How to draw a regular eye. Do you know how to draw eyes correctly?

Eyes are not only the most expressive part of the face, but also an amazing mirror of the human soul.

Most often, a person can be recognized by his eyes. And in order to be able to do this using a portrait, you need to know how to draw eyes. Beginning artists often make mistakes when drawing eyes. You can draw realistic eyes or depict them. Various artists offer various options About, how to draw eyes with a pencil. However, they all adhere to a certain sequence.

Eye location

First of all, you must position the eyes correctly on the piece of paper. To do this, draw a horizontal line across the sheet.

Do not press hard on the tool, because this will be an auxiliary line that will need to be removed later. Following the line, draw an almond-shaped eye so that on one side the lines taper downwards.

Distance between eyes

It is important to remember the distance between the eyes. It is generally accepted that it is equal to one more eye. Therefore, you can measure or draw a light line on the auxiliary eye in the middle, position the second eye, and then remove the auxiliary eye with an eraser.


The next step is the eyeball.

First, delete the horizontal guide line that you drew at the very beginning. Draw a circle inside the eye shapes. Remember that the diameter of the eyeball should be equal to the width of the eye. But you need to position it in such a way that there is a small space left next to the lower eyelid, and the top of the circle extends slightly beyond the upper eyelid.

Tear ducts

No realistically depicted eye would be complete without tear ducts.

Therefore, you need to depict them by drawing a line in the place where the eyes approach the bridge of the nose.

Borders of the century

In order to make the eyes more natural, you need to draw the boundaries of the eyelids, that is, show their thickness.

This applies to the lower eyelid, so you will need to draw along it. Draw a border running from the tear duct along the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. Your line should go under the eyeball, but not touch it.


Let's draw a smaller circle, which we will place inside the previously drawn eyeball.

It will serve as a boundary separating the iris and the darkest part of the eye, the black pupil. Also remember to draw an arc for the upper eyelid that should go around the upper border of the previously drawn eyeball, but not touch it.

Erase extra lines

In order for the eyes to look natural, you need to remove the upper part great circle, which extends beyond the upper eyelid and almost touches its borders.

As a result, it turns out that the iris of the eye is slightly covered by the upper eyelid.

It's time to highlight the drawn eyes. To do this, make the upper eyelid more expressive by making its line bolder. The upper border of the eyelid is also worth highlighting, but not as much as the eyelid itself, which is in contact with the iris of the eye.


The iris of the eye also requires special attention.

Doesn't happen in nature identical eyes. Each pair of eyes has its own unique pattern. You also need to draw a design on the iris of the eyes you drew. Draw the rays that come from the very depths of the soul, that is, from the black pupil, and tend to the edges of the iris, the upper part of which should be slightly darkened.


In any case, when we draw eyes, we must understand that they have a glossy surface, which means they reflect the light that falls from one side.

As a result, part of the iris appears lighter to us, and some part is completely white. To reflect this on paper, use an eraser and lightly touch the bottom of the iris, thus adding the necessary highlight. The same must be done with the shadows around the eyes, the upper eyelid and the tear duct.

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We really hope that our lessons will help you in drawing human eyes with a pencil step by step. Experiment and develop your own drawing method, find best ways achieving a specific texture or effect.

How to draw a realistic eye with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    1. Sketch out a linear drawing with a hard pencil:
    2. Look where the darkest areas should be (and darken them):

  • Step 2

    3. Look again where the darkest areas of the iris should be:
    4. Carefully examine the eye and begin to work out the shape with shadows, trying to create depth:

  • Step 3

    5. Shade the iris:
    6. Repeat shading several times:

  • Step 4

    7. Using a nag (sculpting a sharp tip), try to rub a few light lines so that the iris does not look “empty”:
    8. Work a little more with the nag until you are satisfied with the result:

  • Step 5

    9. The white of the eye is not so white, try to sketch out the light and shadow, highlighting the shape:
    10. Blend using tortillon:

  • Step 6

    11. Since final stage looks too dark, use a highlighter to brighten it:
    12. Let's start with the upper eyelid, drawing the darkest area:

  • Step 7

    13. Basically, drawing an eye is a matter of realistic light and shadow:
    14. Use a paper towel to blend the eyelid. It still looks a little flat, but we'll draw in the eyelashes before adding highlights to the eyelids:

  • Step 8

    15. Before drawing eyelashes, decide where they grow from:
    16. Try drawing your upper eyelashes as curved as bows. And remember - they are different lengths:

  • Step 9

    17. Start working on your lower lashes. For now they may not be too realistic:
    18. Using light strokes, we begin to work on the area between the eye and eyebrow:

  • Step 10

    19. Use a paper towel to blend:
    20. Repeat the shading process several times and don't be afraid to shade:

  • Step 11

    21. Starting to work on the eyebrow, mark the most noticeable lines:
    22. Darken the areas that you consider necessary and lightly blend. When shading, try different tools and choose the ones that suit you best:

  • Step 12

    23. At this stage, I begin to darken (and shade) everything that seems “flat” and “empty”:
    24. We begin to work with the lower eyelid:

  • Step 13

    25. Work out and shade the most noticeable lines and areas:
    26. You can add a little "realism" by drawing some wrinkles with pencil lines on top of the shading:

  • Step 14

    27. Repeat the last step several times. I added shadows where the nose is supposed to be:
    28. Let's continue working:

  • Step 15

    29. Blend using a paper napkin:
    30. Job finished!

Video: how to draw a human eye with a pencil

How to draw a girl's eye with a pencil

How to draw a realistic girl's eye

  • Step 1

    Sketch the outline.

  • Step 2

    Take a soft brush and dip it into graphite powder (you can get it by sharpening a 5H pencil). Then we will cover our sketch with two or three layers of tone. The brush should gently shade and smooth the image. Try to avoid getting tones in the highlights on the iris. If graphite still gets on the highlight, clean this area with an eraser (knead).

  • Step 3

    Repeat the previous step using a smaller brush. Start shaping the outline of the eye by shading the areas that you want to be darker.

  • Step 4

    Using a nag, clean the areas that should be light.

  • Step 5

    Use a 2B pencil to outline the darkest areas, such as the pupil, darken the top of the iris and the crease of the upper eyelid.

  • Step 6

    Use light pressure to draw the iris around the pupil (5H pencil).

  • Step 7

    Darken the iris using a 2B pencil.

  • Step 8

    Use a knead to work on the iris to soften the contrast. Add graphite as needed to create the desired tone. Let's move on to the white of the eye (pencil 2B). Draw eye shadow on the squirrel.

  • Step 9

    Now let's start working on the skin. We use an HB pencil. Use light circular motions to add color to the upper eyelid and under the brow bone. Start with the areas that you want to be darker (in this case, the skin near the crease of the upper eyelid) and work your way to the lighter areas. Use a paper napkin and a brush to smooth out any rough spots or spots.

  • Step 10

    Add skin tones in the lower eyelid area.

  • Step 11

    For now we continue to work with the HB pencil. Add shadows to the skin. Use 5H and 2B pencils to show the thickness of the lower eyelid and darken it.

  • Step 12

    Use an HB pencil. To show wrinkles, draw thin lines on the skin and then use a knob to create light lines next to the dark ones. Blend the paper using a brush to soften the lines. We use the same method on the highlight in the corner of the eye (Third eyelid). Draw an eyebrow. When drawing eyebrows, you need to keep the pencil sharp.

  • Step 13

    Draw eyelashes (pencil 2B). First, let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the upper eyelid. Start drawing from the root of each hair. Follow the direction of hair growth and lighten the pressure on the pencil so that each hair is thicker at the root and pointed towards the end. Show the reflection of the eyelashes on the highlight of the iris.

  • Step 14

    Now let's show the eyelashes on the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Note that the eyebrow and eyelashes located on the outer edge of the lower eyelid should be lighter than the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

  • Step 15

    The work is ready.

Video: how to draw a realistic girl's eye

How to simply draw women's eyes step by step

  • Step 1

    First, outline the boundaries of the future drawing. This will make the further drawing process much easier.

  • Step 2

    Use two ovals to indicate the location of the eyes.

  • Step 3

    How to draw eyes depends on your personal preference. Therefore, use light lines to outline the cut you like.

  • Step 4

    Now move on to the rest of the details. Mark the contours of the bridge of the nose.

  • Step 5

    An important role in how to draw eyes is played by the direction of the gaze. Therefore, designate the irises so that the expression of the eyes is meaningful.

  • Step 6

    Then draw the pupils. Their size depends on the lighting: the brighter the light, the more they narrow.

  • Step 7

    The eyeball has rounded shape, which is why it is visible above the eye shape.

  • Step 8

    The role of eyebrows should also not be underestimated. Draw them and give the look expressiveness/audience/joy or something else.

  • Step 9

    Use a softer pencil to correct the resulting unevenness and fill in the pupils.

  • Step 10

    Draw beautiful, thick eyelashes if the eyes belong to a woman. If you are drawing male eyes, you can skip this step.

  • Step 11

    Now draw the lower eyelashes.

  • Step 12

    Draw the eyebrows more specifically, clarify the shape of the irises.

  • Step 13

    You can shade the area of ​​the upper eyelid with a hard, soft pencil.

  • Step 14

A lot of people miss the little things, but important details the structure of the eye, representing it schematically. For example, many people forget to draw the third eyelid in the corners of the eyes near the nose, or that the eyelid usually casts a shadow on the iris. If you want to learn how to draw, I recommend starting to draw from memory, rather than copying someone’s eye from a photograph, then you will consciously remember the basic principles.

First, mark a barely noticeable horizontal line on a piece of paper (later we will erase it), the entire drawing will be built from it, but during construction it serves as a guide.

Now we draw the outline of the eyes, which will also be the boundaries for the eyelids. Please note that the pupil is in human eye It is not located exactly in the middle of the eye, but is shifted slightly upward. This is very important for creating a realistic look.

When the main boundaries are outlined, you can start shading. To do this, it is better to change the pencil and take one as soft as possible so that the shading is dense without pressure. Mark in advance a highlight on the iris that will slightly “overshadow” the pupil; there is no need to shade this area (erasing dense shading is a hassle!).

Have you shaded the pupil? Moving on to the iris, shade it with thin lines without going into the highlights. It should always remain the brightest part of your eye, this will give it a realistic "wetness". There is no need to try to draw everything perfectly at once, to draw out every line, you need to create the general appearance of the eye, outline how the light falls on it.

Let's move on to centuries. Apply shading not with sharp movements, but with long lines, following the smooth shape of the eyelids. This will immediately give them impressive volume. Do not press hard on the pencil, but rather use shading to shade all the shaded details.

This can be a thick napkin or a piece of clean fleecy cloth. But don't start shading with dark details like the pupil, it will get dirty and then mess up the whole drawing! First we shade the lightest parts, the sequence is as follows: the eyelid, the white of the eye, then the iris and only finally the pupil.

The eye turned out well, but may look a little pale. To “revive” it, you need to add a few details. Make a clearer and more pronounced contour of the iris, shade the outer and inner sides of the eyelid, slightly darken the areas of the iris adjacent to the pupil and its outer circumference.

Just don’t make all the strokes the same, they should be of different lengths and thicknesses, then the look will sparkle with lively sparkles. Don't forget about the third eyelid. There is often glare in the corner of the eye. Just use an eraser to erase a small spot to create a highlight, but not as bright as on the iris.

Finally the eyelashes. We draw them only last, otherwise they will interfere with shading the eyelid! Real eyelashes are never straight, they are always slightly curved. We start drawing eyelashes from the upper eyelid, draw slightly curved arches (the length of eyelashes is different for each person, it all depends on your desire, but do not overdo it). Then we slightly thicken the base of each to give them thickness and volume. Don't forget to tilt your eyelashes according to the shape of your eyelids!

Many aspiring artists strive most to draw human faces. This is understandable: the face is the most important aesthetic component of the body, and orders for portraits are received much more often than, say, for images of feet.

If you have already more or less studied general structure the human head, the initial construction and basics of chiaroscuro, you can begin to master the details. The most expressive part of the face is, without a doubt, the eyes - it is these that we will learn to draw today.

So let's get started!

First sketch out the outline of your eye. Designate general shape, outline the tear duct and eyelid.

Then draw the outlines of the iris and pupil, then outline the outline of the highlights and lightly shade the iris, avoiding the intended highlights.

In the next step, shade the pupil (make it darker right away to separate it from the iris). Start drawing the veins on the iris, and also draw a falling shadow from the upper eyelid. Do not press too hard on the pencil so that you can gradually build up the tone in the right places.

Draw the veins on the iris more carefully, work out the shadows above the upper eyelid, and also draw a shadow under the lower one. Use a thin edge of the cut elastic around the eye: on this light line we will draw the eyelashes.

Draw eyelashes - and the drawing will immediately take on a completely different look. The upper eyelashes cross, forming “triangles”. The lower eyelashes are usually much thinner, shorter and sparser than the upper ones. It would also be a good idea to work out the texture of the iris in more detail: apply dark dots and strokes to it, and also carefully erase tiny light areas with an eraser.

It remains to work on the details. Strengthen all dark places: the pupil, the contour of the iris (its upper border is in the shadow, therefore darker), the lower border of the upper eyelashes. The shadows above the upper and lower eyelids also need to be made a little darker. Pay attention to the highlights: they should be as light as possible. Add volume to the eyeball by slightly enhancing the shadows and highlights.

The hardest part about drawing a realistic eye is:

Compliance with all proportions;

Drawing realistic pupil eyes;

Drawing eyelashes.

In this article we will teach you how to draw all these difficult moments.

Drawing realistic eyes- the task is not easy. At the same time, we have to draw eyes quite often. We start drawing the eye with a pencil from the main lines (they should be thin, as we will erase them later). Look carefully at the image; when redrawing, observe all proportions, as this is very important. Our eye looks a little upward. Once you understand the basic principles, you will be able to draw the eye the way you need.

We outline the pupil along the contour with a pencil (darken the contour) - we do this with a transition. The pupil is the darkest place, and closer to the outside it becomes lighter and lighter. A very soft pencil is best for these purposes.

Now let's draw the inside of the large circle. It is very important that the stripes and spots are arranged in a circle. Look at the picture below and try to repeat all the lines and spots exactly as in the picture.

Next, we darken and shade the entire surface of the large circle - try to achieve the maximum realistic effect. Notice that some areas of the eyeball are darker and others are lighter. This effect needs to be reflected in your drawing.

Completely fill in the pupil with a pencil and remove the auxiliary circular lines.

Let's shade some parts of the eye to add volume.

Draw the lower eyelashes. Do it exactly as in our picture. The eyelash line does not have to be perfectly straight. The eyelashes begin to grow under the lower guide line, rather than on it. If you are drawing an eye for the first time, it is best to repeat each eyelash. In the future, you will be able to draw eyelashes without visual cues.

Draw the upper eyelashes. Do it exactly as in our picture. The eyelash line does not have to be perfectly straight. The eyelashes begin to grow above the top guide line, rather than on it. Eyelashes are quite difficult to draw. Each eyelash is drawn separately - they will take a lot of time, but it is the well and believably drawn eyelashes that make drawing an eye with a pencil as effective as possible. For better effect, sharpen the pencil and in this case preference should be given to a soft pencil.

We remove all the remaining hint lines so that the eye looks realistic. You should get something like this:

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