How to draw a space rocket with a pencil step by step. How to draw a rocket: a few simple ways to help an adult

Some of the children dream of becoming a doctor, others a hairdresser or a president. If your child dreams of becoming an astronaut or is simply interested in everything related to space, then it’s time to pick up colored pencils and, through creativity, immerse him in the vast space of the universe. What is space without spaceship and rockets? In this master class you will see how simple and easy it is to draw a rocket.

You will need: colored pencils, a thin black marker, a pencil and a sheet of white paper.

How to draw a rocket - rocket body

The rocket body is drawn with 3 lines, and its shape is close to a triangle.

How to draw a rocket - the “legs” of the rocket

The rocket needs support, so it's time to draw the legs. Please note that the legs are the same length.

How to draw a rocket - rocket porthole

Each rocket must have a window called a porthole. It can be square or round in shape. We will draw a round window. To do this, draw 2 circles. One circle is larger, and the second is smaller (inside the large circle).

How to draw a rocket - decorate the rocket

Our space rocket is unusual. It's time to decorate it. At this stage, give your child a choice. He can create his own rocket design. In this master class we decorated the rocket with a straight line at the bottom, stripes on the body of the rocket and drew semicircular lines on the legs.

How to draw a rocket - launch the rocket

In order for our rocket to fly, we need to draw a light or flash at the bottom.

How to draw a rocket - bringing our drawing to life

Now it's time to decorate the rocket. Let's add colors and bring our drawing to life. Try not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing.

How to draw a rocket - outline the drawing

Take a black marker and trace the drawing. You can skip this step and leave it without a stroke.

How to draw a rocket - adding special effects

To make the rocket visually fly on paper, add lines around the drawing. This way it will be clear that the rocket is aimed at the sky and is ready to conquer space.

How to draw a rocket - continue to fantasize

The rocket will be bored on a white sheet of paper without the sky and planets. Develop the space theme. Let your child use his imagination and try to draw planets, the sky or an astronaut.

Drawing is not difficult at all. Through simple master classes you will help your child develop imagination and logic. Now it won’t be too difficult for you to draw a rocket. Simple movements pencil, a white sheet of paper can turn into a cosmic universe.

I decided to show you. Looks scary, I hope it will be easier to draw. Before we get started, I’ll tell you about Pioneer-10. This is a rocket that for the first time in the world went beyond our borders. solar system. And all thanks to bright minds Soviet Union. And in 1972, we got a device capable of not only breaking away from Earth’s gravity, but also developing a third cosmic speed and flying away from the sun. This is not the end of the story. The pioneer carries with him a sign for the green men (we call the aliens). And if on his way he meets a representative of another civilization, he will see a sign with drawn people and with our cosmic coordinates. And in 34,600 AD, the rocket will be more than 10 light years away from us. So we'll wait. Perhaps our great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren in intercontinental online conversations with humanoids and find out about the fate of Pioneer 10. Perhaps the sign will be returned to its homeland. While we're waiting, let's have a good time and draw.

How to draw a rocket with a pencil step by step

Step one Now let's determine the location of our rocket. From the upper right corner we draw two straight lines diagonally. Let's connect them with a sharp “house”. From geometric shapes let's create a foundation. Let's draw a few more parallel to the main lines.
Step two Draw the side blocks. Then the wings. Let's set the volume to the base.
Step three Each rocket is conical in shape. Let's carefully draw the edge. The arcs on the body will show us rounded shape. Each rocket block ends with its own engine. Let's draw the base. Cables go to it.
Step four The main structure is ready. It remains to revive it a little with inscriptions and very small details. I think you succeeded! Don't forget to leave comments and attach your rocket pictures below.
I also recommend that you try drawing.

In today's step-by-step master class We will learn how to draw a rocket with pencils. This pattern can complement any school work, for example, a report on the topic of space or physics.

And on the eve of Cosmonautics Day, a rocket in perspective, using colored pencils, can be depicted on a sheet of Whatman paper in a large format and supplemented with congratulatory words. This is how we get a school wall newspaper or the basis for a postcard.

Required materials for drawing:

  • school pencil for sketching a rocket;
  • paper;
  • colored pencils in black and dark brown;
  • eraser.

Rocket image stages:

Let's make a sketch of our rocket on a blank landscape sheet of paper, which will be placed in perspective. To do this, first draw one long line, which will be the central one. We will draw three vertical lines on it to determine the size and location of the main parts of the rocket.

Then we sketch out the main outline of the rocket, around the lines of the figure. Now you can see where the front and back of the rocket will be, as well as the middle.

We begin to draw in more detail the details on the rocket. Here below we will draw wings with different sides. In the middle we will clarify the shape and draw a circle.

Let's work in more detail on the nose part of the rocket (if you want to draw a combat rocket, it will be the warhead). It is located at the very front. Let's add small parts and move on to the next stage.

Now we bring the entire drawing of the rocket to perfection, so that at the next stage we can start coloring it with colored pencils. Let's walk along the contour of the rocket. We will adjust as necessary. Let's add details throughout the drawing, adding volume and perspective.

Using a dark brown pencil we begin to color our finished step by step drawing rockets. We create light, penumbra and shadow on the flying object. Let's walk along the contour of the rocket and outline the small details.

God does not give everyone the ability to fine arts, not all of us are artists. But it happens that a little son or even a grandson suddenly asks to draw him a rocket. And what should you answer him at this moment? Especially if an adult, who should be able to do everything in the world and be an example for a child, does not know how to draw a rocket. This article can help adults in this difficult matter.

Schematic representation of a rocket

The image of a starship for very young children can be quite sketchy. This pattern is perfect for decorating a sign on a clothes locker in kindergarten, as an applique on boys' suits and T-shirts or wallpaper in the room. Even the most mediocre draftsman can figure out how to draw a rocket of this type.

Master class on drawing a rocket

Older children can be offered more difficult option. To make the starship as similar as possible to the real one, you should use a master class. It gives detailed instructions on how to draw a rocket step by step.

When performing actions to depict a given object, you should simultaneously explain to the child why a rocket needs wings, nozzles, and why fire bursts out of the holes. After all, thanks to the fire escaping from the nozzles (the jet stream), the movement of this space transport occurs. For clarity, you can even conduct an experiment with balloon. First, it is inflated and then released, allowing the gas that has accumulated inside to escape. Let the baby see and comment on what will happen to him. balloon: he will take off like a rocket (albeit for a very short time)!

Give freedom to the flight of children's imagination

And after you succeed in drawing a rocket together, you can invite the child to complete the drawing on his own. Of course, a child’s imagination will make the image different from the one offered to him by an adult. After all, the mentor teaches the child how to draw a rocket with a pencil, and the little artist will definitely approach the process creatively and color the rocket with felt-tip pens, paints, or even depict alien stars, the sun and, perhaps, even aliens nearby.

Other ways to depict a rocket

  1. Copying a design from paper using glass. Of course, you should first choose a suitable image. Then you need to put the drawing on the glass, covering it with a clean sheet, where the object will subsequently be located. A backlight is installed under the glass, and then the outline of the rocket is carefully outlined. You can use ordinary window glass (if drawing occurs during the day).
  2. There is another way to draw a rocket - transfer the drawing using carbon paper. Here it is important not to confuse which side is placed under the sheet with the drawing, otherwise there may be a risk of damage to the book or album.
  3. The “cellular method” of drawing allows you to change the scale of the copied image. The drawn object can be enlarged or, conversely, made smaller. The original drawing and a blank sheet are lined with squares. Carefully examining each cell individually, clean slate They try to reproduce as accurately as possible all the lines that are in the copied drawing. It is important to explain to the child that the result is not exactly an original work, because the artist is simply “copying” without using his imagination.

The rocket is the fastest transport on planet Earth. However, it cannot move like a car or plane, transporting people from one place to another.

Her goal is to reach the limits of heights and visit different parts of our Universe. Therefore, the speed of the rocket is very high! It reaches 11 km per second, which cannot but surprise the little guys. A fun activities on drawing rockets with a pencil for children will help consolidate knowledge about this amazing transport.

This is the drawing of the rocket we will end up with:

Necessary materials

  • marker;
  • blue, yellow, orange and red pencil;
  • simple pencil.

How to draw a rocket with pencils step by step

1. Let's outline the upper part of the rocket in the form of a triangle.

2. Next, move a little lower and depict the cabin.

3. Let's draw three windows of different sizes. Through them, astronauts will be able to observe in space the indescribable beauty of the Universe.

4. Now let’s draw wings on the sides.

5. Add a fire-shaped tail at the bottom.

6. We outline our rocket drawing with a black marker.

7. Simple gray pencil Let's decorate the upper part in the form of a triangle and the rim separating the cabin from the tail.

8. Red color will be applied to the rocket's wings and cockpit.

9. The tail should resemble a flame in color. Therefore, to decorate it, we will take yellow, orange and red pencils. Let's smoothly apply one color to another for a beautiful transitional flame tone.

10. Color each window with a blue pencil. We will also apply its color around the rocket.

Now you know how to draw a rocket for children. Our beautiful drawing can make you and your children happy.