Order a project for major repairs. Design and estimate documentation for major repairs


in the discipline "Organization of urban management"

On this topic: " Design and estimate documentation for major repairs"


Technical inspection, types of repairs





There is a widespread belief that major renovations of buildings are technically simple and can be carried out on the basis of primitive technical documentation or even without it. This opinion is erroneous in relation to residential and public buildings and it is doubly wrong in relation to industrial buildings and structures, which are distinguished by the diversity and complexity of design solutions.

When restoring or replacing worn, damaged or destroyed structures and parts of industrial buildings, only in rare cases can the original design solution be repeated; most often we have to look for new design solutions and new ways of implementing them in the conditions of existing production. This requires those involved in the development of repair technical documentation to have serious engineering knowledge and experience in the field of construction and operation of industrial buildings.

1. Technical inspection, TYPES OF REPAIRS

The basis for ensuring the safety of buildings and their equipment is a system of timely inspections.

There are scheduled and unscheduled (unscheduled) inspections. Routine inspections are divided into general and partial.

Unscheduled inspections are carried out after heavy rains, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena that cause damage to individual elements of buildings, as well as in the event of accidents or when deformation of structures and malfunctions of engineering equipment are detected that violate normal operating conditions.

The purpose of such inspections is to establish possible reasons occurrence of defects and development of measures to eliminate them. During their implementation, control over the use and maintenance of premises is also carried out.

General technical inspection is carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn (before the start of the heating season).

The following routine inspections of residential buildings are carried out:

  1. general, during which an inspection of the building as a whole is carried out, including structures, engineering equipment and external improvements;
  2. partial, which involve inspection of individual elements of the building or premises.

Defects, deformations of structures or equipment of buildings discovered during inspections, which can lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity and stability of structures or a building, collapse or disruption of the normal operation of equipment, are eliminated by the owners with the involvement of an organization for maintaining the housing stock (or under an agreement with any other to carry out specific type of work) on time.

The housing maintenance organization must take urgent measures to ensure the safety of people, prevent further development of deformations, and also immediately inform the owner of the property or a person authorized by him about the incident.

The results of continuous surveys of the condition of the housing stock, carried out periodically, are documented in acts.

An organization for servicing the housing stock, on the basis of inspection and inspection reports, must, within a month:

A) draw up a list (based on the results of the spring inspection) of activities and establish the scope of work necessary to prepare the building and its engineering equipment for operation in the subsequent winter period;

b) clarify the scope of work for current repairs (based on the results of the spring inspection for the current year and the autumn inspection for next year), as well as identify malfunctions and damages, the elimination of which requires major repairs;

V) check the readiness (based on the results of the autumn inspection) of each building for operation in winter conditions;

Elimination of minor faults, as well as adjustment and adjustment of sanitary fixtures and equipment should, as a rule, be carried out by an organization for maintaining the housing stock.

Unforeseen current repairs (unscheduled) are identified during operation and are usually carried out in urgently.

Planned routine repairs include work on selective repair and painting of roofs, replacement of missing parts and painting of drainpipes, partial repair of floors, windows and doors, cleaning of dirt and partial painting of walls and ceilings of main and auxiliary premises, replacement of sanitary fittings, electrical installation products and control gear.

Major repairs are divided into major (the simultaneous restoration of all worn-out structures and equipment is provided) and selective (individual worn-out structures, equipment or their parts are replaced, and defects identified during operation are eliminated).

When performing a major overhaul, the work included in the current repair must be carried out simultaneously.

The frequency of current and major repairs of buildings should be taken into account their capital size, architectural, planning and design solutions, the availability of engineering equipment and operating conditions, in accordance with the Regulations on the conduct of scheduled preventive repairs of residential and public buildings.

2. Design and estimate documentation for major repairs

When developing design and estimate documentation, you must be guided by:

regulatory documents on design and construction approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia, as well as regulatory documents related to design and construction approved by ministries and other federal executive authorities;

state standards on construction design; regulatory and guidance documents on technology and organization of construction production;

state and departmental construction catalogs of standard prefabricated reinforced concrete, metal, wood and asbestos-cement structures and products;

catalogs for equipment, etc.

The main document regulating legal and financial relations, mutual obligations and responsibilities of the parties is the agreement (contract) concluded by the customer with the design, design and construction organizations, other legal and individuals.

An integral part of the agreement (contract) must be a design assignment.

The design assignment must contain the following initial data:

Name, address of the designed object.

Basis for design (decision of the executive authority, order of the ministry or department).

Staged design.

Information about special conditions site and area.

Purpose and types of built-in non-residential premises, their design capacity, capacity or throughput, composition and area of ​​premises, working area.

Basic requirements for the architectural and planning solution of the building.

Basic requirements: for engineering and technological equipment; to the design solution and materials of load-bearing and enclosing structures; to finishing of buildings; to the maximum mass of elements of prefabricated structures.

Instructions on the allocation of queues (complexes) of major repairs.

Basic requirements for engineering and technological equipment (for built-in premises).

Requirements for ensuring living conditions for the population of a residential building.

Requirements for site landscaping and small architectural forms.

Events for civil defense and by warning emergency situations.

Instructions on the need to: develop options for design solutions with clarification of the number of options; preliminary coordination of design solutions with interested departments and organizations; development of interiors; implementation of demonstration materials (volume and form) as part of the project.

Name of the design organization - general designer.

The name of the repair and construction organization - the general contractor, as well as information about the enterprises where structures and products can be manufactured.

Timing and sequence of repairs.

Along with the design assignment, the customer issues the following documents and materials to the design organization: justification of investments for major repairs of a residential building or complex of buildings; permitting document for major repairs; available topographic survey materials of the area where the building is located, and geological and hydrogeological survey data; materials on existing and preserved buildings and green spaces; information about aboveground and underground engineering structures and communications; inventory materials, appraisal reports and decisions of the local administration on demolition and the nature of compensation for demolished structures (if they are on the site); permission (technical conditions) for connection to external engineering networks and communications (for a census of the connection of networks: sewerage, water supply, gas, heating networks, power supply cables); information about the background state of the natural environment, the comfort of living of the population, the presence of man-made objects near the residential building being repaired and the zones of their influence in possible emergency situations; main measures to ensure the normal operation of sections, apartments, premises for the period of repair and adjacent buildings when carrying out major repairs of residential buildings in queues (complexes); assignment from the inspection for the protection of architectural monuments (if necessary); materials on previously conducted technical surveys; act of the operating organization on the technical condition of the building structures, structural elements and engineering equipment (according to the latest inspection); inventory floor plans indicating the area of ​​premises and the volume of the building according to the technical inventory bureau (BTI), carried out within 3 years before the start of design; technical conclusion based on the results of the inspection of a residential building; passport of the building indicating the amount of physical wear and tear of structures and engineering equipment, volumes, timing and types of previously performed repairs; certificate of condition of gas networks and equipment; act of the operating organization approved by the district (city) housing department for the replacement of sanitary equipment and a door-to-door inventory of repair work (for objects being repaired without stopping operation); certificates from operating organizations on the condition of elevators, integrated dispatch systems (UDS), central heating points (CHS), etc.; decision of the city administration or other settlement on the purpose of built-in non-residential premises; assignment for designing technology for built-in non-residential premises; permission to close traffic and divert vehicles, opening the road surface.

The preparation of technical documentation for major repairs of buildings begins with the selection of objects to be repaired in the planned year. The selection is made by employees of the construction and operational service of the enterprise together with persons directly responsible for the technical condition of objects (supervisors of workshop buildings, production facilities). During selection, the technical condition of objects is examined using available design and operational documentation: drawings of the main project, drawings and estimates for previously carried out repairs, technical passports and operation logs, reports of periodic and extraordinary technical inspections and other data characterizing the technical condition of the facility.

The examiners give a brief technical characteristics the type of necessary repairs, determine the volume of main types of work, their estimated cost, the desired time frame for repairs and the type of necessary project documentation: drawings or technical inventories of work (defect sheets).

Based on the survey materials, a list of objects selected for major repairs for the planned year is compiled. The statement is signed by the persons who made the selection and the head of the construction and operational service of the enterprise; it is subject to approval by the chief engineer of the enterprise. The approved list of objects selected for major repairs is a task for the development of working design and estimate repair documentation. Its development is carried out either by design and estimate departments of enterprises, or by specialized design organizations.

Development of design and estimate documentation for major repairs of industrial buildings includes:

a) detailed examination of objects to be repaired, with measurements and autopsies, drawing up sketches and detailed descriptions works;

b) drawing up working design documentation in the form of drawings or descriptions of work (defect sheets) for each individual object;

c) drawing up estimates based on project descriptions and drawings for each individual object.

In practice, the development of repair design and estimate documentation is often limited to the preparation of defective statements and estimates. The defective statement is compiled on the basis of a physical examination of the object with the necessary openings to expose individual structural components that are not accessible for inspection. It must contain a list of repairs to be performed on individual structural elements, indicating the units of measurement of work corresponding to the nomenclature of the current estimate book or unit prices for repair and construction work. The defective list reflects the possibility of using old material obtained from disassembly and indicates the amount of material added to the structure being repaired.

Calculations of work volumes are carried out in such a way that they exclude the possibility of arithmetic errors and provide the possibility of quick and easy verification, for which you should:

a) divide all calculations for a given object into departments (structural elements);

b) keep the count in a certain order, for example, start with the foundations and end with the ceiling or vice versa, depending on the nature of the repair;

c) apply a uniform procedure for writing calculation formulas; if, for example, when calculating the area in the first formula, the product of length and width is taken, then in subsequent formulas the width indicator should follow the length indicator;

d) do not allow discrepancies between the size records and the dimensions in kind, in a drawing or sketch;

e) do not perform preliminary addition of numbers - indicate all calculations in formulas;

f) express all linear dimensions and partial results of the volume of work in the form decimal with two decimal places, even if they were zeros, for example 3.25; 4.00.

Calculations are carried out so that the data of one department can be used when calculating the volumes of another department. Each defective statement must be subjected to careful control and have the signatures of the compiler and the inspector.

Estimates (Appendix 1.). Based on the estimates, the amount of money spent on building repairs is determined. If the estimate is drawn up correctly, it contributes to the appropriate expenditure of public funds and the rational organization of repair work. Therefore, when drawing up estimates for major repairs of industrial buildings and structures, it is necessary:

a) proceed from correctly recorded volumes of work;

b) provide for the most rational methods and methods of performing work, their maximum mechanization, taking into account the real material and technical capabilities of the repair organization;

c) be guided by official current estimate books or collections of unit prices for repair and construction work;

d) accurately determine the cost of repair work, since errors in the direction of overestimating it lead to overspending of public funds, and errors in the direction of underestimating the cost lead to disorganization of repair work, and often to a decrease in their quality.

For structures and types of work for which there are no uniform unit prices, additional unit prices are drawn up based on current estimate or production standards.

Estimates for repair and construction work are drawn up in sections, according to the nomenclature of the estimate directory or collection of unit prices, summing up the cost for each section, without accruals.

At the end of the estimate, the cost of direct costs for all structural elements and types of work is summed up and determined total cost repairs taking into account overhead and unforeseen expenses, the cost of drawing up design estimates, and in the case of a contract method of work - also planned savings.

All material and technical resources necessary for the repair of industrial buildings and structures are calculated according to the standards of the current estimate guides.

repair technical inspection overhaul


Overhaul is the replacement and restoration of individual parts or entire structures and engineering equipment of buildings due to their physical wear and tear.

The frequency of major repairs is determined in accordance with the current instructions for carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance, developed and put into effect taking into account the requirements of the rules and instructions of the relevant state supervisory authorities. The time between repairs and the volume of repairs are established based on the technical condition and design features of the objects.

The overhaul also includes work that is related in nature to current repairs, but is performed in connection with the overhaul.

Major repairs are divided into:

repairs covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, which eliminates physical and moral wear and tear;

selective repair covering individual structural elements of a building or equipment, which eliminates physical wear and tear.

Design and estimate documentation is developed by design, design and survey organizations, construction companies(firms) having the right (license) to conduct design work.

The design of major repairs of residential buildings should be carried out on the basis of promising and annual plans, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The inclusion of residential buildings in the capital repair plan, regardless of departmental affiliation, is coordinated with local government bodies in charge of construction and housing and communal services.

The decision to carry out major repairs is made by the local government (investor) based on determining the degree of deterioration of their architectural and historical value.

The design of major renovations of residential buildings should be carried out taking into account the approved master plans of cities and rural settlements, planning projects, development projects for neighborhoods, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure, development schemes utility networks, project proposals for the reconstruction of neighborhoods, groups of houses, large residential formations, areas of transport highways.


1. "Organization of current repairs of housing stock in the sphere of urban services": Tutorial/ VlGU. Vladimir, 2001

2.E.M. Korostylev "Economics, organization and planning engineering production". M.," graduate School", 2002

GOST 21.001-93 System of design documentation for construction (SPDS). General provisions

GOST 21.101-97 SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

Civil Code Russian Federation. Part I and II, 1997

Housing Code RSFSR (as amended on August 22, 1995 with amendments and additions)

Toolkit to determine the estimated cost of major repairs of residential buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities. Letter from the State Construction Committee of Russia dated 11/12/97



Chief Engineer project _________________________

(signature, full name)


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From time to time, due to various reasons (for example, physical wear and tear or destruction), buildings, structures and other construction projects require major repairs, during which their individual parts or some structures, as well as any engineering and technical systems, can be replaced or restored . The purpose of a major overhaul is to return the object to its original operational properties and aesthetic appearance.

Since overhaul belongs to urban planning activities, to begin it and successful implementation It is necessary to have a number of documents prepared by a company that has permission and licenses to carry out this type of work. First of all, a major overhaul project is needed - documentation that includes the following materials: initial data, design assignment, conclusion on the state of the building, explanatory note, drawings (architectural, construction and technological), design project, documentation on engineering equipment. If necessary, the folder can be supplemented with a work plan and calculation of their cost.

like this project documentation it is necessary not only to prepare, but also to coordinate in various services and authorities, in particular, in the district TsGSEN (Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance), APU (Architectural and Planning Department) of the district, and State Expertise. If the work will be carried out at a site located in the historical part of a populated area, including Moscow, approval is also required from the GUOP (Main Directorate for the Protection of Monuments).

You can proceed with major repairs only if you receive a decision of the district Interdepartmental Commission approved by the prefecture of the administrative district, made on the basis of the provided capital repair project.

The most important stage preparatory work before carrying out a major overhaul is the development of a design project containing materials, the main purpose of which is to form a internal environment and your own style. As a rule, this part of the major renovation project should contain not only a sketch of the premises, but also various drawings, diagrams of engineering communications (electrical wiring, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply systems), description of recommended materials. Thanks to this documentation, the customer will be able to imagine what the room will look like after completion of the work, and it will help the repair team decide on the sequence of work and estimate its volume.

In the event that major repairs are planned at individual housing construction sites (for example, in residential buildings up to 3 floors, in which one family lives), a major renovation project is not required.

In some situations, during a major overhaul, the customer plans to carry out redevelopment, which involves changing the geometry of both the room as a whole and its individual parts. To obtain permission to carry out redevelopment as part of a major overhaul, you must write an application to the local authorities and prepare a folder of documentation, which includes a document confirming ownership of the house and justification for the major overhaul with redevelopment. After permission is received, an agreement is concluded with an architectural bureau, which will prepare a major renovation project with redevelopment. Ready project, which must bear all permitting signatures and seals, is submitted to the district administration for approval. And only after this can you begin a major renovation of the premises.

When planning a major overhaul with redevelopment, you should remember that under no circumstances should its supporting structures be changed. What is allowed? For example, change the location of door or window openings, install new partitions, change the purpose of the room, replace equipment (heating, kitchen, water supply, etc.), update the facade, etc. If, during a major overhaul, work is planned such as installing mezzanines or suspended ceilings, replacing interior wall cladding, or installing flooring, then no official permission is required.