History l2. History of creation. Beleth and the Ivory Tower

He took a deep drag, inhaled the smoke and exhaled slowly.

Most of his face was hidden under a thick old hood, and behind him was only pitch blackness. In the dim glow of the tube it was impossible to make out his features.

He introduced himself as a bard, but no one believed him - his voice was hoarse and rough. There was something suspicious about him traveling alone through a forest full of danger. However, he offered to tell us a story in exchange for food and warmth from our fire. Couldn't we have left him alone in this cold forest? And we agreed.

We made ourselves comfortable near the fire, holding weapons ready to use in case of danger, and began to listen carefully.

The night was cold through and through. The man put down the phone and began the story...

Chapter 1. Genesis

The story I want to tell you is about those whom we call Gods. Listen carefully - as if this is a true story...

A very long time ago, at a time that is impossible to even imagine, there was only a ball in which the entire universe was enclosed. And there was nothing to compare it with - so the ball was big and small, dark and light, everything and nothing.
After one hundred million years, the ball began to increase in size and at the same time two forces began to appear. Slowly, but they grew and eventually split into White Light and Darkness. The White Light took on a female form and called himself Einhasad. The darkness took on the male and gave itself the name Gran Kain. These two entities laid the foundation for a new universe and everything that exists now.

Einhasad and Gran Kain joined forces to break out of the ball. As a result of their experiment, the ball broke into pieces. Some of them soared up and became the Sky, some fell down to become the Foundation. Water appeared between the Sky and the Ground, and some parts of the Ground rose and became the Earth.

The spirit of the ball - Ether, also underwent the disintegration of everything that exists. Which led to the appearance of various animals and plants. The "Creation of Genesis" was also formed from this spirit, and the giants became its best representative. They were known as the Wise Ones, and their minds were as strong as their bodies. The giants made a promise to believe in Einhasad and Gran Kain. They were pleased with the giants, appointing them masters over all other creatures. This was before the advent of death and true paradise.

Einhasad and Gran Kain eventually had children who were not deprived of a divine gift. The first five of them were awarded the possession of power over the world. The eldest daughter, Shilen, took possession of the water. The eldest son, Paagrio, received control over the fire, and the second daughter, Mafr, over the earth. The second son, Seiya, became the master of the wind.

Only the youngest, Eva, lacked elements. She began to compose music and write poetry. While the other gods were busy with their duties, Eve wrote poems and composed music for them. Thus, the era of the gods began, and there was nothing in the world that was unknown to the gods.

Chapter 2

Einhasad was the goddess of creation and created forms with her own spirit. Her children used their powers to create life from these forms.

Shilen infused the spirit of water into the first form that was created. Thus the race of elves was born.

Paagrio instilled the spirit of fire into the second form that was created. This is how the orc race was born.

Mafr instilled the spirit of the earth into the third form that was created. This is how the dwarven race was born.

Seiya infused the spirit of the wind into the fourth form that was created. This is how the Arteas race was born.

Gran Kain was the god of destruction. When he saw the achievements of Einhasad, curiosity mixed with envy leaped up in him. He repeated what Einhasad did and created his own form, according to his own understanding. He then turned to Shilen, their eldest daughter, with a request to infuse the spirit into his form. She was very surprised and asked him, “Father, why do you want to do this? Einhasad, my mother, is in charge of creation. You are the god of destruction, and any creature to which you give life will only bring misfortune to yourself and others.”

But Gran Kain did not give up. After much persuasion, he finally got Shilen's consent.

"I will do it. But I have already given Mother the spirit of water. All I can give you is just leftovers.” Shilen gave her father the spirit of rotten water, which Gran Kain gladly accepted.

However, Gran Kain felt that one spirit would not be enough to create it. And he went to Paagrio, his eldest son. Like Shilen, Paagrio warned his father. But he was unable to refuse his father, and gave him the spirit of an extinguished fire. Gran Kain gladly accepted it as well.

Mafr tearfully begged her father to abandon his venture, but in the end she gave him the spirit of a poor and dirty land. Seiya, in turn, gave his father the spirit of uncontrollable wind.

Satisfied, Gran Kain collected everything he had received from the children and exclaimed, “Look at the creatures I have created! Look at those who are born of the spirits of water, fire, earth and wind! They will be stronger and wiser than giants! They will rule the world!”

Gran Kain felt great pride and shouted it to the whole world. He instilled spirits into his creations. However, the result was terrible. These creatures were weak, stupid, cunning and cowardly. All the gods scorned the creatures of Gran Kain. He himself, in disgrace, was forced to hide for some time. He left his creations. And these creatures were people.

The race of elves was wise and receptive to magic. But the elves were not as wise as the giants. Therefore, the elves were forced to serve the giants in politics and magical activities.

The orc race was strong. They possessed inexhaustible strength and tremendous willpower. Of course, they weren't as strong as giants. Therefore, the orcs for the giants played the role of cannon fodder in various wars.

The dwarven race was highly skilled in all aspects of engineering, mathematics, and mastery of various technical disciplines. They served the giants as bank employees and factory workers.

The winged race Arteas are free-spirited and curious creatures. The giants wanted to enslave these creatures. Only one thing interfered - once caught and put in a cage, Arteas quickly lost his vitality and died. The giants had no choice but to let Arteas continue to be free. Arteas often visited the city of giants and brought them news from other parts of the world.

People could not do any of the things well and became slaves of the giants, they did the most black and dirty work. Their life was no better than that of animals.

Chapter 3

Gran Kain was a free god. However, he made a huge mistake by seducing Shilen, his eldest daughter. It became impossible to hide all this from Einhasad when Shilen became pregnant. Einhasad's anger knew no bounds when she found out about what had happened. By the will of Einhasad, her eldest daughter ceased to be the goddess of water, moreover, she was expelled from the continent. Gran Kain turned away from her, so she was left alone with her misfortune.

While pregnant, Shilen fled to the East. Deep in the thicket of the dark forest, she gave birth - damn the mother and father every time the contractions came.

The children born to Shilen adopted the despair and anger of her curses and turned into demons. The most powerful and strongest of them became ‘dragons.

There were six dragons in total - against six gods. Shilen was angry at her mother, who expelled her, and at her father, who seduced her and then left her alone. Gathering all the power, all her children, she created an army to take revenge on the gods.

The strongest of the dragons had to be at the forefront of the demon army to fight the gods themselves. Aulakiria, the dragon of light, upon hearing about this, looked at Shilen with sadness and said, “You don't know what you're doing. Do you really want to destroy the gods? Do you really want to drown your mother, father, and others in pools of your own blood?”

Her call had no effect on Shilen.

And finally, a bloody battle began when an army of demons broke into the palace, the abode of the gods. The six dragons left no stone unturned in the palace. Even the gods were frightened by the incredible power of the dragons. The battle seemed to last forever. Yet, if the battle had not stopped, the world would have ceased to exist, and all living beings would have been annihilated.

Numerous messengers of the gods and demons fell in battle. Every day, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, because such powerful forces clashed in the sky. The giants and all other living beings trembled in fear as they watched the battle in the heavens.

The fiercest battle lasted for several years, and in the end the balance gradually tipped in favor of one of the parties. Despite the damage they received, Einhasad and Gran Kain had the upper hand in the battle, destroying a huge number of demons.

The dragons continued to fight, although they were badly wounded and slashed with scars. Their weariness became more and more evident. After a while, it seemed as if the war would end with the complete annihilation of the demon army. In the end, the dragons, spreading their wings, flew to the ground to escape. The surviving demons followed. The gods, wishing to exterminate the retreating, were nevertheless so wounded that they could not do this. All they could do was watch the remnants of the demon army flying towards the ground.

As Shilen's children died one by one, losing the war to the gods, she was saddened. She invented The Underworld and put herself in charge.

Chapter 4

After Shilen left, power over the water passed to Eva. She had a gentle nature, and after her sister's collapse and the war of gods and demons, she became even more timid and fearful. And to avoid the burden of responsibility that fell on her shoulders, she dug a tunnel at the bottom of the lake and hid there.

There was no one to control the spirits of water, and they, having no purpose, wandered aimlessly around the world. Too much water flowed into one place, resulting in a swamp. In another place, on the contrary, water was so scarce that a desert formed there. It often happened that part of the continent suddenly went under water or a new island appeared out of nowhere. It also happened that somewhere it rained without stopping, day and night, until the water covered everything except the highest mountain peaks.

Where areas not covered with water were preserved, a huge number of living beings accumulated. Both on land and in the ocean, all living beings suffered from this scourge. On behalf of all living beings, the giants petitioned the gods for help.

Einhasad and Gran Kain, after searching the entire continent, eventually found the lake where Eve was hiding.

“Eve, look at what happened because you avoided your duties. You are destroying the harmony of this continent, in which we have invested so much effort. I can't stand it if you don't listen to me anymore." Einhasad was so furious that her eyes burned with a bright fire.

Due to the floods, countless giants and other creatures moved to the world of Shilen, which could not help but make Einhasad jealous. Trembling with fear, Eve surrendered to her mother. When Eve again took over the responsibility of regulating the waters, the disasters gradually ceased. However, it was impossible to restore the continent that lay in ruins.

Chapter 5

The giants were more and more skeptical about what was happening: first, Gran Kain created people, which proved his own stupidity, then behaved unworthily towards his daughter, like Einhasad with his jealousy. Created by Shilen, the world of Underworld has spawned many terrible creatures. Eve, with her weakness and ineptitude, has turned the continent into a rather pathetic sight. Seeds of mistrust and doubt were sown in the minds of the giants. Do such celestials deserve worship and reverence?

The giants could move in chariots made with their own hands and had free access to the palace of the gods. They could also use magical knowledge to lift the island into the air and live there like gods. They could live so long that this time was comparable to eternity. And the giants came to the idea of ​​their equality with the gods. Despite their wisdom, they have become overly arrogant.

Thus, the giants set out to become gods.

They began to experiment, changing living organisms in order to create new forms of life. The giants called this kind of magical art "science". Intoxicated with power, the giants created a powerful army to fight the gods, despite the failure of Shilen, her six dragons and the army of demons in this very matter.

The gods saw the preparations and were angry. Einhasad, who claims sole control over all creative processes, was speechless from the rage that seized her. She vowed to destroy all giants along with the continent and the rest of the world. Gran Kain called for calm.

“Since you are the Mother of Creation,” he said, “the destruction of all things is my prerogative. You know only too well what the consequences of my taking on your task were. If you still want to destroy the whole world, you will have to fight me.” Gran Kain was unwilling to allow the destruction of the continent at all costs, and Einhasad was greatly offended by his meddling. However, since they were of equal status, she couldn't stop him.

In the end, Einhasad compromised. And in order to punish the giants, she asked Gran Kain for his hammer - known as the Hammer of Despair. Due to its great destructive power, even Gran Kain did not use it. And yet, in spite of everything, Einhasad raised the hammer high above her head and hurled it down, right into the heart of the city of giants.

Chapter 6

And at the moment when fire fell from heaven, the giants realized what a monstrously stupid mistake they had made. Using all their strength, the giants rose up to calm the Hammer of Despair, but their efforts were only enough to move the Hammer only a fraction, which continued to shower fire on the ground.

It was enough to destroy the greatest city in the world; many living beings also perished. A huge hole formed in the earth's thickness was overwhelmed by a terrifying wave. In the end, there were almost no giants left on earth.

Those giants that managed to survive fled to the east to avoid the wrath of Einhasad. Their route was similar to the one that Shilen chose at the time. Einhasad continued her pursuit and destroyed the giants one by one, incinerating them with deadly lightning from the sky. Those that remained alive trembled in fear and appealed to Gran Cain with entreaties.

“Gren Kain, Gran Kain! We realized that we had chosen the wrong path. Only you can stop the anger and madness of Einhasad. Do not let us perish, us who were born from the gods themselves, we, the wisest and most powerful beings in the world! ”

Suddenly, Gran Kain felt a strong sense of pity for these unfortunate beings. He decided that the giants had already suffered enough and atoned for their guilt in full. He lifted up the deepest waters of the southern seas, thereby blocking the path of Einhasad.

Einhasad shouted in anger, “What is this? Who dares to mess with me? Eva, my beloved daughter, remove immediately the water that is blocking my path, or prepare to repeat the fate of your elder sister!”

Frightened, Eve immediately followed her mother's orders. And Einhasad continued her victorious march, destroying all the giants on her way. And the giants again begged for help.

"Gren Cain! The strongest of the gods! Einhasad continues to destroy us, have mercy on us and save us!”

Gran Kain lifted up the thickness of the earth on which the giants were. A huge cliff blocked the path of Einhasad, who screamed with a loud voice.

“Mafr, my beloved daughter! Who dares to mess with me? Lower the earth immediately to its proper place. Or prepare yourself for the fate of your sister!”

Frightened by these words, Maphr tried to move the earth, but Gran Kain stopped her.

“Einhasad, why don’t you calm your anger? The whole world knows your malice and trembles before your fury. Wise but foolish giants have already paid a huge price for atonement for their mistake. Just look! A race of proud and noble beings - who once ruled the world - have now found their home in a narrow patch of land. They will no longer be able to challenge the gods. This place will forever be the place of their imprisonment. Calm your anger, your revenge is done.”

Einhasad could not help but listen to him and act against the will of Gran Kain - he had equal opportunities with her. She decided, as Gran Cain said, to leave the giants on that piece of land to atone for their sins. The hunt was over and Einhasad returned home.

Subsequently, Einhasad rarely interfered in what was happening on Earth, as she was deeply disappointed in the creatures inhabiting it. Gran Kain also agreed not to show himself there. The age of the gods was drawing to a close.

Chapter 7

The stranger suddenly stopped talking.

Impressed by what we heard, we sat in silence while he initiated us into the secrets of the history of the world. His voice, although soft, penetrated the very depths of our consciousness - as if it were some kind of magic. The myth he told was fundamentally different from the one we knew, but there were no objections. We, seasoned strong warriors, were filled with reverent awe for this man and were even a little afraid of him. Suddenly, an owl flapped its wings nearby, and we jumped in surprise.

The stranger grinned, lifted the barely smoldering pipe to his lips, and continued his story.

“Don't dismiss my god story just because it's different from what you've heard. Perhaps the wandering poet is closer to the truth than all your priests? The history of the gods is the desire of the gods, not of men. How then can ordinary priests know the truth? Listen carefully... I will continue the story. The history of the world after the disappearance of the gods. Your story."

Chapter 8

Now, after the sudden disappearance of the giants, panic and disorder reigned throughout the world. The usual course of things was disrupted, the races of elves, dark elves, dwarves and humans gained unexpected freedom and with it the need to survive in a vast world. A world lay before them, half-ruined and ravaged by the Hammer of Despair. Many perished in the calamities caused by the Mother of Creation, but many more perished in the chaos and confusion that followed. The races turned to the gods with an ardent call for help, but the answer was silence.

The elves were the first to take control of the situation, because it was they who were involved in politics in the time of the giants. The elves were successful in reuniting the races, and for some time harmony reigned in the world. But time passed, and with its course it became clear that the elves were not given the same effective control over others as the giants in their time. The first dissatisfied were the orcs.

“Who said that the elves are stronger than us? Nobody! Do they have the right to rule over us? No! It will not happen that creatures weaker than us will stand above us!”

The military potential of the orcs was overwhelming, and the elves living peacefully could not become a worthy adversary for the proud and fearless orc warriors. The orcs acted with lightning speed, and soon most of the land belonged to them, while they pushed the elves into the corner of the continent. There they solicited the support of the dwarves, who, with vast resources and superior weapons, stood a chance against the orcs.

“Earth race”, the elves cried, “We ask your help. The ruthless orc hordes outnumber us. We can fight against them together – and then we will have a chance!”

But the dwarves indifferently rejected their pleas for help. It seemed to them that the orcs were now victorious. And if so, then why would pragmatic and calculating dwarves mess with the losers? The elves were angry at this turn of events, but they could not change anything.

The next race that the elves turned to for help was the race of the wind - Arteas. Their reconnaissance and air attack skills would have been enough to defeat the orcs. An elven delegation went to the ends of the earth to seek help from Arteas.

“Wind race, we ask for your help! Orcs barbarously oppress us. If we unite, we can teach them a lesson they haven't had yet!”

But, as always, Arteas was not interested in political and military conflicts. They remained neutral and even better hidden from prying eyes. The elves were in despair.

“Alas, no one will come to our aid! Is this the end? Will the filthy orcs rule the world and claim fame and fortune as their due?”

Chapter 9

Rejected by the calculating dwarves and the indifferent Arteas, the elves were still alone in the fight against the orcs. In desperation, they mourned their fate, when suddenly a stranger appeared among them and fell prostrate before the king of the elves. The king approached the stranger closer, in order to understand in a moment that before him was the leader of the people. On the head of a man was a crown of three branches.

"Who came to us? Is it really the leader of people, these low creatures?" The king was at a loss, "Have you come to laugh at our misfortune?"

The man bowed his head to the king and said, "No, oh wise king. We have come with an offer of help. Perhaps our modest powers may be of use to you."

The elves rejoiced at this turn of events, and though the humans were stupid and weak, their sheer numbers could have been useful in combat.

"Well, you really can be useful to us." The king agreed without hesitation. "You insignificant and worthless creatures, however, are loyal and ready to give their lives for us in battle. This is commendable. And I accept your offer."

The human king fell prostrate again before his elven counterpart, then raised his head and their eyes met. "O noblest of the elves," he said, "we humans ask only one request of ours before we fight for the victory of the elves. We are too weak. We cannot stand against the orcs, and therefore we ask you to give us strength." stand against them. We ask you to teach us elven magic."

This bold proposal threw the elves into turmoil. Teach people their magic? Never! The elves were already ready to incinerate the insolent, but then the leader of the elves intervened in the matter. Veora, that was her name, decided that humans, even those trained in magic, would not threaten the elves. And in the war against the orcs, they were too weak and could not do without help. Thus, she made a decision that later cost her her life - to reveal to people the magical secrets of their people.

Humans soaked up knowledge like a sponge, learning much faster than the elves expected. Their physical parameters were not as excellent as the orcs - however, constant work and struggle within the race tempered people. They were skilled and skillful warriors, and most importantly, they were so numerous that soon the human army became a great force.

Chapter 10

And the war began. The alliance of humans and elves gradually achieved its goal - the overthrow of the orc expansion. With the odds in this war tilting towards the alliance, the dwarves forsook the losing orcs in favor of a human army by supplying war supplies to the humans. Now, clad in the most powerful armor and armed with the sharpest dwarven blades, people could defeat the orcs without intervention from the elves.

The elves felt uneasy, and although the alliance continued its victorious march, they felt that the power of people was growing and breaking out of their control. And yet they could not even imagine that the lowest of the races - dirty people - could think of going against the great elves. Soon the orcs were defeated, the elves forgot about the people and moved away from them. The same continued to study the highest forms of magic. The orcs had no choice but to sign an insulting peace treaty and return to the caves in the northern part of Elmore.

The leader of the orcs, laughing in the face of the elves, said to them, "Fools! Victory does not belong to you, but to these mongrel pigs - people. How will you curb the monsters that you yourself created?"

The orc leader turned out to be right - and the elves faced a new threat when the people went to war with them. But their strengths were not equal - the elves were inferior to people in everything, and even in magic, which people mastered almost perfectly.

And again, the battle of one magic against another broke out on the expanses of the earth. Ultimately, the elves were forced to retreat to their native forest and take refuge in it from the attackers. There they prepared for a decisive blow to the enemy forces. Their magic increased many times in these forests, and they counted on this trump card in the decisive battle. But they miscalculated - the human army was too numerous for even elven magic to hit them. The battle went on for three days. When it ended, and the bloody veil fell from their eyes, the elves were horrified. Most of them died, while people kept advancing and advancing in an endless stream. And the elves went into the very depths of the forest, finally separating themselves from the rest of the world with magical barriers.

This is how humans became the greatest conquerors in the world.

Chapter 11

The stranger fell silent again, the next part of the story was over ..

What we heard was different from anything we'd heard before, and yet the whole story felt familiar. The beautiful elf who was among us was touched to the depths of her soul, tears rolled down her cheeks.

The night has extended its arms to us. The animals in the forest calmed down, the wind stopped rustling in the branches, even the murmur of the stream became soft and barely audible. Only our breathing and the crackle of a burning fire were heard in the night. It seemed that all living things around were listening to the story of a stranger.

"So, isn't it funny that the lowest of the races, humans, eventually achieved more power than all the other races? I'll tell you what the secret is in human fortitude. Even the gods could not imagine that humans would ever can rule the world."

"Well, now I will tell you the story of the most outstanding human kingdom that ever existed on earth. It is the story of people who repeated the path of the giants."

Chapter 12

Human kingdoms in a primitive form originated during the battle with the orcs and elves. The backbone was made up of the Athena clan and the most skilled magicians of that time. This group was the most influential, and its influence was planted by violence and threats, which from time to time led to armed conflicts.

Athen's leader, Shuniman, eventually brought order, uniting the lands now known as Aden and Elmore. He named his kingdom Elmoreden and ascended the throne in order to become emperor and change the crown of three tree branches to a crown of gold and jewels. In the teachings of his followers, Shuniman subsequently became almost a god.

The emperor was worried about one issue: the lifespan of people was short. The fact that Gran Kain, the god of death and destruction, was their creator, developed a kind of inferiority complex in people, coupled with the story of creating people from the remnants of other races. All this gave the new rulers of the world little pleasure. Now, having created a new kingdom, people also needed a new mythology, a new history of their family, proving their noble origin.

Eventually, through a large-scale religious reform, Shuniman rejected the worship of Gran Kain and made Einhasad the goddess and protectress of the human race. Myth and history have changed. The attitude towards those who preach black magic and the followers of Gran Kain also changed - now they were severely persecuted. Religious reform lasted for several generations. This led to the fact that in the minds of people the belief that their creator was Einhasad was finally established, and Gran Kain was just the god of evil. When he found out about this, he just laughed.

“Even if they don't serve me, I won't get angry with them. But are they stupid enough to try to wrap their arms around the sky?”

Chapter 13

While the kingdom of Elmoreden, led by Emperor Shuniman, grew and prospered, the region called Gracia, across the sea, still trembled in the throes of disorder. Geographically, this region was extremely diverse and dangerous. And although many militant human factions fought for power, none of them was strong enough to unite everyone into a single kingdom. The territory of the region was torn apart only by minor conflicts, which rarely developed into at least a semblance of mass battles.

But the day and hour came when all the disparate groups were forced to unite under the same banner - for the sake of one goal - to stand against the huge army of Elmoreden, which went to war against Gracia. Many nobles and aristocracy perished in those battles. Those who managed to survive, strengthened and hardened many times over. In the end, the attack was repelled, but the losses were enormous. The lesson learned served as an impetus for the creation of a single kingdom in the entire region - called Perios.

But the confrontation continued. The Kingdom of Elmoreden, which was founded first and had superior military resources, was incomparably more likely to succeed. However, Perios also had some advantages. Firstly, the sea that separated one kingdom from another held back the attackers, and secondly, the people of Perios possessed the most powerful artifacts left on their land by the giants. These relics could also be used for military purposes, and with great success.

And it so happened that even with a magnificent army, the kingdom of Elmoreden could not enslave Perios.

Chapter 14

The kingdom of Elmoreden was home to the Ivory Tower, an institution whose main occupation was the study of magic. The mages of the Tower directed all their efforts to restore, study and improve the magic of the ancient giants. Their magical prowess reached unprecedented heights, and one day their influence in the kingdom became comparable to that of the Emperor Elmoreden.

Among the mages of the Tower there was one named Beleth, the strongest of mages and one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived on earth. The magic of the giants drew him in so much that after a while he learned almost all of its secrets. However, this magic was cursed and therefore unusable for humans. Ambition and lust for power took possession of Beleth. Alarmed by this turn of events, the mages of the Tower and the elite of the royal class decided to join forces to get rid of Beleth. But this was not easy to accomplish - Beleth was unusually strong in the art of dark magic.

As a result, the magicians of the Ivory Tower were left with no choice, and they used forbidden black magic to suppress the power of Beleth, trap him and imprison him in the cellars of the Tower. But, despite the fact that he was guarded by both warriors and magicians, he still managed to break out of the magical and physical shackles and escape. He went to Hell's Border Island to regain his former strength and continue to take over the lands.

A magical trap set for Beleth led to cataclysms in the southern part of the region, now known as Gludio. The earth was scorched by magic and many people died when the spell was cast. The kingdom placed all the blame on Beleth, declaring him a devil in human form.

Chapter 15

Around this time, great changes took place in the Elven forests. Having lost control over the continent, the Elves lost their vigilance and almost stopped hiding. They forgot that when they wanted to reign supreme over the rest, and now they lived in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Among the general mass of elves who called themselves Tree Elves, a group of Brown Elves stood out. They insisted on continuing the battle for power, even if using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views.

One day, a human mage appeared among the Browns, and as he approached their leader, he said.

“You want power and might. But the Wood Elves fear that you will gain great power. You deserve this power. They only care about their own safety. They are afraid of you, afraid of people. It is these fears that have led you elves to your current decline.”

The Brown Elf leader asked, “Who are you, human? And what do you want here among us?”

“My name is Dasparion, I am an ordinary mage. But I have the power you need. I can help you fulfill your ambitions… and in exchange, you must help me.”

“And how can we help you?”

“I want only one thing - to know the secret of eternal youth.” A faint smile touched his face. “Although I have the art of magic, I am only a human and my lifespan is not that long. So... what will be your decision? We can help each other get what we want.”

The Brown Elves really wanted to gain knowledge of Dasparion's black magic, and therefore agreed with his proposal. Dasparion taught them everything he knew himself, and was rewarded with the secret of immortality. Satisfied, he left the forest.

The Brown Elves declared Gran Kain their new patron, while Einhasad remained to patronize the Tree Elves. The Tree Elves were enraged by the behavior of the Browns, and a battle ensued between them. At the crucial moment, the Brown Elves used a deadly black magic spell to destroy the Wood Elves. Those, agonizing, still managed to impose a curse on the Brown Elves, which turned them into a race of darkness, known to all as the race of Dark Elves.

Chapter 16

Elmoreden's golden age came a hundred years after its founding, during the reign of Emperor Baium. Possessing great charisma and unsurpassed leadership qualities, Baium managed to create the most powerful army in the history of the kingdom. This army drove the orcs from the northern parts of Elmore into the black forests, later known as the Orc Kingdom. And besides this, Baium's army periodically attacked the kingdom of Perios, eventually retaking the southern part of Gracia.

Having grown old, Baium lost interest in conquests. He sent all the forces of the kingdom to the construction of a tower of the most complex structure, reaching into the heavens.

“Everyone living on the continent is afraid of me, from north to south, from west to east! I control tens of thousands of lives with just a wave of my hand: one I give life, the other death. My power is absolute. One thing I cannot bear is that this power will end with my death! Therefore, I must ask the gods for immortality and rule my people forever!”

It took 30 years to build the Bayum Tower. He intended to use the tower to ascend to the gods and obtain from them the secret of immortality. When he reached the very top, the gods told him the following:

“Man, how dare you come up here and ask us for eternal life for you? Didn't the lesson of the giants teach you anything? Well, since your desire is eternal life, we will give it to you. But only you can never leave this tower.”

Baium incurred the wrath of the gods, and remained forever imprisoned at the very top of his tower. After the sudden disappearance of the emperor, panic began on earth. The emperor's relatives, his former associates and numerous aristocracy - all wanted to take the place of the emperor on the throne. These infighting weakened the kingdom, which had already been weakened by the construction of the tower. The conflict lasted for a long time, and as a result, the kingdom, which flourished for more than a hundred years, fell into decay. For the next twenty years, the kingdom was in a sorry state.

Chapter 17

What we heard we liked less and less. We did not know anything about this stranger, nor did we know the reason why he told us all this. And yet we listened to him, unable to look back or move, as if some unknown force held us back.

The stranger acted like we weren't there. Gathering dry twigs, he threw them into the dying flames. Tongues of flame, already almost invisible, shot up with renewed vigor. Without even looking in our direction, the man spoke again.

“My story is almost finished. The story I'm about to tell you should be familiar to you - the struggle of people that continues to this day. This is the history of the continent after the fall of Elmoreden. ”

Chapter 18

The decline of Elmoreden would have contributed to the flourishing of Perios, if not for the plague epidemic moving south from Gracia, and not for the destructive cold that came from the north. Elmoreden fell first, and then Perios.

After the fall of these once great kingdoms, chaos reigned on earth. The human aristocracy was tearing itself apart, small groups fought for power, and some of them even resorted to the help of other races, granting them land in exchange for military support. The orcs seized the opportunity and obtained some land. From here they launched an offensive, reorganizing their armies, and soon the northern part of Elmore was under their control. But the battles between noble and low-born orcs still weakened the former.

There was also fierce fighting between the elves and their dark brethren, with no end in sight. As for the dwarves, they were not a serious obstacle to the army of orcs and were easily thrown back.

And then a new force appeared in the world - an influential group of people known as the kingdom of Elmore. They declared that they were the direct descendants of Emperor Elmoreden, whether it was true or not, but they were believed, because they possessed the truth of power and steel for sure. Orcs and humans clashed in large-scale battles across the continent. This war lasted for many years, and it cost both sides very dearly. However, the people again emerged victorious from it, and the orcs retreated to their lands, sharpen their axes and prepare for revenge. The few surviving dwarves were banished from the continent to the mountains by humans.

Now, although Elmore's army had been reduced in size, it had taken control of all the northern lands and marched south to unite everyone under its banner. But the unification of the divided continent did not happen. Oren, the most powerful southern kingdom, repulsed Elmore's attack with the help of powerful magicians and trained warriors. Elmore's army was too weak to resist.

Under the protection of Oren, many southern kingdoms flourished, which later began to unite into some kind of nation. In this union, everything was balanced and balanced, so the southern lands flourished.

Chapter 19

Wars lasted for several generations, until Gracia rose from the abyss of chaos to bring everyone to unity. A man named Paris, possessor of great strength and military prowess, glorified himself and his people by winning numerous battles and conquering lands in the name of Beheim.

Paris became a legend when he and his army met the Queser Highlanders. In a desperate battle with Thor, the best warrior of Quoser, Paris dealt the enemy a decisive blow. Thor, who had never lost before, said,

“Are you really human? Such strength and speed!!”

Standing over the defeated enemy, Paris looked around the battlefield and replied,

“I just want to unite these lands… Brave warrior of the North, join me and together we will destroy those who oppose us.”

And Paris led the Knights of the White Hawk, the Knights of the Wind, and the Highlanders who joined them, through the lands of Gracia, defeating many in his path and capturing so much land that Beheim increased five times compared to its former borders. Soon, Paris overthrew the government by force and ascended the throne.

Meanwhile, a new leader has emerged in the southern lands. Charismatic and self-confident, a man named Raul was gathering new strength under his flag. Raul's fiery speeches smashed his opponents to smithereens - and no worse than a sword or mace could do. Here is one example of his speech:

“Lords of the Lands! Can't you see what's going on outside our lands? The enemies are preparing to move against us as we speak! The Kingdom of Elmore has long coveted our lands and riches, and is only waiting for “the right time to attack. And if Gracia decides to attack, we are lost! We have no choice - we need to combine our forces to be ready for war.”

At first, Raul united with his ally Inadril, and these lands were called Aden. Unlike Paris, Raul pursued a non-violent policy and easily annexed the lands of Kiran and Dion to Aden.

In Oren, Raul suddenly encountered resistance to his plans. Oren did not want to accept any other leader than his own. As a result, this led to a war, from which the kingdom of Aden emerged victorious. The Kingdom of Gladio voluntarily laid down its arms and joined Aden, thus completing the unification. Subsequently, Raoul became known as the King of Unity.

Chapter 20

Shortly after the unification of Aden, Grace was finally strengthened when the last opponent of Paris fell dead at his feet. Paris moved the capital to Arpenino and reorganized the structure of the kingdom.

Aden, having successfully repulsed Elmore's attacks, proved that he is worth reckoning with. However, a tragedy soon befell Aden - the sudden death of Raul. Sensing that the moment was right to attack, Elmore attacked again, this time from the north. Raul's successor, Trabis, held back the attackers, but soon died of an unknown illness. The next contender for the throne was sixteen-year-old Amadeo.

Upon hearing of this, Paris exclaimed, “The heavens themselves help the kingdom of Gracia! Sixteen year old king? This will be the downfall of the Aden Kingdom!”

But Paris seriously underestimated the young Amadeo. The boy defeated Elmore in a large-scale battle. Paris felt that the opportunity to capture Aden was slipping through his hands. Ignoring all advice, including even his right hand adviser Dillios, Paris launched a massive offensive against Aden by land and sea.

The result was incredible.

Esther, the exiled king of Elmore, joined Aden, with whom his father had been at enmity for many years.

“Don't you have pride? You should have fallen on your own sword for siding with your father's enemy!”

Esther ignored the tirade and replied, “The cub can be taken care of later, but for now, my main target is you.”

The battle on Kiran soil was the turning point in this war, when the warriors of Gracia, wounded and demoralized, returned to their homeland with nothing. Failure in this war deeply hurt the pride of Paris, who had not known the price of defeat before. A little later, Paris fell ill and soon died.

The heir to the throne of Gracia was Karnaria, a frail man who was considered by many to be incapable of ruling the kingdom. Cucarus challenged him, deciding to ascend the throne himself. Dillios, a former adviser to Paris, supported him, and he began to gain fame among the people of Gracia. In the end, he and Karnaria divided the kingdom into two camps. Northern and Southern Gracia became bitter enemies, directing all their energy to confront each other.

This news pleased Amadeo, who used the pause in the war to strengthen and strengthen the kingdom of Aden. Thanks to his efforts, Aden, Elmore and Gracia concluded a peace treaty. A difficult age of peace has come.

Chapter 21

When the stranger finished, it began to get light. The long night passed, the dawn cut through the brightening sky. The fire had long since died out, leaving only smoldering ash. The narrator lit his pipe and took a deep puff.

“So my story is over. Time will pass, and maybe, who knows, it will continue? Who knows, maybe your names will someday be in my story?

The morning light illuminated everything around. I suddenly felt uneasy. It’s like something important is passing me by… It took some effort for me to speak, and I dared to ask, “Who are you? And why did they tell us all this…and…how do you know all this?”

The man silently got up. And as soon as he stood up to his full height, he began to grow! While he was sitting, he was of normal size, but now he was truly huge - almost twenty feet in height - and the shadow from him covered our entire company. And then he slowly began to disappear! Dissolving, as if in a fog, with a sudden gust of wind, he flew away like dust ...

He took a deep drag, inhaled the smoke and exhaled slowly.

Most of his face was hidden under a thick old hood, and behind him was only pitch blackness. In the dim glow of the tube it was impossible to make out his features.

He introduced himself as a bard, but no one believed him - his voice was hoarse and rough. There was something suspicious about him traveling alone through a forest full of danger. However, he offered to tell us a story in exchange for food and warmth from our fire. Couldn't we have left him alone in this cold forest? And we agreed.

We made ourselves comfortable near the fire, holding weapons ready to use in case of danger, and began to listen carefully.

The night was cold through and through. The man put down the phone and began the story...


The story I want to tell you is about those whom we call Gods. Listen carefully - as if this is a true story...

A very long time ago, at a time that is impossible to even imagine, there was only a ball in which the entire universe was enclosed. And there was nothing to compare it with - so the ball was big and small, dark and light, everything and nothing.

After one hundred million years, the ball began to increase in size and at the same time two forces began to appear. Slowly, but they grew and eventually split into White Light and Darkness. The White Light took on a female form and called himself Einhasad. The darkness took on the male and gave itself the name Gran Kain. These two entities laid the foundation for a new universe and everything that exists now.

Einhasad and Gran Kain joined forces to break out of the ball. As a result of their experiment, the ball broke into pieces. Some of them soared up and became the Sky, some fell down to become the Foundation. Water appeared between the Sky and the Ground, and some parts of the Ground rose and became the Earth.

The spirit of the ball - Ether, also underwent the disintegration of everything that exists. Which led to the appearance of various animals and plants. The "Creation of Genesis" was also formed from this spirit, and the giants became its best representative. They were known as the Wise Ones, and their minds were as strong as their bodies. The giants made a promise to believe in Einhasad and Gran Kain. They were pleased with the giants, appointing them masters over all other creatures. This was before the advent of death and true paradise.

Einhasad and Gran Kain eventually had children who were not deprived of a divine gift. The first five of them were awarded the possession of power over the world. The eldest daughter, Shilen, took possession of the water. The eldest son, Paagrio, received control over the fire, and the second daughter, Mafr, over the earth. The second son, Seiya, became the master of the wind.

Only the youngest, Eva, lacked elements. She began to compose music and write poetry. While the other gods were busy with their duties, Eve wrote poems and composed music for them. Thus, the era of the gods began, and there was nothing in the world that was unknown to the gods.

Creation of races

Einhasad was the goddess of creation and created forms with her own spirit. Her children used their powers to create life from these forms.

Shilen infused the spirit of water into the first form that was created. Thus the race of elves was born.

Paagrio instilled the spirit of fire into the second form that was created. This is how the orc race was born.

Mafr instilled the spirit of the earth into the third form that was created. This is how the dwarven race was born.

Seiya infused the spirit of the wind into the fourth form that was created. This is how the Arteas race was born.

Gran Kain was the god of destruction. When he saw the achievements of Einhasad, curiosity mixed with envy leaped up in him. He repeated what Einhasad did and created his own form, according to his own understanding. He then turned to Shilen, their eldest daughter, with a request to infuse the spirit into his form. She was very surprised and asked him, “Father, why do you want to do this? Einhasad, my mother, is in charge of creation. You are the god of destruction, and any creature to which you give life will only bring misfortune to yourself and others.”

But Gran Kain did not give up. After much persuasion, he finally got Shilen's consent.

"I will do it. But I have already given Mother the spirit of water. All I can give you is just leftovers.” Shilen gave her father the spirit of rotten water, which Gran Kain gladly accepted.

However, Gran Kain felt that one spirit would not be enough to create it. And he went to Paagrio, his eldest son. Like Shilen, Paagrio warned his father. But he was unable to refuse his father, and gave him the spirit of an extinguished fire. Gran Kain gladly accepted it as well.

Mafr tearfully begged her father to abandon his venture, but in the end she gave him the spirit of a poor and dirty land. Seiya, in turn, gave his father the spirit of uncontrollable wind.

Satisfied, Gran Kain collected everything he had received from the children and exclaimed, “Look at the creatures I have created! Look at those who are born of the spirits of water, fire, earth and wind! They will be stronger and wiser than giants! They will rule the world!”

Gran Kain felt great pride and shouted it to the whole world. He instilled spirits into his creations. However, the result was terrible. These creatures were weak, stupid, cunning and cowardly. All the gods scorned the creatures of Gran Kain. He himself, in disgrace, was forced to hide for some time. He left his creations. And these creatures were people.

The race of elves was wise and receptive to magic. But the elves were not as wise as the giants. Therefore, the elves were forced to serve the giants in politics and magical activities.

The orc race was strong. They possessed inexhaustible strength and tremendous willpower. Of course, they weren't as strong as giants. Therefore, the orcs for the giants played the role of cannon fodder in various wars.

The dwarven race was highly skilled in all aspects of engineering, mathematics, and mastery of various technical disciplines. They served the giants as bank employees and factory workers.

The winged race Arteas are free-spirited and curious creatures. The giants wanted to enslave these creatures. Only one thing interfered - once caught and put in a cage, Arteas quickly lost his vitality and died. The giants had no choice but to let Arteas continue to be free. Arteas often visited the city of giants and brought them news from other parts of the world.

People could not do any of the things well and became slaves of the giants, they did the most black and dirty work. Their life was no better than that of animals.

Gods war

Gran Kain was a free god. However, he made a huge mistake by seducing Shilen, his eldest daughter. It became impossible to hide all this from Einhasad when Shilen became pregnant. Einhasad's anger knew no bounds when she found out about what had happened. By the will of Einhasad, her eldest daughter ceased to be the goddess of water, moreover, she was expelled from the continent. Gran Kain turned away from her, so she was left alone with her misfortune.

While pregnant, Shilen fled to the East. Deep in the thicket of the dark forest, she gave birth - damn the mother and father every time the contractions came.

The children born to Shilen adopted the despair and anger of her curses and turned into demons. The most powerful and strongest of them became ‘dragons’.

There were six dragons in total - against six gods. Shilen was angry at her mother, who expelled her, and at her father, who seduced her and then left her alone. Gathering all the power, all her children, she created an army to take revenge on the gods.

The strongest of the dragons had to be at the forefront of the demon army to fight the gods themselves. Aulakiria, the dragon of light, upon hearing about this, looked at Shilen with sadness and said, “You don't know what you're doing. Do you really want to destroy the gods? Do you really want to drown your mother, father, and others in pools of your own blood?”

Her call had no effect on Shilen.

And finally, a bloody battle began when an army of demons broke into the palace, the abode of the gods. The six dragons left no stone unturned in the palace. Even the gods were frightened by the incredible power of the dragons. The battle seemed to last forever. Yet, if the battle had not stopped, the world would have ceased to exist, and all living beings would have been annihilated.

Numerous messengers of the gods and demons fell in battle. Every day, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, because such powerful forces clashed in the sky. The giants and all other living beings trembled in fear as they watched the battle in the heavens.

The fiercest battle lasted for several years, and in the end the balance gradually tipped in favor of one of the parties. Despite the damage they received, Einhasad and Gran Kain had the upper hand in the battle, destroying a huge number of demons.

The dragons continued to fight, although they were badly wounded and slashed with scars. Their weariness became more and more evident. After a while, it seemed as if the war would end with the complete annihilation of the demon army. In the end, the dragons, spreading their wings, flew to the ground to escape. The surviving demons followed. The gods, wishing to exterminate the retreating, were nevertheless so wounded that they could not do this. All they could do was watch the remnants of the demon army flying towards the ground.

As Shilen's children died one by one, losing the war to the gods, she was saddened. She invented The Underworld and put herself in charge.

Global flood

After Shilen left, power over the water passed to Eva. She had a gentle nature, and after her sister's collapse and the war of gods and demons, she became even more timid and fearful. And to avoid the burden of responsibility that fell on her shoulders, she dug a tunnel at the bottom of the lake and hid there.

There was no one to control the spirits of water, and they, having no purpose, wandered aimlessly around the world. Too much water flowed into one place, resulting in a swamp. In another place, on the contrary, water was so scarce that a desert formed there. It often happened that part of the continent suddenly went under water or a new island appeared out of nowhere. It also happened that somewhere it rained without stopping, day and night, until the water covered everything except the highest mountain peaks.

Where areas not covered with water were preserved, a huge number of living beings accumulated. Both on land and in the ocean, all living beings suffered from this scourge. On behalf of all living beings, the giants petitioned the gods for help.

Einhasad and Gran Kain, after searching the entire continent, eventually found the lake where Eve was hiding.

“Eve, look at what happened because you avoided your duties. You are destroying the harmony of this continent, in which we have invested so much effort. I can't stand it if you don't listen to me anymore." Einhasad was so furious that her eyes burned with a bright fire.

Due to the floods, countless giants and other creatures moved to the world of Shilen, which could not help but make Einhasad jealous. Trembling with fear, Eve surrendered to her mother. When Eve again took over the responsibility of regulating the waters, the disasters gradually ceased. However, it was impossible to restore the continent that lay in ruins.

Challenge of the Giants

The giants were more and more skeptical about what was happening: first, Gran Kain created people, which proved his own stupidity, then behaved unworthily towards his daughter, like Einhasad with his jealousy. Created by Shilen, the world of Underworld has spawned many terrible creatures. Eve, with her weakness and ineptitude, has turned the continent into a rather pathetic sight. Seeds of mistrust and doubt were sown in the minds of the giants. Do such celestials deserve worship and reverence?

The giants could move in chariots made with their own hands and had free access to the palace of the gods. They could also use magical knowledge to lift the island into the air and live there like gods. They could live so long that this time was comparable to eternity. And the giants came to the idea of ​​their equality with the gods. Despite their wisdom, they have become overly arrogant.

Thus, the giants set out to become gods.

They began to experiment, changing living organisms in order to create new forms of life. The giants called this kind of magical art "science". Intoxicated with power, the giants created a powerful army to fight the gods, despite the failure of Shilen, her six dragons and the army of demons in this very matter.

The gods saw the preparations and were angry. Einhasad, who claims sole control over all creative processes, was speechless from the rage that seized her. She vowed to destroy all giants along with the continent and the rest of the world. Gran Kain called for calm.

“Since you are the Mother of Creation,” he said, “the destruction of all things is my prerogative. You know only too well what the consequences of my taking on your task were. If you still want to destroy the whole world, you will have to fight me.” Gran Kain was unwilling to allow the destruction of the continent at all costs, and Einhasad was greatly offended by his meddling. However, since they were of equal status, she couldn't stop him.

In the end, Einhasad compromised. And in order to punish the giants, she asked Gran Kain for his hammer - known as the Hammer of Despair. Due to its great destructive power, even Gran Kain did not use it. And yet, in spite of everything, Einhasad raised the hammer high above her head and hurled it down, right into the heart of the city of giants.

End of Ages

And at the moment when fire fell from heaven, the giants realized what a monstrously stupid mistake they had made. Using all their strength, the giants rose up to calm the Hammer of Despair, but their efforts were only enough to move the Hammer only a fraction, which continued to shower fire on the ground.

It was enough to destroy the greatest city in the world; many living beings also perished. A huge hole formed in the earth's thickness was overwhelmed by a terrifying wave. In the end, there were almost no giants left on earth.

Those giants that managed to survive fled to the east to avoid the wrath of Einhasad. Their route was similar to the one that Shilen chose at the time. Einhasad continued her pursuit and destroyed the giants one by one, incinerating them with deadly lightning from the sky. Those that remained alive trembled in fear and appealed to Gran Cain with entreaties.

“Gren Kain, Gran Kain! We realized that we had chosen the wrong path. Only you can stop the anger and madness of Einhasad. Let us not perish, us who were born of the gods themselves, we the wisest and most powerful beings in the world!”

Suddenly, Gran Kain felt a strong sense of pity for these unfortunate beings. He decided that the giants had already suffered enough and atoned for their guilt in full. He lifted up the deepest waters of the southern seas, thus blocking the path of Einhasad.

Einhasad shouted in anger, “What is this? Who dares to mess with me? Eva, my beloved daughter, remove immediately the water that is blocking my path, or prepare to repeat the fate of your elder sister!”

Frightened, Eve immediately followed her mother's orders. And Einhasad continued her victorious march, destroying all the giants on her way. And the giants again begged for help.

"Gren Cain! The strongest of the gods! Einhasad continues to destroy us, have mercy on us and save us!”

Gran Kain lifted up the thickness of the earth on which the giants were. A huge cliff blocked the path of Einhasad, who screamed with a loud voice.

“Mafr, my beloved daughter! Who dares to mess with me? Lower the earth immediately to its proper place. Or prepare yourself for the fate of your sister!”

Frightened by these words, Maphr tried to move the earth, but Gran Kain stopped her.

“Einhasad, why don’t you calm your anger? The whole world knows your malice and trembles before your fury. Wise but foolish giants have already paid a huge price for atonement for their mistake. Just look! A race of proud and noble beings - who once ruled the world - have now found their home in a narrow patch of land. They will no longer be able to challenge the gods. This place will forever be the place of their imprisonment. Calm your anger, your revenge is done.”

Einhasad could not help but listen to him and act against the will of Gran Kain - he had equal opportunities with her. She decided, as Gran Cain said, to leave the giants on that piece of land to atone for their sins. The hunt was over and Einhasad returned home.

Subsequently, Einhasad rarely interfered in what was happening on Earth, as she was deeply disappointed in the creatures inhabiting it. Gran Kain also agreed not to show himself there. The age of the gods was drawing to a close.

Returning to the fire

The stranger suddenly stopped talking.

Impressed by what we heard, we sat in silence while he initiated us into the secrets of the history of the world. His voice, though soft, penetrated the very depths of our consciousness - as if it were some kind of magic. The myth he told was fundamentally different from the one we knew, but there were no objections. We, seasoned strong warriors, were filled with reverent awe for this man and were even a little afraid of him. Suddenly, an owl flapped its wings nearby, and we jumped in surprise.

The stranger grinned, lifted the barely smoldering pipe to his lips, and continued his story.

“Don't dismiss my god story just because it's different from what you've heard. Perhaps the wandering poet is closer to the truth than all your priests? The history of the gods is the desire of the gods, not of men. How then can ordinary priests know the truth? Listen carefully...I will continue the story. The history of the world after the disappearance of the gods. Your story."


Now, after the sudden disappearance of the giants, panic and disorder reigned throughout the world. The usual course of things was disrupted, the races of elves, dark elves, dwarves and humans gained unexpected freedom and with it the need to survive in a vast world. A world lay before them, half-ruined and ravaged by the Hammer of Despair. Many perished in the calamities caused by the Mother of Creation, but many more perished in the chaos and confusion that followed. The races turned to the gods with an ardent call for help, but the answer was silence.

The elves were the first to take control of the situation, because it was they who were involved in politics in the time of the giants. The elves were successful in reuniting the races, and for some time the world was in harmony. But time passed, and with its course it became clear that the elves were not given the same effective control over others as the giants in their time. The first dissatisfied were the orcs.

“Who said that the elves are stronger than us? Nobody! Do they have the right to rule over us? No! It will not happen that creatures weaker than us will stand above us!”

The military potential of the orcs was overwhelming, and the elves living peacefully could not become a worthy adversary for the proud and fearless orc warriors. The orcs acted with lightning speed, and soon most of the land belonged to them, while they pushed the elves into the corner of the continent. There they solicited the support of the dwarves, who, with vast resources and superior weapons, stood a chance against the orcs.

“Earth race”, the elves cried, “We ask your help. The ruthless orc hordes outnumber us. We can fight against them together – and then we will have a chance!”

But the dwarves indifferently rejected their pleas for help. It seemed to them that the orcs were now victorious. And if so, then why would pragmatic and calculating dwarves mess with the losers? The elves were angry at this turn of events, but they could not change anything.

The next race that the elves turned to for help was the race of the wind - Arteas. Their reconnaissance and air attack skills would have been enough to defeat the orcs. An elven delegation went to the ends of the earth to seek help from Arteas.

“Wind race, we ask for your help! Orcs barbarously oppress us. If we unite, we can teach them a lesson they haven't had yet!”

But, as always, Arteas was not interested in political and military conflicts. They remained neutral and even better hidden from prying eyes. The elves were in despair.

“Alas, no one will come to our aid! Is this the end? Will the filthy orcs rule the world and claim fame and fortune as their due?”

New union

Rejected by the calculating dwarves and the indifferent Arteas, the elves were still alone in the fight against the orcs. In desperation, they mourned their fate, when suddenly a stranger appeared among them and fell prostrate before the king of the elves. The king approached the stranger closer, in order to understand in a moment that before him was the leader of the people. On the head of a man was a crown of three branches.

"Who has come to us? Is it really the leader of the people, these low creatures?" The king was at a loss, "Have you come to laugh at our misfortune?"

The man bowed his head to the king and said, "No, oh wise king. We have come with an offer of help. Perhaps our modest powers may be of use to you."

The elves rejoiced at this turn of events, and though the humans were stupid and weak, their sheer numbers could have been useful in combat.

"Well, you really can be useful to us." The king agreed without hesitation. "You insignificant and worthless creatures, however, are loyal and ready to give their lives for us in battle. This is commendable. And I accept your offer."

The human king fell prostrate again before his elven counterpart, then raised his head and their eyes met. "O noblest of the elves," he said, "we humans ask only one request of ours before we fight for the victory of the elves. We are too weak. We cannot stand against the orcs, and therefore we ask you to give us the strength to endure." against them. We ask you to teach us elven magic."

This bold proposal threw the elves into turmoil. Teach people their magic? Never! The elves were already ready to incinerate the insolent, but then the leader of the elves intervened in the matter. Veora, that was her name, decided that humans, even those trained in magic, would not threaten the elves. And in the war against the orcs, they were too weak and could not do without help. Thus, she made a decision that later cost her her life - to reveal to people the magical secrets of their people.

Humans soaked up knowledge like a sponge, learning much faster than the elves expected. Their physical parameters were not as excellent as the orcs - however, constant work and struggle within the race tempered people. They were skilled and skillful warriors, and most importantly, they were so numerous that soon the human army became a great force.

Friends and Enemies

And the war began. The alliance of humans and elves gradually achieved its goal - the overthrow of the orc expansion. With the odds in this war tilting towards the alliance, the dwarves forsook the losing orcs in favor of a human army by supplying war supplies to the humans. Now, clad in the most powerful armor and armed with the sharpest dwarven blades, people could defeat the orcs without the intervention of the elves.

The elves felt uneasy, and although the alliance continued its victorious march, they felt that the power of people was growing and breaking out of their control. And yet they could not even imagine that the lowest of the races - dirty people - could think of going against the great elves. Soon the orcs were defeated, the elves forgot about the people and moved away from them. The same continued to study the highest forms of magic. The orcs had no choice but to sign an insulting peace treaty and return to the caves in the northern part of Elmore.

The leader of the orcs, laughing in the face of the elves, said to them, "Fools! Victory does not belong to you, but to these mongrel pigs - people. How will you curb the monsters that you yourself created?"

The orc leader turned out to be right - and the elves faced a new threat when the people went to war with them. But their strengths were not equal - the elves were inferior to people in everything, and even in magic, which people mastered almost perfectly.

And again, the battle of one magic against another broke out on the expanses of the earth. Ultimately, the elves were forced to retreat to their native forest and take refuge in it from the attackers. There they prepared for a decisive blow to the enemy forces. Their magic increased many times in these forests, and they counted on this trump card in the decisive battle. But they miscalculated - the human army was too numerous for even elven magic to hit them. The battle went on for three days. When it ended and the bloody veil fell from their eyes, the elves were horrified. Most of them died, while people kept advancing and advancing in an endless stream. And the elves went into the very depths of the forest, finally separating themselves from the rest of the world with magical barriers.

This is how humans became the greatest conquerors in the world.

Again by the fire

The stranger fell silent again, the next part of the story was over ..

What we heard was different from anything we'd heard before, and yet the whole story felt familiar. The beautiful elf who was among us was touched to the depths of her soul, tears rolled down her cheeks.

The night has extended its arms to us. The animals in the forest calmed down, the wind stopped rustling in the branches, even the murmur of the stream became soft and barely audible. Only our breathing and the crackle of a burning fire were heard in the night. It seemed that all living things around were listening to the story of a stranger.

"So, isn't it funny that the lowest of the races, humans, eventually achieved more power than all the other races? I'll tell you what the secret is in human fortitude. Even the gods could not imagine that humans would ever can rule the world."

"Well, now I will tell you the story of the most outstanding human kingdom that ever existed on earth. It is the story of people who repeated the path of the giants."

History rewritten

Human kingdoms in a primitive form originated during the battle with the orcs and elves. The backbone was made up of the Athena clan and the most skilled magicians of that time. This group was the most influential, and its influence was planted by violence and threats, which from time to time led to armed conflicts.

Athen's leader, Shuniman, eventually brought order, uniting the lands now known as Aden and Elmore. He named his kingdom Elmoreden and ascended the throne in order to become emperor and change the crown of three tree branches to a crown of gold and jewels. In the teachings of his followers, Shuniman subsequently became almost a god.

The emperor was worried about one issue: the lifespan of people was short. The fact that Gran Kain, the god of death and destruction, was their creator, developed a kind of inferiority complex in people, coupled with the story of creating people from the remnants of other races. All this gave the new rulers of the world little pleasure. Now, having created a new kingdom, people also needed a new mythology, a new history of their family, proving their noble origin.

Eventually, through a large-scale religious reform, Shuniman rejected the worship of Gran Kain and made Einhasad the goddess and protectress of the human race. Myth and history have changed. The attitude towards those who preach black magic and the followers of Gran Kain also changed - now they were severely persecuted. Religious reform lasted for several generations. This led to the fact that in the minds of people the belief that their creator was Einhasad was finally established, and Gran Kain was just the god of evil. When he found out about this, he just laughed.

“Even if they don't serve me, I won't get angry with them. But are they stupid enough to try to wrap their arms around the sky?”

Elmoreden and Perios

While the kingdom of Elmoreden, led by Emperor Shuniman, grew and prospered, the region called Gracia, across the sea, still trembled in the throes of disorder. Geographically, this region was extremely diverse and dangerous. And although many militant human factions fought for power, none of them was strong enough to unite everyone into a single kingdom. The territory of the region was torn apart only by minor conflicts, which rarely developed into at least a semblance of mass battles.

But the day and hour came when all the disparate groups were forced to unite under the same banner - for the sake of one goal - to stand against the huge army of Elmoreden, which went to war against Gracia. Many nobles and aristocracy perished in those battles. Those who managed to survive, strengthened and hardened many times over. In the end, the attack was repelled, but the losses were enormous. The lesson learned served as an impetus for the creation of a single kingdom in the entire region - called Perios.

But the confrontation continued. The Kingdom of Elmoreden, which was founded first and had superior military resources, was incomparably more likely to succeed. However, Perios also had some advantages. Firstly, the sea that separated one kingdom from another held back the attackers, and secondly, the people of Perios possessed the most powerful artifacts left on their land by the giants. These relics could also be used for military purposes, and with great success.

And it so happened that even with a magnificent army, the kingdom of Elmoreden could not enslave Perios.

Beleth and the Ivory Tower

The kingdom of Elmoreden was home to the Ivory Tower, an institution whose main occupation was the study of magic. The mages of the Tower directed all their efforts to restore, study and improve the magic of the ancient giants. Their magical prowess reached unprecedented heights, and one day their influence in the kingdom became comparable to that of the Emperor Elmoreden.

Among the mages of the Tower there was one named Beleth, the strongest of mages and one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived on earth. The magic of the giants drew him in so much that after a while he learned almost all of its secrets. However, this magic was cursed and therefore unusable for humans. Ambition and lust for power took possession of Beleth. Alarmed by this turn of events, the mages of the Tower and the elite of the royal class decided to join forces to get rid of Beleth. But this was not easy to accomplish - Beleth was unusually strong in the art of dark magic.

As a result, the magicians of the Ivory Tower were left with no choice, and they used forbidden black magic to suppress the power of Beleth, trap him and imprison him in the cellars of the Tower. But, despite the fact that he was guarded by both warriors and magicians, he still managed to break out of the magical and physical shackles and escape. He went to Hell's Border Island to regain his former strength and continue to take over the lands.

A magical trap set for Beleth led to cataclysms in the southern part of the region, now known as Gludio. The earth was scorched by magic and many people died when the spell was cast. The kingdom placed all the blame on Beleth, declaring him a devil in human form.

Elven Discord

Around this time, great changes took place in the Elven forests. Having lost control over the continent, the Elves lost their vigilance and almost stopped hiding. They forgot that when they wanted to reign supreme over the rest, and now they lived in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Among the general mass of elves who called themselves Tree Elves, a group of Brown Elves stood out. They insisted on continuing the battle for power, even if using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views.

One day, a human mage appeared among the Browns, and as he approached their leader, he said.

“You want power and might. But the Wood Elves fear that you will gain great power. You deserve this power. They only care about their own safety. They are afraid of you, afraid of people. It is these fears that have led you elves to your current decline.”

The Brown Elf leader asked, “Who are you, human? And what do you want here among us?”

“My name is Dasparion, I am an ordinary mage. But I have the power you need. I can help you fulfill your ambitions… and in exchange, you must help me.”

“And how can we help you?”

“I want only one thing - to know the secret of eternal youth.” A faint smile touched his face. “Although I have the art of magic, I am only a human and my lifespan is not that long. So... what will be your decision? We can help each other get what we want.”

The Brown Elves really wanted to gain knowledge of Dasparion's black magic, and therefore agreed with his proposal. Dasparion taught them everything he knew himself, and was rewarded with the secret of immortality. Satisfied, he left the forest.

The Brown Elves declared Gran Kain their new patron, while Einhasad remained to patronize the Tree Elves. The Tree Elves were enraged by the behavior of the Browns, and a battle ensued between them. At the crucial moment, the Brown Elves used a deadly black magic spell to destroy the Wood Elves. Those, agonizing, still managed to impose a curse on the Brown Elves, which turned them into a race of darkness, known to all as the race of Dark Elves.

End of the Golden Age

Elmoreden's golden age came a hundred years after its founding, during the reign of Emperor Baium. Possessing great charisma and unsurpassed leadership qualities, Baium managed to create the most powerful army in the history of the kingdom. This army drove the orcs from the northern parts of Elmore into the black forests, later known as the Orc Kingdom. And besides this, Baium's army periodically attacked the kingdom of Perios, eventually retaking the southern part of Gracia.

Having grown old, Baium lost interest in conquests. He sent all the forces of the kingdom to the construction of a tower of the most complex structure, reaching into the heavens.

“Everyone living on the continent is afraid of me, from north to south, from west to east! I control tens of thousands of lives with just a wave of my hand: one I give life, the other death. My power is absolute. One thing I cannot bear is that this power will end with my death! Therefore, I must ask the gods for immortality and rule my people forever!”

It took 30 years to build the Bayum Tower. He intended to use the tower to ascend to the gods and obtain from them the secret of immortality. When he reached the very top, the gods told him the following:

“Man, how dare you come up here and ask us for eternal life for you? Didn't the lesson of the giants teach you anything? Well, since your desire is eternal life, we will give it to you. But only you can never leave this tower.”

Baium incurred the wrath of the gods, and remained forever imprisoned at the very top of his tower. After the sudden disappearance of the emperor, panic began on earth.

The emperor's relatives, his former associates and numerous aristocracy - all wanted to take the place of the emperor on the throne. These infighting weakened the kingdom, which had already been weakened by the construction of the tower. The conflict lasted for a long time, and as a result, the kingdom, which flourished for more than a hundred years, fell into decay. For the next twenty years, the kingdom was in a sorry state.


What we heard we liked less and less. We did not know anything about this stranger, nor did we know the reason why he told us all this. And yet we listened to him, unable to look back or move, as if some unknown force held us back.

The stranger acted like we weren't there. Gathering dry twigs, he threw them into the dying flames. Tongues of flame, already almost invisible, shot up with renewed vigor. Without even looking in our direction, the man spoke again.

“My story is almost finished. The story I'm about to tell you should be familiar to you - the struggle of people that continues to this day. This is the history of the continent after the fall of Elmoreden. ”

Battle for the Continent

The decline of Elmoreden would have contributed to the flourishing of Perios, if not for the plague epidemic moving south from Gracia, and not for the destructive cold that came from the north. Elmoreden fell first, and then Perios.

After the fall of these once great kingdoms, chaos reigned on earth. The human aristocracy was tearing itself apart, small groups fought for power, and some of them even resorted to the help of other races, granting them land in exchange for military support. The orcs seized the opportunity and obtained some land. From here they launched an offensive, reorganizing their armies, and soon the northern part of Elmore was under their control. But the battles between noble and low-born orcs still weakened the former.

There was also fierce fighting between the elves and their dark brethren, with no end in sight. As for the dwarves, they were not a serious obstacle to the army of orcs and were easily thrown back.

And then a new force appeared in the world - an influential group of people known as the kingdom of Elmore. They declared that they were the direct descendants of Emperor Elmoreden, whether it was true or not, but they were believed, because they possessed the truth of power and steel for sure. Orcs and humans clashed in large-scale battles across the continent. This war lasted for many years, and it cost both sides very dearly. However, the people again emerged victorious from it, and the orcs retreated to their lands, sharpen their axes and prepare for revenge. The few surviving dwarves were banished from the continent to the mountains by humans.

Now, although Elmore's army had been reduced in size, it had taken control of all the northern lands and marched south to unite everyone under its banner. But the unification of the divided continent did not happen. Oren, the most powerful southern kingdom, repulsed Elmore's attack with the help of powerful magicians and trained warriors. Elmore's army was too weak to resist.

Under the protection of Oren, many southern kingdoms flourished, which later began to unite into some kind of nation. In this union, everything was balanced and balanced, so the southern lands flourished.

Rise of two kingdoms

Wars lasted for several generations, until Gracia rose from the abyss of chaos to bring everyone to unity. A man named Paris, possessor of great strength and military prowess, glorified himself and his people by winning numerous battles and conquering lands in the name of Beheim.

Paris became a legend when he and his army met the Queser Highlanders. In a desperate battle with Thor, the best warrior of Quoser, Paris dealt the enemy a decisive blow. Thor, who had never lost before, said,

“Are you really human? Such strength and speed!!”

Standing over the defeated enemy, Paris looked around the battlefield and replied,

“I just want to unite these lands… Brave warrior of the North, join me and together we will destroy those who oppose us.”

And Paris led the Knights of the White Hawk, the Knights of the Wind, and the Highlanders who joined them, through the lands of Gracia, defeating many in his path and capturing so much land that Beheim increased five times compared to its former borders. Soon, Paris overthrew the government by force and ascended the throne.

Meanwhile, a new leader has emerged in the southern lands. Charismatic and self-confident, a man named Raul was gathering new strength under his flag.

Raul's fiery speeches smashed his opponents to smithereens - and no worse than a sword or mace could do. Here is one example of his speech:

“Lords of the Lands! Can't you see what's going on outside our lands? The enemies are preparing to move against us as we speak! The Kingdom of Elmore has long coveted our lands and riches, and is only waiting for the right time to attack. And if Gracia decides to attack, we are lost! We have no choice - we need to combine our forces to be ready for war.”

At first, Raul united with his ally Inadril, and these lands were called Aden. Unlike Paris, Raul pursued a non-violent policy and easily annexed the lands of Giran and Dion to Aden.

In Oren, Raul suddenly encountered resistance to his plans. Oren did not want to accept any other leader than his own. As a result, this led to a war, from which the kingdom of Aden emerged victorious. The Kingdom of Gludio voluntarily laid down its arms and joined Aden, thus completing the unification. Subsequently, Raoul became known as the King of Unity.


Shortly after the unification of Aden, Grace was finally strengthened when the last opponent of Paris fell dead at his feet. Paris moved the capital to Arpenino and reorganized the structure of the kingdom.

Aden, having successfully repulsed Elmore's attacks, proved that he is worth reckoning with. However, a tragedy soon befell Aden - the sudden death of Raul. Sensing that the moment was right to attack, Elmore attacked again, this time from the north. Raul's successor, Trabis, held back the attackers, but soon died of an unknown illness. The next contender for the throne was sixteen-year-old Amadeo.

Upon hearing of this, Paris exclaimed, “The heavens themselves help the kingdom of Gracia! Sixteen year old king? This will be the downfall of the Aden Kingdom!”

But Paris seriously underestimated the young Amadeo. The boy defeated Elmore in a large-scale battle. Paris felt that the opportunity to capture Aden was slipping through his hands. Ignoring all advice, including even his right hand adviser Dillios, Paris launched a massive offensive against Aden by land and sea.

The result was incredible.

Esther, the exiled king of Elmore, joined Aden, with whom his father had been at enmity for many years.

“Don't you have pride? You should have fallen on your own sword for siding with your father's enemy!”

Esther ignored the tirade and replied, “The cub can be taken care of later, but for now, my main target is you.”

The battle on Kiran soil was the turning point in this war, when the warriors of Gracia, wounded and demoralized, returned to their homeland with nothing. Failure in this war deeply hurt the pride of Paris, who had not known the price of defeat before. A little later, Paris fell ill and soon died.

The heir to the throne of Gracia was Karnaria, a frail man who was considered by many to be incapable of ruling the kingdom. Cucarus challenged him, deciding to ascend the throne himself. Dillios, a former adviser to Paris, supported him, and he began to gain fame among the people of Gracia. In the end, he and Karnaria divided the kingdom into two camps. Northern and Southern Gracia became bitter enemies, directing all their energy to confront each other.

This news pleased Amadeo, who used the pause in the war to strengthen and strengthen the kingdom of Aden. Thanks to his efforts, Aden, Elmore and Gracia concluded a peace treaty. A difficult age of peace has come.


When the stranger finished, it began to get light. The long night passed, the dawn cut through the brightening sky. The fire had long since died out, leaving only smoldering ash.

The narrator lit his pipe and took a deep puff.

“So my story is over. Time will pass, and maybe, who knows, it will continue? Who knows, maybe your names will someday be in my story?

The morning light illuminated everything around. I suddenly felt uneasy. It was as if something important was passing me by… It took some effort for me to speak, and I dared to ask, “Who are you? And why did they tell us all this…and…how do you know all this?”

The man silently got up. And as soon as he stood up to his full height, he began to grow! While he was sitting, he was of normal size, but now he was truly huge - almost twenty feet in height - and the shadow from him covered our entire company. And then he slowly began to disappear! Dissolving, as if in a fog, with a sudden gust of wind, he flew away like dust ...

He didn't answer me then, but I think now I know who he was. He knew so much and described some things in such detail... Probably, only those who existed from the very beginning of the universe could know such things. Perhaps even the one who created humanity...

He took a deep puffku, inhaled the smoke and exhaled slowly.

Most of his face was hidden under a thick old hood, and behind him was only pitch blackness. In the dim glow of the tube it was impossible to make out his features.

He introduced himself as a bard, but no one believed him - his voice was hoarse and rough. There was something suspicious about him traveling alone through a forest full of danger. However, he offered to tell us a story in exchange for food and warmth from our fire. Couldn't we have left him alone in this cold forest? And we agreed.

We made ourselves comfortable near the fire, holding weapons ready to use in case of danger, and began to listen carefully.

The night was cold through and through. The man put down the phone and began the story...


Chapter 1. Genesis

The story I want to tell you is about those whom we call Gods. Listen carefully - as if this is a true story...

A very long time ago, at a time that is impossible to even imagine, there was only a ball in which the entire universe was enclosed. And there was nothing to compare it with - so the ball was big and small, dark and light, everything and nothing.
After one hundred million years, the ball began to increase in size and at the same time two forces began to appear. Slowly, but they grew and eventually split into White Light and Darkness. The White Light took on a female form and called himself Einhasad. The darkness took on the male and gave itself the name Gran Kain. These two entities laid the foundation for a new universe and everything that exists now.

Einhasad and Gran Kain joined forces to break out of the ball. As a result of their experiment, the ball broke into pieces. Some of them soared up and became the Sky, some fell down to become the Foundation. Water appeared between the Sky and the Ground, and some parts of the Ground rose and became the Earth.

The spirit of the ball - Ether, also underwent the disintegration of everything that exists. Which led to the appearance of various animals and plants. The "Creation of Genesis" was also formed from this spirit, and the giants became its best representative. They were known as the Wise Ones, and their minds were as strong as their bodies. The giants made a promise to believe in Einhasad and Gran Kain. They were pleased with the giants, appointing them masters over all other creatures. This was before the advent of death and true paradise.

Einhasad and Gran Kain eventually had children who were not deprived of a divine gift. The first five of them were awarded the possession of power over the world. The eldest daughter, Shilen, took possession of the water. The eldest son, Paagrio, received control over the fire, and the second daughter, Mafr, over the earth. The second son, Seiya, became the master of the wind.

Only the youngest, Eva, lacked elements. She began to compose music and write poetry. While the other gods were busy with their duties, Eve wrote poems and composed music for them. Thus, the era of the gods began, and there was nothing in the world that was unknown to the gods.

Chapter 2

Einhasad was the goddess of creation and created forms with her own spirit. Her children used their powers to create life from these forms.

Shilen infused the spirit of water into the first form that was created. Thus the race of elves was born.

Paagrio instilled the spirit of fire into the second form that was created. This is how the orc race was born.

Mafr instilled the spirit of the earth into the third form that was created. This is how the dwarven race was born.

Seiya infused the spirit of the wind into the fourth form that was created. This is how the Arteas race was born.

Gran Kain was the god of destruction. When he saw the achievements of Einhasad, curiosity mixed with envy leaped up in him. He repeated what Einhasad did and created his own form, according to his own understanding. He then turned to Shilen, their eldest daughter, with a request to infuse the spirit into his form. She was very surprised and asked him, “Father, why do you want to do this? Einhasad, my mother, is in charge of creation. You are the god of destruction, and any creature to which you give life will only bring misfortune to yourself and others.”

But Gran Kain did not give up. After much persuasion, he finally got Shilen's consent.

"I will do it. But I have already given Mother the spirit of water. All I can give you is just leftovers.” Shilen gave her father the spirit of rotten water, which Gran Kain gladly accepted.

However, Gran Kain felt that one spirit would not be enough to create it. And he went to Paagrio, his eldest son. Like Shilen, Paagrio warned his father. But he was unable to refuse his father, and gave him the spirit of an extinguished fire. Gran Kain gladly accepted it as well.

Mafr tearfully begged her father to abandon his venture, but in the end she gave him the spirit of a poor and dirty land. Seiya, in turn, gave his father the spirit of uncontrollable wind.

Satisfied, Gran Kain collected everything he had received from the children and exclaimed, “Look at the creatures I have created! Look at those who are born of the spirits of water, fire, earth and wind! They will be stronger and wiser than giants! They will rule the world!”

Gran Kain felt great pride and shouted it to the whole world. He instilled spirits into his creations. However, the result was terrible. These creatures were weak, stupid, cunning and cowardly. All the gods scorned the creatures of Gran Kain. He himself, in disgrace, was forced to hide for some time. He left his creations. And these creatures were people.

The race of elves was wise and receptive to magic. But the elves were not as wise as the giants. Therefore, the elves were forced to serve the giants in politics and magical activities.

The orc race was strong. They possessed inexhaustible strength and tremendous willpower. Of course, they weren't as strong as giants. Therefore, the orcs for the giants played the role of cannon fodder in various wars.

The dwarven race was highly skilled in all aspects of engineering, mathematics, and mastery of various technical disciplines. They served the giants as bank employees and factory workers.

The winged race Arteas are free-spirited and curious creatures. The giants wanted to enslave these creatures. Only one thing interfered - once caught and put in a cage, Arteas quickly lost his vitality and died. The giants had no choice but to let Arteas continue to be free. Arteas often visited the city of giants and brought them news from other parts of the world.

People could not do any of the things well and became slaves of the giants, they did the most black and dirty work. Their life was no better than that of animals.

Chapter 3

Gran Kain was a free god. However, he made a huge mistake by seducing Shilen, his eldest daughter. It became impossible to hide all this from Einhasad when Shilen became pregnant. Einhasad's anger knew no bounds when she found out about what had happened. By the will of Einhasad, her eldest daughter ceased to be the goddess of water, moreover, she was expelled from the continent. Gran Kain turned away from her, so she was left alone with her misfortune.

While pregnant, Shilen fled to the East. Deep in the thicket of the dark forest, she gave birth - damn the mother and father every time the contractions came.

The children born to Shilen adopted the despair and anger of her curses and turned into demons. The most powerful and strongest of them became ‘dragons’.

There were six dragons in total - against six gods. Shilen was angry at her mother, who expelled her, and at her father, who seduced her and then left her alone. Gathering all the power, all her children, she created an army to take revenge on the gods.

The strongest of the dragons had to be at the forefront of the demon army to fight the gods themselves. Aulakiria, the dragon of light, upon hearing about this, looked at Shilen with sadness and said, “You don't know what you're doing. Do you really want to destroy the gods? Do you really want to drown your mother, father, and others in pools of your own blood?”

Her call had no effect on Shilen.

And finally, a bloody battle began when an army of demons broke into the palace, the abode of the gods. The six dragons left no stone unturned in the palace. Even the gods were frightened by the incredible power of the dragons. The battle seemed to last forever. Yet, if the battle had not stopped, the world would have ceased to exist, and all living beings would have been annihilated.

Numerous messengers of the gods and demons fell in battle. Every day, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, because such powerful forces clashed in the sky. The giants and all other living beings trembled in fear as they watched the battle in the heavens.

The fiercest battle lasted for several years, and in the end the balance gradually tipped in favor of one of the parties. Despite the damage they received, Einhasad and Gran Kain had the upper hand in the battle, destroying a huge number of demons.

The dragons continued to fight, although they were badly wounded and slashed with scars. Their weariness became more and more evident. After a while, it seemed as if the war would end with the complete annihilation of the demon army. In the end, the dragons, spreading their wings, flew to the ground to escape. The surviving demons followed. The gods, wishing to exterminate the retreating, were nevertheless so wounded that they could not do this. All they could do was watch the remnants of the demon army flying towards the ground.

As Shilen's children died one by one, losing the war to the gods, she was saddened. She invented The Underworld and put herself in charge.

Chapter 4

After Shilen left, power over the water passed to Eva. She had a gentle nature, and after her sister's collapse and the war of gods and demons, she became even more timid and fearful. And to avoid the burden of responsibility that fell on her shoulders, she dug a tunnel at the bottom of the lake and hid there.

There was no one to control the spirits of water, and they, having no purpose, wandered aimlessly around the world. Too much water flowed into one place, resulting in a swamp. In another place, on the contrary, water was so scarce that a desert formed there. It often happened that part of the continent suddenly went under water or a new island appeared out of nowhere. It also happened that somewhere it rained without stopping, day and night, until the water covered everything except the highest mountain peaks.

Where areas not covered with water were preserved, a huge number of living beings accumulated. Both on land and in the ocean, all living beings suffered from this scourge. On behalf of all living beings, the giants petitioned the gods for help.

Einhasad and Gran Kain, after searching the entire continent, eventually found the lake where Eve was hiding.

“Eve, look at what happened because you avoided your duties. You are destroying the harmony of this continent, in which we have invested so much effort. I can't stand it if you don't listen to me anymore." Einhasad was so furious that her eyes burned with a bright fire.

Due to the floods, countless giants and other creatures moved to the world of Shilen, which could not help but make Einhasad jealous. Trembling with fear, Eve surrendered to her mother. When Eve again took over the responsibility of regulating the waters, the disasters gradually ceased. However, it was impossible to restore the continent that lay in ruins.

Chapter 5

The giants were more and more skeptical about what was happening: first, Gran Kain created people, which proved his own stupidity, then behaved unworthily towards his daughter, like Einhasad with his jealousy. Created by Shilen, the world of Underworld has spawned many terrible creatures. Eve, with her weakness and ineptitude, has turned the continent into a rather pathetic sight. Seeds of mistrust and doubt were sown in the minds of the giants. Do such celestials deserve worship and reverence?

The giants could move in chariots made with their own hands and had free access to the palace of the gods. They could also use magical knowledge to lift the island into the air and live there like gods. They could live so long that this time was comparable to eternity. And the giants came to the idea of ​​their equality with the gods. Despite their wisdom, they have become overly arrogant.

Thus, the giants set out to become gods.

They began to experiment, changing living organisms in order to create new forms of life. The giants called this kind of magical art "science". Intoxicated with power, the giants created a powerful army to fight the gods, despite the failure of Shilen, her six dragons and the army of demons in this very matter.

The gods saw the preparations and were angry. Einhasad, who claims sole control over all creative processes, was speechless from the rage that seized her. She vowed to destroy all giants along with the continent and the rest of the world. Gran Kain called for calm.

“Since you are the Mother of Creation,” he said, “the destruction of all things is my prerogative. You know only too well what the consequences of my taking on your task were. If you still want to destroy the whole world, you will have to fight me.” Gran Kain was unwilling to allow the destruction of the continent at all costs, and Einhasad was greatly offended by his meddling. However, since they were of equal status, she couldn't stop him.

In the end, Einhasad compromised. And in order to punish the giants, she asked Gran Kain for his hammer - known as the Hammer of Despair. Due to its great destructive power, even Gran Kain did not use it. And yet, in spite of everything, Einhasad raised the hammer high above her head and hurled it down, right into the heart of the city of giants.

Chapter 6

And at the moment when fire fell from heaven, the giants realized what a monstrously stupid mistake they had made. Using all their strength, the giants rose up to calm the Hammer of Despair, but their efforts were only enough to move the Hammer only a fraction, which continued to shower fire on the ground.

It was enough to destroy the greatest city in the world; many living beings also perished. A huge hole formed in the earth's thickness was overwhelmed by a terrifying wave. In the end, there were almost no giants left on earth.

Those giants that managed to survive fled to the east to avoid the wrath of Einhasad. Their route was similar to the one that Shilen chose at the time. Einhasad continued her pursuit and destroyed the giants one by one, incinerating them with deadly lightning from the sky. Those that remained alive trembled in fear and appealed to Gran Cain with entreaties.

“Gren Kain, Gran Kain! We realized that we had chosen the wrong path. Only you can stop the anger and madness of Einhasad. Do not let us perish, us who were born from the gods themselves, we, the wisest and most powerful beings in the world! ”

Suddenly, Gran Kain felt a strong sense of pity for these unfortunate beings. He decided that the giants had already suffered enough and atoned for their guilt in full. He lifted up the deepest waters of the southern seas, thus blocking the path of Einhasad.

Einhasad shouted in anger, “What is this? Who dares to mess with me? Eve, my beloved daughter, remove immediately the water that is blocking my path, or prepare to repeat the fate of your elder sister!”

Frightened, Eve immediately followed her mother's orders. And Einhasad continued her victorious march, destroying all the giants on her way. And the giants again begged for help.

"Gren Cain! The strongest of the gods! Einhasad continues to destroy us, have mercy on us and save us!”

Gran Kain lifted up the thickness of the earth on which the giants were. A huge cliff blocked the path of Einhasad, who screamed with a loud voice.

“Mafr, my beloved daughter! Who dares to mess with me? Lower the earth immediately to its proper place. Or prepare yourself for the fate of your sister!”

Frightened by these words, Maphr tried to move the earth, but Gran Kain stopped her.

“Einhasad, why don’t you calm your anger? The whole world knows your malice and trembles before your fury. Wise but foolish giants have already paid a huge price for atonement for their mistake. Just look! A race of proud and noble beings - who once ruled the world - have now found their home in a narrow patch of land. They will no longer be able to challenge the gods. This place will forever be the place of their imprisonment. Calm your anger, your revenge is done.”

Einhasad could not help but listen to him and act against the will of Gran Kain - he had equal opportunities with her. She decided, as Gran Cain said, to leave the giants on that piece of land to atone for their sins. The hunt was over and Einhasad returned home.

Subsequently, Einhasad rarely interfered in what was happening on Earth, as she was deeply disappointed in the creatures inhabiting it. Gran Kain also agreed not to show himself there. The age of the gods was drawing to a close.

Chapter 7

The stranger suddenly stopped talking.

Impressed by what we heard, we sat in silence while he initiated us into the secrets of the history of the world. His voice, although soft, penetrated the very depths of our consciousness - as if it were some kind of magic. The myth he told was fundamentally different from the one we knew, but there were no objections. We, seasoned strong warriors, were filled with reverent awe for this man and were even a little afraid of him. Suddenly, an owl flapped its wings nearby, and we jumped in surprise.

The stranger grinned, lifted the barely smoldering pipe to his lips, and continued his story.

“Don't dismiss my god story just because it's different from what you've heard. Perhaps the wandering poet is closer to the truth than all your priests? The history of the gods is the desire of the gods, not of men. How then can ordinary priests know the truth? Listen carefully...I will continue the story. The history of the world after the disappearance of the gods. Your story."

Chapter 8

Now, after the sudden disappearance of the giants, panic and disorder reigned throughout the world. The usual course of things was disrupted, the races of elves, dark elves, dwarves and humans gained unexpected freedom and with it the need to survive in a vast world. A world lay before them, half-ruined and ravaged by the Hammer of Despair. Many perished in the calamities caused by the Mother of Creation, but many more perished in the chaos and confusion that followed. The races turned to the gods with an ardent call for help, but the answer was silence.

The elves were the first to take control of the situation, because it was they who were involved in politics in the time of the giants. The elves were successful in reuniting the races, and for some time the world was in harmony. But time passed, and with its course it became clear that the elves were not given the same effective control over others as the giants in their time. The first dissatisfied were the orcs.

“Who said that the elves are stronger than us? Nobody! Do they have the right to rule over us? No! It will not happen that creatures weaker than us will stand above us!”

The military potential of the orcs was overwhelming, and the elves living peacefully could not become a worthy adversary for the proud and fearless orc warriors. The orcs acted with lightning speed, and soon most of the land belonged to them, while they pushed the elves into the corner of the continent. There they solicited the support of the dwarves, who, with vast resources and superior weapons, stood a chance against the orcs.

“Earth race”, the elves cried, “We ask your help. The ruthless orc hordes outnumber us. We can fight against them together – and then we will have a chance!”

But the dwarves indifferently rejected their pleas for help. It seemed to them that the orcs were now victorious. And if so, then why would pragmatic and calculating dwarves mess with the losers? The elves were angry at this turn of events, but they could not change anything.

The next race that the elves turned to for help was the race of the wind - Arteas. Their reconnaissance and air attack skills would have been enough to defeat the orcs. An elven delegation went to the ends of the earth to seek help from Arteas.

“Wind race, we ask for your help! Orcs barbarously oppress us. If we unite, we can teach them a lesson they haven't had yet!”

But, as always, Arteas was not interested in political and military conflicts. They remained neutral and even better hidden from prying eyes. The elves were in despair.

“Alas, no one will come to our aid! Is this the end? Will the filthy orcs rule the world and claim fame and fortune as their due?”

Chapter 9

Rejected by the calculating dwarves and the indifferent Arteas, the elves were still alone in the fight against the orcs. In desperation, they mourned their fate, when suddenly a stranger appeared among them and fell prostrate before the king of the elves. The king approached the stranger closer, in order to understand in a moment that before him was the leader of the people. On the head of a man was a crown of three branches.

"Who has come to us? Is it really the leader of the people, these low creatures?" The king was at a loss, "Have you come to laugh at our misfortune?"

The man bowed his head to the king and said, "No, oh wise king. We have come with an offer of help. Perhaps our modest powers may be of use to you."

The elves rejoiced at this turn of events, and though the humans were stupid and weak, their sheer numbers could have been useful in combat.

"Well, you really can be useful to us." The king agreed without hesitation. "You insignificant and worthless creatures, however, are loyal and ready to give their lives for us in battle. This is commendable. And I accept your offer."

The human king fell prostrate again before his elven counterpart, then raised his head and their eyes met. "O noblest of the elves," he said, "we humans ask only one request of ours before we fight for the victory of the elves. We are too weak. We cannot stand against the orcs, and therefore we ask you to give us the strength to endure." against them. We ask you to teach us elven magic."

This bold proposal threw the elves into turmoil. Teach people their magic? Never! The elves were already ready to incinerate the insolent, but then the leader of the elves intervened in the matter. Veora, that was her name, decided that humans, even those trained in magic, would not threaten the elves. And in the war against the orcs, they were too weak and could not do without help. Thus, she made a decision that later cost her her life - to reveal to people the magical secrets of their people.

Humans soaked up knowledge like a sponge, learning much faster than the elves expected. Their physical parameters were not as excellent as the orcs - however, constant work and struggle within the race tempered people. They were skilled and skillful warriors, and most importantly, they were so numerous that soon the human army became a great force.

Chapter 10

And the war began. The alliance of humans and elves gradually achieved its goal - the overthrow of the orc expansion. With the odds in this war tilting towards the alliance, the dwarves forsook the losing orcs in favor of a human army by supplying war supplies to the humans. Now, clad in the most powerful armor and armed with the sharpest dwarven blades, people could defeat the orcs without the intervention of the elves.

The elves felt uneasy, and although the alliance continued its victorious march, they felt that the power of people was growing and breaking out of their control. And yet they could not even imagine that the lowest of the races - dirty people - could think of going against the great elves. Soon the orcs were defeated, the elves forgot about the people and moved away from them. The same continued to study the highest forms of magic. The orcs had no choice but to sign an insulting peace treaty and return to the caves in the northern part of Elmore.

The leader of the orcs, laughing in the face of the elves, said to them, "Fools! Victory does not belong to you, but to these mongrel pigs - people. How will you curb the monsters that you yourself created?"

The orc leader turned out to be right - and the elves faced a new threat when the people went to war with them. But their strengths were not equal - the elves were inferior to people in everything, and even in magic, which people mastered almost perfectly.

And again, the battle of one magic against another broke out on the expanses of the earth. Ultimately, the elves were forced to retreat to their native forest and take refuge in it from the attackers. There they prepared for a decisive blow to the enemy forces. Their magic increased many times in these forests, and they counted on this trump card in the decisive battle. But they miscalculated - the human army was too numerous for even elven magic to hit them. The battle went on for three days. When it ended and the bloody veil fell from their eyes, the elves were horrified. Most of them died, while people kept advancing and advancing in an endless stream. And the elves went into the very depths of the forest, finally separating themselves from the rest of the world with magical barriers.

This is how humans became the greatest conquerors in the world.

Chapter 11

The stranger fell silent again, the next part of the story was over ..

What we heard was different from anything we'd heard before, and yet the whole story felt familiar. The beautiful elf who was among us was touched to the depths of her soul, tears rolled down her cheeks.

The night has extended its arms to us. The animals in the forest calmed down, the wind stopped rustling in the branches, even the murmur of the stream became soft and barely audible. Only our breathing and the crackle of a burning fire were heard in the night. It seemed that all living things around were listening to the story of a stranger.

"So, isn't it funny that the lowest of the races, humans, eventually achieved more power than all the other races? I'll tell you what the secret is in human fortitude. Even the gods could not imagine that humans would ever can rule the world."

"Well, now I will tell you the story of the most outstanding human kingdom that ever existed on earth. It is the story of people who repeated the path of the giants."

Chapter 12

Human kingdoms in a primitive form originated during the battle with the orcs and elves. The backbone was made up of the Athena clan and the most skilled magicians of that time. This group was the most influential, and its influence was planted by violence and threats, which from time to time led to armed conflicts.

Athen's leader, Shuniman, eventually brought order, uniting the lands now known as Aden and Elmore. He named his kingdom Elmoreden and ascended the throne in order to become emperor and change the crown of three tree branches to a crown of gold and jewels. In the teachings of his followers, Shuniman subsequently became almost a god.

The emperor was worried about one issue: the lifespan of people was short. The fact that Gran Kain, the god of death and destruction, was their creator, developed a kind of inferiority complex in people, coupled with the story of creating people from the remnants of other races. All this gave the new rulers of the world little pleasure. Now, having created a new kingdom, people also needed a new mythology, a new history of their family, proving their noble origin.

Eventually, through a large-scale religious reform, Shuniman rejected the worship of Gran Kain and made Einhasad the goddess and protectress of the human race. Myth and history have changed. The attitude towards those who preach black magic and the followers of Gran Kain also changed - now they were severely persecuted. Religious reform lasted for several generations. This led to the fact that in the minds of people the belief that their creator was Einhasad was finally established, and Gran Kain was just the god of evil. When he found out about this, he just laughed.

“Even if they don't serve me, I won't get angry with them. But are they stupid enough to try to wrap their arms around the sky?”

Chapter 13

While the kingdom of Elmoreden, led by Emperor Shuniman, grew and prospered, the region called Gracia, across the sea, still trembled in the throes of disorder. Geographically, this region was extremely diverse and dangerous. And although many militant human factions fought for power, none of them was strong enough to unite everyone into a single kingdom. The territory of the region was torn apart only by minor conflicts, which rarely developed into at least a semblance of mass battles.

But the day and hour came when all the disparate groups were forced to unite under the same banner - for the sake of one goal - to stand against the huge army of Elmoreden, which went to war against Gracia. Many nobles and aristocracy perished in those battles. Those who managed to survive, strengthened and hardened many times over. In the end, the attack was repelled, but the losses were enormous. The lesson learned served as an impetus for the creation of a single kingdom in the entire region - called Perios.

But the confrontation continued. The Kingdom of Elmoreden, which was founded first and had superior military resources, was incomparably more likely to succeed. However, Perios also had some advantages. Firstly, the sea that separated one kingdom from another held back the attackers, and secondly, the people of Perios possessed the most powerful artifacts left on their land by the giants. These relics could also be used for military purposes, and with great success.

And it so happened that even with a magnificent army, the kingdom of Elmoreden could not enslave Perios.

Chapter 14

The kingdom of Elmoreden was home to the Ivory Tower, an institution whose main occupation was the study of magic. The mages of the Tower directed all their efforts to restore, study and improve the magic of the ancient giants. Their magical prowess reached unprecedented heights, and one day their influence in the kingdom became comparable to that of the Emperor Elmoreden.

Among the mages of the Tower there was one named Beleth, the strongest of mages and one of the greatest geniuses that ever lived on earth. The magic of the giants drew him in so much that after a while he learned almost all of its secrets. However, this magic was cursed and therefore unusable for humans. Ambition and lust for power took possession of Beleth. Alarmed by this turn of events, the mages of the Tower and the elite of the royal class decided to join forces to get rid of Beleth. But this was not easy to accomplish - Beleth was unusually strong in the art of dark magic.

As a result, the magicians of the Ivory Tower were left with no choice, and they used forbidden black magic to suppress the power of Beleth, trap him and imprison him in the cellars of the Tower. But, despite the fact that he was guarded by both warriors and magicians, he still managed to break out of the magical and physical shackles and escape. He went to Hell's Border Island to regain his former strength and continue to take over the lands.

A magical trap set for Beleth caused cataclysms in the southern part of the region now known as Gladio. The earth was scorched by magic and many people died when the spell was cast. The kingdom placed all the blame on Beleth, declaring him a devil in human form.

Chapter 15

Around this time, great changes took place in the Elven forests. Having lost control over the continent, the Elves lost their vigilance and almost stopped hiding. They forgot that when they wanted to reign supreme over the rest, and now they lived in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Among the general mass of elves who called themselves Tree Elves, a group of Brown Elves stood out. They insisted on continuing the battle for power, even if using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views.

One day, a human mage appeared among the Browns, and as he approached their leader, he said.

“You want power and might. But the Wood Elves fear that you will gain great power. You deserve this power. They only care about their own safety. They are afraid of you, afraid of people. It is these fears that have led you elves to your current decline.”

The Brown Elf leader asked, “Who are you, human? And what do you want here among us?”

“My name is Dasparion, I am an ordinary mage. But I have the power you need. I can help you fulfill your ambitions… and in exchange, you must help me.”

“And how can we help you?”

“I want only one thing - to know the secret of eternal youth.” A faint smile touched his face. “Although I have the art of magic, I am only a human and my lifespan is not that long. So... what will be your decision? We can help each other get what we want.”

The Brown Elves really wanted to gain knowledge of Dasparion's black magic, and therefore agreed with his proposal. Dasparion taught them everything he knew himself, and was rewarded with the secret of immortality. Satisfied, he left the forest.

The Brown Elves declared Gran Kain their new patron, while Einhasad remained to patronize the Tree Elves. The Tree Elves were enraged by the behavior of the Browns, and a battle ensued between them. At the crucial moment, the Brown Elves used a deadly black magic spell to destroy the Wood Elves. Those, agonizing, still managed to impose a curse on the Brown Elves, which turned them into a race of darkness, known to all as the race of Dark Elves.

Chapter 16

Elmoreden's golden age came a hundred years after its founding, during the reign of Emperor Baium. Possessing great charisma and unsurpassed leadership qualities, Baium managed to create the most powerful army in the history of the kingdom. This army drove the orcs from the northern parts of Elmore into the black forests, later known as the Orc Kingdom. And besides this, Baium's army periodically attacked the kingdom of Perios, eventually retaking the southern part of Gracia.

Having grown old, Baium lost interest in conquests. He sent all the forces of the kingdom to the construction of a tower of the most complex structure, reaching into the heavens.

“Everyone living on the continent is afraid of me, from north to south, from west to east! I control tens of thousands of lives with just a wave of my hand: one I give life, the other death. My power is absolute. One thing I cannot bear is that this power will end with my death! Therefore, I must ask the gods for immortality and rule my people forever!”

It took 30 years to build the Bayum Tower. He intended to use the tower to ascend to the gods and obtain from them the secret of immortality. When he reached the very top, the gods told him the following:

“Man, how dare you come up here and ask us for eternal life for you? Didn't the lesson of the giants teach you anything? Well, since your desire is eternal life, we will give it to you. But only you can never leave this tower.”

Baium incurred the wrath of the gods, and remained forever imprisoned at the very top of his tower. After the sudden disappearance of the emperor, panic began on earth. The emperor's relatives, his former associates and numerous aristocracy - all wanted to take the place of the emperor on the throne. These infighting weakened the kingdom, which had already been weakened by the construction of the tower. The conflict lasted for a long time, and as a result, the kingdom, which flourished for more than a hundred years, fell into decay. For the next twenty years, the kingdom was in a sorry state.

Chapter 17

What we heard we liked less and less. We did not know anything about this stranger, nor did we know the reason why he told us all this. And yet we listened to him, unable to look back or move, as if some unknown force held us back.

The stranger acted like we weren't there. Gathering dry twigs, he threw them into the dying flames. Tongues of flame, already almost invisible, shot up with renewed vigor. Without even looking in our direction, the man spoke again.

“My story is almost finished. The story I'm about to tell you should be familiar to you - the struggle of people that continues to this day. This is the history of the continent after the fall of Elmoreden. ”

Chapter 18

The decline of Elmoreden would have contributed to the flourishing of Perios, if not for the plague epidemic moving south from Gracia, and not for the destructive cold that came from the north. Elmoreden fell first, and then Perios.

After the fall of these once great kingdoms, chaos reigned on earth. The human aristocracy was tearing itself apart, small groups fought for power, and some of them even resorted to the help of other races, granting them land in exchange for military support. The orcs seized the opportunity and obtained some land. From here they launched an offensive, reorganizing their armies, and soon the northern part of Elmore was under their control. But the battles between noble and low-born orcs still weakened the former.

There was also fierce fighting between the elves and their dark brethren, with no end in sight. As for the dwarves, they were not a serious obstacle to the army of orcs and were easily thrown back.

And then a new force appeared in the world - an influential group of people known as the kingdom of Elmore. They declared that they were the direct descendants of Emperor Elmoreden, whether it was true or not, but they were believed, because they possessed the truth of power and steel for sure. Orcs and humans clashed in large-scale battles across the continent. This war lasted for many years, and it cost both sides very dearly. However, the people again emerged victorious from it, and the orcs retreated to their lands, sharpen their axes and prepare for revenge. The few surviving dwarves were banished from the continent to the mountains by humans.

Now, although Elmore's army had been reduced in size, it had taken control of all the northern lands and marched south to unite everyone under its banner. But the unification of the divided continent did not happen. Oren, the most powerful southern kingdom, repulsed Elmore's attack with the help of powerful magicians and trained warriors. Elmore's army was too weak to resist.

Under the protection of Oren, many southern kingdoms flourished, which later began to unite into some kind of nation. In this union, everything was balanced and balanced, so the southern lands flourished.

Chapter 19

Wars lasted for several generations, until Gracia rose from the abyss of chaos to bring everyone to unity. A man named Paris, possessor of great strength and military prowess, glorified himself and his people by winning numerous battles and conquering lands in the name of Beheim.

Paris became a legend when he and his army met the Queser Highlanders. In a desperate battle with Thor, the best warrior of Quoser, Paris dealt the enemy a decisive blow. Thor, who had never lost before, said,

“Are you really human? Such strength and speed!!”

Standing over the defeated enemy, Paris looked around the battlefield and replied,

“I just want to unite these lands… Brave warrior of the North, join me and together we will destroy those who oppose us.”

And Paris led the Knights of the White Hawk, the Knights of the Wind, and the Highlanders who joined them, through the lands of Gracia, defeating many in his path and capturing so much land that Beheim increased five times compared to its former borders. Soon, Paris overthrew the government by force and ascended the throne.

Meanwhile, a new leader has emerged in the southern lands. Charismatic and self-confident, a man named Raul was gathering new strength under his flag. Raul's fiery speeches smashed his opponents to smithereens - and no worse than a sword or mace could do. Here is one example of his speech:

“Lords of the Lands! Can't you see what's going on outside our lands? The enemies are preparing to move against us as we speak! The Kingdom of Elmore has long coveted our lands and riches, and is only waiting for the right time to attack. And if Gracia decides to attack, we are lost! We have no choice - we need to combine our forces to be ready for war.”

At first, Raul united with his ally Inadril, and these lands were called Aden. Unlike Paris, Raul pursued a non-violent policy and easily annexed the lands of Kiran and Dion to Aden.

In Oren, Raul suddenly encountered resistance to his plans. Oren did not want to accept any other leader than his own. As a result, this led to a war, from which the kingdom of Aden emerged victorious. The Kingdom of Gladio voluntarily laid down its arms and joined Aden, thus completing the unification. Subsequently, Raoul became known as the King of Unity.

Chapter 20

Shortly after the unification of Aden, Grace was finally strengthened when the last opponent of Paris fell dead at his feet. Paris moved the capital to Arpenino and reorganized the structure of the kingdom.

Aden, having successfully repulsed Elmore's attacks, proved that he is worth reckoning with. However, a tragedy soon befell Aden - the sudden death of Raul. Sensing that the moment was right to attack, Elmore attacked again, this time from the north. Raul's successor, Trabis, held back the attackers, but soon died of an unknown illness. The next contender for the throne was sixteen-year-old Amadeo.

Upon hearing of this, Paris exclaimed, “The heavens themselves help the kingdom of Gracia! Sixteen year old king? This will be the downfall of the Aden Kingdom!”

But Paris seriously underestimated the young Amadeo. The boy defeated Elmore in a large-scale battle. Paris felt that the opportunity to capture Aden was slipping through his hands. Ignoring all advice, including even his right hand adviser Dillios, Paris launched a massive offensive against Aden by land and sea.

The result was incredible.

Esther, the exiled king of Elmore, joined Aden, with whom his father had been at enmity for many years.

“Don't you have pride? You should have fallen on your own sword for siding with your father's enemy!”

Esther ignored the tirade and replied, “The cub can be taken care of later, but for now, my main target is you.”

The battle on Kiran soil was the turning point in this war, when the warriors of Gracia, wounded and demoralized, returned to their homeland with nothing. Failure in this war deeply hurt the pride of Paris, who had not known the price of defeat before. A little later, Paris fell ill and soon died.

The heir to the throne of Gracia was Karnaria, a frail man who was considered by many to be incapable of ruling the kingdom. Cucarus challenged him, deciding to ascend the throne himself. Dillios, a former adviser to Paris, supported him, and he began to gain fame among the people of Gracia. In the end, he and Karnaria divided the kingdom into two camps. Northern and Southern Gracia became bitter enemies, directing all their energy to confront each other.

This news pleased Amadeo, who used the pause in the war to strengthen and strengthen the kingdom of Aden. Thanks to his efforts, Aden, Elmore and Gracia concluded a peace treaty. A difficult age of peace has come.

Chapter 21

When the stranger finished, it began to get light. The long night passed, the dawn cut through the brightening sky. The fire had long since died out, leaving only smoldering ash. The narrator lit his pipe and took a deep puff.

“So my story is over. Time will pass, and maybe, who knows, it will continue? Who knows, maybe your names will someday be in my story?

The morning light illuminated everything around. I suddenly felt uneasy. It’s like something important is passing me by… It took some effort for me to speak, and I dared to ask, “Who are you? And why did they tell us all this…and…how do you know all this?”

The man silently got up. And as soon as he stood up to his full height, he began to grow! While he was sitting, he was of normal size, but now he was truly huge - almost twenty feet in height - and the shadow from him covered our entire company. And then he slowly began to disappear! Dissolving, as if in a fog, with a sudden gust of wind, he flew away like dust ...

He didn't answer me then, but I think now I know who he was. He knew so much and described some things in such detail... Probably, only those who existed from the very beginning of the universe could know such things. Perhaps even the one who created humanity...


Contrary to the usual calculations, the history of Lineage 2 does not begin on October 1, 2003, when the game started in Korea, but in November of the distant year 2000. It was then that the developers of the project got to work. Very simple arithmetic gives us the project's production time, which by today's standards looks very modest: two and a half years, because on July 9, 2003, Lineage 2 was already available in open beta testing.

Of course, the developers borrowed a lot from the story and setting of the original Lineage world, but the overall impressive pace was achieved thanks to the strategy of "not delay, start small, make frequent updates and additions." Looking back, we can say that the approach was chosen correctly, and the number of updates and significant additions really became one of the main trump cards of the project. It is impossible to talk about the game as something static. We constantly have to clarify what time period in the history of the game we are talking about. We like some periods of the life of this world especially strongly, some are disappointing. Doesn't this give rise to a wonderful feeling of a living, breathing world?

It is also interesting that the history of Lineage 2 chronologically develops several hundred years before the events that are the plot background of the first version of this game universe. Such a move was made in the expectation that the original world will continue to develop. , the bet on this was not made in vain.

However, in Lineage II, the developers faced challenges that were much more serious than in the first part. It's all about the graphics engine, detailing and 3D rendering, which required a lot more effort on the part of the artists. They decided on a very bold experiment: different races in the game were created partly based on different audiences. So humans and light elves were created with a Korean audience in mind. Orcs and Dark Elves were created with an eye on the US audience, and Dwarves were created with an eye on Japanese players. In addition, these same races had to include certain behavioral archetypes in order to mix audiences.

As we know, it was not possible to please everyone at the same time. Some people didn't like the dwarves, some people didn't like the frank look of the dark elves, but the interesting effect was that everyone could choose an archetype close to him. In fact, it was a great attempt to create a very diverse society. And I still consider people who say that they can not stand the appearance of a certain class in the game, showing their intolerance. It's like saying you can't live in the real world because someone wears orange bell-bottoms.

Interestingly, the most difficult test for the artists was the creation of the orc race, which was redrawn several times from scratch. The developers really wanted to rid the orcs of the halo of "bad guys", but at the same time preserve the characteristic features inherent in this race. Whether they succeed or not is up to you.

Another bold step was the attempt to tie the crafting and mining of materials to one specific race - dwarves, of course. But at the same time, the dwarves were deprived of serious combat skills, which forced the players to make a choice and thereby crystallized the audience behind this race. They were true lovers of crafting, mining and trade, ready to achieve their own importance in a peaceful way. And, of course, they could not mine anything without the other classes, and the other classes were in dire need of the services of the dwarves. Both in equipment and in consumables that enhance their combat skills. It is also interesting that dwarves often became "playmakers", giving their team tangible targets for hunting.

The system turned out to be very interesting, but since four races were in dire need of one, dissatisfaction inevitably arose statistically, forcing the developers to make concessions, gradually abolishing the role of dwarves in the life of the server more and more. But I will talk about this in the future when reviewing each innovation.

No less interesting is the class tree. Today, in the days of WoW, it's normal for most of us to choose a class at character creation. But all of this generates a lot of metagaming or misrepresentation of a class based on its name and brief description. Lineage 2 offered a much more efficient and intuitive way to choose your own role in the game world. So at the stage of creating a character of the race they liked, the player was asked if he wants to be a warrior or a mystic. Dwarves are the only race without a magical school. Then, at the twentieth level, the player, who had already mastered the game a little, was asked to choose the first profession. And at the fortieth level - the second. In this way, people gradually learned their class in the game and, in practice, groped for their preferred style of play.

Finally, the main goal of the whole game was the control of territories. Despite the conventionality of this process - the owners could only impose a tax on the sale of goods at first - this approach gave rise to an unprecedented powerful social context for everything that happens in the game. True, it may come as a shock to someone that such features were added to the game only in the first add-on, which was released six months after the start of the project. All the same healthy principle: "do not give birth to an elephant." The developers did not fail, even without the siege system, the total online shards in the first five months reached 110,000 connections in Korea alone, being a completely paid service.

And just a little about who was behind the original development of Lineage 2. Despite a lot of rumors that Richard Guerriot, who was actually the project's executive producer, was responsible for the success of Lineage 2, the real brain behind the project was Raoul Kim. It is he who owns the basic concept and most of the key decisions that made the game the way we know it.

So, the game started and began its journey. I will gradually tell you about each of the steps on this path in the near future.

Prologue: By the Fire

He took a deep drag, inhaled the smoke and exhaled slowly.
Most of his face was hidden under a thick old hood, and behind him was only pitch blackness. It was impossible to make out his features in the dim light of the pipe.
He introduced himself as a bard, but no one believed him - his voice was hoarse and rough. There was something suspicious about him traveling alone through a forest full of danger. However, he offered to tell us a story in exchange for food and warmth from our fire. Couldn't we have left him alone in this cold forest? And we agreed.
We made ourselves comfortable near the fire, holding weapons ready to use in case of danger, and began to listen carefully.

The night was cold through and through. The man put down the phone and began the story...

Episode 1: Genesis (origin of the world)

The story I want to tell you is about those whom we call Gods. Listen carefully - as if this is a true story...
A very long time ago, at a time that is impossible even to imagine, there was only the Ball, in which the entire universe was enclosed. And there was nothing to compare it with - so the Ball was big and small, dark and light, everything and nothing. After one hundred million years, the Ball began to increase in size and at the same time two forces began to appear. Slowly, but they grew and eventually divided into Light and Darkness. The light took on a female form and named itself Einhasad. The darkness took on the male and gave itself the name Gran Kain. These two entities laid the foundation for a new universe and everything that exists now.
Einhasad and Gran Kain joined forces to break out of the Ball. As a result of their experiment, the Ball broke into pieces. Some of them soared up and became the Sky, some fell down to become the Foundation. Water appeared between the Sky and the Ground, and some parts of the Ground rose and became the Earth.
The Spirit of the Shara - Ether, also underwent the disintegration of everything that exists. Which led to the appearance of various animals and plants. The "Creation of Genesis" was also formed from this spirit, and the giants became its best representative. They were known as the Wise Ones, and their minds were as strong as their bodies. The giants made a promise to believe in Einhasad and Gran Kain. They were pleased with the giants, appointing them masters over all other creatures. This was before the advent of Death and True Paradise.
Einhasad and Gran Kain eventually had children who were not deprived of a divine gift. The first five of them were awarded the possession of power over the world. The eldest daughter, Shilen, took possession of the water. The eldest son, Paagrio, received control over the fire, and the second daughter, Mafr, over the earth. The second son, Seiya, became the master of the wind.

Only the youngest, Eva, lacked elements. She became the patroness of poetry and melodies. While the other gods were busy with their duties, Eve wrote poems and composed music for them. Thus, the Age of the Gods began, and there was nothing in the world that was unknown to the gods.

Episode 2: Creation of Races


Einhasad was the Goddess of Creation and created forms with her own spirit. Her children used their powers to create life from these forms.
  • Shilen infused the spirit of water into the first form that was created. This is how the race came into being. elves.
  • Paagrio instilled the spirit of fire into the second form that was created. This is how the race came into being. Orcs.
  • Mafr instilled the spirit of the earth into the third form that was created. This is how the race came into being. gnomes.
  • Seiya infused the spirit of the wind into the fourth form that was created. This is how the race came into being. Arteas.
Gran Kain was the God of Destruction. When he saw the achievements of Einhasad, curiosity mixed with envy leaped up in him. He repeated what Einhasad did and created his own form, according to his own understanding. He then turned to Shilen, their eldest daughter, with a request to infuse the spirit into his form. She was very surprised and asked him: Father, why do you want to do this? Einhasad, my mother, is in charge of Creation. You are the God of Destruction, and any creature to which you give life will only bring misfortune to yourself and others.
But Gran Kain did not give up. After much persuasion, he finally got Shilen's consent.
« I will do it. But I have already given Mother the spirit of water. All I can give you is just leftovers." Ylen gave her father the spirit of rotten water, which Gran Kain gladly accepted.
However, Gran Kain felt that one spirit would not be enough to create it. And he went to Paagrio, his eldest son. Like Shilen, Paagrio warned his father. But he was unable to refuse his father, and gave him the spirit of an extinguished fire. Gran Kain gladly accepted it as well.
Mafr tearfully begged her father to abandon his venture, but in the end she gave him the spirit of a poor and dirty land. Seiya, in turn, gave his father the spirit of uncontrollable wind.
Satisfied, Gran Kain collected everything he received from the children and cried out: “Look at the creatures I created! Look at those who are born of the spirits of water, fire, earth and wind! They will be stronger and wiser than giants! They will rule the world!"
Gran Kain felt great pride and shouted it to the whole world. He instilled spirits into his creations. However, the result was terrible. These creatures were weak, cunning and cowardly. All the gods scorned the creatures of Gran Kain. He himself, in disgrace, was forced to hide for a while. He left his creations. And these creatures were people.
The race of elves was wise and receptive to magic. But the elves were not as wise as the giants. Therefore, the elves were forced to serve the giants in politics and magical activities.
The orc race was strong. They possessed inexhaustible strength and tremendous willpower. Of course, they weren't as strong as giants. Therefore, the orcs for the giants played the role of cannon fodder in various wars.
The dwarven race was highly skilled in all aspects of engineering, mathematics, and mastery of various technical disciplines. They served the giants as bank employees and factory workers.
The winged race Arteas are free-spirited and curious creatures. The giants wanted to enslave these creatures. Only one thing interfered - once caught and put in a cage, Arteas quickly lost his vitality and died. The giants had no choice but to let Arteas continue to be free. Arteas often visited the city of giants and brought them news from other parts of the world.

People were useless and became slaves of the giants, they did the most black and dirty work. Their life was no better than that of animals.

Episode 3: War of the Gods

Gran Kain was a free and unbridled god. However, he made a huge mistake by seducing Shilen, his eldest daughter. It became impossible to hide everything from Einhasad when Shilen became pregnant. Einhasad, learning about this, was furious. Depriving her daughter of power over the water element, Einhasad expelled Shilen from the continent. Gran Kain turned away from her, and the former goddess was left alone with her misfortune.
While pregnant, Shilen fled to the East. Deep in the thicket of the dark forest, she gave birth, cursing her mother and father every time the contractions came.
The children born to Shilen carried all the despair and anger of her curses and became Demons. The most powerful and strong of them were called "Dragons".
There were six dragons in total - against six gods. Shilen was filled with anger at Einhazzad for exiling her, and at Gran Kain for seducing and turning away from her. Gathering together the powers of her children, Shilen created an army to punish the gods.
Mighty dragons were placed at the head of an army of demons to fight the gods themselves. Hearing this, the Light Dragon, Olakiriya, sadly looked at Shilen and said, “ Mother, you don't know what you're doing. Do you really want to destroy the Gods? Do you really want to make your father, mother and brothers fall to the ground and drown in the river of their own blood?»
But Olakiria's words did not change Shilen's intentions.
And finally, a bloody battle began when an army of demons broke into the palace, the abode of the gods. The six dragons left no stone unturned in the palace. Even the gods were frightened by the incredible power of the dragons. The battle seemed to last forever. Yet, if the battle had not stopped, the world would cease to exist, and all life would have been destroyed.
Numerous messengers of the gods and demons fell in battle. Every day, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, because such powerful forces clashed in the sky. The giants and all other living beings trembled in fear as they watched the battle in the heavens.
The battle has been going on for several years now, and gradually the scales have tipped to one side. Despite many heavy wounds, Einhasad and Gran Kain were stronger and destroyed a huge number of enemy warriors.
The dragons continued to fight despite deep wounds and numerous scars. Their weariness became more and more noticeable. It gradually became clear that this war would end with the complete defeat of Shilen's army. In the end, the dragons, spreading their wings, descended to earth to escape. The surviving demons did the same. Although the gods were eager to completely destroy the enemy army, they were too weak to pursue the demons, so they only sat and watched them flee.

After her children died one by one, Shilen was deeply saddened. She created the Underworld and began to rule it.

Episode 4: The Great Flood

After the expulsion of Shilen, Eve became the Goddess of Water. But she was shy by nature, and after the exile of Shilen and the war among the gods, the youngest of the goddesses became even more intimidated. Wanting to escape her duties, Eve hid in a grotto at the bottom of the lake.
Without their goddess, the Water Spirits did not know what to do and wandered aimlessly around the world. Too much water flowed into one place, resulting in a swamp. In another place there was no water at all, and it became a desert. Often, parts of the continent went under water, or a new island appeared out of nowhere. It happened that it rained day and night, until only the tops of the rocks remained rising from the water.
In those places where the water did not reach, the survivors crowded, and these islands soon fell into chaos. All living things suffered - both on the continent and in the Ocean. Expressing the general thoughts of all who remained alive, the Giants turned to the gods with prayers for help.
Einhasad and Gran Kain went looking for Eva, and soon found the lake where she hid.
« Eva, look at what happened because of your irresponsibility. You're destroying the balance of the continent we've created. I will no longer tolerate your disobedience." Einhasad was so enraged that white flames danced in her eyes.

Due to the floods, countless giants and other creatures moved to the world of Shilen, which could not help but make Einhasad jealous. Trembling with fear, Eva still surrendered to her mother. When the new Goddess of Water assumed her post, the cataclysms began to gradually cease. However, it was already impossible to return the former greatness of the destroyed continent.

Episode 5: Challenge of the Giants

Doubt settled in the hearts of the Giants. Gran Kain has already made a mockery of himself by creating a worthless human race. In addition, due to the rash actions of Gran Cain and the envy of Einhasad, the Underworld was created, and demons came into the world. Due to the weakness and irresponsibility of Eve, the continent fell into decay. Seeds of doubt began to germinate in the minds of the Giants. Are such gods worthy of their worship?
The giants were free to ride around the Palace of the Gods in makeshift chariots. With the help of magic, they could raise entire islands and live in the sky like gods. They could extend their lives so much that they seemed immortal. The Giants began to think that their powers were equal to those of the Gods. Despite all their wisdom, they have become extremely arrogant.
So the giants decided to become gods.
The giants carried out experiments on the modification of living organisms in order to create new species. They called the magic that allows them to perform such miracles "science."
Intoxicated with power, the Giants created an army to fight the Gods, despite the defeat of the army of Shilen, Dragons and Demons, who pursued the same goal.
The gods were angry as they watched the preparations of the Giants. Einhasad, who commanded the creation of life, was speechless with rage. She threatened to destroy all the Giants, the entire continent, the entire world. Gran Kain tried to calm the angry goddess.
« To what extent are you the Mother of Creation", - he said, " as much as I am the God of Destruction. You remember very well what happened when I tried to do something beyond my control. I will punish the Giants for their pride. But if you still want to destroy the world, I will stop you with all my might.».
Gran Kain could not allow the destruction of the continent, and Einhasad was terribly dissatisfied with her husband's intervention. However, since they were born equal in strength, she couldn't win up.
Einhasad compromised. To punish the Giants, she decided to borrow Gran Kain's hammer, known as the Hammer of Despair. Its power was so destructive that even Gran Kain himself never used it.

And so, filled with anger, Einhasad raised the Hammer over his head and struck directly into the center of the city of the Giants.

Episode 6: End of Ages

It wasn't until the fire rained down from the sky that the Giants realized they had made a stupid mistake. They gathered together to avert the blows of the Hammer of Despair in the hands of Einhasad with their combined forces. But as powerful as they were, they could only slightly change the direction of their blows, and the Hammer still crushed their cities.
It was enough to destroy the greatest city in the world; countless Giants and other races perished. A huge hole formed in the continent, and giant waves covered its surface. In the end, almost all the Giants died.
The surviving Giants fled east to avoid the wrath of Einhasad. Their path resembled the path of Shilen during the flight of her army. Einhasad continued to hunt the Giants and burned them one by one with lightning bolts. The remaining fugitives trembled in fear and prayed to Gran Kain.
« Gran Kane! Gran Kane! We have realized our mistakes. Only you alone can stop the crazy anger of Einhasad. He did not leave us to die - us that appeared from where you yourself came from, us, the wisest and strongest on Earth!»
Gran Kain suddenly felt a sense of pity for the poor creatures, and thought that the Giants had paid the full price for their sins. He raised the waters of the deepest of the eastern seas and blocked the path of Einhasad.
Einhasad shouted furiously, " What is this?! Who dares to interfere in my affairs?! Eva, my beloved daughter, quickly get the water out of my way, or you will follow in the footsteps of your older sister!»
Eve was afraid of her mother, and returned the water to its place. Einhasad continued on her way, killing the Giants one by one. The giants again began to pray to Gran Kain.
« Gran Kane! The Mightiest of Gods! Einhasad continues to follow us, determined to exterminate each and every one. We beg you, be merciful and save us from this hard fate!»
Gran Kain raised the ground where the remaining Giants were hiding, and the resulting rock slowed down Einhasad's pursuit. Einhasad was indignant, and said:
« Mafr, my beloved daughter! Who dares to interfere in my affairs?! Get that rock out of my way, or get ready to follow your big sister!»
Frightened, Maphr tried to lower the rock, but Gran Kain prevented her.
« Einhasad, why don't you give up? The whole Earth knows the price of your anger and trembles before your anger. Wise but stupid Giants feel the price of their mistake with all their guts. Take a look yourself! A race of proud and noble beings - once rulers over the entire Earth - are now hiding on a narrow patch of land and trembling with fear, trying to hide from you! They can no longer challenge the Gods. This place will forever become a prison for giants. Control your anger, your revenge is complete
Einhasad continued to rage, but she could not go against Gran Kain - he had a power equal to her own. She decided, as Gran Kain had said, that it would be better to leave the Giants on that dry narrow strip of land to pay for their sins forever than to destroy them all. She finished her hunt and returned to her home.

After that, Einhasad rarely interfered in the events in the world, for the inhabitants of the Earth disappointed her. Gran Kain also agreed not to appear on Earth. The age of the gods was coming to an end.

Episode 7: Return to the Bonfire

The Stranger was silent.
Bewitched by the story, we did not even dare to move while our companion was retelling the history of our world. His voice, though soft, penetrated the very depths of our consciousness - as if it were magical in nature. The myth he told us was different from the one we were taught to believe, but still no one protested. We, the most experienced of the warriors, were attracted to our companion, but at the same time we were on guard, nervous, even afraid of him, a simple man. When, nearby, an owl fluttered from a branch, we flinched at the unexpected sound of its fluttering wings.
The Stranger cleared his throat, raised the smoking pipe to his lips, and continued his story.

« Don't dismiss my story just because it's not what you know about the Gods. There is no evidence that your priests are closer to the truth than the wandering poet. The history of the Gods is the will of the Gods, not of men. Then how can ordinary monks know the truth? Listen carefully as I continue. This is a story about the Earth after the disappearance of the Gods. This is your story

Episode 8: Aftermath

After the loss of the Giants, the world fell into great turmoil. Accustomed to the rule of the Giants, the Elves, Men, Orcs and Dwarves were dumbfounded by the fact that they now have to deal with their own problems. In addition to this horrific fact, the Earth has been ravaged by the Hammer of Despair. Many perished in the destruction caused by Einhasad, and many more perished in the turmoil and chaos that followed the goddess's wrath. The races of the earth prayed to the Gods for help, but the heavens were silent.
The Elves were the first to try to bring the situation under control - after all, they were responsible for politics in the time of the giants. The elves managed to unite the races and continue life. But over time, it became clear that the Elves did not have the same ability to control that the Giants had. The first to rebel against the power of the Elves were the Orcs.
« Are elves stronger than us? No! Do the Elves have the right to order us? No! We cannot accept that those who are weaker than us dare to stand above us! »
The strength of the Orcs knew no bounds, and the Elves living in the world were nothing compared to the proud and fearless Orcs. In the blink of an eye, most of the Earth became the territory of the Orcs, and the Elves were cornered by the continent. The Elves asked for help from the Dwarves, who, with their mighty weapons and great wealth, could deal with the Orcs.
« Earth race," shouted the Elves, " Come help us. Warlike hordes of Orcs keep us under siege. Come - together we will turn them away
But the Dwarves coolly refused the Elves. In their eyes, the world was moving towards the Orcs. There was no reason why pragmatic Dwarves would side with the weak. The elves were furious, but they could not change the decision of the Dwarves.
Then the Elves decided to ask for help from the race of the wind - Atreyas. Their reconnaissance air attack abilities would greatly help the Elves in battles against the Orcs.
An elven delegation set off on their journey to the end of the world to seek out and ask for help from Atreyas.
« Race of the wind, come to our aid! The barbarian legions of Orcs are oppressing us. Together we can teach them
But, as before, the Atreyas were not interested in the politics and wars of Earth. They decided not to take sides and went deeper into the continent. The elves are desperate.

« Oh, no one will help us! Is this the end of our kind? Will the dirty Orcs take over all the lands and take all the glory and all the achievements of the Earth as their own?»

Episode 9: New Alliance

Rejected by the pragmatic Dwarves and the neutral Atreyas, the Elves were left without allies in the war against the Orcs. Left alone to moan about their fate, the Elves were surprised to have an outlander in their ranks. The outlander knelt before the Elf-king, who looked at him and recognized him as a man. This wanderer wore a crown of tree branches.
« What do you want, ruler of contemptible people?' exclaimed the Elf King. "AND Have you also come to mock our defeat?»
The man bowed and said, No, wise king. We came to find out if you need our modest army
The Elves rejoiced, for though the Men were foolish and weak, their numbers could be useful in battle.
« Very kind of you, King of Humans," said the Elf King. " You are minor creatures, but your loyalty and desire to sacrifice your own lives for the benefit of our people speaks volumes. Stand at the forefront of our army and you will earn your reward under the rule of the elves
The King of Men bowed deeply to the Elven King, then lifted his head and looked into the face of his Elven ally. " Noble Elf King," he said, " we humans have one more request to Your Majesty before we go into battle with the enemy for the glory of the Elven race. We are weak. Our teeth cannot even scratch the skins of Orcs, and our nails are no match for their muscles. We beseech you, O Great King, give us the strength to endure the battle against a terrifying enemy. Teach us your magic
This audacious request left the Elves in confusion and anger. Teach people magic? Never! They were about to incinerate the despicable man when the Elf leader Weora intervened. She decided that this request was safe and should be granted. The Humans were too weak to be able to defeat the Orcs without help. And with their weak minds, humans - even those with magic - wouldn't pose a threat. And then she did something that would later cost her her life.

Humans quickly absorbed the magical ways, learning much faster than the Elves expected. Human bodies, not yet as strong as those of the Orcs, were nevertheless strengthened by hard work and constant civil strife. Their hands were dexterous, and they were fluent in various weapons. And, most importantly, their number was large. In a short time, the human army became an impressive force.

Episode 10: From Allies to Enemies

The human army gradually began to take over the Orcs. With the balance tipped in favor of the Alliance, the Dwarves left the Orc side and began manufacturing war supplies for the Humans. With new, rock-hard armor and sharp dwarven weapons, the humans could easily defeat the Orcs without the aid of the elven legions.
It was not easy on the hearts of the Elves, even when victories, one after another, brought the end of the war closer. They felt humanity growing in strength and breaking free of elven control. But the Elves did not allow these doubts to become anything more, since they could not even think that the lowest of the lowest - human garbage - could turn against them. And with the final victory over the Orcs at cannon range, the Elves didn't have time to worry. Humans continued to study the higher forms of magic, and in the end the war ended in victory for the Alliance. The orcs were forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty and retire to the relative safety of their homes in northern Elmore.
The Orc chieftain laughed as his people retreated north, Silly elves. This victory is not yours, but those dirty little people. How are you now going to control the monster that you yourself have created?»
As bitter as his words were, the truth was even more bitter. Now the Elves stood face to face with a greater danger - Humans. But long battles weakened the elven military units. In contrast, possessing new magic and weapons, the Humans were stronger than ever. So, the Humans rebelled against the Elves.
The Elves realized late that they had taken the offspring of the Dragons under their wing. The furious battle of magic against magic shook the Earth again. But the Elves were too weak to win. The elves were pushed back until they were forced to retreat to the safety of their forests. From these positions they were preparing to give battle to the People. Elven magic was stronger among these trees, and the Elves hoped to use this advantage against the Humans.
The elves dug deep dungeons, which were soon filled with the clatter of swords and the groans of the wounded. But the final victory in the three-month siege was inflicted by humanity. Neither the elven pride, nor the magical powers of the elven forests, nor even the superior magic of the Elves could stand against the endless human legions. The elves suffered huge losses, and finally retreated into the thicket of trees. During their retreat, they set up a magical barrier around their forests so that neither Humans nor other races could molest them.

Thus, Humans became the rulers of the entire continent.

Episode 11: Return to the Bonfire

Having finished his story, the stranger raised his head and looked up at the sky.
The story was different from anything we'd ever heard, but suspiciously familiar nonetheless. The elf maiden in our company sat in silence, tears glistening in her eyes.
The Stranger continued his story, and the night became more and more dull. The cries of animals were no longer heard, the wind stopped ruffling the branches above our heads, and even the nearby key, having muffled its murmur, subsided.
Only the sound of breathing and the crackle of a fire could be heard in the night. It was as if nature itself around us was holding its breath and listening to the story told around the campfire.
We were ready to listen again when our narrator cleared his throat loudly and began to speak again.
« So. Isn't it ironic that the lowest of the lowest, the Humans, gained dominion over the continent as a result? But this is the result of human will. Even the Gods themselves did not imagine that one day people would become the rulers of the entire Earth.

Now I will tell you the story of the greatest of human kingdoms. This is the story of how Humans followed in the footsteps of the Giants.

Episode 12: History Rewritten

During long battles with Orcs and Elves, Humans began to form primitive kingdoms. The central group was made up of the offspring of the Aten clan and people with knowledge of magic. She protected her members with magic, maintained order with threats, and got involved in conflicts big and small from time to time.
Order was restored when the leader of this clan, Shuniman, united the regions known today as Aden and Elmore. He named his kingdom Elmoreden, and became its self-proclaimed emperor. The crown of tree branches, which adorned the foreheads of the rulers of antiquity, appeared before the world as a golden crown encrusted with diamonds. Among his subjects, Shuniman gained fame as a man like the Gods.
The new emperor was worried about people's longevity. The fact that Humans were created by the god of destruction and death, Gran Kain, gave Humans an inferiority complex. Also, the rumor that Humans were created from the remnants of materials to create other races was humiliating for the new rulers of the Earth. To match their new kingdom, People needed a new myth, a new story, confirming their nobility.
As a result of a huge religious reform, Shuniman made Einhasad the progenitor of the human race. Myths and legends were rewritten and all those who practiced dark magic, as well as all the followers of Gran Kain, were executed. Religious reforms continued from generation to generation, and as a result, all of humanity began to believe that Einhasad, the goddess of goodness, was the truth of his creator, and Gran Kain was the notorious god of evil. Upon learning of this, Gran Kain... laughed:

« Even if they don't serve me, I won't get angry. But, stupid People, no matter how you try to cover the Sky with your hands - does the Sky really fit in your palm?»

Episode 13: Elmoreden and Perios

While Emperor Shuniman and the Elmoreden Kingdom prospered, the Gracia Kingdom across the sea was cracking at the seams. The geography of Gracia was unstable and dangerous, and while many groups of people fought for power, no one side was strong enough to unite the state. Small kingdoms dotted the landscape, claiming patches of land and getting into small fights among themselves in an attempt to take control.
Finally the day came when the strongest Elmoreden army invaded the western lands and the kingdoms of Gracia were forced to unite for their own defense. Most of the aristocracy died during the war. Those that survived grew in strength. In the end, the Elmoreden intervention was repulsed, but this war served as the foundation for the creation of a unified kingdom of Gracia. This kingdom was named Perios.
Shortly thereafter, Perios and Elmoreden clashed in a long conflict for power. Elmoreden, the first to establish a unified kingdom, had greater military power, and outnumbered the enemy in strength. But Perios had a couple of advantages for his part. First, the sea that separates the kingdoms and restricts the path for attack. And secondly, the people of Perios possessed powerful relics of the Giants that could prove useful on the battlefield.

Even with all their military might, the Elmoreden kingdom was unable to capture Perios.

Episode 14: Belech and the Ivory Tower

In the kingdom of Elmoreden, a Ivory Tower- institute of magic. The magicians working in the Tower pored over the restoration, study and improvement of the magic of the ancient Giants. The magical powers of the disciples of the Tower were great, and at one time their influence in the kingdom was close to that of the Emperor himself.
One of those who worked in the Ivory Tower was Belech, the strongest magician of all, and the most brilliant of Men who ever walked this Earth. He was obsessed with the magic of the Giants, and managed to learn almost all of their secrets. But the powers of the Giants were cursed, out of proportion to the abilities of the Men, and with them, Belech's ambitions and his lust for power were out of control. Worried, the kingdom and the mages of the tower worked together to get rid of Belech. But the mad magician had infinite power and was surprisingly strong in the dark arts.
Finally, using forbidden dark magic, the mages of the Tower lowered Belech's powers, and when they were reduced to a certain level, they managed to capture him and seal him in the dungeons of the Tower. However, despite the knights and magicians guarding the seal, Belech managed to escape. He fled to Hell Island to replenish his forces and continue his plan to take over the continent.

The dark magic used to capture Belech had another lasting effect. The southern lands of the region now known as Gludio were reduced to ruins by dark magic, and many people fell victim to the spells. But the kingdom quickly blamed Belech for this, and spread rumors that Belech was the devil himself in the flesh.

Episode 15: Discord Among the Elves

Great changes have taken place in the elven forests. Having lost control of the continent, the Elves lost their self-confidence, and resigned themselves to life in the depths of their forests.
In those days, there was a group that called themselves the Brown Elves. They did not want to put up with the elven position, and wished to continue the war with the Humans, even if using forbidden dark magic. However, this aspiration was poorly received by the rest of the Elves.
At this time, a human magician appeared in the ranks of the Brown Elves, and, approaching their leader, said:
« King of the Brown Elves - you desire power. But the weak Wood Elves are afraid that you will get the power you deserve. They only worry that you might attack them, or cause even more misfortune by coming into conflict with humans. These feeble thoughts are the reason for the condition of the Elven race.
The leader of the Brown Elves replied excitedly, Who are you, human mage? Why would you deceive us?»
« My name is Dasparion and I am a simple mage. But I have the power that you so desire to master. I can help you on your path to power if you give me what I want.
« What do you desire? And what could it be?»
« your youth. The secret of eternal life. A slight smile appeared on the mage's face. " Although I am a skilled magician, I am still a man, and I have not been given even hundreds of years to live. So, King of the Brown Elves, what is your decision? Will we help each other on the way to our dreams?»
Seduced by the power of Dasparion's dark magic, the Brown Elves accepted the pact and began training in the dark arts under the guidance of a sorcerer. In return, the sly one received the secret of elven youth, and left the elven forest satisfied.

Upon learning of these events, the Elves expelled their recalcitrant brethren, who left the path of Einhasad and submitted to the will of Gran Kain. The battle broke out between the Elves. The Brown Elves, acting on Dasparion's instructions, used deadly spells to destroy the Wood Elves. But the Wood Elves cursed the Brown Elves with their last breath. The curse slew their forests, and the Brown Elves became a race of Darkness. From that moment on, they began to be called - Dark Elves.

Episode 16: End of the Golden Age

The golden age of Elmoreden came a thousand years after the unification, during the reign of Emperor Baium. The charismatic emperor was a great strategist. Baium organized the most powerful army in the history of the kingdom. This army drove the Orcs, who had considerable influence in the northern lands of Elmore, into the black forests, later called the Orc Kingdom. In addition, Baium's army repeatedly raided the kingdom of Perios, and eventually captured the southern parts of Gracia.
In the last years of his life, Baium lost interest in conquest, and directed all the resources of the kingdom to the construction of a huge Tower, reaching its top to the clouds.
« My name strikes terror into anyone on this continent. Tens of thousands of lives could be saved or lost if I move my hand. My power is absolute. But I can not stand it - I have only a few decades left to rule! No, it's impossible… I must receive eternal life from the gods, and rule Elmoreden forever!”
The majestic tower of Baium turned out to be a difficult construction. It took thirty years to develop just one building plan. He decided to climb with the help of the tower to the residence of the Gods and get the secret of eternal life. When he ascended to heaven, the Gods gave him not quite what he asked for:
- Poor human offspring! You dare to come up here and trample our sky for your eternal life? Didn't you learn anything from the Giants? Fine! You will have eternal life. Do you want eternal life? Get it! But try to get out of this Tower...

The emperor, who had angered the Gods, remained locked up on top of the Tower. The sudden disappearance of the emperor led to fierce competition and skirmishes for the throne. Numerous aristocrats also took the chance to try their luck on the throne of the emperor, standing right behind the crushing members of the royal family. Everyone wanted to test their imperial potential. The money spent on the construction of the tower, and now the fighting within the kingdom, has seriously shaken the economy of Elmoreden ... Twenty years later, Elmoreden began to fall to pieces ...

Episode 17: Return to the Bonfire

The story we traded for the warmth of a fire with a stranger began to take an unpleasant turn. We didn't know who this stranger was or why he was telling us this particular story. And yet, we listened spellbound, unable to move, as if an invisible force pressed us to the ground.
The tramp acted like we weren't around. Without getting up, he picked up some brushwood and threw it into the fire. The dying flame, weakly supplying heat, flared up brightly, and the hot fiery tongues again cheerfully danced on the fresh brushwood, turning it into a gray ashy mass. He didn't even look in our direction when he started talking again:

« My story is almost over. The next part of it should sound familiar. It tells about the struggle for power after the collapse of Elmoreden»

Episode 18: Battle for the Continent

Although the demise of Elmoreden should have slowed the fall of the kingdom of Gracia, nothing could stop the plague from the regions of Gracia to the south, nothing could stop its triumphant march through the northern regions. Like Elmoreden, the kingdom of Perios is lost in the dusty tomes of history.
After the fall of these once great kingdoms, hard times fell on Earth, or dark ages - the consequences of the Great Plague. The aristocracy fought among themselves for power and even sold land to non-human races in exchange for military power. The orcs did not miss the opportunity to seize the lands and took advantage of the chaos around to reorganize their armies. They again entered the struggle for the continent. Their armies were powerful and they managed to subdue the northern parts of Elmore, but bloody battles between noble Orcs and petty Ork renegades weakened the army, and they stopped their march.
During this troubled time, the Elves had to participate in endless battles for their lives against their Dark counterparts. The Dwarves were no match for the raging Orcs in battle, and it was easy to push them aside, away, so as not to get in the way under their feet.
Back then, the dominant human faction was known as the Elmore Kingdom. They claimed to be direct descendants of Emperor Elmoreden. Elmore's army has faced the Orcs in epic battles more than once. The war raged for many years, inflicting heavy losses on both sides. In the end, despite all their fighting power, the Orcs lost again and ended up in the black forests. As for the Dwarves, the few survivors were banished from the Human continent to the mountains.
With a weakened army, Elmore headed from north to south, with the goal of uniting the continent under his flag. But the unification was not destined to happen. Oren, the most powerful southern kingdom, fought off the invading army with strong mages and trained infantry; Elmore was unable to defeat the defenders of the southern lands.

The various southern kingdoms prospered under Oren's protection and together began to form a new nation. Kingdoms lived in peace with each other and developed for a long time ...

Episode 19: Rise of the Two Realms

Numerous wars lasted for many generations, and among the chaos, Gracia was the first to try to unite people. The great warrior of Gracia, a man named Paris, a great tactician, made his people great by winning many battles and conquering vast territories in the name of Gracia.
Paris gained his legendary status when he and his army faced off against the brutal Highlanders of Quazer. In a desperate battle against Thor, the strongest Quazer warrior, Paris inflicted a serious wound on him. Thor, who never lost a battle, said: “ How can you be human? Such strength, such speed!
Standing in front of his enemy, Paris looked at the battlefield and replied: “ All I want is to unite these lands. Brave northern warrior, swear allegiance to me, and together we will defeat all who oppose us
A newfound ally, the Order of the Knights of the White Hawk and the Order of the Knights of the Wind followed Paris beyond the lands of Gracia and won dozens of important battles.
At this time, the rulers of the southern lands were worried about what was happening in the north. A talented southern leader, Raul, has gathered his small personal army. A brilliant orator, Raul defeated the militant southern leaders not with weapons, but with words.
Any of his speech showed how dangerous the northern states, which have already grown five times larger than they were. "ABOUT neither will we be swept away. We need to unite and strike back
Little by little, Raoul united all the southern lands together. But Elmore was not such a big threat; the southern alliance was busy fighting mass uprisings of the Orcs.
Despite this, Raoul first linked his forces with the Innadril allied alliance, and together these forces founded the kingdom of Aden. Unlike Paris, Raul did not lead a bloody campaign, he easily moved west and got Giran and Dion at his disposal.

Oren became the first city where Raoul met resistance on his way. Oren turned out to be the central city of the northern regions, and refused to accept a new leader. But even here Raul showed his talent to the full: the kingdom of Aden won a brilliant victory. The Kingdom of Gludio volunteered to join Aden after seeing its progress. With this, the unification of the south ended, and Raul received the name of the Unifying King.

Episode 20: Heirs of the Lands

Soon after the unification of the kingdom of Aden, Gracia fortified her own lands by conquering the last opposition - Hwu, who fell under the onslaught of Paris. The capital was the city of Arpenino, where he reorganized the structure of the kingdom.
The Kingdom of Aden proved to be a well-protected state. Gracia's attack could easily be repelled, both kingdoms understood this. However, the sudden and tragic death of Raul was written on a new page in the history of Aden. Sensing the right moment to attack, Elmore repeatedly invaded the northern lands of Aden. Raul's heir, Trabis, successfully fought off the invaders, but he soon died of an unknown illness. The next heir to the throne was the sixteen-year-old Amadeo. Hearing all this, Paris rejoiced: “ Heaven help Grazia! Sixteen year old king? It's the fall of Aden! But Paris greatly underestimated the young Amadeo. The boy had done a superb job of defending the northern frontier against Elmore's attack in full force, and Paris felt that the hopes of conquering Aden were turning their backs on him. Ignoring all advice, including his best friend Dillios, Paris launched the ships and prepared the soldiers for battles on land and at sea.
The result was a disaster.
Asteir, who took the place of King Elmore, reunited his forces and those of Aden, his father's mortal enemy. - Where is your conscience?!- Paris shouted in anger - You deserve a dog's death for siding with your father's enemy! Asteir just shrugged it off. I'll deal with the youngster later, but for now, you're my main target..
The Battle of Giran was the turning point of the war, and the warriors of Gracia, defeated and demoralized, retreated back to their own land. Defeat and betrayal hurt the pride of Paris, for he never lost a battle. Soon Paris fell ill and died. The next heir to the throne of Grace was a frail and unreliable man named Karnar, whom many could not imagine as a king. His opponent was the second heir to the throne, Cucarus. With the help of Dillios, Paris's best friend, Cucarus became the favorite of the people of Gracia, and the kingdom split into two factions. The Northern and Southern Graces have become blood enemies, and their struggle will consume their resources for years to come.

What Amadeo wanted. When the fighting with Gracia ceased, he took advantage of this to strengthen the kingdom. Eventually, his efforts will force the Kingdoms of Aden, Elmore, and Gracia to sign a truce, and with that, a difficult age has come to an end.

Episode 21: Epilogue

As he finished his story, little by little light began to pour into the dark sky. The long night passed and the dawn came. There was nothing left of the fire but a pile of ashes. The narrator lit his pipe again and lit a cigarette thoughtfully. “So my story is over for now. Over time, maybe it will continue? Who knows, maybe someday your names will also be heard in my story? ’ The morning light illuminated the trees, and I felt that something important was about to happen. It was hard enough to get my voice out of me, and I dared to ask,Who are you? Why are you telling us these stories, and how do you know them? The man rose to his feet. And when he got up, he grew up! He seemed like an ordinary person sitting, but now he was a giant, about ten meters tall - covering our entire company with his shadow. His face was still hidden behind his hood and cloak. And then, slowly, little by little, he began to disappear! There is nothing to compare such a miracle: seconds later, the wind carried away his image, nothing more than a pile of ashes. He didn't tell us anything then, but I think I know who it was. In disguise, telling the truth to the races of the world - this is exactly what one who lived from the very beginning of time would have behaved. Perhaps the creator of mankind would have behaved this way? ..


<Предыдущие разделы пропущены>... We remember that year - the year that was shortly before the onset of the new century - the first year of the era of Chaos. It seemed that this year did not stand out in any way in a series of other years recorded in history, a "prelude" to the misfortune that came and happened before us. We couldn't prepare and didn't know what to expect.
In Aden, the kingdom of Men, the priests of the god of light gathered in the majestic Temple of Oren. Each of them said that he saw a sinister future in a nightmare. Some claimed that this was a revelation of the gods, others that it was an obsession of evil spirits, but they were all frightened by one thing - a feeling of defenselessness. To overcome this feeling, the Council decided to restore the trust between the races that had been destroyed long ago, and sent a messenger to each of the supreme rulers of the races.
In the forest sparkling with emerald light, the Elves were horrified to learn that the Tree of the World, the mother of all forests, began to die. The beautiful forest people, having lifted the veil that had hidden them for a long time along the borders, sent many young elves to the kingdom of people to find a way to save the great tree.
Obviously they discovered it too late. There was no doubt that some of the dark elves already knew the truth, which previously could only be spoken in a whisper, which was a mystery surrounding their goddess. As soon as the human priests gathered at Oren Castle, the expressions on their faces said that they had already received a revelation that said: "The Hour of Darkness is coming."
The orcs, who knew no fear, did not care much about the coming winter, not knowing that after the winter, spring would no longer come. Pa'agrio, lord of the Orcs of Kakai, has sent his messengers to unite the orcs scattered in anticipation of the Eternal Winter.
It is not clear what the Dwarves have been doing all this time. There were those who believed that they continued to go about their business, completely unaware of the current situation. But that would be a mockery of their trading savvy. This is only a guess, but the people of the earth, who own the forgotten knowledge of the titans, dug up the Mafra Plate, which hid the traces of an ancient civilization for thousands of years, and probably learned the basics of absolute geometry.

Now, in the year of the "prelude", no one will remember the names of the brave warriors of each nation that joined forces. Being enemies to each other, they fought bravely, resisting the despair that washed over them. These heroes have won many small victories in the struggle, even as they were broken by the premonition of the grim fate that awaited them.

First chronicle

Chapter 1: Harbingers of War - Battle for Giran

Thanks to the efforts of Cardinal Seresin, the seeds of trust have finally taken root, still weak. An ominous foreboding of the coming catastrophe was now felt by all nations. The hellish flames of war threatening to engulf the earth flared up where no one expected - not in the border regions and not in the cold north full of wandering monsters, but deep in the realm of people.
History is a cruel teacher, stubbornly repeating the lessons of life to us. People needed the enemy, as they breathe in the air. If they could not find a worthy opponent, they turned their gaze to those who were nearby. Every time I learned about the misfortunes at Giran Castle, I remembered the words of my teacher, striking in their wisdom: “People are woven from all the garbage of the Gods, therefore their souls are initially dirty ...”
When the Elven ambassador entered the open gates of Aden Castle, Duke Levin Waldner, the ruler of Gludio, was expelled from his lands. Power was seized by a stranger of an unknown family and tribe... In Dion, Duke Ashton was overthrown by the rebellious people and fled to Aden. Ol Mahum's mercenaries prevented King Amadeo's army from coming to the duke's aid. The reality of the siege was harsh - the leader of the rebels, sitting on the throne of Dion, became the sovereign and absolute owner of the surrounding territory. The king had no choice but to acknowledge the new ruler. People realized that if the uprisings continue in other territories, the kingdom will be wiped off the face of the earth. Fate was already moving in the direction of chaos - the most important battle took place in the richest part of the country, becoming a vital turning point in the unfolding events.
Many strange events preceded the battle for Giran Castle. When neighboring lords were so easily dispossessed, how could Baron Carmon Jesus have gone so carelessly with his army on a campaign against Antares? Where are those who survived this campaign? Where is the Baron himself and why did he entrust the castle to Lyona Blackbeard, whose origin is still unknown?
Why were those who stood on the battlefield not at all surprised that everything was going that way. The answer was obtained from Zeighard, a mercenary who had come from Elmore to participate in the battle, as well as from a young princess who fought for the castle on behalf of the Baron. For both of them, as for many others, the reason was one - the harbinger of war.
Hindemith, by Dasparion (a student of Hardin), Year of the Empire 1640

Chapter 2: Harbingers of War - Erika

She slightly closed her eyes in confirmation of what she already knew about this. Wellion's face looked slightly insane and Lyona tried to understand what words he had heard in the enemy camp so offended him.
She looked at the besieging camp spread out in front of the castle.
“So, we will fight. Thank you for your work, Wellion."
The elf bowed politely in return.
“As agreed earlier in the morning, Wellion, I want you to lead the infantry. If the enemy crushes the gate, you must prevent it from breaking through to the inner citadel. Baron Estus entrusted the protection of the castle to me and I would like the enemy to never get inside the castle.
"I will do my best, everything else is in the hands of the gods."
"May the blessings of the stars be with you."
The elf gracefully descended the stairs and disappeared from view. Lyon gazed at the besieging camp.
Less than half of the garrison remained in the castle. Even Cardi de Hesta and others whom Lyona could always rely on were far away. Trouble struck when it was least expected. Perhaps a spy infiltrated the castle walls? Can she trust anyone then?
For a moment, suspicion overwhelmed her and all sorts of doubts began to seep into her mind. This girl, who by the will of fate found herself in the place of the lord of the castle, tried to get rid of the thoughts that tormented her.
Malice surrounded her soul like fog covers a lake. She gripped the edge of the stone wall with such force that her knuckles turned white.
"I am ready to provide all possible assistance in protecting the castle, Lady of Lyon."
The words from behind her were spoken by an Elf whose voice she hadn't heard in years. Turning around, she saw that he was dressed in a green ceremonial robe that only high priests of Eve could wear.
"Ah, Ellik! You still came!
"I'm very sorry, but we were very delayed in Dion."
"Do not apologize. Are you aware of... the situation we are in?"
Ellik nodded. "Before I arrived, I met with Dubian."
They walked slowly through the castle.
“As you know, this castle is very similar to Gludio Castle. The most fierce battle unfolded at the gates of the inner citadel. This place turned out to be a weak link in the defense of the castle.
“I am sorry that Duke Waldner is missing. He was a good person. There is no news about him yet?”
The Elven Priest's silence explained everything better than any words.
Her voice trembled. "We won't be able to defend the castle gates." Lyon struggled to hold back her tears. "What can we even do?"
“It would be good to buy some time at the gates, this will allow our wall warriors to reduce their numbers. As soon as the enemy breaks through the gates, we must be ready to retreat to the gates of the inner citadel.
“Those are my thoughts. We really don't have any other choice."
Ellik nodded in confirmation. Lyona returned to the wall. Looking out over the future battlefield, her gaze rested on the black flag with the image of a golden ram's head. Thoughts weighed on her like heavy shackles. "That's where the enemy leader is."
"I guess our opponents are thinking the same thing."
“The actions of their leader are risky and not ordinary, they are different from what a typical adviser can offer. This unjustified war is gaining momentum before our very eyes. We must find a way to win it."
At some point, Ellick developed a respect for Lyona, a human girl who was less than a tenth of his own age.
"Command, Lyon."
She finally returned to the ranks of the soldiers and assigned combat positions to the archers and mages. Later, when she was giving final orders to the foot soldiers in the castle courtyard, Ellik brought the Elf to her. When they were introduced to each other, Lyona noticed that the Elf had long golden hair and was generally very cute. On her neck was the amulet of Eve, the goddess of the lake.
Many young foot soldiers found themselves unable to take their eyes off the Elfmaid, for this was the first time they had seen a living elf woman. "This is not part of your instructions!" Liona said jokingly. The soldiers looked down, suddenly flushed. Liona smiled and suggested that the Elves go to another place to meet.
"This is Llewellyn, the oracle of my group."
It was clear to Lyona that the elf occupies a very high position in the society of the Elves. She bowed in greeting to the Oracle, hoping to hide her nervousness.
"She will support you with her protective and healing magic during the battle."
Lyon held out her hand. “With our meager supplies, archers and foot soldiers will need more protection like this. Please send her to the castle gates. Making such an unreasonable decision seems wrong to me.”
Ellick answered restrainedly but firmly. “You are our leader. We take all necessary measures to protect you from injury. If we don't, we'll all be in danger."
Realizing that he was speaking too loudly, he glanced at the guard, who was too busy to notice his gaze. He spoke again, his voice quieter.
“When the assault begins, there will be an incredible mess here. Frankly, I am disgusted by such battles. Young or old, those who have seen a lot and those who have not yet really seen life, it does not matter, will be killed in an instant. Regardless, one thing remains absolute: You have no right to die."
Lyon nodded without saying a word. A horn sounded in the distance. Its low, resonant sound warned everyone in the castle to prepare for battle or flee before chaos erupted. A shudder of anticipation swept through the troops on both sides.
Many of them are destined to join the ranks of forgotten gravestones in some obscure cemetery.
The archers laid arrows on their bows, took aim, and drew back with all their might. The blue energy of the soulshots was released from the spells cast by the mystics, while the golden energy flowed through the bodies of the archers.
The besieging troops were divided into units of 30 people and were waiting for a signal to attack. Finally, the commanders of the detachments raised their swords, and the troops moved to the attack, to the rhythmic accompaniment of steps, interrupted from time to time by battle cries.
Hundreds of arrows cut the sky in a deadly rainbow.
The battle has begun.