Scenario for the reporting concert of a children's vocal group. On the wings of childhood are the angels of love. The teacher will be with her


We are pleased to welcome you in our cozy hall of the Togliattiazot Palace of Culture.

Our guys have been preparing since the fall, trying to ensure that today you get great pleasure and incredible emotions from our concert...

LEADING: And the notes sweetly intertwined,

Jazz breaks my soul

Everywhere - wherever you look -

Everything is drowning in languid blues.,

Blues notes caress

Suddenly you close your eyes,

And you see the music of beauty

They are all here for you.


2. "AFTER DARK" ( Vitaly Nesvizhsky and soloists of the ensemble ballroom dance"EMPILS" Sasha and Katya )

3. “IT’S DAWN OUTSIDE THE WINDOW”(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Anna Evshparova)

LEADING : One fate is destined for us mortals:

All of us, as we are - with glory and without glory -

Let's disappear like the grass disappears

In the fall, leaving the seeds...

And the generations that will come to replace

They will pave their own paths in the Universe.

It is not death that these generations bring us,

But our life is eternally extended.

4."MOON DANCES"(Ksenia Fedotova, Polina Lisman)


5. "CHILDHOOD"(Leonid Rodygin, Alina Filippova)

6. "SINK"(Evgenia Arefieva, Anna Romashkina, Vitaly Nesvizhsky,)

HOST: She dreamed of love, she waited

And in that dream I forgot about the present

She understood everything, but she was lying to herself.

And he remained coming as before.

How little happiness there is in this illusory love,

And you can’t add gloomy dreams.

And she dreamed at night fairy dreams,

In which he gave her fabulous roses.

4. "YOU GAVE ME ROSES"(Anna Romashkina, Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

5. "I KNOW"(Maria Artamonova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

6. "YOU ARE MY TENDERNESS"(Irina Solovyova)


KERNASOVSKAYA: Well, Dear friends, Irina brought to you a little sadness and memories of unfulfilled hopes and lost love. But this sadness, I hope, is as bright as in Pushkin’s immortal poems. And in order to somehow compensate for the sadness and melancholy that the previous performer inspired you, we invite a guest from European country, but from which one - guess for yourself.

He is in Tolyatti on an official visit at the invitation of the city club “Those over 40”. Naturally, he will sing in his own native language. And so that you can understand what this respected burgher will rumble about, I will immediately give you a line-by-line translation.

RODYGIN: Natasha, what are you saying, there should be a line-by-line translation after each line!

KERNASOVSKAYA: And we will have it right away! So, line-by-line translation : “I had a girlfriend - I loved her, she ate a piece of ... oh, sorry, I gave her a cactus for Thanksgiving that I brought from Honduras itself. But one day she sat down on him unsuccessfully.

And the more the cactus needles dug into her beautiful body, the faster her love for me disappeared from her. And here I am standing, preparing strudel with pickled onions and smoked sausages and thinking: why didn’t I bring her a wild orchid?”

7. "CACTUS"(Vitaly Nesvizhsky)


Well, dear friends, did you like our exhibit? Brutal-virtual, creative-exclusive. Many of our distinguished guests would not mind having one of these in their kitchen. Friends! Our European comrade is on this stage for a reason. He's heard a lot about our Russian women, their beauty, dedication, kindness and all those qualities that make up the impression of our country.

Naturally, he would like to have such a life partner. So, despite all the sanctions that Russian beauties have imposed on European tolerant male feminists, who hold gay pride parades and all that kind of rubbish in high esteem, we decided to meet our romantic friend halfway and help him fulfill his passionate desire to acquire a Russian soul mate. We are holding an auction and maybe among you there will be a compassionate heart that will take pity and warm the soul of this unfortunate poor fellow. Proceeds from the auction cash We will personally send Mrs. Magherini to the European Union to support real men, of whom there are practically none left in the Old Lady. Starting price …

If the auction is going slowly, cheer up the audience with the words: “Courage, gentlemen! We assure you that if the auction had been held in Europe, some cute little guy would have long ago paid a decent amount for this nice exhibit, so to speak, for internal use.”

8. "GOODBYE, MOM"(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Evgenia Evshparova)

9. "PARACHUTE"(Alina Baybekova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

10. "DUSYA-UNIT"(Svetlana Kuryatkova, Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Rustam Zagrtdinov)

11. "WHAT DID YOU MEAN"(Rustam Zagrtdinov, Vitaly Nesvizhsky)

You remember never forget

Bloody was its price

Do you remember the graying mothers

Maybe the forest knows

How many secrets does heaven have?

Maybe the river knows

How many tears are in the clouds...

16. "MAYBE THE FOREST KNOWS"(common song)

Our Magnificent has come to the end musical festival. Where not only gorgeous voices sounded, but also the beautiful souls of our soloists and musicians.

The following took part in the Spring Concert:

Zong group "Like Band":

Bass guitar – Alexey Kochergin

Drums – Sergey Goryushkin

Rhythm guitar – Rustam Zagrtdinov

Leader Guitar – Oleg Golubev


Anna Romashkina

Anna Evshparova

Vitaly Nesvizhsky

Soloists vocal studio Leonid Rodygin:

Ksenia Fedotova

Polina Lisman

Evgenia Arefieva

Maria Artamonova

Irina Solovyova

Alina Baybekova

Vitaly Dmitruk

Svetlana Kuryatkova


Spectators are invited to concert hall. The stage is not brightly lit, but enough for the audience to understand what is happening.

All the concert participants are on stage, some are communicating with each other, some are learning the text from a piece of paper, some are chanting. In short, a normal working environment, like before a rehearsal. The leader appears. After talking a little with the participants, he invites them all to come to the piano (synthesizer), and he sits down at the instrument. The chant begins on the theme “Intermezzo” by ABBA. Everyone sings very hard. Then he invites the soloists to prepare for their performances. The Like Band musicians take their places. The minute-long intro to “Nothing for Money” begins. "NOTHING FOR MONEY"(Vitaly Nesvizhsky, Rustam Zagrtdinov, Anna Evshparova)

Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!

Video “From the life of the ensemble.” The intro from “Song of the Year” plays, the presenters come out

INriding 1: Hello, dear friends!

INriding 2: Hello Center children's creativity"Childhood"

INriding 1: We were entrusted with the great honor of hosting today's concert! The presenters of today's concert are …..........

INriding 2: And …..................

INriding 1: We congratulate you sitting in this hall on the New Year! And Congratulations on the start of the main competition, the main festival, the final concert “Song of the Year 2014”!

INriding 2: Throughout 2014, hundreds of radio stations received and carefully studied thousands of your letters, telegrams, SMS, calls and emails...

INriding 1: and they did this with only one goal - to determine the best New Year's songs, to determine the most favorite performers... Do everything so that these New Year's songs are heard today here, in this hall, the Children's Creativity Center "Childhood", at the "Song of the Year 2014"!

INriding 2: Therefore, everything that you will see and hear today has been selected by you, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Well, with your help and support, we are starting!!!

INriding 2: Tell me............what do you think? What is better to sing or dance?!

Presenter 1: I can't answer your question......But I know for sure that the guys from vocal ensemble“The Firebird” manages to combine both singing and dancing!

Presenter 2: M....Interesting to see!

Presenter 1: At our “Song of the Year 2014” competition, meet the famous and beloved vocal ensemble “Firebird” with the song "Dance and Sing"

The song "Dance and Sing" is playing

Presenter 2: To congratulate and reward the participants of our competition, I invite the head of the vocal ensemble “Firebird” Elena Vladimirovna Melkozernova to the stage !

Music from the song of the year sounds, E.V. comes out.

Awards the children from the vocal ensemble "Firebird" 1st grade:



Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble “Merry Keys” has been practicing at the Children’s Children’s Center for 5 years now. They are the favorite performers of the residents of the Crimea microdistrict and school No. 63.

Presenter 2: Vocal ensemble "Merry Keys" with the song "Dedication to Friends........"

Presenter 1: And now we will check which contestants are friendly and attentive. We will ask you riddles and you will answer in unison!

1) I have gifts in my bag
Caramels, chocolates
Round dance around the Christmas tree
What kind of holiday? … ( New Year)

2) We are waiting for him today
So let's call
He brought us gifts
Come on, come on together! … (Father Frost)

3) We are so tired today
Sang songs and danced
Even though it's winter, we're hot here
And in the bag they are waiting for us... (gifts)

4) Time to light the Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
Let's shout one, two, three
Together the Christmas tree... (burn)

5) All dressed up in toys
All covered in garlands and firecrackers
Not prickly at all
Well, of course it’s... (Christmas tree)

6) We are not afraid to freeze
We dance and sing
We laugh and have fun
And we are waiting for gifts
And around the decorated Christmas tree
We dance in a circle
We are not afraid to freeze
We are celebrating... (New Year)

7) The bear has a jar of honey
The cat has mice
There are Christmas tree needles.
The Christmas tree has... (cones)

8) She is not afraid of blizzards,
She's not afraid of a blizzard
She flew to us on a broom
Evil... (Baba Yaga)

Presenter 2: Well done, you guessed everything! We deserve a musical gift from the girls from vocal ensemble "Firebird" "At my Russia". Your applause!

Presenter 1: Once again I invite Elena Vladimirovna to the stage to award the next winners in the “Song of the Year 2014” competition

E.V. comes out. music from “Song of the Year” sounds. Awards 2nd class:_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 2:.........can you hear?!

Presenter 1: What!?

Presenter 2: Is someone crying loudly?! Maybe something happened?


presenter 2: Disorder - the New Year will come soon......... It is necessary that no one cry, it’s not in vain that they say: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it! Let everyone smile and rejoice!

Presenter 2: I suggest asking her to sing for our viewers, maybe the girl will have fun?!

Presenter 1: Good idea! Princess Zabava, please come out and sing us your song!

The “Song of Princess Zabava” sounds in Spanish. Alena Sukhoi

Presenter 2: Let us thank Alena Sukhaya with thunderous applause for performing this wonderful song! And we continue the main concert of 2014 “Song of the Year”

Presenter 1: The vocal ensemble “Merry Keys” sings for you!

Song “Who else if not me” (performed by the vocal ensemble “Merry Keys”)

Presenter 2: And again we will invite to this stage the main member of the jury of our competition “Song of the Year 2014” Elena Vladimirovna.

The music “Song of the Year” sounds, E.V. comes out. awards 3rd grade_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

presenter 1: Tell me, do you already feel the new year approaching?

Leadingth 2: Eh, strange question... of course! The smell of a Christmas tree, tangerine.........

Presenter 1: A holiday is good, there is no need to go to school and study!

Presenter 2: What are you doing!? School is the same most interesting place: lessons, assignments, communication with classmates....

presenter 1: And, guys, from the vocal ensemble “Firebird” will now tell us their story........

vocal ensemble "FIREbird" "Oh, this school"....

presenter 2:........we are leaving the studio urgently

presenter 1: What happened?

Presenter 2: It was just broadcast on the radio that an invasion of flying dragons awaits us at the end of 2014......

presenter got everything mixed up! It was reported that the girls from the ensemble would now perform “Bells” with the song “Drakosha”

Song "Drakosha"

Presenter 2: At our competition today there are truly talented children and wonderful parents......

Presenter 1:.............What are you talking about?

Presenter 2: I would like to congratulate all the children and parents on the New Year somehow in a special way: for example, give them a trip to Veliky Ustyug to see Santa Claus or a trip to sunny countries...

Presenter 1: I think that the next contestant will give all the spectators such vivid emotions that no one will want to leave our hall. Meet Alena Sukhaya with the song “About Traces”

Song "About Traces"

Presenter 2: Meet Elena Vladimirovna again to award the winners of the “Song of the Year 2014” competition!

The music is playing from “Song of the Year” by E.V. awards 4th and 5th grades_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: And now we will invite you to solve deception riddles from the evil Baba Yaga:

1) I fly in a mortar,
I kidnap children
In a hut on a chicken farm
I live on my feet
Golden-haired beauty
And my name is...
Vasilisa the Wise Baba Yaga

presenter 2: IN deep forest, in the swamp
You will certainly find it.
She's not a fish, she's not a frog,
My dear friend.
Slender figure
Her name is...
Snow Maiden Kikimora
Presenter 1: There is also one in the forest
Very important gentleman.
He's all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is...
Dunno Goblin
Presenter 2: He lives in the wilderness of the forest,
Hero of my heart.
He rattles his bones
And everyone in the area is scared.
What kind of old man is this?
Well, of course,..
Piglet Koschey the Immortal

Presenter 1: Well done, have a great time and relax with the song of the vocal ensemble “Firebird” “In the grove of viburnum”.

Together: Meet!

"In the grove of viburnum"

Presenter 2: Several cool girls want to please us

from the ensemble “Firebird” with the number “Young Horse”.

The song "Young Horse" is playing

Presenter 2: Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.

Presenter 1: I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits us all like never before.

Presenter 2: Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success.

Presenter 1: Life in happiness and harmony,
We sincerely wish you

together: In the coming year!

The music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays in the background.


reporting concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”

"Let's light up the stars!" (2015)

(curtain opens)

There is a middle and 1 junior group on stage. There's a song playing1. “On the wings of our songs”

(the presenters come out from the opposite wings)

Lisa : Good afternoon, dear guests! Good spring day!

Dima: Hello, dear friends!

Lisa: We are glad to meet you, dear viewers, friendly connoisseurs of children's creativity.We are very pleased to welcome you again to the reporting concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”!

Dima: It seems that Very little time has passed since that memorable concert when you first became acquainted with the work of this wonderful group.

Lisa: But today is not just a reporting concert. Today we, our dear viewers, celebrate our first anniversary! How Time flies quickly and inexorably. And sovocal studio “Inspiration” is already 5 years old!

Dima: I would say: “Only 5 years!” After all, the team is still so young. There are so many interesting and educational things awaiting the guys ahead. From lesson to lesson, the boys and girls continuereach the heights of vocal mastery.

Lisa: M You didn’t come this way in vain,

We learn to work hard.

For so many years there are only friends around,

After all, we had to cook in the same pot.

Dima : You have reached the anniversary mark

The whole team is cheerful and brave.

Please accept congratulations soon,

Lisa : Accept your first musical gift from the youngest participants in the vocal studio.

2. “Congratulations!”(group "Barbariki") Sp. 2nd junior group

Dima : Each of us, looking into the night sky, dreams of seeing a falling star and making a cherished wish. But, as comic statistics say, 90 percent of those who see this phenomenon only have time to say: “Wow!” We can only hope that someday, looking into the starry sky, we will see not the fall, but the birth of a new star.

Lisa : As it turns out, the birth of stars is not only an astronomical phenomenon. Our vocal group is a constellation of talents of varying sizes. Some have already discovered themselves and therefore are seen and known by many, others are just beginning to open up and are so far less noticeable. Therefore, the motto of today’s concert is “Lighting up the stars!” is the motto of everything creative life team.

Dima : Stars are a symbol of success

A symbol of talent, joy, laughter.

And children, like stars, also shine!

No wonder there is such a shower of stars today!

Lisa: And the star team should certainly be congratulated by the star guests! Meet! Sleepwalkers on stage!

3. "Sleepwalkers" ( A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) Sp. 1st junior group

Dima : This spring, the Inspiration studio, together with the whole country, celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.Time is taking us further and further away from the victorious May 1945. But no matter how far the war years go into history, they will not be erased from the memory of our people.

Lisa : A bright star lit up in the sky

on that May day when Victory came.

And let the years run mercilessly.

They cannot outshine that bright ray of light.

Dima : Victory lives in everyone's heart.

Like the most joyful and bright holiday.

He will never, I believe, die.

We are all warmed by his immortality.

4. “Let's fix the world” (A. and V. Pozdnyakov, V. Belyakov) Used. E. Bondareva, I. Kuznetsov, S. Saprykin, M. Potapenko

Lisa : What could it be worse than war? And children and war are absolutely incompatible concepts.So can we sit with our hands folded and not fight for peace when the memory of the Second World War lives in us, and when shots are fired again and civilians are dying?

Dima : Of course not! Let's unite our efforts in the fight against war! Let's all vote for peace together! It's within our power.

5. “A world without war”(E. Komar) Sp. vocal studio team "Inspiration"

Dima: Everyone has their own path in life,

From birth to last days let's walk along it

“What should a person do,” thoughts come to the heart,

How to illuminate your path and the path of other people.”

Of a thousand roads we choose,

To bring joy and beauty to others.

Let the good trail of the living warm,

And we preserve the light of the soul for Great Eternity.

6.Shine ( John Ballard, Ralph Charlie and Gerard James Borg.)

Spanish Maria Potapenko, Elizaveta Bondareva

Lisa: D Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. But even with their excessive curiosity, it is not always possible to find answers to some questions. Do you know who lights up the stars in the sky?

Dima : Yeees. There are such things in the world. Try not to try, but there are some things you never manage to see...

Lisa: I know.

There's an old house on the edge,

A cheerful gnome lives in it.

During the day the gnome usually plays,

At night the stars light up.

This is nothing for him!

Dima : That's it, a gnome! What an eccentric!

We cannot count the stars in the sky...

Lisa : And the gnome has friends!

7. "Gnome" (A. Ermolov, B. Shifrin) Used. 2nd junior group

Dima : The reporting concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”, as always, takes place in the spring. Maybe because the spring play of colors, soft green first leaves, alluring primroses and the rays of such a warm and gentle sun inspire to create beauty?

Lisa : And I believe that every season can be beautiful and amazing and inspiring creative people– poets, artists, composers. So our team was born in September. Maybe this is not a coincidence?

Dima : Melody of autumn rain

Sounds like the blues... playing the saxophone.

And autumn is a blessing for me.

Even with specks in the gray sky...

8. “Autumn Blues” ( A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) Sp. Anastasia Rubtsova

Lisa: Anastasia Rubtsova! Applause for the diploma holderInternational vocal competition"Magic Range - 2015" in the city of Novocherkassk,holder of a 1st degree diplomainternational festival-competition performing arts"Golden Dolphin 2015" in Sochi!

Yes, autumn is rich in sadness.

And the sky weeps rain in sorrow.

But the warm puddles were in no hurry to be sad.

Will summer suddenly return?

We will wait!

9. “It’s raining today”(A. Ermolov, A. Bochkovskaya) Sp. middle group

Dima : So, the vocal studio “Inspiration” is 5 years old. For creative team 5 years is a period of searching for your path, your originality and uniqueness.

Lisa : Over the years, so many things have happened and we have learned a lot. Students of the studio participated in various festivals and competitions, lost and won, met and broke up, quarreled and made up, fantasized and dreamed...

Dima : It’s not harmful to dream, it’s harmful not to dream,

After all, without a dream you are gray, dull and boring...

Lisa : And there is no light in the indifferent gaze,

And the soul has no wings to fly!

10. "Dreamer"(M. Fadeev, A. Kozhikina, O. Seryabkina) Used. Yaroslav Degtyarev

Lisa : (goes to last chords, points to the girl with a broad gesture)…Yaroslava Degtyareva, winner of the Grand Prix of the International Vocal Competition “Magic Range 2015” in the city of Novocherkassk, winner of the international festival-competition of performing arts “Golden Dolphin-2015”!

Dima : We dream about the “Main Stage”:

To perform at the Big Kremlin.

Go to Eurovision

Lisa: Dreams are supposed to come true.

Just work and talent to connect...

Dima: Well, for now we'll have to use scales

Teach-teach, teach-teach...

11. “Cuckoo scales”(A. Ermolov, S. Zolotukhin) Sp. 1st junior group

Dima : Dear viewers, let me interview you. (He says, going down to the hall.) This is not your first time at a concert of the vocal studio “Inspiration”, and you know this group well. Tell me, what do you like about the work of our vocal studio?

(audience responses, briefly)

Lisa : And one more question: what would you like to wish our guys?

(answers from the audience, briefly. At the end - “True friendship!”)

Dima : Right! This is exactly what boys and girls sing about!

12. “Hey, boys and girls!”(from the repertoire of the children's vocal studio "Nuance", Gomel, Belarus, performer Diana Gromova) Spanish. middle group

Dima : Spring. And the winds suddenly died down,

and the snow turned into a stream.

She was always beautiful

open, bright and no one's.

Lisa : Oh, how many colors there are in this word

and the smell of forest flowers.

Oh, how much tenderness and affection there is in him,

so many unspoken words!

How much warmth, hope, light

and expecting miracles.

Spring is coming like a queen

like an angel sent from heaven.

On the stage - Sergey Saprykin! Laureate of the International competitions "Gukovo Art-Fest 2014" and Christmastide - 2015", diploma winner of the International festivals-competitions"Magic Range" and "Golden Dolphin"!

13. "Beauty Queen"(A. Babajanyan, A. Gorokhov) Sp. Sergey Saprykin

Dima: (addresses Lisa)- Do you know what you need to do to make your dreams come true?

Lisa: I think To make your dream come true, you can simply see a falling star and during its flight have time to make a wish.

Dima: It would be great if everyone's dreams come true! Only there may not be enough shooting stars for everyone...

Lisa : Let's chip in and buy some

Island. Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Let it become the “Island of Dreams”.

And he welcomes guests from all over the world.

Don't get lost in the thick fog -

The cry of vociferous seagulls will not allow it.

Everyone will find a friend, a girlfriend.

And it will warm the souls of others.

And then, forgetting about all the ailments,

Watching the dawn turn red,

Everyone will understand that their dream is not a ghost...

You just have to really believe in it!

14. “Island of Dreams”(A. Ermolov) Sp. E. Makarenko, M. Potapenko, A. Rubtsova, V. Petreyko

Dima : They say that the soul of every nation is in its songs. And there is also an opinion that of all the types of music ever invented by mankind, the most “groovy” are gypsy singing and rock and roll.

Lisa : Exactly! And even just songs about gypsies are always associated with unbridled fun and boundless freedom. Just imagine: the endless steppe, the endless road and the starry sky, the neighing and snoring of black horses, the crackling of a fire and the melodic voice of a young gypsy...

15. “Oh, you horses” ( Zhenya Chernovsky, 1 TV competition " morning Star", 1991) Spanish Ivan Kuznetsov

Lisa: We welcome the Grand Prix winner with thunderous applause international competition“Magic Range”, Novocherkassk -2015, 1st degree laureate of the television international festival-competition of performing arts “Golden Dolphin” (Sochi-2015)

Dima : Chopin's music is like ringing drops,

Sparkling and sparkling, it scattered in space.

And I imagine violins and pipes

In the melody of a charming waltz.

Fingers fly quickly and easily

Above the ripples of black and white keys.

And, trembling, they fly high

Soul and thoughts, but you don’t know where.

16. "Chopin" (lyrics and music by E. Khruleva) Spanish. Elizaveta Bondareva

Dima: And another applause to the winner of the international festival of youth and students “Christmas time” (Sochi - 2015), laureate of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi-2015)

Dima: Friends! And now I invite you to guess the riddle.

Kind, gray-haired,

Helps us all

Knits us socks

And sits until night

With us at the bedside,

If we are sick.

Who is she?..

That's right, “dear grandmother”! There are many grandmothers of our participants present in the hall today. They are very worried about their beloved grandchildren. Dear grandmothers, the younger group of the group is singing for you.

17. "Song about Grandma"(studio "Springs") Used. 2nd junior group

Dima : The sailors went to sea,

And brave and strong.

And they led me across the sea

The distant ships are on their way.

It's good to argue with the wave

In a storm, in a storm or in fog...

And bravely shout to the sea:

Hello, sea-ocean!

18. "Sailors" (Victoria Petrik, Eurovision 2014, Ukraine. Russian text by A. Tokarev)

Spanish middle group

Lisa : Dear friends, have you noticed that all the songs that are played in our concert are certainly about kindness and friendship, cherished dreams And fairy-tale heroes? And they are also about a beautiful country called “Childhood”.

Dima: Eh, h The older we get, the harder it is for us to return to our childhood. Do you happen to know what type of transport you can use to get there? I'll tell you! A special train is leaving right now. Let's run, maybe we'll still have time!

19. “Locomotive Bukashka”(A. Ermolov, A. Morozov) Used. 1st and 2nd junior groups

Dima : Lisa, do you know this song? I really like it! “Don’t look, don’t look around, stay yourself, stay as you are...”

Lisa : I know this song. I just won’t sing it now. Let him sing about the same thing - about his uniqueness and originality. English language Maria Potapenko!

20. "Whats_In_It_For_Me" (Amy_Diamond) Sp. Maria Potapenko

Lisa: I ask you to award your applause to the 2nd degree laureate of the international art festival “Gukovo Art Fest-2014”,international festival of youth and students "Christmas time" (Sochi - 2015), winner of the 1st degree of the television international festival-competition of performing arts "Golden Dolphin" (Sochi - 2015)

Lisa: Dim, why do you think people call childhood carefree? Do adults think that kids don’t have any worries?

Dima : That's it! Adults believe that only they are overcomevarious problems, concerns, difficulties…. All this in childhood, according to adults, simply does not exist. In the meantime, we are small children, we want to go for a walk!

21. "Little Children"(E. Krylatov, Yu. Entin) Used. middle group

Dima: 5 years of vocal creativity- this is already enough for the team to say: “We are one big family, we have traditions, achievements, plans and dreams.”And today another tradition is being born: saying goodbye to graduates... This year “Inspiration” has two graduates - Elizaveta Bondareva and Maria Potapenko. Let us greet our graduates with friendly applause! The head of the vocal studio “Inspiration” Olga Gennadievna Bondareva is also invited to the stage.

O.G.: Dear friends! Our team still has very children's anniversary. And there are already the first graduates. From the Children's Art House…….(certificates are read out)Dear girls, Masha and my daughter Lisa. You will forever remain stars of the first magnitude in the constellation of talents of the vocal studio “Inspiration”. But now you will have to shine your own light. And may the next school year be successful for you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. As a musical gift, accept a song performed by Kirill Logvinov.

22. "Eternal Love"(Denis Maidanov) Spanish Kirill Logvinov

Dima : Stars... How many times have we looked atsky and couldn’t stop looking at them! Sometimes we want to get up and take a closer look at them, but, unfortunately, this is not given to us. And then we look for the stars among us and light them.

Lisa: Listen!

After all, if the stars light up -

So does anyone need this?

This means it is necessary

So that every evening above the rooftops

Did at least one star light up?

The final 23. “Lighting up the stars”(K. Kostin, M. Liberov) Sp. vocal studio team "Inspiration"

This material will be useful for teachers of artistic and aesthetic directions; it can be used in working with children 7-15 years old. This scenario is suitable for holding a reporting concert of a vocal group at the end of the year.
Target: Demonstration creative achievements students, summing up the school year.
- identification and support of young talented performers;
- Creation festive mood for speakers and guests of the festival;
- fostering collectivism among students

Scenario creative report vocal group "CARNIVAL"

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents, guests, everyone present. Today we have a wonderful, cheerful holiday. A holiday that everyone was looking forward to: both adults and children.
A holiday of creativity, music, goodness. We are pleased to welcome you to reporting concert vocal association "Carnival".
How long have we been waiting for this day, preparing for it. After all, what is a holiday? This is a day of fun, a day of joy, this is when you can show yourself and look at others. And today on our stage are the smallest members of our team, who this year came to our team for the first time...
The younger group will perform the song “Button” for you. Greet them with thunderous applause...

Presenter 1:
So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster.
We now invite you
Gather in a circle quickly.
Hello guys!
Hello, friends!
On a spring day I'm glad
I can see you!
I am glad to welcome dear guests,
Get to know you soon!
(gets to know the guys, asks if they like visiting this group).
questions are asked to each child): For example:
How many new friends have you made?
What do you enjoy doing most in class?
What color are the walls in your hall?
What is the name of the head of the association?
What word do you say most often when you come here?
What are the names of the boys/girls in your association?
Well done boys! Thank you!

Dear guests, we have now witnessed a huge creative potential our participants.
Applause to our littlest stars!

There's a knock on the door.
Presenter 1- Who's there?
The postman Pechkin comes in (to the music of Prostokvashino).
Postman Pechkin:
It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought a parcel for your children, it is very heavy. But I won’t give it to you, because you don’t have documents.
Leading- Dear Pechkin, will you really upset the guys on this day, because they are very interested in what they were sent for the holiday.
Pechkin: Okay, maybe I’ll give the parcel back. I'll see if the kids have matured in a year or not.
Leading: Okay, and now the guys will perform a song for you, your mothers and grandmothers and for our beautiful spring, which is called “Spring”
3.(Song “Spring”)
Pechkin: Okay, okay, convinced. I don't need your documents. So I see that you can do a lot. Now I’ll bring the parcel and we’ll open it together. These are probably gifts for you (carrying a box or bag to the music).
Host: Oh! What a beauty! What a beautiful doll, very real! Let's play with her! She has instructions here. (Takes out the instructions and reads) Dear friend! We created this amazing doll especially for you.
Got it, especially for you. If you treat her well, our doll can walk, talk and sing, she brings a lot of joy. But our doll can walk, talk and sing only when asked. Let's try! Doll, go! Doll, sit! Lie! (the doll does not move from its place) The doll is defective! I'll have to take it back.
He takes the instructions and reads: It says here when it is asked, not ordered! Doll, tell us something, please!
Hello, dear guys. I'm in a very unusual mood today. Before coming here, I was worried, because I knew that something unusual would happen here today. And now I understand what you have today unusual holiday- discovery of a treasury of talents. And now, I would like to dance to a song performed by the lead singer of the vocal group Carnival Shedogubova Anastasia. Meet!
4. "WALTZ"
(The doll is dancing)

Bah! Our doll has earned!
Dear Doll and postman Pechkin! Would you like to play with the guys?
Doll with Pechkin: - We want it!

We know the fun game.
We enjoy playing
These games every time.
Let's play now!

We offer you a game called orange disco, and it is called orange because everyone invited to it must have an orange. The main rule: you can’t throw an orange on the floor. The one who does not follow this rule stops the dance and steps aside, and the one who copes with the task receives a prize! So, 10 people are invited.
GAME (another game is also possible)
1. Twist – we dance alone, holding an orange between our knees.
Rock and roll - we dance alone, holding an orange under our chin.
Macarena - we dance alone, during the dance the dancers put the orange from one hand to the other and back.
Lambada - the dance is performed by everyone together, with one hand tossing an orange from one hand to the other and back.
Sirtaki - we dance in a circle, holding an orange under the arm.
Dear Guys! You dance and play so beautifully! Pechkin and I are very glad to see you at our holiday.
Pechkin:- Yes Yes Yes..
Presenter #1:
Dear Guys! By your joyful eyes, by warm smiles and good mood We feel that you really like our extraordinary holiday. Do you agree?

There are real miracles in life: a smile, fun, something said at the right time. the right word, dream... In any fairy tale, wizards help dreams come true. And in life, only you yourself can make your dream come true.
Guys, imagine that you are participants in the Morning Star competition.
And now the dream has come true:
There's a scarlet sail on the horizon!
Believe it's a miracle sometimes
It wasn't just ghostly things that happened.
And the laureate of the International Grand Music Fest, Vladislav Senyushkin, sings for you, meet

What do we call Motherland?
The house where you and I grow,
And the birch trees along which,
Let's walk hand in hand.
What do we call Motherland?
Sun in the blue sky
And fragrant, golden
Bread for festive table.
6. “Motherland” - ensemble (senior group) Presenter No. 1(history of the team)
And now we’ll take a little rest and a few words about the history of the team
The vocal group “Carnival” has existed at the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth “Winged” since 2012.
In 2013, new faces joined our team and we all became very good friends.
For 2013-2014 academic year the team's students not only attended training sessions, but also took an active part in the events of the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth “WINGED” and events in the Zheleznodorozhny district.
Among them:
-Concert for the Day of Knowledge (Sovyonok Park),
- presentation of an honorary badge to internationalist soldiers,
- 95 years old additional education,
- New Year holidays,
- District congratulations to veterans on Defender of the Fatherland Day,
- Maslenitsa,
The team’s students also took part in various festivals and competitions:

They became:
- Laureates of the international festival Grand music fest.
- Diploma holders all-Russian competition New Stars.
- Laureates of the international correspondence video competition Zoryan Vitril.
- Laureate of the festival “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

And the permanent leader of this friendly team is Shedogubova Natalya Andreevna.
Accompanist – Nina Nikolaevna Kalashnikova
And the choreography director: Klipilina Aelita Yurievna.

And for you the soloist of the group Yulia Suslova and the junior group of the vocal group Carnival sing. They will perform a song called 7. “BABA NINA”

There is no better and sweeter Russia, and there are no better songs than ours.
How beautiful are your evenings, the forest, the sun, and the dawn!

Doll: - You know, postman Pechkin, in the Carnival vocal group there are also children who not only sing, but also play musical instruments.
POSTMAN PECHKIN: How is this? And they sing, and dance, and also play?
Can't be!

Leading: Everything is possible with us.
DOLL: Meet Ksenia Golovin. She's graduating this year music school in balalaika class and will play for us...
9. “Balalaika” - Ensemble + cf. group
My time is coming to an end. Do all the guys know who will come after me? Right. Warm things will come after me, good summer– the time of warm rains, swimming in the river, hiking in the forest, it’s time for vacation and the Soloist sings about this for you junior group, who this year became the 3rd degree laureate of the international correspondence video competition Garshina Sofia, meet:

And now the Laureate of district, city, regional, regional, all-Russian and international festivals and competitions - soloist senior group Shedogubova Anastasia.
11. “SHOV MI” Pechkin and Presenter:(needs to chat)
Leading: And now we will be transported to hot Africa...
12. “Africa” cf. + ml. gr.
13.Ha fa na na –Ensemble
Presenter: After the hot impressions, we will rest a little with a lyrical composition and for you the next song will be performed by Evgenia Andreeva
Does our graduate 15. OKSANA give you her musical gift?
POSTMAN PECHKIN: Listen, (addresses the presenter)
– I wanted to ask, I was staring at the speakers and didn’t notice yet, where did my doll go?
Host: Ha-ha-ha, yes, behind the scenes she is rehearsing moves with the girls who will now jump onto this stage along with Anastasia Shedogubova. Just support them with applause.
16. “Wild dancing” - Nastya Shedogubova
Host: Well, Pechkin, how do you like our students?
Pechkin: I liked it very much. Why was I harmful before? Because I have never seen such beauty. And now I will be kind and will definitely learn to sing and dance. Well, it's time for me. We still need to get to Prostokvashino in time. Write a note about your team.
Goodbye. Presenter #1:
On this spring day
We came here for a reason
We want to say thank you
You are our dear friends!
Dear guys, today we congratulate all members of our team and want you to always be stars in life.

And today at our concert there is the leadership of the Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth “WINGED”, They have the floor. We invite you to join us on stage: ……….
(certificates and badges are distributed to children while music is playing)
Presenter #1:
The concert is over
The meeting ended.
The hour of parting has come.
We're all a little tired
But it kept us warm
The warmth of your joyful eyes.
Presenter #1:
Dear parents! We are very glad that you put aside everything and came to us for the holiday. Every child has an inexhaustible supply of energy and this energy must be used. Your children today showed only part of their capabilities and much more is yet to come. Until new stretches!!!
17.Final song: On the road to goodness

Ekaterina Grankina
Scenario of the reporting concert of vocal and theater studios

Scenario based on fragments of a fairy tale "Visiting the Sun".

The children entered the hall.

Song fragment “If you are not very afraid of Koshchei”

Poems in a semicircle.

Child 1:

For the first time we go out stage, eyes, like suns, burn.

This concert We all waited - even the youngest of the children.

Child 2:

We all love dancing, jokes, songs! We are ready to perform all day.

Today we are very interested in how the audience will greet us?

Child 3:

So clap your hands, we will sing for you.

Such concert we'll show a good one for the first time.

Both grandmothers and mothers are worried about us.

So clap your hands, we will sing for you!


Everyone in the world has their own song.

The wind, trees and fields sing about happiness.

Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes louder, sometimes more tender.

The skillful starling and the small stream sing.

Is the blooming garden noisy, is it snowing in winter -

The singing world is beautiful, and you sing with it!

Leading: Dear parents and guests of our kindergarten! Today we have gathered with you for an unusual, magical holiday- a holiday of songs and fairy tales. Our holiday vocal- theater studio . We hope it will give you a smile, joy and good mood.

Music is playing.

Dunno (runs into stage) : Wait, wait, what about me? Am I late? Did I miss everything?

Leading: No, no, Dunno, you are not late. Say hello to your guests!

Dunno: Where are the guys? (Searching.)

Leading: Dunno, the guys are on the other side! Turn around!

Dunno: (Seeing the guests, he runs to them and greets them hand: “Hello, I’m Dunno!”, then returns to the presenter.) I'm not late! I’m also ready to perform!

Leading: Have you prepared your number, Dunno?

Dunno: Yes, I'll play on. it's like his name, bululaike. Here!

Leading: On what, on what?

Dunno: Well, on this baladaika.

Leading: Dunno, this is your BALALAYKA. What will you play?

Dunno: I don’t know, I’ll play something that will work.

Leading: Well, okay, Dunno, please play us something that works! Let's clap, friends, for our Dunno!

Dunno "plays", children laugh, Dunno is offended.

Leading: Dunno, you thought it was so easy to learn to play the balalaika. This is something you need to learn. Our guys, for example, learn performing arts , learn to sing.

Dunno: So, should you learn to sing too?

Leading: Just right! Today our guys will show what they have already learned.

Dunno: Can I listen too?

Leading: Of course you can, Dunno! I invite you to be my co-host today. Agree?

Dunno: Of course!

Leading: But before we start our concert, the guys must sing, that is, prepare their vocal apparatus, warm it up.

Dunno: Oh, this is how athletes warm up their muscles before competitions?

Leading: Absolutely right!


HOST - I know one fairy tale. My grandmother also told me what happened a long time ago scary tale! Tell her? Aren't you worried? Won't you cry? Then sit back and listen.

HOST - Once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, the sun could not come to people on earth, because a large black cloud covered the entire sky and the sun could not appear. And without the sun, what is summer? It's just cold and that's it. The chickens were the first to get bored without the sun. (line up)

Chicken #1 - Where did that sun go?

Without sunshine, without sunshine

There's no way to live

And that’s why we are with the sun

Best friends.

Chicken No. 2 The sun is hiding behind clouds:

Hides her legs, hides her arms,

Hides rays in pillows,

Hides her cheeks, hides her ears.

Hides his big head

And a golden hairstyle.

Pulled the blanket -

We felt sad without the sun.

How dark it is without the sun!

The sad window is crying.

The oak tree is crying - it is a hundred years old,

Grandmother and grandfather are crying.

Chicken #3 - Sunny, sunny.

Red seed

Come out quickly

Be kinder to us!

Your children are crying

They're jumping around the meadow,

They burn straws -

They are waiting for you to visit!

Educator: Suddenly the mother hen approached the chickens.

Chicken - Where will you find it?

Maybe only in the swamp?

Maybe in a field, maybe in a river?

Go around everything in the world

You won't find the sun

It's just a waste of time.

Chicken #1 - We'll hit the road!

Chicken No. 2 – And we’ll ask everyone we meet where the sun lives?

They walked around the circle and sat down.


The hen hugged the chickens and set off on their way to find the sun.

Educator: Before the chickens and the hen had time to leave, Magpie flies ahead.

Educator: Hello, magpie, where are you flying to?

Magpie 1 - Yes, the sun has disappeared somewhere.

He was not in the sky for three days, we are flying to look for him.

Soroka 2No sun, no sun

We're sad and dark

Magpie 3 Come quickly, sunshine.

So it will be light for everyone.

Leading:- Do you know where the sun lives?

Soroka1 - We don’t know, but the hares, maybe know: They live next door to us! Hares, where are you?

(hares come out)

Leading: Hello, bunnies, where are you going?

Hare 1: Yes, the sun has disappeared somewhere.

He was not in the sky for three days, we are racing to look for him.

Hare 2:: What then if the sun has disappeared?

How can he live without warmth? How without rays?

It just needs to be reflected

In every open soul of people

Hare 3: The sun hid behind the clouds

Your last warm ray,

It got dark outside the window,

Thunder roared,

hare: Come on, hares, don't yawn,

we'll sing songs

Everyone will have more fun here

And of course it’s warmer

A song about 3 funny bunnies.

(hares in a circle and in their places)

Leading: Before the hares had time to run into the forest, a wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Wolf: Even a wolf can’t live in the forest without the sun

But the sun has disappeared, and what should we do?

Let's all go after the sun together

Let's help each other and find the sun

Leading: In the meantime, our animals go in search of the sun, we will play with you.

A game "Looking for the Sun"

Leading: Under the bush, under the bush

Someone with a red tail.

This is a red fox -

There's a fox's house under the bush!

Fox: Hello, dear chickens, oh, I’ll eat you now. MMM, licks (looks at the chickens)

Leading: The little fox knows - fox:

All her beauty is in her fur coat.

There is no red fur coat in the forest,

There is no smarter beast in the forest

No, are you a fox, you can’t eat our chickens, they are upset today, they have lost the sun, We are all sad and cold and summer is not coming at all. Don't you know where the sun lives?

Fox: No, I don’t even know at all, maybe it’s in the forest? I'll go and have a look...

Educator: And she went from forest to forest... and suddenly in the forest she met hedgehog:

And the hedgehog sat under a beech tree and dozed:

Fox: - Hedgehog, hedgehog, don’t you know where the sun lives?

He was not in heaven for three days, was he sick?

Educator: The hedgehog thought and speaks:

Hedgehog - How not to know! I know where the sun lives. Behind the beech - big mountain. There is a big cloud on the mountain. Above the cloud is the silver moon, and then the sun is just a stone's throw away! I can show you the way.

Educator: He took the hedgehog stick, pulled his hat down and walked ahead of everyone to show the way.


Educator: They came to the top high mountain. And there the cloud clung to the top and lay there.

The fox and the hedgehog climbed onto the cloud, sat down tightly, and the cloud flew straight to visit the month. And the moon saw them and glowed with joy with a silver light.

Month number

Hedgehog - “A month, a month, my friend,

Gilded horn!

You rise in deep darkness,

Chubby, bright-eyed,

And, loving your custom,

The stars are looking at you.

Fox Moon, month help us!

Show us where the sun lives!

He was not in heaven for three days.

We miss him.

Month - I will be happy to help you and show you the way!

(children walk in a circle and stop).

Educator: The month brought them straight to the gates of the sunny house.

Month - And the house is dark, the sun is sleeping, and doesn’t want to wake up.

Leading: And so that we can wake up the sun. Let's play.

Month - Bucket Sun, Look out the window! Sunny, dress up, Red, show yourself! It's raining and raining, It's pouring down, Getting the little kids wet! Rainbow-arc, Don't let it rain! Come on sunshine - Kolokolnyshka!

Sunny - Who is screaming under the window? - Who is stopping me from sleeping?

Leading: Come out soon, sunshine, we are very sad without you, it’s dark and cold, and summer is not coming, all the animals, birds, plants and people are really waiting for you,

Sunshine - For three days the clouds hid me, for three days they obscured me, now I won’t even be able to shine...

Leading: Somehow the sun woke up-

It's time for him to wash his face

But get out of bed

It won't be resolved.

Leading: Guys. Let's help the sun wake up together. And who will tell me what we should all do in the morning? Wash and do exercises

Exercise about washing

Educator: What a great fellow you are, you helped the sun wake up and shine brightly again. All the animals and all the birds came out to bask in the sun.

1. The sun came out from behind the clouds,

extended its beam to us.

Mom touched her hand:

Here you are, sunshine!

2. The room became brighter,

It immediately became more fun.

I'll tell you without hiding -

You can't live without the sun!

3. Behind the warm spring sun

Look out quickly window

And put your palms up

To catch the rabbits basket.

Midges sleep on a blade of grass

And the snail warms its horns,

From under the leaves of a bug

Their faces are drawn to the sun.

The spider loves the sun

Worm, bug, cricket,

Flowers love the sun,

Learn to love too!

4. The Sun stretched out,

Your rays,

To my window,

On summer days.

Looks so affectionately

And, warmed by warmth,

Still doesn't go away.

Know that you like the house!

Song about friendship "If it's raining outside"

Dunno: Now I realized that I can’t do anything, and I can’t even play my badalaika, fu, balalaika, and I can’t sing, and I can’t perform.

Leading: Wait, Dunno, don’t be upset. Guys, let's teach Dunno how to perform like you and me? Dunno, then sign up for our studio and don’t miss classes, and in exactly a year you will learn everything that our children have already learned. And all the children today will receive these certificates, medals and gifts.

Dunno: Wow, great.

issuance of certificates and sweets

Dunno: Thank you for the invitation, See you again next academic year.


Well, concert over... The music suddenly stopped, but is it so? It seems that it still sounds... And it will continue to sound for a long, long time, for each of us.

And it will call to unknown distances,

Ring, sparkle like a rainbow-arc,

It’s as if they gave us a firebird

And they gave everyone drinking water.

We will wait with excitement every day,

When everyone is together the door to the land of melodies

Let's unlock it again with a treble key.