How to store bread correctly: simple tips for diligent housewives. How much and how best to store bread

Until recently, I didn’t pay much attention to how bread is stored at home. I bought a loaf and let it lie wrapped in the same bag in which it was packed in the store. Then I noticed that with such storage, the loaves become stale very quickly, and mold appears on them. It happened that I baked yeast-free sourdough bread and immediately after baking I packed it in a bag. After a while, he got wet and disappeared, which I really did not like. I had to urgently learn how to properly store bread.

Interestingly, nutritionists do not recommend eating fresh buns "just out of the oven." Baking should lie down at home for a couple of days so that fermentation products evaporate from it. So, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to store bakery products, the main thing is to know where and how to store bread.

If you plan to store this product for a short time, up to a week, then it is best to keep it at room temperature. And so that it does not stale, you need to choose the appropriate packaging. The following items are best suited for this purpose.

  • Fabric made from natural materials. Our grandmothers usually wrapped the loaf in a piece of canvas or linen. At the same time, the shelf life of the product in such packaging was a week or even more. Although it was stale, however, mold never started in it, since natural fabrics perfectly pass air. In modern home conditions, instead of a piece of canvas, it is quite possible to take an ordinary cotton towel. The only condition is that it must be dry and clean, and when washing such a towel, it is advisable not to use powders and rinses with a strong smell, otherwise the food will also smell like washing powder. In addition, it is impossible to wrap white and black bread together in a cloth, because they will be saturated with each other's smells and quickly become moldy.
  • Paper bag. Concerned about the question of how to keep bread fresh, do not forget about such a versatile packaging material as paper. Bakery products can be stored at home in paper bags for a fairly long period of time. In such conditions, they even retain a crispy crust, which never happens if you keep them in plastic bags. The bag must be tightly closed during storage.
  • Polyethylene packaging. In principle, you can store bakery products in their original packaging, but you need to make sure that there are holes in it for ventilation. In a tightly closed bag, mold quickly appears on the product, because this fungus is very fond of moisture and is afraid of air circulation. Therefore, when buying a loaf in a store, be sure to make small holes in the bag where it is stored. Excess moisture will come out through them, because manufacturers, as a rule, pack still hot pastries. If you do not provide air access to it, condensation will form inside, and then mold.
  • Special bag. If you value beauty and comfort in the kitchen, special bags for long-term storage of bakery products will certainly come in handy for you. Due to the special three-layer design, the shelf life of the product in them is increased by an order of magnitude. These pouches are often sold in large supermarkets and hardware stores.
  • bread box. This is perhaps the most aesthetic way to store bakery products - in a place specially designated for them. Their shelf life is 3-5 days, but care must be taken to ensure that mold does not appear in the bread box. You can wipe it with a solution of vinegar, and then dry it well and be sure to remove the crumbs left over from previous storage. And it is best to buy a juniper or birch bread box for long-term storage - fungus and mold do not start on these tree species.
  • Dishes. Some housewives prefer to keep bread in closed enamel pans, plastic containers and other utensils. The main condition for this is sufficient, but not excessive ventilation, as well as a dry and bright storage place.

By the way: in order for bakery products to be stored longer and less moldy, you can put an apple, peeled potatoes, a piece of sugar or a handful of salt next to them. These products maintain optimal moisture for bread and are able to provide it with all the conditions for long-term storage.

How much to store?

How many days is bread stored at home? On average, its shelf life is 3-5 days, but a homemade product cooked in a bread machine can lie for a week or longer - of course, if you provide it with the right storage conditions.

Expiration dates vary for different breads. For example, unleavened sourdough bread keeps better than one made with live yeast. But homemade bread made with the addition of dry yeast lies about the same as a yeast-free product mixed with sourdough. Baking is best stored, in the dough for which not animal fats, but vegetable fats are added. So, yeast-free sourdough bread with olive oil, under suitable conditions, has a maximum shelf life of 8-10 days.

By the way, if you bake bread on your own (at least yeast-free, even yeast-free on sourdough), be sure to let it lie down for 3 hours before storage and cool well. The fact is that hot pastries are very difficult to cut, and if you immediately pack them in a bag, they will become wet.

Long term storage

If you need to store baked goods for a long time, it is best to freeze them in the freezer. Any bread is suitable for long-term storage: both purchased loaves and home-baked loaves, including yeast-free sourdough bread. The frozen product has the longest shelf life - up to six months.

Before you start freezing the loaf, cut it into pieces, wrap it in paper, thick foil or a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. At low temperatures, starch recrystallization processes cease to occur in this product - that is why it does not stale for a long time and its shelf life is much longer. And at a temperature of 0-2 ºС, such a process is just the most intensive. This explains the answer to the question why it is impossible to store bread in the refrigerator - there it becomes stale 3 times faster than at room temperature.

Now, when you want to taste fresh bread, it will be enough to get a piece from the freezer and leave it on the table for a couple of hours or defrost it in the oven or microwave. Thawed food goes stale very quickly, and you cannot re-freeze it, so take out as many pieces as you can eat at a time.

Interestingly, this technology of long-term storage of bread is successfully used in production. In order not to bother with kneading every day, large batches of bread are frozen underbaked. As needed, they are taken out of the freezer, baked a little and sent for sale.

Resuscitation of bread

That, in fact, is all that I learned about how to properly store bread so that it stays fresh for a long time. If you have not followed the loaf and it has become stale, do not rush to throw away a valuable product. There are several ways to resuscitate stale products. Of course, its taste will not be compared with fresh baking, but you can finish eating such “restored” bread without any problems.

I use the simplest method: I sprinkle a stale loaf with water and put it in the oven for 5 minutes, heated to 160 ° C. It turns out quite edible soft product.

You can also steam the bread in a water bath by placing a colander with it in a large pot of water. As soon as a bread aroma begins to emanate from this design, you can pull out the bread, it will be quite soft and pleasant to the taste.

Your brownie.

The freshness of products largely depends on the conditions of their storage, which for most are combined in observing 2 simple conditions: dryness and cold. Modern refrigerators are quite capable of providing them. It would seem that these conditions are also suitable for baking, but not always. At the same time, few people can clearly answer why it cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

3 reasons

Refrigerator storage of baked goods should be treated with caution for several reasons:

  1. It absorbs odors well, including meat and fish. It is not very tasty to seize soup with bread smelling of raw seafood.
  2. It gets stale and moldy from moisture evaporation, therefore, being hermetically sealed, it will deteriorate even in the refrigerator.
  3. Prepared with yeast. Putting baked goods too closely with other foods can ruin them.

Thus, bread can be stored in the refrigerator, but only on one shelf with the same weak or no-smelling products, or even in the freezer. At the same time, you can pack even in a bag, even in a fabric bag, the main thing is air access.

Refrigerator or bread box?

If there is a possibility of baking in the same space with a strong-smelling dish or product, bread cannot be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, it is better to take care of buying a bread box in the house. It is advisable to choose it first of all for functionality and convenience, and only then for appearance, since it must be washed / wiped at least once a week. The most practical will be metal-plastic or made of any of the materials with holes for ventilation.

In total, how much bread can be stored in the refrigerator, the same amount can be stored in the bread box. The main criterion is the access of air and the absence of strong-smelling dishes nearby. In order for the product to remain fresh longer, it is also recommended to cut it from the middle, and connect the remaining halves at the cut point, so it will not wind up.

Is it safe to store bread in the refrigerator?

Only if it has already begun to deteriorate, mold, or only recently from the oven. Some types of pastries are absolutely forbidden to be placed in refrigerators, as they may harden too much.

You should not keep it in the refrigerator: after that, it quickly becomes stale, because at a temperature of 0-2 ° C, moisture quickly evaporates from it. It is best to store bread at room temperature.

dense packing It will protect it from foreign odors and infection with mold spores.

But you should not store it in a plastic bag, as the bread quickly becomes moldy under the influence of moisture. True, you can put it in a plastic bag with holes, which will allow it not to become stale or moldy for 4-5 days. These holes can be made with a hole punch. It is undesirable to reuse such packages.

In the old days, bread was stored wrapped in linen or canvas towels. You can wrap it in linen napkin or paper bag, put in a wooden bread box.

The bread box, which can also be made of other materials (metal, plastic), must be sufficiently airtight and at the same time have little air access, otherwise the bread will “suffocate” in it. To keep it longer, put the bread box in a dry, bright place (mold forms faster in the shade), remove bread crumbs from it from time to time, and once a week rinse with a weak solution of vinegar, then dry well.

In supermarkets and household departments of shops you can buy special bags for storing bread. Such bags, which consist of three layers (the top and the lining are made of cotton fabric, and the layer between them is made of polyethylene with holes), will help keep the bread fresh longer.

Another storage method is in the refrigerator freezer. At a temperature of -18 ° C, bread can remain fresh for up to six months. It is thawed at room temperature for 2 hours. Another way is to heat the bread over low heat in the oven or at low power in the microwave. True, bread that is stored in this way quickly becomes stale after defrosting.

Little tricks:

- Do not store black and white bread side by side: it becomes moldy faster, and white bread acquires the smell of black.

- Bread will stay fresh longer if you put an apple, a slice of raw potato, a piece of sugar or a little salt next to it.

- To reduce bread crumbling, cut it with a special knife that has serrations.

- If the bread is stale, it can be refreshed - sprinkle with water and place in the oven for 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 150-160° C. After that, it will remain soft for several hours.

Do not rush to throw away stale bread! You can cook a lot of delicious dishes from it - both the simplest (toasts, sandwiches) and complex ones (cutlets, rolls, meatballs, meatballs, puddings and others to which it is added).

Not every food has a place in the refrigerator. Seven exiles from the permafrost before you.


Bread refers I'm talking about those foodstuffs that are never stored in the refrigerator. Staying in it will not prolong the life of the bread, but will only help it dry faster and absorb all the smells from there. Bread is best stored at room temperature, and even then it should not last more than four days. If the roll is large enough, and you definitely do not have time to eat it during this time, then it is better to cut off the desired piece from it, and freeze the rest.


Garlic does not tolerate cold at all. There is absolutely no need to store it in the refrigerator. He will calmly spend a couple of months in a dry place. A prerequisite is ventilation, which will keep the garlic fresh for much longer.


It is believed that all sauces and seasonings should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. However, their components such as vinegar, sugar and salt are excellent preservatives. Hot sauce doesn't need to be refrigerated either. In the pantry, he can stand for three years, therefore, he does not need low temperatures. Plus, they don't improve the taste.


It definitely doesn't belong in the fridge. The main reason is that low temperature converts potato starch into sugar. Even a temperature of +7 degrees will harm the potatoes. And cooking will not hide the change in its taste and texture. The best place to store potatoes is in a paper bag in the pantry.


The refrigerator turns tomatoes into something inedible. They deteriorate the more the longer they are stored in the cold. Of course, you can store them there, but the taste will no longer be the same as before. Tomatoes love heat, so it's best to keep them just on the table, at room temperature. However, tomatoes should be protected from direct sunlight.


Onions are best stored in nets to promote air circulation. This will keep it for a long time. In the refrigerator, in conditions of insufficient air circulation and dampness, the onion will rot very quickly. You should also know that it keeps better in the dark, because exposure to light changes its taste. However, storage near potatoes is not recommended. The gases and humidity emanating from it will make your onion rot faster at times.


Many people are convinced that the refrigerator is the best place for coffee. In fact, it doesn't belong there at all. Storage in the refrigerator will adversely affect the quality and taste of the coffee. In addition, the coffee itself, which has a strong enough smell, can change the smell and taste of other products.

Sometimes they say: "there is not even bread", implying that this product should always be in every home. And preferably fresh. How to properly store bread so that it does not get stale, moldy and retains its taste?

Method #1 for storing bread

In the old days, it was customary to wrap bread in a linen or linen towel, preferably plain, and on special occasions with a little embroidery. Our ancestors also established that if bread is wrapped in clean white paper or cloth, then drying slows down and the loaf retains its properties for up to 7 days.

Method number 2 for storing bread

It turns out that bread stales the fastest at a temperature of + 2 ° C - namely, so much on the top shelf of the refrigerator. The fact is that fresh bread has a certain moisture content (about 50% on average), and as a result of storage, moisture evaporates from it and the bread becomes stale. Moreover, the most intensive process of evaporation of moisture from bread occurs at a temperature of 0-2°C. Therefore, it is better to store bread at room temperature or in the freezer, but not in the refrigerator.

Method number 3 for storing bread

Today, many people store bread in plastic bags. But experts notice that it is undesirable to use them again! Bread is even better stored in plastic bags with holes. This allows it not to become stale and prevents the appearance of mold within 4-5 days. Holes can be made with a hole punch.

Method number 4 for storing bread

Another modern option is special bags, which are sold in supermarkets and store departments. They consist of three layers: top and lining made of cotton fabric, and between them - a layer of perforated polyethylene. Such bags allow you to keep the nutrients of bread and its freshness for a very long time.

Method number 5 for storing bread

In order to keep bread fresh for a long time, there is such an old way: you need to cut a whole loaf or loaf of bread not from the edge, but from the middle. Dividing the loaf in half, cut off the required number of slices from the middle, and fold the remaining parts tightly with slices to each other and store like that. Thus, the bread remains as if protected on both sides and does not go stale longer.

Method number 6 for storing bread

In the freezer. Georgy Dubtsov, Doctor of Science, Professor, Head. Department of Catering Technology, Moscow State University of Food Production: According to modern baking technologies all over the world, bakeries produce underbaked products: in this form, they can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. And in our country, many chain stores and eateries bake bread, deliberately undercooking it a little. It is stored in the form of a semi-finished product, and then, immediately before being sold, it is finally baked. This principle can also be applied at home. Bread can be stored in a freezer at -18°C for up to six months. Moreover, you can freeze any kind of bread: black, white, and grain. Before use, it must be heated at a low temperature in the oven. However, keep in mind that after defrosting, bread becomes stale very quickly, so it must be reheated immediately before use.

Method number 7 for storing bread

But pastries will retain their freshness for 2-3 days, if you put a raw apple in a pan with it.

Method number 8 for storing bread

Bread does not go stale so quickly if you put a piece of sugar, a small peeled potato or an apple slice in the bread box - this will remove excess moisture and maintain the humidity level at the same level.

Method number 9 for storing bread

If you have baked bread yourself, be sure to cool it completely for three hours before putting it away for storage. Chilled bread cuts better and does not crumple under the knife.

Cool the bread on a wire rack, taking it out of the mold and hiding it from drafts.

Method number 10 of storing bread

Black and white bread cannot be stored together, as mixing bread yeast leads to spoilage: the bread begins to mold. In addition, white bread in this case acquires a specific smell of black. Therefore, lay out different types of bread in paper or plastic bags.

Method number 11 of storing bread

A handful of salt placed in a tightly closed bread box will protect the bread from mold.

Method number 12 for storing bread

It is best to keep the bread in a sealed container. You can choose special bread bins for storage - for example, metal, plastic, wooden. Such containers should be sufficiently sealed and have a minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bvent holes, and they should also be in a dry, bright place so that there is no mold that quickly forms in the shade.

Method number 13 of storing bread

Bread is well stored wrapped in a linen napkin in wooden bread bins. The best of them are from juniper and birch bark. But finding a juniper bread box is not easy, and it is not cheap, although simpler options are possible using different types of wood, including in combination with juniper. Mold and fungus do not appear in bread bins from birch bark, since birch bark is an excellent antiseptic.

Method number 14 of storing bread

So that the product does not deteriorate directly in the bread box, you need to periodically wash and wipe it with an vinegar solution and dry it well. Remove crumbs at least once a week.

Method number 15 of storing bread

Don't buy extra bread.

How can you refresh stale bread. Freshness Recipes

If the bread is still stale, in no case do not throw it away! There are ways to make it not only useful, but also very tasty.

Cut into thin slices, dry and serve in the form of crackers. Store them in clean linen bags. Crackers can also be used for breading, making kissels, casseroles, kvass, or eating with broth.

If a long loaf or a loaf of stale bread is sprinkled with water and placed in the oven for 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 150-160 ° C, then the bread again acquires the properties of fresh.

Another way to freshen up stale bread is to place a smaller pot on a stand in a large pot of water. Put bread in it, cover with a lid and hold on low heat until the smell of fresh bread appears.

If the whole loaf is stale, it is necessary to cut it into pieces no more than one centimeter thick. The cut pieces should be put in a colander or sieve, they can be tied in a gauze bag, and arranged over boiling water at a height of 2-3 cm.

Hot bread does not lose its freshness for a long time if it is placed in a thermos with a wide mouth. In the same way, you can "reanimate" stale cookies, buns and any dough products.

In addition, from stale bread you can make bread - cheese - egg casserole. It is made according to the following recipe: cut the bread into small cubes. Mix butter, eggs, salt and pepper. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer or by hand. Grease the mold with oil. Put the croutons, pour the resulting egg mixture and wait 20 minutes until soaked. Sprinkle any grated cheese on top and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Bon appetit!