Notes on drawing in the middle group on the theme Zimushka - winter. Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of an open drawing lesson in a middle group Topic: “Winter

Program content:teach children to independently convey a simple plot of a winter meadow using unconventional drawing techniques (printing, poking), teach them to conceive and include familiar objects in a drawing (snow-covered trees, houses, benches, Christmas trees, snowmen), continue to teach children to draw in a certain sequence, develop Creative skills, enriching children's vocabulary with figurative expressions and words, strengthening the ability to draw with a brush. To instill in children a love of nature, neatness, and independence.

Material for the lesson: envelope with letter; paintings with a winter landscape, tampons, poke sticks, tinted paper blue color, white gouache, watercolor paints, a music recording with beautiful, calm music.

Preliminary work:looking at illustrations of a winter landscape. Observation while walking. Learning poems and songs about winter.

Progress of the lesson

The children stand in a semicircle.

Educator: Children, when I went to our kindergarten, the postman handed me this envelope. Who is he for? And from whom? On the envelope is the address of our kindergarten and our group. What's in the envelope? Let's open. Here's the letter. Guys, listen, I'll read it.

The teacher reads the letter.

"Hello children!"

They are writing to you from a distant hot country - Africa. We have a very warm country. We have never seen winter. We will be very happy if you draw pictures of winter nature.


Educator: Children, do you agree to draw pictures and send them to Africa?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But first, let's remember after what time of year does winter begin? Name winter months. What is winter like? What words can you use to describe it?

Children: white, snowy, fluffy, shiny, etc.

Educator: What happens in winter? (Snow, ice, icicles, frost, New Year, Christmas tree).

Educator: What kind of dreams happen in winter? (Small, fluffy, sparkling, creaky).

Educator: When is there a lot of snow?

Children: Snowdrift.

Educator: When does a lot of snow fall?

Children: Snowfall.

Educator: What if the wind picks up snow and sweeps it?

Children: Storm, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.

Educator: What is the difference between ice and snow?

Children: Ice is hard and is formed by freezing water.

Educator: How can you have fun in winter?

Children: Make snowballs, make a snowman, sled down a hill, etc.

Educator: Well done! We remembered a lot beautiful words about winter. Famous poets We dedicated a lot of poems to this time of year, and you and I know a lot of poems about winter. (Children read poems about winter).

Educator: Now let’s all go to the chairs (the children sit down). Now each of you will try to convey the beauty in your drawings winter nature. Remember what you can draw besides snow? Where is the snow? (On trees, on roofs, on benches, etc.).

The teacher asks 2-3 children what they will draw, reminds them that everyone’s drawings should be different, snow on the ground can be drawn with tampons, snowfall with pokes.

While drawing, the teacher turns on music.

At the end of the lesson there is a physical exercise:

We are not afraid of powder

Catching snow, clapping your hands

Hands to the sides, at the seams

Enough snow for us and you.

The teacher analyzes the drawings (the teacher lays out all the drawings on the table and asks the children to come up. He asks who liked whose work and why?).

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Program content:

    Get children interested in drawing a winter picture.

    Continue to teach children to convey the correct structure of a tree and Christmas tree.

    Strengthen the ability to use the palette. Exercise children in obtaining light and dark shades blue color.

    To instill in children a desire to convey the beauty of winter nature in drawings.


    gouache sets (white, blue, brown, green, yellow);


    brushes No. 3;

    jars of water;


    sheets of paper in A4 format, with a drawn frame;

    paintings on a winter theme.

Preliminary work:

    a targeted walk through the winter park;

    viewing paintings, postcards, photographs on a winter theme;

    conversations about winter;

    while walking, sculpting snow buildings (snowmen, slide, snow houses);

    drawing trees and fir trees in a joint activity.

Progress of the lesson

    Interesting moment. Children and their teacher are talking by the window.

Look how beautiful it is outside! What time of year is it now? (winter) That's right, winter. Winter is the most beautiful time of the year. Let's go to the exhibition


    Main part

    Explanation and consolidation of knowledge

Children with a teacher move into a group and stop in front of 2 - 3 paintings.

Artists loved to paint winter, they depicted winter forest(shows the first picture).

Nikita, tell me what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, fir trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

Yes, a forest is depicted here; there was probably heavy snowfall and the snow covered all the fir trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

Alina, what is shown in this picture? (here are snowmen, a snow slide, a snow house)

Yes, the children probably walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow buildings. Do you remember when we made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

What shape were our snowballs? (round)

Do you know what I suggest? Let you paint your winter pictures. And there will be snowy buildings, and trees with fir trees all covered in snow.

Having received the consent of the children, the teacher asks them to sit at the tables.

Let's remember how to draw trees. I will draw a tree, and you tell me. What do we draw first? (trunk)

The teacher draws a trunk.

What are we drawing now? (branches, they look up)

Now what? (on the branches of twigs)

The teacher draws:

Look how I paint - the end of the brush and the twigs turn out thin. Now the tree is ready. What branches are on the top of the tree? – showing the top of the tree (thin, small)

And from below the tree? – display (long, thick, and on the long ones there are many thin and small ones)

Where do we start drawing a tree? (from the trunk)

Where do the branches of the tree point? (up to the sun)

Don’t paint snow on the trees right away, wait until they dry.

What is the difference between a Christmas tree and a tree when drawing?

(the branches of the Christmas tree look down, there are needles on the branches in winter and summer)

Right. Now think about what you will have in the picture. And start drawing.

    Independent activity.

    The children get to work. The teacher looks

How children sit, how they hold a brush, how they use a palette. Helps children who are at a loss with guiding questions: What will you draw? What colour?

How to do blue paint? Etc.

    Evaluation of work.

Finished works laid out on one table.

Look how many beautiful winter paintings you created, they are all different. The teacher praises the children for taking the initiative: what a beautiful forest Nastya turned out to be. And Vitya’s children made snowmen. And Lisa built snow houses. Etc.

What else do you need to add to your paintings? (children's answers)

In the evening, when your paintings are dry, you will finish them and decorate them with beautiful frames. In the meantime, help me clear the tables.

Children help the teacher.

Program content:

  1. Get children interested in drawing a winter picture.
  2. Continue to teach children to convey the correct structure of a tree and Christmas tree.
  3. Strengthen the ability to use the palette. Exercise children in obtaining light and dark shades of blue.
  4. To instill in children a desire to convey the beauty of winter nature in drawings.


  1. gouache sets (white, blue, brown, green, yellow);
  2. palettes;
  3. brushes No. 3;
  4. jars of water;
  5. napkins;
  6. sheets of paper in A4 format, with a drawn frame;
  7. paintings on a winter theme.

Preliminary work:

  1. a targeted walk through the winter park;
  2. viewing paintings, postcards, photographs on a winter theme;
  3. conversations about winter;
  4. while walking, sculpting snow buildings (snowmen, slide, snow houses);
  5. drawing trees and fir trees in a joint activity.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Interesting moment. Children and their teacher are talking by the window.

- Look how beautiful it is outside! What time of year is it now? (winter) That's right, winter. Winter is the most beautiful time of the year. Let's go to the exhibition


  1. Main part
  1. Explanation and consolidation of knowledge

Children with a teacher move into a group and stop in front of 2 - 3 paintings.

— Artists loved to paint winter, they depicted a winter forest (shows the first picture).

Nikita, tell me what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, fir trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

- Yes, a forest is depicted here; there was probably heavy snowfall and the snow covered all the fir trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

— Alina, what is shown in this picture? (here are snowmen, a snow slide, a snow house)

— Yes, the children probably walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow buildings. Do you remember when we made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

- How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

- What shape were our snowballs? (round)

- Do you know what I propose? Let you paint your winter pictures. And there will be snowy buildings, and trees with fir trees all covered in snow.

Having received the consent of the children, the teacher asks them to sit at the tables.

- Let's remember how to draw trees. I will draw a tree, and you tell me. What do we draw first? (trunk)

The teacher draws a trunk.

- What are we drawing now? (branches, they look up)

- Now what? (on the branches of twigs)

The teacher draws:

- Look how I paint - the end of the brush and the twigs turn out thin. Now the tree is ready. What branches are on the top of the tree? – showing the top of the tree (thin, small)

- And from below the tree? – display (long, thick, and on the long ones there are many thin and small ones)

- Where do we start drawing a tree? (from the trunk)

—Where do the branches of the tree point? (up to the sun)

— Don’t paint snow on the trees right away, wait until they dry.

— What is the difference between a Christmas tree and a tree when drawing?

(the branches of the Christmas tree look down, there are needles on the branches in winter and summer)

- Right. Now think about what you will have in the picture. And start drawing.

  1. Independent activity.
  2. The children get to work. The teacher looks

How children sit, how they hold a brush, how they use a palette. Helps children who are at a loss with guiding questions: What will you draw? What colour?

How to make blue paint? Etc.

  1. Evaluation of work.

Finished works are laid out on one table.

— Look how many beautiful winter paintings you have created, they are all different. The teacher praises the children for taking the initiative: what a beautiful forest Nastya turned out to be. And Vitya’s children made snowmen. And Lisa built snow houses. Etc.

— What else do you need to add to your paintings? (children's answers)

— In the evening, when your paintings are dry, you will finish painting them and decorate them with beautiful frames. In the meantime, help me clear the tables.

Children help the teacher.

Abstract of OOD in middle group on the theme “Snowflakes outside the window”

Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher, School No. 842, Moscow
Description of work: I offer you a summary of the organized educational activities on the theme “Snowflakes outside the window” for children of the middle group (4-5 years old). This material will be useful to educators working with secondary school children. preschool age. This is a summary of organized educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development, aimed at creating the composition “Snowflakes outside the window”, made in non-traditional drawing techniques: candle + watercolor, spray.

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development
Performing the composition “Snowflakes outside the window” using an unconventional technique.
Continue introducing children to non-traditional techniques drawing: candle + watercolor, spray.
Improve your ability to tint paper. Cause a positive emotional response to the result of an activity.
Develop children's creative abilities, fine motor skills, color perception, compositional skills.
Cultivate accuracy when working with glue.
Cultivate an interest in learning about nature, a desire to admire the beautiful phenomena of nature and reflect impressions in visual arts.
Preliminary work: Conversations with children about winter, watching snowflakes, falling snow, reading fiction, drawing snowflakes. Cut out window frame blanks from white paper.
Methods and techniques: Gaming, visual, Practical activities children, questions for children, use of fiction.
Materials and equipment:
White sheets A 4 format, candles, watercolors, white gouache, brushes No. 6, hard brushes, sticks, glue, glasses of water, napkins, oilcloths, window frames cut out of paper.
Organizing time
Educator: Children, do you like looking out the window? What do we see outside the window in winter? (children's answers)
Educator: You said correctly, if you look out the window in winter, you can see falling and fluttering snowflakes.
S. Baruzdina “Winter is full of snow”
Winter is full of snow
From morning until dark.
Snowflakes curl and spin
At our window.
It's like the stars are sparkling
Scattered around.
They rush, silvery,
They look into the house.
Then they will ask you to come into the room,
They'll run away again
They rush behind the glass,
They're calling me to go outside.

Educator: What do snowflakes do? (fall, spin, curl, fly, lie down, sparkle, rush, etc.)
What snowflakes? (beautiful, cold, carved, fluffy, white, silver, etc.)

Game "We are snowflakes"
We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around. (Turns left and right, hands on waist)
We are snowflakes - ballerinas,
We dance day and night. ("Spring")
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball. (Stand in a circle, hold hands)
We whitewashed the trees
The roofs were covered with fluff. (Hands up “flashlights”)
The earth was covered with velvet
And they saved us from the cold. (Sit down, spread your arms to the sides - connect)
(Lesna-Raunio M.)

Work in a creative workshop
Educator: Today I suggest you make the composition “Snowflakes outside the window”

Educator: Do you remember how Winter came to visit us and gave us “ Magic pictures" What material were they painted with? (with a candle). Today we will draw snowflakes with a candle.
The teacher demonstrates snowflakes drawn with a felt-tip pen. Explains that snowflakes are located throughout the sheet. Invites children to draw snowflakes in the air.
Snowflakes – pictures,
Take a quick look!
Each has six
Silvery rays
And every jagged ray -
Winter's enchanted key.

Children draw snowflakes with a candle.
Educator: What needs to be done to make snowflakes visible? (children's answers). That's right, you need to paint over sheets of paper with watercolors, and snowflakes will appear.

The teacher admires the children's work.
Snowflakes are flying and spinning
And they dance joyfully in the sky.
Sparks are burning in the window,
The good wizard draws them.

Educator: Now let's draw snow using the spray technique.
To do this, use a hard brush and stick. Dip in paint white hard brush. Swipe the wand sharply over the bristles in a “toward” motion. The paint will splatter onto the paper. You will get a beautiful falling snowball.

Educator: Let's play while the paint dries.
Finger game "Snowflakes"
La-la-la, a cloud floated across the sky.
(Join the fingers of both hands with pads and round them into a ball shape (cloud).
Suddenly, a swarm of snowflakes flew out of a cloud above the ground.
(Raise your hands up, spread your fingers to the sides. Rotate your hands, slowly lowering your hands (snowflakes fly).
The wind blew and hummed -
(Blow on your hands (round your lips and slightly stretch them forward).
A swarm of snowflakes flew up.
(Shake your hands, lift them up, rotate them (snowflakes fly).
The wind swirls with them,
Maybe make friends.
(Rotate your hands, alternately crossing your arms (snowflakes spin).
(E.A. Savelyeva)

Educator: Now you need to glue the window frame to the drawing.

our work "Snowflakes outside the window" ready

During the work, the teacher provides individual assistance to children in need and monitors safety precautions when working with glue.

Analysis of children's works
The teacher offers to make an exhibition and look at it.
The teacher reads a poem T. Lavrova “Behind the dark window”
Behind the dark window
Miracle of miracles -
White snowflakes
Falling from the sky!
Look what a miracle
On my palm
Dropped out of nowhere
Little baby!
Arrived with a white blizzard
Light fluff.
And she sat on my mitten
Star snowflake.
Snowflake enchantress
Dancing, having fun,
Like a butterfly flutters,
Everything is spinning and flying.
I'll take it in my palm,
I'll stick it on the window.
Elegant picture -
There is a wonderful piece of ice in the window!
Stars are flying from the sky.
It's a snowy starfall!
Everything is crispy, like ice,
Snowflakes are swirling in the sky.
I am patterned snowflakes
I'll draw it in the picture,
So that in summer and spring
There were stars with me.

Bottom line
What new and interesting things did you learn? Which moments were your favorite and why?

Exhibition of children's works