How to open a frog breeding business. Almost free land rent for a crayfish and mussel farm

Decide whether you will start with small volumes or with large production.

  • To start commercial cultivation of catfish, a large amount of money, about half a million dollars (about 17,500,000 rubles), will be required. For a farm to be successful, it is recommended to have 80-100 acre ponds. The positive side of large-scale production is that the cost per kilogram of fish will be lower. This is achieved due to the fact that you will purchase the necessary resources in bulk and thus save.
  • Determine if the fish will breed in the water you intend to use. You will need to purchase an aerator. For large farms, an electric aerator is best, but diesel or gasoline aerators can also be used. If you are going to use an existing pond, it will most likely need to be improved. The bottom of the pond should be smooth, clean and have gentle slopes.
  • Your pond should be equipped with a weir. The drain must be free of debris. In order for the fish not to be out of the pond in case of overflow, the weir must pass a layer of water no more than 2-5 cm thick.
  • It is recommended to make the bottom of the pond, by weight 20-30% consisting of clay. This will avoid leaks.
  • The depth of the pond should be at least 90 cm at the shallow end and no more than 2.5 m at the deep end. Low water levels can encourage unwanted algae growth.
  • Determine what type of sales you are going to target in order to put together a marketing plan.

    • A large producer will most likely want to ship his product to a fish processing plant. Farmers sometimes buy shares in processors, which reduces the income per kilogram of fish, but allows you to make a profit on the volume.
    • There is also the benefit of small scale production with direct sales to consumers. Since fish spoils quickly, customers often want to purchase fresh fish rather than frozen.
  • Create a detailed budget. Include the necessary resources that will have to be purchased annually: food, fry, labor, fuel, electricity, equipment, repair equipment, other goods. If you have taken out a loan for your farm, do not forget to include the loan payments in the calculations.

    • Make a list of estimated costs for things like building additional ponds, pumps, wells, feeders, tractors, and buildings.
  • Find out what permissions you need to create a farm. Permits can be related to buildings, sales, taxes, water drains, etc. Do not forget about the division of the land on which your farm will be located. Even if the land is divided incorrectly, you can solve this problem by contacting the relevant authorities.

    • You may also need a permit to transport and breed fish.
  • Learn about fish diseases and preventive measures, as well as safe ways to treat these diseases.

    • Look for open sores, yellow, broken areas on the body, fins, gills, or mouths of the fish, bloated gills, or bloody fins.
    • To reduce fish disease, do not overcrowd ponds. Put no more than a kilogram of eggs in a 20-centimeter bucket for young animals.
    • Look for and remove dead eggs daily. Dead eggs can spread diseases.
    • Some chemicals are allowed to treat fish diseases in ponds. These are formalin, hydrogen peroxide, povidone-iodine and copper sulfate.
  • * Calculations use average data for Russia


    This business plan considers the creation of a rabbit farm in order to profit from the sale of meat and fur raw materials. Rabbit breeding will be organized in the countryside, on the territory of its own land plot of 1000 sq. meters. The productivity of the farm will be up to 1000 head/year. The farm will raise meat California rabbits. Advantage of the rabbit farm project:

      useful properties of meat (considered dietary, easily digestible, does not cause allergies);

      high rabbit productivity: the young generation grows up every 3 months;

      low initial investment relative to the breeding of other agricultural animals;

      lack of serious efforts to maintain the farm (one employee is enough).

    The starting capital for opening a farm will be 635,500 rubles. The annual turnover of the farm is 920 thousand rubles, net profit (per year) is 549 thousand rubles. Profitability of sales - 59%. The conditional life of the project is 3 years. Payback period - 18 months.


    The history of rabbit breeding as an industry in our country began in 1927, when, by decree of the USSR government, about 15 thousand thoroughbred rabbits from Europe were brought to the western republics. By 1961, the USSR became one of the world leaders in rabbit breeding: 56.7 million rabbit skins and 41.2 thousand tons of live weight were harvested. 95% of the country's production was provided by the previously popular domestic rabbit breeding, and about 400 farms provided the population with breeding breeds. The collapse of the USSR led to the almost complete disappearance of rabbit breeding as an industry. Most enterprises closed, and it became unprofitable to breed rabbits on an industrial scale. Now the breeding of rabbits is gradually being revived, and the volume of production is gradually growing. According to the AB-Center expert-analytical center, the volume of rabbit meat production increased by 21.5% over five years and amounted to 17.5 thousand tons, of which household households account for 13.5 thousand tons. products. It is the commodity sector that demonstrates the highest growth rates, the volumes of which have grown by 60% over five years. The number of livestock grows accordingly. According to Rosstat, the number of rabbits in Russia has more than doubled since the early 2000s and exceeded the figures for the 1990s (see Fig. 1).

    Figure 1. Dynamics of the number of rabbits in Russia in farms of all categories (1990 - 2015). Rosstat

    Most of the rabbit population, according to data at the end of 2015 (see Fig. 2 of the business plan), falls on the households of the population - 82.8%. The share of agricultural organizations is 11.3%, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms own 5.79% of the livestock.

    Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of rabbits in Russia by types of farms (1990-2015). Rosstat

    Industry experts emphasize that the domestic rabbit breeding market is in the process of formation and demand will grow for a long time. Unsatisfied demand, according to rough estimates, exceeds 320 thousand tons. If we take today's production volumes, it turns out that each Russian has only 119 grams of rabbit meat per year, while Europeans eat 2 kg of rabbit meat per year.

    After the collapse of the USSR, most of the production began to come from abroad. However, the share of imports began to decline every year. If in 2006 it was 97.2%, in 2010 it was 72.2%. In 2015, after the devaluation of the ruble and the imposition of sanctions, the share of imports is estimated at about 9%. This situation aroused the interest of big business - in the near future, several large players are expected to appear on the Russian market, which will be able to close the unsatisfied demand formed after the disappearance of products from Hungary and China from the shelves.

    Despite the increase in the share of large players, the market is far from being saturated, so the business of small and medium-sized farms will be a relevant direction in entrepreneurship for a long time to come. Unlike large companies, they work for local demand: they are closed to large retail chains due to low production volumes. In addition, the main method used for keeping rabbits for them is open keeping with the help of sheds, while large enterprises use closed keeping, automatic systems for maintaining the microclimate, supplying water and feed, and removing manure.

    Ready-made ideas for your business

    The farm planned for opening will operate using the most common shed technology today, the use of which is justified by the small planned production volume and low cost of creation. The farm will be opened in the countryside, on its own land plot of 1000 sq. meters. Shed area will be 360 ​​square meters. meters (3 sheds) and will allow you to get up to 1000 young animals per year (up to 1000 skins and about 2000 kg of meat).

    The business will be registered as an individual entrepreneur. For breeding will be purchased pedigree young stock in the amount of 100 heads. Since the main source of income for the farm will be meat, preference is given to the Californian beef breed. This breed is distinguished by high productivity, survival of young animals and unpretentiousness.

    Meat is planned to be sold to the owners of outlets in meat markets. The average price per carcass will be 400 rubles, which is the average market price today. The sale of rabbit skins at 40 rubles per carcass will become an additional source of income. It is also possible to sell the waste left after the slaughter of rabbits (rabbit ears, vermicompost, etc.).

    Starting investments in the opening of the farm will amount to 636.5 thousand rubles. Source - own funds. The start-up cost items will include the costs of creating sheds, purchasing pedigree young animals, and so on. More details of the start-up cost items are given in Table. 1 business plan.

    Table 1. Investment costs of the project


    AMOUNT, rub.

    Creating Sheds

    Creation of sheds (building materials, site arrangement)


    Utility room equipment

    Feed production equipment

    Refrigeration equipment

    Other equipment

    Intangible assets

    working capital

    working capital

    Purchase of young animals


    636 500

    The main work to ensure the operation of the farm and all production responsibilities will fall on the shoulders of the project initiator. Support functions will be carried out by family members of the initiator. To open a farm, a preparatory period of 3 months is required, which is necessary for the construction of sheds, the purchase of a breeding herd, and the purchase of some equipment. At the time of writing: an agreement has been reached on the sale of products, a drawing of a shed structure is available, a site has been prepared, and the necessary building material has been purchased.


    The main product of the farm will be rabbit meat - a nutritious dietary product that has a delicate taste, is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause an allergic reaction. It is also planned to sell rabbit skins that can be used for the production of clothing and waste left after slaughter (ears, biohumus, etc.).

    For the greatest yield of meat, preference is given to the Californian breed of rabbits - a broiler breed, which is able to add up to 45 g daily and quickly reach a large weight. The rabbit will be slaughtered for 3-4 months, when the weight of the animal reaches 3 kg. Rabbit meat will be sold at a price of 400 rubles/kg. The cost of 1 kg of meat, including feed, vaccination, cell depreciation and taxes, will be about 150 rubles. The skins will be sold at a price of 40 rubles per piece.

    To prevent rabbit diseases, and as a result, epidemics and mass deaths, rabbits will be regularly vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of immunologists and industry experts.


    The distribution channels for the farm's products have already been identified at the initial stage. An agreement was reached with individual entrepreneurs who own their own retail butcher shops, in addition, an agreement was reached on the supply of rabbit skins to a local garment factory. Thus, the farm will be able to count on the implementation of the planned sales volumes in the first months of operation (for sales plans, see Appendix 1 of this business plan). In the future, the sales market can be expanded through the following channels and tools:

    1. Using your own links.

    2. Distribution of business cards.

    3. Placing ads on free sites on the Internet.

    5. Participation in agricultural exhibitions, fairs.

    6. Conducting excursions to the farm.


    The rabbit farm will be organized on its own land area of ​​1000 sq. meters, located in the rural area. Shed keeping system was chosen as the animal keeping system. Sheds will be built personally by the site owner. The shed complex will occupy an area of ​​360 sq. meters and will allow to receive up to 1000 heads of rabbits per year. There will also be a place for storing compound feed and equipment, a place for slaughter and installation of refrigeration equipment. In order to reduce costs, compound feed for rabbits will be made by hand, for which a grain crusher and a granulator will be purchased. The costs of building and equipping the farm are given in Table. 2.

    The rabbit breeding technology will be based on the recommendations of specialists in the field of rabbit breeding with careful observance of all the nuances, including the placement of rabbits, seating (separate cages for young animals, rabbits), feeding, cleaning, vaccination, recommended terms for admitting rabbits to the male, and so on. Considering that one rabbit is capable of producing 6-8 rabbits, keeping fourteen rabbits in a shed will bring from 250 to 350 heads annually. In our case, from 3 sheds it is possible to get from 700 to 1000 carcasses. The sales plan based on these indicators is given in Appendix 1 of the business plan. Taking into account the time it takes for the young animals to grow up, increase the number of livestock and establish sales channels, it is planned to reach the maximum volumes for the 8th month of work.

    Table 2. The cost of building and equipping the farm


    Cost, rub.

    Creating Sheds

    Construction timber


    Roof decking

    Welded galvanized mesh 25x50

    Welded galvanized mesh 18x18

    Other materials and consumables

    Utility room equipment

    Utility room equipment

    Feed production equipment

    Feed Granulator

    Grain crusher

    Refrigeration equipment


    Other equipment


    Drinkers and feeders


    526 500


    The farm will be registered with an individual entrepreneur (activity code for the new OKVED: 01.49.2 Breeding of rabbits and other fur-bearing animals on farms); received permission from the phytosanitary control. Taxation system - simplified (6%). The project involves the self-employment of the project initiator, who has basic experience in rabbit breeding. He will be in charge of all the main responsibilities for the care of the rabbits, including feeding, cleaning, slaughtering, etc. The implementation of the project requires a preparatory period of 3 months. The phased implementation of the project, taking into account the start, is given in Table. 3.

    Table 3. Stages of preparation for opening a farm

    1 month

    2 months

    3 months

    1-7 day

    8-14 day

    22-30(31) day

    1-7 day

    8-14 day

    22-30(31) day

    1-7 day

    8-14 day

    22-30(31) day

    Definition of distribution channels

    Creating a drawing

    Purchase of building materials

    Building sheds

    Arrangement of auxiliary premises

    IP registration

    Getting permissions

    Purchase of young animals


    Starting investments in the opening of a rabbit farm will amount to 636.5 thousand rubles. The basis of the company's income will be the sale of rabbit meat, additional income is expected from the sale of skins. The expenditure part will include the cost of purchasing feed for rabbits, vaccination, paying for electricity, fuel, and depreciation of cages. A summary table for all financial indicators, including revenue and net profit for three years of the project, is given in Appendix 1.


    When the planned volumes are reached, the farm will pay for itself in 18 months of work. The annual turnover of the farm will be 920 thousand rubles, net profit - 549 thousand rubles. Profitability of sales - 59%.


    A key risk factor for a rabbit farm is mass mortality, which can result from one of the many rabbit diseases. The main measures to prevent this and other risks of this business are given in Table. 4.

    Table 4. Possible risks and ways to prevent them or their consequences

    risk factor

    Probability of occurrence

    The severity of the consequences


    High mortality/diseases in rabbits (fascileosis, cysticercosis, scabies, pasteurellosis, worms, listeriliosis, tularemia, etc.)

    Timely vaccinations and vaccinations, regular deworming, proper feeding and safe living conditions, regular cleaning of cages, feeders, drinking bowls, manure cleaning, timely detection of symptoms (knowledge of the main rabbit diseases), resettlement / killing of sick individuals, disinfection of all objects with which it has been in contact sick rabbit

    Emergence of a competitor, entry into the market of regional/federal chains

    Search for several core distribution channels, effective advertising of products, expanding the range of products offered, using competitive advantages (low price, proximity to the buyer).

    Decrease in the profitability of the company due to the deterioration of the economic situation, the fall in solvency

    Reduction of costs, search for additional sources of income (sale of fat, liver, biohumus and waste left after slaughter)

    Natural disaster, force majeure

    extremely low


    10. Applications

    ANNEX 1

    Production plan and main financial indicators in a three-year perspective

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    rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

    • Project description
    • Description of the enterprise
    • Product Description
    • marketing plan
    • Calendar plan
    • What equipment to choose
          • Similar business ideas:

    We bring to your attention a typical business plan (feasibility study) for the construction of a rabbit breeding farm. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

    We propose to consider a sample business plan for the construction of a rabbit farm in a village with a population of 20,000 people.

    Project description

    The purpose of the business plan is to justify the feasibility of creating a meat rabbit farm.

    General information:

    • The population of the village: 20 thousand people;
    • Land area: 0.16ha;
    • Number of jobs: 4 people;
    • Organizational and legal form: KFH, number of members - 3 people;
    • Sources of financing: own funds - 400 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 1.21 million rubles;
    • The total cost of the project: 1.61 million rubles.

    Indicators of economic efficiency of the project implementation:

    • Net profit for the year: 859,824 rubles;
    • Bar profitability = 63.6%;
    • Payback of the project = 25 months.

    The total investment for opening a farm will amount to 1.61 million rubles.

    Description of the enterprise

    The organizational and legal form of the farm will be peasant farming(KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.

    What taxation system to choose for this business

    As tax systems the single agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied. The tax rate is 6% of profit.

    Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

    1. The registration of a peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service was carried out;
    2. A land plot of 16 acres was purchased for the construction of a rabbit farm. At the moment, the procedure for transferring the land plot to the appropriate type of permitted use is underway.
    3. The search for an organization supplying and installing a shed system for keeping rabbits has been completed;
    4. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 250 adult breeding rabbits from them.

    The farm will include 3 members, including the head of the peasant farm. All of them have a family relationship, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of peasant farms. In addition to members of the peasant farm, hired labor in the amount of 4 people will also be involved.

    Product Description

    Since the farm will be meat-oriented, it will contain the popular California breed of rabbits. The average weight of an adult male reaches 5 kg. The rabbits of this breed are very prolific and feed up to 8 rabbits for 1 round. The young growth of this breed is distinguished by its growth energy and by the age of 2 months it is gaining weight of 1.8 kg, and by the age of 3 months the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg and it can be slaughtered for meat. The Californian rabbit has a white body coat, and the tips of its paws, ears, and tail are dark brown.

    For a year, one rabbit brings up to 30 rabbits (3.5 births). The age of the rabbit up to 2 is considered optimal for the reproduction of offspring. For the full life cycle of a rabbit, about 14 kg of compound feed and 7 kg of hay are needed, or about 100 rubles of costs.

    In order to sell 500 kg of marketable meat every month, it is necessary to slaughter about 250 rabbits and the same number of animals must be born. Plus, part of the born livestock should be released for reproduction. This productivity of our farm will be provided by 207 females and 8 males.

    In addition to meat, skins, liver, fluff and other by-products will also be sold.

    Download rabbit breeding business plan,

    marketing plan

    The main channels for the sale of manufactured products include:

    1. City markets and outlets;
    2. Wholesale dealers who pick up meat by self-delivery;
    3. Processing plants, factories, restaurants.

    To promote our products, the following events will be held:

    1. Advertising in the media, newspapers, magazines;
    2. Placement of information on the Internet on bulletin boards;
    3. Establishing personal contacts with large enterprises;
    4. Advertising on billboards located on a federal highway with high traffic;
    5. Create your own business card website.

    For the delivery of products to the points of sale, a personal vehicle of the economy (GAZelle) will be used. Part of the production will be sold to wholesale dealers directly from the farm. The sale of meat will comply with all food safety standards and be accompanied by veterinary certificates.

    In the future, it is planned to increase production up to 1 ton of marketable rabbit meat per month.

    Farm income structure.

    It will be possible to reach the planned revenue indicators only after 120 days, when the first offspring will grow.

    Rabbit breeding technology

    Our farm will use a shed management system. This system is a modern way of keeping rabbits. Shed is a canopy with bunk cages grouped under it. Such a system allows you to save the area of ​​​​the rabbitry and protect the rabbits from undesirable natural processes, such as overheating (heat), wind, rain.

    There are 72 cages in the shed, of which 32 are reserved for females with rabbits, and the remaining 40 cages for males and young animals for rearing.

    By installing a shed system on our farm, such processes as feeding and watering animals, manure cleaning, hay supply to the litter will be mechanized.

    Inside the shed, a suspended road will be created for the distribution of feed with a carrying capacity of up to 120 kg. Ventilation in the shed will be carried out through shafts in the manure channels. The cages will be equipped with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers.

    For the winter keeping of animals in sheds, a heating system and heating of nest boxes will be installed.

    To slaughter the livestock on the farm, it is planned to build a slaughterhouse that will comply with all SES standards.

    The planned staffing of the farm will include 4 people:

    The duties of laborers will include caring for the rabbits, including feeding and watering, cleaning manure, transferring rabbits, males and females from one cage to another, and other household tasks.

    The slaughterer's duties will include the process of slaughtering adult stock and cutting the carcass. On the day, the slaughterer will butcher up to 15 goals.

    Feed supply, meat sales, bookkeeping and other administrative issues will be decided by members of the peasant farm.

    Calendar plan

    The list of events and their cost for opening a farm are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

    In total, the opening of the farm will take 85 days and 1.61 million rubles will be spent.

    How much money do you need to start a business

    The organization of the farm will require investments in the amount of 1.61 million rubles. Of these, 400 thousand rubles are own funds and 1.21 million rubles are borrowed funds (bank credit).

    The main expenses of the farm will be the payment of wages to the farm workers. The farm will pay wages in the amount of 44,000 rubles a month. The second largest item of monthly expenses will be the cost of feed and bedding - 17.5 thousand rubles per month.

    Insurance contributions will be paid for 7 people, that is, not only for employees, but also for 3 members of the farm in a fixed amount - 36 thousand rubles per person per year.

    How much can you earn from breeding rabbits

    The calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of the farm is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

    Net profit based on the results of annual sales of rabbit products will amount to 859,824 rubles.

    The profitability of a rabbit breeding farm, according to business plan calculations, is 63.6%. The payback of the project with such indicators will come after 25 months of operation of the farm.

    Recommended download rabbit breeding business plan, with our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

    Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the enterprise. In the case of rabbit breeding, you can issue an individual entrepreneur or private household plot. After that, you should deal with organizational, production and financial plans, which prescribe:

    • Conduct cost-benefit analysis and analyze competitors.
    • Rent a piece of land (in the event that you do not have your own summer house or village).
    • Build several rabbit huts, equipped with cages and sheds, as well as places for jigging young individuals.
    • Equip a feed warehouse for storing grain and hay, as well as rooms with the necessary equipment for caring for animals.
    • Build a rabbit slaughterhouse.
    • Buy animals of meat breed.
    • Establish work with the sales market.

    What equipment to choose

    For industrial breeding of rabbits, it is better to use a shed system. To do this, you need to build cells in several tiers, one on top of the other in a row.

    Please note that these animals do not like dampness, so you need to purchase waterproofing, heaters may also be required. Also needed are feeders, manure cleaners and pumps that provide uninterrupted water supply to the animals.

    Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

    When submitting an application for registration, you should specify the special OKVED code 01.25.2 "Breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm."

    What documents are needed to open

    You can officially register your activity at the tax office, where you will be issued a certificate of PSRN, TIN. It is better to choose private household plots as a legal form, in this case the entrepreneur is exempt from taxes that he pays to the state treasury. On the other hand, the registration of an individual entrepreneur provides more opportunities for working with suppliers and marketing products. You will need: a passport, a copy of the IND code, a receipt for payment of the state fee and a notarized application for registration.

    Do I need permission to open

    First of all, you should obtain permission from the fire inspection services and the sanitary and epidemiological station. There are also veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping rabbits. Most of them come down to the cleanliness of the premises, as well as the timely disinfection, the destruction of rodents and insects.

    Entrepreneur Alexander Stavitsky, co-founder of SComminucations, a communications agency that operates with an annual revenue of 70 million rubles, is launching a farming startup called Fresh Garden. This is a vertical green farm, which is a rack structure with automated lighting, fertilization and irrigation systems. Joining forces with a partner in previous projects, Alexei Payanen, the businessman registered InKom LLC and agreed to supply equipment from the United States, he acquired a vertical farm 15 m long and 3 m high, formed from five levels.

    According to the founders of the project, the structures are made to order, on average they cost 2-3 million rubles, but the final amount depends on the equipment. Entrepreneurs expect to meet the 7 million rubles. Each farm can be used to grow one type of plant, so the entrepreneurs decided to start with one type of green, now they are choosing between basil, cilantro and radish. Business partners believe that they will be able to reduce the cost of the same basil, which costs an average of 40–50 rubles per 20 g, by about 15%.

    Western technology

    “I wanted to start farming for a very long time and, having studied the market, I decided to stop at vertical farms - Western producers are now switching to them,” says Alexander Stavitsky. “The advantage is that such farms occupy a smaller area, since you can sow several levels of construction, and greenery grows regardless of the season." According to entrepreneurs, two or three people can manage a vertical farm. Now Alexander Stavitsky is choosing the premises and in parallel is negotiating with networks and vegetable warehouses in St. Petersburg. According to the entrepreneur, this is the first vertical farm in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Market participants also claim that there were no similar projects in St. Petersburg.

    Next level

    "Vertical farms are a breakthrough technology that is popular in the West and Southeast Asia, I have not heard of such projects in Russia," comments Alexei Sadov, owner of the Power of Leta LLC farm for growing greenery. "Perhaps we have vertical farms not developed, because they are quite energy-consuming. In addition, a qualified agronomic service is required, it is difficult for a beginner to understand hydroponics (growing plants on artificial media), compositions of microelements and the latest computer systems. According to the entrepreneur, local producers have only recently mastered the Dutch technologies for growing greenery, having opened closed-type greenhouses near St. Petersburg. “Perhaps vertical farms are the next level that we will master,” says Alexei Sadov.

    However, there are already startups in Russia producing structures for creating vertical farms, such as Moscow-based home farm developers Fibonacci. Among the St. Petersburg "green" projects, one can single out Green Machine, its owner Yegor Bushmanov grows microgreens (plant sprouts), which he sells to local restaurants. According to market participants, this is one of the main trends of recent times.

    "Petersburg is a zone of risky farming, it is not easy to grow anything here," comments Egor Bushmanov. "As it turned out, our people know nothing about microgreens, and retailers and restaurateurs do not consider the quality and environmental friendliness of the product to be something significant, the main thing is the price "I think it's cheaper to grow greens in greenhouses than in the city center." According to the entrepreneur, the market for greenery producers is not growing. Market participants attribute the trend to climatic anomalies of the last 2 years, which do not allow growing seasonal greens. Now large producers of greenhouse vegetables, such as

    In the current economic conditions, a novice entrepreneur has every chance for a successful start of his own business. It is important to correctly prioritize and choose the scope of your efforts.

    It is worth taking a closer look at such a type of business as crayfish breeding - a very interesting direction. According to static data, there is an increase in the consumption of this product, while the supply remains limited.


    The bulk of arthropods on the market is caught from natural reservoirs, which leads to a significant decrease in their population. Industrial breeding of crayfish in our country is extremely poorly developed.

    Thus, the competition in this segment is relatively low. The growth trend in demand for this type of product remains unchanged, which contributes to maintaining prices at a fairly high level.

    Like any business, breeding crayfish will require an initial investment, the amount of which is determined by the scale of the plans. Before making a responsible decision to open a business, the technology, experience of organizing business at other enterprises and other issues are studied.

    After a comprehensive analysis of their capabilities and preliminary calculations, a final decision is made and a plan of preparatory measures is drawn up.

    Video - video of Sevan Crayfish LLC, which supplies live crayfish in Krasnodar:

    Business plan preparation

    The middle lane and the southern regions of our country are a natural habitat for crayfish, the cultivation of which is also possible in artificial conditions.

    The habitat of arthropods are reservoirs with fairly clean water, rocky bottom and sandy shores.

    Cultivation of crustaceans is carried out:

    • in natural ponds, lakes or rivers;
    • in reservoirs of artificial origin;
    • in specially equipped aquariums.

    Each of the options listed above has a number of features and will require different costs to start the project.

    The easiest option is the first, where the initial investment will be minimal, however, and the profits are much smaller. The explanation for this is quite simple: for the correct and rapid development of crayfish, special environmental conditions will be required. The temperature drops in winter and water bodies freeze, while the optimum temperature for this process is about +16 C.

    The best conditions for breeding crayfish can be created in aquariums, but the latter have serious volume limitations. This option will require the highest costs for the purchase of a whole range of equipment, the lease of premises of a sufficiently large area equipped with a heating system.

    Medium in terms of cost - an artificial reservoir for breeding crayfish, located near the river.

    In addition to the pond, young growth or larvae, feed, equipment and materials will be required. An entrepreneur starting this type of business does not have to count on a quick return on investment.

    Practice and statistics show that the return on investment occurs approximately 5-7 years from the start of the project and reaching the planned level of production.

    Organizing a crayfish farm

    The first step is to attend to the registration of a newly created enterprise. One of the most common legal forms of business organization in our country is. The easiest way to create an enterprise is to contact a law firm, where a package of necessary documents will be prepared for a relatively small fee.

    The field of activity in accordance with the legal framework of OKVED has the code 0.121 - breeding and sale of crustaceans, fish and mollusks. When organizing an LLC, the authorized capital of the enterprise is contributed, the minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles. The created company is registered in the tax office and in all off-budget funds. After that, you can start business activities.

    The next step is the selection of a suitable reservoir for breeding crayfish and its improvement. This is a responsible process that determines the success of the entire enterprise; the main thing depends on the quality of the implementation of this stage, whether favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of arthropods will be created.

    Experts recommend: to cover the bottom of the pond with a special polymer film, which reliably isolates the reservoir from the ingress of harmful substances from the soil into it. The material has high strength and will last at least 25 years if properly installed.

    The next step in the organization of the farm will be the acquisition of the necessary equipment for breeding crayfish. The complete set includes:

    Experienced entrepreneurs arrange a system of three or more reservoirs that communicate with each other. This contributes to an increase in the production of crustaceans and better selection of species. To reduce the impact of the external environment over the reservoirs, an overlap is arranged by the type of greenhouses made of polycarbonate.

    As the reservoirs are ready, larvae or young crustaceans are purchased, as well as feed in estimated quantities. The best implementation of the preparatory measures will create the best conditions for the start, and subsequently the development of the business.

    Where to buy crayfish for breeding

    The current practice in our country involves certain difficulties in acquiring the necessary amount of living material for settling water bodies.

    Existing farms are extremely reluctant to sell larvae or young. The way out may be the acquisition of adults based on the ratio of two females to one male. Mating of crustaceans takes place in autumn; a fertilized female can be easily identified by the presence of eggs in a special bag under the tail.

    The climatic conditions of the middle zone are quite acceptable for different types of arthropods. One of the promising species is the Australian red claw crayfish, the breeding of which can bring a good income.

    The meat of this arthropod species is similar in taste and structure to sea lobsters, one of the most expensive delicacies. In our country, there is experience of successful breeding of these crustaceans on a specialized farm near Astrakhan.

    Video - experiments on growing Australian crayfish near Astrakhan:

    The most accessible species of arthropods in our country are common crayfish. Their purchase is possible even in the supermarket, the main thing is that they are alive and healthy.

    For an accurate answer to the question of where to buy crayfish for breeding, you should carefully study the offers from working and developing farms.

    Recently, crayfish holding farms have been developing near large cities, which buy crayfish in other regions and supply them to retail chains and restaurants.

    Video report from a farm near St. Petersburg, which supplies crayfish from various regions of Russia and abroad:

    Breeding technology

    In the pond

    In this section, we are talking about an artificial reservoir, which needs careful preparation before starting the livestock. In addition to preparing the bottom, a number of operations are performed:

    • A protective edge is constructed around the pond and a drainage drain is made on its outer side. This is necessary to prevent rain runoff and debris from entering the pond.
    • Trees are planted along the banks, one of the best species is the weeping willow, which will create shade.
    • It is necessary to provide different depths of the pond: near the shore - about 0.4 m in the middle up to 3 m.

    The maximum allowable number of adult crayfish per square meter of pond area should not exceed 5 units. Before the settling of the descent reservoir, it is filled, after which the water is given time to settle for a period of at least two weeks, and preferably one month.

    Upon the readiness of the reservoir, instrumental monitoring of water quality for nitrate content is carried out; for arthropods, exceeding the maximum allowable doses is detrimental.

    With proper arrangement of the pond, crayfish do not need additional feeding, there is enough plankton, algae or larvae in the water.

    To accelerate the growth of individuals, vegetable trimmings, compound feed, meat and fish waste, as well as cereals soaked in water are carried out. Feeding is carried out using special bottom devices that are removed from the water after a certain time.

    This avoids contamination of the pond water, which can have a detrimental effect on the livestock and lead to the death of part of it. Strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists and the use of a full range of equipment to maintain optimal conditions for the life of crayfish will quickly achieve good performance.

    In special aquariums

    In artificially created environmental conditions, it is quite possible to achieve year-round growth of arthropods. For their maintenance, tanks of a special design with a capacity of at least 250 liters are required.

    The bottom of the tank is covered with sand mixed with stones, snags are laid on them, which serve as natural shelters for crayfish during the period of gestation and laying eggs.

    Crustaceans are extremely sensitive to water quality, the aquariums used must meet very stringent requirements. First, the possibility of contact of water with the frame metal should be excluded. Secondly, the tank must be equipped with a water supply system from the bottom. Thirdly, the installation of water filtration, aeration and oxidation systems will be required.

    Two weeks before settling, the aquariums are filled with water and plants are planted in the ground. After that, crayfish are lowered into the tank at the rate of one individual should be at least 5 liters of water.

    The technology of breeding crayfish in artificial conditions provides for the maintenance of decorative rocks such as Cuban blue. They are a great decoration for a home aquarium, but before you start, you need to take care of a little marketing research. An agreement with large pet stores will facilitate the accelerated sale of grown products.

    At home

    This type of business on a relatively small scale can be done at home. To organize such a business, the technology of home breeding of crayfish in pools or aquariums is best suited.

    Each of the proposed options has its own specifics and will require the investment of certain amounts to purchase everything necessary and carry out a number of construction works.

    The organization of breeding arthropods in aquariums is described above and there is no point in repeating. Let us dwell on the technology of growing crayfish in specially equipped pools in a country house or on a site near a country house.

    At the stage of preliminary preparation, it is necessary to assess the possibilities of the land plot for the placement of an artificial reservoir with an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m and the performance of the water source.

    For home breeding of crayfish, you will need not the usual rectangular pool with a flat bottom and vertical walls, but a reservoir with slightly different parameters.

    Requirements for an artificial pond:

    • The most rational form is a circle or an oval with a diameter of 6 to 10 m, the bottom should look like a bowl with a maximum depth of 1.5-2 m in its center.
    • The bottom must be lined with a special film.
    • The pool is equipped with all systems that provide circulation, purification and saturation of water with oxygen.
    • A drainage system is being installed along the shore of the pool to drain stormwater.
    • Devices are installed around the artificial reservoir to ensure shading of coastal areas

    Such a pool for breeding crayfish can also be dug manually on your own or with the involvement of professional excavators. The amount of work is quite significant, but quite feasible.

    The bottom of the pool is covered with river sand and stones and driftwood are scattered over it. Among other things, the necessary equipment is installed. The presence of overlapping and water heating systems in winter will increase the productivity of the pond.

    Crustaceans in artificially created conditions grow and multiply faster. This is explained quite simply: arthropods do not hibernate and the process of reproduction of offspring is greatly accelerated.

    The presence of several ponds, at least three, and preferably four five - on one site makes it possible to increase the yield of finished products.

    Breeding crayfish in a country house will help you gain invaluable experience and get acquainted with the technology.

    Organizing a crayfish farm at home is usually only the first step in starting a farm. Having tested the technologies and methods of growing gourmet products in relatively small volumes, and having gained the necessary experience, it will be possible to think about expanding the business. Such a business approach will help to avoid significant losses in future endeavors.

    The article intentionally did not give examples, in different regions they can vary greatly.

    The main thing is that crayfish breeding as a business is a rather promising business, promising a high level of profitability. When organizing and preparing a project for launch, it is important to carefully and responsibly treat the recommendations of specialists.

    Video - how crayfish are bred in Louisiana: