The State Darwin Museum invites you to the "goblin's day". State Darwin Museum

Noisily and cheerfully celebrates the holiday "Day of Leshy"! Do not miss the opportunity to say goodbye to the ancient pranksters: grandmother-hedgehogs, kikimors and, of course, the hero of the occasion - Leshim, and at the same time get to know the reserved nature of Moscow and the Moscow region. Exciting games, playful competitions, master classes and a quest adventure for the whole family are waiting for you.

According to the established tradition, on the night of “Yerofey”, the owner of the forest Leshy and his retinue visit the Darwin Museum to play pranks and retire with the first roosters until spring. Each guest of the holiday will choose his own way to protect himself from Leshy's tricks - make a talisman with his own hands, gain wisdom from the owner of the forest, or even join his retinue.

Tasks of the festive quest "On unknown paths ... of the museum" were hidden by evil spirits in different corners of the exposition. Following the route compiled by Leshy himself, you will learn many interesting facts about the visible and invisible inhabitants of Moscow and the Moscow region and receive prizes.

The ensemble "People's Holiday" will take part in seeing off Leshy and all the forest evil spirits. In the best traditions of our ancestors, he will perform songs, jokes, games and round dances.

Auka, pain-boshka, lesavka, listin, shishiga - try it, figure out who is who! Do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the entire retinue of Leshy at the "Defile of the forest evil spirits". Starting at 15:00 in the cinema hall of the museum.

In the "Forest Workshop" you will be taught how to make real works of art from the autumn gifts of the forest. They will also offer to create a memorable souvenir by decorating a saw cut using decoupage technique or come up with a bright image for a mushroom and a cone. At the master class "Amulets" under the guidance of a master, you can learn how to weave belts that scare away evil spirits. Let's hope that forest pranksters will bypass you with them.

The title of the forest owner Leshy was not without reason - after all, he knows every blade of grass in the forest, every bug. He will share his wisdom and knowledge about forest dwellers with small and large guests of the holiday in the "Forest Game Library". You can check your attention and speed in the game “The Beast, the Bird, the Fiction ...”, and the game “Who is the story about?” will tell a lot of interesting facts about animals - fairy-tale heroes. The game "Mushroom Basket" will teach the rules of "quiet hunting" and introduce you to edible and inedible mushrooms. The lesson "Forest dwellers" will take you to distant exotic countries, where Leshy's foot has not yet set foot. You can not only take a good look at live tropical cockroaches and stick insects, but even hold a fragile butterfly in your palm.

Everyone knows that a forest is trees, and every tree begins with a seed. But who sows these seeds? Sometimes the wind does it, and sometimes animals and even humans do it. Try your hand at the Seed Biography game to find out what tricks the plants have come up with to spread their seeds. At the "Roots of Being" lesson, you will be able to learn how our ancestors used plants that today can be found in any Moscow courtyard.

On this day, you will have the opportunity to learn everything about the Moscow forest "first hand". Employees of the GPBU "Mospriroda" will reveal to you the secrets of the protected forest and hold thematic classes and master classes.

The terms of participation:

We have 10 invitations for bloggers with children

As a result of the visit:

Write a detailed post-report about your visit with photos and your impressions in during the week(if you don’t have time, tell the curator) with an active link to the State Darwin Museum, to the community, to the Moskultura project website and blog tushinetc where you can find interesting invitations for bloggers. Links to reports are thrown here, on the registration page.

Leave your feedback on the site: And also in their social networks - Facebook, Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.

Remember: if you signed up for the event - come!
If your plans have changed, do not forget to cancel your application as soon as possible. (It's best to delete the main comment and write a new one that you won't be able to come.)

Distribution of information about the announcement is welcome.

Date: October 21
Time: 14.30
Address: st. Vavilova, d. 57 (metro station "Akademicheskaya").

October 19, 2013 from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Darwin Museum the traditional ecological and ethnographic Holiday "Day of Leshy". All Leshy's friends will gather in the museum. At the festival, you can meet Baba Yaga, a mermaid, a forest nymph, a merman and other equally mysterious forest characters who will involve you and your children in their games.

Or maybe you yourself want to be in the role of fairy-tale forest heroes? Then create a costume of forest evil spirits and come to the holiday in it. Entrance to darwin museum will become for you free, because in such a suit even a kikimora will not recognize you. All participants of the holiday, from 11:00 to 14:00, in costumes of mysterious creatures, will be photographed for free as a keepsake. Competition result "The best author's costume of forest evil spirits" will be published on the museum website and the winner will receive a prize.

On the Day of the Leshy October 19 fabulous evil spirits will gather in Darwin Museum to have some last fun before winter. And you will have to try very hard to deceive them and not fall under the influence of their spell.

Participants of the holiday who come without a costume need to change beyond recognition. You can put your shirt on the other way around and button up the back and walk backwards or change your shoes or turn your clothes upside down or master class "Forest evil spirits" turn into a forester with the help of face painting or into some other monster of the forest.

But even this is not enough. To protect yourself from the evil attacks of Leshy and his guests, you need a charm. You ask where to get it?! I will answer: “There is one cherished place, Leshy’s foot does not set foot there, there the kingdom of light is master class "Charms". Run there and the local masters will help you make your amulet. Or maybe some of you even want to master class "Sunshine" to make a talisman-sun, a pagan symbol of the Slavic god Yarila.

You have changed your appearance and you have a charm, now you are not afraid of the machinations of forest monsters. At 13 o'clock in the cinema hall of the museum will begin holiday program "Day of Leshy", which will last up to 14 hours. You can participate in the celebration quiz "Forests and parks of Moscow" and get a prize for correct answers, listen to songs about Mother Nature, about the forest and its gifts, about the attitude of our ancestors to the forest, about the keeper of the forest - Leshem, performed by the Zhiva folk music ensemble.

And that is not all!
For the participants of the holiday, employees of the Department of Protected Areas for the Northern Autonomous Okrug of Moscow prepared program "Trees around us".

For holiday visitors October 19, 2013 will hold Lesson "Forest of Wonders" where the secret of the reserved forest will be revealed.

Each member master class "Magic Leaf" make a bookmark from the leaves of plants.

The members master class "Forest Workshop" create crafts from natural materials.

"Autumn Fantasies" is a master class where participants will create autumn masterpieces with the help of colorful leaves.

"Magic Sand Pictures" is a master class where participants will be able to create thematic paintings from colored sand.

But, and if you know Russian fairy tales, then try your hand at game "Who does the fairy tale tell about?"

And connoisseurs of the forest are waiting for " Forest Game Library».

the most daring October 19 waiting for lesson "Guests from the forest", where museum experts will tell you about predators of the animal and plant world, and live tropical insects will take you for forest dwellers and crawl over you with pleasure.

From 3 p.m. to 3 p.m. 40 minutes will pass master class "Defile of the forest evil spirits" where art studio students Darwin Museum show off their designer clothes. If you are ready to show your author's costume, then you can participate in "Defile for visitors" and you will conquer the guests of the holiday.

October 19, 2013 will take place in the museum exhibition of drawings "Leshy gathers friends", on it, the students of the art studio of the museum will show how diverse the mysterious inhabitants of the forest are and that pranks and pranks are not their main occupation. Each of them has his own occupation, some look after the order in the hut and in the forest, others for the presence of water in the well, river, in the clouds. But their main occupation is to save nature as a whole.

Come to the State Darwin Museum October 19, 2013 for the holiday "Leshy Day"!

On October 21, the Russian evil spirits have an open day - the Darwin Museum noisily and cheerfully celebrates the holiday "Leshy Day"!

Do not miss the opportunity to say goodbye to the ancient pranksters: grandmother-hedgehogs, kikimors and, of course, the hero of the occasion - Leshim, and at the same time get to know the reserved nature of Moscow and the Moscow region. Exciting games, playful competitions, master classes and a quest adventure for the whole family are waiting for guests.

According to the established tradition, on the night of “Yerofey”, the owner of the forest Leshy and his retinue visit the Darwin Museum to play pranks and retire with the first roosters until spring. Each guest of the holiday will choose his own way to protect himself from Leshy's tricks - make a talisman with his own hands, gain wisdom from the owner of the forest, or even join his retinue.

Tasks of the festive quest "On unknown paths ... of the museum" were hidden by evil spirits in different corners of the exposition. Following the route compiled by Leshy himself, the quest participants will learn many interesting facts about the visible and invisible inhabitants of Moscow and the Moscow region and will receive prizes.

The ensemble "People's Holiday" will take part in seeing off Leshy and all the forest evil spirits. In the best traditions of our ancestors, he will perform songs, jokes, games and round dances.

Auka, pain-boshka, lesavka, listin, shishiga - try it, figure out who is who! It will be possible to get acquainted with the whole retinue of Leshy at the "Defile of the forest evil spirits". Starting at 15:00 in the cinema hall of the museum.

In the "Forest Workshop" guests will be taught how to make real works of art from the autumn gifts of the forest. They will also offer to create a memorable souvenir by decorating a saw cut using decoupage technique or come up with a bright image for a mushroom and a cone. At the master class "Amulets" under the guidance of a master, you can learn how to weave belts that scare away evil spirits.

The title of the forest owner Leshy was not without reason - after all, he knows every blade of grass in the forest, every bug. He will share his wisdom and knowledge about forest dwellers with small and large guests of the holiday in the "Forest Game Library". Guests will be able to test their attention and speed in the game "The Beast, the Bird, the Fiction...", and the game "Whom does the fairy tale tell about?" will tell a lot of interesting facts about animals - fairy-tale heroes. The game "Mushroom Basket" will teach the rules of "quiet hunting" and introduce you to edible and inedible mushrooms. The lesson "Forest dwellers" will take you to distant exotic countries, where Leshy's foot has not yet set foot. Here you can not only take a good look at live tropical cockroaches and stick insects, but even hold a fragile butterfly in your palm.

Everyone knows that a forest is trees, and every tree begins with a seed. But who sows these seeds? Sometimes the wind does it, and sometimes animals and even humans do it. Visitors will be able to try their hand at the Seed Biography game to find out what tricks the plants have come up with to spread their seeds. At the "Roots of Being" lesson, they will tell how our ancestors used plants that can be found today in any Moscow courtyard.

On this day, the guests of the holiday will have the opportunity to learn everything about the Moscow forest "first hand". Employees of GPBU "Mospriroda" will reveal the secrets of the protected forest and hold thematic classes and master classes.

Yesterday there was Leshy Day.
We were going slowly, and spent time there very sincerely, without any excitement. There was no goal to see everything and go everywhere this time. The child wanted to attend a master class - and attended the master class. We wanted to finish watching what we missed in the last visit in the interactive center - and we watched it calmly and in detail.
We arrived at the museum at ten minutes to two, at two o'clock a film was projected on the walls (although, alas, I forgot my stereo glasses, so I could not check whether the film was three-dimensional).
After that we went to the museum.

Master class "Owl".

Misha sewed, sewed, tried, and everything worked out!

He played with this charming owl all the way afterwards, and went to sleep with her. The owl was named Plyushka because it is. And she is a splyushka because we found a special box in the museum with the voices of various animals, mostly birds. And finally, the four-year-old mystery has been solved, what kind of infection keeps us up at night in Bulgaria!

scream recording
Only in the quiet Bulgarian night, she screams many times louder.

And downstairs at this time someone was dancing with fans.

Several games were held on the second floor in the halls of the museum. We played everything.
There were very few people there, so we played one on one with the animators.
Only the third game turned out to be a group game, two more children and two mothers took part, but it was even more fun that way.

In the second game, "Bear Truth", each piece of the puzzle is written true on one side and false on the other. For example, that cubs are born with a weight of 600 grams or 10-15 kilograms, or whether a bear sleeps in true hibernation in winter, and about a bear family, and why he sucks his paw (“A bear does not suck a paw, but only licks it when it starts on the pads peel off and itch badly old skin"), and many, many more facts. Over there in the photo you can read: "For the winter, the bear stores more than 150 kg of subcutaneous fat," and on the other side it is stated that 10 kg.
Lay out the puzzle with the true side up. Something I myself didn’t know either, and Mishka even less.
20 pieces had to be laid out, 20 statements had to be sorted out. Very educational.

In the third game, "About whom the fairy tale affects," the prejudices of the ancient Slavs were correlated with animal cards. For example, an animal whose true name cannot be called, but in European languages ​​\u200b\u200bit is preserved, and in Russian only a nickname (bear, of course \u003d ber, the word lair remains from this word); whom the sorcerers gave to eat to a person so that he would become wise (no one guessed that it was a dog: the expression "he ate a dog on this"), etc. Here we guessed everything except the dog, but it was also interesting.

And there was also the game "Mushroom Basket". It was necessary to put only edible mushrooms in the basket, discarding the poisonous ones. The mushrooms were dummies made by the museum's artists exactly like the originals. Here Misha really surprised me. He stated that he had just recently read about mushrooms, and completed the task almost without error. True, he prudently did not take a few edible mushrooms, for example, champignon. But I didn’t recognize him at all either, because we buy champignons in the store, and there they are with spherical hats, and the dummy was with the hat completely open and completely resembled a toadstool. Considering that the child went mushroom picking only once in his life, and then for a short time, then, I think, he is a great fellow!

Then we walked around the exposition, had lunch and went to our favorite interactive center.

Table about animals:

This time I opened the tables.

I did not even expect that the skulls are so small in size.

Table about plants:

There were mosses in his secret drawers

and lichens

Beautiful ones, right?

I don’t know what Mishka was doing, I walked alone and systematically gained knowledge that I didn’t grab last time.
I looked very carefully at all the sliding showcases about trees, for example.
I did not know that elm fruits perform the function of photosynthesis even before the appearance of leaves. Yes, I didn’t know a lot of things :) All this is very interesting.

Once again, now completely, with a comparison of all the animals, I played augmented reality.

The fox eats a bunny and a mouse.
The eagle eats the hare and the fox, bitch

A weasel, of course, a mouse

Runs very fast, even smeared in the picture.
And the mouse eats the colza, just like the bunny.

There were almost no children in the hall, so we managed to calmly determine the tracks, play with leaves, etc.

In general, we had a great time until the closing of the museum.

**************************************** ****
Then we went to have dinner at Pasta-&-Burgers on Akademicheskaya.
Bloggers from the Mosblog went there, advertised, and so we decided to go in, albeit at our own expense.
A tiny hall, quite a pleasant interior, polite and friendly young guys - cooks, a complete absence of visitors.

Misha got a burger, very large in size, the child ate only half, said it was delicious. I took the pasta, to be honest, not bad, but not so hot either. We ate better :)

Upon leaving the cafe, the loss of Misha's glove was discovered, so we had to walk back towards the museum; fortunately, she was found halfway down the road, lying quietly and peacefully in the middle of the wide sidewalk. So our trip was a complete success.

On October 21, the Russian evil spirits have an open day - the Darwin Museum noisily and cheerfully celebrates the holiday "Leshy Day"! Do not miss the opportunity to say goodbye to the ancient pranksters: grandmother-hedgehogs, kikimors and, of course, the hero of the occasion - Leshim, and at the same time get to know the reserved nature of Moscow and the Moscow region. Exciting games, playful competitions, master classes and a quest adventure for the whole family are waiting for you.

According to the established tradition, on the night of “Yerofey”, the owner of the forest Leshy and his retinue visit the Darwin Museum to play pranks and retire with the first roosters until spring. Each guest of the holiday will choose his own way to protect himself from Leshy's tricks - make a talisman with his own hands, gain wisdom from the owner of the forest, or even join his retinue.

Tasks holiday quest "On the unknown paths ... of the museum" evil spirits hid in different corners of the exposition. Following the route compiled by Leshy himself, you will learn many interesting facts about the visible and invisible inhabitants of Moscow and the Moscow region and receive prizes.

Will take part in the farewell of Leshy and all the forest evil spirits Ensemble "People's Holiday". In the best traditions of our ancestors, he will perform songs, jokes, games and round dances.

Auka, pain-boshka, lesavka, listin, shishiga - try it, figure out who is who! Do not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the whole retinue of Leshy on "Defile of the forest evil". Starting at 15:00 in the cinema hall of the museum.

In "Forest Workshop" you will be taught to make real works of art from the autumn gifts of the forest. They will also offer to create a memorable souvenir by decorating a saw cut using decoupage technique or come up with a bright image for a mushroom and a cone. On master class "Amulets" under the guidance of a master, one can learn how to weave belts that scare away evil spirits. Let's hope that forest pranksters will bypass you with them.

The title of the forest owner Leshy was not without reason - after all, he knows every blade of grass in the forest, every bug. He will share his wisdom and knowledge about forest dwellers with small and large guests of the holiday in "Forest Game Library". You can check your attention and speed in game "Beast, bird, fiction ...", A game "Who is the story about?" will tell a lot of interesting facts about animals - fairy-tale heroes. Game "Mushroom Basket" teach the rules of "quiet hunting" and introduce you to edible and inedible mushrooms. Lesson "Forest dwellers" will take you to distant exotic countries where Leshy has never set foot before. You can not only take a good look at live tropical cockroaches and stick insects, but even hold a fragile butterfly in your palm.

Everyone knows that a forest is trees, and every tree begins with a seed. But who sows these seeds? Sometimes the wind does it, and sometimes animals and even humans do it. Try your hand at the Seed Biography game to find out what tricks the plants have come up with to spread their seeds. On Lesson "Roots of Being" you can find out how our ancestors used plants that can be found in any Moscow courtyard today.