The main characters of the story The Mysterious Island of Jules Verne. Journey to the Mysterious Island of Jules Verne

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« Mysterious Island» (fr. L'Île mystérieuse listen)) is a Robinsonade novel by French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1874. Is a continuation famous works“20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and “Captain Grant's Children” are true. The book tells about the events taking place on a fictional island where Captain Nemo stopped on his submarine Nautilus. The main characters are five Americans who find themselves on a desert island in the Southern Hemisphere. In total, the novel has 62 chapters, divided into three parts (“Crash in the air”, “Abandoned”, “The Secret of the Island”).


In the United States during the Civil War, five northerners flee the besieged southern capital of Richmond in a hot air balloon. In March 1865, a terrible storm washes them ashore on an uninhabited island in the Southern Hemisphere. Each of the island's new settlers has irreplaceable talents, and under the leadership of engineer Cyrus Smith, these brave people rally and become a single team. First, using the simplest means at hand, then producing more and more in our own small factories complex subjects labor and everyday life, the settlers arrange their lives. Soon, thanks to their hard work and intelligence, the colonists no longer needed food, clothing, or warmth and comfort.

One day, returning to their home, which they called the Granite Palace, they see that monkeys are in charge inside. After a while, as if under the influence of insane fear, the monkeys begin to jump out of the windows, and someone’s hand throws out to the travelers the rope ladder that the monkeys lifted into the house. Inside, people find another monkey - an orangutan, which they keep and call Uncle Jupe. In the future, Yup becomes a friend, servant and indispensable assistant to people.

Another day, the settlers find a box on the sand containing tools, firearms, various appliances, clothing, kitchen utensils and books in English. The settlers wonder where this box could have come from. Using the map, also found in the box, they discover that next to their island, not marked on the map, is the island of Tabor. The sailor Pencroft is eager to go to him. With the help of his friends, he builds a bot, calling it "Bonaventure". When the bot is ready, everyone takes it on a test voyage around the island. During it, they find a bottle with a note saying that a shipwrecked man is waiting for rescue on Tabor Island. Pencroft, Gideon Spilett and Herbert discover Ayrton, who has lost his human appearance, and who was left on Tabor for attempting to start a mutiny on the sailing ship Duncan. However, the owner of Duncan, Edward Glenarvan, said that someday he would return for Ayrton. The colonists take him with them to Lincoln Island, where, thanks to their care and friendship, his mental health is finally restored.

Three years pass. The settlers are already harvesting rich harvests of wheat grown from a single grain discovered in Herbert’s pocket three years ago, they have built a mill, raise poultry, completely furnished their home, and made new warm clothes and blankets from mouflon wool. However, their peaceful life is overshadowed by one incident that threatens them with death. One day, looking at the sea, they see a well-equipped ship in the distance, but a black flag is flying over the ship. The ship anchors off the shore. Ayrton sneaks onto the ship under cover of darkness to conduct reconnaissance. It turns out that there are fifty pirates on the ship (some of them were part of Ayrton’s former gang) and long-range guns. Miraculously escaping them, Ayrton returns to shore and tells his friends that they need to prepare for battle. The next morning two boats descend from the ship. On the first, the settlers shoot three of them, and she returns back, but the second one lands on the shore, and the six pirates remaining on it hide in the forest. Cannons are fired from the ship, and it approaches even closer to the shore. It seems that nothing can save the handful of settlers. Suddenly huge wave rises beneath the ship and it sinks. All pirates on it die. As it turns out later, the ship was blown up by an underwater mine, and this event finally convinces the inhabitants of the island that they are not alone here.

At first they are not going to exterminate the pirates, wanting to give them the opportunity to lead a peaceful life. But it turns out that the robbers are not capable of this. They begin to loot and burn the settlers' farms. Ayrton goes to the corral to check on the animals. The pirates grab him and take him to a cave, where they torture him to get him to agree to come over to their side. Ayrton doesn't give up. His friends go to his aid, but in the corral Herbert is seriously injured. After his recovery, the settlers intend to deal the final blow to the pirates. They go to the corral, where they expect to find them, but they find Ayrton exhausted and barely alive, and nearby the corpses of robbers. Ayrton reports that he does not know how he ended up in the corral, who carried him from the cave and killed the pirates. However, he reports one sad news. Pirates steal the Bonaventure and go to sea. Not knowing how to control the ship, they crashed it on the coastal reefs, but they themselves were saved.

Meanwhile, a volcano awakens on the island, which the colonists thought was already dead. They are building a new large ship that, if necessary, could take them to the inhabited earth. One evening, as they are preparing to go to bed, the inhabitants of the Granite Palace hear a bell. The telegraph they ran from the corral to their home works. They are urgently called to the corral. There they find a note asking them to follow the additional wire. The cable leads them to a huge grotto, where, to their amazement, they see a submarine. In it they meet its owner and their patron, Captain Nemo, the Indian prince Dakkar, who fought all his life for the independence of his homeland. He, already a sixty-year-old man who buried all his comrades, is dying. Nemo gives his new friends a chest of jewelry and warns that if a volcano erupts, the island (this is its structure) will explode. He dies, the settlers batten down the hatches of the boat and lower it under the water, and they tirelessly build a new ship all day long. However, they do not have time to finish it. All living things die when the island explodes, leaving only a small reef in the ocean. Settlers who spent the night in a tent on the shore are thrown into the sea by an air wave. All of them, with the exception of Jupe, remain alive. For more than ten days they sit on the reef, almost dying of hunger and thirst and no longer hoping for anything. Suddenly they see a ship. This is Duncan. He saves everyone. As it later turns out, Captain Nemo, when the boat was still safe, sailed on it to Tabor and left a note for the rescuers, warning that Ayrton and five other castaways were waiting for help on the neighboring island.

Returning to America, friends buy jewelry with jewelry donated by Captain Nemo. large plot land and live on it the same way as they lived on Lincoln Island.


Main characters

  • Cyrus Smith ( Cyrus Smith) - a talented engineer and scientist, the soul and leader of a group of travelers.
  • Nab ( Nabuchodonosor) - ex-slave, and now the devoted servant of Cyrus Smith.
  • Gideon Spilett ( Gédéon Spilett) - a military journalist and friend of Smith, a very energetic and decisive person with a vigorous mind.
  • Bonadventure Pencroft ( Bonadventure Pencroff) - sailor, good-natured and enterprising daredevil
  • Herbert (Harbert) Brown ( Harbert Brown) - the son of the captain of the ship on which Pencroff sailed, who remained an orphan. The sailor treats him like his own son.
  • Ayrton ( Ayrton) - hero of the novel “The Children of Captain Grant”

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo invisibly helps the colonists. He saves Cyrus Smith at the very beginning of the novel, throwing up a toolbox.

When the boat was returning from Tabor Island at night during a storm, it was saved by a fire that, as those sailing on it thought, had been lit by their friends. However, it turns out that they were not involved in this. It also turns out that Ayrton did not throw the bottle with the note into the sea. The settlers cannot explain these mysterious events. They are increasingly inclined to think that besides them, on Lincoln Island, as they dubbed it, someone else lives, their mysterious benefactor, who often comes to their aid in the most difficult situations. They even undertake a search expedition in the hope of discovering his whereabouts, but the search ends in vain.

In a battle with pirates not far from the corral, Herbert is seriously wounded, and his friends remain there, unable to move back with the young man who is dying. A few days later, they nevertheless go to the Granite Palace, but as a result of the transition, Herbert develops malaria and is near death. Once again, providence intervenes in their lives and the hand of their kind, mysterious friend gives them the necessary medicine (quinine). Herbert makes a full recovery. At the end it turns out that on the island<<Линкольна>> Captain Nemo (Captain Niktko) found shelter for himself. And it also reveals what happened to Captain Nemo.




  • Mysterious island in the library of Maxim Moshkov
  • The Illustrated Jules Verne - L'Île mystérieuse - illustrations for the lifetime edition


  • Literary works alphabetically
  • Novels of Jules Verne
  • Novels of 1874
  • Novels about pirates and piracy
  • Fictional islands

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    See what “Mysterious Island” is in other dictionaries: - “MYSTERIOUS ISLAND”, USSR, Odessa Film Studio, 1941, b/w, 94 min. Adventure film . By novel of the same name Jules Verne. Cast: Alexey Krasnopolsky (see KRASNOPOLSKY Alexey Sergeevich), Pavel Kiyansky, Andrey Sova (see SOVA Andrey... ...

    Encyclopedia of Cinema MYSTERIOUS ISLAND - 1970s Stone Island with its dachas of the party economic nomenklatura, inaccessible to the eyes of mere mortals, surrounded by blank fences. Wed: CHILDREN'S ISLAND, THE PEARL OF ST. PETERSBURG, STONE NOSE, ISLAND OF DEEP FENCES...

    Petersburger's Dictionary

At the end of the Civil War between the North and the South, a group of five brave northerners decide to escape from Richmond, which was in the hands of the Confederate army, by means of a hot air balloon. Four people from this company, as a result of a storm, find themselves on some mysterious uninhabited island, while the fifth, an engineer named Cyrus Smith, ends up directly in the sea, and for several days the comrades are truly worried about Cyrus, because their intense search does not lead to anything. to what results?

Among the people marooned on the abandoned island are Gideon Spilett, a journalist by profession and Smith's close friend, a navigator named Pencroft, in whose care is the fifteen-year-old orphan Harbert Brown. Dark-skinned Neb, recently freed from slavery, is passionately devoted to his master Smith, and it is he who discovers Cyrus not far from the shore.

A friendly team led by Smith begins to settle the island and make it suitable for human existence. Men go hunting, collect various plants that can be eaten, raise domestic animals, and tirelessly perform agricultural work. All the colonists are extremely hardworking and persistent, they can endure any difficulties without complaint, and soon they no longer feel much need for anything.

At the same time, courageous Americans are very worried about what is happening in their homeland, which they were forced to leave by the will of fate. After some time, they meet orangutans on the island; the comrades decide to keep one of the monkeys, giving her the nickname Uncle Yupa, and in the future she really becomes a true friend for them.

The day comes when the settlers find a box containing tools, weapons and even books written in English language. Smith and his friends are sincerely perplexed as to how all these things could end up on a previously uninhabited island. With the help of a map, they are convinced that not far from their place of residence there is a certain island called Tabor, and the comrades decide to visit it. While sailing on a raft constructed by the islanders, they discover a bottle, inside of which there is a letter saying that a person on Tabor needs help.

In search of a resident of this island, Smith's team scatters to different corners of it, but suddenly the men hear the desperate cry of young Harbert and discover that the teenager has to fight with strange creature, initially it resembles a monkey in appearance, but then it becomes clear that in fact in front of them is a man who has reached a completely feral state.

The colonists transport the unfortunate creature to their island, surround this man with attention and care, and soon the man returns to a relatively civilized appearance. He tells his comrades that he bears the name of Ayrton; in the past he tried to commit a crime, trying to take possession of the Duncan yacht, which belonged to Lord Glenarvan, and use it for his own malicious purposes. As punishment, Ayrton was left on a desert island by Glenarvan and his companions, although the Scottish aristocrat made a firm promise to sooner or later take the offender off the island. Smith and his team members see that Ayrton truly repents of his previous actions, they accept him into their group. But the man asks for permission to live separately from the others at least for some time in order to get a little used to people again.

Soon the islanders become convinced that someone else lives on their Lincoln Island, as they conventionally call it; according to Ayrton, he did not throw a note for help into the sea. As summer approaches, the men sail again to Tabor Island and leave a message there for Lord Glenarvan that people are on the neighboring island.

The colonists have been living in their new place of residence for about three years; their farm is located in in perfect order and is truly thriving. One day they notice a large ship at sea, but a black flag is flying above it. Ayrton decides to conduct reconnaissance and finds out that this ship is a pirate, and he and his comrades will have a serious battle with the invaders.

During the battle, Smith's group manages to shoot down several enemies, but their ship is steadily approaching, and it seems to the settlers that they no longer have any hope of salvation. However, suddenly the pirate ship explodes on a mine, and the Americans are finally convinced that they are not the only ones on Lincoln Island.

The colonists are trying to accustom captured pirates to peaceful life, but aggressive sailors, on the contrary, are trying to destroy all the existing economy on the island. Moreover, they capture Ayrton and insist that he come over to their side, using fairly harsh methods of influence.

The former sailor does not give up, his comrades rush to his rescue, and young Harbert ends up seriously wounded. Friends fear that they will no longer be able to save him. But unexpectedly, a mysterious benefactor comes to their aid again, and the required medicine is in the hands of the settlers.

Smith and his comrades intend to finally deal with the pirates, but in the right place They find only Ayrton, who almost lost his life, who is also unable to say who destroyed the pirates and moved him to another place from the cave, where he was tortured.

The colonists decide to build their own ship that will take them home. One evening they receive a request by telegraph, carried out by themselves, to come to a certain place on the island. It is there that the settlers meet their mysterious assistant, nicknamed Captain Nemo. In reality, this man is Prince Dakkar of India, who previously fought for the independence of his country. Now all his comrades have already passed away, and Captain Nemo himself is also dying.

The inhabitants of the island receive from his hands a box with real jewelry, and before his death the old man warns them about the imminent explosion of a nearby volcano. Smith and his friends, after Nemo's death, tirelessly create a ship for themselves, but they do not have time to complete the work.

The explosion does occur, and the men end up on a nearby reef, with virtually nothing left of their island. For ten days they dream of the arrival of help, but they realize that they have virtually nothing to hope for. But suddenly Lord Glenarvan's yacht, the Duncan, appears next to them, and on this ship everyone returns to the United States.

Thanks to Captain Nemo's treasure, the former islanders acquire a large plot of land. After this, they again begin to develop the economy, without fear of any difficulties.

Few people in fiction have managed to make science into a kind of basis for a monumental work that is dedicated to the study of the Universe, the Earth, as well as upcoming discoveries. And yet there is an author who, thanks to the variety of details and details, the harmony of the plan and its implementation, created a single ensemble in his novels, which, even during the writer’s lifetime, became widespread throughout the world. To the globe, which made his work even more amazing. Jules Verne gave the world unusually educational and fascinating works. “The Mysterious Island” is recognized by most readers as one of his best novels, part of the “Extraordinary Journeys” series, and one of his favorite childhood books. The work can captivate even an adult reader.

And it is not surprising that the book is among the masterpieces of world adventure literature. She was published in 1874. Like other works of the writer, imbued with unusual plot and novelty, it gained incredible popularity in the world.

The book was first published in the Journal of Education and Entertainment by the publisher Etzel, who personally wrote the preface to the “new type of Robinsonade.” It is worth noting that this publication owes its popularity mainly to the publication of 30 novels written by Jules Verne. The Mysterious Island was published by Etzel in three separate books. The first part is “Mysterious Island. Crash in the Air" was published in September 1874, the second - "Abandoned" - in April 1875, and "The Secret of the Island" - in October 1875.

Already in November 1875, the first illustrated edition of the novel was published, which included 152 illustrations by Jules Fer (they were recognized by many critics as the pinnacle of his skill).

In the same year, the first translation of the novel into English appeared, very different from the original author's text. A complete translation of the book was made only in 2001. For Russian readers, “The Mysterious Island” translated by Marko Vovchok became available in 1875. Verne's other novels, which soon appeared in Russia, were met with great interest and aroused many responses in the press.

Jules Verne's book "The Mysterious Island" departed from the usual canons fiction. It is full of scientific and educational material. But these are the most interesting parts of the book, which consist in the scientific and educational load of a dynamic adventure novel, the narrative of which captivates you from the first pages. This is unusual, fascinating, bright story, which Jules Verne unfolds before the reader in magnificent scenery. “The Mysterious Island” opens up a special world with its own conventions and laws, where the heroes, who do not lose faith in the success of their enterprise, manage to go through the most severe tests. This is a kind of hymn to people abandoned on a desert island and who managed to subjugate pristine nature, a hymn to their willpower and courage.

The novel is also interesting because, being a continuation of the works “The Children of Captain Grant” and “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” it is the completion of the story of Captain Nemo and other heroes. This trilogy became the pinnacle of Jules Verne's work. The author managed to achieve the highest artistic skill in it and create the most vivid images of the characters. The idea of ​​merging the novels into a trilogy appeared at the time of writing The Mysterious Island. And readers have repeatedly turned to the author with a request to resurrect Captain Nemo and explain his secret. However, later inconsistencies with the dates in the novels emerged; they are due to the fact that the previous books in the trilogy were written earlier.

Jules Verne knew how to captivate the reader because he devoted a lot of time to research for his works. He himself traveled a lot around the world, visited England, Scotland, the United States, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, and traveled on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea, visiting Tangier, Algeria, Gibraltar, and Lisbon. Subsequently, many of his trips formed the basis of the novels in the “Extraordinary Journeys” series, including “The Mysterious Island.” Verne always tried to adhere to the facts in the details described, to be realistic, although often the logic of his novels contradicted scientific knowledge that time.

It is difficult to surprise a modern reader with any technical wonders, but the plot itself, the characters, as well as the idea of ​​the novel can captivate from the first pages even today. It’s as if you yourself are experiencing all the fantastically exciting, funny, interesting and instructive adventures that Jules Verne described. “The Mysterious Island” went through many reprints, was filmed more than once, and its individual storylines present in many modern works.

The novel can be called a real geographical encyclopedia, including other works written by Jules Verne. “The Mysterious Island,” a film made in 1902, was the first attempt to film an undoubted masterpiece of world fiction. Subsequently, the films were shot several times. The 1973 joint version of Spain, Italy and France “The Mysterious Island of Captain Nemo” is interesting. The best version Today, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, the sequel to Journey to the Center of the Earth, is considered. This is one of the best creations of the producers with a very interesting and intriguing plot.

In total, there are over 200 film adaptations of Jules Verne's works. The author’s work is of interest to producers, the plots of his books allow you to plunge headlong into the unknown world of many continents (and not only Earth), and the heroes of the books still excite the hearts of all adventure lovers, regardless of age.

The writer, who saw the revolution of 1848 and the defeat of the Paris Commune, understood that in the bourgeois world a person cannot fully demonstrate his abilities in creative work and enjoy its results - that’s why he transferred his heroes to a desert island created by his imagination, placing them in conditions of complete political freedom. Lincoln Island becomes, as it were, an allegory of the planet Earth, given into the possession of a free man. This is the utopian dream of Jules Verne, ripened under the influence of utopian socialism.

Like his predecessors, the writer is concerned with giving his charming utopia as much credibility as possible. Thus, all events are dated with extreme accuracy, starting with the disaster off the coast of the “mysterious” island and right up to the appearance of haze over the top of the volcano. Numerous landscapes depicting the rich nature of the island are realistic and closely resemble geographic and geobotanical atlases, and the detailed map of the island given in the text becomes an important means of enhancing verisimilitude. Even the fantastic, at first glance, landscape of the basalt cave where the Nautilus is locked is easily associated with the real-life Fingal Cave on the island of Staffa.

The heroes of the novel are also deeply real - not titans, but ordinary people, hardworking and decent. Cyrus Smith, whose mind is inventive and whose muscles are indefatigable, is a thinker and a practitioner, a scientist and a worker, wielding pick and hammer, as well as the most complex tools. His knowledge is great and varied. Very brave and decisive, he is also extremely precise and methodical as an organizer. " Real man", according to Pencroff, true hero labor, Smith never shifts his responsibilities onto anyone else's shoulders. In order to reveal his inner essence more deeply, the author subtly shows his delicacy towards Ayrton, to whom Smith seeks to gradually return his lost human image. His portrait is realistically accurate, external features which they talk about inner essence this lean North American with a medal profile and eyes burning with the fire of energy. He is not only smart, but also dexterous. This gives him the opportunity, in the conditions of Robinsonade, to instill in his comrades various professional skills. Kazantsev groundlessly belittles Smith, contrasting him with Captain Nemo as a brilliant scientist-creator - Cyrus Smith is precisely endowed with the qualities of a creator and inventor. In addition, Captain Nemo would not have been able to create the Nautilus if he had not ordered the necessary parts from factories in various European countries. The smart, brave, world-seasoned journalist Gideon Spilett, who is as convinced an abolitionist as S. Smith, for whom the Negro Neb is a close friend and person, does not look at all like a titan. The characterization of Spilett, given at the beginning, is revealed more than once during the course of the novel, which should be attributed to the realistic achievements of the writer, who is not content with a static statement. characteristic features characters.

The image of the experienced sailor Pencroff, a brave man, a jack of all trades, a tireless worker and, moreover, an optimistic dreamer, is realistically full-blooded. Spontaneous, like a child, he is deeply emotional and displays truly childish vanity when he is appointed captain of the bot. A passionate patriot of the island, he dreams of its future: a port with docks and berths, a network railways, about the development of mines and quarries, since I am convinced that Smith can do everything. His purely gastronomic approach to the animal world and his disappointment at the lack of tobacco among useful plants islands. He uses the choice words of the nautical vocabulary, but resorts to them only when he is too angry.

His young pupil Herbert Brown, a brave and cold-blooded teenager, is passionate about natural history. His considerable knowledge in the field of botany and zoology brings considerable benefit to the colony. Having become a skilled hunter, he and the journalist take on the delivery of food. His love for science never leaves him, that's all free time He devotes himself to his studies: he reads books from Nemo’s box and undergoes practical training under the guidance of older comrades. Smith teaches him engineering art, and the journalist - foreign languages. The problem of training the younger generation, the problem of young personnel in a utopian country, is connected with the image of Herbert, and it is no coincidence that it is to him that Smith is going to subsequently transfer control of the colony.

The most skilled chef of the colony, Negro Neb, is depicted as a clever, strong, strong, sometimes very naive person and, at the same time, extremely emotional in despair and in joy.

Ayrton, once the leader of a gang of escaped convicts Ben-Joyce, left by Glenarvan on the island of Tabor, telling his story, does not spare himself, noting that he repented of his deeds. At first he worked hard, hoping that work would correct him, but soon he began to notice with horror that, under the influence of loneliness, he was gradually losing his mind. Wild, he pounced on Herbert like an animal, and appeared to be an ape running to the rescue.

With careful strokes, the author paints how reason gradually returns to a brutal creature. The attacks of blind rage weaken, he begins to eat boiled food, and cries. Having gradually begun to take an interest in the life of the colony, Ayrton takes up work in the garden and only then agrees to settle in the corral when he reveals to the colonists the whole truth about himself. Having acquired human traits under the humane influence of the collective, he is ready to die rather than help the convicts take possession of the Granite Palace. During the final disaster, he saves the casket donated by Nemo and returns it to Smith. Deep psychological analysis The gradual restoration of a psyche traumatized by complete loneliness and the transformation of a former villain into an honest man testifies not only to the writer’s unshakable faith in man and his capabilities, but also to his great realistic skill.

Even the image of Captain Nemo loses its romantic halo to a large extent, and before us is not a mysterious avenger like Gyaur or Lara, but a talented scientist, artist, passionate patriot and fighter against the oppression of the homeland by the English invaders. Having come to the aid of the colonists more than once, he still for a long time didn’t want to meet them, although he knows that they would like it. Not the deity that simple souls were preparing to see: Neb and Pencroft, but a dying old man - this is how he appears before these courageous, kind and honest people whom I loved for their devotion common cause. The fact that, although he did not communicate with them directly, he still observed, coming to the rescue if necessary, saved him from loss human image, as happened with Ayrton. But voluntary loneliness nevertheless accelerated the end, and through the mouth of Nemo himself, the author decisively asserts that separation from human society destructive.

The Robinsonade novel “The Mysterious Island” became a continuation of two other famous works French writer Jules Verne - "Captain Grant's Children" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." The events described in the book take place on a fictional island, on which Captain Nemo, already familiar to readers from previous works, landed.

The novel's actions begin during civil war in the United States. Five northern Americans (Nab, Sires, Gideon, Herbert and Bonaventure) are forced to flee Richmond, the capital of the southerners. The fugitives had at their disposal balloon. Unusual vehicle gets caught in a storm. The Americans washed ashore on an unknown uninhabited island in the Southern Hemisphere. The new owners of the island begin to develop the land they found and after a while they establish their way of life. The new land was named Lincoln Island. Over time, the Americans acquire a faithful friend - an orangutan nicknamed Uncle Jupe.

One day, the settlers found a box containing firearms, clothing, tools, books in English and various instruments. In the same box was found a map on which Tabor Island was marked. An unfamiliar piece of land is located near Lincoln Island. Pencroft, a sailor by profession, wants to see Tabor in person. For little trip friends are building a bot. While making a test voyage around the island, the Americans discover a bottle with a note saying that a shipwrecked man is waiting for help on Tabor.

Ayrton, who had lost his human appearance, was actually discovered on the island. As it turned out, Ayrton was not shipwrecked. He was left on Tabor by the owner of the sailing ship Duncan because Ayrton tried to organize a riot. The owner of the sailboat promised that someday he would definitely return for the offender. Friends take Ayrton with them and surround him with care.

Three years have passed since the arrival of a new resident on Lincoln Island. The Americans managed to harvest a rich wheat harvest. Once upon a time, Herbert discovered a grain of wheat that happened to be there in his pocket, thanks to which it became possible to grow wheat. Friends started breeding poultry, built a mill, made themselves new clothes. But one day the peaceful and prosperous existence of the inhabitants of the small colony was overshadowed by the appearance on the horizon of a ship with a black flag, which could only be seen on pirate ships.

The inhabitants of Lincoln Island are forced to fight for their land with sea robbers: first on the water, then on the land. Americans are constantly haunted by the feeling that someone is helping them, because on their own they could not cope with such a huge number of pirates. Eventually, they meet their mysterious patron. The Indian Prince Dakkar, also known as Captain Nemo, fought for the independence of his country when he was young. All of the captain's comrades had already died. The prince himself was also dying. Nemo warned his friends that a volcano was about to explode on the island, and then gave them a chest of jewelry.

After the death of the captain, the Americans began building a ship in order to leave the island in time. Nemo's boat could no longer be used. An unexpected volcanic explosion led to the fact that only a small reef remained from the island. Friends drifted on it for several days. They were then rescued by the sailing ship Duncan. It subsequently turned out that Captain Nemo left a message on Tabor that there were people on the neighboring island waiting for help. Thanks to this note, the Lincolnites were saved.

After returning to the United States, the Robinsons sold the jewelry given by the captain and acquired a small land plot, on which everyone settled together.


Bonaventure Pencroff

Before fleeing America, Pencroff was a sailor. His friends consider him enterprising and very kind person. Bonaventure was orphaned early and was forced to work on the ship on which Herbert Brown's father was captain.

Cyrus Smith

Sires became the leader of the detachment. Smith is the life of the party and a very talented engineer.

Gideon Spilett

Spilett worked as a war journalist. Gideon has all the qualities of a man who will live on a desert island. He is determined, energetic and very resourceful. Spilett loves hunting.

Herbert Brown

Pencroft treats Brown like his own son. Herbert has deep knowledge of natural sciences.

Former slave

Nebuchadnezzar, or simply Neb, was once a slave. Neb is well versed in blacksmithing. Having received his freedom, the former slave became Smith's devoted servant.

We invite you to read the biography of Jules Verne, the greatest French writer XIX century, which gave the world such masterpieces as “Around the World in 80 Days”, “The Children of Captain Grant”, “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” and others.

Next, we will look at the summary of “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” by Jules Verne, an adventure novel whose action takes place on the whaling ship “Pilgrim”.

Robinson Ayrton

For some time, Ayrton lived alone on Tabor Island. Forced loneliness led to the fact that “Robinson” almost completely lost his mind. When the Lincolns took him to their island, Ayrton could not come to his senses for a long time, despite the care of his new friends. Having gradually recovered, “Robinson” began to be ashamed of his previous behavior.

Captain Nemo can hardly be named among the main characters, but he is invisibly present throughout the entire story. Already at the beginning of the novel, Nemo gives Cyrus a box of tools to help the new inhabitants of the island. The captain also saved Ayrton, who, as it turned out, did not throw the bottle with the note, as he was on the verge of madness. Over time, the Americans begin to understand that there is someone else on the island besides them. The friends embarked on a search expedition to find their mysterious benefactor. However, the searches were fruitless.

Nemo (Latin for "nobody") was originally conceived by Verne as a Polish revolutionary. However, later the writer had more interesting idea, and he turned Nemo into the Bundelkhand prince of Dakkar, who led the Sepoy Mutiny in the 1850s. The British invaders enslaved the homeland. Dakkar fought for liberation native land. The prince lost his wife and children, taken hostage by enemies and killed in captivity. Dakkar himself was forced to flee.

New life

The prince had an excellent education, thanks to which he was able to build a submarine. Taking the name Nemo, Dakkar decided to settle forever in the ocean depths. He tried not to go onto land and, on principle, not to use substances of terrestrial origin. According to Nemo, only life under water makes a person truly free.

Captain Nemo always had help faithful friends. They were the ones who helped him build the submarine. However, years passed, and almost none of the captain's friends remained alive. Nemo remained a lonely old man looking for his last refuge. The only joy for the old captain is the help that he had the opportunity to provide completely strangers. The author allows his hero to end his days among good people, without refusing him his last confession.

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