After receiving this key media and installing the drivers on your computer, you can change these PIN codes.

This concludes my article. I hope I was able to answer all your questions. If not, then ask them below in the comments. Like and share information with your friends and colleagues.

P. S.: If you need an electronic signature at a great price from a trusted Certification Authority, then leave your request.

On “State Services” and how to get it - this question has plagued many users of the “Unified State Portal” since D. Medvedev announced that digital signature will be available to any citizen, and not just organizations.

The simplest services can be obtained without any confirmation - these include, for example, checking traffic police fines. However, these services make up only a small portion of the functionality of the State Services portal. To use the site to its fullest, you will definitely have to think about getting a confirmed account– and for this you need an electronic signature.

Why do you need an EDS?

Many thematic portals answer this question very vaguely or do not give an answer at all. Others mislead readers by claiming that with an electronic digital signature, a citizen will be able to receive any services at all and will not even have to leave his own home.

In fact, all services of the State Services portal are available to a citizen who has undergone full registration, regardless of whether he has a confirmation key or not. For example, the information that it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur through Gosuslugi only using an electronic digital signature is false.

Why do individuals really need an electronic signature on State Services? There are two ways to connect to the All-Russian portal: classic and electronic. Using classic way, a citizen is forced to fill out numerous forms every time he needs to use any public service. The electronic method involves the use of an electronic signature and relieves the user of regular writing.

Conclusion: by using an electronic signature, you can make the procedure for using the State Services portal simpler, but the digital signature does not provide access to any unique services. The importance of this means of confirmation for State Services, alas, is exaggerated.

Is EDS useful for other purposes?

Regardless of “Government Services”, digital signature provides holders with some advantages:

    Possibility to send applications for admission to a university. All larger number educational institutions implement similar practices. In this situation, having an electronic digital signature will provide a very tangible material benefit: parents will not have to spend money on transporting their child around cities to submit paper applications.

    Right to participate in online bidding. At such auctions, the property of bankrupt companies is usually sold at a liquidation price, which can be several times lower than the market price.

    Possibility of business cooperation via the Internet. EDS is also useful for people who, as part of their job, deal with freelancers - people who provide services through the World Wide Web. The signature will allow you to formulate an agreement on the performance of work - then cooperation will not be based on your word of honor.

How to get a signature

Given the abundance of services on the government website, users often look for ways to make an electronic signature on State Services. Unfortunately, there is no such service on the portal. There are instructions on how to obtain an electronic signature for State Services in other ways.

    Prepare your documents. An individual will need a passport and SNILS. It is also recommended to take with you a card with your email address and postal address at the place of registration. The data will be required when obtaining an electronic signature.

    Contact one of the Certification Centers or MFCs. Where can I get an electronic signature key for State Services? A win-win option is to visit one of the Rostelecom service offices. There are other options - a complete list of CAs is available on the official portal of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications ( and on the “Electronic Government” website (

Please note: a citizen should not think about how to obtain an electronic signature for government services for free - obtaining an electronic signature does not require money anyway. You will only have to spend money on the USB storage device - it costs about 700 rubles.

    Please make sure you require a qualified signature. There are also unqualified ones: these can be created on your home computer using a special program. An unqualified confirmation instrument has no legal force. Rostelecom employees are engaged in processing only qualified signatures, however, if you prefer to contact another, smaller organization, it is still worth clarifying this point.

    Submit documents, pay the cost of the USB drive at the CA cash desk and sign the application to receive an electronic signature. Next, you just have to wait for the CA employees to complete the work. Most likely, they will be done in about 30 minutes.

    Receive an electronic signature. The applicant is given:

    The device itself is a signed USB drive.

    Deed of transfer.

    Certificate for keys for digital signature.

    A brief user guide.

How to confirm the authenticity of an electronic signature through “State Services” and other methods

Confirmation of an electronic signature through Gosuslugi makes it possible to conclude how well the CA employees performed their work. Checking the electronic signature key certificate at Gosuslugi is carried out on this page:

Using the “Upload file” button you need to find the electronic signature certificate. Obviously, it will be stored on a removable disk (USB drive).

After entering the numbers, you need to click on the “Check” button located just below.

In much the same way as checking an electronic signature through State Services, you can use the Unified Electronic Signature Portal for confirmation.

Using the “Select” button, find the electronic signature certificate in Explorer, then check the “I am not a robot” box and click “Check Certificate”.

The results obtained using both services will be equally correct.

How to confirm your account on State Services

For citizens who do not understand how to use an electronic signature on State Services, we remind you that by filling out forms and entering personal data they can only receive standard or simplified accounts. With a simplified account “you can’t cook too much porridge” - most of services are closed.

If you do not know the status of your account, go to the “My Data” section and pay attention to this information block:

If it appears that the account is confirmed, there are no problems - all services are available. The owner of a simplified (or standard) account should think about upgrading the status of his account on State Services. This can be done either by ordering a paper letter with a personal code by mail, or by using an electronic signature.

At the account confirmation stage, the user will be given a choice:

If you have an electronic signature, you should choose the third option.

The system will ask you to connect a USB device to the device from which you access the Internet. Insert the flash drive and click "Finish".

Users who do not know how to find at least some information about electronic signatures on State Services will find this link useful Here you can get a lot of information about the use of digital signatures on the Unified State Portal.

How to use digital signature to register organizations

An electronic certificate is required to register an organization with State Services. The registration procedure itself goes like this.

    Click the “Add Organization” button in your Personal Account on the portal.

Please note: an organization account can only be created if an individual has a valid account. Therefore, if necessary, register a company with State Services CEO You must first create a regular account for yourself, then create a company account.

    Select the required section: “Individual Entity” or “Legal Entity”.

An electronic signature is not required to register an individual entrepreneur.

    By selecting the “Legal Entity” section, you will see brief instructions, which says that the key carrier must be connected to the PC at this stage. The digital signature cannot be removed until the procedure is completed.

If a legal entity cannot do without an electronic signature, then an ordinary citizen should think hard about whether he needs an electronic signature and whether the costs of acquiring it will become meaningless. The main advantage of digital signature for an individual is that you can get a confirmed account on the State Services immediately, without waiting a whole month for a letter with the necessary code to arrive in the mail. However, if time allows you to wait, why overpay?

Do you need an EDS? Do you want to know how to create an electronic signature for government services? Where and how to get it, saving time on searching for the necessary information? Read a simple and understandable description in which we will tell you how to solve these problems without making mistakes.

Note: There is an opinion that to access your personal account on the government services portal, a key (digital signature) is required. This is not entirely true. The attribute (flash drive) is necessary for legal entities, i.e. for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and others commercial organizations. Individuals only need to pass authorization. Standard registration (receiving an activation code by E-mail) expands access to services and creates a simple electronic signature.

Explanation of abbreviations in the text:

  • EDS (EDS) – Electronic Digital Signature;
  • CA – Certification Authority;
  • NEP – Unqualified Electronic Signature;
  • CEP – Qualified Electronic Signature;
  • UEC – Universal Electronic Card;
  • SNILS – pension insurance certificate (green plastic card);
  • FTS – Federal Tax Service.

Types of electronic signature

There are three types of EP. The most common one, which we often use, does not have the same levels of information protection as the other two - Enhanced. They differ in status and their scope is not the same. Let's look at their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature requires the use of a login and password. When accessing services, to confirm the operation, a one-time code may be requested, sent via CMS message or email. We often encounter such types of identification. To do this, you do not need to contact specialized centers.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature– this attribute not only identifies the sender, but also records changes to the signed document. They receive the UNP from the certification center. The scope of the NEP is limited. State and municipal documents containing secrets cannot be signed with it.
  3. Reinforced qualified electronic signature has the most high degree protection at the legislative level. Electronic documents are equivalent to paper documents with all the attributes of endorsement and have the same legal force. The certificate, which is issued along with the key, contains information on its verification. To carry out legally significant transactions, it is necessary to use this key (signature).

To make it easier to distinguish them from each other, let’s draw an analogy with clear paper attributes of personal identification:

  1. a simple electronic signature is equivalent to a badge, if others used the PC (phone), you are responsible for the consequences;
  2. unqualified EPit's like a pass in an organization where there is an element of trust between the parties;
  3. qualified EPpassport, gives the right to use all services, is the most significant element of personal identification in legal transactions.

Note:Decide for yourself what type of signature you need, but a qualified electronic signature covers all services provided on the Unified Portal, of which there are slightly less than a thousand. Therefore further we'll talk it is about its creation and receipt.

Where do you get an electronic signature?

To access all portal services, you must have an enhanced qualified signature. This can be done before registration or after. The second option is preferable, because you will be convinced that digital signature is really necessary for government services.

What needs to be done on the site?

  1. Obtain information about Accredited Certification Centers.
  2. Choose one available to you.
  3. Inquire about the level of service provided and prices for services.
  4. Submit your application.

Note:Some CAs offer the opportunity to undergo training on using electronic signatures, conducting tenders, working with various document extensions, etc.

On the government services portal, you can submit an application to receive an electronic signature in the center you choose. It is possible to first contact the CA and then register using your existing electronic signature (for legal entities this is a prerequisite).

Note:Regardless of the option chosenYou must obtain a qualified electronic signature from the Certification Center. Depending on the degree of secrecy of legally significant transactions, the type of digital signature is selected.

How to create an application for an electronic digital signature for government services?

Let me make a reservation right away: the process of issuing electronic signature keys to both legal entities and individuals is constantly undergoing changes. For example, the widely advertised Rostelecom CA does not work for technical reasons.

The project to obtain a key for free using UEC has been suspended. Perhaps by the time the article is published the situation will change better side. The question arises: how to create an electronic signature for government services now?

Programs required for electronic operation

For ES attributes to work, you need to install several programs. You can do this yourself. You will need a crypto provider Vipnet CSP and one of two programs for verifying the signature: CryptoARM or Vipnet CryptoFile.

CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in

If digital signature does not work in some programs, for example, Office or Banking systems, install CryptoPro EDSBrowser plugin. the possibilities for using and verifying signatures will expand. Or... For the government services website, download the plugin, which is automatically detected on the page:

Note:The key is valid for 13 months, so don’t miss out on updating your data. The flash drive is guaranteed for a yearit is also better to replace it. The CA will tell you how to do this in your personal account yourself.

How to get an electronic signature for government services for free?

It is impossible to purchase a qualified electronic signature, which requires a visit to a CA, for free. This mostly applies to legal entities. Individuals can receive broader powers by registering on the government services website using SNILS.

To understand the need for a particular account, study the information on the page

Note: When asked how to get an electronic signature for government services for free, we answer: unfortunately, not at all. You can expand your powers for free, but you have to pay for a digital signature for government services in the form of a flash drive - an electronic token. The price depends on the functionality of the key and the prices of the CA.

EDS verification for government services

To make sure that the digital signature you purchased from the CA is working, go to Check the certificate and file handling. This will not cause any difficulties - everything is simple there. As a result, you will receive electronic signature data and a message: The authenticity of the document has been confirmed.

Is the electronic signature suitable for other resources?

Unfortunately, the electronic signature key for government services will not be valid, for example, for the Federal Tax Service portal. Tax authorities need a different type of (non-) qualified signature. It must contain the TIN data, and sometimes the registered powers of the legal entity. Therefore, for different needs you need to purchase separate keys. It's inconvenient, but for now universal look no signatures were made.