Zara singer personal life latest. Singer Zara biography personal life husband nationality. Rapid career development

Zara – Russian singer, whose biography, personal life, husband and nationality are of interest to many thousands of people who are her fans. She gained her first popularity in 2010 and remains at the top of the music charts to this day.

Despite her young age and rather short musical career, Zara has already managed to receive the title of Honored Artist of Russia. And you can learn more about the biography of singer Zara, her personal life, husband and nationality from our article!

The singer was born on July 26, 1983 in St. Petersburg. Nothing promised the future popular artist such a dizzying career. After all, the girl was born in ordinary family, which has nothing to do with music, creativity and art in general. Zara's father was a scientist in the physics and mathematics field.

About the mother's profession this moment there is no information, but it is known that for a long time she was a housewife. Zarifa's family was quite large - the girl has a sister and brother (Liana and Roman). These members of her family also did not connect their lives with music and stage activities.

At the age of 7, Zarifa, like all her peers, went to school. This stage played a big role in the girl’s life. The fact is that at that time he came to the second school in the city of Otradnoye, where Zara studied. popular singer Oleg Kvash. The girl met a celebrity, after which he immediately saw musical potential in her. And he not only saw him, but also helped him open up by recording several songs with Zarifa Mgoyan.

The girl’s joy knew no bounds, because her songs together with Oleg not only greatly appealed to her, but were also well received by the public. At that time, one could often hear the songs “Today” and “Juliet’s Heart” played on the radio. They were both created with the participation of Zara and Oleg Kvasha.

A little time passed and Oleg reappeared in Zarifa’s life, helping her get on the popular musical show young talents " morning Star" There, Zara showed herself as a wonderful singer with amazing vocal abilities and even made it to the finals. A few years later there was another competition, but this time more significant and large-scale.

“Let the Children Laugh” - this name was heard by all people in one way or another connected with music. The competition for a place in this competition is enormous, but Zarifa was able to overcome it and went to film the program in the Egyptian city of Cairo. Here persistent rehearsals, natural talent and luck fulfilled their task - Zara received Grand Prize.

Carier start

Victories at the previously described competitions motivated Zara even more, and she firmly decided to become a singer. She continued to participate in major prestigious competitions, while traveling around different cities Russia.

1999 Zarifa Mgoyan is only 16 years old, and she has already recorded her first studio album. Few aspiring singers from a poor family with no connections could boast of such a result. The key song of the album is the composition “Juliet’s Heart”, the title of which was the title of Zara’s first album.

Note! Many of Zara's fans are interested in her nationality. Having studied her last name and first name, we can conclude that Zarifa has Armenian roots.

After the first recorded album, Zara felt the first signs of popularity. Naturally, Zarifa's popularity in the early 2000s does not compare with her success today, but the audience's support pushed her to create another album. She called him simply and laconically: “Zara.”

At that time, the aspiring singer graduated from school, and she was faced with the question of further education. Zara, without doubt or the slightest fear, entered the theater academy of her hometown. There, another talent of the girl was revealed: artistry. Zarifa decided to develop her abilities in this area and often played in plays in the early 2000s.

The roles in the theater were followed by the first filming. Let us immediately note that they did not bring the girl much popularity, since for the most part Zara starred in less popular films, playing minor roles. However, the actress’s film career has several interesting works, including roles in the films “Pushkin. The Last Duel" and "Favorsky".

Participation in the “Star Factory” project

In the first years of the 21st century in musical career The artist had a so-called lull caused by lack of time. After all, from that time Zara played in the theater, acted in films and received acting education. But already in 2006, Zarifa returned to her favorite musical field, taking part in the Star Factory-6 project. There the girl again surprised everyone with her amazing talent and took third place.

the achievement played a decisive role in raising the singer’s career: after entering the top three best participants The star factory drew the attention of one of the most successful sound producers, Viktor Drobysh, to her person. This cooperation became very productive for both parties to the contract: Zara gained access to many social events, was able to organize my first tour, met famous people. All this became excellent PR for her.

Zara's musical career now

Thanks to the timely and competent promotion of Viktor Drobysh and, of course, unique talent Now singer Zara is one of the most sought-after people in the world of show business. To this day, Zara continues to tour throughout the country, attracting full audiences.

Since 2009, the singer has won the prestigious Golden Gramophone music award several times. The singer is actively in contact with her fans. For example, in February 2018, on the eve of the elections, Zara visited volunteer organizations in Kaluga, Tula and a number of other cities.

Personal life, children and husband

Having examined in detail the biography and nationality of the singer Zara, we can pay deserved attention to the personal life and husband of the artist. In total, the singer was married 2 times and, unfortunately, both marriages later short term collapsed.

Zara entered into her first love union in 2004 with Sergei Matvienko, the son of the ex-governor of St. Petersburg. The young couple was so in love with each other that for the sake of the wedding, Zara accepted Orthodox faith. But imagine the surprise of the fans when they learned about the couple’s breakup just a year after the wedding. The press actively discussed the reason for the divorce, suggesting that the couple broke up due to misunderstanding. There were rumors that Sergei demanded that Zarifa quit music and leave show business, to which the girl refused.

Fact! Zara herself commented on the breakup with her boyfriend simply and briefly. The singer believes that their marriage collapsed due to yellow press, who tried to “suck” as much detail as possible from their relationship.

For the second time, Zara married the head of the Department of Health, Sergei Ivanov. By the way, before this, Sergei already had a wife and two children, whom he left behind when he went to a popular singer.

In his marriage to Zarifa, Sergei also had two sons: Daniil in 2010, Maxim in 2012. In 2016, the couple's marital union ended. The singer again did not tell the details of the breakup, only saying that the marriage collapsed due to misunderstanding.

Which will be described in this article, became popular after participating in the “Star Factory” project. This was already the sixth season of the show, where the girl took place at number three. However, she began to engage in creativity long before that.

Singer Zara: biography. Childhood

Mgoyan Zarifa Pashayevna was born (that’s exactly what it sounds like full name girls) in the middle of summer 1983 (26.07). This happened in Leningrad, even though the singer has eastern roots. The fact is that her family emigrated from Armenia.

No one could have thought that little Zarifa would build such a wonderful career. Is the daughter of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a housewife a singer? This never occurred to anyone. By the way, in the family, in addition to Zara, there is another daughter (the eldest) and a son (the youngest). They have nothing to do with art.

IN high school No. 2, in the city of Otradnoye, the girl met Oleg Kvasha, a popular musician at that time. It was he who became the “culprit” for Zara’s first songs. These were their joint compositions. Later, both "Juliet's Heart" and "Today" were quite popular.

Kvasha also had a hand in the girl’s new successes. So, Zara entered the “Morning Star” competition in 1997 and reached the finals. Then there were other competitions and festivals, including the international one - “Let the Children Laugh”, where she received the main prize. Such successes could not go unnoticed. As a result, the girl was only 16 when she released her first album, entitled “Juliet's Heart.”

Singer Zara: biography and career

The Academy of the Northern Capital accepted Zara as one of its students immediately after she said goodbye to high school. By this time the girl was already popular, but only in hometown, because she was the daughter-in-law of Governor V. Matvienko.

The twenty-first century began for the artist with participation in several performances and filming in a film called “By the Name of the Baron...”, which, unfortunately, is not very well known. Next in creative path There is some pause between the girls, after which new films with her participation appear.

However, film roles are not Zara’s main calling. Her real element is the stage and music. It is not for nothing that today Zara is a singer, whose photos on posters invariably attract the attention of millions of fans. “Star Factory” became a kind of springboard for her career. After the show appeared creative tandem: producer Viktor Drobysh and singer Zara.

The girl’s biography was then replenished with such events as the release of a new album, tours in the CIS and Russian cities. Her songs were increasingly heard on the radio and received the approval of listeners.

Now the singer can often be seen on TV as a participant in various television projects. She sings, acts in films and regularly delights fans with her appearance on the next show.

Zara (singer): children and husbands

As already mentioned, Zara was married to an entrepreneur. However, their union lasted only 1.5 years. What became unknown.

But the girl finally found hers woman's happiness. Sergei Ivanov became her second husband in 2008. By the way, the politician, in order to marry the singer, broke up with his former wife. Now the couple has two sons: Daniil and Maxim.

Description of the page: singer Zara biography personal life husband nationality from professionals for people.

Against the backdrop of monotonous pop music performers in the CIS countries, singer Zara stands out strikingly. The biography, personal life and other information about the girl did not immediately become known to the public, but her stunning voice instantly captivated not only the judges of the Star Factory-6 project, but also thousands of television viewers. At a minimum, the fact that she sings in the folk genre attracts attention, and a touch of mystery adds interest to her in the eyes of music lovers.

Zarifa Pashaevna Mgoyan - a girl with this name hides under the stage name Zara. The singer, whose biography has long been a sealed secret, during her career became an Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, actively collaborated with such a legendary composer as Viktor Drobysh and more than once participated in popular television shows. We inform everyone who is interested in how old Zara the singer is that at the moment her age is 32 years old (born in 1983, July 26), and her zodiac sign is Leo. Here are some more facts about the girl: her height is 1.65 meters and her weight is 49 kilograms.

Questions often arise about what nationality the singer Zara is. According to her own statement, she is ordinary Eastern woman, but in fact her ancestors were Yazidi Kurds. It is also known for sure that the girl has Armenian roots and professes Christianity (she accepted it before her wedding to her first husband). Who is the singer Zara, whose biography, personal life and career are filled with secrets? This article will help you find out all the key points.


The biography of singer Zara begins in the city of Leninakan in Armenia, where she was born. Subsequently, the family emigrated to Russia, settling in the city of Otradnoye, where the first school years. By the way, right here future star struck up an acquaintance with Oleg Kvasha, a musician who later helped change her life. After studying at secondary school number 2, the talented girl entered St. Petersburg gymnasium number 56 and graduated as a silver medalist.

The girl’s family has always been very close-knit and friendly, but only Zara connected her life with music and creativity. The singer, whose biography is now of interest to thousands of music lovers, was raised by a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences and a housewife. Zarifa is the second of three children - she has a brother Roman (younger) and sister Liana (elder).


Reaching the top Russian stage began with a proposal from Oleg Kvasha, which Zarifa received at the age of 12. Together the performers recorded several compositions, the most famous of which was the composition “Juliet’s Heart”. This was followed by a successful performance at the Morning Star competition, as well as the main prize at international competition young talents, held in Egypt. During this period, the first maxi-single with 4 compositions by the performer appeared on sale.

The personal life of the singer Zara, as well as her music, were of interest to a very limited number of music lovers, but gradually they began to talk about the girl in professional circles. From 1998 to 1999, she managed to win a lot of awards, including the audience award at the song festival in Sochi. At the same time, Zarifa improved her skills as an actress, graduating from the Academy in 2004 theatrical arts in St. Petersburg. Before the conquest musical Olympus there were only two years left.


The turning point in the singer’s career for the girl was her participation in the sixth season of the “Star Factory” project, where she, although she did not achieve victory, took an honorable third place, declaring herself throughout the country and establishing close communication with producer Viktor Drobysh.

Journalists began to be interested in the biography of the singer Zara and her Family status, plans for the future and views on music. After the end of the show, the girl did not miss the chance and began actively acting in television series (mainly adventure and detective series, such as “Favorsky”), as well as short films. Among other projects in which Zarifa participated:

  • show “Two Stars”;
  • project “Star Factory. Return";
  • project “Property of the Republic”;
  • contest " New star"(jury member).

In addition, the performer released several studio albums and found my musical audience.


Zarifa has two official marriages, and in both cases her life partners were wealthy men. The singer Zara's first husband is a successful entrepreneur named Sergei Matvienko, who is the son former governor St. Petersburg. This marriage did not last long - the girl lived with the entrepreneur for only a year and a half, after which the couple divorced. It should be noted that the singer Zara and her husband not only registered their marriage, but also got married, and for the sake of the ceremony, the girl agreed to accept the Orthodox faith.

Sergei also became the second husband, this time Ivanov, who holds the post of head of the Moscow Department of Health. Together, the couple is raising two sons: Daniil and Maxim (born in 2010 and 2012, respectively).

In July 2016, Zara divorced Sergei Ivanov due to loss of feelings and mutual interest, without scandals or unnecessary hype in the press. Former spouse She often sees her children, and after the divorce, the artist herself decided to cancel upcoming concerts in order to devote maximum time to her children. Zara has said more than once that family and the happiness of loved ones mean much more to her than career and fame.

One of the most beautiful and bright singers, the mysterious Zara, admitted that she was always surrounded by attention from the opposite sex. Moreover, by a strange coincidence, all the boys, boys and young people were called Sergei.

This may seem like an accident, a coincidence or a pattern of fate, but Zara became a wife twice, and both of her chosen ones bore the name Sergei.

The first husband is a mistake of Zara’s youth

Zarifa Mgoyan is the singer’s full name, was brought up in a family of ethnic Kurds in strictness and following traditions. There could be no talk of any civil marriage or relationship before the wedding. Perhaps that is why Zara got married early for the first time - at the age of 20, while a student in the acting department of the Theater Academy.

Brilliant young man son of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, Sergei proposed to the singer after a long and persistent courtship.

He did not miss a single major concert with the participation of the singer, and on the eve of the engagement, Zara let slip that she had received a bouquet of 1001 roses from a mysterious admirer named Sergei.

At that time, he served as vice president of Bank St. Petersburg. The wedding was magnificent and bright - the newlyweds arrived at the registry office in a carriage.

Zara remembers that Sergei is her first real love, she kissed Sergei for the first time, and he was her first man. For the sake of her husband, Zara converted to Orthodoxy, receiving the name Zlata in baptism.

As mentioned earlier, Zara’s nationality is Kurdish, and before meeting Sergei, the girl professed Yazidism, like her entire family. Traditional religion Kurdish people - Yezidism, associated with the cult of fire worship, did not allow young people to get married in church.

But due to the fact that at that time the girl was already baptized, Zara and Sergey wedding ceremony in the Kazan Cathedral.

Zara and Sergey Matvienko lived in a legal marriage for just over a year. The couple separated peacefully, commenting briefly on their divorce: “They didn’t get along.” It seemed to the dawn that they different cultures, education will complement each other, but it turned out the other way around.

Now ex-husband Sergei Matvienko soon married his long-time friend Yulia, whom he had met even before meeting Zara. In this marriage he had a daughter, Arina.

Long courtship and unexpected divorce

Zara was going through the divorce painfully; it even seemed to her that after her marriage to Matvienko, no one would need her. It was influenced by Eastern upbringing, in which from childhood a girl is taught that there can only be one man in her life.

At one of the parties, which Zara agreed to go to after much persuasion from her friend, Sergei Ivanov tried to court her.

At that time, he headed the Department of Pharmacy of the Moscow Government and served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pharmakon company. Zara did not react in any way to the signs of attention, which greatly upset Sergei.

“It upset me so much that I didn’t even ask for a phone number,” Sergei later admitted. He didn’t know who this girl was that he liked so much and where to look for her.

Meanwhile, Zara decided to participate in television project"Star Factory-6"", where the casting was successful. Sergei saw a mysterious stranger on the television screen and began to act.

He bought tickets for everything reporting concerts, sent huge bouquets and entire baskets of fruit to the Star House, which all the participants of the Factory were incredibly happy about.

After the end of the project, the singer’s popularity increased significantly. Sergei continued to actively seek the favor of the woman he liked, but Zara did not take reciprocal steps.

For a long time she could not recover from the failures of her first marriage, and did not let men get close to her. In addition, Sergei was married at that time and was raising two children.

Interesting notes:

Sergei sought his eastern princess for more than a year, and he managed to take this fortress. “During the time we met, he proposed to me 100 times,” recalls Zara, “and when I agreed for the 101st time, he was confused and even shed tears.”

The lovers celebrated their wedding in a luxurious restaurant on Rublyovka, among the guests were Viktor Drobysh and his wife, Angelina Vovk, Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Vinokur.

When Zara accepted Sergei’s proposal, she asked that her husband not interfere with her singing career in the future. And so it was: Zara successfully continued her path on the stage, became a laureate of the Golden Gramophone people's award five times, became People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia, received great love from the audience.

Zara's husband did not interfere with her work and actively supported the singer.

Married to Sergei Ivanov Zara had two sons: Daniil and Maxim. Zara admits that she had problems with childbearing.

She prayed a lot for God to give her children, went to the relics of her beloved Saint Xenia in St. Petersburg, flew to Jerusalem, and Zara had children.

In 2016, the marriage of Zara and Sergei Ivanov, which lasted 8 years, broke up. The singer does not like to talk about the reasons for the breakup; we only know that it was a mutual decision.

Revelation: the singer consults in everything ex-mother-in-law.

The young singer Zara, a slender girl with an oriental appearance and sad eyes, became known to Russians when she came to Star Factory-6.

Until this moment, she was known as the wife of the only son of the governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko. The wedding of Sergei and Zara was brilliant, but the marriage, unfortunately, was short-lived.

The newlyweds separated without even living for a year and a half. And we're on time frank interview couldn’t help but ask Zara about this stage of her life.

– Zara, you have never commented on your relationship with your husband and his family before. Come on, to close this topic once and for all, you will answer a few of our questions regarding the Matvienko family. As someone with experience, what advice can you give to young girls going through divorce?

- Throw yourself into work. For me, “Factory” became a rehabilitation center. Thank God I have ex-husband Our relationship remains normal, we send greetings to each other through our mutual friends.

Together with her friend Ksenia Gorbacheva (granddaughter of the first President of the USSR), Zara chooses cosmetics

– What is your relationship with your ex-mother-in-law?

– You know, Valentina Ivanovna is an amazing woman. She always supported me in everything. We have a wonderful relationship with her. When I decided to go to the “Factory”, I came to Valentina Ivanovna and asked her permission and advice. She said, "Go for it!" It's very nice that she supported me. Unlike all the other family and friends, she was the only person who gave me the go-ahead new stage in development.


– How did you first meet your ex-husband?

– We were introduced by friends at a fashion show in St. Petersburg. And then Seryozha began to attend all my concerts and look after me beautifully. Once he gave me a thousand and one roses, and my home felt like a greenhouse. When I got married, I truly loved. This was my first conscious love. I was 19 years old. I kissed Seryozha for the first time. It was all for the first time with him...

The wedding of Zara and Sergei was like a fairy tale

– When you got married, did you change your name from Zara to Zlata?

-Where did you get this from? Of course not! It was just that during the wedding ceremony in church they called me Christian name Zlata. But its given name I didn't change it!

– Is it even worth getting married early?

- Costs. Whether it works out or not, it doesn’t matter, in any case you gain experience. I realized that in marriage you need to love, feel sorry for, trust each other unconditionally, be proud of each other and encourage each other to do something. Family is a vessel filled with love, and you need to try not to spill it. Many couples, exposing their relationships to the public, I’m talking about all families, not just stars, splash out on family happiness and worsen their relationships. Family is personal. You need to live this together, without listening to anyone, anyone’s advice...


– Zara, do you remember your first love?

– My very first sympathy arose back in kindergarten. The boy's name was Vanechka, he was a whole head shorter than me, white, blue-eyed. I remember when they put him in a corner, I took a chair and sat next to him with a handkerchief in my hand. So that when he cried, you would immediately wipe away his tears. And I very often asked the teacher to forgive him and let him go.

Like many singers, Zara is partial to beautiful clothes

- You good hostess?

“I don’t like running a house, but I love cooking, and they say it turns out very well.” True, when I stand at the stove, everything comes out hot – I like to add pepper. I love a lot of greens, meat, and pita bread. I used to cook all the time, but now, unfortunately, I don’t have any time left for it. At the “Factory” it was wild for me, when the boys washed the dishes or prepared food, I always tried to do it all myself.

In the cafe, Zara and Ksenia indulge in sweets

– Zara, what are your roots? What is your nationality?

- I? (embarrassed) I'm just an oriental girl (smiles mysteriously).

– How did your family perceive your desire to appear at the Factory?

– Many relatives and friends were against this project, especially dad. He was afraid that the attention to my personal life would be too close. Therefore, I understood that if I didn’t achieve anything at the Factory, it would not only be my failure.

– When you came to the Factory, you were already an accomplished artist. Why risk the attitude of your loved ones?

– I really wanted to work with Drobysh. I sought his favor for a very long time, repeatedly approached him, ran after him, and he politely said: “Zarochka, later.” But this would not have happened later if I had not ended up at the Factory. There was no other way to get his attention. The other day I received the Pilar Award for the development of culture in Russia from the Moscow City Hall - which means I’m on the right track.


– Who is closest to you in your family?

– As a child, when they asked me: “Who do you love more – mom or dad?”, I always answered that today is dad’s day, and tomorrow is mom’s. This is now the mother for me close person. My parents worked, and when the opportunity arose, my mother became a housewife and began raising my brother and me. She Strong woman, who experienced a lot in her time. Mom buried both parents and lost her sister during the earthquake. She is very kind, humane, she is mine best friend.

Valentina Ivanovna always supported her daughter-in-law in everything

– Zara, with your strict oriental approach to modern life would you agree to explicit shooting in men's magazines?

– I understand that I am in show business. There are rules here. You can act naked, and it will be very beautiful and not vulgar, or you can be in a completely covered dress, while looking vulgar. Now I'm not ready for candid filming, but I don’t renounce them in the future. Anything is possible. I know for sure that my dad will be categorically against it. This mother is more loyal to everything that happens to me. I don’t mind that I straighten my curls in salons before every appearance. My hair is naturally curly. There was a photo shoot recently, it will go on the album. I didn't dare to show myself...

- When will yours come out? solo album?

– I plan to release it in early spring. Why so late? I'm just not used to being lazy. I'm shaking on every song. It is important for me that she moves me to tears. After all, every song of mine is lines about me, about my personal life...