Innovative improvement of Russian regions. Innovative development of the enterprise

The innovative activity of an enterprise is an activity aimed at searching for and implementing innovations in order to expand the range and improve the quality of products, improve technology and organize production.

The innovative activities of the enterprise include:

Identifying enterprise problems;

Implementation of the innovation process;

Organization innovation activity.

The main premise and relevance of the innovative activity of an enterprise is that everything that exists is aging. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically discard everything that is worn out, outdated, and has become a brake on the path to progress, and also take into account errors, failures and miscalculations. To do this, enterprises periodically need to certify products, technologies and workplaces, analyze the market and distribution channels. A kind of x-ray of all aspects of the enterprise’s activities should be carried out. This is not just diagnostics of production economic activity enterprise, its products, markets, etc. Based on it, managers should be the first to think about how to make their products (services) obsolete themselves, and not wait until competitors do this. And this, in turn, will encourage enterprises to innovate. Practice shows: nothing makes a leader focus on innovative idea, as the realization that the product being manufactured will be obsolete in the near future.

We can name seven sources of such ideas. Internal sources - they arise within the enterprise or industry:

Unexpected event (for an enterprise or industry) - success, failure, external event;

Incongruence is a discrepancy between reality (as it really is) and our ideas about it;

Innovations based on process needs;

Sudden changes in industry or market structure.

The following three sources of innovation are external because they originate outside the enterprise or industry:

Demographic changes;

Changes in perceptions, moods and values;

New knowledge (both scientific and non-scientific).

Analysis of these situations when considering a particular type of change allows us to establish the nature of the innovative solution. In any case, you can always get answers to the following questions. What happens if we take advantage of the created change? Where can this lead the enterprise? What needs to be done to turn change into a source of development?

However, of the seven sources of change, the third and seventh are the most important, since they are the most radical in nature.

Change driven by process needs is much more important than the first two. The old saying goes: “necessity is the mother of invention.” IN in this case change is based on the needs of practice, of life. (Replacing manual typing in book printing, maintaining the freshness of products, etc.) At the same time, the implementation of this type of change presupposes the need to understand that:

It is not enough to feel the need, it is important to know and understand its essence, otherwise it is impossible to find its solution;

It is not always possible to satisfy a need, and in this case all that remains is to solve some part of it.

When solving this type of problem, you need to answer the following questions. Do we understand what and what changes the process needs? Is the necessary knowledge available or does it need to be acquired? Do our solutions correspond to the habits, traditions and target orientations of potential consumers?

The most significant changes, one might say radical, occur on the basis of “new knowledge.” Innovations based on new knowledge (discoveries) are usually difficult to manage. This is due to a number of circumstances. First of all, it is usually observed big gap between the emergence of new knowledge and its technological use, secondly, a lot of time passes before the new technology materializes in a new product, process or service.

In this regard, innovations based on new knowledge require:

A thorough analysis of all necessary factors;

A clear understanding of the goal being pursued, i.e. a clear strategic orientation is required;

Entrepreneurial management organizations, since they require financial and managerial flexibility and market focus.

An innovation based on new knowledge must be created and accepted by society. Only in this case will it bring success.

According to the American economist P. Drucker, it is necessary to draw a clear line between what principles are necessary to create an effective innovative product, and what principles should not be used.

The principles necessary to create an effective innovative product:

targeted, systematic innovation activity requires continuous analysis of the capabilities of the above sources of innovation;

innovation must correspond to the needs, desires, and habits of the people who will use it;

innovation must be simple and have a precise purpose.

Innovate more efficiently with little money, few people, and limited risk. Otherwise, there is almost always not enough time and money for the numerous improvements that the innovation requires.

Effective innovation must be aimed at leadership in a limited market, in its niche. Otherwise, it will create a situation where your competitors will get ahead of you.

Principles, the use of which negatively affect the creation of an innovative product:

the complexity of the design of an innovative product - problems arise during operation;

incorrectly planned stage of creating an innovative product;

Innovation is changes in the economy, industry, society, in the behavior of buyers, producers, and workers. Therefore, it must always focus on the market and be guided by its needs.

For an enterprise to carry out innovative activities, it must have a structure and attitude that would contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of entrepreneurship and the perception of the new as opportunity. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

The basic organizing principle for innovation is to create a team of best workers released from current work.

All attempts to transform an existing division into a carrier of an innovative project end in failure. This conclusion applies to both large and small businesses. The fact is that maintaining production in working order is already a big task for the people involved in this. Therefore, they have practically no time left to create something new. Existing divisions, no matter in what area they operate, are generally only capable of expanding and modernizing production.

Entrepreneurial and innovative activities do not necessarily have to be carried out on an ongoing basis, especially in small enterprises where such a setup is impossible. It is necessary to appoint an employee personally responsible for the success of innovation. He must be responsible for the timely identification and replacement of obsolete products, equipment, technology, for a comprehensive analysis of production and economic activities (x-ray of the business), for the development of innovative measures. The employee responsible for innovation activities must be a person of sufficient authority in the enterprise.

It is necessary to protect the innovation department from unbearable loads. Investments in the development of innovations should not be included in regularly conducted analysis of the return on investment until the new products or services are established in the market.

The profit from the implementation of an innovative project differs significantly from the profit received for the release of well-functioning products. Over a long period of time, innovative endeavors may produce neither profit nor growth, but only consume resources. Then the innovation must grow rapidly over a long period of time and return the funds invested in its development by at least 5-10 times, otherwise it can be considered a failure. Innovation starts small, but its results must be large-scale.

The enterprise should be managed in such a way that it creates an atmosphere where the new is perceived not as a threat, but as an opportunity. Resistance to change is rooted in fear of the unknown. Every employee must realize that innovation is the best way to preserve and strengthen their enterprise. It is necessary to understand that innovation is a guarantee of the employment and well-being of every employee. Organizing innovative activities based on these principles will allow the enterprise to move forward and achieve success.

Thus, to improve the innovative activity of an enterprise, the following stages are necessary:

Implementation of a system of continuous improvements;

Improving the incentive and motivation system to encourage innovation (innovations);

Overcoming employee resistance to innovation;

Modification of the system for collecting internal and external marketing information;

Improving strategic management at the enterprise, regulating procedures for the development, consideration, approval, implementation and monitoring of innovative projects.

According to the chairman of the board of directors of General Electric, Jack Welch, whom Fortune magazine named the best manager of the 20th century: “Business is a simple thing: you must produce cheaper, faster and better than everyone else, and for this you need to increase the productivity and efficiency of business management , and also innovate as much as possible.” This statement once again confirms the decisive role of innovation activity and the innovations resulting from it in the development of economic systems. However, it should be noted that increased productivity and business management will also be the result of innovative transformations.

In addition, the considered approach allows not only to analyze the profitability of the enterprise, but also to identify unused areas of innovative activity of the enterprise. At the same time, the analysis of the impact of innovative activity on the profitability of an enterprise or organization should go in two directions.

Firstly, this is an analysis of the dynamics of the share of profit of each product (service) in its total volume, i.e. it is necessary to track the increase in profit for each product (service) of the enterprise’s product range. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sales volume of each product in order to determine the stages of the life cycles of the enterprise's product range and predict and, therefore, take preventive measures that ensure a certain level of profit for the enterprise as a whole for a long-term period of time. Enterprise management “ideally” should take measures to ensure a consistent change in products and technologies in such a way as to ensure a sustainable rate of profit, which in turn is achieved through increased innovation.

Secondly, this is an element-by-element analysis of the increase in profit, which will consist of an increase in profit due to the expansion of the range of manufactured products, increasing sales prices, reducing production and sales costs, as well as due to an increase in sales volumes: In addition, it is necessary to carry out an element-by-element analysis of the increase profits for the above elements but for each of the list of products (services) produced by the enterprise. Carrying out such an analysis will be extremely labor-intensive with a large range of products (services) sold by the enterprise. In this regard, it would be appropriate to quote the statement that you can only manage what is well measured.

Obviously, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of activity in the form of profit, the enterprise and organization need to carry out such an analysis. In addition, identifying the actual state of affairs at the enterprise in the light of ensuring its profitability will serve as the basis for subsequent innovative transformations. Such an analysis will allow not only to identify possible areas of innovation activity, but also to justify which of them is the most cost-effective.

The areas of innovation activity are understood as innovative projects aimed at both the development and mastery of new products and technologies. In this case, it is advisable to carry out comparative analysis profitability of each area of ​​innovation activity, i.e. it is necessary to determine the likely increase in profit for each area of ​​innovation activity and choose the one that will provide the highest performance.

Carrying out such work for domestic enterprises is especially relevant, since most of them are in crisis conditions and have limited financial resources, which can be aimed at improving innovation activities and many of which are faced with the need to choose the most optimal paths of development through innovative transformations. In this case, comparison of the profitability of alternative directions for improving innovation activities is the most important tool for justifying decisions in innovation sphere activities.

Thus, the innovative activity of an enterprise was examined, an approach to selecting areas of innovative activity of enterprises and organizations was highlighted, and ways to improve the innovative activity of an enterprise were shown.

The last third of the 20th century was marked by turbulent events in life human society. Tectonic shifts in its economic, political, and social structures periodically explode the seemingly established order of things and cause a stormy, unpredictable course of events. And perhaps the most dramatic events are unfolding in the economic sphere. These movements are based on scientific and technical progress, the pace of which is increasingly accelerating.

The face of society has changed beyond recognition. A new generation of means and objects of labor has appeared, Vehicle and means of communication. New forms of labor organization and management have completely changed the type (and concepts!) of an enterprise, industry, productive and unproductive labor. Social structures and institutions have undergone significant restructuring, renewal, or re-emerged: property relations, mechanisms for regulating the production and distribution of national wealth. A new type of labor force, both individual and collective, has emerged.

For almost a century, the capitalist world, according to at least, twice made the transition to a new type of reproduction.

When at the beginning this century When a Ford T model car drove out of the gates of a Detroit factory, this event not only marked the start of one of the most advanced industries of the 20th century, but was also the beginning of a new type of capitalist production: a mass product based on mass production. The victorious march of American production methods began as the most efficient and competitive, which determined the main principles of organizing large businesses in all capitalist countries for an entire era. The conveyor organization of labor was an ideal practical form of implementing new methods, and Taylor’s system of “squeezing out sweat” gave them a “scientific” justification.

In the last third of our century, the transition to a new type of production began. Mass flow production based on rigid automation has been replaced by highly efficient, flexible production designed to create a high-quality product for individual demand. Instead of a rigid management system, “industrial democracy” began to be introduced - broad participation of workers in management and business decision-making.

These qualitative changes in the system of social production are based on scientific and technological progress. The depth of the transformations associated with it, the broad consequences for the national economy and its place in the world capitalist economy make it vital for each country not only to participate in this process, but also to study and perceive international experience in organizing scientific and technological development. Success along this path largely depends on the mechanism that connects the development of a scientific idea, applied development based on it and the implementation of the result, and production into a single stream. Knowledge of the innovation mechanism, its levers, incentives, and channels has great importance for the practice of restructuring today.

This work is devoted to the innovation process, which is broadly understood by the authors as a complex and multi-level process. It includes not only the original invention, the development of a new technology and the production of a new product. The dissemination of innovations to other industries, the adaptation of new methods and products for other areas, and the formation of new market sectors are also extremely important. In general, infrastructure is of particular importance - the system for training relevant personnel, channels for disseminating scientific information, financial ways intensification of scientific research, etc. Without this infrastructure, any invention can only become a property of the history of science and technology.

The uniqueness of the modern stage of scientific and technological progress is that fundamental sciences are acquiring key importance. This is due to a number of reasons, including economic ones.

Firstly, the speed of emergence of new inventions contributes to an increase in the rate of obsolescence of existing equipment and technology. The subsequent depreciation of constant capital causes a significant increase in costs and a drop in competitiveness. Therefore, a deep scientific study of the nature of the processes used and the general principles of organization of various types of matter becomes a condition for improving existing technologies or quickly replacing them with new ones. This interest in the fundamental side of scientific and technical knowledge is so serious that it largely determines the organizational forms of the innovation process and the methods of interaction between science and production.

Secondly, new technologies do not represent isolated, separate streams. In a number of cases they are connected and enrich each other. But their integrated use also requires fundamental developments that open up new areas of application of the latest processes, principles, and ideas.

Third, modern scientific and technological progress provides the opportunity for alternative ways of developing and applying the same scientific and technical idea in different industries with very different results in terms of efficiency. The risk of inaccurate choice of development direction is extremely high and can lead to loss of market position and loss of independence in the face of a more successful competitor. Fundamental development should provide a “vision” of the innovation’s variants and guidelines for their evaluation. If R&D costs are equal, the results can be very different.

The significance of scientific developments raises the question of the forms of coupling them with applied developments and production. Over the past 10-15 years, a number of effective methods for including science, including fundamental science, have been developed in capitalist countries. general flow development of social production.

In modern conditions, all processes of applying new knowledge are associated with market relations. Practice shows that innovations are aimed at the market and meeting its needs.

The process of introducing innovation covers almost all aspects of an enterprise's activities. The very search for effective organizational forms of innovation management is based on a skillful combination of scientific, innovative and market factors. The introduction of these searches into production is innovation activity.

So, innovation activity is the practical use of innovative, scientific and intellectual potential in mass production in order to obtain a new product that satisfies consumer demand for competitive goods and services. An important characteristic of this activity is innovative activity - targeted support for the high sensitivity of enterprise personnel to innovation through targeted structures and management methods.

Innovation activity itself is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of creation of innovations and their diffusion, which contributes to the deepening and expansion of structural changes in the economy, increasing the size of the market and satisfying existing and emerging needs.

Restructuring the economy on market principles in our country requires ensuring world-class quality of manufactured goods, timely updating of products by enterprises and maximum interest in introducing innovations; high innovative activity based on its own developing potential. At the same time, world practice shows that government support for innovation is objectively necessary.

Currently, the effectiveness of an enterprise's innovation activity is determined, first of all, by the presence of a well-functioning system of investment, lending, taxation, operating in relation to the innovative sphere of scientific developments.

Innovation– these are innovations that have been brought to the stage of commercial use and offered on the market in the form of a new product. The true novelty of a product is always associated with an increase in the economic effect of its use.

Novelty can be “relative”, “absolute” and “particular”.

Absolute novelty is characterized by the absence of analogues to this innovation; relative - this is an innovation that has already been used at other enterprises, but is being implemented for the first time at this enterprise; private novelty implies updating an element of the product.

The economic advantage of an innovation is that the benefits from implementation exceed the costs of its creation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes an “innovation”. Only then do various ideas, inventions, new types of services and products gain consumer recognition and in a new quality they become innovations.

The concept of “innovation” applies to all innovations, both in production and in the organizational, research, educational and management spheres, to all improvements that provide cost savings. Therefore, innovation is market and consumer oriented.

The period of time from the origin of an idea to the practical creation and implementation of an innovation and its use is usually called the life cycle of an innovation. There is a need to manage creative potential and increase the efficiency of communication between science and production. This is what innovation policy deals with - the science of the formation of innovations, their diffusion, as well as factors counteracting the introduction of innovations; human adaptation to them; organization and mechanism of innovation; developing innovative solutions and policies. In other words, innovation policy is a new area of ​​research necessary for effectively solving the problems of intensification and accelerated development of the innovation economy, primarily the creation, development and dissemination of various types of innovations. In other words, innovation policy arose as a reaction to the modern requirements of the economy, the need to increase the susceptibility of its elements to the emerging changes.

In practice, innovation is classified according to a number of criteria.

Based on the reasons for their occurrence, they are divided into reactive - as a reaction to new transformations carried out by a competitor, to fight in the market and survive the enterprise, and strategic, the implementation of which determines the acquisition of promising advantages over competitors.

For an enterprise, innovation can act as:

A) productive – production of new products, products and services, which is associated with the creation of new types of production; a new product created can lead to a decrease in demand for the old one, which will entail the elimination of old types of production. Consequently, the cumulative impact of product innovation consists primarily of job redistribution;

B) market - opening new areas of product introduction and thereby expanding market space;

C) processor - the use of new technologies, management structures and the organization of a resource-saving method of production, product or service;

D) consumer – aimed at satisfying current consumer needs and forming new ones in the future.

According to the innovative potential, depending on the subject content and pace of implementation of the innovation, the following types of innovations are distinguished: radical (basic), when fundamentally new inventions are used; combinatorial, characterized by the use of various combinations of innovations in the form of a constructive connection of elements; modifying, aimed at improving, updating the designs and forms of innovations.

Introduction 3

1. Innovative activity of the enterprise, essence, its importance in the effective operation of the enterprise 5

Investment concept. 10

2. Analysis of the innovative activities of OJSC “Samara Bakery No. 9” for the period 2006-2009. 14

Analysis and assessment of the innovative potential of the enterprise. 25

SWOT analysis of the innovative activities of OJSC Samara Bakery No. 9. 31

1.Analysis and assessment of the enterprise’s innovative potential makes it possible to produce: 35

3. Improving innovative and investment modernization of industrial production 38


Proposals for the development of an innovation program for OJSC Samara Bakery No. 9 40


Assessing the effectiveness of an innovation project 46


References: 56 Introduction is determined by the fact that investment and innovation play a vital role in maintaining and increasing the economic potential of both the country and a particular region. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the activities of enterprises, leads to an increase in the gross national product, and increases the country’s activity in the foreign market. The dynamic and effective development of investment and innovation activities is a necessary condition for the stable functioning and development of the economy. The scale, structure and efficiency of using investments and innovations largely determine the results of management at various levels of the economic system, the state, development prospects and competitiveness of the national economy.

Investment and innovation activities play a key role in the process of large-scale political, economic and social transformations aimed at creating favorable conditions for sustainable economic growth. From the perspective of the essence of economic reform, the problem of increasing investment activity and improving the investment climate is one of the key ones. Without investment, modern capital creation and ensuring the competitiveness of commodity producers in foreign and domestic markets are impossible. They play a vital role at both the macro and micro levels. In fact, they determine the future of the country as a whole, a separate region, an enterprise, and are one of the main factors in the development of the economy as a whole.

Attracting investment to the regions is the most important aspect of Russian economic policy. “In modern conditions, it is investments that can significantly increase the volume of gross regional product and significantly replenish local budgets. And for most Russian territories, this is a real opportunity to strengthen competitive advantages, conquer new economic niches, and reveal their innovative potential,” emphasized V.V. Putin.

According to the leading rating agency Expert RA (2009), Perm region belongs to the group of regions with high investment potential, ranking 8th among Russian regions, and moderate investment risk. The regional administration is pursuing an active policy to attract investment and develop the investment process in the region. She carried out big job to create a support system for investment activities and create an investment climate, and developed tools and mechanisms state support investments.

The object of the study is Bakery No. 9.

The purpose of this work is to study the structure and essence of investments, assess the investment climate of the Samara region, as well as consider and evaluate ways to attract investments to the region.

To achieve the set goals, it became necessary to solve a number of problems:

    Reveal the essence and significance of improving innovation activities for the effective operation of an enterprise;

    Conduct an analysis of the innovative activity of the enterprise for the period 2006-2009;

    Outline measures to improve the innovative activities of the enterprise.

  1. Innovative activity of an enterprise, essence, its importance in the effective operation of an enterprise

Innovation (eng. "innovation" - innovation, novelty, innovation) refers to the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management. The concepts of “novelty”, “innovation”, “innovation” are often identified, although there are differences between them.

Innovation means a new order, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The phrase “innovation” literally means the process of using an innovation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation (innovation). The period of time between the emergence of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called the innovation lag.

The concept of “innovation” as an economic category was introduced into scientific circulation by the Austrian economist I. Schumpeter. He first considered the issues of new combinations of production factors and identified five changes in development, i.e. innovation issues:

the use of new equipment, technological processes or new market support for production;

introduction of products with new properties;

use of new raw materials;

changes in the organization of production and its logistics;

emergence of new markets.

In accordance with international standards, innovation is defined as the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced into the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or a new approach to social services."

The motto of innovation - “new and different” - characterizes the diversity of this concept. Thus, innovation in the service sector is an innovation in the service itself, in its production, provision and consumption, and in the behavior of workers. Innovations are not always based on inventions and discoveries. There are innovations that are based on ideas. Examples include the appearance of zippers, ballpoint pens, aerosol cans, ring openers on soft drink cans, and much more.

Innovation does not have to be technical or anything tangible at all. Few technological innovations can rival the impact of an idea like installment sales. Using this idea literally transforms the economy. Innovation is a new value for the consumer; it must meet the needs and desires of consumers.

Systematic innovation consists of a purposeful, organized search for changes and a systematic analysis of the opportunities that these changes can provide for the successful operation of an enterprise.

The whole variety of innovations can be classified according to a number of characteristics.

1. By degree of novelty:

radical (basic) innovations that realize discoveries, major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and directions for the development of engineering and technology;

improving innovations that implement average inventions;

modification innovations aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technology, production organization.

2. By object of application:

product innovations focused on the production and use of new products (services) or new materials, semi-finished products, components;

technological innovation aimed at creating and applying new technology;

process innovations focused on the creation and functioning of new organizational structures, both within the company and at the inter-firm level;

complex innovations, which are a combination of various innovations.

3. By scale of application:




within the enterprise (firm).

4. For reasons of occurrence:

reactive (adaptive) innovations that ensure the survival of the company as a reaction to innovations carried out by competitors;

strategic innovations are innovations, the implementation of which is proactive in nature in order to obtain competitive advantages in perspective.

5. In terms of efficiency:





The introduction of innovations has always been of great importance in the development of production. In the modern economy, the role of innovation increases significantly. They are increasingly becoming fundamental factors of economic growth.

The experience of developed countries indicates that radical transformations in the field of productive forces in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the rapid turnover of its waves, and, consequently, new combinations of production factors, and the widespread introduction of innovations have become the norm of modern economic life. And if the innovative approach plays an increasing role in developed countries, then in modern Russia, in the context of the transition to a market economy and the need to overcome a deep crisis, this role is especially great.

The growing role of innovation is due, firstly, to the very nature of market relations, and secondly, to the need for deep qualitative transformations in the Russian economy in order to overcome the crisis and enter a path of sustainable growth.

Let us briefly consider these provisions.

In a market economy and competition, no one forces anyone to improve production or improve product quality, except for the threat of bankruptcy. The driving force behind competition is the incentive to innovate. It is on the basis of innovation that it is possible to use modern technology and production organization, improve product quality, and ensure the success and efficiency of the enterprise. Solving these problems requires an innovative, entrepreneurial approach, the essence of which is the search and implementation of innovations.

In this regard, it is important to note that one of the classics of economic theory, A. Marshall, spoke about entrepreneurship as a fundamental property, the main feature of a market economy. Speaking about the main property of a market economy, A. Marshall draws attention not to competition, but to another property of a market economy - “freedom of production and entrepreneurship.”

In fact, competition only creates a situation of the need to search for the competitive advantages of the company and the competitiveness of the product. Competition encourages improvement of the entire process from production to consumption. And the competitive advantages themselves are ensured on the basis of the implementation of certain innovations, i.e. through entrepreneurship, since it is this that is the real engine of progress.

As for overcoming the crisis and entering a growth trajectory, this task can only be solved on the basis of deep qualitative transformations in all sectors of the national economy, the implementation of a deep structural restructuring of the economy, and a decisive renewal of forms and methods of work.

The country is experiencing a gigantic overconsumption of natural resources, which creates imaginary deficits in energy, agriculture and forestry, etc. Thus, according to calculations, energy costs per unit of final product in Russia are 3 times higher than in Japan and Germany, and 2 times higher than in the United States. In terms of forest resource consumption per 1 ton of paper, Russia exceeds developed countries by 4-6 times. These data convincingly show the gigantic "gluttony" and costly nature of the country's economy. Under these conditions, if production is boosted on the basis of resource-intensive technologies, then the Russian economy again falls into a vicious circle: the growth of production in the manufacturing industries requires a redistribution in their favor of investments that are needed to increase the production of raw materials and energy resources.

It is quite obvious that in solving these difficult, but very important problems for our economy, the decisive role belongs to an entrepreneurial approach based on the search and implementation of innovations, because all these tasks require not a routine, but an innovative, creative approach.

Innovations with powerful transformation functions are of particular importance for production. These innovations will radically change the production apparatus, which has a high degree of obsolescence and physical wear and tear in Russian enterprises, its organization, and, consequently, production efficiency. Such innovations should include, first of all, new equipment and technologies. By changing production, transferring it to a new scientific and technological level, it is possible to create the main prerequisites for transferring product production to a qualitatively new state. A new production apparatus usually requires new organization, management, marketing, new motivation, i.e. a new type of innovation management. He assumes that new products will also be produced 1 . And innovative opportunities modernization industrial spheres of the country allowed us to do...

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    Chapter 1. Theoretical part

    1.1. Basic concepts of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise

    1.1.1. Basic concepts of investment activity of an enterprise

    1.1.2. Basic concepts of innovative activity of an enterprise

    1.2. Sources of financing for investment and innovation activities of an enterprise

    1.2.1. Own funds: composition and importance as a source of investment

    1.2.2. Raised funds: composition, advantages and disadvantages

    1.2.3. The place of borrowed sources in the system of financing investment activities. Credit sources of investment

    1.3. Efficiency of the investment project. Basic concepts, principles and methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects

    1.3.1. Investment risk in an investment project

    1.4. Investment and innovation activities of the enterprise within the framework of the strategic development of the enterprise

    1.4.1. Innovation performance indicators

    1.4.2. Organization of analysis of the effectiveness of innovation activities

    Chapter 2. Analysis of production and economic activities of JSC “Zvezda”

    2.1. General characteristics of the enterprise


    The future of industry lies in innovation...

    The global financial crisis, for all its negative traits ah, it became an excellent indicator that highlighted the pros and cons of economic systems not only of entire states, but also of individual regions.

    The harsh lessons of the global crisis have shown: those cities that relied primarily on some service segments (say, tourism or banking) suffered much more than centers with a developed diversified economy - primarily a well-functioning modern industry. Of course, social stability is felt more strongly in industrially saturated territories.

    In the corridors of power, both at the level of enterprises and at the state level, they realized that urgent and effective measures were needed.

    It was decided to launch advanced, innovative technologies designed to produce highly competitive goods to satisfy growing markets - both domestic and foreign.

    In the industrial sector, the impact of the crisis began to be felt long before the fall of 2008. And there is an explanation for this. There are a number of economic, political and organizational obstacles that create serious structural problems for the development of Russian industry. First of all, this concerns insufficiently efficient use of the domestic market and a shortened planning horizon (maximum 3 years). After all, if we are talking about high-tech products, then we either need to significantly expand this horizon, or carry out additional work to ensure promising scientific developments through public-private partnerships. A similar practice exists, for example, in the USA and shows great effectiveness.

    The crisis in industry has not yet been overcome. Unfortunately, in Russia, clear priorities in this area have not yet been defined at the state level. There is no balanced strategy, no well-developed industrial policy. Real support is provided either to state corporations or other monopoly structures. This leads to inefficient use of funds and, in addition, can lead to the loss of entire industries that cannot withstand competition in the global market.

    The relevance of the topic of the thesis. The introduction of the results of scientific research into production, embodied in progressive, advanced technologies, new means and objects of labor with improved quality characteristics, is a key factor in increasing the efficiency of production activities of enterprises, strengthening the competitiveness of domestic products in world markets within the country.

    Meanwhile, the innovative activity of Russian enterprises currently remains extremely low in comparison with highly developed ones. European countries, as well as the USA and Japan.

    The solution to this problem should be facilitated not only by increasing the share of investments directed to the innovative sector of the economy, but also by improving the mechanism for managing the investment and innovation activities of enterprises, which will ultimately create more favorable conditions for increasing the efficiency of economic activities of enterprises. Meanwhile, the results of the study show that a number of theoretical and methodological issues in managing the investment and innovation activities of enterprises are insufficiently developed. This necessitates further research on this issue. Of particular interest are insufficiently researched issues of planning, accounting, control, economic analysis investment and innovation activities of enterprises. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects need to be improved, as well as substantiation of the information base for managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise.

    The thesis is devoted to solving these problems.

    Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the thesis is to substantiate the theoretical principles and develop methodological recommendations for improving the mechanism for managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise. This target orientation of the research determined the need to solve the following problems:

    Consider and, if necessary, clarify such concepts as “investment”, “innovation”, “investment activity”, “innovation process”, “innovation activity”, “investment-innovation activity”, “strategy of investment-innovation activity”;

    Show the existing commonalities and differences between the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise and, on this basis, prove the feasibility of developing and justifying special indicators and methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects;

    Justify the composition of the information base intended both for assessing the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects, and for planning, analysis, control and regulation of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise;

    Justify the composition of planned and analytical indicators of the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects, reveal the methodology for their calculation and economic content, show their place in the management system of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise;

    Consider the relationship between planned and analytical indicators of the efficiency of an enterprise’s economic activities and indicators of the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects;

    Develop a methodology for operational analysis, control and regulation of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise;

    To substantiate proposals for the formation of operational accounting and internal reporting that meet the needs of managing the process of implementing investment and innovation projects.

    Subject and object of research. The subject of the thesis is the theoretical and methodological issues of managing the investment and innovation activities of the enterprise JSC Zvezda. The object of the study is the investment and innovation activity of the enterprise JSC Zvezda.

    Research methodology. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was general scientific methods knowledge: analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, observation, comparison, detailing, methods of grouping, elimination, historical and logical analysis, generalization, as well as economic-statistical and other research methods.

    During the research, the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the management of investment and innovation activities of enterprises were studied, including methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects, as well as methods of planning, operational accounting, control and regulation of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise.

    Scientific novelty lies in the formulation, theoretical justification and solution of a set of methodological issues aimed at improving the mechanism for managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise.

    The practical significance of the thesis lies in its focus on solving applied problems of managing the investment and innovation activities of an enterprise. The planning and evaluation indicators of the effectiveness of investment and innovation projects, planning procedures, operational analysis, accounting and control, and the formation of internal reporting, specified and developed in the diploma, will make it possible to more effectively manage the investment and innovation activities of the enterprise.

    Chapter 1. Theoretical part

    1.1. Basic concepts of investment and innovation activities of an enterprise

    1.1.1. Basic concepts of investment activity of an enterprise

    The financial resources of the enterprise are used to finance current expenses and investments. The term investment began to be widely used in domestic economic science and economic practice recently, namely in the 80s of the 20th century.

    Investments - a set of long-term costs of financial, labor and material resources in order to increase assets and profits. Investments are made by both individuals and legal entities. The Law of the Russian Federation “On investment activities in the Russian Federation, carried out in the form of capital investments” No. 39-FZ of February 25, 1999 gives the following definition of investments: “Investments - cash, securities, other property, including property rights, other rights that have a monetary value and are invested in objects of entrepreneurial and (or) other activity for the purpose of generating profit and other activities for the purpose of generating profit and (or) achieving another beneficial effect.”

    Subject investment may be the state, international organizations, municipalities, legal entities and their associations, individuals. In relation to the Russian Federation, the subjects of investment are: the Russian Federation represented by authorized government bodies; subjects of the Russian Federation represented by authorized authorities; municipalities represented by authorized government bodies; Russian legal entities of any organizational and legal forms, including those with foreign participation and associations of such legal entities; foreign legal entities; international organizations; foreign states; individuals, both residents and non-residents. A special role among investment entities and legal entities is played by institutional investors, namely investment funds, including mutual funds, as well as insurance companies and pension funds, primarily non-state ones. Object investments, as a first approximation, can be called reproduction relations.

    Reproduction- this is the general process of production, considered in constant connection and the continuous flow of its renewal. Reproduction relations act as production relations, including the phases of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Thus, reproduction represents a repetition of the process of social production at the stages of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. At the same time, investment is not identical to reproduction. They include only part of reproduction, only a few of its elements. In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, expanded reproduction includes 5 elements:

    1) reproduction of material goods;

    2) reproduction of social capital in monetary, industrial and commodity forms of its manifestation;

    3) reproduction of the labor force (renewal of living and working conditions);

    4) reproduction of fundamental and applied science;

    5) reproduction of the entire set of production relations, while the reproduction of capital, labor and science is an indispensable condition the course of the reproduction process as a whole, and capital, labor, science act as factors of economic growth.

    The economic essence of investments lies in the fact that they ensure the renewal and development of economic growth factors, being an integral part of reproduction relations. That's why, investments- this is a special economic activity for the reproduction of factors of economic growth (social capital, labor, science). The diversity of investment relations for the reproduction of these factors is manifested in the forms of investment. These forms are: construction, reconstruction, expansion, modernization, acquisition (including through leasing) of production and non-production fixed assets, including land and environmental management facilities; increase in inventory; costs of modern scientific developments (reproduction of science and social capital); contributions to trust funds for science and technology (reproduction of science and technology); expenses of the population for education (reproduction of the labor force); depositing funds (reproduction of loan capital); purchase of securities, both in the primary and secondary markets; contribution or sale of a share in the authorized capital by a legal entity; provision of credit (reproduction of loan capital). Investment goals for individuals and legal entities are: obtaining profit or income; increase in the value of their property; acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities. Exclusively for legal entities - improving the living and working conditions of employees, i.e. the targets of individuals and legal entities are of a microeconomic nature.

    For the state, along with those indicated, there is another goal - ensuring general conditions for the functioning of the economy, including through the formation of positive social effects not directly related to making a profit (road construction, housing construction, development of the education system, healthcare). This goal is macroeconomic. Investments ensure the dynamic development of the enterprise and allow you to: expand your own business activities through the accumulation of financial and material resources; acquire new businesses; diversify into new areas of business.

    The expansion of one’s own business activity indicates a strong position of the enterprise in the market, the presence of demand for the products produced, the work performed or the services provided.

    1.1.2. Basic concepts of innovative activity of an enterprise

    It is necessary to distinguish between the terms “innovation” and “innovation”. Innovation is a broader concept than innovation.

    Innovation is an evolving, complex process of creating, disseminating and using a new idea that helps improve the efficiency of an enterprise. Moreover, innovation is not just an object introduced into production, but an object that has been successfully introduced and brings profit as a result of scientific research or a discovery made, which is qualitatively different from its previous analogue.

    Scientific and technical innovation must be considered as a process of transforming scientific knowledge into a scientific and technical idea and then into the production of products to satisfy the needs of the user. In this context, two approaches to scientific and technological innovation can be distinguished.

    The first approach mainly reflects the product orientation of the innovation. Innovation is defined as the process of transformation for the sake of producing finished products. This direction is spreading at a time when the position of the consumer in relation to the manufacturer is quite weak. However, products themselves are not the final goal, but only a means of satisfying needs. Therefore, according to the second approach, the process of scientific and technical innovation is considered as the transfer of scientific or technical knowledge directly to the sphere of satisfying consumer needs. In this case, the product turns into a carrier of technology, and the form it takes is determined after linking the technology and the need being satisfied.

    Thus, innovation, firstly, must have a market structure to satisfy consumer needs. Secondly, any innovation is always considered as a complex process, involving changes of both a scientific and technical, and economic, social and structural nature. Thirdly, in innovation the emphasis is on the rapid implementation of an innovation into practical use. Fourthly, innovations must provide economic, social, technical or environmental benefits.

    The innovation process is the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation, which can be represented as a sequential chain of events during which innovation matures from an idea to a specific product, technology or service and spreads through practical use. The innovation process is aimed at creating the required markets for products, technologies or services and is carried out in close unity with the environment: its direction, pace, goals depend on the socio-economic environment in which it operates and develops. Therefore, only on the innovative path of development is economic growth possible.

    Innovation activity is an activity aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve the technology of their manufacture, followed by implementation and effective sales in the domestic and foreign markets.

    Innovation can be viewed as:





    Innovation has a clear focus on the final result of an applied nature; it should always be considered as a complex process that provides a certain technical and socio-economic effect.

    Innovation in its development (life cycle) changes forms, moving from idea to implementation. The course of the innovation process, like any other, is determined by the complex interaction of many factors. The use of one or another form of organization of innovation processes in business practice is determined by three factors:

    State of the external environment (political and economic situation, type of market, nature of competition, practice of state-monopoly regulation, etc.);

    The state of the internal environment of a given economic system (presence of a leader-entrepreneur and a support team, financial, material and technical resources, technologies used, size, existing organizational structure, internal culture of the organization, connections with the external environment, etc.);

    Specifics of the innovation process itself as an object of management.

    Innovation processes are considered as processes that permeate all scientific, technical, production, and marketing activities of manufacturers and, ultimately, focused on meeting market needs. The most important condition for the success of innovation is the presence of an innovator-enthusiast, captured by a new idea and ready to make every effort to bring it to life, and a leader-entrepreneur who found investments, organized production, promoted a new product to the market, took the main risk and implemented your commercial interest.

    Innovations form the market for innovations, investments form the capital market, innovations form the market for competition of innovations. The innovation process ensures the implementation of scientific and technical results and intellectual potential to obtain new or improved products (services) and the maximum increase in added value.

    1.2. Sources of financing for investment and innovation activities of an enterprise

    The system for generating funding sources is under the active influence of the state’s investment policy, which changes depending on the specific objectives of economic development. Regardless of the nature of the system for generating sources of investment activity, their total value is influenced by:

    1) the size of national income,

    2) the proportions of its distribution into the consumption fund and the accumulation fund,

    3) the scale of external borrowings.

    Before the transition to the market, the system for generating investment sources was based primarily on budget financing (60%) and the use of own funds (40%). With the transition to the market, the role of budget sources decreased. Currently, centralized funds as a source of investment are predominantly allocated in the form of government loans for targeted investment programs.

    The modern scheme of investment financing sources includes the following elements (Fig. 1).

    Each source of investment resources has advantages for their use in investment activities and economic restrictions.

    Based on the mechanisms of budget financing of capital investments, financing of objects is carried out that have an impact on the sectoral structure of the country’s economy as a whole: the development of interregional and intersectoral production, as well as the construction of such enterprises, with the help of which the problems of economic and social development RF. Therefore, budget funds are allocated mainly for targeted investment programs.

    Fig.1. Structure of sources of financing investment activities

    The construction of social facilities can also be carried out at the expense of budgetary funds. IN Lately Budget resources are primarily allocated on a repayable and paid basis.

    The combination of budgetary and extra-budgetary financing is typical for all countries with developed market economies. It should be noted that despite fluctuations in the ratio of these sources in different countries and in different economic and political periods of their development, a relatively low share of budget funds prevails in total amount investment resources

    1.2.1. Own funds: composition and importance as a source of investment

    The enterprise's own sources of investment include profit, depreciation charges, funds mobilized in construction, on-farm reserves, etc. As can be seen from the table given in the first question, the main source is profit. Not only can it be directly invested in an investment project, but it is also an important tool that creates opportunities to attract other sources of investment.

    Another equally important source is depreciation charges. As a result of the prevailing tendency to accelerate the transfer of the value of elements of fixed capital to costs, depreciation is separated from the process of real wear and tear of fixed assets, and the depreciation fund takes its own form of movement, becoming a source of accumulation of resources (capital). In addition, as a result of scientific and technological progress, when replacing retired fixed assets with new ones of similar value, production capacity increases.

    When characterizing the structure of one’s own sources of investment resources, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the most important element of investment activity is capital construction. The specificity of construction as a special sphere of production activity allows us to form another source of financing investment activities, which can be classified as our own - these are funds mobilized in construction.

    One of the mechanisms for generating resources in construction is the mobilization working capital. This is possible when, firstly, the need for working capital is reduced during construction. Secondly, the release of working capital also occurs due to the identification of unreasonable inventories of material assets, the reduction of inventories of uninstalled equipment, the reduction of the volume of unfinished construction by the end of the year and the repayment of accounts receivable.

    Returning to the characteristics of our own sources of investment financing, it is necessary to note their positive and negative sides. Only the use of own resources does not lead to an additional increase in the costs of performers associated with the payment of interest or dividends (the exception is irrevocable budget financing, but its share is small). Own funds within the framework of the law have no restrictions on the scope of use. Their presence is one of the most important conditions for attracting other sources. Own sources reduce the risk of enterprise bankruptcy and increase the likelihood of a return of funds to all categories of external investors. The main disadvantages of this source are its limitations and dependence on the results of past activities. This source is not available for an enterprise just starting its activities.

    1.2.2. Raised funds: composition, advantages and disadvantages

    Own resources, as a rule, cannot provide solutions to fundamental development problems. Therefore, in market conditions, raised funds play a major role in investing. , the formation of which occurs through the securities market.

    Raising funds is mainly associated with increasing the authorized capital of the enterprise. The authorized capital consists of the value of the contributions of its participants and determines the minimum amount of the company's property that guarantees the interests of its creditors.

    As is known, the most common forms of business entities are companies, which can be created in the form of joint-stock companies and limited liability companies. The latter raise funds into the authorized capital in the form of shares, and joint-stock companies - in the form of shares. Unlike a share, a share does not exist in documentary form and cannot be freely traded on the market. A participant in an LLC can sell his share only with the consent of other participants.

    The authorized capital of a joint-stock company consists of the par value of all shares acquired by shareholders. In Russia, shares can only be registered. The par value and rights of all common shares are the same.

    Shareholders - owners of ordinary shares of the company can participate in the general meeting of shareholders with the right to vote on all issues within its competence, and also have the right to receive dividends, and in the event of liquidation of the company - the right to receive part of its property.

    JSC also has the right to place one or more types of preferred shares. Preferred shares of a company of the same type provide their owners with the same amount of rights and have the same par value. The share of preferred shares in the management company should not exceed 25 percent.

    The company's charter determines the size of the dividend and the value paid upon liquidation of the company (liquidation value) for preferred shares of each type.

    Securities perform two main functions in organizing investment activities. Firstly, this is one of the most effective ways to mobilize capital (resources), especially when we're talking about about large capital investments. The second function of securities is that their presence certifies that the mobilization of resources has occurred, i.e., a supply of capital has been formed in accordance with investment demand.

    The advantages of the joint stock form include the fact that the dividend is directly dependent on the efficiency of the enterprise, the attraction of capital is not limited by the repayment period, a joint stock company of the open type helps to increase the liquidity of shares, etc. The disadvantages are that income is split between participants share capital; an increase in the number of shareholders makes management difficult, which may lead to a loss of control over capital; legislation regulating the securities market sets the conditions for the greatest possible transparency financial information about the issuer; The issue and placement of shares requires large expenses, etc.

    1.2.3. The place of borrowed sources in the system of financing investment activities. Credit sources of investment

    Borrowed sources of investment require an unconditional subsequent return of funds received for financing. In addition, their generic features are: urgency of provision, payment and priority of return in comparison with other external sources. Borrowing funds can be the result of either the issue of debt securities or the use of various forms long-term loan.

    The main type of debt securities used as a source of financing are bonds. They, like shares, are issue-grade securities, that is, their sale is possible only after state registration of the terms of issue. The bond provides the holder with an unconditional right to receive the nominal value after a certain period of time. A bond may also provide its holder with the right to receive interest or other property equivalent fixed in the terms of the issue. The debtor, and accordingly the payer of the bond, is the issuer.

    Bonds can be registered or bearer. The placement of bonds is allowed after full payment of the company's authorized capital. Bonds may be secured or unsecured. The placement of unsecured bonds is permitted no earlier than the third year of the issuer’s existence and subject to proper approval by that time of the company’s two annual balance sheets. The terms of the issue may provide for the possibility of early repayment of bonds at the request of their owners.

    Borrowing funds is a more convenient and cheaper method of raising capital compared to issuing shares. This is due, firstly, to the fact that interest payments on debt obligations are included in the cost and reduce taxable profit. Secondly, the release of profits has a positive effect on the payment of dividends on shares. Thus, two tasks are solved at once: additional resources are attracted and prerequisites are created for repaying debts on borrowed funds. At the same time, the emergence of borrowed sources of investment financing is associated with debt servicing costs. Therefore, tax and other benefits may not be sufficient in relation to these costs.

    A special place among the sources of investment financing is occupied by credit sources: bank investment loan, leasing lending, mortgage lending, etc.

    In a market economy, bank investment credit is one of the most important sources of investment resources. The more developed economic relations, the more actively credit participates in the mediation of core activities. When using it to finance investments, it is important to assess its place and determine the economic boundaries of its application.

    The advantages of a loan as a source of investment financing are that it is long-term in nature and allows you to obtain funds for organizing investment activities before income is achieved. The second advantage of a loan is that the dual remuneration of its movement puts the lender in the same dependence on the final result as the borrower. Those. For the period of the loan agreement, the lender and the borrower act as partners. Therefore, when making a final decision on a loan application for investment purposes, it is of great importance to identify target orientation costs (technological and marketing development of the project), time lag (primarily the payback period) and total risks (including the risks of managerial project management). These features of credit relations determine the third advantage of credit as a source of investment - the need for control on the part of the bank over the movement of credit resources, which actually merges with control over the implementation of the investment project. This feature is implemented in the organization of credit monitoring during investment lending in a bank.

    In practice, investment loans include long-term loans for production needs, including capital construction, investment loans from government institutions and mortgage loans.

    The economic nature of the loan is associated with economic risk. Therefore, as a source of investment resources, it has quantitative and qualitative boundaries. The first is determined by the need for funds from an economic entity. This need sets the maximum volume of credit investments, which is equal to the lack of own funds within the free balance of investment resources. The second is the economically justified need for a bank investment loan, i.e. taking into account repayment and payment as an investment resource.

    Investment loans are classified according to various criteria:

    According to the form of provision - commodity and monetary.

    Type of lender - foreign, state, bank, inter-farm (commercial or leasing).

    By term – medium-term and long-term (over 5 years).

    In a developed market economy, the main type of investment loan is a bank loan.

    TO borrowed sources They also include stable accounts payable (for example, for wages), but in investment activities they can be used for financing in very rare cases.

    Debt sources of investment financing have a common number of positive and negative features. The positive ones include:

    High volume of possible fundraising,

    The presence of a lever effect.

    Negative features include:

    Difficulty in attracting and registering

    Increased risk of bankruptcy due to late repayment of funds,

    Loss of part of the profit from investment activities.

    Credit sources have two more distinctive features:

    Significant external control over the effectiveness of their use,

    The need to provide a guarantee or collateral.

    1.3. Efficiency of the investment project. Basic concepts, principles and methods for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects

    The set of these stages is a capacious concept called a project, or an investment project.

    The concept of “investment project” in Russian literature used in two senses:

    · as an activity that involves the implementation of a set of actions that ensure the achievement of certain goals;

    · as a system that includes a certain set of organizational, legal, settlement and financial documents necessary to carry out any actions or describing such actions.

    At the very general approach An investment project is a plan for investing capital in order to make a profit. Before developing any project, an idea is put forward, which can arise spontaneously or be the result of fundamental or applied research, experimental design work, and the creation of a fundamentally new product or technology.

    During the development of a project, it is necessary to assess its social and environmental impacts, as well as the costs associated with social activities and environmental protection.

    The investment project is multifaceted and has a complex structure; temporary, subjective, factorial, etc. Therefore, it has to be analyzed taking into account all its aspects.

    The sheer variety of physical objects created each year around the world means there are differences in the types of projects. They can be classified according to the following criteria:

    · project scale;

    · timing of the project;

    · quality of project execution;

    · organization of project implementation.

    Based on their scale, there are small and mega-projects. Small projects are not large in scale, simple and limited in scope. Megaprojects are targeted programs, united by a common goal, allocated resources and allotted implementation time.

    According to the implementation period, projects are short-term, medium-term and long-term.

    Based on the quality of the project, so-called defect-free projects are distinguished. In a zero-defect project, the dominant factor is its increased quality. These include nuclear power plant projects.

    Based on the degree of organic resources, projects are distinguished for which: resource restrictions are not set in advance, for example, strategic projects; restrictions on some restrictions are allowed, for example, time.

    In practice, there are also multi-projects and mono-projects. Multi-projects refer to several interrelated projects carried out by different contractors for the same manufacturing company. Mono-projects usually include the implementation of individual projects within one design firm.

    The designation of the time lag between the moment of investment and the moment of deviation of the life of the project is a unifying characteristic of all projects. The period of time between the moment a project appears and its liquidation is called the project life cycle.

    During the life cycle, they are carried out different kinds works that can be divided into two large blocks: for the project and support for the project.

    The main activities of the project include:

    · pre-investment research;

    · project planning;

    · design development estimate documentation;

    · conducting tenders and concluding contracts;

    · construction and installation works;

    · commissioning work;

    · delivery of the project to the customer;

    · project explantation and product release;

    · equipment repair and production development;

    · dismantling of equipment;

    · sale of the remaining property (closing the project).

    There is project support:

    · organizational - economic;

    · legal;

    · personnel;

    · financial;

    · commercial;

    · informational;

    · material and technical.

    The main activities of a project during its life cycle can be broken down into stages.

    The first is the pre-investment stage; includes the following activities:

    · checking the original design of the project;

    · drawing up assignments for the development and support of the project;

    ·development of a business plan;

    ·selecting the location of the object;

    ·allocation of investments for design;

    · conducting tenders for design;

    ·selecting an organization's project and concluding an agreement with it;

    · development of feasibility study; (feasibility studies)

    ·development of design documentation; (design and estimate document)

    · approval of design documentation;

    ·allocation of land for construction;

    ·obtaining a construction permit;

    · holding a tender for construction;

    ·development of working documentation;

    · concluding a contract.

    An important pre-investment stage is the so-called contract phase, which is associated with drawing up qualification requirements and selecting potential project implementers, investors, and drawing up contracts.

    The second – investment stage of the project consists of the following activities:

    ·construction of projects included in the project;

    ·installation of equipment;

    ·commissioning works;

    ·production of prototypes;

    ·reaching design capacity.

    During the investment stage of the project, the organization's assets are formed, contracts for the supply of raw materials are concluded, workers are recruited, and a set of orders is formed.

    The third, operational stage of the project, significantly affects the effectiveness of the funds invested in the project.

    At this stage the following is carried out:

    · acceptance and launch of the project;

    · production and sale of the product;

    · repair, modernization and replacement of equipment;

    · product certification;

    · creation of repair centers;

    · formation of a dealer network;

    current monitoring economic indicators project;

    · development of production, improvement of manufactured products “innovation”.

    The final stage of the project life cycle - its liquidation - includes:

    · cessation of production activities;

    · dismantling of equipment;

    ·sale and disposal of unused project funds;

    completion and termination of the project.

    The first two stages of the project - pre-investment and investment - are the most critical, since the future efficiency and success of the project are laid down here.

    Therefore, at these stages, special attention should be paid to a thorough economic justification and implementation of the project, both at the stage of preliminary examination and at the final stage of accurate calculations, either confirming or refuting the feasibility of implementing this project. Only in the case of a positive unconditional assessment of the economic efficiency and feasibility of the project under consideration can the implementation of this project begin.

    1.3.1. Investment risk in an investment project

    Let us define the range of issues related to risk management of investments and the investment process (now this area is called risk management). This field of activity covers three categories of risks: market, credit, and operational.

    Risk cannot always be clearly divided into different categories. For example, the counterparty did not deliver a share on time, the price of which has increased. If he refused to deliver at all, the credit risk became a market risk; You will no longer do business with the counterparty, but you need to buy the position on the market. If your back office added non-existent shares to your position and you sold them, then your operational risk has become market risk, etc. Even just listing market, credit and operational risks is impressive.

    These include:

    · Risk of significant movement of the underlying asset;

    · Risk of increased volatility;

    · Basis risk;

    · Concentration risk;

    · Risk of correlation;

    · Hedging risk;

    · risk of modeling;

    · Risk of position limits;

    · Reinvestment risk;

    · Risk of changes in gross legislation;

    · Translation risk;

    · Collateral risk;

    · Currency risks;

    · Legal risks;

    · Risks of technology failures, etc.

    At the same time, there are operational risks associated with the “human factor”: the risk of “waking up”; risk of “absence due to need”; risk of “hangover”; the risk of a “dog tearing up the risk report.”

    If your job is to invest, i.e. taking risks, do not try to deceive yourself and avoid it. Those who put off making difficult decisions for a long time end up being forced to take more risks. On one side of the scale there will always be uncertainty and fear, and on the other side the fulfillment of the plan and the desire to make money. A bias in either direction will eventually cause the risk to your position to increase dramatically.

    Risk management largely shapes the behavior of traders and investors. Unthoughtful actions of both the trader and the risk management can result in major losses for the business.

    Markets behave discretely. The ability to distinguish turning points and select new control algorithms is called a critical risk management skill. An investor has made a lot of money on this instrument, but constantly loses on another, when the statistical risk parameters of both instruments are the same.

    The essence of the quantitative aspects of risk management with basic principles comes down to the fact that it is impossible to insure for all occasions. In addition, you need to remember that insurance should be reasonable in terms of cost and common sense.

    1.4. Investment and innovation activities of the enterprise within the framework of the strategic development of the enterprise

    The state of investment and innovation activity, as a catalyst for future economic development, is a kind of barometer of the overall economic situation and socially expected changes in society. In the modern period of rapid development of productive forces, innovation is the main driving force dynamic development of social production. Concepts such as “innovation”, “innovation processes”, “innovation activity” have become firmly established in our lives. However, the generally accepted content of the concepts has not yet been developed. Since in the further presentation we will use these concepts, we will consider the history of their emergence and give them a definition.

    The concept of innovation is closely related to two other concepts that are often found in works on this issue - the innovation process and innovation activity. The innovation process is the production, distribution and consumption of an innovation that has a certain potential, which allows this innovation to satisfy the social need that caused it for some time. In other words, the innovation process is the creation, deployment and exhaustion of the scientific, technical, production, economic and social-organizational potential of an innovation.

    Innovation processes arise as a result of deviation of the movement of the socio-economic system from the intended trajectory under the influence of external disturbances. Therefore, one of the most important conditions for the emergence of innovative processes is to identify a means that can neutralize external disturbances. At the same time, the socio-economic system for the implementation of innovative processes must have a certain potential necessary for its implementation.

    The innovation process is a socio-technical-economic process that, through identifying social needs, leads to the development of scientific and technical products, the practical use of which contributes to the development of the socio-economic system and supports the intended mode of its functioning. That is, the innovation process covers the entire range of activities - from identifying the needs for an emerging change to their practical implementation in the field of application.

    1.4.1. Innovation performance indicators

    Innovations as a result of the introduction of innovations can only be carried out in one’s own organization, and innovations can be purchased and developed in-house. Innovations cannot be sold, only innovations are sold to turn into innovations in the sphere of consumption 1.

    The life course of an innovation can develop along one of three paths:

    1. accumulation in an innovative organization (IO);

    2. turning IO into innovation;

    3. sale as goods.

    The effectiveness of an organization is expressed through economic and financial indicators. In market conditions there cannot be unified systems of indicators. Each investor independently determines this system based on the characteristics of the innovative project, the professionalism of specialists and managers and other indicators.

    The following requirements are imposed on the indicator system:

    1. indicators must cover processes at all stages of the product life cycle;

    2. indicators should be formed for the future, at least for 3-5 years, based on a retrospective analysis of the organization’s activities;

    3. indicators should be based on data on the competitiveness of competitive products in specific markets for a specific period;

    4. the most important indicators must be expressed in absolute, relative and specific values;

    5. indicators must be linked to all sections of the plan;

    6. indicators should reflect all aspects financial activities enterprises;

    7. The design of final indicators should be carried out on the basis of multivariate calculations, determining the risk and sustainability of financial activities, using a sufficient and high-quality amount of information.

    One of the main indicators of the efficiency and stability of the functioning of an enterprise is the indicator of its sustainability.

    The introduction of innovations can give four types of effect: 2 (see diagram 3.1)

    ·economic effect;

    scientific and technical effect;

    social effect;

    · environmental effect.

    By obtaining an effective economic effect in the form of profit, the educational institution carries out comprehensive development and improvement of the well-being of employees. The remaining types have potential economic benefits.

    The economic effect of developing, implementing or selling innovations can be potential or actual, and scientific, technical, social and environmental effects can only have the form of potential economic effect. In fact, if we take into account only the final results of the implementation or sale of innovations, then any type of innovative activity can be assessed in monetary terms. The final assessment criteria here are: the time of obtaining the actual economic effect and the degree of uncertainty of its receipt or the level of risk of investing in innovation.

    1.4.2. Organization of analysis of the effectiveness of innovation activities

    The purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of innovation activity is to study its mechanism and determine the return on investment.

    The following analysis tasks follow from this goal:

    1. Analysis of the validity of the idea and structure of the problem;

    2. Analysis of the rationality of the structure;

    3. Analysis of the professionalism of the head of the educational organization, managers of innovative projects, and their teams;

    4. Analysis of the legal validity of projects and state support for innovation;

    5. Analysis of financial and material support;

    6. Analysis of the quality of regulatory and methodological support;

    7. Analysis of the quality of information support;

    8. Analysis of the totality of scientific approaches and modern management methods used in design;

    9. Analysis of the use of competitive advantages of the educational institution;

    10. Analysis of the structure of the portfolio of innovations and innovations;

    11. Analysis of the quality of the project examination;

    12. Analysis of the quality of calculations of innovation performance indicators;

    13. Analysis of the system of motivation and responsibility for innovation.

    The analysis of the effectiveness of innovation activity should be carried out in compliance with several principles:

    · the principle of dialectics;

    ·the principle of unity of analysis and synthesis;

    ·principle of ranking;

    · the principle of ensuring the comparability of alternative options;

    principle of efficiency;

    · the principle of quantitative efficiency.

    And the main stages of innovation activity include:

    1. identification of the problem, formation of goals and objectives of the analysis;

    2. formation of a temporary creative group to conduct analysis;

    3. development of a draft analysis program;

    4. preparation and publication of an order for IR on goals, analysis program;

    5. choice of method of performing work;

    6. collection and processing of necessary information;

    7. preparation, coordination and approval of a report on the work done;

    8. taking action based on the results of the analysis.

    These are all the methods, tasks and principles that must be followed to analyze the effectiveness of innovation.

    The emergence of any innovation usually goes through several stages. At the very beginning is scientific research, then engineering practice, then production and use of a new product in practice. In this case, the entrepreneur is present at each of the listed stages. Without it, not a single innovation has a chance to become a reality.

    Chapter 2. Analysis of production and economic activities of JSC “Zvezda”

    2.1. General characteristics of the enterprise

    JSC "ZVEZDA" is Russia's largest manufacturer of light, compact, high-speed, multi-purpose diesel engines. This is a well-known St. Petersburg enterprise with a developed production base, existing since 1932. In 2007, the ZVEZDA plant turned 75 years old.

    Main activities OJSC "ZVEZDA" is the development, production, sale and service of diesel engines, diesel generators and automated diesel power plants, diesel gearboxes and other units, reverse gearboxes, supply of spare parts, service and repair of manufactured products.

    Products and services:

    · compact high-speed marine diesel engines of dimensions 18/20 and 16/17 and diesel gear units from 500 to 7400 kW for high-speed sea and river vessels for various purposes;

    · marine diesel generators based on diesel engines of our own production from 300 to 800 kW;

    · marine gear and reverse gear transmissions for various purposes with transmitted power up to 12,000 hp;

    · diesel engines of size 18/20 for passenger diesel trains, rail buses, railcars, diesel locomotives, track machines and other traction units of railway transport;

    · industrial diesel engines of size 18/20 for diesel generators and industrial units;

    · diesel generators, automated power plants for backup, emergency and main power supply with a capacity from 315 to 1500 kW, multi-unit energy complexes up to 10 MW based on diesel engines of both our own production and the best foreign manufacturers;

    · spare parts for the entire range of products;

    · services: maintenance, provision of spare parts, repairs, training, consultations;

    · related engineering products and services: aluminum casting, machining, including highly precise processing on CNC machines, tool production, etc.

    The quality management system of JSC "ZVEZDA" is certified according to the ISO-9001:2000 standard (Bureau Veritas Quality International). Marine diesel engines 12CHN 18/20 are certified by the Germanischer Lloyd classification society.

    The markets of JSC "ZVEZDA" today are shipbuilding, railway transport, industrial facilities and small-scale energy.

    The company's products have equipped more than 2,000 high-speed passenger ships with dynamic support principles; over the years of operation, more than 5,000 diesel generators and more than 8,500 diesel locomotive engines have been produced.

    Original new, as well as time-tested and successfully used design solutions in traditional products, are implemented at our own production facilities using unique technologies and high-precision equipment.

    The capabilities of the plant, the highly professional staff of JSC "ZVEZDA" specialists and competitive products allowed the company to maintain its position as a leader in the domestic diesel industry.

    JSC "ZVEZDA" is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Association of Industrial Enterprises of St. Petersburg, the Russian Union of Mechanical Engineers

    JSC "ZVEZDA" is a member of the Financial and Industrial Group "High-Speed ​​Fleet".

    JSC "ZVEZDA" is one of the largest industrial enterprises in St. Petersburg, the Russian leader in the production of light high-speed diesel engines for various purposes. The ZVEZDA diesel plant was founded in 1932 in Leningrad on the basis of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the country's oldest enterprise - the Bolshevik plant (now the Obukhov Plant) and initially specialized in the production of tanks. In the pre-war period and during the Great Patriotic War, the plant produced about 14.5 thousand of them. During the war, evacuated factory workers created almost 6 thousand T-34 tanks in Omsk and more than 10 thousand tank engines in Barnaul. Work continued in besieged Leningrad– tanks were repaired here, mines and armor shields were produced.

    The company has a developed production complex, including its own Engineering Center, foundry, forging and pressing, machining, assembly production, and test benches.

    According to the current restructuring program, new production sites are being created and technological lines are being modernized. Noting the development of production as one of the priority areas of development within the framework of the approved Strategy, JSC "ZVEZDA" purchases modern high-performance equipment. Four new-generation processing machines, which arrived at the plant in 2006, replace about 50 pieces of outdated equipment, two of which are unique to the North-West region.

    The development of the enterprise is facilitated by the introduction of modern management and information systems. The implementation of the SyteLine ERP enterprise resource planning and management system is being completed. The company's accounting is carried out in the 1C system. The implementation of the Avtoproekt software package, designed for computer-aided design of technological processes, has been completed, and the implementation of the Lotsman PDM system continues, which makes it possible to quickly manage the composition of products and manufacturing technology.

    JSC "ZVEZDA" provides all manufactured products with spare parts and necessary services.

    In 2004, the international classification society Bureau Veritas Quality International confirmed the compliance of the quality management system of JSC ZVEZDA with the ISO-9001:2000 standard

    Full corporate name of the issuer Open Joint Stock Company "ZVEZDA"
    Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer JSC "ZVEZDA"
    Company name in English JOINT STOCK COMPANY "ZVEZDA"
    Date of state registration of the issuer 29.12.1992
    Number of the certificate of state registration of the issuer 4711
    Registration Chamber of St. Petersburg, decisions No.: 2259 dated 12/29/92, 6820 dated 03/22/94
    Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 01/20/2003
    Main state registration number 1037825005085
    The body that carried out state registration Inspectorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties for the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg

    The authorized capital of the Company as of January 1, 2004 is 56,202,048 rubles and consists of 562,020,480 ordinary registered shares with a par value of 0.10 rubles each.

    The authorized capital is distributed among 1,747 individuals (16.68%) and 22 legal entities (83.32%).

    Shares of OJSC "ZVEZDA" are included in the quotation list of OJSC "RTS Stock Exchange"

    Among the major shareholders of the Company:

    · JSC "Hermes Company" (St. Petersburg) - 27.06%

    · CJSC "Depository and Clearing Company" (nominal holder) - 45.29%

    JSC "ZVEZDA" owns shares:

    · OJSC "Troitsk Diesel Plant" (Chelyabinsk region, Troitsk) - 15.8%

    · JSC “Central Company of the Financial and Industrial Group “High-Speed ​​Fleet” (Moscow) – 8%

    Subsidiaries and dependent companies

    · CJSC "Research and Production Association "Zvezda" (St. Petersburg) - 100%

    · LLC “Industrial-innovative company “Zvezda” (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    · CJSC "Sports and fitness complex "Zvezda" (St. Petersburg) - 100%

    · LLC “Engineering Center “Zvezda” (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    · Institution "Children's sports and recreation camp "SALYUT" (Tosnensky Leningradskaya district region) – 100%

    · ZAO Zvezda Mechanical Assembly Complex (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    · JSC "Experimental complex "Zvezda" (St. Petersburg) - 100%

    · ZAO Construction and Production Company “Zvezda” (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    · ZAO Warehouse Terminal Zvezda (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    · OOO " Sports Complex“Zvezda” (St. Petersburg) – 100%

    Staff development in accordance with the enterprise strategy: formation of a team based on highly qualified personnel, provided with favorable working conditions and social guarantees, a cohesive and effective team of managers, engineers and workers

    Development of strategic partnerships: establishing partnerships with corporate clients and product consumers, as well as competitors to implement joint long-term programs in target markets and product groups

    2.2 Strategic analysis of the enterprise

    2.3Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

    2.4 Analysis of the innovative activity of the enterprise

    2.5 Analysis of the investment activity of the enterprise


    From this thesis we can draw a conclusion about how quickly and rapidly our world is moving, but also production in which a person plays an important role in his life.

    The history of man has shown that the progressive development of society can only be carried out on the basis of the widespread implementation of scientific and technological progress in all spheres of its life. The basis of the constant movement along the path of progress is the desire of people to improve one or another aspect of social life. And this progress was not interrupted for a moment; the goal of social development is extremely tempting and promising.

    All this can be called one very capacious term “innovation”. However, no innovations will penetrate into public life, will not become the property of people, unless in each specific case a person or group of people appears who, at their own peril and risk, will take on the implementation of a new idea and turn it into reality, the so-called entrepreneurs.

    Decisions made in markets cannot be separated from the psychology of those who make them. Therefore, methods of analysis and forecasting should be considered in conjunction with psychological factors influencing the market and investors.

    In this regard, it is especially important to understand market participants' perceptions of risk. The classic statistical definition of risk is based on the standard deviation from the mean. The diploma shows that all situations regarding the position carry risk to varying degrees from it. At the same time, the level of risk can be changed and reduced to a certain extent through a number of measures, including through diversification.

    Although the fundamental basic concepts to one degree or another dominate the minds of most investors, during “market turbulence” they do not bring the expected benefit, since they ignore the behavioral aspects of risk, and may make mistakes that are unforgivable for the market. Therefore, the market provides the same access to information to market participants, but their results differ. The main reason for these discrepancies is the individuality of decision makers.

    A strategy for the ability to structure positions is also described, as this is a key skill for survival and success. It is also individual in nature, i.e. should reflect the psychological specifics of a particular investor.

    Depending on the study and the duration of the sample, different analysts come to conclusions that, when compared, turn out to be very contradictory.

    Building the right model is a very difficult task. Forecasts must take into account factors at levels whose priorities are unknown in advance. Analysis models are based on many interdependent propositions, which in turn makes the models poorly suited for real-world application, and this is costly for practitioners.

    In real life, the assumption of the rationality of financial decisions is often not confirmed, since they depend on the behavior of specific individuals. As the practice of speculation shows, the market is prone to irrationality. Ideas are recognized as adequately rational only after they have been tested on the mistakes of many participants and players, but, unfortunately, already “posthumously”.


    Chart 1. Stages of the investment project

    The first two stages of the project - pre-investment and investment - are the most critical, since the future efficiency and success of the project is laid down here.

    Scheme 1. System of innovation performance indicators

    Innovation in the enterprise- a form of manifestation of scientific and technological progress at the micro level. They help to update the range of products, improve their quality in order to meet the needs of consumers and maximize the organization’s profits.

    Efficiency of innovative(scientific and technical) development enterprises are determined based on the ratio effect(profit of the organization) and the costs that caused it. There are four main types of effect from innovation: technical, resource, economic and social.

    The success of innovation implementation at an enterprise is influenced by many factors, among which we note scientific and technical potential; production and technical base; main types of resources; large investments; appropriate control system. The correct correlation and use of these factors, as well as the close relationship through the management system between the innovation, production and marketing activities of the company lead to a positive result in the implementation of the innovation strategy.

    Innovative development of an enterprise is the basis for increasing the efficiency of its activities

    — the final result of introducing an innovation in order to change the control object and obtain economic, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

    Scientific and technical progress is a process of continuous development of science, technology, improvement of objects of labor, forms and methods of organizing production and labor. It is the most important means of solving socio-economic problems, such as improving working conditions, protecting the environment, and ultimately increasing the well-being of the nation. Scientific and technological progress is of great importance for ensuring the system of national security and defense.

    In its development, NTP manifests itself in two interrelated and interdependent forms (Table 1).

    Table 1 Forms of scientific and technological progress

    NTP form

    Term and essence



    Can last quite a long time and provide significant economic results (especially in the initial stages)

    Gradual and continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies; accumulation of base for radical transformations


    Qualitative changes are taking place in the material and technical base of production in a relatively short time. Promotes the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy

    Based on the achievements of science and technology. Characterized by the use of new energy sources, widespread use of electronics, new technological processes, advanced materials

    The relationship between these two forms is manifested in the following: scientific and technological progress, being the basis for fundamental changes in the field of science and technology, constantly improves revolutionary inventions, i.e. contributes to the scientific and technological revolution. For example, the invented internal combustion engine gave a powerful impetus to the development of the automobile industry. Recent improvements in automotive technology are bringing manufacturers ever closer to a new breakthrough, the abandonment of gasoline and diesel engines. The scientific and technological revolution, in turn, accelerates scientific and technological progress, bringing it to a qualitatively new level. A striking example- development Agriculture after the invention and introduction of electricity (poultry incubators, milking machines, automatic feeding systems for animals and birds, etc.).

    Efficiency innovative (scientific and technical) development of an organization is determined based on the ratio of the effect and the costs that caused it (Fig. 1). Efficiency is a relative value, measured in fractions of a unit or as a percentage, and characterizing the result of the costs incurred. The efficiency criterion is maximizing the effect (profit) at given costs or minimizing costs (production costs) to achieve a given effect.

    Thus, the innovative development of an organization is closely related to its investment activities. Significant investments are required both in order to bring the results of scientific and research work(laboratory technologies) to industrial readiness (industrial or pilot-industrial technologies), and for the purchase of ready-made industrial technology (which is much less capital-intensive).

    Rice. 1. Efficiency of innovative development (ID) of the organization

    The volume of investment depends on the features of the innovation process, such as many options for achieving the goal, a high level of risk when introducing innovation, a low level of predictive assessments of the result, the need to process large amounts of information to build the company's innovation strategy, etc.

    IN last years Systemic reform of Russian enterprises is of great importance. It is necessary to radically change production technology, which is associated with innovation strategy enterprises, organizations and firms, which is important in a market economy characterized by rapid changes in market conditions and active competition among enterprises. Effective development and implementation of innovations allow the enterprise to successfully operate in already developed areas and open up opportunities to enter new directions. The success of innovation implementation in an organization is influenced by:

    • scientific and technical potential;
    • production and technical base;
    • main types of resources;
    • large investments;
    • appropriate control system.

    The correct correlation and use of these factors, as well as the close relationship through the management system between the innovation, production and marketing activities of the company lead to a positive result in the implementation of the innovation strategy.

    The formation of innovative strategies is based on the general socio-economic goals and innovative objectives of the organization. Making a profit and maximizing it is the fundamental goal of an organization in market conditions. To achieve it, the organization defines specific lower-order goals. Among the general socio-economic goals of the second level are:

    • increase in production scale;
    • market share growth;
    • stabilization of the market situation;
    • development of new markets (Table 2).

    A properly formed portfolio of innovative strategies contributes to a more rational allocation of resources and, accordingly, affects the efficiency of the organization as a whole. However, the development and implementation of an innovation strategy largely depends on factors in the organization’s external environment. When strategic planning, it is necessary to take into account the innovative potential of competitors, the state’s attitude towards the organization’s innovative activities, and the general scientific, technical, economic, political and social atmosphere in the country.

    Main directions of innovative development of the organization

    The main directions of innovative development of an enterprise in the modern economy:

    • complex mechanization and automation;
    • chemicalization;
    • electrification;
    • electronicization of production;
    • introduction of new materials;
    • mastering new technologies (Fig. 2).

    Table 2 Formation of an innovation strategy in an organization

    Purpose of the organization

    Organization's mission

    The essence of the organization's innovation strategy

    Increase in production scale:

    • Rapid growth (more than 20% per year)
    • Very high (20%), high (10%) growth
    • Medium (5%), small (below 5%) growth
    • Major renovation, expansion or new construction
    • Entering the market of a new product and developing already created and commissioned capacities
    • Production of a product at the beginning of the maturity stage (i.e. at the end of the growth stage)
    • Design and acquisition of new equipment; development of new types of products and new technological processes
    • Improvement of existing technological processes and modification of products; scientific and technological preparations for future periods
    • Ensuring the improvement of existing technological processes in order to reduce costs, improve the product and prepare for the entry of new products into the market

    Market share growth

    Production of interrelated products; growth in production volumes; ousting competitors from the market

    Increasing the technical level of production, scientific and technical support for bringing to market products with characteristics superior to those of competitors. Developing innovations to sustainably reduce production costs to lower levels than competitors

    Stabilization of the market situation

    Following the product life cycle; timely launch of products to the market; maintaining low production costs

    Achieving a high technical level of products and technologies; ensuring that the product life cycle aligns with R&D cycles

    Development of new markets

    Mastering the production of new products to meet the requirements of different markets; mobile scientific and technical potential, capable of switching to solving diverse problems

    Development of differentiated products and processes; scientific and technical support for the processes of bringing goods to market

    1. Integrated mechanization and automation of production- widespread introduction of interconnected and interdependent machines, apparatus, devices, equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It promotes the intensification of production, growth, reducing the share of manual labor in production, facilitating and improving working conditions, and reducing the labor intensity of products. Thus, mechanization displaces manual labor and replaces it with machines in basic and auxiliary technological operations.

    In the process of development, mechanization went through several stages: from the mechanization of the main technological processes, which are characterized by the greatest labor intensity, to the mechanization of both main and auxiliary technological processes (comprehensive mechanization).

    Automation of production means the use of technical means to completely or partially replace human participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transferring and using energy, materials or information. Automation can be:

    • partial (covers individual operations and processes);
    • comprehensive (covers the entire cycle of work);
    • complete (the automated process is implemented without direct human participation).

    2. Chemicalization of production— improvement of production processes as a result of the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products in order to intensify, obtain new types of products and improve their quality. This reduces production costs and increases the organization's efficiency in the market. Examples are “new generation” varnishes and coatings, chemical additives, synthetic fibers, lightweight and durable plastics.

    3. Electrification of production— widespread introduction of electricity as a power source for industrial power apparatus. Based on electrification, they carry out comprehensive mechanization and automation of production and introduce progressive technology. Electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods make it possible to obtain products of complex geometric shapes. Lasers are widely used for cutting and welding metals and heat treatment.

    4. Electronization of production— providing all departments of the organization with highly efficient electronics - from personal computers to satellite communication and information systems. On the base computer and microprocessors create technological complexes, machines and equipment, measuring, regulating and Information Systems, conduct design work and scientific research, provide information services and training. This increases labor productivity, reduces the time to obtain information, and increases the speed of the production process.

    5. Creation and implementation new materials, having qualitatively new effective properties(heat resistance, superconductivity, corrosion and radiation resistance, etc.), allows you to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on the organization’s profit performance.

    6. Mastery new technologies solves many production and socio-economic problems. IN production process Fundamentally new technologies make it possible to increase the volume of output without involving additional production factors. The development of new biotechnologies will help solve the problems of hunger in developing countries, control crop pests without damaging the environment, provide raw materials to all regions of the world economy, and create waste-free production.

    Domestic enterprises in the context of a decline in production during the period economic reforms faced a serious problem in the field of innovative development. The main difficulties were caused by the refusal of R&D funding from the state, which led to the temporary freezing of this type of activity of the organization. However, today many Russian enterprises have begun to adapt to market conditions, and there has been some growth in the domestic industry. The transition of enterprises to self-financing and the attraction of domestic and foreign investors prompted innovation activities of enterprises. In addition, managers of industrial enterprises realized that strategic planning in the field of innovation is a fundamental element in increasing the efficiency of a company's activities in market conditions. In this regard, part of internal investments began to be directed to the innovative development of the enterprise.

    Innovation, however, requires not only significant investment, but also effective management in order to obtain a positive result from its application.