Creative representation of the team about work. Presentation-business card of the team for the intellectual competition

competition, whether comedy show or a marathon, always requires a thorough approach. Especially when we are talking about a team game, because if you can improvise alone, then in a group competition, coherence of actions is required. Therefore, it is so important to think through everything before the start of the event, including the presentation of the team.

But what is so important about this? Why is everyone so eager to make their presentation of the team perfect now? Well, the answer is simple, but let's talk about everything in order.

Why is it so important not to blunder at the very beginning?

We think everyone remembers the scenes from the film, where they show how warriors shout a battle cry before a large-scale battle? The feeling that arises at this moment is difficult to convey. in simple words. It seems that another moment - and you yourself will rush with them into the thick of the battle, scattering enemies to the right and left.

The same feeling should arise in people when they listen to the greeting of the team. It should fascinate them, capture their hearts and minds, so that during the competition the audience would support their favorites with applause.

Also, the performance should reflect the whole essence of the team, show it. Obviously, this will not work without preliminary preparation, therefore, a few weeks before the event, or even earlier, you need to start rehearsals.

What does it take to successfully represent a team?

Representing a team at a competition is not an easy task, and you can't imagine it in half an hour. Therefore, gather all the participants in advance and start thinking about how to present yourself to the public.

To do this, let everyone express their ideas. Practice has repeatedly proven that collective thinking gives top scores rather than screening out single ideas. Besides, as they say, one head is good, but two is better.

So, what does it take to successfully represent a team?

  1. Name. Where without it, because then how to stand out from the rest?
  2. Business card. It is she who will be the chip that will convey to the public all the necessary information about the group.
  3. Slogan. Every self-respecting team has a "chants", which, in theory, should be remembered by the audience the first time.

These three elements are able to make the presentation of the team unforgettable. Therefore, they need to be worked out all, while carefully sorting through each of the components.

Team presentation: business card, name and slogan

So, you should start with the name. After all, it should sound good and at the same time reflect the whole essence of the team. I would like to point out one point: quite often collectives take the names of their institutions and enterprises. On the one hand, this increases recognition, and on the other hand, it may sound too banal, and sometimes even tasteless. After all, who will cheer for the Budenskaya Sausage football team?

A slogan is a small sentence that serves as a motto. First, he must speak well so that the public immediately remembers him. Secondly, the saying should be funny and, in addition, carry certain meaning. For example: “If to be, then to be the best!” or “Don’t look at the steps of others, otherwise you yourself will fly off the road!”.

The business card may have different shape and delivery style. It all depends on the genre and the level of the competition. So, in KVN, a whole number is allocated for a business card, and for a sports competition, a regular website is enough, which contains all the necessary information.

The main thing is to be yourself

And most important rule is to be yourself. If the team stays stiff on the stage, then it will not be interesting to look at it, and then even a well-prepared performance will not help to change the attitude towards oneself. The same applies to sporting events.

Therefore, participants should not be afraid or shy. The public loves fighters who are ready to do anything to win. And if any of the teams manage to prove that they are exactly like that, then the hearts of the audience will certainly "get" them.

Is there an event coming up? Of course, you need to be prepared for a variety of competitions and relay races. First of all, you need to prepare a special business card. How to present yourself at the competition in such a way as to appear in the most favorable light? You must mention all your

It doesn't matter if it's a song, prose, a poem or a mini-sketch. Just indicate the most basic things on the business card - name, age, nationality, zodiac sign, hobbies, etc. Complete this with a listing of your special merits. That's all! The business card is ready!

As First of all - appearance!

Thinking over how to present yourself at the competition as the most in the best way, there are many things to take care of. First, pay attention to your appearance. Think carefully about the outfit - the outfit, hairstyle, makeup, etc. should be modern and attractive. A lot also depends on the theme of the event. You may have to choose a suit in some specific colors and tones.

Well, and, of course, do not forget that before you figure out how to present yourself at the competition, you need to get rid of all kinds of complexes. On stage, you can not feel squeezed and constrained. On the contrary, it is necessary to show maximum self-confidence and artistry.

It's good to make a photo story

If you do not know how to present yourself at the competition so that everyone in the audience admires you, think carefully about everything that you can and can do. Someone dances beautifully, someone sings, and someone composes poetry. All this can be used in your business card.

However, the most the best option- use of a photo projector. In this case, you can use a variety of pictures. According to them, a story about the life of the contestant is compiled. You can start from his very birth, continuing the story with photographs from important points his life. The main thing is to choose unusual and interesting pictures.

With a photo story, you can, in principle, start your presentation. The story should, of course, contain an introduction, main body and logical conclusion. After that, you can move on to rhymes or vocal numbers. It's just the perfect ending.

A business card in verse is a great option

If you don't know how to submit a business card to the competition, but at the same time you have the talent of a rhymer, you won't have any problems at all! Take a few minutes to compose a couple of lines, and your performance will become the best masterpiece!

For example:

I am athletic and strong

Very charming!

I'm resourceful, smart!

Listen carefully!

After such a poem, you can just start a photo presentation with a story about yourself.

Another option:

bright, beautiful,

With a mischievous smile.

Your meeting with me

It won't be a mistake.

Befriending such a lady

You will be like on a comet!

I explode all the time

Burning everyone by accident.

Energy - more than enough

But life with me is just heaven!

Here's the boy version:

Strong and dexterous

Drives a car.

Who am i?

A real man!

Well, for the smartest young know-it-alls:

I know everything in class

I answer questions

I understand everything in the world

And I respect science!

Show all your positive qualities

Well, how to represent the family at the competition? It's the whole team! Think carefully about each and every family member and show them on your business card. The main thing is not to forget about artistic abilities, to reveal your talents, to create a friendly atmosphere.

You can also indicate your desire to lead healthy lifestyle life without bad habits. On the contrary, show that you are a sports family. Use a variety of attributes on your business card. Take to the stage with a hoop, jump rope, football or Success is definitely guaranteed for you!

Choose an interesting image

Do not forget that you must definitely win the upcoming contest. It is not so difficult to imagine yourself in poetry or prose. Most importantly - a unique, original, bright participant.

To do this, you can choose some unusual image. beautiful girl, for example, can act as Snow White, a brave boy can portray Spider-Man or Superman, and a fan of frequent performances on stage can put on a Star costume. It is in this image that you can read poems, dance or sing songs.

Good performance is the key to victory

By the way, a lot depends on how to present a class to a team or an individual. A good business card is a guarantee of future victory. Naturally, the level of intelligence of the participant, external data, special talents, worldview, etc. play a primary role. However, the first impression is a factor no less important. Careful preparation is all that the contestants need. Do not rush when making a presentation, because its quality will affect the final result.

Some tricks

So, it does not matter how to present a dish at a competition, a drawing, a person, a team. You just need to follow some rules.

The first appearance on the stage requires a certain image. However, it must be observed throughout the event. Do not depart from it either at the time of the presentation, or during other tasks that make up the overall program. Stick to your chosen image, and the audience will perceive you much better.

Do not forget that the presentation for the competition is not a simple resume. This is not an ordinary disclosure of their merits, capabilities and achievements. A little humor, piquancy and originality never hurt!

It is also worth thinking about the fact that for the first appearance on the stage of one appearance still not enough. Decide how exactly you will behave in front of the audience, presenters, jury members. Carefully work out your speech, correctly, beautifully and clearly formulate each phrase. However, do not limit your lexicon. No need to get carried away standard phrases. Come up with something more interesting!

In a word, decide on the form of your business card - prosaic or poetic, consider the style of your greeting (it can be both comic and quite formal). However, keep in mind that despite positive role sense of humor, jokes should not be abused. If you do not tend to successfully amuse and make others laugh, you still will not achieve the desired effect. However, there is no need to dwell on modesty either. Choose at least one element that would be considered something outside the standard, familiar framework.

And, of course, do not forget that the words, makeup and outfit have a very great importance but your spiritual world, the inner content is the most important thing in your business card!

To represent a team means to attract attention and win sympathy for the team from judges and spectators. At the same time, it is necessary to show the uniqueness and dignity of the team in a very short period of time, so the presentation should be concise, dynamic and bright, it is necessary to think over in advance every word and movement in the upcoming action. The team name must meet several requirements at once. First, it must be original. Remembering one of the teams "Champions", "Winners" or "Quick" is simply impossible. Another requirement for the name of the team is ease of pronunciation and ease of listening, this contributes to remembering the name. In addition, the name of the team should characterize it and correspond to the direction of the competition. The team of “Fast” at KVN or “Savvy” at an athletics competition will look strange. Such a capacious and sonorous name is not so easy to find. The search can be done by brainstorming. At a team meeting, you should allocate time and invite all participants to express any, even the most unexpected, ideas. The main thing is not to forget to write down everything that was said and not to allow any criticism in the process, it slows down the fantasy. Remarks can be made only later, considering all the named options.

To come up with a successful slogan means to be able to briefly and succinctly introduce yourself at the competition, to convey to the judging team and fans the intentions, principles of the team and its mood. Humorous slogans should be used very carefully. Not everyone takes them (and therefore the team) seriously, but the team needs fans confident in victory and loyal referees who sympathize with the team. No matter how impartial the work of the jury was, the influence human factor no one can cancel. The slogan should be clear, rhythmic. Most likely, it will not be possible to come up with it “on the go”, so you can resort to phased creativity. First, by analogy with the work on the name, by brainstorming to determine main idea, which will help to tell about the team. The desire to win, the cohesion of the team ... Surely, many options will be named by the team members. After that, having determined the most successful of them, one should rhyme the slogan, entrusting it to someone who has already tried himself in versification, or using collective creativity. Two or four lines is quite a sufficient size for a slogan. Longer versions will be harder for listeners to perceive.

The team should stand out visually. If the collective does not have a definite form, “ calling card"can be any item of clothing or an accessory of a certain color. When participating in creative or humorous competitions, such an element can even be outrageous, grotesque. For sports competitions, you should limit yourself to elements of clothing of a certain color. So, scarves, gloves, hats, neckerchiefs, etc. can become distinctive signs. You should not place high hopes on the fact that badges will help to distinguish team members. Even the brightest and most creative of them are difficult to distinguish at a distance of several meters. Is it worth it in this case to talk about the scale of the assembly or sports hall, and even more so - the stadium? When choosing a team's "signature" color, the shape of the opponents should also be taken into account, if it is possible to obtain such information. The probability of coincidences is not great, however, the output of two teams with similar signs differences will confuse the spectators and will certainly spoil the mood of the competitors on both sides.

The introduction of the team should evoke love at first sight. Much has been written about the power of first impressions by psychologists and sociologists. Rehabilitating a team with a successful performance after a failed performance is possible, but not so easy. The task will be further complicated by the lack of audience support, because sympathy, according to at least, for the first time, will be on the side of those who liked the public with their first exit. In order to avoid overlays, surprises and unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to rehearse the performance to automatism. Even in this case, incidents can occur due to a stressful situation, so come up with fallback universal options in advance that will help smooth the situation. It is good if you know in advance on which platform, in which room you will have to perform. Often failures occur due to the fact that the area on which the team rehearsed is very different from the performance area. This phenomenon can sometimes be observed even in famous bands during the tour. Not having time to "drive" the action on the new stage, the artists get confused, the clarity disappears.

School 18 in Volgograd is

Yard covered with greenery
Absolutely all
Yard covered with greenery
Absolutely all
In the Traktorny district in Volgograd there is.

And live happy

It has students.
Beautiful on the face
Smart inside.

Beautiful on the face
Smart inside.

We know a lot

No matter how you look.

Whatever we do

Things are arguing.

And the 2100 program helped us all.

Oh, what a well-chosen one.

Where is the crocodile caught?
Where does coconut grow?

How is a rocket built?

The question is tormenting.

How does the earth rotate?

How do flowers grow?

We learn a lot of interesting things here.

On this occasion, whatever you say,

Working on a project

From night to dawn.

Friendly, serious, no matter how you look,

Working on a project

From night to dawn.

In the center of the scene is a throne for the king, near which stands a SCRIPTER; There is a map hanging on the wall.

In the school kingdom state
The Tsar Draft sat on the kingdom.

He was polite and smart, inquisitive, smart.

IN different competitions he took part overnight.

One day the news came

Today there is a competition in the city.

And, as usual, immediately

Issues a draft decree.

(Unrolls the scroll, reads the decree.)

“To the 15th gymnasium with a visit

We must equip the retinue,
To the far side
I wouldn't be embarrassed.
To have visitors
Not fools, not buzzers,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
And as it should - well done!

By 2100 they studied at school,

Knew than others more.
I command you to come to me,
To excel in the competition
Show your mind and stuff.
Them appear before the royal eyes!

CLERK : (to the king).
I announce with glee:
At your apartment
Eat challenger team.

Here, two young ladies
Today they are asking for the light,
for you to appreciate them
And he was invited to the competition.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say
What is ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent

Overseas -
This mission is for me.

Maria- smart and nice

Always serious.

Can I line up perfectly

Teams, plans, cities.

King, to your apartments
The contenders are on the move again.

Invite them to a party
Let's see what's what here.

(Alena and Slava enter)


Alyonushka is modest, beautiful,
In a dispute, in friendship, fair.
Alena has no equal in her studies.
Knows the secret of mastery.
Needleworker, talent,
Just "school diamond".

Glory to everything will find a solution.

His imagination won't let him down.

In business diligent, smart,

Smart, smart.

CLERK looks out the door.

- There are no more applicants.

Someone to answer.

All our literate people

Goes on vacation.

Is it in the great kingdom
Our school state
Is there no one else?

King, let me answer.
Eat smartest applicant.

Can he analyze, synthesize,

Create and design

Come on, come on, what a bird
Let him come to worship.

to my gaze,

And stand in the ranks of the team.

CLERK: Here I am in front of you.

As always, I'm ready to fight.

In fact, I stand.

You will be pleased with me.

Tsar: If so, I agree

me and on own participation.

I take you all in retinue.

I hope for good luck and success.

Getting together is a start.

Staying together is progress.

Working together is a success!

Now, especially among young people, various competitions are often held in which teams participate. Relevance team games and competitions lies in the fact that there participants can realize themselves, show their talents and skills, and also give good mood viewers. KVN games are especially popular. Sometimes teams are recruited and form themselves, sometimes the leader groups the team. But in both cases, the team must become one for a good game and great chances of winning. The key to a successful competition is its good organization.

How to present your team in an original way

Naturally, first of all, the participants should think about the name of their team and how to present the team at the competition in an original and interesting way, to present themselves in the best possible light. It is necessary to work hard on how to present the team, since, first of all, it is, in other words, creating an image for further play.

After the gathering of a team of like-minded people, think about how best you can speak. It is very good if each player comes up with some kind of his own role. For example, someone can be intelligent, someone can be a bouncer, someone can be a sex bomb. Think over the phrases that can be said throughout the game, and the behavior of the person that he will have to follow.

It is better if the team is not too big so as not to get confused on stage. And of course, you will need your own sound engineer, because music is an integral part of a beautiful performance. This person should cut the appropriate melodies in advance and set them to the chronological order Be sure to think carefully about the name of the team. As the saying goes, "as you call a boat, so it will float." The name should be more or less brief, at least indirectly related to the event itself, correspond to it. It should be interesting, original, perhaps even intriguing. And before introducing the KVN team, come up with a name for it with a humorous twist.

When you go on stage to represent your team, try to act calm, confident, with a friendly smile on your faces, which will inspire the audience's confidence in you. Name yourself, demonstrate a pre-made motto and tell about the participants. Use music to enhance your performance.