How to open a school - dance studio. Dance school business plan

Having studied in detail the topic of how to open a dance school, you will be able to launch a profitable startup that does not require huge financial investments,

♦ Capital investments – 3,000,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 2.5–3 years

Dancing is a very useful hobby that helps develop grace, posture, sharpen your figure and maintain your weight at normal levels.

And with the help of dancing, you can gain self-confidence and even gain a profession if you start learning steps at an early age.

All this encourages entrepreneurs who are looking for a profitable startup that does not require huge financial investments to study the topic in more detail. how to open a dance school.

This business, like any other, has its own characteristics and nuances that you need to understand if you want to make your dance school successful and recoup your capital investment as quickly as possible.

Who should consider opening a dance school?

Often professional dancers, having failed to realize their ambitions on stage or simply due to age, decide to retrain from artists to teachers.

God himself ordered them to open a dance school, since they are freed from the problem of finding a coach, and if the team expands, they will always be able to find one or two more dance teachers from among those with whom they previously performed.

If you are in no way connected with dance or art, you can still try your luck in this business by acting as an organizer.

By taking care of administrative issues, you can hire qualified trainers who will teach dance to adults and children.

Which dance school is better to open?

Those who want to open a dance school have two options for starting a business:

  1. Open a separate school, without being tied to anyone, come up with a name, concept, logo, etc. for it.
    It is your school that will be recognizable and famous if you manage to raise, for example, your own champions.
    This type of business is suitable for those who are going to teach children of different ages at their dance school, and either not teach adults at all, or use them as an additional source of income.
  2. Based on a franchise of a famous school, for example, Fred Astaire Dance International.
    This school was created by Hollywood star Fred Astaire.
    He believed that anyone can be taught to dance, even if it seems that he was not born for it.
    This dance school forms groups of students of all ages, regardless of their profession, size, social status and gender.

Dance school advertising campaign

Interesting fact:
Dance world full of superstitions. By saying "break a leg" before a show, people are saying the exact opposite of what they hope to happen on stage.

Since competition in this sector is quite high today, you need to take care of a powerful advertising campaign in order to quickly recruit groups of children and adults for dance classes.

  1. Advertisements in the media are especially effective in providing information in a free classifieds newspaper or magazine, which serves as a directory for your city.
  2. Distributing flyers simply on the streets, in schools, in nightclubs, in cultural and creative centers, etc.
  3. Communication on forums and in social networks, advertising on thematic sites.
  1. Conduct themed parties or day open doors at my dance school.
  2. Participate in city holidays and festivals.
  3. Organize reporting concerts graduates.

How to open a dance school: calendar plan

Opening a dance school will take time.

Much depends on how detailed your business plan is, whether you have suitable premises in mind, whether there is enough money to launch a startup, whether you can enlist the help of a qualified lawyer for the registration procedure, and so on.

If you do everything correctly, you will be able to dial the first dance group already 4 months after, but this period may well stretch to six months or longer.

Purchase of premises, repairs and equipment
Personnel search

How to open a dance school: business features

Before you start implementing a startup, you should study all the nuances of a new business so as not to burn out in the first year after opening a dance studio.

The features of this business include:

  1. Client specificity.
    Professional dancers do not always understand that for them dancing is a profession and the meaning of life, and the adults who come to them to study have a completely different attitude towards dancing.
    Not all students have good physical fitness, not all have talent, but they have the desire.
    If you once say to an accomplished adult, “Pick up your belly, you’ve got your fat folds hanging out here,” or “How long can you fight over the same figure, you idiot,” then this desire can be completely destroyed and ultimately lose the client.
  2. The wishes of clients, which do not always coincide with the capabilities of dance schools.
    Modern clients are spoiled, so they want to practice in comfortable premises with showers and rest rooms, they want to study not just one style of dance, but several or choose from many proposed options, they want to study at a time convenient for themselves - that is, mainly in the evenings and on weekends, etc. d.
    For those new to business minimum amount capital investment is not easy to offer all this to your clients.
  3. High level of competition in this sector, which continues to increase.
    Television dance shows, propaganda healthy image life and the fashion for slim figures have led to an increase in demand not only among children, but also among adults for the services of dance schools.
    Famous dancers(those who participated in the same shows) rushed to take advantage of the chance and open their own dance schools, hoping that their popularity would attract clients. It is quite difficult to join this business from the street.


When thinking about how to open your own dance school, decide on the legal form of your business. It largely depends on the concept and scope of your business.

If you are going to issue diplomas or certificates to graduates of your dance school, you will have to open an LLC and go through a more complex registration procedure.

If your goal is simply to teach children and adults to dance, then IP will be enough.

In addition to the registration procedure, the one you have chosen to open dance school the building must pass inspections from the SES, Fire Service, and others government agencies and obtain appropriate conclusions.

Complete legal registration business will take from 1 to 3 months.

Premises for a dance school

This is not a business that allows renting a small space.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to rent or buy an area of ​​at least 100 square meters (for a dance class alone you will have to allocate at least 70 square meters, but you also need to arrange a locker room and reception area).

The optimal area for opening a small dance studio is 150 square meters, so that you can equip not only a dance class or locker room, but also a shower room and a relaxation room.

If you want to have not one, but several classes, then you need to look for a larger room.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners who are just learning how to open a dance school to start a business in their own premises, because it is the rent that destroys most of these startups.

Since it is advisable to open a studio somewhere closer to the center or in a densely populated residential area, you will have to include a considerable amount of capital investment (it depends on the city in which you are opening your studio) to purchase the premises.

If this business doesn’t work out for you, then you can open something else in this premises or simply rent it out.

Equipment for dance school

The most important thing in studio equipment is good system ventilation and high-quality flooring.

In addition, you will have to equip the dance class with mirrors and machines, purchase furniture for the locker room and plumbing for the shower, a music center, etc.

To equip a small studio, you will have to shell out about 400,000 rubles.

Expense itemCost (in rub.)
Total:400,000 rub.
Ventilation system
100 000
50 000
Machine tools
20 000
Music Center
30 000
25 000
Lockers and other locker room furniture
50 000
Plumbing for shower
50 000
Other75 000

Dance school staff

The number of specialists that those who want to open a dance school must hire depends not only on the size of the studio and the number of classes, but also on what function the founder, that is, you, will perform.

If you are opening a small school and are going to teach on your own, then you will need another teacher (it is very difficult to cope with all groups of students on your own), an administrator, an accountant (part-time) and a cleaner.

If you combine accounting and administrative functions, you will need two teachers and a cleaner.

Let's assume that in our case the second option will be implemented.

To quickly form a client base in a dance school, you need to hire qualified teachers who are known within your city.

It is clear that such specialists will require good payment for their services and the larger the city, the more larger fund wages you will have to shape.

For example, salary costs in a city with a population of about half a million people would be approximately the following:

How much does it cost to open a dance school?

When analyzing how to open a dance school and how much money is needed for it, you can only get acquainted with approximate figures, because a lot depends on settlement, in which you decided to open a dance school and the size of the future school.

Let's imagine that our goal is a small studio for 1 dance class in provincial town with a population of no more than half a million people.

We will not rent the building, but buy it.

We will need capital investments in the amount of at least 3 million rubles:

You will also have to allocate money monthly to maintain the dance school, pay salaries to staff, taxes, advertising, etc.

The approximate amount of monthly expenses will fluctuate at 130,000 rubles

In the video below, a young girl, who is also an aspiring entrepreneur,

shares his experience of opening a dance school in a large city:

How to open a dance school and how much can you earn from it?

I think you understand that earnings open school dancing directly depends on the number of clients and on how many subscriptions or one-time classes you sell per month to these same clients.

Let’s say you have classes for three groups a day: at 16.00, at 18.00, at 20.00. One group is 10–15 people, that is, you have about 40 people studying per day.

Day off is Sunday.

One lesson costs 200 rubles when purchasing a subscription.

That is, the dance school’s earnings will be calculated using the following formula: 200 rubles. (lesson cost) x 40 (number of students per day) x 26 (approximate number of working days of your studio per month) = 208,000 rubles.

Your teachers will devote their morning and lunch hours to individual lessons with students.

According to statistics individual sessions add 15–20% to monthly revenue.

208,000 + 15–20% = 240,000 – 250,000 rubles.

This is the amount of your monthly income.

If you form not 3, but 4 groups a day and find additional sources of income (for example, renting out the premises of a dance school on Sunday), you will significantly increase your own profit.

But even with minimal indicators net profit your studio will be at the level of 110,000 - 120,000 rubles.

You will be able to return your capital investment in 2.5–3 years.

Since you bought the property rather than rented it, you won't be hit by rent increases and will get through the tough times.

If these data suit you, then start writing a business plan " How to open a dance school"and launch a startup without waiting for one of your competitors to do it.

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Dancing is a wonderful pastime that is good for health, promotes a slim figure and supports a person’s cultural and spiritual level. Many people understand this and enjoy attending individual and group classes in dance schools, studios and dance classes. Let's look at how to open a dance school on your own and earn income from it.

Format and direction

First you need to decide what dance style will be taught at your school. It is not necessary to choose just one thing. Your school may offer classes in classical ballroom dancing, as well as Latin American and popular dances. Lately eastern. The choice of one or more directions is determined by various factors, such as:

  • Preferences of your target audience.
  • Directions of schools already existing in your city or area.
  • Your personal preferences.
  • Your teachers' preferences.
  • Fashion.

In addition to teaching some specific dance styles, last years A program such as “Dancing for Everyone” is coming into fashion. It is intended for people who do not know how to dance and want to learn it in order to feel confident in clubs and at parties.

Each dance school develops its own exclusive program"Dancing for everyone." It should include the main modern trends and perhaps some themed dances and classical music. These programs, when properly advertised, usually attract many people, because after just a few weeks, students feel noticeable results. Your task is to ensure that this result occurs. And then you won’t need further advertising; information about you will be passed on by word of mouth.

Premises for a dance school

Finding suitable premises for a dance school is not so easy. The combination of all the requirements is rare. And the requirements are as follows:

  • The size of the dance class must be at least 80 sq.m.
  • The classroom must have a good ventilation and air conditioning system.
  • Two locker rooms are required, men's and women's, 15 sq.m. each. each. If there is a shortage of space, the size of the men's locker room can be reduced to 10 sq.m.
  • Both locker rooms must have showers, at least two.
  • A hall or foyer is required where the reception desk will be located.
  • You need a rest room, furnished with upholstered furniture, measuring at least 20 sq.m.

You can find such a room in a fitness center or business center that has a leisure area. Sometimes dance schools rent premises in cultural centers or sports complexes.

The option of building a dance school is, of course, very attractive, but it will require significant financial investments. You can purchase a room of suitable size as your property and remodel it to suit your needs. This option is also not cheap.

A rental property that meets the requirements listed above may still require some investment. If you haven't danced there before, the flooring may not meet your needs. In addition, large mirrors on the walls are a must for a dance class. If they are not there, you will have to spend money on purchasing and installing them.

Dance school location

You can open a dance studio either in the city center, in a visible and visited place, or in a quiet residential area. Both there and there have their own clientele and their pros and cons.

City center

  • Prestige. A dance studio located in the center is considered more prestigious than one on the outskirts.
  • Class prices are higher. This is related to the previous point - the more prestigious the studio, the higher the cost of services.
  • Less advertising costs. It is enough to hang up a noticeable sign and post several advertisements on the surrounding streets.
  • Convenient for working clients. The city center is usually home to many offices and other businesses whose employees can become yours regular customers. They will be able to attend classes immediately after work or even during their lunch break.
  • The main and almost only negative is the high rent in the central areas.
  • Clients who do not live in the center may prefer an establishment located closer to home.
  • Traffic jams common in the central part of the city. Can lead to frequent tardiness for both students and teachers.

Sleeping areas and outskirts

  • Low rent. With luck and perseverance, you can find very cheap premises.
  • You will have more housewife clients who prefer to work out in the morning and afternoon. Very often in dance studio schools, the morning and afternoon are downtime.
  • Lack of competition. There are not many dance schools in residential areas, but there are a lot of people living there, including your potential clients. Of course, you will need to scout the situation first and not open a studio where there is already a similar establishment.
  • Your school may not be considered as prestigious as those located in the center.
  • You will have fewer clients, especially at first. There is no need to count on crowded halls in residential areas.
  • To achieve good traffic, you will have to constantly spend money on advertising campaigns and various promotions.
  • Less fee per lesson.

Dance studio staff

First of all, these are, of course, teachers. This is your main value and the reason for your income. An experienced and skillful teacher is able to attract a large number of clients and without additional advertising.

To fully operate your studio, you will need from four to six teachers who will work according to an approved schedule from 8 a.m. to 10-11 p.m.

In addition, you will need two administrators working in shifts. Their responsibilities will include communicating with visitors, answering telephone calls and, if necessary, organizing activities.

You will need to hire a cleaner to clean the premises.

Dance school business plan

The cost of one lesson at a dance school-studio can range from 200 to 400 rubles per hour. This applies to group classes. Individual lessons with an instructor will cost the client from 700 to 1000 rubles per hour.

Typically, classes in studios specializing in one dance direction are a little more expensive than classes in schools with a broad specialization. The fact is that narrow specialization requires more skill and experience from teachers, and training services are considered exclusive.

A group of students consists of 12-15 people. Most of the school's clients usually study in evening time. But there can also be classes in the morning for housewives who have free time or individual lessons with a teacher. In order for a dance school to not only pay off, but also generate income, it is necessary to ensure the presence of at least 4-5 groups in the hall per day.

Let's calculate the costs of opening an average dance school school:

  • Rent of premises - from 70,000 to 90,000. At a higher rental cost, your business may become unprofitable.
  • Costs for additional equipment (mirrors, flooring, etc.) – 80,000
  • Approximate costs for employee salaries in the first month – 120,000
  • Initial advertising costs – 50,000
  • Total – 330,000 rubles – the amount needed to open a dance school-studio.

General calculations:

  • Initial costs - 330,000
  • Monthly turnover of funds – about 350,000
  • Monthly expenses – 200,000
  • Dance studio income – from 150,000 rubles per month

Enterprise registration

Usually the founders of dance schools and studios, less often - how (usually this form is chosen if there is more than one founder).

Obtaining special licenses to engage in activities such as choreography is not provided.

If you are not renting space in a specialized complex, such as a fitness center, then you may have to obtain permits to operate it yourself. You will need to obtain permission to open a school from the Fire Department, SES and city administration.

As a taxation system it is possible.

Advertising and promotion of the dance studio school

Some dance school owners believe that spending money on a large-scale advertising campaign is inappropriate. Those who love and want to dance will find you anyway. And those for whom dancing has no appeal are unlikely to come to school after seeing the advertisement.

Of course, people who are far from dancing are unlikely to change their attitude after seeing your advertisement, but those who are passionate about dance will know about you. In addition, there are doubtful people, wondering where to go and what to do to keep fit. Your advertisement can influence them and encourage them to come to your dance school and try themselves.

The conclusion is this: you decide for yourself whether you need large-scale advertising on radio and television, but announcements that new studio, where you can learn to dance, should definitely appear at least in print publications and on the Internet. And at most - on posters and banners throughout the city.

Another way to stimulate existing students and attract new clients is through dance evenings. Any popular dance studio must regularly hold such events, where students can demonstrate their skills and enjoy dancing and socializing.

Restaurants or clubs are usually rented for dance parties. Entrance to the party is paid; this fee covers the rent for the premises.

Every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. AND dance art V in this case is a completely acceptable option. How to open your own dance school? How profitable can such an activity be? What documents are needed for this? These questions interest many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Modern dance school: how profitable such a business can become

Naturally, every person, before starting his own business, is interested in the question of its profitability. And a dance school is an excellent option for those people who cannot afford large investments.

This area gives the entrepreneur a lot of opportunities. After all, according to statistical research, even in big cities, teaching dance is a non-competitive business. On the other hand, there is always a demand for such lessons. The profitability in this case is about 20-60%, which, you see, is not bad. With the right approach, the costs of opening a dance studio will pay off within 1-2 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of such an enterprise

Before exploring the question of how to open your own dance school, it is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of such a business. As already mentioned, this area not too competitive and does not require too much investment, which is undoubtedly a plus.

On the other hand, there are some pitfalls that are definitely worth paying attention to. After all, according to the same statistics, many dance schools close during the year. Why? To begin with, the reasons include problems with finding suitable premises.

In addition, the lack of competent advertising will affect the number of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise. But the main problem in this case is the search for qualified teachers, specialists who really know how to work with people, determine their requirements and capabilities and, naturally, have the necessary knowledge and experience.

How to open your own dance school? What documents are needed for this?

Official registration of the enterprise, of course, is a necessary component of your own business. And if you are drawing up a business plan for a dance school, then you are probably interested in the package of necessary documents.

Fortunately, for a dance studio, the amount of official paperwork is much less. Of course, you will need to register with the tax office - the best way to do this is as follows: individual entrepreneur and work according to a simplified taxation scheme. However, it is always possible to create a society with limited liability, especially if you work not independently, but with partners.

As for everything else, you just need to comply with the requirements for the premises, in particular the rules fire safety, labor protection, etc. By the way, this red tape can be avoided if you rent space in a fitness club.

Deciding on the target audience and teaching style

Of course, first of all, you should decide what style of dance you will teach and what category of clients your school will focus on. For example, are you going to train children or recruit a group of older clients?

Of course, classical ballroom dancing will always be in demand. But we shouldn’t forget that this is a paired dance, and not everyone can find a partner. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the school offers this service.

A hip-hop dance school can be quite profitable. This modern style becoming increasingly popular, does not require each student to have a partner. Again, such energetic dances are more suitable to the younger generation. Women will certainly be interested if a belly dancing school opens in the city, because such a passionate and beautiful dance has been popular at all times.

In short, you need to decide on a list of dance styles that will be taught at your institution and select the appropriate teachers. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule - for sure most of clients will come to you in the evening hours, since during the day everyone is at work or school.

On the other hand, some people will find it much more convenient to attend classes in the morning or afternoon - perhaps as the business grows it will be necessary to add a few classes during the daytime to the schedule.

Where to rent a room

Of course, in this case, the search for premises is extremely important. In most cases, entrepreneurs are inclined to two options - you can rent premises for a school in a fitness club or cultural center. Both options have their advantages. For example, a fitness club next door will provide you with additional clients. In turn, your school sports dances(or any others) will increase the list of services offered by the center.

Naturally, you can build your own club or rent premises in any other place in the city - the main thing is that it is convenient to get to you (for example, make sure that there is a public transport stop not far from the school).

When looking for a suitable room, you should worry about the convenience of students and teachers. First, remember that the dance studio must have enough space. In addition, the school should have an entrance hall, which will serve both for meeting clients and for waiting for classes. It is imperative to equip a locker room with hangers and lockers, since students need to change clothes and leave their things somewhere. And of course, showers and toilets are needed.

How to decorate a room

In fact, the design style can be almost anything. The main thing is that the students feel comfortable. Equip the reception area workplace for the administrator and place several sofas or chairs.

In the locker room, it is best to place lockers that can be locked with a key - clients will be able to leave their things without fear.

The basic requirements for opening a dance school are set directly for the training premises. The plan (project) of a dance school must necessarily include the costs of arranging the hall.

It is extremely important to make a suitable floor (for example, use parquet or laminate), as well as equip a powerful ventilation system. And of course, you will need several large mirrors.

Is additional equipment needed?

In fact, the list of additional equipment depends on what services you are going to offer. Most likely, you will need dance machines. Make sure that the hall is equipped with speakers and a record player, because music is essential for dancing.

Dancing is not easy fashion trend, but also a good way to maintain excellent physical fitness, making new acquaintances and simply receiving positive emotions.

In order for the start of this noble cause to achieve the desired level of income, you will need a well-drafted business plan.

Market and competitor analysis

At the beginning of drawing up the document, you need to determine the level of income of the intended clients. After all, it is possible to create conditions for both wide range people of different age categories and income levels, and only for those who are part of the urban elite.

The former are unlikely to express any demands; for them, the most important thing is that the price be affordable. Dancing for them is entertainment; for them, it is not the result that is important, but the process itself. Therefore, creating a clear training course is a waste of time. But the presence of a VIP client presupposes the presence of more expensive equipment and qualified employees. This category will most likely require you to specify a specific time after which a particular dance will be learned.

Consumers of such services are people:

  • Aspiring to Governance own body, to the development of plasticity and comprehension of the language of dance.
  • Those who want to learn modern and beautiful movements.
  • Preferring to stand out among their peers.

Nowadays, people of absolutely all ages are interested in dancing. age groups: children develop plasticity and motor memory, adults replace sports in this way, and older people simply want to be in good shape.

For information on how to organize such an activity, see the following video:

Production plan

To teach dance skills, you need to find a room that will meet the following fairly strict requirements:

  • square not less than 80 sq. m.;
  • availability of men's and women's locker rooms of approximately 15 square meters. m. each;
  • a relaxation room equipped with upholstered furniture;
  • V dance class there must be a high-quality ventilation system;
  • in the hall there are several large mirrors and ballet bars.

Many similar rooms can be found in a fitness center or community center.

A more complex and costly task is equipping the hall. Considerable expenses await the entrepreneur who owns or rents premises in which he has never conducted dance classes. In this case, you need to be prepared to replace the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors, machines and a good ventilation system.

The most suitable materials for flooring include stacked parquet, boards and laminate.

A high-quality ventilation system will require the most significant expenses, so when choosing a room you should give preference to one that already has one.

There are no special requirements for lighting, so a pleasant atmosphere and dim light is just what you need.

You will need the following equipment:

  • large mirrors;
  • furniture for locker rooms and rest rooms;
  • reception desk

The level of technical equipment of the school should stimulate the growth of the number of clients, ensure the necessary security, maintain its reputation and implement the long-term investment strategy provided for by the marketing policy.

Financial plan

It is necessary to provide space for information about basic expenses:

  • Rent, the size of which ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the population of the city and the location of the school itself. There is no point in renting more expensive premises, since then the entrepreneur will not earn anything.
  • Payment of wages to staff– about 120 thousand rubles. monthly. A fixed salary can be set for the administrator and cleaning lady, and the teacher’s salary usually depends on the number of subscriptions sold.
  • Purchase of equipment(mirrors, machine tools, flooring) - approximately 100 thousand rubles. If an entrepreneur manages to rent a room where dance classes were previously held, then these costs can be avoided.
  • Advertising campaign– 30-50 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan

When selecting personnel, the owner must start from the main and only criterion - professionalism. After all, the positive impression of clients and their desire to attend this particular school depend on the experience and professional qualities of the teacher.

The minimum staff should include:

  • administrator– 2 employees working in shifts. The monthly salary is 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • teachers– 6 people with an hourly wage, the amount of which ranges from 300-400 rubles.
  • cleaning lady– 1 employee with a salary of 7-10 thousand rubles.

The success of the school largely depends on a carefully designed schedule of the educational process. Practice shows that the greatest profitability is observed among evening groups consisting of 10-15 people.

Morning and afternoon study hours are well suited for individual lessons, which typically generate between 5% and 20% of the total profit.

You can count on receiving a stable income only if you organize daily classes in at least 3-4 groups.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to one type of dance, as each visitor comes with his own preferences. So, one wants to learn how to move beautifully to the rhythm classical types dance: waltz, square dance, mazurka, Charleston, cha-cha-cha, etc. Others like the temperament Latin American dances: Argentine tango, rumba, bolero, salsa, samba. Still others are attracted by the femininity of the East - belly dancing, and for others, serve modern rhythms: break, hip-hop, etc.

Launch schedule

The grand opening is usually preceded by the following steps:

No.Stage nameImplementation period
1 Business plan developmentFebruary 2016
2 Passing state registrationMarch 2016
3 Selection of suitable areasMarch 2016
4 Equipment purchaseApril 2016
5 Conducting a marketing campaignMarch-April 2016
6 Start of activityApril 2016

Marketing plan and advertising

Analysis of the market situation allows us to understand that the number of potential consumers does not have time to increase at the same speed with which the number of dance schools is growing. Therefore, without conducting an effective advertising campaign you can't get by, it's the only way potential client information will become known that these services can be found at your location.

  • on the territory of schools, kindergartens, universities or any other educational institutions;
  • in printed publications;
  • in a specialized magazine or on a website - this method allows you to reach the maximum audience of interested customers;
  • on your own website and social networks.

The main method of promoting services is hiring a highly qualified specialist, after training with whom any client remains satisfied and brings with him several more of his friends or acquaintances. Another way to demonstrate to students that they need to continue learning in school is by holding a dance demonstration.

In general, a dance school is a highly profitable and promising business, and even the tougher market situation will not become an obstacle if the organization is entrusted to professionals.

Risk analysis

This type entrepreneurial activity depends a lot:

  • on the level of professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • from the convenient and advantageous location of the school itself;
  • on the level of capitalization of the initial investment;
  • from objective financial and economic events.

A novice businessman must understand that the implementation of this project will require willpower, great dedication, a high level of knowledge and careful organization.

A dance school will help you spend time with health benefits and pleasure. How many people, after studying or working, would gladly spend their free time on such a pleasant activity. Parents are happy to take their children to dance clubs, because moving to music not only has a positive effect on physical fitness, but also on the development of personal qualities.

Opening such an establishment requires a little effort, but a love of dancing is a must. An excellent option would be to have teaching experience behind us in this area. Having previously completed a dance school or at least a short experience as an instructor will make it much easier to choose the future direction of your studio.

Initial costs

  • Renting premises from 70,000 rubles;
  • employees from 140,000 rubles;
  • equipment and repairs from 60,000 rubles;
  • advertising and website creation about 50,000 rubles.

To open your own dance school you will need a total of spend about 320,000 rubles.

One lesson depending on where the school is located on average it costs 300–500 rubles.

Approximate monthly income around 350,000 rubles.

Net profit will be about 150,000 rubles.

Profitability of a dance school

The profitability of a dance school directly depends on the number of clients. The number of groups required to obtain a stable profit should be three or four daily. The optimal number of students in each group is 15–20 people. You can also organize individual lessons that can bring up to 20% of the total profit.

Possible problems dance business

Of course, the pleasant atmosphere, convenient access to the school, high-quality equipment, and the original name attract customers. But the determining factor is teachers. However, everything good craftsmen They have already opened their own schools and have been working for themselves for a long time. It is quite difficult to find a professional in his field, this is the main problem of the dance business.

To recruit capable instructors for your school, you will have to work hard - go around many similar establishments, trying to lure the best, call advertisements or find out from dancers about their favorites.

The next challenge may be recruiting customers, especially if there are already similar establishments in the area. The only way to interest future dancers is through action.

You can develop own training program, The main thing is that after just a few lessons a person feels and sees a positive result and development. This will be excellent advertising; clients will naturally recommend your school to their friends.

Opening of a dance school the business is profitable and incredibly exciting. This is an opportunity to show yourself, teach people to dance, hear music and move correctly.

Nowadays dancing is gaining more and more popularity, and with the relatively low cost of one lesson, there are enough people who want to try it. Pleasant communication with like-minded people, fighting inhibitions, keeping the body in shape, control - this is all dancing.

To carefully study the market, identify the most popular dance styles in your area, find and convince professionals to work for you and then you will be guaranteed a stable income.

How to open a dance school? Watch the following video for recommendations: