Where is Father Photius now? Personal life of Father Photius: how the winner of “The Voice” exists in the monastery. This will be your personal car

Hieromonk Photius - organizing the concert, ordering artists on the official website of the agency. To organize performances, tours, invitations to corporate events call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the agent of Hieromonk Photius, a priest who became famous for winning the fourth season of the musical project “The Voice”. The tenor, who before his tonsure bore the name Vitaly Mochalov, was born on November 11, 1985 in. Nizhny Novgorod Piano game and vocals, the future monk studied in the city music school

. As a child, Vitaly sang in school and church choirs and dreamed of being a professional composer.

Creative achievements At the age of 15, the guy entered the Nizhny Novgorod Music College, but studied there for only a year, as he moved to Germany with his family. While living in Kaiserslautern, Mochalov continued to study music: he sang and mastered playing the organ. At the age of 20, the young man decided to become an Orthodox priest. For this purpose, in the mid-2000s he returned to Russia. Vitaly’s place of service was St. Paphnutius Borovsky monastery

, located in the Kaluga region. After tonsure, the monastery minister was named Photius. Despite the renunciation of everything worldly, the order to study music did not disappear in the monk’s life. For some time, the priest was taught vocal skills by Viktor Tvardovsky, a Moscow teacher and soloist. opera houses . Then Photius continued to study independently, adopting unique technique former teacher

. Over time, he became the best monastery singer, and then the regent (leader) of the church choir. In September 2015, Hieromonk Photius made his first appearance on television as part of the “Voice” program. The participation of a priest in the show was controversial, but the church organization ultimately gave the go-ahead. At the blind audition, the monk performed an excerpt from the opera “Eugene Onegin” (Lensky’s aria) and ended up on the team of producer Grigory Leps. In the final of the music competition, three quarters of the TV viewers voted for Photius. Thus, the hieromonk became the winner of the “Voice-4” project. Called the result of participation positive Orthodox priest

Patriarch Kirill himself is also in the competition.

At the beginning of 2016, all finalists of the project took part in the all-Russian tour. Blessing on touring activities Photius also received. The first concert with the participation of the hieromonk took place on February 21 in Krasnodar. Now Vitaly Mochalov performs a lot, donating the proceeds for the construction of churches. More information You can learn about the work of Hieromonk Photius on his official website.


Hieromonk Photius ordering concerts, contacts, organizing performances of artists. To invite a star to a wedding, corporate party, anniversary - you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, contacts menu.

The appearance of the monk in popular TV show and his victory made a lot of noise. Even after several months, talk about this does not subside. And their “culprit” himself, Hieromonk Photius, a resident of the St. Paphnutius Borovsky Monastery, became a welcome guest on many television and radio programs. His tour schedule scheduled for several months in advance. Fans are demanding solo discs.

Photius himself frankly told us whether show business interferes with monastic vows.

A meeting was arranged at the monastery. Its almost meter-thick walls, incredible silence and flocks of pigeons hovering over the domes of the temples are peaceful.

I want to forget about everything, bowing my head in prayer.

Photius appears. The monk has a phone in his hands. The priest moves around the monastery almost without taking his eyes off his screen. Even during the interview, Photius does not part with him. First the phone is on the table. But as soon as it begins to make sounds, announcing the arrival of a message, it ends up in the hands of the monk. Sometimes the clergyman is so immersed in what is happening on the other side of the screen that he loses the thread of the conversation.

- You are quite an advanced father: you actively use social networks, constantly upload photos to Instagram.

For me, social networks are a means of communication and self-expression. There I see an indicator of my usefulness - efficiency: what people like and what they don’t like. This is a certain scale. In real time you can see the attitude towards one or another of your words.

- Are you ready to change your repertoire for the sake of the public?

Everyone has their own tastes, but there are some common trends. I listen to them. It is very important to me when enough is enough a large number of fans express their preferences. Based on this, I make some adjustments in the performance and repertoire. Mostly people love good Russian songs, urban romance with deep meaning- something you rarely hear these days. For example, songs by Eduard Khil, Mark Bernes.

- In the generally accepted view, monks are ascetics who pray day and night. Modern monk - who is he? Why did he come to the monastery?

A man goes to a monastery to find special conditions salvation, because you can be saved in the world. And your posthumous fate will depend on how you spend your life in the monastery. Of course, you need to live with dignity. The way I behave is not an example of an ideal monastic feat.

- Why?

I actively communicate with the world, but in theory, I should completely cut it off and be in a monastery physically, spiritually and mentally. Because walls won't save you. You can communicate, go online. Then what is the point of being in a monastery if you left it via the Internet and found a loophole.

-Have you found such a loophole?

It turns out, yes. I realized that this is not only a temptation for me, a temptation, but namely (sighs. - Author's note) my weakness and own wish somehow find a compromise - a synthesis of staying in the monastery and communicating with the people. Because people, as it turns out, are very interested in precisely this kind of spiritual life. Although there are radical people who believe that there should be no communication with the world. Well, let them think so, the position is more important to me - when people are drawn to monks, when you can give answers to their questions. And say this in their language, and not in the language of the patristic books. You can simply close yourself here and read only spiritual books, but you will not be understandable to young people. And since I’m young, with technical skills, I actively use this tool to show from inside the monastery that we are the same people who know how to enjoy everything. I try to spread a small message of some kindness through a social network.

- The response is important to you. And if he doesn’t exist, will you leave social networks?

Yes, I analyze what is happening there, not for the sake of vanity, not for the sake of the number of likes and reposts. I see what people like and build the content on my page accordingly.

Photo from the dressing room before the performance at the Kaluga Regional Philharmonic.

- As if teasing the audience, you often post photos from dressing rooms with various goodies - cakes and other sweets. And you don’t even hide the fact that you have a weakness for cheese.

These are not provocative photographs. People come up with stereotypes, and then they themselves cannot abandon them. They are simply annoyed, turned inside out if the monk laid out candy. They think it's bad. But they cannot explain why they find this reprehensible. I'm the same person. Therefore, I try to show that monks are people who are not alien to any worldly weaknesses: we also love to eat delicious food, but we do not cultivate gluttony or lust. I don't just show food, I show its aesthetic side. This is a kind of upbringing. I talk about my taste - it is simple, not some kind of sophisticated. Yes, cheeses are my weakness.

- Whether you wanted it or not, you became an idol for many, and the Bible says: “You shall not make for yourself an idol.”

I don't like how reverence turns into fandom. This is, of course, a problem.

Photius receives a huge number of letters and parcels from fans.

- You have a huge number of subscribers on social networks, you receive dozens of letters. What are they writing to you about?

Basically these are words of gratitude, appreciation for the fact that I appeared on television, on stage in general. They write, congratulate, ask, of course, prayer help. I perform not just as a singer, but also as a priest, which is why people are drawn to me, including as a person who understands spiritual issues and can tell me something: how to behave in a certain religious sense, how to live. An interesting situation: kind of like an artist and at the same time - like a spiritual therapist.

- Do you try to answer all letters?

I don't have time to answer yet. Frankly speaking, I don’t even have time to read them or open them, because I’m constantly traveling and doing something. Of course, I open the parcels right away, it’s interesting (smiles). And there’s some little thing, some sweets... They usually find out what I need on social networks. I once said that I was standing in the cold and I didn’t even have gloves. And people immediately start to worry and send me gloves...

The monk was sent a scarf and a volume of poetry.


Parcel from Switzerland.

- How do you feel about your popularity?

I am not flattered by the sappy comments and praise that come my way. The main thing is to see what brings people joy.

- Popularity is fleeting; in 2-3 years they may not even remember about you as a participant in the project. Are you ready for this?

So much the better - only loyal fans will remain. I was initially disadvantageous to Channel One. I can’t continue to cooperate with him, it’s all very difficult. In order for me to go on air again, I need to obtain so many permits, approve documents, sign... This is very responsible. Anything I say at First can be used against me.

- Main question, which many people ask: “Why did the monk go to the project, why does he need such wide audience, so much attention?

In fact, of course, it is not needed. It turned out she needed me. Even before participating in “The Voice,” I analyzed people’s responses to my performances. The public wanted to hear me, to receive the discs that I recorded myself. The idea arose that it would be nice to speak to the whole country so that people would hear me and somehow be happy.

- Do you think you would have become a winner without being a monk, but only thanks to your vocal abilities?

Maybe not. I am an unusual person, and the public’s attention was immediately drawn to me. Everyone at this competition shines with their vocal abilities, there are no unworthy ones - all are professionals, even those who dropped out during the first broadcasts. They're great. People vote for a whole complex - they see the image, they see the message, they see some kind of sincerity. I often hear that they voted for me not because I am an Orthodox monk, but because they were deeply touched and captivated by my performance.

- More than once in your interviews you said: if you are invited to participate in Eurovision, you are ready to give a worthy answer to Conchita Wurst. How did you hear about it? Have you seen her performance?

It's hard not to know about her. Moreover, after her victory, Eurovision is considered a hotbed of debauchery. They say it’s better not to go there at all, let alone a priest, clergyman, and even to the laity. But I have a different opinion. If there is such a platform, you need to perform on it. If people love shocking things, surprises, something unusual, we need to strike back - to show that not only depraved things can be popular, but also something pure and bright, coming from that part of our humanity that preaches only goodness and morality.

With Timur Kizyakov on the set of the program “While everyone is at home.”

- It seemed to me that you were tired of attention and fame.

I would gladly rest for a week. Constantly some calls, business, personal communication with people. I would like to somehow maintain life on social networks, respond, make some updates. A little bit of everything - and you go to bed at three o'clock in the morning. I would like everyone to forget about me.

- And even concerts don’t bring you pleasure?

At first you get pleasure, but it gets boring and burdensome very quickly. I want to bury myself somewhere. I am a person of a different temperament - I am embarrassed on stage, I don’t know how to behave correctly. I sing as I sing - that’s all. People see my kind of detachment - I seem to be singing, but I’m not with them, but as if I’m in my own world.

Television center "Ostankino". Hieromonk with Ivan Okhlobystin and Garik Sukachev.

- I know that, in addition to professional singing, you composed music before coming to the monastery. Why did you stop doing this?

It was no longer necessary, although it was not needed in the world - just a hobby. I wrote “on the table”, no one heard it. I am waiting for the moment when there will be such a turn in my destiny that I will be able to realize this ability. She is perhaps even more significant to me than her voice. Self-realization is very important for a person, especially when he feels potential in himself, but it does not bear fruit. The music I write is not that popular. It is not electronic and does not suit the tastes of the masses. And in general, now it’s difficult to occupy a niche on the Internet, there’s already so much music posted there. You just need to mind your own business, your own direction. And for me it’s film music. It is clear that as a monk I will no longer be able to write music - only if it somehow happens that they offer it.

- After winning the project, you were presented with gifts - a trip to France, a car.

I can go at any time, I just need to get a blessing. But the car has not yet left the assembly line. By the way, I passed my license the year before last; I really wanted to have a car. Maybe for me this was additional motivation to go to “The Voice”. I knew that the winner gets the car. Of course, I wasn’t saving up for a Lada; I wanted a slightly different car. Although the first car should be simpler - domestic.

- What kind of car would you like? How can a monk save up for it?

I wanted a Toyota. Yes, there’s really nothing to save up for. These are all just some kind of benefactors. A larger amount no one will give it. If you cut yourself short in some way, you won’t eat sushi or pizza one more time. So, quietly, penny by penny - and you know that you already have money for the engine.

- Aren't you afraid that fame can break you?

There is nothing positive in it, but nothing negative either. The most important thing is to justify it so that it is not empty. Achieving fame and becoming popular doesn't cost anything. In fact, a butt shown several times on television will also become popular. The most important thing is to earn this fame with dignity in order to live up to it.

Now Photius, together with other participants of “The Voice”, is preparing for a tour throughout the country. Father will give and solo concerts. So, tickets in Kaluga for his March performance are selling like hot cakes. What the monk would spend the money on, he could not say. Stating that these are not such big funds. When we approached the temple, a woman ran up to us.

- Father Photius, can I take a photo with you? When I tell my people in the village that I saw you, no one will believe it!

After the photo shoot, pilgrims literally flocked to the monk, asking for a blessing. Without looking at them, trying to make his way through the crowd, Photius complied with their request and disappeared. Obedience to the priest - singing in the choir in the choir. The rest of the time he is almost always online.

Photo: Svetlana TARASOVA and from Photius’s personal page “VKontakte”.

Monastery Choir, winner of the television show “The Voice”.

Hieromonk Photius
Vitaly Vladimirovich Mochalov
Birth name Vitaly Vladimirovich Mochalov
Date of Birth 11th of November(1985-11-11 ) (33 years)
Place of Birth
  • Bitter, RSFSR, USSR
A country USSR USSR
Russia Russia
Place of duty Pafnutyevo-Borovsky Monastery
San hieromonk
Known as singer, priest, choir director
Church ROC


Born into a non-religious family. Graduated secondary school No. 77 in Nizhny Novgorod.

At a young age, he prepared to become a musician, studied piano, sang solo at a music school and in a children's church choir. I dreamed of becoming a composer, writing music for films. At the age of 16 he interrupted his studies at music school, where he studied at the music theory department. After completing one course, in 2002 he emigrated with his whole family to Germany. Lived in Kaiserslautern. There he studied organ playing. He made money by playing the organ at Catholic and Protestant church services and participated in organ concerts.

January 2, 2011 in the church in honor of the saint righteous John Kronstadt in the city of Balabanov, Borovsky district, Kaluga region, was ordained to the rank of hierodeacon by Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsky Clement (Kapalin).

On August 24, 2012, in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of Borovsk Pafnutiev Monastery, the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Seraphim, was tonsured into a mantle with the name Photius in honor of the martyr Photius of Nicomedia.

At the first “blind” audition, he performed Lensky’s aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin”. As soon as Hieromonk Photius sang the first lines at the blind audition: “Where, where, where have you gone, the golden days of my fate?”, Grigory Leps interrupted blind audition, taking him into his team, and singer Alexander Gradsky could not resist and at the end of the performance sang part of the aria with him. He joined the team of Grigory Leps, with whom he reached the finals and won the project. The next day, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' congratulated the winner:

Congratulations to Father Photius on winning the “Voice” competition. From the very beginning, the enterprise was very controversial and even, I would like to say, dangerous for the monk. Because the stage and the monastic vocation seem to be incompatible. But the result, surprisingly, turned out to be positive - I think, both for Father Photius and for everyone who listened to him and who loved him. And therefore, congratulating Father Photius, I would like to wish him to preserve that naturalness of behavior, modesty, which is inherent in the monastic rank and by which people - both church and non-church - determine the spiritual state of the clergyman. Keep in your heart what I wish for you in the difficult time for you that comes after winning the competition. I also wish to remember that the monastic path you have chosen in its meaning and meaning exceeds the victory that you have won. After all, many voted not only for the voice, but also for the image.

In January 2016, information appeared in the media that the clergy did not give Father Photius his blessing to continue participating in festivals and concerts.

On September 22, 2016, at a meeting of abbots and abbesses in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, the acting abbot of the St. Pafnutyev Borovsky Monastery, Hieromonk Pafnuty asked Patriarch Kirill:

What to do with the resident of the monastery, the “Voice of Russia” Hieromonk Photius, who is constantly on tour, has collected a lot of capital... when one correspondent asked Father Photius the question: “Why did you start singing?” - Father Photius replied: “I became bored in the monastery.” I appeal to Your Holiness: help me, what should I do with him? After all, he not only sings, but also speaks...

To which the Patriarch replied:

Here it turned out that a very young monk acquired nationwide fame and, most importantly, popular sympathy. If there was only glory, and there was no such love from people, I would use my power and forbid him to perform. But I know how many people, through Father Photius, discover for themselves Orthodox faith.

Hieromonk Photius denied accusations that he was bored in the monastery, and he still performed monastic obediences.

Part of the funds he collects for concerts goes towards restoration or construction works in churches that need help.

Today, Hieromonk Photius is the first clergyman to become widely popular “in the world.” Glory came to Hieromonk Photius after his victory in famous project"Voice". To some extent, the clergyman became a pioneer, because the participation of the clergy in commercial musical projects seemed unthinkable to most listeners. Father Photius proved that love for God and devotion to music - quite compatible things. The monk’s songs carry beauty, peace and special warmth, and he himself serves good example for the public.

Biography of Hieromonk Photius

Father's childhood

The following facts are truly known about the life of Hieromonk Photius in childhood:

  • After completing 9 years of schooling, Vitaly decided to continue his education at a music school.
  • Studying in Russia did not last long, only one year. After that the parents young man decided to move. The choice fell on Kaiserslautern city in Germany. There Vitaly learned to play the organ.
  • During these years, the guy first began to earn money by participating in organ concerts, and also did not forget about church services.
  • In the city where Vitaly lived with his family there was an Orthodox church, which he often visited and sang in the choir, sometimes working as a sexton.
  • Photius never managed to get comfortable in a foreign country; he was always drawn to his homeland and in 2005, he returned to Russia.

Serving God, monasticism

Some time after returning to his native place, the young man visited the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra as a pilgrim.

He was in the monastery for only two weeks, but he was left with a lot of impressions. Memories from childhood returned, questions arose about my true purpose. However, at that moment, Vitaly understood that life in the monastery was very difficult and he was not yet ready for this.

Nevertheless, this time was very fruitful, he read the Gospel again, studied the lives of the saints and saw Orthodox Church in a new light.

Vitaly decided that he needed advice from another person. Schema-Archimandrite Blasius was known as a wise old man, and many religious people went to him for help. Blasius advised him to become a monk. So, Vitaly became the worshiper Photius, an inhabitant St. Pafnutev Borovsky Monastery.

The parents, of course, experienced serious distress when they learned about their son’s decision. Mother blessed Vitaly’s choice, realizing that this was not a blind dream. Although it was very difficult for her. The father tried to convince the young man, but it was impossible and he had no choice but to simply accept it.

Vitaly’s choice was absolutely conscious, following the call of his heart. It's no secret that some people go to a monastery to hide from problems and compensate for their unsettled situation. Few are capable leave worldly well-being, and devote himself to service from now on, living in a small modest cell.

Vitaly has always been very capable in music and a great future was predicted for him. Once in the monastery, he was prepared for the fact that, if necessary, he might have to give up his dream.

How many trials he had to endure as a novice! But he persevered through hard work.

In the monastery, Vitaly made a lot of efforts to make his voice sound better. After some time, he began to attend vocal classes with the honored teacher Viktor Tvardovsky. The hieromonk speaks of him with particular warmth. Then, due to lack of time, Photius practiced singing on his own, using the technique of the same Tvardovsky.

The teacher improved the vocal technique of Father Photius, his repertoire significantly expanded and enriched. The voice became well-trained and well-trained, capable of performing even complex opera roles.

With the consent of the archpriest, together with his brothers from the monastery, Father Photius participated in events, singing songs in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

Apparently, the Lord counted the young man’s talent necessary people, and all creative activity came as a matter of course, without any special ideas.

Hobbies of a priest

Father - very multifaceted and versatile developed person . He is not only a regent, but also designs a magazine for children and helps the Sunday school theater.

People around me never cease to be amazed at how such outward softness can hide such strong personality. Photius thinks a lot about others and does his best to help those who need support. It has a very purposeful character and definitely achieves what he wants.


Project "Voice"

Hieromonk Photius on social networks

Participation in “The Voice” forced the musician to create accounts in in social networks, For example: VK, Instagram, Twitter, and also has a YouTube channel. The pages are constantly updated and contain current information. True, it is not known whether Hieromonk Photius is personally involved in this. Music and creativity in contact can be published by his concert manager or fans of creativity.

On Periscope, the priest conducts broadcasts where he speaks on pressing topics, conducts video walks, talks about preparing the current dinner, or shows how he drives a car. Such activities benefit modern youth. After all, boys and girls associate the Church with something old-fashioned, and the life of a monk seems completely miserable and boring. Thanks to the priest’s activity on the Internet, young people became interested in religious topics.

Previously, people not associated with the church were even confused with the name of the rank of “hieromonk.” Some young people even added the prefix neuromon, probably confusing it with a popular group.

The monk’s subscribers note that Photius has a wonderful sense of humor and his videos are very pleasant to watch. They publish their discussions on forums, but the monk does not have a personal website.

". Four best vocalist of the fourth season they competed for the right to become the best voice in the country.

The show began with a presentation of the participants of the "Voice. Children" project. They sang a song congratulating them on the upcoming New Year. Then representatives of charitable foundations took the floor, to which all the funds raised during the audience voting went.

And then the finalists took the stage: Cannes era, Olga Zadonskaya, Mikhail Ozerov And Hieromonk Photius. All those who previously participated in the fourth season of the show came to support the participants. All finalists' performances were accompanied by a symphony orchestra.

The Era of Cannes performed first. Era performed her song together with her mentor, rapper. The enveloping jazz voice of the young Korean woman contrasted very well with the rap reading performed by Vasya Vakulenko.

The next number was presented by two blondes of the project - and Olga Zadonskaya. The performance of the song “Cuckoo” was started by the teacher, who was wearing a strict trouser suit. And Olga’s strong vocals made this well-known composition sound in a new way. The two divas incredibly emotionally presented the energy of the song to the audience. Olga Zadonskaya performed like a real fighter.

Next, he began to delight his fans unsurpassed with his ward Mikhail Ozerov. They performed the timeless song “How Young We Were.” Insightful and strong performance This duet left no heart indifferent. Alexander Borisovich seemed to be telling the story of his life, which, of course, touched the deepest strings of the soul of everyone who listened to this song.

The fourth to take the stage was the favorite of the show, Hieromonk Photius, accompanied by his mentor. Leps appeared before the audience in a bright purple jacket, which looked good against the background of the strict and ascetic cassock of his charge. The mentor was a wonderful cut for the diamond of Father Photius’s voice. And the song “Labyrinth” successfully revealed the facets of the singing priest’s talent.

The finalists performed the next four numbers solo. The Cannes era chose the song " Dark night". The performance of this composition, beloved by many, was quite unexpected. The era made the song of the war years sound modern and deep.

The audience in the hall reacted very warmly to the young performer, and the mentor handed her a huge bouquet of red roses. After the performance of his ward, Basta became a real “Santa Claus” of the “Voice” show. Polina Gagarina got the same one gorgeous bouquet, Gradsky - a T-shirt, Leps - a hat, with the image of the symbol of the coming year - a monkey.

Next, a solo was performed by the contestant, to whom all the judges turned to during the “blind auditions.” Olga Zadonskaya performed the immortal hit "I will survive". A red evening dress with a deep slit did its job, and Zadonskaya looked on stage like real star Hollywood. The performance was also worthy, Olga very organically and easily fit into the final with this song, which managed to reveal all the possibilities beautiful voice blonde singer

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity took the stage next to perform their solo numbers. Mikhail Ozerov chose the composition of the king of rock music, Elvis Presley, “Unchained Melody”. The performance was heartfelt and touched more than one woman's heart. The song became a real gift, sounded from the stage of the country's main vocal show. Alexander Borisovich was very pleased with his student.

The final number of this stage was the song in Italian “Per te” (“For you”) performed by Hieromonk Photius. Light show in the form of church stained glass windows and the voice of a man whose life was dedicated to God, left an indelible impression. Father Photius sang with all his heart, and undoubtedly managed to light the flames of faith in many hearts listening to him.

At this stage, the participants showed everything they were capable of. Each performance was truly a masterpiece. According to the terms of the show, only three contestants advanced to the next round, who got greatest number votes. And Era Cannes left the show. The young singer thanked her mentors, was touching and tender, and as a farewell song she sang No Doubt’s song “Don’t speak.”

Meanwhile, voting continued, and the participants prepared their final compositions. The only representative of the fair sex remaining in the battle, Olga Zadonskaya, sang her mentor’s song “The Performance is Over.” A full-fledged performance with the participation of ballet created the impression that the viewer was at a Zadonskaya concert. The blonde was not inferior to Polina Gagarina in performing this composition.

Mikhail Ozerov took the stage next to perform his last song. He also performed his mentor's hit song. The composition fully revealed the wide range of Mikhail’s voice. Interesting solution the number had backing vocals performed by members of Gradsky’s team. Mikhail gave 100 percent on stage. He really sang like last time, showing himself incredibly strong.

The final thing in the struggle was romance" Good night“, gentlemen,” which Father Photius sang. The hieromonk showed an example of dignity and strength in spirit on this project. The song he performed undoubtedly reminded many viewers that there are things in life that are more important than the everyday routine vanity.

According to the voting results, Olga Zadonskaya took third place. Thanking her mentor, she left the stage with tears in her eyes. And the agonizing wait before the announcement of the winner was diluted by the project mentors. During the counting of votes, each of the star teachers thanked the finalists and everyone who was involved in this grand show. The presenter deserved special praise - he was unsurpassed.

And now, the long-awaited announcement of the winner... Best voice Hieromonk Photius became the country's leader, beating Mikhail Ozerov by almost 50 percent of the votes. Mikhail, who took second place, thanked Alexander Borisovich and said goodbye to everyone. Now all attention was focused on the winner of the project. As a gift, Father Photius received a car and a certificate for recording solo album. After the congratulations, the winner, noticeably worried, very sincerely thanked all the participants in the project.

So, the country has chosen its winner! The worthy winner of the fourth season of the show “The Voice” at the end again presented all viewers with the soulful composition “Per te”. And at the end, all four finalists performed the song " Last hour December", congratulating the audience and participants of the show on the upcoming New Year.