What size of the "spikes" sign should be according to GOST. Where to glue the spikes sign according to GOST Independent production and installation of the “Spikes” sign

Since 2017, a new rule has appeared in the SDA, which previously was only advisory in nature - when driving with studded tires, a special sign Sh must be placed on the car. If you ignore this rule, you risk getting a fine of 500 rubles under article 12.5 part 1.

Correctly gluing the spike sign according to the rules of the SDA since 2017 should be on the back of the car. Those. under glass, or on glass, on a bumper or trunk lid, or even on a spare tire if you have an SUV. It is best to glue it so that it does not block the driver's view during reversing, while remaining visible to other road users.

You can watch the video, it tells in detail where and why to glue the W sign according to GOST

Spike sign - dimensions according to GOST

The sign itself must be of a strictly defined format, a white equilateral triangle, with a red outline and a black letter Ш in the center.

The dimensions of the triangle must be at least 20 centimeters according to the traffic rules, and the thickness of the red stroke must be at least 2 cm.

If your sign is too small, the inspectors may consider it invalid and issue a fine.

What is the sign of thorns for?

Many people are seriously concerned about this issue, because before they somehow went without it and everything suited everyone. However, reasons can be found.

Depending on weather conditions and road surface, studded and regular tires can behave differently. Experienced drivers know that studded tires slow down more sharply on ice, but on a clean surface without snow and ice, they will lose in braking qualities to ordinary rubber. In theory, such a sign should help the cars driving behind to choose the right distance.

However, this is all theory, in practice, many drivers consider the spike sign to be useless and even harmful - this is an extra waste, an extra reason for traffic cops to cling to the driver, an extra element that spoils the appearance of the car.

The identification symbol "Spikes" is a sticker in the form of a white triangle with equal sides, whose borders are painted in red and inside which the letter "Ш" is depicted in black. The pointer indicates that this vehicle has studded tires.

According to part 8 of the set of regulations on the admission of a car for use, as well as clause 2.3.1. SDA, the sign "Spikes" is included in the list of identification symbols, whose installation on the vehicle is mandatory. Provided that the car has studded tires.

In practice, car owners do not always place the required symbol on the car. This is fundamentally wrong. From 04/04/2017, the absence of the "Spikes" indicator is equated to the presence of a malfunction, which accordingly imposes a ban on admission to driving vehicles. In other words, the presence of studded tires in the absence of a sign is a gross violation.

Identification mark size

According to the state standard, the parameters of the identification indicator "Spikes" are the following dimensions:

  • the length of each side of the triangle figure is not less than 20 cm;
  • the width of the red strip located along the edge of the figure is 1/10 of the length of one side of the triangle, in other words, at least 2 cm.

It is important to accurately observe the dimensions of the identification mark. The slightest deviation from the norm will automatically entail the loss of legal force by the symbol. And even if there is a pointer, but, for example, a smaller one, it will be considered that there is none on the machine.

The sign can be purchased at any auto goods store and even at a gas station, but most often such copies are far from the parameters required by the state.

It is also not forbidden to print the symbol yourself using a color printer. And some car owners even draw a sign by hand. In fact, how the pointer is made does not matter. The main thing is that if there are studded tires on the car, the car is equipped with a sign whose dimensions comply with the standards.

Where should the sign be placed?

As for the point where the pointer should be pasted, it must be placed on the back of the vehicle. Since there is no more specific information on this issue in the code of traffic rules, it can be said that it is permissible to install a sign on the rear window of the car, both outside and inside, as well as on the lid or tailgate, and even on the bumper of the vehicle. In practice, the most optimal place to place the sign is the rear window of the car.

Responsibility for the absence of a mark

Since the absence of the “Spikes” symbol is equated to a malfunction of the vehicle, the traffic police inspector has the right to impose a penalty on the car owner in the form of a fine. This is regulated by Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code. Since the spring of 2017, the amount of the penalty is 500 rubles.

On the video about the application of the sign

The “Spikes” sign, placed on a car with studded tires on it, has certain parameters established by the state. When preparing the index, you should carefully check whether its dimensions comply with the regulated standards. The slightest inaccuracy will lead to the fact that the identification mark will not have power, for which the car owner may be punished in the form of penalties.

What is said in the traffic rules and the fine for violation

Paragraph 2.3.1 of the SDA tells us:

2.3. The driver of the vehicle must:

2.3.1. Before leaving, check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition on the way in accordance with The main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and responsibilities of road safety officials.

The basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation in paragraph 8 tell us:

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" of black color is inscribed (the side of the triangle is not less than 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

Also, from April 4, 2017, in the list of malfunctions in which vehicles are prohibited includes the absence of the identification mark "Spikes":

7.15. There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On the rules road traffic".

Also, starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers for the absence of the sign "Spikes" can impose a fine under part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 to 7 of this article,
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

Here, many may be indignant, what does the malfunction and some kind of sticker have to do with it? Since 2017, paragraph 8 of the regulation on the admission of vehicles to operation refers to such malfunctions.
Therefore, the punishment when driving on studded tires for the absence of the sign "Spikes" is a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

There is only one conclusion from all of the above: if the tires are studded, then there should be a sign, and if it is not there, then a fine or a warning!

Passing technical inspection without the sign "Spikes"

In addition to a fine or a warning from the traffic police, this sign must be present when passing the technical inspection of the car. Inspection for this purpose is necessary to check that your car meets the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation. If you pass the inspection on studded tires, and there is no "W" sign with dimensions of at least 20 cm on the back of the car, then the inspection will not be passed until you run through all the neighboring stores and buy a sign of exactly this size.
There is only one conclusion if you are going to pass a technical inspection: either pass on non-studded tires, or attach the "Spike" sign in advance.

Dimensions of the sign "Spikes"

When buying or making a sign yourself, you should remember about its minimum size!

The sign is a red triangle with a black letter S inscribed in it.
The length of the side of the triangle is at least 20 cm.
The width of the red border is 1/10 of the length of the side of the triangle.

The minimum length of an equilateral triangle of 20 cm just fits on an A4 sheet (210x297mm).

When choosing the sign "Spikes" it is also worth considering the method of its fastening. If this is a sticker or you are going to attach the sign with adhesive tape, then you should understand that after removing the sign, traces of glue will remain on the car, which are very difficult to clean off, and it is also likely that you will not be able to reattach this sign. Also, many argue that when gluing to a heated rear window, there will be a slight overheating in place of the sign, and when gluing to a car's paintwork, you will encounter the effect of a different “color burn-in” of the paintwork after removing the sticker.
Probably the most practical method of attachment is suction cups (one in the center, three in the corners, etc.).

When buying a sign in a store, you should be even more careful about the purchase. Finished signs very often have dimensions that do not meet the requirements of traffic rules, and most often they are less than 20 cm. If you think that just something would hang from the back, and the dimensions do not matter, then you are mistaken! Legally, the sign does not meet the requirements, it is considered that there is no sign on the car.

First of all, it's the size. In stores, you can often buy signs of a smaller size than regulated by the Rules.

For reference. There is no GOST for the "Spikes" sign. The requirements are set out in the basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation, which in turn refer to the rules of the road.

8. Identification marks must be installed on vehicles.

"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral white triangle with the top up with a red border, into which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is not less than 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

The width of the side of the triangle must be at least 20 centimeters, be careful when buying. If you cannot determine the size by eye, simply attach the sign to an A4 sheet or an OSAGO form. Its smaller side is 21 cm.

The width of the border should be 1/10 of the installation width. This parameter is unlikely to attract attention, but it will not be superfluous to check.

Place of installation of the sign "Spikes"

A simple requirement for the installation location - "behind" caused a lot of ridiculous controversy.

Behind - in the trunk, in the cabin for tinting, on the mudguard, because there are no additional requirements, why not?

Be aware that there are no additional requirements for the inspector to search for a sign either. When he stands behind the car and does not see the sign, he will have every reason to issue a fine. Of course, the driver always has the right to appeal the decision.

So, if you do not have a desire for additional dialogues with the police officers, “behind” should be understood as “seen from behind”

You can choose any installation location. Rear window, trunk lid, bumper and any other where the number plate or lighting fixtures will not be blocked. Limiting the visibility of the license plate or lighting fixtures constitutes a separate violation.

The method of fastening is also not regulated, the most common is a sticker. For convenience, in order not to acquire a sign annually, you can use a magnetic mount or suction cups.

Also, in order not to worry about the “Spikes” sign every year, you can simply not remove it for the period of driving on summer tires. In 2017-2018, the Rules allow this.

From November 29, 2018, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the obligation to glue the “Spikes” sign on the car was removed from drivers. Now its presence is only advisory in nature and is not punishable by fines. Below is the article before the changes on 11/29/2018.

The parameters of signs placed on the glass of a vehicle have recently had to be strictly observed. In particular, car owners should know the dimensions of the “Spikes” sign according to GOST, since the slightest deviation from the norm cancels the presence of the symbol and entails a fine, as if it were not there at all.

What is a sign and its meaning

The identification symbol "Spikes" is a sticker in the form of a white triangle with equal sides, whose borders are painted in red and inside which the letter "Ш" is depicted in black. The pointer indicates that this vehicle has studded tires.

According to part 8 of the set of regulations on the admission of a car for use, as well as clause 2.3.1. SDA, the sign "Spikes" is included in the list of identification symbols, whose installation on the vehicle is mandatory. Provided that the car has studded tires.

In practice, car owners do not always place the required symbol on the car. This is fundamentally wrong. From 04/04/2017, the absence of the "Spikes" indicator is equated to the presence of a malfunction, which accordingly imposes a ban on admission to driving vehicles. In other words, the presence of studded tires in the absence of a sign is a gross violation.

Identification mark size

According to the state standard, the parameters of the identification indicator "Spikes" are the following dimensions:

  • the length of each side of the triangle figure is not less than 20 cm;
  • the width of the red strip located along the edge of the figure is 1/10 of the length of one side of the triangle, in other words, at least 2 cm.

It is important to accurately observe the dimensions of the identification mark. The slightest deviation from the norm will automatically entail the loss of legal force by the symbol. And even if there is a pointer, but, for example, a smaller one, it will be considered that there is none on the machine.

The sign can be purchased at any auto goods store and even at a gas station, but most often such copies are far from the parameters required by the state.

It is also not forbidden to print the symbol yourself using a color printer. And some car owners even draw a sign by hand. In fact, how the pointer is made does not matter. The main thing is that if there are studded tires on the car, the car is equipped with a sign whose dimensions comply with the standards.

Where should the sign be placed?

As for the point where the pointer should be pasted, it must be placed on the back of the vehicle. Since there is no more specific information on this issue in the code of traffic rules, it can be said that it is permissible to install a sign on the rear window of the car, both outside and inside, as well as on the lid or tailgate, and even on the bumper of the vehicle. In practice, the most optimal place to place the sign is the rear window of the car.

Responsibility for the absence of a mark

Since the absence of the “Spikes” symbol is equated to a malfunction of the vehicle, the traffic police inspector has the right to impose a penalty on the car owner in the form of a fine. This is regulated by Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code. Since the spring of 2017, the amount of the penalty is 500 rubles.

The “Spikes” sign, placed on a car with studded tires on it, has certain parameters established by the state. When preparing the index, you should carefully check whether its dimensions comply with the regulated standards. The slightest inaccuracy will lead to the fact that the identification mark will not have power, for which the car owner may be punished in the form of penalties.