How the Chinese really treat Russians (7 photos). Russian girls prefer Chinese: rich men can easily get hooked

For some time now, many in Russia have believed that China is our friend and ally against the United States and NATO. Like we have common interests, common enemies and competitors... Plus, many of our fellow citizens like the PRC also because, unlike the USSR, it followed a successful path of development, and if we sold the country for chewing gum and jeans, then the Chinese dispersed their “perestroika” ”, remained a socialist country, carried out normal economic reforms and are now the most successful and fastest growing economy in the world...

True, many people know, but prefer not to remember the conflict in Daman Peninsula in 1969. And the Russian-language information segment sometimes includes atlases and maps from Chinese educational institutions, in which a very significant part of Siberia and the Far East is marked as “original Chinese territory.” But we continue to turn a blind eye to this, convincing ourselves that “this is a lie, a fake, the Chinese do not need cold Siberia, and in general they cannot even develop and populate their northern territories.”

I have been to China many times for work and communicate with the locals. And one day I managed to find out one thing that I want to tell everyone, and at the same time - dispel the entrenched Lately the myth that China is our friend (and that we can generally expect anything good from it)…

During another work trip to China (related to business), I had the opportunity to meet and work for some time with a Chinese businessman who previously served in the PLA (Chinese army) and is a retired colonel (in Chinese - Shangxiao). And during one of the conversations with him, I decided to talk with him about politics, about the situation in the world, and at the same time - about the topic of partnership and friendship between our countries. And during the conversation he suddenly tells me something like this:

- “Paul, I have nothing against you, you good man. And many Russians too good people. But...Do you think that we and our leadership look at Russia as an equal partner? Wake up! Take a close look at where you and where we are lately! You betrayed communist ideals, surrendered your country, threw to the winds everything that your ancestors created over decades and centuries, and turned into a third-rate weak country that is ruled by outright thieves and bandits, which has nothing to offer the world except raw materials, and which holds its position only due to Soviet nuclear weapons. And your people have turned into a corrupted biomass, having lost moral principles and national identity. Do you think we consider you friends? Our friendship with your country is only temporary and rational, and when we finally get back on our feet and become the first country in the world, everything will change a lot.”

He further told me that since the time of Mao, there was a plan to attack Russia among the Chinese military command and party leadership. And if earlier no one thought about the implementation and implementation of this plan, then after the collapse of the USSR they began to think about it more seriously. Moreover, the Chinese are in no hurry in this regard. They are gradually increasing their power and waiting for Russia to weaken. And at the same time, they are already planning to send their people to gradually populate Russian cities and territories located north of China. Now and in the very next few years, there will most likely not be a war, but in 10-15 years, when China finally becomes a world superpower (and its army is the strongest, most numerous and technologically advanced), and the degradation and backwardness of Russia becomes critical, a rapid and surprise attack, followed by occupation Russian territory all the way to the Urals. He said, “We need your Natural resources and huge free territories for settlement and economic development. If this plan is implemented, in the future, large cities and towns will be built throughout the former Russian territory with the help of high technologies to accommodate tens of hundreds of millions of people, who are becoming increasingly crowded on the territory of the PRC.”

When I asked him what would happen to the Russian inhabitants of these territories in this case, he did not answer me anything specific, but hinted that one of the secret points of that plan was the condition that ultimately there should not be any left in the entire territory up to the Urals. one Russian resident. That is, if China seizes the Far East, Siberia and the Urals, not a single Russian should remain settlement, and the entire local population faces either death or expulsion to European part Russia...

Actually, this is how things are. Think. After this, no one should have any doubt that China is not only not our ally, but also potentially the most dangerous enemy in history (more dangerous than the United States and even more dangerous than Hitler).

And since the processes of weakening and degradation of Russia have become irreversible, and hardly anyone can stop China (and even now it’s unlikely that anything can be corrected) - all residents of the Asian part of Russia are better off thinking about moving soon. For - if everything that was described above happens - not everyone will be able to escape alive (as refugees) ...


St. Petersburg resident Viktor Ulyanenko, one of Russia’s best Chinese language experts, wrote a book about the Celestial Empire, “Shocking China.” He traveled the length and breadth of China and advised Russian businessmen who were going to open a business in China, and translated into international conferences words by Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

- TO How do the Chinese treat foreigners?
— In general, patronizingly. It always has been and always will be. Almost every Chinese has an ancient belief that he, regardless of his education, upbringing, material wealth, is better and smarter than any foreigner. In China, it is customary to say about Europeans: “Si zhi fa da, tou nao jian dan.” Translated: “The arms and legs are healthy, but the head is dull.” Behind their backs, foreigners may be called “Yangguians” (“overseas devils”) and “Daobizi” (“big-nosed”). The fact is that most Chinese have small, flattened noses with a very low bridge. Therefore, almost any foreigner, from the Chinese point of view, is endowed with a huge ugly nose. But Russians, among other things, are called hairy people. In Chinese it is “laomaozi”. This nickname is often used in the northeast of the Celestial Empire, where there are the most Russians. The Chinese are mostly hairless. For them, even weak hair on the arms, legs or face is primitive wool. Therefore, bearded Russian men with manes of hair cause horror among the Chinese. And finally, the most important definition of Europeans is “laowai”. You will hear this word within the first five minutes of your stay in China. It means “incompetent”, “loaf”, “a person who knows nothing.” But the Japanese were most unlucky. They are often called "eastern ocean pygmy devils."

— Why did the Europeans displease the Chinese so much?
“The Chinese call us that not because they are evil and treacherous. Residents of the Celestial Empire do not at all want to offend anyone, shouting at the back of the first foreigner they come across: “Laowai!” It's just a habit, a tradition. For a long time China was the center of civilization in the Far Eastern region. He was surrounded by underdeveloped tribes. Therefore, the Chinese had every reason to consider themselves the center of the earth, the most enlightened race. This feeling has not gone away even now. Until now, the Chinese call their country “Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo” (Middle Blooming People's Republic). And, which is significant, even for a Chinese who has lived for twenty years in Russia, the USA, Australia, the entire local population continues to remain “laowai”, and only natives of the same Middle State are full-fledged, highly educated people. Therefore, when they talk about some kind of “strategic partnership” and “equal cooperation” with China, it makes me laugh.

— Do the Chinese really not even try to hide their attitude towards foreigners?
- IN major cities- Shanghai, Beijing - you will not notice a disdainful attitude towards yourself. A professor at Beijing University will be impeccably polite to you. But the further inland the country, the worse it gets. For a Chinese peasant, any European is not even a person, but something like an alien animal. As soon as you get off the train in some relatively small city, you will immediately be surrounded by a crowd of 20-30 loafers. The Chinese don't just look at a foreigner, they stare at him with their mouths open. Some can follow the unfortunate Europeans for hours. Others are able to pull a guest’s hair to check whether it is real or not, or feel clothes or a bag. I personally know people who came to China to work, and then could not stand such attention and were treated for serious nervous disorders.

— How should you behave in a crowd of curious Chinese?
“It’s best to follow the old Chinese proverb: “When you enter a village, act like a peasant.” You need to react with humor. You can’t be offended, shout, or sort things out. Residents of the Celestial Empire simply will not understand what they are to blame for. Classic example: A foreigner falls off his bike, and a crowd of Chinese around him begins to giggle happily. The first desire is to finish off a couple of the most wildly amusing idiots. And people actually don't find it funny at all. For the Chinese, laughter is also an attempt to smooth out their own embarrassment and lack of understanding of what to do next in a sticky situation. They simply don’t know how to help a fallen foreign cyclist - he’s so ridiculous, unfinished, big-nosed, and doesn’t even know how to ride a bike.

— Do the Chinese look at Russian girls or do they also look down on them?
— Marry a Russian — cherished dream any normal Chinese man. The fact is that most Chinese women do not know how to dress beautifully and take care of themselves. Residents of Beijing may well wear red or green woolen underpants (maoku) with their dress, and pull them over the top nylon tights. What's ugly? But it's warm! Of course, after this the Chinese instantly fall for our girls. Another thing is that such marriages quickly break up.

- Why?
— One of the reasons is the absolute unmasculinity of the Chinese. It seems to me that Russian women love strong, confident men who are capable of punching people in the face to protect their loved ones. So, the Chinese are far from this image. As a rule, they are rather frail, mannered, and feminine. Most Chinese men can't even screw in a light bulb properly. But they treat their children with touching tenderness. For the Chinese, a child is priceless treasure. And it's not just about parental love. China has a very poorly developed pension system. Therefore, residents of the Middle Kingdom, with the exception of workers budgetary sphere, in old age can only rely on the help of children.

— One gets the feeling that everything is very bad in China, and it is dangerous for a European to be there...
- Not at all. China is changing very quickly better side. For example, the police there are polite, always sober and correct. Moreover, they work very well. In 2004, my bag was stolen in Shanghai. I contacted the police and they immediately cordoned off several blocks. The thief was found half an hour later. And Chinese law enforcement officers practically do not take bribes. And not at all because they don’t want to. In Beijing, police officers have small webcams on their uniforms that monitor the slightest violations their "masters". In general, police service in China is very prestigious and lucrative. They don't take everyone there.
— The Chinese look at Russian women. Our Far East Are they interested too?
- Naturally! There are now about 100 million unemployed young people living in Chinese villages. Many peasants have already moved to the cities. But Chinese megacities are not rubber, they are already packed to capacity. 100 million young Chinese are ready to set off on a long journey at any moment. But where should they go? Of course, not towards Southeast Asia, where there are many of its own inhabitants. No, they will go where there are more resources and fewer people. In Russia.

Of course, China is trying to somehow solve the problem of excess population. For example, recently the authorities have banned the allocation of land for golf courses (although it has become popular among the Chinese due to growing prosperity). Formally, it is forbidden to build cottages in the Middle Kingdom, since this is considered an irrational use of land. So for the Chinese, a separate house is a very expensive, status thing. Of course, because in cities they live in cramped conditions. For example, in the old quarters of Beijing in residential buildings no toilet. And people are forced to go outside to a public restroom all their lives. Of course, they will stare at the half-empty Russia that looms under their noses.

— What surprises the Chinese most about our country?
“They are amazed by our parks. When they see the Sosnovsky Forest Park or the Park of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg, they are perplexed. They ask why no one works on this land and where the owner of this territory is chilling. Of course, educated Chinese know the purpose of parks. But they understand this with their minds, not their hearts .


Leading researcher at the Institute of History of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Boris Tkachenko, came into the hands of the brochure “Penetrating Russia with a Gaze,” published in a circulation of only 135 copies. It contained translations of excerpts from Chinese books and newspaper publications. Its author set out to understand the Russians.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people, due to a long period of life in slavery, have no traditions of democracy, but there is a desire for extreme individualism. Moreover, Russians are so contradictory that, despite their individualism, they are also distinguished by their slavish obedience. “Russians are always wavering between these two extremes. Having received freedom, they know no boundaries and are ready to destroy everything.”

The Russian people are not capable of anything without foreigners: “...Russia’s achievements have always been associated with foreigners. As soon as the Russians got down to business themselves, everything quickly fell apart. The reason was their inability to self-control and manage themselves. Russia has always bowed to the West.”

Russians are patient people, they don’t know how to protest, and if they do protest, it’s soft and small. Life under Yeltsin is given as an example: “Under Yeltsin, the standard of living ordinary people fell catastrophically, they were robbed and deceived as best they could, but the people only grumbled a little.

In 2002, about 80% of the population was below the poverty line. There are many dissatisfied people, but there is no organized protest. The Russian people are once again demonstrating amazing patience and tolerance towards the authorities. That's what it is main tradition, inherited from his slave past.

The Russian people fought constantly, so they developed a tolerance for cruelty.

They also consider themselves superior to other nations: “Russians consider themselves superior to others. This was reflected in the theory of the superiority of the Slavic race. Russians look with contempt not only at the backward East and South, but also at the more developed West. They always want to be first, to be leaders. The idea of ​​seniority has penetrated deeply into Russian psychology.” Foreign policy Russia is built on hegemony: “...Even now, when it cannot even be considered a second-rate country, it is difficult for it to hide its hegemonic psychology.”

Further we read: “No matter how hard Russians try to Europeanize, they are not like Europeans. In many ways they are more similar to the Tatars. More precisely, according to formal characteristics, this is a civilized society, but inside there is a purely Russian filling. Behind the outward decency, the true rude nature is easily visible. Russians are Slavs. "Slavs" in Latin meant "slaves".

Russian morality is inverted: “Russians are characterized by disdain for traditional morality. Contradiction has become a feature of the Russian nation: on the one hand, Eastern humility and servility, on the other, licentiousness and unbridledness; on the one hand - fear of authority, on the other - contempt for traditions, rejection of generally accepted principles of morality and morality. This leads to the fact that they mistake rudeness for valor, laxity and chaos for democracy, lackeyness for virtue.”

Russians do not know how to value their history; they seem to deny it historical memory: “...Their attitude towards history is also extremely radical. For example, they believe that everything old should be rejected; no continuity is needed. All traces of the past must be washed away, erased overnight. And not only in form, but also in essence. Perhaps the most ridiculous thing is their desire to change the names of cities, streets and squares, to demolish monuments, as if there were no events in their history that deserve memory.”

Terrible bureaucracy is thriving in Russia, and there are huge queues to see officials. “It doesn’t matter how many people are waiting in line - 10 or 100 - the employees will work as before: without rushing, being distracted by conversations and not forgetting to drink tea. Nothing will force them to change their regulations, no cataclysms.”

Since the Russians did nothing but fight, they had no time to improve native language: «… famous expression English poet Johnson “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” translated into Russian looks like this: “Not everything is lost even for the most lost person, rejected by friends and society, if the feeling of the Motherland remains in his soul, he is in it.” last hope and salvation."

The Russians had no time to improve their language - they fought and fought more. Even cultured people With higher education can argue endlessly about writing something simple word or suggestions. And even many Russians would not be able to pass the exam to obtain Russian citizenship.”

There is no love in Russia, but there is a cult of sex, which replaces love. Russian schoolgirls, understandably, consider prostitution to be the most attractive profession; society condones this. Newspapers openly publish advertisements for hiring girls to provide sex services. Russian society generally does not understand what is good and what is bad.

As for politicians, they “are not only not afraid to tarnish their reputation on this basis, but, on the contrary, they use sex as a tool to achieve their goals. Many of them, including members of parliament and governors, openly keep several mistresses; Zhirinovsky’s party proposes to open brothels.”

All this is a historical fact. Pushkin, the Chinese write, loved to boast about his sexual abilities, but Catherine II did not need to boast.

Russian people cannot help but drink. “You can not eat, but you can’t help but drink - this is another striking feature of the Russian people. Russians will tolerate the lack of bread, but will rebel if there is no vodka. Vodka has become an important part of culture Russian society. Alcohol is something that Russians cannot and do not want to do without. If in other countries they say: “He who gets up early earns his bread,” then about Russians we can say this: “Whoever gets up early will have something to drink.” The Chinese recall that Yeltsin was an alcoholic.

The Russian people have not a drop of shame. “The most amazing thing is that they never feel shame, no matter what they do. On the contrary, they always find excuses for everything.” In Russia, deception flourishes at all levels.

Russians live in constant fear. Everyone around them is an enemy. There is an atmosphere of general suspicion in Russia. The role of the FSB is still great. "Almost all telephone conversations are bugged, and if they wish, the intelligence services can always provide incriminating evidence on you.”

In another material, “Comparison of China and Russia,” the Chinese conducted a direct comparative analysis two countries. If wise China, according to the authors, following Japan and South Korea, accepted the Western model, then Russia moved along the African path, in better case- Latin American.

The following material, “Discovering the Map of Russia,” describes the character of the Russian people from the point of view of the Chinese.

According to analysts, the Russian nation is entirely thieves, cowards, and robbers; their main character traits are anger, greed and admiration for violence. The authors summarize: the “greatness” of the Russian nation consists of 30% theft and 70% banditry.”

Everything presented above is not meant to be controversial. It doesn’t matter whether the Chinese think about us correctly or not. What matters is what they think.

Many of our compatriots had to live in the Chinese town of Harbin, founded by Russian people. A huge number of Russian people live there: these are students, office workers and employees of large enterprises, as well as people who have tied the knot. I had to communicate with them a lot and get to know them, so I would like to touch on the topic of the attitude of the Chinese towards Russian-speaking visitors.

Most Russian visitors live in northern China. These are both translators and people who own their own businesses. However, the bulk of Russian speakers are shuttles. There are enough students in the city, but I believe that Russians still give greater preference to the South or Beijing.

In the northern region of China, Russians are already well known. Many Chinese traders have partnerships with them. In addition, there are border towns here, many people come for shopping and weekend tours. These are Suifenkhe, Manzhouli and other border cities.

Attitudes towards Russians in northern China

But lately, you can more often find bad reviews about the activities of our compatriots. They are accused of alcohol addiction, as well as prostitution. Often in small towns there are conflicts between the Chinese and Russians.

Attitudes towards Russians in southern China

In the Southern region everything is different. It's about about the city of Shenzhen or Guangzhou. There are many times more Russians here, because they are located here large companies and representative offices. In some parts of China, many Chinese people do not know anything about Russia; there are fewer conflict situations here, or rather, they are unheard of. In the south, only a small part of the Chinese understand Russian; preference is given to English.

In general, relations between Russia and China can be called friendly or even fraternal. The song “Russian and Chinese are brothers forever” was even written. The friendship was quite trusting. As the years passed, the relationship cooled, but now the culture of kinship and communication is being revived again.

Reasons for the misunderstanding of Russians in China

The main reasons for the misunderstanding and not particularly friendly attitude were territorial disputes between Russia and China, now we are talking about the islands of the Primorsky Territory. But ordinary Chinese don’t even remember this. But, as far as I know, previously, part of the territory of the Primorsky Territory was owned by China.

Another significant factor is the attitude of Russian girls. The Chinese do not treat Russian girls particularly well, with contempt, and often make jokes about chastity. Russian girls greatly damaged the image of Russia, as they engaged in prostitution in nightclubs in China. In addition, they often had problems with visas; they were often overdue. Even in our time, many Chinese are perplexed and wonder why girls from Russia refuse to go to their home for financial incentives.

In China we have seen many funny marriages. Most often it is a Chinese man and a Russian girl. The Chinese may be pursuing benefits, because by marrying a Russian, they have the right to obtain a residence permit and even citizenship, which will allow them to legally engage in business. There are marriages of Russian men with Chinese girls, here I don’t know what the benefit could be, most likely men choose their women for love. Russian girls expect from the Chinese, who have their own business, financial assistance. But the Chinese have become smarter - after several years life together, they are reducing the flow of this financial stream.

I have already addressed the topic of Chinese-Russian relations, however, I would like to talk about it again. In light of the fact, what do the Chinese themselves think about this friendship, and who are the Russians for them? This is all the more interesting given the rapprochement between the two countries that has now begun.

Whether we are good or bad for the Chinese is impossible to give a definite answer.
I also talked with the Chinese themselves, and my son, who studies Chinese in foreign language. He has many Chinese friends, including a native speaker teacher. Even to us New Year a friend of his from Taiwan comes to visit, who is studying Russian in our country.
In addition, a Chinese-Russian family lives next door to us.
And of course, I dug through Internet forums where the Chinese express their opinions about our country, about ourselves, and about our relations.

As elsewhere, these relationships are different. How many people, so many opinions.
And considering that the Chinese are cunning people, mindful of themselves, and in almost every Chinese there lives the ancient belief that he is better and smarter than any foreigner, including Russians, these relationships are extremely curious.
For example, among themselves they call all foreigners “Yangguians” (overseas devils) and “Daobizi” (big-nosed ones).
In general, the Chinese treat Russians quite kindly. Still, the historical past of our countries has an effect: during the times of socialism, China considered Soviet Union his big brother.
Moreover, Chinese men really like Russian women. They have this expression: 俄罗斯美女, beautiful Russian girl! Moreover, they only say this about Russian girls; other nationalities do not have such a privilege. Moreover, marrying a Russian is the cherished dream of any normal Chinese man.

What else do the Chinese think about us?
And they think quite interestingly, and sometimes funny.
For example, the Russian language, they believe, has no rules and is therefore easy to learn. And the greatest Russian poet, whose name in Chinese sounds like Pu-Shi-Kin (普希金), is the universal hope for gold, and it is translated from Russian as Da-Pao, that is, a big pistol. Pushkin, the Chinese write, loved to brag about his sexual abilities, but Catherine II, for example, did not need to brag.

In addition, according to the Chinese, Russians pay great attention to the cultural education of their children. Russians have many talented inventors, but all their inventions end up being used in other countries.
The Russians defeated the Germans, defeated the Japanese, and their army is still the strongest in the world. For example, they can defeat Japan in two weeks, England in a week, and Germany in a month.

The Chinese write a lot about Russia on the Internet. For example, on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, that is, Sina Weibo, there are many comments about us. There you can find reviews from the Chinese who often visit our country. They especially love Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, and Vladivostok. Moreover, everyone compares the two countries not in favor of their homeland. In their opinion, Russia is a very clean and tidy country.
They are surprised that we are cheap public utilities, and there are also benefits. For example - “The government gives all elderly Russians who have worked in a real job a dacha for relaxation...”
Plus free medicine and education.
In addition, the Russians have very friendly police officers. They just don’t know how to speak Chinese and English.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people have no traditions of democracy, but have a desire for individualism. Moreover, Russians are so contradictory that, despite their individualism, they are also distinguished by their slavish obedience.
There are also such opinions on the Chinese Internet: “Let the east wind blow, let the drums of war thunder, let’s see who is afraid of whom in this world! Don’t be afraid of the southern tiger (USA), but protect yourself from the northern bear!”
Many Chinese consider Siberia theirs and call it the northern territories. For example, on the same Chinese Twitter there are conclusions regarding the relocation of the Chinese to the northern territories. I'll probably quote it in full:

“There will be no war between the United States and Russia, nor between China and Russia - we cannot butt heads, and this is the root of the problem. China cannot use nuclear weapon, to fight with Russia, but Russia also cannot use nuclear weapons to fight with displaced people! It is clear that the Russians will put all possible obstacles in the way of the settlers, but what can they do? Completely ban the entry of Chinese into Russian territory? Completely stop Chinese-Russian trade? IN large quantities expel the Chinese? On this moment China and Russia are temporary strategic partners and act in the name of mutual interests, so the “hour” of immigration has not yet come, since both sides cannot “lose face.” But still, if such actions are carried out as spontaneous people’s actions, and normal relations are continued at the government level, then this will not affect the confrontation with the United States and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and the unification with Taiwan.”

As I said above, the Chinese have different opinions and sentiments towards us. However, as we do with them. But still there are more pros than cons. Yes, and there are positive dynamics.
For example, on the Chinese Internet, and in society as a whole, the following calls and slogans began to appear more and more often:
- Russians, I support you! I look forward to the revival of your country!
- Russian brothers, even when it was difficult for them, helped us in our hard times. We must do everything we can to help them now.
- The enemy of my enemy, my friend.
That's how the Chinese are...