What are the biggest lottery winnings in Russia? People who won the lottery - don't make the same mistakes "There is no limit to human greed"

“It would be better not to win!”, “The devil’s jackpot!” - Oddly enough, the fate of many lottery winners was not very successful. Some drank, others could not cope with the pressure and became recluses, but this is the dream of millions! How often do we imagine what will happen if a huge amount of money falls on us and we fly away happy to a corner of paradise. What would you spend millions of rubles on?!
As a rule, the winners are people who regularly buy lottery tickets and spend no more than 1,500 rubles on one bet.

1. In Tula, a family won 3 million rubles

Natalya, the mother of the family, regularly bought tickets for the “6 out of 36” lottery, and one day one of them turned out to be lucky. She accepted the win emotionally: “I’m laughing, tears are running down my cheeks, I can’t really explain anything. Somehow I say that we are now millionaires.”
The family lives in the Tula region, so they will use the winnings to celebrate their children’s weddings and buy them separate apartments.

2. Stoloto regularly publishes information about who won and how much, as well as stories from the winners

3. Albert Begrakyan won 100 million rubles in 2009

And as usually happens with people who are not used to living luxuriously, he began to waste money. He bought an apartment in St. Petersburg, which he had long dreamed of, a Lexus of the latest model at that time, the desire to stop doing small business led to the fact that he decided to build a hotel in the Krasnodar Territory and bought a plot there, lent almost 10 million to acquaintances and friends, and also went on vacation with my family.
A few years later, nothing remained of the large sum; moreover, Albert owed the state almost 5 million rubles, because he never fully paid taxes on the winnings.

Today he is prohibited from traveling abroad. Albert believes that if fate gave him a second chance, he would use the money wisely.

He is still invited to various shows and interviewed, it’s probably a shame to repeatedly admit that he made a mistake with his choice

4. Omsk resident Valery won another record amount in 2014 - almost 190 million rubles in Gosloto

This struck the 48-year-old resident of Omsk so much that he did not leave his apartment for several days; the organizers could not contact him, whom he categorically forbade to disclose his data or publish photos. He spent 800 rubles on a lucky ticket.
Almost nothing is known about the winner, only that he lived all his life in Siberia and has three children. After the victory, he moved his family from the cold city closer to the south, to the sea.

5. Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod won a record amount of 202,441,116 rubles

The man came to claim his winnings only a few months later and disappeared from the media radar. The organizers were unable to find out anything about the winner.

6. Do you refuse conductors who offer to take part in the lottery while they are handing out underwear? But Margarita won as much as 10 million

At that time, her husband left the woman and abandoned her with her two children. Financial problems began to haunt me one after another. The husband sued Margarita for an apartment, in order to unwind and not go crazy, the woman went to her friend by train. There, along with my underwear, I bought a ticket.
She later checked the company's website and discovered that she had accidentally won a large amount money.
“Now we will have housing, a car,” said Margarita, receiving the winnings, “ Ex-husband We can keep everything to ourselves, we can handle it ourselves.”

7. Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles

He lived with his family in Moscow, but after the victory he left for his native Lipetsk region, where he began to develop farming, build roads, and erect cowsheds. He also created a koi pond for paid fishing.

8. A man from Novosibirsk won a record amount of 358 million rubles

On that day, the media wrote and talked about the big win all day, but the man did not immediately understand that we're talking about about him, I was even a little jealous of that lucky guy from the news. He left his ticket somewhere, completely forgetting about it, and when he found it, a nervous smile crossed his face.
Of course, this is hard to believe. The Novosibirsk resident went to collect the winnings with best friend, wife and two children, but he did not tell them the purpose of the trip in order to stun them at the moment of receiving the prize.
I planned to spend the money on good deeds, and then move to Moscow, buy a house, and start a business.

9. A famous story that proves that fate offers a chance to make things right, but only a few can take advantage of it.

In 2001, the Mukhametzyanovs won a million dollars in the Bingo Show. Unemployed residents of the Ufa region were local drunkards, and in order to manage the winnings that fell on them, the organizers decided to assign a person to the couple who would monitor their financial affairs. The Mukhametzyanovs purchased apartments in the center of Ufa, one of which burned down, several expensive cars, which in a drunken stupor they managed to break.

The couple had two children, they dropped out of school and began to lead a wild lifestyle. Vodka flowed like a river, and the parents had various strange acquaintances and non-existent relatives. As the neighbors of the spouses say, Nadezhda sometimes said in her hearts that it would be better if she had not won this million, life would have been easier...
Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova died in 2006 in complete poverty, having survived only 5 years of luxurious life...

For exactly one year, non-state lotteries have been banned in Russia, since they “are capable of causing serious Negative influence on the sphere of morality, rights and legitimate interests of citizens" (from the definition Constitutional Court). It is assumed that the total revenue of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Sports from new state lotteries will be approximately 26-27 billion rubles per year. Wherein annual turnover The lottery business in the USA reaches 30 billion dollars, in Japan - 8 billion, in Germany, Spain and Italy approximately 6 billion each.

And the winnings in other countries are much greater. Most big jackpot in the history of American lotteries was recorded in 2007 - $390 million. The absolute European record is considered to be the winnings of 2009 - 147.8 million euros. The Russian record, set last year, amounted to 184.5 million rubles.

But not all are lucky, as I found out" Russian newspaper", the millions won made us happy.

Luck knocked three times

In June 2010, Ernst Pallen, a 57-year-old American from Missouri, won $1 million by taking part in the 100 Million Dollar Blockbuster lottery. In September, his winnings amounted to $2 million in the Mega MONOPOLY lottery. Pallen decided to take all the money in cash instead of receiving it in installments each year. He believes that he has almost used up his supply of luck.

And mother and daughter McCauley from New York state between them became the owners of three lottery winnings: in 1991 they won 15.5 million dollars, in 2007 - 161 thousand, and last year another 100 thousand. According to her daughter, Kimberly McCauley, she plans to use her winnings to pay off her university loan and also buy a car.

Don't tempt fate

American Evelyn Adams won the lottery twice, in 1985 and 1986. The total winnings were $5.4 million, but the lucky girl decided that she deserved more. And she went to the casino city of Atlantic City, where she ultimately lost all the money. Today she lives in a trailer park.

Another American, Vivian Nicholson, who won $3 million in 1961, when asked by journalists what she would do with the winnings, said: “Spend, spend, spend!” And she spent five years on this, during which she managed to become widowed and get married another five once, suffered a stroke, became an alcoholic, recovered, attempted suicide twice and spent some time in a mental home. Left without money, family and work, she lived on her modest pension of $300.

Canadian Gerald Muswagen won $10 million in 1998. He spent the money on alcohol and parties in just seven years. And in 2005, he hanged himself in his parents' garage.

Englishman Michael Carroll won $15 million in 2002 and spent it on drugs, parties and cars in just five years. Then he returned to his previous job as a garbage collector.

American Jack Whittaker, who won $315 million in 2002, was tormented by lawsuits in his hometown: men were accused of allegedly beating them, women were accused of rape. Jack became depressed and started drinking. Then in his house they found the body of his granddaughter’s friend, who died of a drug overdose, and a couple of months later his 17-year-old granddaughter died of the same reason. By the end of 2004, Whittaker divorced his wife, squandered all his money and completely drank himself to death.

Canadian Ibi Ronkailoli from Ontario, having won 5 million in 1991, secretly gave part of the winnings (2 million) to her child from another man. Upon learning of this, her husband Joseph poisoned her with painkillers. He was found guilty of manslaughter.

Money can not buy happiness

In Nigeria, 46-year-old Rosemary Obiekor won more than three million naira (approximately 15.7 thousand euros), and at a money-giving ceremony shown on local television, she said that she would give the money to the first beggar she met. She explained that she had heard many stories of people winning the lottery, starting to spend the money, and then being hit by a large number of misfortunes. Therefore, the winner, according to her, decided not to tempt fate. And indeed, having cashed her check at the bank, she gave a bag of money to a beggar woman who was sitting nearby on the street with her two-year-old child, begging for alms.

Canadians Allen and Violet Large, who won $10.9 million in the lottery, gave away $10.6 million various organizations in your community - churches, fire stations, cemeteries and the local Red Cross. The rest was left for a rainy day. "What we have is enough for us and we feel great," says Allen Large, 75. "We don't have any plans. We don't travel. We haven't bought anything. Because we don't need anything."

In the United States, South Korean emigrant Jeannette Lee, having won $18 million in 1993, donated $1.3 million to the University of Washington, where a reading room was named after her, and in 1998 she established a charitable society to help all Koreans living in America. But that same year I became addicted to gambling. By 2000, her loan debts exceeded 200,000; in 2001, Jeannette declared herself bankrupt.

American Jeffrey Dampire, having won $20 million in 2004, showered friends and relatives with expensive gifts, including luxury cars, trips to exotic resorts, etc. But this was not enough for daughter-in-law Victoria Jackson. In 2005, she and her boyfriend kidnapped a millionaire and shot him in the head. The envious couple was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Russians are no exception

A resident of Ufa, a former dryer at the Ufa Machine-Building Association, and then unemployed Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova won 29 million 814 thousand rubles in Bingo in 2001. She lived with her husband and two children and loved to drink. After winning, alcoholics and new relatives flocked to their apartment. The Mukhametzyanovs received everyone, vodka flowed like a river. Of the two apartments bought with winnings in an elite area of ​​Ufa, one burned down, and two purchased cars were soon smashed. Teenage sons Alyosha and Rustem abandoned their studies and took crowds of friends to kiosks and gaming halls. In 2006, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova died in complete poverty.

But 51-year-old Muscovite Evgeny Sidorov, having won 35 million rubles in 2009, went to the village and started agriculture: restored cowsheds, cleaned up roads, cleaned local ponds and made fishing available for a fee.

And residents of the Samara region Natalya and Oleg, having won 4 million 50 thousand 181 rubles, donated all the funds for the construction of the church.

About the fate of the owner of the largest Russian history There is no lottery winning data. It is known that the lucky winner was a resident of Omsk, a father of three children who worked in construction company. Immediately after receiving the winnings, he announced that he would leave hometown. “This amount is so large that I personally don’t see the need for myself to stay in Siberia. This is such a chance to go somewhere warmer, buy big house near the water and feel happy every day...”

A resident of Krasnodar won more than 31 million rubles in the lottery. And last year the lucky one from Voronezh region won 506 million rubles, which became the largest jackpot in Russian history.

Here's what we know. This is a resident of the Voronezh region. He bought his ticket at one of the local retail outlets sales Just imagine how it could have been: he came and bought a ticket for the 1204th draw,” the message says.

Psychologists are already advising the newly-made millionaire to be careful.

A huge unexpected win is serious challenge for the human psyche. A resident of the Voronezh region, who hit the jackpot of 506 million rubles, is better off laying low, say experts.

In their opinion, there will be a lot of people who want to share the triumph with the winner, and most importantly, the amount won.

He will have to fend off all sorts of relatives, petitioners, acquaintances, friends and those simply wanting to get their share of the pie. And this requires, of course, some psychological stability, and maybe even for some period of time he will need to somehow lie low, disappear, so that people do not torture him with requests, phone calls and so on,” psychologists note.

It is unknown what the fate of the newly made millionaire will be, but many previous “lucky ones” quickly found themselves broke after winning.

In 2001, the winner of the Bingo Show draw was an Ufa family - they received 29 million rubles. The winning Ufa residents chose alcohol as the main item of their expenses. They also constantly lent large sums of money and helped their friends repay their loans. As a result, the winnings evaporated in just five years. The “lucky ones” themselves admitted that big money did not bring them happiness.

In 2009, 36-year-old Albert Begrakyan, a resident of the Leningrad region, won 100 million rubles in Gosloto. He quickly spent all the money: he bought several apartments in the center of St. Petersburg, a Lexus car, land plot in the Krasnodar region. The winner shared twelve million with his family. The entire amount was not only completely wasted in two years, but the “lucky one” also ended up owing the state 4.5 million rubles, since he did not pay the full amount of tax for his big win. Therefore, now part of Albert’s property has been arrested, and he himself is prohibited from traveling abroad.

Many foreign lottery winners could not resist spending wildly. In 1988, Pennsylvania resident William Post won $16.2 million in the lottery and squandered the entire amount within a few months, buying cars and speedboats. After that, he admitted to reporters that he liked being bankrupt much more than being a lottery multimillionaire.

In 1993, an emigrant from South Korea Janit Lee, who moved to the United States, won $18 million, and eight years later, after giving away most your money political parties, public organizations And educational programs, also declared bankruptcy.

"There is no limit to human greed"

West Virginia businessman Andrew Whittaker won $315 million on Christmas Day 2002. After taxes, he received $114 million. However, just four years later he was effectively penniless. His generosity, claims from claimants for his money, as well as alcoholism are to blame for this. But this is not even the main thing: his daughter, who also faced the test of money, was found dead in her father’s house. The cause of death was a drug overdose. This happened just two years after the win, and in 2009, another daughter of the winner was found dead.

Since I won the lottery, I realized that there is no limit to human greed,” the winner himself said years later. - Now I know: if a person has something, then there will definitely be someone who wants to take it away. It’s a pity that I didn’t tear up this ticket then.

Everywhere I went, these people were everywhere,” Andrew recalled. “For example, I go to a basketball game, and during the game a hundred people, one after another, come up to me to ask for money, trying to pity me by saying that they are poor or have sick relatives.”

Never give money to anyone just like that,” Andrew shared his experience. - Because the more you give, the more they want to get from you. If you give money once, that’s all, those around you will consider you a wuss and will pounce on you like a pack of jackals.

Breaking Bad

Billy Bob Harrell Jr. from Texas hit the $31 million jackpot in 1997. He bought houses and cars for all his relatives with his winnings and made charitable donations. But in the following months the shopping process grew into bad habit. Billy bought another house, then an even bigger house, two more cars. The lucky one was left without money in less than two years. Lottery winnings caused Billy money stress. And ultimately the man committed suicide.

American 55-year-old businessman Jack Whittaker won $315 million. He was offered to take the jackpot with the entire amount that would be paid to him over many years, or an amount three times less, but with the opportunity to spend it immediately. Jack chose the second option. He spent almost 10% of the money on the construction of churches, and opened his own charitable foundation, which helped low-income families. The man even thanked the woman from whom he bought winning ticket: gave her a mansion, a car and gave her 50 thousand dollars.

Then he got carried away gambling, and one day a large casino sued him because he owed a large sum. He began to drink alcohol and left the family. Many wanted to profit from him, so Jack was constantly accused of sexual harassment, then attempted murder.

As a result, his business failed, the fund closed, he spent or gave away all the money he won, and his beloved granddaughter was found dead.

Envy, threats, betrayal of a loved one, often death - all this can be won in the lottery along with the main prize. “360” recalled cases when sudden luck turned into a real nightmare.

The lottery gives its participants a rare chance to become an instant millionaire. You can, of course, receive a huge inheritance, but this option, unlike a lottery ticket, is not available to everyone.

But not a single lottery is complete without losers - millions of people buy tickets, but only a few win millions in prize money. But winners can also turn out to be losers - nothing changes life more dramatically than sudden wealth.

Lost happiness

More than a million dollars is a resident of Thailand, Jiravut Pongphan. Falling asleep an ordinary person, he woke up already a millionaire - the ticket he bought the day before turned out to be lucky. Last November, a 42-year-old man won a prize of 42 million baht (about 76 million rubles).

Pongfan was so happy that he decided to “wash” his unexpected luck. The Thai gathered his family and friends for a festive party, and the next morning he woke up again as an ordinary person - the ticket mysteriously disappeared, and the fabulous winnings disappeared with it.

The man was so shocked that he became depressed and stopped going to work. On January 31, he took his own life, leaving suicide note with the only request - not to insult his family, because he really won the lottery.

The ticket has not yet been found. As he writes Daily Mail, it is unknown whether it was stolen or simply disappeared. Who will ultimately receive the prize is also a mystery. One can only hope that if the prize document is discovered, it will not be “cursed.” Easy millions often ruin, break and change the lives of people who have the chance to hit the jackpot.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

Lost love

A resident of the Canadian city of Chatham was even less fortunate than the Thai - her lucky ticket disappeared along with her loved one. The Toronto Star newspaper provides details of the case.

They bought lottery tickets together, hoping that if they won, they would spend the winnings together. Denise Robertson dreamed of her own family nest- big modern house. And a miracle happened. Last September, her partner Maurice Thibault bought the ticket, which brought the couple six million dollars.

Denise: 12 million...2 winners - Chatham and Quebec

Maurice: How nice it would be to [win] . I don't need everything, just a small part

Denise: Oh yes! I'm starting to plan what the new house will look like.

Lovers share the millions they won, quote fromVice.

Denise couldn't remember how happy she was, but not only was she divided in two. Grand Prize, but also her family. Returning home the next day, the woman discovered that there was no trace of Maurice. He collected his personal belongings, took his passport and departed in an unknown direction. The shocked woman was even more shocked when she found out that her ex-lover I quit my job via SMS.

The resourceful Canadian sent his boss a photo of the lucky ticket and went to Toronto to receive his winnings. They only paid him half - broken heart It’s expensive, the woman decided and filed a lawsuit. In addition to the rest of the prize, she is demanding $500,000 for moral damages. Now the court has to understand whether the couple really intended to spend the money together. Similar cases have already been - previous joint expenses serve as evidence in the case. Hearings may take 12 to 18 months.

Half a billion for anonymous

The fate of the Thai man and the Canadian woman are just two recent examples of the “jackpot curse” - the press is full of stories about slum millionaires who were confused by winning a huge sum and ended up losing everything. Sometimes they are helped by “well-wishers” - the names of the winners are heard on the air, published on the main pages of news sites, and now petitioners, scammers and outright bandits appear on their doorstep.

Less than three years have passed since American state A 2009 lottery winner who won a $30 million jackpot was found in a shallow grave in Florida. His killer gained the trust of the unfortunate man and tried to take possession of the prize, only to eventually be sentenced to life imprisonment. There was a similar case in Illinois, where a man won 20 million and was later killed by his daughter-in-law and her lover. In Georgia, a 42-year-old woman won only five million in 2007, but a year later she was found stabbed to death - her ex-boyfriend was accused of murder.

This is only a small fraction of all cases - lottery winners are often killed, cheated and robbed. This is one of the reasons why the owner of the $560 million ticket is seeking a gag order, the New York Times writes.

The seventh-largest jackpot in US history was won by a New Hampshire woman who immediately filed a lawsuit demanding that her identity be kept secret. She doesn’t want to follow the tradition of posing with a huge prize ticket or deleting all the pages in in social networks, as it happened to the Russian woman Natalya Vlasova - who won half a billion in “ Russian lotto“And the pensioner who hit the biggest lottery jackpot in the history of Russia began to be afraid to leave the house after a wave of threats and requests for help fell upon her.

As a lottery winner, Miss Doe is part of a small demographic group that has historically suffered from unscrupulous behavior with life-threatening consequences

- Quote from "Jane Doe" lawsuit.

The American woman, known only as "Jane Doe", is confident that after receiving the money, she will no longer be able to walk quietly or go to the store without being recognized and harassed. unknown people, not to mention the possibility of robbery or murder. If she manages to achieve anonymity, it will be a truly historic decision, because most of the problems of the previous “lucky ones” were associated with excessive press attention.

It’s interesting that psychiatrist Vladimir Fainzilberg spoke with “360” about the same recipe. According to him, it is better for the jackpot owner to “lay low” for a while. At least so that friends and relatives do not torture you with phone calls and requests. It’s difficult to say how effective this advice is, but pensioner Vlasova seems to have followed it. Together with her daughter, she left her native village, she said, “ TVNZ" on Tuesday.

Russia is a country of risk-takers, those who are not averse to trying their luck once or twice. in a variety of ways. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “he who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” has taken root among people. And sometimes, fortune really smiles on the brave and desperate. To participate in the lottery, of course, you don’t need to have great courage, but you need to be a desperate enough person to believe in winning. But these people succeeded! 🙂

WuzzUp presents to your attention the 10 luckiest people in Russia who managed to win a fortune in the lottery.

10. Yuri Ivanov from Tolyatti - 952 thousand rubles

In 2008, Togliatti resident Yuri Ivanov unexpectedly practically became a millionaire. This happened on the eve of Epiphany, when the man was playing another lottery. According to the owner of the amount of 952 thousand rubles, he saw winning numbers in a dream. Yuri waited for 23 years for fortune to knock on his window. Over all these years, the player thought through different strategies for winning, and then the day came when the lucky one was able to guess all the numbers. Ivanov did not say what he would spend the winnings on, but assured that he would use it wisely. The Tolyatti resident plans to continue playing the lottery, as he is confident that he will be able to win an even larger amount. Well, let's wish him good luck.

9. Uralets from the village of Vargashi, Kurgan region - 1 million rubles

A Ural resident from the village of Vargashi, Kurgan Region, never expected to become a millionaire on Christmas Eve. This happened on January 6, 2008. It was on that day that a resident of the village decided to play the lottery and hit the jackpot of 1 million rubles. In an instant, the man became the richest in the village. By the way, this is the biggest lottery win in such a remote area from the Russian capital. Before this, villagers managed to win no more than 200 thousand. The owner of the million chose not to disclose his name, and accordingly, nothing is known about how the money was spent.

8. Alexander Osterenko from the Samara region - 2.5 million rubles

In 2011, a resident Samara region Alexander Osterenko unexpectedly became a millionaire, winning the amount of 2.5 million rubles. The idea came to buy a lottery ticket at the post office young man spontaneously. When Alexander started cleaning protective layer, I was very surprised to see the printed amount. Osterenko used the money wisely, buying an apartment for himself.

7. Unknown train passenger - 11 million rubles

As practice shows, you can become a millionaire simply by buying a Russian Railways ticket. So an unknown train passenger, pointing at lottery ticket number of his train ticket, became the happy owner of 11 million rubles. The lottery winner was sought for about two weeks to be awarded a cash prize. This is the biggest win in the Russian Railways lottery in Russia. True, a little later a considerable amount was also won from Russian Railways - 8 million rubles. If nothing is known about the first lucky winner, then there is some information about the second owner of millions: the money went to a pensioner in the Kemerovo region, who asked not to disclose any information about her to the media. We can only say with complete certainty that these passengers purchased lucky tickets literally.

6. Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova - 29 million rubles

Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova, together with her husband, in 2001, on December 30, became the owner of 29 million rubles, hitting the jackpot in the Bingo Show. One of the six tickets the family purchased on the eve of the game brought good luck. Unemployed spouses never even dreamed of such a fabulous sum. Unfortunately, one of the biggest lottery wins did not bring happiness. The money was spent on buying a home and purchasing two cars from the domestic automobile industry, but the couple managed to spend most of the amount on slot machines and booze. The purchased cars were destroyed in an accident, and the apartment burned down in a fire. Soon the millionaire who appeared on television turned into a beggar. Five years later, Nadezhda died, having developed a trophic ulcer. After this, the deceased’s husband stopped drinking and now leads a reclusive life with his remaining sons.

5. Muscovite Evgeny Sidorov - 35 million rubles

In the spring of 2009, Muscovite Evgeny Sidorov won 35 million rubles in the Gosloto lottery. The bet cost the man 560 rubles. An ordinary mechanic became a millionaire in an instant. The man decided to use his winnings very wisely: together with his family, he went to his homeland, the Lipetsk region, where he decided to start a business. Now Evgeniy has his own farm; in addition, the millionaire is engaged in breeding carp. The man spent the winnings not only on his own needs: in his native village, Sidorov repaired the road, and also cleaned the local cowsheds and ponds. The newly minted businessman lives happily with his family in his new home and drives the Nissan Navara that he has dreamed of buying for so long.

4. Albert Begrakyan - 100 million rubles

In 2009, a resident Leningrad region Fortune smiled on Albert Begrakyan, and he became the owner of a large sum of money - 100 million rubles. This is one of the biggest wins in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, where the probability of winning is 1 in 8 million. The millionaire spent all his finances in just two years. Albert provided a full report on what such money was spent on large sum. The man invested about half of the money he received in the construction of a hotel, about 16 million was spent on purchasing real estate in St. Petersburg, and about the same amount was spent on renovating the acquired St. Petersburg apartment. The rest of the amount was spent on purchasing a premium car for myself and buying a car for my father. The generous millionaire also bought an apartment for his sister, loaned out about 12 million to friends and donated about 2 million to charity.

3. Valery T. from Omsk - 184 million rubles

Valery T. from Omsk hit the jackpot of 184 million rubles on February 10, 2014. This is one of the biggest lottery wins of all time. Valery was made happy by the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery when he made a multi-draw bet in the amount of 810 rubles. The winner was in no hurry to receive the prize, as he was stunned by the announced amount of winnings. It is known that after hitting the jackpot, a resident of Omsk was planning to move from his hometown to warmer regions and buy housing there for himself and his family.

2. Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod - 200 million rubles

The biggest lottery win went to Mikhail from Nizhny Novgorod. Lucky guy got it big jackpot in the amount of 200 million rubles, in the fall of 2014. A bet of only 700 rubles helped the man become a millionaire overnight. It was never possible to find out any specific information about the lucky one.

1. Resident of Novosibirsk - 358 million rubles

A resident of Novosibirsk became the owner of the most big win in Russia throughout history. The lucky one won 358 million rubles in the Gosloto lottery on February 28, 2016. The winner chose to remain incognito.