What does the girl's name Antonina mean? Famous in the history of Antonina. Interests and hobbies

Probably, big names elite fashion houses exist also to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Tonya, manifestation in love

Tonya, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Antonina is a name of Latin origin. Translated into Russian it means “opponent”, “extensive”. Name day by Orthodox calendar are celebrated twice a year: on March 14 - in honor of the day of the holy martyr Antonina, who was drowned in the lake after cruel torture for her faith in Jesus Christ, and on June 23 - on the day when the martyr Antonina was burned in a pit for her faith. Diminutive forms of the name Antonin are Tonyunya, Nyusya, Tonyura, Tonya, Antosya, Tosya, Antosha, Tasya, Ina, Nina, Nida.

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    Character and fate of Tony

    Contrary to the meaning of her name, which calls for active action, Antonina is a very quiet and inconspicuous girl. She is prone to sewing, needlework and other monotonous work. He tries never to miss his profit, but acts carefully and delicately. In relationships, Antonina is not inclined to show aggression; she often recalls old grievances. Her personal life is very dramatic. After her first marriage fails, she becomes overly suspicious of her second husband. As a result family life It doesn’t work out at all, and Antonina chooses loneliness for herself. She will always teach children what she can and knows herself. Antonina is very trusting, responsive and able to support in deed and word.

      Friends often complain to her about their problems, counting on support and help. At the same time, Tonya prefers to keep her problems secret. Antonina has a pleasant appearance, beautiful figure and well-groomed hair. There is a certain sentimentality and lyricism in her behavior. If she is fascinated by an idea, she is able to infect everyone around her with it. A full, cheerful family brings true happiness to Antonina. It is very difficult to endure any adversity, problems and difficulties. Prefers to run away from responsibility into the world of dreams and fantasies.

      Tonya is an insecure person who easily succumbs to the influence of others. Often feels dissatisfied and can become depressed due to minimal stress. Her rich imagination helps her stay afloat, thanks to which she avoids reality during a difficult period for her.

      Little Tonya is her mother's assistant. She will always wash the dishes after herself, help her mother prepare dinner, clean the house, hang out the laundry after washing, or take out the trash. She is very inquisitive, a good student, and finds complex materials easy. She loves poetry very much and knows many poems by heart.

      This woman is very kind and responsive to people who are dear to her. Close friends love Antonina, despite her difficult character. She will always come to the aid of loved ones, support and reassure a friend in case of trouble.

      IN adolescence Tonya is very touchy, often gets hysterical, and does not know how to forgive insults. She is very vulnerable, so she tries not to get into conflict situations.

      She is predisposed to diseases of the cardiovascular system, has weak kidneys and gall bladder. Due to problems with the bronchi, she is often susceptible to colds.

      How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage

      Career and society

      Tonya strives for a prosperous and carefree life. Labor activity For her, it’s more of a forced duty than a favorite thing. Ideal professions for Antonina:

      • Secretary.
      • Archivist.
      • Museum caretaker.
      • Librarian.
      • Educator.
      • Teacher.

      Adult Antonina feels good in a friendly team, but the reality Everyday life very hard to bear. Tonya copes well with her work responsibilities. If she is passionate about some part of her profession, then she squeezes everything she can out of it. Very rarely achieves the intended goals, but does not suffer particularly from this.

      Antonina has well-developed intuition, she is able to feel people, guess their thoughts and feelings. Has a predisposition to clairvoyance. She needs to learn to suppress aggression, otherwise depression will become the norm for her.

      Patronymic for Antonina

      Autumn Tonya is endowed with an entrepreneurial spirit. She will be an excellent seller, businessman, broker. He can open his own cafe or store. The name of autumn Antonina is best combined with such patronymics as:

      • Gavrilovna.
      • Klimovna.
      • Vladislavovna.
      • Anatolievna.
      • Leonardovna.
      • Ludvigovna.
      • Svyatoslavovna.
      • Pavlovna.

      Antonina, born in spring, is a carefree, flighty person. Loves beautiful comfortable life, money and precious jewelry. The best middle name for spring Antonina will be:

      • Stefanovna.
      • Naumovna.
      • Ilyinichna.
      • Khristianovna.
      • Mikhailovna.
      • Yuryevna.
      • Ivanovna.

      Tonya, born in winter, is a mystery girl. She is unsociable, secretive, indecisive and very distrustful. Suffering from frequent mood swings. Often seen by a psychiatrist. She starts talking late, her nervous system extremely unstable. She is very sensitive to the slightest stress, even a trifling quarrel can drive her into hysterics.

      Ideal middle name for winter Antonina:

      • Andreevna.
      • Eremeevna.
      • Evgenievna.
      • Ustimovna.
      • Dmitrievna.
      • Anatolievna.
      • Prokhorovna.

      Antonina, born in summer, very responsive, capable of compassion, sensitive, always ready to help those in need. Practices often charitable activities. May volunteer at a homeless center or run an animal shelter.

In the case of the name Antonina, we can safely say that the name really reflects on fate and life in general. To verify this and find out what the name Antonina means, you will have to turn to different versions.

The main version explaining its origin refers us to history - in particular, to ancient dynasty Antoniev. Their name originates from Greek: The word antao means "to engage in battle", "to fight", "to oppose" and "to be praised".

Another interpretation explaining the meaning of the name Antonin claims that its root can be translated as “spacious”, “wide”. And finally, the third version sounds a little unfair, making the full independent name the female equivalent of the male one. It is believed that the name Antonina is a derivative of the name

There are many short forms of the name, and some of them are independent names: Tonya, Tosha, Tonka, Nyusya, Toshka, Tasya, Tosya. There are also a number of names that are synonymous with this one, but have a different meaning (accordingly, the fate and character of the bearers turn out to be completely different): Antonia, Antoinette, Antoniana.

Character traits

Since childhood, little Tonya has been showing everyone her sincere kindness. She is responsive, friendly, and loves her friends very much. She has a developed sense of justice, and if someone offends her, she will definitely fight back. He loves animals and often brings home kittens or puppies.

She is very active, loves outdoor games, communication and often simply cannot sit still. The girl easily gets along with new people and quickly establishes relationships with them.

In her studies, Antonina succeeds not only in the main program. Often a child is happy to enroll in various clubs related to creativity and handicrafts. A girl may have a well-developed poetic sense: she not only confidently recites poetry, but also tries to write herself.

With age, her gentle character and kindness develop only more strongly. She sympathizes with people from the bottom of her heart, and is sympathetic to their problems and secrets, who trust her. By the way, Antonina keeps secrets faithfully, but she is not used to sharing her experiences, preferring to lock everything deep inside herself.

Because of such secrecy, others are often suspicious of a girl, although she simply does not want to open her inner world. Despite the fact that she has many friends, she can hardly trust them with her worries and secrets.

Another bright and rather specific feature of Antonina is her ability to light up with any idea; the origin of the name has a great influence here. If something interests her, if some thought takes over her mind, the process cannot be stopped.

Antonina will not only do everything to realize her idea, she is able to ignite other people, like a real revolutionary. At the same time, unlike most, Tonya does not fade away when obstacles arise along the way. On the contrary, they only inflame her desire to achieve her goal, forcing her to fight harder and harder.

At the same time, the girl is very vulnerable and sentimental. She is easily offended by a careless remark, great importance Antonina attaches importance to every word she says. And although she may not show it, deep inside the girl will be terribly worried, thinking and analyzing what happened many times.

For this reason, Antonina should be more attentive to her state of mind without overburdening yourself emotionally over trifles. The girl has an unusually developed intuition, which prompts her to make decisions even in the simplest little things. Antonina often displays a synthetic mindset, which helps her achieve great success in life.

Line of fate

The name has quite ancient origin, which is why it is saturated in itself deep meaning and strength. But still, among the twelve zodiac signs, the most successful signs that correspond to the meaning of the name Antonina are the following:

The sign of Taurus is the most earthly of the entire group of earth signs. Its patron planet - Venus - gives people of this sign such qualities as gentleness, kindness, sympathy and understanding, as well as deep feeling tact.

It is these traits that are most strongly manifested in the name Antonina, and thanks to these characteristics the girl acquires her unique character, which greatly helps her in life. In addition, the sign of Taurus gives the dreamy Antonina a certain earthiness, periodically snatching the girl from the world of dreams.

People born under the sign of Pisces are characterized by a penchant for introspection and a desire for constant self-improvement. The peculiarity of Antonina's mentality and her intuition are enhanced under the influence of the sign, revealing new facets of her intellectual capabilities. Pisces are also characterized by the manifestation of a strong will, which Tone often needs in certain life situations.

Career choice

It’s worth starting with the fact that in your professional activity Antonina can achieve considerable success. All thanks to her powerful intuition and developed intellect. At the same time, the girl prefers professions that do not require active physical exertion.

Her mentality and sense of compassion will make Antonina a talented doctor, to whom patients will always go with pleasure. At the same time, she likes calculations and numbers, so the path of an economist or programmer will be no less successful.

Concentration and desire to learn open the way for Antonina into the scientific field. She can reach considerable heights in this area and quite early age win the respect and admiration of colleagues.

Antonina makes a good teacher who can clearly and simply explain even the most complex topic. The girl also likes the profession of a librarian, archivist, curator in a museum - this is influenced by her reserved character, prone to solitude.

Another suitable area for Antonina is art, in particular literature. The girl has a high level of literacy, she is well-read, often knows a lot of poetry and, as mentioned above, often writes herself.

She will turn out not only talented and successful writer, but also literary critic, editor or publisher. In general, any work that Antonina starts is always controversial. Antonina attaches extremely serious importance to her duties; she does not have the habit of leaving work unfinished.

Love and family

A pretty and pleasant girl is always surrounded by fans. Men admire Antonina’s sincerity and depth of soul, her amazing sense of understanding. They see her not just as a woman, but as a person with whom you can sincerely talk about everything in the world.

Antonina herself is not too keen on love experiences, preferring books and interesting movies to dates. She starts dating a man only when he really hits her heart and she is one hundred percent sure that the man himself is fascinated by her.

Antonina gets married quite late - due to her serious attitude towards marriage in general. She is ready to wait as long as necessary, trying to find her person, her soul mate. Therefore, her fate is usually very happy. She has complete understanding with her husband: they become not just spouses, but also friends.

In sexual matters, Tonya can be a little restrained, because she gets used to hiding not only her feelings, but also her rather ardent temperament. If a man is sensitive and patient, his wife will truly blossom after some time, fully demonstrating her charming feminine character.

Antonina likes family life. She is pleased to take care of her husband and children, she happily runs around the shops in search of something tasty, tinkers in the kitchen and makes things cozy. Family for her is the main achievement and wealth in life. She passionately and sincerely loves her husband, adores her children - this love for her family is as important to a woman as air.

Origin: Name Antonina (pop. Antonida) - female uniform from the names of the Roman emperors Antonin, Antonius or the name Anton (old Anthony), derived from the Roman family name Antonius. Translated from Latin it means: extensive, acquisition, comparison and opponent, from Greek - acquiring in return. Related to Anton, this is a name of a completely different nature.

Meaning: Antonina (sometimes the form Antonida is used, which means the daughter of Anthony) is a good, simple, beautiful and smooth name, and in addition, it is also round and slow. The smooth, but dense and full sound of this name creates a feeling of calm friendliness and kindness. The name is ancient, but not gone into oblivion, like Evdokia and Praskovya, but alive. Nowadays, although not often, it is still given to newborn girls.

Zodiac name: Fish.

Planet: Jupiter.

Name color: Blue red; white and blue, bordered by a narrow red stripe; a combination of dense white with beige-scarlet.

Talisman stone: Sapphire.

Plant: Willow, lily, peony.

Animal: Duck, herring.

Main features: Responsiveness, excitability, receptivity.

Type: Trusting. Like a duck that feels confident on the water, but worse on land, Antonina flourishes in a friendly environment, although she finds it difficult to endure the conditions of everyday life.

Name and character: Antonina seems to be born in order to become the keeper of the hearth. You couldn't find a more caring and skillful housewife and cook. She is prudent and strives to provide her family with prosperity and happiness. No signs of abstract romanticism! No stupid advice. She is practical, sympathetic and kind. For the sake of preserving the family, he will endure anything. At work, she is also scrupulous, thorough and punctual. Everything is always “laid out on the shelves” with her. This is a woman who knows how to listen... As a child, Tonya loves to lead and command. She likes to be a teacher for the little ones - and they happily obey her. She generously “forgives” the pranks of her charges. Adults trust the little girl, and she does not betray their trust. At home she is the first assistant: she takes care of her younger brothers and sisters.

Fate: Antonina's fate is often not very easy and smooth, although she always brings with her kindness, tenderness and reliability. Antonina is usually bright, joyful, light-hearted and brave, although these signs are not so obvious. As a rule, Antonina is sincere, open and easily vulnerable. They like to cry to her, to ease her soul, but she tactfully keeps her problems to herself.

Psyche: Fleeing from reality into endless dreams. Susceptible to mental depression. Reflection tears her tender soul apart.

Intuition: Extraordinary. Knows how to solve dreams. However, he is easily influenced by others. She lacks self-confidence.

Intelligence: A synthetic type of thinking that contributes to success in life. However, the intellect is somewhat depressed due to indecision and timidity.

Moral: This concept means nothing to her. She simply excludes for herself any moral responsibility for anything.

Health: Must be adhered to balanced diet, relax after lunch and go for walks.

Sexuality: Weak. Sex for her represents an area that scares her. Well-built, with soft lines, lyrical. Soft confidence and solidity of solid and flowing forms. Reliance on the internal level sets one up for patronage and external manifestation commensurate with this level. Antonina is constantly surrounded by many fans. In her relationships with them, she is carefree and does not bother herself to be faithful to anyone. Antonina Dmitrievna has increased sexuality.

Marriage: After getting married, Antonina turns into an exemplary housewife. She is sympathetic and has many friends.

Favorable alliances: with Vitaly, Oleg, Sergey, Semyon, Yuri.

Unfavorable alliances: with Ivan, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita, Fedor.

Hobbies: Prefers to cook Tasty dinner, clean the apartment, go shopping. Suddenly he can get carried away and lead you along.

Field of work: In the distant past, such women were obviously wonderful angels in airy dresses. Antonina can become a teacher, educator, doctor, or dressmaker. Works as necessary as a museum caretaker, archivist, librarian, and laboratory assistant.

Business: Although work is not the main thing in life for her, her inherent conscientiousness allows her to always remain in good standing, and she does not conflict with colleagues and friends. Has good organizational skills. But as a leader, she may exhibit despotic traits. All her strength and thoughts are aimed at ensuring happiness and prosperity in the family. He knows how to support in word, deed, and money.

Celebrities: Nezhdanova, Prikhodko, Seredina.

From the history: The calculating Antonina, the wife of Belisarius, the daughter of a Byzantine circus rider, was a friend of Theodora, the wife of Emperor Justinian I. Powerful, cruel and prone to intrigue, she helped Theodora in all her crimes and, in turn, used the powerful assistance of the empress to mercilessly persecute her enemies . After the death of Belisarius, Antonina founded a monastery.

Energy and Karma of the name: In general, the energy of this name has good, balanced mobility, good nature and cheerfulness, but it has two sides, two faces. Usually this leads to the fact that from childhood Tony develops such qualities as friendliness, cheerfulness, and good nature. She grasps information quite quickly, which at school compensates for her restlessness and tendency to be playful. However, even then, in the depths of her soul, the other side of the name begins to awaken - collected, balanced Nina, not alien to some authority and prudence. However, most likely, this will not manifest itself outwardly in any way, it’s just that Tonya’s cheerfulness and good nature will become somewhat more cautious, and she will begin to be attracted not so much funny Games, as much as the opportunity to achieve specific, pragmatic goals.

Usually this happens gradually, and even Tonya herself will most likely be perceived as a natural process of growing up. Nevertheless, a lot in her fate depends on her upbringing, namely on which side of her character will receive greater development. Cheerful and carefree parents often do not allow her prudence to fully manifest itself; on the other hand, an overly mercantile environment can make Antonina overly pragmatic, which often leads to a loss of her cheerfulness. However, most often she remains the sociable Tonya, whose good nature combines philanthropy and self-care. At the same time, with close people she is often not averse to giving orders, but it does not come to the point of being willful; prudence usually helps her stop in time, and her sense of humor helps her turn everything into a joke. However, it is difficult to suspect her of insincerity, except in those cases when prudence still prevails. In this case, everything will remain fine in her external life, while inside she will most likely feel a clear lack of warmth, trying to find it in her loved ones. Alas, the only way to find this warmth is to look for it within yourself. Nevertheless, most bearers of this name perfectly combine love for their neighbors with love for themselves, which makes Tonya a good housewife and a caring wife and mother. Her good-natured energy brings an atmosphere of fun and prosperity to the family, the main thing is that excessive pragmatism does not destroy all this.

Secrets of communication: If you want to entrust Tonya with a secret, then do it in such a way that she, too, is interested in its safety. You should also not rely too much on her gentleness; she is unlikely to easily give up her benefits, except perhaps in the hope of someday using her good deed.

The meaning of the name Antonina is “entering into battle,” “opposing,” “worthy of praise,” “opponent.” There is another option in which the meaning of the name Antonina is interpreted as “wide”, “spacious”.

Origin of the name

There are several possible origins for the name Antonina. According to one version, the name Antonina originates from the ancient Roman dynasty of Antoniev. Some people believe that Antonina is the daughter of Anthony. It is believed that the origin of the name Antonina is associated with the Greek word “antao” (“opposing”). According to the third version, this is the female form of the male name Anton.

Characteristics of the name


The meaning of the name influences the character of the girl. Since childhood, she grows up independent and courageous, early begins to show character and command others. Most often, younger brothers and sisters fall under her influence. Antonina is flexible only with her parents, who are an indisputable authority for her. You simply cannot find a better assistant for a mother than Tonya.

Tonya studies well at school, she is diligent and diligent. She absorbs information well, achieves high results in her studies with her perseverance, putting a lot of effort into her studies. Antonina cannot stand lazy people and hooligans, and always tries to shame them on occasion. Often takes patronage over students who are lagging behind.


This name combines good nature, cheerfulness and firmness. A playful and restless girl named Antonina knows how to quickly concentrate her attention, which is especially important in school years. She happily sets goals for herself and successfully achieves them.

He has a powerful and courageous character. At the same time, she will never leave a person in trouble, she will always try to help, she can deservedly reprimand the guilty person, but will give him a chance to improve. Tonya’s pragmatic character pushes her to seek her own benefit in any situation. She will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity, even if it is to the detriment of someone else's interests.


Having matured, Antonina can become an excellent educator, teacher, and doctor. She is a talented leader and organizer. At times, Tonya can be overly strict, but she quickly moves away after lecturing the disobedient employee. She has many friends, besides, she is not deprived of male attention and has many fans.

Personal life

Antonina becomes a good wife and mother. She enjoys creating home comfort and taking care of her household. Good-natured Tonya knows how to create comfort, an atmosphere of fun and well-being in the family.

Name compatibility

Ideal compatibility of the name Antonina with male names Vitaly, Oleg, Semyon, Sergey and Yuri. Relationships may be less successful with Ivan, Igor, Nikita, Konstantin and Fedor.

Name day

Antonin's name day church calendar in winter they fall on January 10, 22, 30, in spring - on March 1 and 14, April 29 and May 4. Summer and autumn Antonines celebrate name days on June 12, 23 and 26, August 10 and October 27.

Famous people

The name Antonin was glorified by its bearers: the Soviet athlete in kayak rowing Seredina, opera singers Abarinova and Nezhdanova, writer Koptyaeva, artist Rzhevskaya, actresses Shuranova, Maksimova and Samarina, presenter of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” Samsonova, partisan Petrova, athlete Krivoshapka, navigator Zubkova.