Pupil in pencil. How to draw a realistic eye with a pencil

And also, it is advisable to first study another lesson -.

See the structure of the eye in the picture below.

Eyelashes should be thick at the root and thin at the tips.

How not to draw eyelashes, see below.

Draw the outline of the eye with light lines. Then use a 2H pencil to draw eyelashes. Each eyelash looks like a comma, only upside down. Draw from the contour of the eye while reducing the pressure on the pencil by bending the line, the line will become thinner. With a slight movement of the brush, tear the pencil off the paper when you finish drawing the eyelash.

Using a 2B pencil, draw more eyelashes so that they are thick. draw the outline of the iris, pupil and highlight.

Use a 6B pencil to draw the pupil. Using a 2B pencil, draw the iris of the eye. For this we use . Please note that the top of the eye area is darker than the bottom, and the sides are also darkened. Use an eraser to create a light area at the bottom, then draw a few lines to create texture.

Using cross-hatching, create gradient transitions on the white of the eye, while the edges and the top of the white should be darkened. Hatch the edges of the upper and lower eyelids; closer to the outer corner of the eye, the tone transition becomes darker. Draw some thin lines to create blood vessels.

Anatomy. At first glance, it seems simple, however, it is a complex science. The bane of every artist is that you cannot move to the next level of professional skill without at least the slightest idea of ​​anatomy. Most people never study anatomy, and this leads to a weak creative foundation that leaves a constant lack of confidence in their strengths and artistic abilities.

Therefore, it would be wise to devote some of your creative time to studying anatomy. At first glance, this may seem like an overwhelming step, but if you break it down, learning anatomy will be fun and easy for you!

Final result

1. Basics: Function and Anatomy

All people have eyes same shape and structure: oval with pointed edges, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows. You can quickly sketch out a drawing of an eye and anyone will tell you what it is:

In this screenshot I will show you the following elements eyes from top to bottom:

1. Brows: Protect your eyes from dirt and sweat dripping from your forehead.
2. Eyelid folds: created by the eyelid when the eye is closed. Eyelid folds form at the top and bottom of the eye.
3. Actual eye opening: when the oval shape of the eye is formed.
4. Eyelashes: Protect your eyes from dirt, strong light or sensory perception. In art, they emphasize femininity.
5. White of the eye: it is the main organ of the eye.
6. Iris: in reality these are muscles, just imagine! They contract and expand, increasing or decreasing the amount of light that enters the eye and reaches the lens.
7. Pupil: dark spot in the center of the eye. In reality, we see objects through the pupil because... Light enters through the pupil, which forms an image inside the eyeball.
8. Lacrimal nodule: on the inner corner of each eye. Our tears come through the tear nodules, which have a pinkish tint!
9. Skin fold of lacrimal nodule: on the outside of the inner corner of the eye, just next to the nodule itself.

2. Different Eye Shapes

Although the eye sketch we drew above is recognized as human eye, then the shape of the eyes varies depending on the race, geographical location and even age!

Let's look at the most basic criterion: race. If you look at the photos different nations, then you will definitely notice the difference. Let's look at a few basic shapes to see the difference:

3. Different angle and perspective

In the screenshot below you can see different angles of the eye to demonstrate how the shape of the eye changes depending on the angle at which we look at the eye:

4. Eyes: the mirror of the soul

We express a lot of emotions through our eyes. Regardless of the shape and shape of our eyes, we, as human beings, instinctively react to external factors that change our eyes.

We squint, we squint, we stare in stunned awe, we open our eyes wide when we are amazed or when we are afraid - just to give a few examples.

Below are a few eye expressions that can be detected by the simple human eye. So, try to quickly identify each emotion expressed and also sketch out the features of the eye expression. Practice so you can add more emotion to your characters:

5. Draw the eye

We now have some idea of ​​the great variety that can be obtained using one eye. So let's continue with the lesson and put everything together.

Have that quick sketch we created earlier at your fingertips to start creating your art product and begin your journey to become the next Michelangelo!

Create a new document. Name the existing layer " The background", set the Foreground color to #dcb6a3 and the Background color to #963931.

Using a tool Gradient(Gradient Tool (G), gradient color from foreground color to background color, drag the gradient from left to right to create a flesh color gradient. Next, select a hard round brush from the settings Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter) set the option Pen pressure(Pen Pressure) and also set the Foreground color to #000000.
Translator's note: Press the key (F5) to go to the brush settings. In parameters Dynamics of shape(Shape Dynamics) and Different dynamics(Other Dynamics), set pen pressure in settings Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter).

Create a new layer. Name this layer "Sketch". Draw the basic shape of the eye to your liking. You can use the eye shape as in the original result or choose any of the eye shapes we covered earlier!

6. Highlight the eye: white of the eye

Step 1

Let's start with the basic foundation - the white of the eye.

Despite its name "white", the eyeball is not pure white. It varies in shades of light grey, beige and red depending on the various blood vessels that run through it.

To start with it, create a new layer, place this layer between the "Background" layer and the "Sketch" layer. Name this layer "Eye White". Set the brush to off-white color #ddc6bc and use a hard round brush to paint over base color along the white of the eye.

Step 2

Create a new layer on top of the “White of the Eye” layer, then right-click on the created layer and in the window that appears, select the option Create Clipping Mask(Create Clipping Mask) to the “White of the Eye” layer. We use this layer for shading.

The eyeball has a spherical structure, therefore, more light will always enter the center due to the convex surface. Conversely, the further from the center, the less light comes in due to the eyelids/lashes, which creates shading, so we will use dark shades.

So, select the tool again Brush(Brush Tool (B), set the brush to a hard round shape, turn on the options Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter). Adjust the brush size as needed and set the brush color to #4f241e. Brush on the clipping mask along the edge of the eyeball to create a sense of light and shadow and a 3D effect.

Step 3

Choose a darker shade, such as #220b07. Paint over the top of the white of the eye to enhance the shadow created by the upper eyelid and lashes.

7. Draw the lacrimal nodule

Step 1

This area of ​​the eye is not covered by skin, so we use more pinkish shades. Remember that there is no clear distinction between the eyeball itself, the flesh and the muscles that support that eyeball, they all react simultaneously and are connected together. Therefore, our pink tint will mix with the white of the eye, you will see this in a minute.

Set the Foreground color to #853c2e and the Background color to #5e2218.

Using the same brush you used earlier, color the inner corner of the eye using a lighter shade brush, and then add shading around the edges using a darker brush. dark shade. Also, add a few touches Pink colour to the white area. In the screenshot below, you can see the result with and without our sketch:

Step 2

Next, set the Foreground color to #d77661 and the Background color to a white shade #ffffff, and reduce the brush size. Zoom in to make it easier to work with the details of the highlights. Add highlights to the highlights - use a light pink tint first and then add a little white tint as a finishing touch. This way we will create a feeling of a humid environment.

8. Iris and pupil

Set the brush color to #6b3826. Draw a circle in the center of the eye as in the sketch

Step 2

An eye with a white pupil looks a little scary, so using a black brush, paint the circle in the center of the eye again to create the pupil.

9. Adding Details to the Iris

Step 1

It's time to create a new layer! Place this layer on top of the "Pupil" layer. Name this layer "Iris Details".

The pupil and iris merge with each other in the white of the eye. Let's put it simply - they can't live without each other!

So, set the foreground color to #240b02, then adjust the brush size to paint along the edges of the pupil and iris of the eye to blend them perfectly. At the same time, add shading to the top of the pupil to indicate the area where the shadow of the upper eyelid and eyelashes falls. Don't be afraid to go a little over the edges.

Step 2

Set the Foreground color to #54382a and the Background color to #3f2315. Vary the brush size down to the smallest diameter. Zoom in so you can easily apply light and dark strokes over the brown area. Try to keep the strokes coming from the center.

Step 3

Next, we'll add more detail to the iris. Set the Foreground color to #9b643f and the Background color to #511f05. Reduce the brush size to just a few pixels. Draw small veins of the muscle details. To switch color shades, continuously press the ‘X’ key. Also, feel free to add your own samples of color shades, which you can easily select using the tool Pipette(Eyedropper Tool (I).

10. Adding highlights

Because Our eye is looking a little flat, let's add some highlights!

Create a new layer and place this layer on top of the "Iris Details" layer. Name this layer "Highlights". Set the Foreground color to a white shade #ffffff. Add a lighter highlight first and then a richer highlight, creating a diffuse, large white dot. Repeat the whole process, adding a couple more small highlights:

11. Drawing the upper eyelid: curves and folds

Let's step away from the eyeball for a second and work on the eyelid, as well as the folds of skin around the eye. From my own experience, I will say that a painting looks great when you can see it in its entirety, and not in separate fragments.

Step 1

So, create a new layer on top of all other layers, call this layer "Skin". Install dark brown tint#2c0b02 as the foreground color, and a light pink shade #d3a594 as the background color. Pick up right size brushes, start drawing around the outer contour of the eye, always keep the original sketch in mind.

Start with a dark color and then press the 'X' key to switch to a light shade. First, paint around the eye with a dark brush, and then using a light brush, carefully paint over the inner corner of the eye, where we have a light gradient transition.

Step 2

Following the details of our original sketch, using a dark brown shade, draw the crease above the eye.

Step 3

Next, set the Foreground color to #2b130d and the Background color to #bc8370. Paint first with a dark brush on the outer edges of the eye, and then use a light brush to carefully paint around the creases to contour lines didn't look too tough. In this work we do not use hard and precise lines, as well as contours, but use soft shapes.

Step 4

Next, set the Foreground color to #d5a197 and the Background color to #fcead8. Additionally, fade the hard lines of the creases by creating a transition from a dark pink shade to a light pink shade, constantly switching shades by pressing the ‘X’ key. If necessary, you can also use the tool Clarifier(Dodge Tool (O) with a soft round brush set to Sveta(Highlights) by unchecking the option Save shades(Protect Tones) to get bright highlights. Don't overdo it with lightening.

12. Draw the lower eyelid

Step 1

It's time to switch to the lower eyelid. We use the same technique as before.

If it will be easier for you to draw vertical lines, then you can rotate the image, for this we go Image - Rotate Canvas(Image > Image Rotation) and rotate the image 90 degrees. Again, this will be up to you.

Let's move on to creating the lower eyelid, set the Foreground color to #9e5b4a and the Background color to #fecfbb. Carefully paint over the bottom of the eye to match the bottom outline, and then use a light brush to paint over the top, adding highlights.

We will be working with four primary color shades: #260f0b, #642e22, #c88a7c and #eac0a9.

I suggest you draw samples of four color shades on a separate layer, so you can easily choose the one you want color shade using a tool Pipette(Eyedropper Tool (I).

First let's touch up the lower right outer corner of the eye using subtle strokes of #260f0b, then move to the shallow crease of #eac0a9 to add some highlights.

Step 3

Select brush color #d18465. Brush underneath the eye as if you were applying concealer. You can also paint the top side if you feel it is necessary.

Next, select the brush color #eac0a9. Paint the outline of the lower left corner of the eye, as well as the tear corner to add highlights, as shown in the screenshot below. Pay attention to the second screenshot - it is presented as an animation to show you the difference between the previous step and this step:

13. Skin: retouching

All leather is a bit like plastic, isn't it?

It's time to fix it!

Choose a nice brick color like this #c54432 and apply lightly around the eyelids, adding additional color to the lower eyelid. Don't highlight them too much - it's not a zombie eye, so it shouldn't be a sore eye. Just a couple of gentle brush strokes to add more life.

Once you're done, change the foreground color to a soft purple #937fa3 and the background color to #b5544d.

Add shadow to the eyes towards the lower inner corner of the eye. This should help make your eye look more natural and alive!

At this stage you can add others small parts like chiaroscuro. Again, in the screenshot below you can view the result in jpg format, as well as an animation comparison with the previous step.

Result in JPG format:

Animated comparison:

14. Leather: Adding Texture Touches

The skin is still too smooth - let's spice it up a little!

Set the Foreground color to #f2c8a0 and the Background color to #b5544d. Using the "Skin Texture" brush ( Translator's note: Skin Texture brush), which can be downloaded with a PSD file, carefully go over the skin, constantly pressing the ‘X’ key to switch shades. You should get a soft texture, like in the screenshot below:

15. Draw eyelashes

Step 1

It's time to create a new layer and name it...... "Eyelashes" of course!

Set the Foreground color to #1a0906. Select a hard round brush. In the brush settings in options Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation Pen pressure(Pen Pressure).

While on the 'Eyelashes' layer, start randomly drawing eyelashes. Below are a few points to remember when drawing eyelashes:
1. Eyelashes are never straight. Always draw the eyelashes slightly curled.
2. Eyelashes are arranged in a chaotic manner. Try taking a closer look at an image of an eye where the eyelashes are covered in mascara: as a rule, the eyelashes are stuck to each other and also curled.
3. Eyelashes are always thinner at the tips than at the roots.

Create a new layer, name this layer "Eyelash Shadow". Change the blending mode for this layer to Multiplication Fills(Fill) to approximately 70%. Select the brush you used earlier, brush color #1f0b07. Draw some eyelashes in the lower outer corner of the eye. Next, go (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) and apply a soft blur of 1.5 px.

16. Eye Details: Adding Shadows for Depth

Now that we have a more complete picture of our eye, let's return to the eyeball and iris for some retouching.

Let's add more pop to the eye."

Create a new layer and place this layer on top of the "Skin" layer. Change the blending mode for this layer to Multiplication(Multiply).

Set the Foreground color to #6f2719 and use a brush to gently paint over the bottom corner of the eye to enhance the shadows. See screenshot for comparison:

17. Eye details: iris

When compared to the entire eye, the iris still looks flat. Let's work on this!

Step 1

Select a small, hard round brush. In the brush settings in options Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter), select mode Pen pressure(Pen Pressure). Add some ray-like strokes closer to the pupil, as shown in the screenshot below:

Step 2

To create a highlight, create a new layer. Place this layer on top of the "Iris" layer. Change the blending mode to Lightening the base Fills(Fill) to approximately 40%.

Step 3

Create a new layer on top of the "Iris Details" layer, change the blending mode for this layer to Lightening the base(Color Dodge), and also reduce the value Fills(Fill) to approximately 30%. Select a soft round brush, set the Blend Mode for the brush Dissolution(Dissolve). Using a brush, carefully paint around the iris. Next, merge this layer with the main iris layer (Ctrl+E):

18. Adding small details

It's time for the finishing touches!

Step 1

First we will add blood vessels.

Set the Foreground color to #5e2219. Select a hard round brush. In the brush settings in options Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) and Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter), select mode Pen pressure(Pen Pressure).

Reduce the brush size to 2 px and carefully paint small blood vessels in the corners of the eye on top of the white of the eye.

Create a new layer, place this layer below the "Skin" layer.

Change the blending mode for this layer to Multiplication(Multiply), and also reduce the value Fills(Fill) to approximately 80%. Name this layer "Shadows".

Set the foreground color to #3e1408 and using a hard round brush, in the brush settings, use only the option Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter), brush along the edges of the white of the eye.

Step 3

Glimpses of humidity.

Create a new layer, name this layer "Moisture". Place this layer on top of the "Skin" layer.

19. Draw the base for the eyebrows

Step 1

We also need to draw the eyebrow, don't we?

Create a new layer, name this layer "Eyebrow". Place this layer on top of all other layers.

Set the Foreground color to #47190b. Select a hard round brush, in the settings select the option Fluctuation opacity(Opacity Jitter) and using a brush, draw a rough eyebrow shape.

Step 2

Select a tool Finger(Smudge Tool), in the settings of this tool, set the hard round brush, in the options Size fluctuation Pen pressure(Pen Pressure). Use your finger to smear your eyebrow to create hair texture:

20. Adding detail to the eyebrow

Step 1

Next, select a tool Brush(Brush Tool (B), set to a hard round brush, in the options Size fluctuation(Size Jitter) set the mode Pen pressure(Pen Pressure). Add eyebrow hairs:

Step 2

Set the Foreground color to #9a3d1e, in the options Opacity fluctuation(Opacity Jitter) set the mode Pen pressure(Pen Pressure), increase the brush size a few pixels, and then add rough highlights. You can freely apply strokes, soft, broad, to add variety.

Step 3

Last detail, reduce the brush size to 1 or 2 px—and using a thin brush, add some light highlights to the eyebrow:

21. Matching the eyebrow with the skin

Our eyebrow looks great, but it looks a little glued on. To fix this, we will combine the eyebrow with the skin, for this, create a new layer. Place this layer below the "Eyebrow" layer. Change the blending mode for this layer to Multiplication(Multiply) or Linear dimmer(Linear Burn), depending on your preference. Next, reduce the value Fills(Fill) to approximately 40%. Name this layer "Eyebrow Composite".

Increase the brush size, set the Foreground color to a dark, bleached brown like this #502520, and use this brush to paint around the edges of the eyebrows. Next, let's go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Add a 3-4 px soft blur effect to get a result like the screenshot below:

22. Selective step: adding makeup

Moreover, we can now add makeup to our eye!

I chose soft fall shades #e88f04 and #572013.

Step 1

For orange tint, create a new layer on top of the "Skin" layer, change the blending mode for this layer to Chroma(Color), and using a soft round brush, paint over the upper eyelid as shown in the screenshot below. Decrease the value Fills(Fill) at your discretion.

Step 2

Next, shadows. Create a new layer, change the blending mode for this layer to Multiplication(Multiply). Using a soft brush, paint shadows in the corner of the eye. Let's go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), blur the shadows if you think they are too hard.

Step 3

Create another new layer, change the blending mode for this layer to Lightening the base(Color Dodge), and also reduce the value Fills(Fill) to approximately 30%. Set the Foreground color to #f7b283. First select a soft round brush, in the brush settings, select the mode Dissolution(Dissolve) and then use a brush to add a glitter effect. Next, select a makeup brush from the set you downloaded and use this brush to add texture.

Great job, we have completed the lesson!
Now you can draw your realistic eye. I hope you enjoyed this journey and learned something useful today!

Final result

Step 1.
Decide which tools you want to use. In this drawing tutorial I used B, 3B and 8B pencils. I recommend you use pencils different classes to get better color depth for a more realistic look. To draw the eye, I took whatman paper (I strongly recommend that you buy special paper for drawing it should not be expensive). Also in my arsenal I always have a pencil sharpener, a piece of fabric (for shading or a little blurring) and an eraser (in the shape of a pen).

Step 2.
Start sketching out the outline of the eye. If this is still difficult for you to achieve correct form, try studying a photograph of an eye, or perhaps take a look at your own eye. Draw the sketch very easily, barely touching the sheet with a pencil. This is necessary so that the drawn lines can be erased if a mistake is made. Make sure to keep your pencils sharp throughout the drawing process. This will give top scores.
Step 3.
Start drawing the dark pupil. Then very lightly begin to darken the iris of the eye. I used a B pencil to do this. After the first layer is applied, add more layers in the dark areas. There is no need to press hard on the pencil. Lots of layers will make it darker automatically. The iris always has a dark outer line and in my drawing I also made the top half darker to give it more depth.

Step 4.
Next, we kind of blur the layers until the iris of the eye looks smooth. There are many blurring tools, but I personally always use fabrics because it gives a nice smooth result. After you are done with the blurring (feathering), add more layers with more dark pencil(3B in my case) and blur them again. Keep repeating this step until you are satisfied with the result.

Step 5.
To finish off the pupil and make it more detailed and clear, add some sketching strokes to the iris. Apply them in wavy lines easily and softly, without putting too much pressure on the pencil. Some of these waves should be longer and some shorter. Continue repeating this step until you have filled the entire iris.

Step 6.
Now let's add some shades for the eyeball. The white eye is not completely white. Remember that this is a ball and not a flat surface, which means there will need to be a few strokes for shadow.

Step 7
Next we will draw the tear duct. Play with color depth. Shade some areas with a darker color as shown in the picture. This technique will help achieve the effect of a slightly wet eye.

Step 8
Add shading to the rest of the eye. Make sure you don't forget about the line above the upper eyelid. Shade this area, as well as the area of ​​the lower eyelid, a little darker. If you want, you can go over the shaded area with a regular eraser to make the skin texture look more realistic.

Step 9
Now add eyelashes. The upper eyelashes are curved and go upward. Start drawing on the top line of the eye, with curved lines pointing upward and lightly touching the white part of the eyeball (but too much) and draw the line just above the eyelid. Also draw the lower eyelashes with light, slightly curved lines, do not make them too long. And remember that you need to start drawing the lower eyelashes from the line of the lower eyelid, as shown in the figure. Give each lash (from the upper and lower lash line) a slightly different direction. This will help achieve more realistic effect.

Step 10
So final stage drawing, my favorite! Now I will draw the reflection of the eyelashes in the pupil. Add a few strokes of the pupil highlight as you think is enough, and darken some areas until you are happy with the result. Now everything is ready! :D

How to draw eyes with a pencil? Each of us has a rough idea of ​​what the human eye looks like and can draw at least this primitive image:

But, since you are puzzled by the question of how to draw an eye step by step, apparently you want to get more.

First, I advise you to go to the mirror and carefully examine your eyes. Simply studying an object always reveals a lot of new things. I remember school lesson drawing, in which we were given a task. I drew the best I could and brought it to the teacher for checking. And Natalya Maksimovna advised me to take a close look at her eyes. “Pay attention,” she said, “we have eyelids and folds under the eyes. They need to be drawn too.” At that moment it became a real discovery for me - it turns out that if you look at something with all your attention, and not just scribble from memory, the object will reveal its new facets to us. You just need to add a few details and the eye starts to look completely different. He becomes more alive, real.

Over the next few years, until I graduated from school, I drew a lot of self-portraits sitting in front of the mirror. And what bigger hand worked with a pencil, the better the result. Gradually, the drawing and the reflection in the mirror began to resemble each other, which was initially not observed at all. The longer I painted, the less doubt I had about choosing a profession. I definitely wanted to be.

In this lesson I want to show you how to draw realistic eyes, the volume of eyeballs, and pupils. If you understand the structure of the eye, then everything will become easier and more understandable.

The eye is based on a ball, which is hidden in a special hole in the skull (orbit). The ball cannot be illuminated evenly. Some part of it will be in the shadow, some in the light, and between light and shadow there is a territory of chiaroscuro. Accordingly, the white in front of the eyes (the white field around the colored circle) will not be uniformly white. Below I will demonstrate this more clearly.

The iris of the eye, the same one that can be green, blue, brown and in rare cases purple, is a rounded bulge extending beyond the eyeball. Accordingly, it will be unevenly illuminated. In fact, the iris does not stick out from the ball that much, but I exaggerated for clarity.

There is skin on top of the eyes that covers most eyeball and forms folds - the upper and lower eyelids.

Want to learn how to draw a child's eyes? How are they different from the eyes of an adult? Look at the photo below. The iris of babies seems much larger in size than that of an adult. In fact, children have a smaller eye opening - the opening between the eyelids through which the eyeball is visible. Over time, as the child grows up, the incision will increase and the eyes will “grow up.” And, as a rule, children's eyes are wide open. They look at the world in surprise and do not judge anyone. Kids are simply saturated with information about the place in which they live.

Gradually, under the influence of society, a person’s character is formed. “Mirror of the Soul” acquires its own special features. Some people have laughing eyes, others have stern ones. You drown in someone's eyes like in the sea. They are bottomless and attractive. But there are eyes that you want to turn away from and never look into them again, because there is nothing there except emptiness or malice.

We will draw big beautiful eyes. How to draw eyes step by step?

Draw 2 parallel lines and divide them into 3 equal segments. Why 3? The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye. It may be a little more or a little less.

For most people, the inner corner of the eye is slightly lower than the upper corner. In other words, people's eyes are a little slanted. This “slantness” is most strongly expressed among the peoples of Asia - the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols... However, it is also present among Europeans.

The inner corner of the eye is somewhat narrowed. Here is the so-called lacrimal caruncle - a small pink area. Everyone's eye shape is very different. I draw the girl's rather large eyes.

We mark the area that will be occupied by the same tear caruncle on the inner corners of the eyes. Then we draw the iris in the form of a circle. As a rule, the iris is not completely visible. It is partially hidden under the upper eyelid. If you want to draw frightened eyes that are filled with horror, do the opposite - hide part of the iris under the lower eyelid, and leave free space between the upper eyelid and the iris.

Now we draw the pupil exactly in the center of the iris. The size of the pupil depends on the light level. The brighter the light, the smaller the pupil. In the dark, when a person peers somewhere, the pupil becomes 2 times larger. Draw the upper and lower eyelids. The shape and width of the eyelid is different for all people. In older people, the upper eyelid may become completely invisible due to overhanging brow ridges. The fold of the lower eyelid is not so noticeable, but at least, in young people. With age, all wrinkles become more pronounced.

In order for the eyes to look more expressive, they need a beautiful frame, or rather eyebrows. The distance between the eyebrows is greater than the length of the eye. The outer ends of the eyebrows extend beyond the outer corner of the eye. Of course, everyone’s eyebrows are different, but, as a rule, they are adjusted to modern canons of beauty with the help of cosmetics. In the Middle Ages, women shaved their eyebrows. This is such a strange fashion requirement... Perhaps in 100 years they will laugh at our ideas about beauty. Who knows…

In our drawing, the light will fall from the right. We mark the highlights on the iris. These are the lightest spots on the eyes. If you look at your eyes in the mirror, you will see how shiny they are. Why is the glare on the iris? Because the iris is the most convex area of ​​the eye and receives the most light.

Now let's start shading the eyes. We take a sharpened HB pencil (hard-soft) and use neat strokes to fill in the entire drawing, except for the highlights in the eyes.

Gradually build up the tone by changing the direction of the stroke.

We darken the eyebrows, irises, upper and lower eyelids on the left (shadow) side.

We slightly darken the areas on the sides of the nose. We continue to darken the eyes and eyebrows layer by layer.

Now let's draw the eyelashes, some of which are shorter, others longer. We draw eyelashes with short strokes from their roots to the eyebrows.

Make the lash line on the upper eyelid darker. This will give your eyes expressiveness.

Now let's get to the fun part. Let's take a soft pencil (I used 5B) and darken several areas, namely the pupil in the middle of the eye, the iris, paying special attention to the outer edges. We will also darken the eyelash line and the eyelashes themselves on the upper eyelid. Let's highlight the lower eyelashes a little. Let's also make the eyebrow a little darker. As you can see, the eye has come to life. The difference between the right and left parts of the picture is obvious.

I have already said that eyes and lips are the most important parts that a beginning artist needs to be able to draw on a person’s face. We have already depicted, now I will tell you how to draw a person’s eyes step by step with a pencil for beginners. Besides the fact that this is just part of the face, you need to understand that for each shape you need to depict different eyes. You also need to understand that the fullness of the eye and its color rendition can help you express your mood and mind. In fact, the eyes are the most difficult to draw, since they are mainly used to determine big picture. It has great importance the pupil, eyelashes and corners of the eye, we will pay attention to these points and draw a more or less standard eye; novice artists usually train using this drawing.

We are drawing regular pencil, if we paint with colored paints, we will have to work even more, since color rendering is a difficult moment in the picture. I provide you with a master class on step by step drawing human eyes.

We immediately draw the lower eyelid, two lines, an elongated horizontal one and a small semi-vertical one.

Now there are a lot of elements to draw. On both eyelids we immediately draw a few eyelashes; it is very good if they are drawn casually, for naturalness. Above the right eyelid we draw a semi-arc to complete the eye. And the most important thing at this step is to mark the boundaries of the pupil, a vertical arc on the right and a vertical arc on the left. On the left we even draw a small bulge, it is needed to diversify the eye and the pupil in particular.

Then we need to draw the pupil. On the left we make another arc, and it looks like the letter B. We draw a circle and in it another circle, sketch the central one. We also sketch the upper part of the pupil. And in the very central part it leaves a miniature oval not sketched. The direction of the lines with which we sketch parts of the eye is very important; they should be directed towards different sides. For example, in the center of the pupil it is vertical, and just above the lines look diagonally down to the right.

Lightly draw all the lines of the eye and use very thin lines to sketch out the empty part of the pupil.