How to make a home puppet theater. We make a home puppet theater with our own hands from A to Z How to make a puppet theater at home

Make it at home with your child puppet show, stage and theatrical props. You will have something to surprise your guests and please your family on quiet family evenings. Fairy-tale heroes They will help feed, put to sleep, cheer, and educate the baby. Home theater is great way verbal, emotional, creative development. And the most important thing is Team work which unites all family members. There are enough roles for everyone!

Organization home theater does not require large financial costs; a lot can be made from scrap materials with your own hands. Just be prepared to sacrifice your time. But it's worth it, believe me! The sparkling eyes of a child, a storm of emotions, invaluable experience, funny photographs in family archive, the applause of the audience is not the entire list of future “dividends”.

Hiding behind dolls, getting used to the images of heroes, children often say things that they would not say in real life. ordinary life. When playing in the theater, a child plays out what excites him in this moment, on behalf of fairy tale character tells own problems, experiences, fears. Staging performances helps improve communication skills, develops expressive speech and the ability to formulate one’s thoughts.

Let's look at what a home theater can be like, what and how to make dolls from.

How to make puppets for the theater

There are a lot of different things on sale finger puppets, glove dolls. We will talk about dolls that you can easily make yourself at home. Sometimes you don’t have to know how to sew to do this.

You don't need to make many dolls. Gray wolf, fox, bear, hare and other “traditional” heroes can participate in a huge number of fairy tales.

Finger puppets for home theater

You can introduce children to the theater from the very beginning. early age. The roles of the main actors will be played by our fingers. They just need to be dressed up a little. Over time, the little one will act out short scenes himself.

Puppets for home theater can be connected with a key.

Finger puppets can be sewn from scraps of fleece, felt or bright cotton and knitted fabrics.

Finger puppets can be made from paper using the origami technique.

Special developments allow you to make the figures more complex.

Stomper dolls

Stomper dolls are interesting and easy to make. Thick cardboard will do. It turns out to be a real walking doll!

Any flat picture with two holes for the index and middle fingers will become talented actor your home theater, will be able to walk, jump and run funny.

Glove puppets for theater

You can use lost gloves, socks without a pair, mittens, leftover fabric, felt, yarn, etc.

A sock can turn into anyone if you sew on eyes, forelocks and other missing details of the image.

If the doll is made in such a way that it can open its mouth, that's great! A character who speaks and moves his lips (mouth) believably is capable of many things.

A simple pattern in the form of a potholder. Draw heroes on the front side.

Knitted dolls in the form of a mitten.

Glove puppets can be made from broken toys. It is enough to attach the head to the glove cover. Heads from rubber toys are great.

You can not only sew a doll for your hand, but also felt it from wool.


You need to learn how to control a puppet. Coordination and dexterity are important here.

You can make a doll from balls, large beads, or a piece of fabric. Be sure to cross and fishing line.

Dolls on a stick

Dolls made from disposable spoons. Fast - and comfortable to hold!

You can use wooden skewers or ice cream sticks as holders.

Dolls on stands

You can cut out characters for your home theater from magazines or make figurines yourself. Be sure to stick it on thick cardboard and make stands.

Shadow play

It’s not difficult to set up a home shadow theater - a white sheet will serve as a screen, and instead of a projector you can take a regular table lamp.

You can invent and show characters using your hands.


Making a flannelgraph is simple - a piece of plywood or a board is covered with plain flannel. The characters are glued onto thick cardboard (you can cut out pictures from magazines or download them from the Internet). WITH reverse side Velvet paper or sewing Velcro is glued on.

Let the fairy tale come to life!

Dear readers! Do you have experience organizing a home theater? Perhaps you attended performances organized by mothers and fathers you know with their children? Maybe you know how to make scenery and puppets for the theater? Tell us about it in the comments.

Theater has enormous educational potential. Its impact on the child’s emotions is very strong, because children live life together with the hero on stage, rejoice, worry, and sympathize. Since they have developed concrete-figurative thinking, it is what is happening on stage, the scenery, and the acting that gives them the opportunity to better understand and more clearly perceive familiar plots and characters.

The simplest theatrical performances with the participation of the baby’s favorite toys is not just entertainment, but also an opportunity for parents to promote the development of speech, memory, creative abilities, moral traits, friendliness, expanding the child’s horizons. A child can prepare the scenery, thereby showing himself as an artist and designer, think through costumes, write a script, and play a role. The theater has great opportunities, even if it is just a home performance.

Psychologists use play theater techniques in their work to help a child fight his fears, complexes, and self-doubt. The child begins to change on his own, without the guidance of an adult, without his instructions and reproaches. He learns to communicate, because in the theater you need teamwork, appear hidden abilities even among those children who considered themselves incapable of anything. They are imbued with art and its diversity, because theater is a synthesis of music, words, painting, choreography, and design. And as you know, art can heal the soul.

In home theater, the most important thing is to help the child open up, realize himself, free his creativity. Therefore, there is no place for strict criticism here. Theatrical play teaches the child to interact with others, look for a solution to a problem, and bring the matter to the end.

Home theater for kids 3-5 years old

They can already be involved in the preparation of the production, giving small roles and tasks. You should act out scenes based on an already familiar fairy tale or story. They love to read the same story many times, and a short play with familiar and beloved characters will be met with a bang and will help them better understand the plot and feel the emotions of the characters. It is better to choose simple fairy tales for kids, where we're talking about about friendship, mutual assistance, justice, etc. And gradually expand the repertoire to maintain the child’s interest.

At this age, children can already play on their own; the duration of the performance is about 15-20 minutes. These could be fairy tales: “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, fragments from the works of K. Chukovsky. Up to 4 years of age, it is better to perform a puppet show for an adult, and with children to play simple plot scenes with dolls. A performance behind a screen can be organized for children as young as 6 years old.

Theater for children 7-13 years old

This is the age when a child wants and can take on the entire theatrical production. The parent’s task is to support the child’s initiative, not to interfere with independence, and, if necessary, to tactfully help. It's important to discuss main goal productions: a gift for a holiday, for some date, to amuse children, friends, relatives.

Home theater organization

You can choose any suitable place in the apartment. Puppet theater performances can be performed on a table, floor, or made into a house or a small screen. For a performance with roles, you should think about the scenery, but you don’t have to make it complicated, use everything that is available. From cardboard, for example, you can create a screen, cut out a tree, draw a house, etc. Children especially like costumes; let them come up with them themselves (depending on age) and try to bring their sketches to life. This perfectly develops imagination, handicraft skills, diligence, and is simply fun and interesting.

In this article we will talk about home puppet theater not in terms of entertaining our own offspring, but about a promising business idea.

If you creative person and think creatively, then this idea should come to your liking. Moreover, today entertainment industry is going great with the population, people are ready to invest money in having a blast.

Nowadays it is fashionable to organize fun celebrations by inviting animators to your home. Spider-Man, Thumbelina, Chip and Dale can entertain the little birthday boy and his guests. But two or three years of such “entertainment” - and the child will want something new. And age is already gravitating towards a different perception of interesting leisure than games, competitions and dances.

Although one does not interfere with the other, of course. So, puppet theater at home as a business idea is like this. At the appointed “X” hour, a mini-troupe arrives at the birthday person’s house (this could be another celebration) and will show the children and their parents a performance, say a fairy tale.

From businessmen - availability of everything necessary equipment and talent, from the owners - providing an impromptu theater hall(chairs, sofas, poufs) and discipline (be sure to have an educational conversation with the audience before the start of the performance!).

Equipment for puppet theater at home

Slats, pieces of thick cardboard, and even sewer pipes that fit together, which are sold in hardware stores, are suitable for this.

You should choose your curtain option taking into account the following factors:

  • how quickly will it unfold
  • what style it will look like (to match with various fairy tales)
  • how durable and easy to use it will be (so that it doesn’t fold in half at the most crucial moment).
  • ease of transportation (so that the elevator can also fit into the trunk of a car).

So, the folding screen and curtain are ready for it - great! The next point will be the “heroes” of all performances - dolls. For a real puppet theater, they are sewn to order by craftsmen and puppeteers.

You, of course, can also order, although at first, while there are no first profits, you can also use purchased dolls. Online and in local stores, you can find a hero for just about any story.

You will also need to stock up the rest of the inventory for performances: toy furniture, clothes for characters, some items for the performance ( Magic wand, For example).

The last thing included in the “equipment” list is musical accompaniment your action. Whether it will be only music or a pre-recorded “reading” at home in the voices of dolls is up to you. A music center with speakers or a laptop that will be located behind the scenes - these are ideas for how to make a home puppet theater.


There is no doubt that if you want to successfully develop such a business idea, then an important point is that you or your assistants have at least some acting skills. If you hire people from outside, then most of profits will go to the side.

If you still decide to show such performances yourself for money, then perhaps your household can help you. for example, teenagers cope well with the role if you rehearse a lot beforehand and don’t forget to promise them your own salary.

Fairy tales for home puppet theater

On the Internet and books in your home library, you can easily find a lot of scripts for puppet theater at home. You need to choose from them to your taste, adapt them to your conditions, assign roles and start rehearsing!

Here is an excellent resource where the most popular and adapted fairy tale scenarios for performances are collected:

Experience has shown that two people can play four characters at the same time. Another one can turn music on and off or play some sounds (knocking, ringing, etc.). And even be a storyteller and a sort of entertainer, speaking in front of auditorium.


How to determine how much to charge for a performance? find out prices for the services of one animator in our city, add up to the number of your people. This way you can calculate the approximate cost of the “ticket”.

Develop your business, create groups on social networks, advertise yourself to relatives and friends, perform for free for promotion. Go with performances as volunteers to children's hospitals and orphanages, give children joy! And the practice will be good, and word of mouth can work - thousands of people will know about you.

And one more thing: only a truly passionate person can achieve success. It’s not worth starting this business just for the sake of money - then it’s better to buy a point on the market.

Finally, let us remind you, as theatergoers say: the audience will feel everything. The strictest judge is the person (no matter whether an adult or a child) who came to you to have fun.

Each of us adults has participated in an amateur performance at least once - with friends at the dacha, in kindergarten or school. For many, these are some of the most vivid memories of childhood and youth. Why not give the same magical experience to your children? Expert on theatrical life ticket operator tells how to introduce children to the theater and stage a home performance with your own hands.

Many parents dream of raising a connoisseur of theatrical performances and want their children to have a good artistic taste, but they don’t know how to instill in a child, if not a love of art, then at least an interest in it. The easiest way to do this is in game form- for example, arrange with a child family theater. At first, only you and your baby can participate in the performances, inviting other relatives as spectators. As soon as it becomes clear that the young artist is not shy about performing in public, the “troupe” and “ auditorium“can be expanded to include immediate neighbors, the child’s friends in the yard or kindergarten, and their parents.

Home theater - not only great alternative gadgets and doing nothing in bad weather, but also an absolute benefit for your personal relationship with your baby and his general development. By getting used to the role, the “actor” will develop imagination; by memorizing lines, it will improve your memory and speech, and by helping you make costumes, it will improve fine motor skills. Working together on an interesting task will make your child feel like an important member of the team, and he will quickly learn to listen to others. In addition, by creating a mini theater at home, you will introduce your family to theater arts, and by attending real performances, the child will understand what big job is behind the performance on stage.

How to “cast a fishing rod” correctly?

The sooner you tell your child the idea of ​​a theater, the better. If the child is no more than three or four years old, you can perform simple finger skits with him, teach him rhymes and organize a shadow theater. It will also be interesting puppet shows, “actors” in which loved ones can be toys, and the screen is an ironing board covered with a sheet. By offering your child such simple and exciting leisure options, you will prepare him for future “big” performances for the public.

If the child is older, present him with the idea of ​​a family play as new game and at the same time make you feel responsible for preparing the entire process. Tell him that he will be able to try himself not only as a director, but also become an actor, costume designer and make-up artist. Children really love such situational role-playing stories and happily agree to all the transformations.

Start with a visit to the theater

It's definitely worth visiting a real theater. We often forget that with children you can go not only to the circus and to the entertainment shows: Theaters now offer a wealth of quality performances for all ages. These include baby shows for babies who have barely learned to walk, and puppet shows, and full-fledged theatrical productions. Choose a performance that your child will like (for example, a favorite fairy tale, the characters of which are close and understandable): you should not go to a performance just because it is fashionable, the most expensive or closest to home. After all, visiting the theater is always a holiday, an adventure and, above all, positive emotions.

If you regularly go to children's performances, and the child knows well what theater is, you can choose to watch a play that you would like to stage at home. This way you can find an excerpt for the production, see what costumes the actors wear, and try to recreate the atmosphere of the performance at home.

If this is your first time at the theater, you definitely need to tell your child what theater is, how to behave, how the performance works, and who the actors are. Little children intertwine events on stage with real life, and for many of them the fact that it is actually an actor on stage, and not the real Buratino, becomes a real revelation.

Preparing for a home performance

Promising the baby something grand theatrical performance, do not disappoint his expectations. To do this, think through all the stages of preparing the future performance and involve the child in each of them as much as possible.

Choosing a play. The first thing you should decide on is the material for the production. This could be some play that is well known to the child, the text of which he already almost knows by heart, or a work that is completely new to him. If you are more inclined to the second option, choose a plot based on the age and interests of your child. In any case, it should be something good, positive and with an element of mystery that the little actor will want to solve himself and tell the audience about it. If you don’t have a suitable book in mind yet, take the beginning of one already known to the child work and invite him to come up with an alternative continuation.

Starring. If one child is involved in the production, then, of course, the main role he gets it, but what if several children participate in the play? In order not to provoke a quarrel, distributing roles at your own discretion or at the request of the little actors, invite them to draw lots. Write the names of the characters on pieces of paper, put them in a bag or hat and let the children take them out.

Don't forget to tell the little actors that the theater has a director, lighting and sound specialists, make-up artists, costume designers - many people who work together to make a memorable performance.

As a rule, all girls want to be beautiful princesses and good witches, and boys want to be noble heroes, but for interesting dramaturgy you also need negative characters. Explain to children that the role of a villain deserves attention, and sometimes it is even more interesting to play it. To prove this, come up with such a character some unusual costume, makeup, memorable phrases, special intonation and a villainous laugh. Assign yourself the role of a modest narrator, moderator of the performance and prompter - in case young talents They will start to worry and at the most crucial moment they will forget the words.

Quiet, rehearsal is underway! The number and duration of rehearsals before a performance directly depends on the complexity of the play and the number of people involved. The main rule is to conduct all “training” in a playful way. Children are not professional actors, they are interested in the process, not the accuracy of the replicas. Don't scold them if they confuse or forget something - it's better to think about how you can beat it. Listen enthusiastically to all their suggestions and try to include them in the performance as much as possible so that the child feels the significance of his ideas.

Scenery, costumes, makeup. The performance will require scenery and costumes, but don't rush into shopping. Theater presupposes convention, so it is quite possible not to spend extra money and do everything from available materials. Curtains or a door to another room can become an excellent backstage, a sofa and pillows on the floor can become a comfortable auditorium, and an old sheepskin coat can become a bear skin obtained by a hunter. With costumes, everything is also simple: there are probably boxes with unnecessary things on the mezzanines - give them a second life. Don’t be foolish with makeup: the cosmetics you have in the house or inexpensive children’s face painting are perfect for transformation.

Last preparations. When the text has been learned, the costumes are ready, and the little actors are already burning with impatience to demonstrate the performance to the public, remind them that the audience still needs to be invited to the performance. To do this, invite them to draw a poster and tickets - this will create the effect of completeness of all preparations. Give out invitations, repeat the words, get ready for resounding success and rehearse the general final bow.

Pros of home theater

We all come from childhood, and how happy your child is will determine what kind of person he will grow up to be. By staging a play at home with your child, you not only become closer, but also introduce him to the atmosphere of the theater. By participating in such productions, the child gains confidence, develops imagination, aesthetic taste and Creative skills. You can act out excerpts from plays with him, and then go to the theater and compare how everything happens on big stage. Trying himself as an actor at home, he will perceive more subtly acting in a real theater and will really love art. Isn't this what you dreamed of?


Class! I will definitely get organized and show my child a performance at home, it is described so clearly that I think I will not have any difficulties with the preparation. First I want to take my child to a puppet show, I read about it on [link-1] Hedgehog, and after that I’ll come up with a fairy tale that I’ll show at home. Raising children, as I have noticed, inspires mothers to undertake various experiments, and most importantly, hidden talents are revealed.

Comment on the article " Children's theater with your own hands: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home"

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Puppet theater for children from 2 to 10 years old One of the three leaders of puppet theaters in Moscow. m. Taganskaya Starts at 18-00 Beautiful and expressive dolls, talented puppeteers and the most DIY children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - in your home.

Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home. Well, what's a puppet theater after some " flying ship")). Home puppet theater for a preschooler: how to organize a child's leisure time in an interesting way.

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Recommend a children's show. I want to take my children to the theater, my conscience is tormented, I don’t care about children at all :) Please advise what to show the children, how to surprise them? I have boys 11 and 5. Don’t be lazy to write down who remembers what.

Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home. Home theater is not only a great alternative to gadgets and doing nothing when it’s bad. I’ll definitely get organized and show my child a home performance, it’s so affordable Even...

put on a play. Hobbies, interests, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. Children at the dacha want to stage a play, but cannot decide on literary basis, so to speak. The company is of different ages, 8-13 years old, 3 girls and 5 boys, and everyone needs at least a small role.

Home performance. Hobbies, interests, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional activities, hobbies.

Look at other discussions on the topic “invite shadow theater for children to”: How to raise a theatergoer. We invite children from 6 to 12 years old. Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home. Well, what's a puppet theater after some...

Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development child from 3 to 7 years old. Performances for three-year-olds in Moscow. Holidays, rest.

Puppet show. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, regimen. Advise about puppet shows. Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home.

The child watched all the performances with interest, always to the end. home puppet shows. Girls, a request to all of you.. at Mishka’s last time, cut out the characters from thick paper from the play “The Gosling”, for children from 3 years old. Cut out characters from thick paper, from below...

home puppet theater. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - in your home.

Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home. If you promise your child a grandiose theatrical performance, do not disappoint his expectations. Home puppet theater for a preschooler: how to organize your child’s leisure time in an interesting way.

Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses and Tell me, who went with their children to Kuklachev - how long does the performance last, is it interesting for a child of 3.5 years old and where did you get the tickets? .

Scenarios for puppet shows. Maybe someone knows where to look. We need a script for a puppet show in the form of a game with the audience, something like questions and answers. The performance will take place before the show children's film, the audience is approximately three to ten.

We didn’t go to the puppet theater, but we watched the pantomime ballet twice already, spellbound and not looking away, the performance was about half an hour. Please advise about puppet shows. Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - at your home.

puppet show. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical Do-it-yourself children's theater: puppet theater, shadow theater and others - in your home.

Consultation for parents “How to organize a performance at home”

Dear parents!

If you want your child to be successful, socially liberated and sociable, read smart books to him cautionary tales, stories, stories. put home performances for children, involving children, tabletop, with toys. let your imagination never run out.

think over the content, draw up a script, take into account the age of the audience.

There should be few artists and the performance should last no more than 15 minutes, so as not to tire the children.

Depending on the age and content, you do several rehearsals

There should be enough space for the performance so that the artists have room to spread out.

help make scenery and costumes from scrap materials.

be grateful spectators.

If they put performance adults who are quite capable of combining several roles, then there should be no more than three actors behind the screen. And if in performance kids take part, then, of course, each of them gets one role and play It must be short, for example, one scene from “Masha and the Bear” or “Teremok” or “Kolobok”, where there is little text and everything happens quickly.

First, before rehearsal, read the text, discuss the plot, characters, personalities. If these are dolls, give out the characters to get into character and practice bringing them to life. It is very useful to do this in front of a mirror to see yourself from the outside. It is important that the doll for the little actor becomes not a glove, but a hero with his own character, with his own habits, habits, poses and antics. Coming up with them for your character is a most exciting game that children play with pleasure. If you issue performance with music, sound effects, then it will be almost professional. Go for it!

Play can be timed to any family celebration. The main thing is that there is attention, interested participation, assistance in design, and that the premises are suitable. The room should not be cluttered with furniture, where you could put a screen or string a rope for a makeshift partition. Children spectators do not necessarily need to be seated on chairs; pillows on the carpet will suffice. In summer you can put play right on the street - in the country or in the yard.

For home theater - puppet theater is best suited because it does not limit either the composition of the characters, or the location of the action, or the outfits, or the scenery. In addition, making dolls and decorations is a separate, very exciting activity that has much in common with natural children's games about device doll life and wardrobe.

Before the beginning performance There should be applause, like in the theater. And throughout performance encourage the artists, this will give them confidence and they will be eager to continue participating in productions. But creative children will never say - we don’t want to rehearse, they love it and are eager to perform. If a child does not agree to play in a production, do not rush it, he is not yet mature. All people in relation to this type of art are divided into those who want to surprise and those who want to be surprised. Give time to understand your child. The main thing is to find in advance those viewers who want your you'll definitely like the performance, because the first success is so important for children in any of their endeavors.

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