How the Chinese react to the Russians. “Warlike people”: what do the Chinese think about the Russians

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It was love at first sight with China. After two years of a passionate romance, when you see exclusively positive qualities in the object of your adoration, our relationship became more like a marriage. We have gotten used to each other, come to terms with our shortcomings and exist very comfortably together. I'll tell you about some of the features of my beloved country.

  • The concept of “one’s own” for the Chinese is decisive in relation to a person. If you are a fellow countryman, a friend of a friend, and even more so a relative - no matter what distance - you can expect special treatment. If you are “one of the people,” then they trust you, they give you the best price, they will always help you, but, of course, they expect the same from you in return. China is a society based on the provision of mutual favors. Here it works better than money.
  • Context is very important when talking to the Chinese. “Yes” is rarely heard here, and “no” is even rarer. If they say “maybe” to you, then depending on the situation it can mean “yes”, that is, “I will try very hard, but only heaven knows whether it will work out.” “No” - “I definitely can’t, I just don’t want to offend you with a refusal” or “maybe”, “I would like to do it, but I’m not sure if it will work out.” Such a multiplicity of meanings puts Western Europeans in a state of constant stress, but for people who grew up in Russia, which, whatever one may say, is still Asia, after a while it becomes easier. Well, at least for me personally. (Although overlaps still happen).
  • According to my observations, all Chinese have the rare ability to sleep whenever and wherever they want, completely oblivious to the noise or light around them. It's like they have an off button. By the way, almost everyone practices afternoon naps, with the exception of residents big cities . For example, in small town
  • , where I lived, from 12:00 to 14:00 almost all shops close, and certainly all government institutions, where the lunch break lasts from 11:30 to 14:30: an hour to eat and two hours to sleep. There are very specific regional traditions. Depending on where you are in China, different products, different spices and different ways preparations. The Sichuan province is famous for its spicy dishes, the north for dumplings, the city of Wuhan for noodles with peanut sauce and spicy duck necks, etc. Culinary tourism is one of the most common leisure activities among the Chinese. Regional cuisine is as much an attraction as the mountains, temples and museums. When I asked what we would do in Chengdu - a city famous for its huge nature reserve and panda breeding center - my Chinese friends looked at me in amazement and said: “Like what? Eat!"
  • Most common medicine traditional Chinese medicine - hot water. It doesn’t matter if you have a cold, a stomach ache or a headache, you will definitely be advised to drink more hot water. hot water Everyone drinks here, regardless of whether they are sick or healthy. Large titans with boiling water can be found in all in public places- from airports and railways stations to parks. That’s why there are free public toilets at every step here, including in the metro.
  • On Chinese trains, linen does not change with each new passenger. If, say, you sat on an intermediate one and not on terminal station, then the best you can count on is a slightly tidied bed by the guide. But it is completely unknown how many people slept on this very bed before you.
  • In Chinese restaurants, dishes are often served wrapped in plastic wrap - it all looks very hygienic. But Chinese friends always rinse these “clean dishes” before they start eating. boiled water
  • (which is served to you immediately). Diapers for babies are a very sign big city
  • . In all other places, Chinese kids wear pants with a slit at the bottom (in any weather) and, if necessary, satisfy their natural needs aside on the sidewalk, naturally, under the strict supervision of their parents. When describing appearance, the Chinese break down the face into its component parts. They say: “You are beautiful because you have big eyes / high nose (high bridge of the nose) / small mouth / white skin.” Antique says: "White skin erases three deformities." Local young ladies (and often young men) make incredible efforts to whiten their skin and avoid exposure to the sun in every possible way. To do this, they carry umbrellas on a sunny day, wear caps with a dark glass mask in the style of a welder, and constantly use bleaching creams. The idea that there are people somewhere who specifically spend time and money to make their skin darker seems absurd to the Chinese. As you understand, there are no solariums in China.
  • Relationships are always started with marriage in mind. For the vast majority of Chinese, family and children are the main objective in life. Chinese men are incredibly caring and love children very much. A crowd of twenty-year-olds cuddling babies is a completely common sight here. As my Chinese friend says, a Chinese boyfriend is expected to clean the room, cook the food, and peel your grapes. And it's not a joke.
  • IN traditional China It is not customary to publicly show your feelings and touch each other. Couples holding hands in big cities are more of a Western influence. Public hugs and especially kisses are considered indecent. Moreover, if a man touches a woman, everyone will assume that they are in a relationship. Chinese friends (even of the same sex) do not hug each other: the Chinese generally do not like to be touched; a crush in the subway does not count. The words “I love you” are very rare even between husband and wife and between parents and children. Feelings are expressed in care and in increased feeding of the object of feelings.
  • Skirt and shorts Chinese women They can be as short as you like, there is nothing reprehensible in this, while the chest and shoulders are always covered. They don't wear low necklines here, but when it's hot, Chinese men roll up their T-shirts like short tops, exposing their bellies. This is: folk sign
  • “If Chinese men bare their bellies, summer has come.” Learning Chinese from a phrasebook is the most useless activity you can think of. Not to mention that the sounds of Chinese are very different from Russian, the main problem is that Chinese is a tone language. This means that the same word, pronounced with different intonation, can mean completely different things. Trying to explain what you want using, is about the same as trying to sing an unfamiliar song, the words of which are in front of your eyes. The sounds may be similar, but you don’t know the melody, and without the melody, it’s impossible to understand what you’re singing there. You might as well speak Russian. In big cities there is a good chance of meeting people who know a little English, but take a step to the left, a step to the right - and no one understands you. It's better to accept it right away. Speech will be useless. The good news is that they really want to understand you, so they will try their best.
  • Russians are loved in China. Russia is a friend and neighbor. They explain everything that the Chinese know about Russia with one phrase: “Because it’s very cold there.” In Russia they drink a lot. This is because it is very cold. After girls get married, they always gain weight (there is such a stereotype about Russians in China). Because it's very cold. But Russian girls are very beautiful. Big eyes, high nose and white skin.
  • The Chinese explain all their problems by the number of people. Is the environment bad? Because there are a lot of people. Rules are not followed traffic? Because there are a lot of people. And so on ad infinitum.

Russian tourists in the Chinese province are still treated as a curiosity

China is no longer considered an unknown country, but most Russians (especially those with children!) still prefer to vacation in more “civilized” places

Petersburg woman Tatiana Bedareva with two kids, I decided to break this stereotype and went to travel around unknown China and decided to talk about my adventures in the Celestial Empire, what shocked her, but why it was still worth going there.

In the subway under escort

Tatyana Bedareva with her husband and two children - a four-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son - are experienced travelers who always plan their trips on their own.

In China, we really wanted to see the provinces of Chengdu, little known to Russian tourists, where giant pandas live, the Zhangjiadze Nature Reserve with the “flying” mountains that inspired the creators of Avatar, and the Jiujaigou Nature Reserve with colorful lakes,” lists Tatyana Bedareva. - Of course, some, upon learning that my children and I were going to travel around the Chinese provinces, twirled their fingers at their temples, but that didn’t stop us. The only thing that was a little confusing was that we didn’t speak English very well, but we were sure that we could always communicate with gestures. Later it became clear how wrong we were...

There are practically no Russian tourists in Chengdu, so almost the entire city knew in advance about the arrival of the “Russian family”.

In Anzhen County, which is located next to Chengdu, they organized a holiday for us on the main street,” says Tatyana. - The local university organized a reading of Pushkin’s poems in Chinese! When my daughter read Pushkin in Russian into the microphone, she was applauded like a superstar, many local journalists came, took pictures of her for the newspapers, then a line of Chinese people lined up who also wanted to take pictures with our children. There, on the main street, a photo exhibition was organized in honor of Russia, with photographs of Russian landmarks. By the way, the Chinese are very interested in our country - in many cities we saw posters with images of St. Basil's Cathedral or Red Square.

Interest in the “Russian family” accompanied the St. Petersburgers throughout the trip. The Chinese were especially surprised by the children - with a double stroller in which the little ones were sitting, passers-by were photographed, some locals tried to secretly take pictures of unusual children on their phones.

We were even escorted by the police on the Chengdu subway! - Tatyana is surprised. - In China, everywhere in the metro the entrance is through metal detectors, bags are carefully scanned, like at airports. But apparently we seemed so strange that the guards followed us with weapons on their belts from the entrance to the subway until the exit. They were riding in the carriage a couple of meters away from us and pretending that they weren’t watching us. Maybe they were protecting us? By the way, in the metro there are elevators, toilets, and drinking water at every station.

Pedestrians are the lowest caste

But the behavior of the Chinese themselves in the metro came as a shock to St. Petersburg residents.

Firstly, it is not customary for them to give up their seats to women, the elderly or mothers with children, says Tatyana. - On the contrary, men run into the carriage first and look very proudly at those who did not have time to board, as if they had won. They don't help with the stroller. It’s funny - there were often situations when two healthy sitting men discussed my son in my arms, they smiled, admired, showed me with signs that he was such a pretty child, but they didn’t even think that it was hard for me.

Then they explained to us that this was not out of malice - it’s just that the Chinese almost completely lack empathy, the ability to “get into the skin” of another person. Secondly, during rush hour, when exiting the carriage, people had to “ram” people with a stroller - even when they saw the stroller leaving, they still entered the carriage without letting anyone through! And thirdly, in the carriages next to you there is always someone coughing: I was told that sick leave does not exist in China.

However, traffic in Chinese cities turned out to be an even greater shock for St. Petersburg travelers.

Traffic rules in the Celestial Empire are very conditional, although appearance luxury roads create a false sense of security, says Tatyana Bedareva.

It is no coincidence that the number of road accidents in China is the highest in the world. Cross the road even in major cities it was very scary! A green traffic light on a footpath means nothing. A bus turning at full speed from either side has the right of way! That is, when you cross the road with a stroller according to all the rules, there is no guarantee of safety. Everyone who turns right is more important than pedestrians! Even if the driver sees you, you are like a pedestrian, in China there is nobody and nothing. Many people, especially motorcyclists, do not follow the rules at all. They, like cyclists, simply don’t know them.

“Every city has “Slavophiles”

The English language is not held in high esteem in China - the Bedarev family became convinced of this quite quickly. Even in the most touristy places, almost no one speaks English.

The Chinese actively invest in the education of their children, so schoolchildren speak English best,” says Tatyana. - If we needed to figure out where to go, we asked the children. People over 20 usually no longer speak the language. It turned out that gestures also cannot be explained to the Chinese: they only use them to count money and show the cost of goods; they do not understand all other gestures.

Fortunately, in almost every city you can find Chinese “Slavophiles” - lovers of the Russian language and culture, because among a certain circle of intellectuals there is a growing interest in everything Russian. In Chengdu, St. Petersburg residents met a Chinese woman who even took Russian name Kate.

Katya helped us buy tickets at train stations, took us on excursions, and told us a lot about local traditions,” explains Tatyana. - For example, in Chengdu, in one of the parks, every weekend older Chinese gather with some strange pieces of paper. It turned out that these were “dating folders.” Young people work a lot, so they have no time to search for their other half. But their parents, retirees, have a lot of time. They make special dossiers on their children - with photographs and parameters: age, height, eye color, education, work, hobbies. Parents sit next to each other, exchange folders, select a suitable candidate, and go with their families to a restaurant. If children like each other, they begin to be “friends.” By the way, Chinese women are much more chaste than Russian women. For example, it is not customary for them to meet people on the street. And even the shortest miniskirts have shorts sewn inside.

Chicken - with claws, tomatoes - with sugar

But when the translator Katya was not around, the residents of St. Petersburg had to figure it out themselves.

It is especially difficult to explain yourself in restaurants, because a mistake when choosing a dish can be fatal, says Tatyana. - Therefore, we printed out the hieroglyphs in advance that represented the concepts “I don’t eat spicy”, “Noodles”, “Bring a fork” and several others.

All visiting tourists should be prepared for the fact that food in the Middle Kingdom is always a lottery and has nothing to do with the adapted “Chinese” food that we are accustomed to in Russia.

Duck, chicken - everything is chopped together with bones, sinews, chicken legs are served with claws, - explains Tatyana. - Once they brought us a dish consisting of chicken skin and cucumber peelings! Another time - soup with raw chicken and rice with rotten shrimp. The hostess explained that this was “planned.” Tomatoes are served as fruit with sugar in a salad with oranges. Bull eggs are also a special delicacy and are sold directly on the streets. Just like rotting tofu cheese - it is buried in the ground for six months and only then eaten. I walked past such counters, covering my mouth and nose. There is a lot of pepper in all dishes. It’s good that I took half a suitcase of food for children from Russia. By the way, the products we are used to in local money in China are very expensive. For example, a kilogram of apples - about 360 rubles, bananas - 200 rubles, a liter of milk - 500 rubles, yogurt - 130 rubles. They spent a lot on food for the children, and also saved themselves with local dumplings, although sometimes they suddenly turned out to contain grass or something sweet.

Despite the difficulties, the Bedarev family says it is impossible not to fall in love with China.

It’s a pity that the “ubiquitous” Russian tourist does not travel further than Beijing, Shanghai and beachy Hainan, says Tatyana. - If you are not afraid to deviate from standard routes and prepare a little, you can visit Amazing places- for example, the colorful lakes of Jiuzhaigou, included in the UNESCO heritage list. Video cameras monitor tourists there so that they do not touch the unique water with their hands. Or walk along the “path of fear” in the Zhangjiajie mountains. And even a stroller with two small children is not a hindrance, because a high-speed elevator takes you to the top of the mountain.

The beauty and intelligence of Russian girls are attracting more and more Chinese suitors, and they are not embarrassed by either regional or language differences. Not only in the Far East, but also in other Russian regions In marriage agencies, the number of applications submitted by Chinese people is growing every day.

However, many of them do not forget to put forward certain requirements regarding the appearance of their prospective partners. And this is, in principle, normal. However, the “European standards” of some Chinese when choosing girls cannot but bring smiles to the employees of marriage agencies.

Despite the fact that the tastes of the Chinese seem to be more and more similar to those of Europeans, Americans and Russians, there are still significant differences between them.

Many Russian girls who like Chinese men cannot understand why they prefer the classic type: big nose and blond hair. After all, this is so hackneyed!

Chinese men say that snow-white skin is a sign of beauty, even if it looks a little painful. For them, white skin is a sign of prosperity in the family. Most Russians like dark skin, but for the Chinese it is a sign of decline in the family.

In China, they believe that if a man does not have white skin, this means that he works all day under the sun. And dark-skinned women are considered lazy and dirty, not taking care of themselves.

In Russia, the question is “where did you get that tan?” is considered a compliment. This means that a person has money to relax at sea and soak up the sun. In China, such a phrase will only cause anger. For Chinese women, there is no worse enemy than sunlight.

IN ancient China the ideal of beauty was fragile, graceful girls. Small legs, scarlet lips - that’s what men liked. However, times are changing. In the 19th century came to the Celestial Empire European culture, and traditional aesthetic views have been revised. And with the advent of Western films and television series, the Chinese began to be even more sensitive to beauty.

Today, the Chinese attitude to beauty more and more resembles the Western one: in fashion plump lips, high bridge of the nose, lush breasts, wide hips. Chinese international brands prefer to hire foreign models or those Chinese women whose appearance is similar to Western ones. And those who feel inferior because round face and eyelids without creases, they go to Korea and spend a lot of money on plastic surgery.

The Chinese are more and more eager to become related to Europeans. For many rich people with tight wallets, marrying a beautiful foreigner or simply having an affair with such a girl can be a justification for huge spending.

Men have always strived for power and to get a beautiful wife. However, if we're talking about about Russian men, they are a little unhappy. Russian beauties are gradually increasingly preferring foreign husbands. Another unexpected news is that Russian women suddenly hold caring, sincere Chinese men in high esteem. International marriages have become very popular, especially among Russian citizens who want to get married and go abroad. This phenomenon originated in the mid-90s of the last century and only intensified at the end of the century. This mainly manifests itself among young girls: women under the age of 30 make up 60% of such Russian women, their average age- 28 years. However, not only the Chinese dream of getting a Russian wife. The reason for such love for Russian beauties is that they have a high level of culture, they are beautiful, and they endure hardships. At the end of the 20th century, the process of marriage between Russian girls and foreigners was gradually systematized, many Russian businessmen made a fortune from organizing marriage agencies, which are mainly popular among women.

Why don't Russian girls want to marry their compatriots? They say that, like many Russian women, they have always dreamed of finding a life partner in their country. Unfortunately, many Russian men behave arrogantly, think only about their own problems, and do not value women at all. Many girls marry foreigners in the hope of a better future; they want to feel like women again, mistresses of the house, and not be with a man who depends on his wife for everything. In Russia, a man who doesn’t drink is almost a gift from God. Of course, not all representatives of the stronger sex are so bad. Many experts believe that international marriages, especially with Russian women, lead to a loss of genetic potential, and this is as bad as the drain of qualified specialists. International marriages have led to the most serious demographic crisis in the country since the Great Patriotic War.

According to statistics, this process has resulted in many negative consequences for Russian society, and it will only get worse. For example, due to "loss" large quantity women may experience an imbalance in the sex ratio, a loss of genetic potential and a weakening of the vitality of the Russian nation. In Russia there is popular song“Such as Putin”, in which it is sung that girls would like to find themselves a man similar to Russian President. However, everyone cannot marry Putin, and there are few people like him in the country. What kind of men do Russian beauties like? One answer to this question surprised the Chinese: caring and sincere Chinese men. One of the advantages of Chinese husbands is their concern for the family. Of course, there are also in China different people, however, the vast majority are ready to bear full responsibility for your family. In married life Russian wives can appreciate all the advantages of a Chinese husband. If he is engaged in trade, they, of course, will spend much less time together, but the husband will be able to guarantee normal life for wife and children. If his salary is small and his wife also needs to work, he will still help her in every possible way. In general, a caring Chinese husband is not a myth at all, but a very real phenomenon.

The second positive quality of Chinese husbands is that they do not drink. Therefore, more and more Russian girls are striving to link their destiny with them. Deputies Chita region confirm this: the number of marriages between local girls and workers who came from the PRC to Chita to work is constantly increasing. The Chinese do not drink, are hardworking, and take care of their families. All these positive qualities local men are so lacking! At the end of the 80s of the last century, Russia and China were approximately at the same level, why is there such a difference between them now? a big difference? Russian woman Tatiana, who does business in Beijing, says: “The Chinese are very hard-working! They have a specific purpose. At one factory, I saw that workers, in order to send goods to Russia on time, did not sleep for two days in a row.”

Third advantage: Chinese husbands treat marriage conscientiously. The English newspaper The Times wrote that Chinese men have such wonderful qualities like hard work and the desire to advance career ladder. Chinese man Ma Ailin is married to a foreigner. He told reporters that Chinese men's reverent attitude towards relationships and marriage cannot help but captivate the hearts of overseas maidens. Fourth advantage: Chinese men are sincere. If we ask the foreign women themselves who married Chinese, we may find out what they value so much in these men.

Since Russia is a cold country, women's fertility is relatively low. Let's add to this the Russians' dislike for Europeans and Americans. However, at the same time, they are envious of their lives, so the idea of ​​having fewer children or not having children at all has become quite popular. In any city, in any small area, you can see single women. Some have children, some don't. But they all have one thing in common - the absence of a man.

The autumn wind scattered leaves on the ground, in a small birch grove on the benches you can only see pigeons, or lonely women, no matter how old or young they are. They sit, deep in thought: probably indulging in memories, carefully replaying moments from the past in their heads. They are like paintings. All that remains is to add the name: “Mother” or “Widow”, and you can take them to the competition for a prize. However, do we know what secret meaning this picture? Loneliness, sadness, memories, grief - all this overwhelms their souls and hearts.

Russian men are quite insensitive, they usually prefer women to make the first move. Only beautiful girl can attract a man and earn his favor. Russian girls are not short on beauty: tall, eloquent, with big eyes. Their gaze can pierce right through a man's heart.
Good in Russia social Security, widows, for example, have a normal pension or a job. Enough money for bread, sausage, caviar, butter and vegetables. However, only they themselves know what is going on inside these women.

Russian women smoke and drink a lot. At the same time, they are generous and open, do not hide their emotions, and speak openly about their feelings. Young girls are romantic and flighty, but after marriage they change because they are afraid of losing their loved one.

But in the end, let's remember Chinese men once again. After all, besides money, they have many other advantages!

For some time now, many in Russia have believed that China is our friend and ally against the United States and NATO. Like we have common interests, common enemies and competitors... Plus, many of our fellow citizens like the PRC also because, unlike the USSR, it followed a successful path of development, and if we sold the country for chewing gum and jeans, then the Chinese dispersed their “perestroika” ”, remained a socialist country, carried out normal economic reforms and are now the most successful and fastest growing economy in the world...

True, many people know, but prefer not to remember the conflict in Daman Peninsula in 1969. And the Russian-language information segment sometimes includes atlases and maps from Chinese educational institutions, in which a very significant part of Siberia and Far East marked as “original Chinese territory.” But we continue to turn a blind eye to this, convincing ourselves that “this is a lie, a fake, the Chinese do not need cold Siberia, and in general they cannot even develop and populate their northern territories.”

I have been to China many times for work and communicate with the locals. And one day I managed to find out one thing that I want to tell everyone, and at the same time - dispel the entrenched Lately the myth that China is our friend (and that we can generally expect anything good from it)…

During another work trip to China (related to business), I had the opportunity to meet and work for some time with a Chinese businessman who previously served in the PLA (Chinese army) and is a retired colonel (in Chinese - Shangxiao). And during one of the conversations with him, I decided to talk with him about politics, about the situation in the world, and at the same time - about the topic of partnership and friendship between our countries. And during the conversation he suddenly tells me something like this:

- “Pavel, I have nothing against you, you good man. And many Russians too good people. But...Do you think that we and our leadership look at Russia as an equal partner? Wake up! Take a close look at where you and where we are lately! You betrayed communist ideals, surrendered your country, threw to the winds everything that your ancestors created over decades and centuries, and turned into a third-rate weak country that is ruled by outright thieves and bandits, which has nothing to offer the world except raw materials, and which holds its position only due to Soviet nuclear weapons. And your people have turned into a corrupted biomass, having lost moral principles and national identity. Do you think we consider you friends? Our friendship with your country is only temporary and rational, and when we finally get back on our feet and become the first country in the world, everything will change a lot.”

He further told me that since the time of Mao, there was a plan to attack Russia among the Chinese military command and party leadership. And if earlier no one thought about the implementation and implementation of this plan, then after the collapse of the USSR they began to think about it more seriously. Moreover, the Chinese are in no hurry in this regard. They are gradually increasing their power and waiting for Russia to weaken. And at the same time, they are already planning to send their people to gradually populate Russian cities and territories located north of China. Now and in the very next few years, there will most likely not be a war, but in 10-15 years, when China finally becomes a world superpower (and its army is the strongest, most numerous and technologically advanced), and the degradation and backwardness of Russia becomes critical, a rapid and surprise attack, followed by occupation Russian territory all the way to the Urals. He said, “We need your Natural resources and huge free territories for settlement and economic development. If this plan is implemented, in the future, large cities and towns will be built throughout the former Russian territory with the help of high technologies to accommodate tens of hundreds of millions of people, who are becoming increasingly crowded on the territory of the PRC.”

When I asked him what would happen to the Russian inhabitants of these territories in this case, he did not answer me anything specific, but hinted that one of the secret points of that plan was the condition that ultimately there should not be any left in the entire territory up to the Urals. one Russian resident. That is, if China seizes the Far East, Siberia and the Urals, not a single Russian should remain settlement, and the entire local population faces either death or expulsion to European part Russia...

Actually, this is how things are. Think. After this, no one should have any doubt that China is not only not our ally, but also potentially the most dangerous enemy in history (more dangerous than the United States and even more dangerous than Hitler).

And since the processes of weakening and degradation of Russia have become irreversible, and hardly anyone can stop China (and even now it’s unlikely that anything can be corrected) - all residents of the Asian part of Russia are better off thinking about moving soon. For - if everything that was described above happens - not everyone will be able to escape alive (as refugees) ...

I have already addressed the topic of Chinese-Russian relations, however, I would like to talk about it again. In light of the fact, what do the Chinese themselves think about this friendship, and who are the Russians for them? This is all the more interesting given the rapprochement between the two countries that has now begun.

Whether we are good or bad for the Chinese is impossible to give a definite answer.
I also talked with the Chinese themselves, and my son, who studies Chinese in foreign language. He has many Chinese friends, including a native speaker teacher. Even to us New Year a friend of his from Taiwan comes to visit, who is studying Russian in our country.
In addition, a Chinese-Russian family lives next door to us.
And of course, I dug through Internet forums where the Chinese express their opinions about our country, about ourselves, and about our relations.

As elsewhere, these relationships are different. How many people, so many opinions.
And considering that the Chinese are cunning people, mindful of themselves, and in almost every Chinese there lives the ancient belief that he is better and smarter than any foreigner, including Russians, these relationships are extremely curious.
For example, among themselves they call all foreigners “Yangguians” (overseas devils) and “Daobizi” (big-nosed ones).
In general, the Chinese treat Russians quite kindly. Still, the historical past of our countries has an effect: during the times of socialism, China considered Soviet Union his big brother.
Moreover, Chinese men really like Russian women. They have this expression: 俄罗斯美女, beautiful Russian girl! Moreover, they only say this about Russian girls; other nationalities do not have such a privilege. Moreover, marrying a Russian is cherished dream any normal Chinese man.

What else do the Chinese think about us?
And they think quite interestingly, and sometimes funny.
For example, the Russian language, they believe, has no rules and is therefore easy to learn. And the greatest Russian poet, whose name in Chinese sounds like Pu-Shi-Kin (普希金), is the universal hope for gold, and it is translated from Russian as Da-Pao, that is, a big pistol. Pushkin, the Chinese write, loved to brag about his sexual abilities, but Catherine II, for example, did not need to brag.

In addition, according to the Chinese, Russians pay great attention to the cultural education of their children. Russians have many talented inventors, but all their inventions end up being used in other countries.
The Russians defeated the Germans, defeated the Japanese, and their army is still the strongest in the world. For example, they can defeat Japan in two weeks, England in a week, and Germany in a month.

The Chinese write a lot about Russia on the Internet. For example, on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, that is, Sina Weibo, there are many comments about us. There you can find reviews from the Chinese who often visit our country. They especially love Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, and Vladivostok. Moreover, everyone compares the two countries not in favor of their homeland. In their opinion, Russia is a very clean and tidy country.
They are surprised that we are cheap public utilities, and there are also benefits. For example - “The government gives all elderly Russians who have worked in a real job a dacha for relaxation...”
Plus free medicine and education.
In addition, the Russians have very friendly police officers. They just don’t know how to speak Chinese and English.

According to the Chinese, the Russian people have no traditions of democracy, but have a desire for individualism. Moreover, Russians are so contradictory that, despite their individualism, they are also distinguished by their slavish obedience.
There are also such opinions on the Chinese Internet: “Let the east wind blow, let the drums of war thunder, let’s see who is afraid of whom in this world! Don’t be afraid of the southern tiger (USA), but protect yourself from the northern bear!”
Many Chinese consider Siberia theirs and call it the northern territories. For example, on the same Chinese Twitter there are conclusions regarding the relocation of the Chinese to the northern territories. I'll probably quote him in full:

"There will be no war between the United States and Russia, nor between China and Russia - we cannot butt heads, and this is the root of the problem. China cannot use nuclear weapon, to fight with Russia, but Russia also cannot use nuclear weapons to fight with displaced people! It is clear that the Russians will put all possible obstacles in the way of the settlers, but what can they do? Completely ban the entry of Chinese into Russian territory? Completely stop Chinese-Russian trade? IN large quantities expel the Chinese? On this moment China and Russia are temporary strategic partners and act in the name of mutual interests, so the “hour” of immigration has not yet come, since both sides cannot “lose face.” But still, if such actions are carried out as spontaneously popular ones, and normal relations are continued at the government level, then this will not affect the confrontation with the United States and Japan in the Asia-Pacific region and the unification with Taiwan."

As I said above, the Chinese have different opinions and sentiments towards us. However, as we do with them. But still there are more pros than cons. Yes, and there are positive dynamics.
For example, on the Chinese Internet, and in society as a whole, the following calls and slogans began to appear more and more often:
- Russians, I support you! I look forward to the revival of your country!
- Russian brothers, even when it was difficult for them, helped us in our hard times. We must do everything we can to help them now.
- The enemy of my enemy, my friend.
That's how the Chinese are...