Who captured the heart of Marina Kravets? Marina Kravets - biography, information, personal life Various creative activities

Marina Kravets - Russian actress, singer, soloist musical groups"Nestroyband" and "NotNet", radio host, the only woman to become a resident of the show " Comedy Club».

Family and childhood of Marina Kravets

On May 18, 1984, in a simple Leningrad family of a mechanic and a factory accountant, she was born future star. Her parents and two brothers doted on their youngest.

A pleasant melodic voice delighted the ears of her relatives, for whom the girl organized mini-concerts. And one day, when Marina was 4 years old, her parents made a tape recording of the song “Aurora”. The record was the pride of the family until one day it was lost.

Despite her talent, Marina did not go to music school. There were no seats there. But she took vocal classes as an elective. The star still remembers the teachers and is very grateful to them and continues to communicate with them.

Marina Kravets' school years were spent in gymnasium No. 524. The brothers met the girl from school and took care of her. At school, the girl became interested in writing scripts for the school KVN team together with her friend Anna.

Study of Marina Kravets

In 2001, Marina became a student at St. Petersburg State University. But studying at the philology department did not lead Marina to teaching. The specialty of teaching Russian to foreigners did not interest her, and her teaching career ended after a few lessons during her internship at the university.

Marina was looking for herself: she worked part-time as a promoter, distributed leaflets to passersby in stores, then worked briefly as a secretary at a car service station. But Marina Kravets’s main hobby is student years became a game in the KVN student team “Simples”.

Marina Kravets and KVN

In 2007, the girl began her career in KVN, at the invitation of famous singer and her classmates Zhenya Kobich. Marina played for the team of the philological department of her university “Simples”, which did not advance further in its game last places finals. Although one day the guys went to the Sochi KVN Premier League festival and appeared on television with a parody of the TV show “Own Game”.

Then the composition of the “Simples” team disintegrated, everyone went their own way. Afterwards, Marina participated in several performances of other KVN teams in episodic roles.

Career of singer Marina Kravets

Marina sang in three groups: “NotNet”, “Mary & Band” and “NestroyBand”. The brightest and most significant thing for my future career was working in the latter - a young St. Petersburg group. They performed their own songs and remade already known ones.

Marina Kravets - song “Hop, trash can”

Thus, the most popular arrangement turned out to be the jazz version of “Trash Hop.” The lyrics of the song were also edited by the singer, as they contained a lot of profanity. Igor Meyerson (Elvis), one of the founders of the group, offered to show a number with a written version of the song in the Comedy Club show, since he took part in a television project. The group was received without much enthusiasm, but the performance was filmed for a television version.

At the same time, Marina met the author of the song and producer of the Vorovayki group, Yuri Almazov. And in the fall of 2011, a girl as part of the “NestroyBand” sang at the anniversary concert of the group “City 312”, performing one of the songs together with the soloist Svetlana Nazarenko.

Three years later, the girl shot a video for the song “Fallen” together with Sergei Kristovsky, the lead singer of the group “Uma2rman”.

Another popular composition was “Oil”, for which Marina shot a video together with DJ Smash, DJ Vengerov, Bobina.

Smash and Marina Kravets - “Oil”

In it, the singer played a glamorous girl with false hair, dressed up and speaking pathetically.

Marina Kravets' radio career

While working in the NotNet team, Marina met Ilya Pavlyuchenko. He played bass guitar in the group, and worked as a program director at ROX radio.

One day, Ilya let it slip that the radio station needed a host for the morning show “Full Speed ​​Ahead.” Marina was hired immediately, as her voice on the radio was already familiar. At this radio station, the girl raised the mood of listeners since 2007 for four years.

In July 2011, the St. Petersburg radio presenter moved to the capital. She passed an interview at the Mayak radio station. The girl lived there for over a year fun show on the night air with famous Mikhail Fischer and Nikolai Serdotetsky. The show was called "First Squad".

In October 2012, together with the guys from the First Squad, Marina went to the new Comedy Radio. The radio station aired an entertainment and educational program “ Good morning, America!”, which can be heard on weekdays.

Marina Kravets' career on television

Marina once shared her memories that while playing in the KVN team “Simples” she was contacted by phone on behalf of Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan and invited to the project “Made in Woman” (now “ Comedy Woman"). Marina agreed and starred in several programs. Vitya Vasiliev, Mitya Khrustalev, Taymaz Sharipov and Seva Moskvin also took part in them.

“Comedy Club”: Marina Kravets and Semyon Slepakov

After some time, together with NestroyBand, Marina performed in the Comedy Club show. She was invited to become a permanent resident of the show. The girl organically fit into the male team.

Film career of Marina Kravets

In 2012, Marina made her debut as an actress, starring in the serial film “Super Oleg”, playing a journalist, Oleg’s lover. In 2014, the star voiced one of the characters in the cartoon “Fly Your Wing,” working together with such stars as Alexei Vorobyov, Pelageya and Vadim Galygin.

Personal life of Marina Kravets

Marina met her husband Arkady Vodakhov while still a student at St. Petersburg University; they played together in the KVN team “Simps”. They lived in a civil marriage for 6 years, and then moved to Moscow together.

They still work together at Comedy Radio. In 2013, the couple got married. They don't have children yet.

Marina Kravets now

Kravets continues to perform on the Comedy Club stage with

Marina Leonidovna Kravets. Born on May 18, 1984 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian radio host, singer, actress, Comedy participant Club.

Father is a mechanic, mother is an accountant at a factory. Has two older brothers.

WITH early years loved to sing, has good hearing and voice.

She graduated from gymnasium No. 524. As Marina said about herself, she is one hundred percent humanitarian, she always liked history, literature, and the Russian language. Literature and the Russian language, according to her, helped to form a certain outlook, gain some moral guidelines and instilled a desire to follow the norms of the native language.

In high school, she actively played in KVN and also wrote scripts.

After receiving a diploma of secondary education, she entered the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University. There she became a member of the faculty KVN team “Simples” from the first league.

She graduated from a university with a degree in teaching Russian as a foreign language, but she hardly worked in her specialty - she conducted only a few practical lessons for students from China. While studying, she worked as a tutor, promoter and secretary at a car service station.

In 2007 she played for the KVN team “IGA”. In 2008, she was included in the final voting for the KVN Player of the Year award on the KVN for Everyone website. Having completed her active participation in KVN, she appeared in individual games in the teams “Team MFYuA” and “Faculty of Journalism”.

In 2007-2011, she worked as the host of the morning show “Full Speed ​​Ahead” on Radio Rocks.

In the fall of 2008, by invitation, she starred in the show “Made in Woman,” which later became known as "Comedy Woman". Marina took part in the fourth and fifth episodes of the show. Since 2010, she has been a regular participant in the Comedy Club show on the TNT channel. Marina got into this project thanks to resident Igor “Elvis” Meyerson. Together with Elvis, Seva Moskvin and the duet "Bydlo" they performed from the stage of the "Comedy Club" the song "Hop, trash" by the group "Vorovaiki" in a jazz arrangement.

Since July 2011, she has been the host of the night show “First Squad” on the Mayak radio station, where she was co-host of Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdotetsky. For the sake of this work, Marina moved to Moscow.

In October 2012, together with the staff of the “First Squad” program, she moved from Mayak radio to the newly opened Comedy Radio.

In 2012 she performed main role journalist Tatyana Pichugina in the television series “SuperOleg”, which aired on the “2x2” channel. Main character series - a strange, modest Oleg Yozhikov, who, due to his indecision and inability to adapt to life, vegetates in the most modest conditions with his retired grandmother. Lack of money and female attention are hot on Oleg's heels. But one day, fate itself pushes him to dramatic changes in your worthless life. Having met a mysterious stranger on the stairs, Oleg learns that he is the chosen one and from now on simply must become a super hero! At the same time, Oleg is in love with his neighbor, journalist Tatyana Pichugina, who fell into the treacherous clutches of the super-villain Pasha. Oleg is trying to save his beloved.

Marina Kravets in the TV series "SuperOleg"

In 2014, Kravets voiced one of the characters in the cartoon “Flap Your Wing.”

In 2015, she participated in the transformation show “One to One!”, where in the final she took 5th place based on voting results.

In October 2015, she became the host of the “Main Stage” show together with Ernest Matskevichyus, replacing Nargiz Zakirova.

She co-hosted several episodes of the Russo Touristo program on STS with Sergei Gorelikov. Host of the show Happy people"on Comedy radio.

Collaborated with theater group"Muki Two" from St. Petersburg.

She sang in the group “NotNet”, then became a soloist of the group and “Nestroyband”. In the fall of 2011, she took part in the anniversary concert of the group “City 312”, performing songs both as part of the “Nestroyband” and together with Svetlana Nazarenko.

In March 2014, together with Sergei Kristovsky, she recorded a joint video for the song “Fallen”.

In 2017, she recorded the single “How I was looking for you” with the Latvian group BrainStorm, performing vocals in tandem with Renars Kaupers.

Marina Kravets – Zombie (Cranberries)

Marina Kravets's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Marina Kravets:

Married. The husband is Arkady Vodakhov, they studied together at the Faculty of Philology and participated in KVN in the “Simps” team. They lived in a civil marriage for a long time. We got married on July 20, 2013.

She said about her wife: “Arkasha is very creative person, with a clear head, he has a lot of advantages that he was able to apply in his work... He is not one of those who strives to be in the frame, he is attracted to screenwriting work."

Filmography of Marina Kravets:

2012 - SuperOleg - Tatyana Pichugina, journalist

Voice-over by Marina Kravets:

2014 - Wave your wing (animated)

It seems that Marina Kravets is talented in everything. She sings well, plays in films, and broadcasts on the radio. In addition, she is the only girl who is a resident of the Comedy Club.

Since childhood, the girl was surrounded by love and attention. She was youngest daughter in family. Her parents and two older brothers were ready to blow away the dust from her. She remains loved even now. Only now a husband has been added to the loving family, as well as an army of fans.

Meeting your future husband

Marina met her future husband, Arkady Vodakhov, while still playing in KVN. They studied together at St. Petersburg University and played for the same university team. The team was called "Simps".

After graduating from university and receiving diplomas as Russian language teachers, the couple did not stop communicating; moreover, their relationship grew stronger every day.

Professional relationships

Arkady Vodakhov is also involved in creativity and humor. He has been working on Comedy Radio for several years now. His wife also works there as a presenter. He also writes a little text for the Comedy Club residents.

He supported Marina when she moved to Moscow. She came alone to Big city where there were no friends and acquaintances. She was out of work and felt unhappy. Against this background, she began to feel depressed. Arkady literally took her by the hand beyond the threshold of the apartment and made her believe in herself.

Arkady has repeatedly noted that at work he and his wife try to keep their distance. After all, work relationships reign at work, not love ones. But as soon as the working day ends, he and Marina again turn from colleagues into loving husband and wife.

Test of time

Before getting married, the couple lived in a civil marriage for about 6 years. They went through a lot together. The most serious test For young people, Marina moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

It would seem that the couple will not withstand the test of distance. But they dealt with it successfully. The guy followed Marina and helped solve all the problems that arose in connection with the move. He quickly found housing where they began to live together.

After 6 years of living together, the young people decided to legalize their relationship. The wedding was quite modest, without lavish festivities and crowds of guests. Only relatives and close friends were present at the celebration.

Now they do almost everything together. They even have one hobby between them. The couple loves to travel. Their plans are to visit best cities Europe, and then the world.

Interesting notes:

Head of the family

Arkady considers himself the head of their family, and Marina is not against this. He is her protector and it is with him that she feels like stone wall. Arkady himself says that he is ready to support his wife in any of her endeavors. He follows her into fire and water.

In the understanding of many women, Arkady can be considered ideal husband. He is understanding, loving and supportive in everything for Marina. When the guy was asked about his jealousy of Marina towards his Comedy Club partners, he answered without hesitation that he completely trusted her. Marina can say the same.

Arkady is not a party person at all. He is rarely seen at concerts, festivals and other events. He prefers to spend his free day at home with his wife. However, the young man is not at all against the fact that his wife is frequent guest social parties and festivals. Arkady often accompanies her there, but prefers to stay in the shadows.

And when will the children

Marina and Arkady have been together for more than one year. And from time to time the question arises about when they will have children. Arkady has admitted more than once that he desperately wants children, but Marina has a different opinion on this issue. She believes that now best time for her creative development.

Her husband tries not to rush her into a decision. children's question. He helps Marina develop creatively. But in recent interviews, the girl is no longer so categorical in matters that concern children. She has already mentioned that she is ready to become a mother.

Arkady said that he wanted a big family. That they will have at least two children so that they will not be bored together. They will be able to not only play together, but also support each other. Marina agrees to give birth to her husband two children, since she herself grew up in big family and knows that this is much better.

Housing problem

For now, Arkady and Marina live in Moscow in a rented apartment. They believe that this is quite enough for the two of them. But someday the couple dreams of purchasing their own home and decorating it to their liking.

Arkady believes that a country house would be ideal for him and Marina and their future children. But so far there is not enough money to buy it, and getting from outside the city to the center is a real challenge. Everyone knows that Moscow is famous for its kilometer-long traffic jams.

FULL NAME: Marina Leonidovna Kravets

DATE OF BIRTH: 05/18/1984 (Taurus)



HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Spouse: Arkady Vodakhov

HEIGHT: 171 cm

OCCUPATION: actress, singer, resident of the Comedy Club


Russian radio presenter, singer, television and dubbing actress. My parents had nothing to do with the world of art or show business. Dad worked as a mechanic, mother as an accountant at one of the enterprises. At the time of the birth of our heroine, two sons were already growing up in the family. Therefore, everyone welcomed the birth of a girl. Marina Kravets already demonstrated in her childhood that she is a creative person. The girl loved to sing, dance and pretend to be an artist. Her melodious voice brought joy to her family on holidays and on weekdays. One day, the brothers recorded on tape how Marina was carefully singing the song “Aurora.” Long time this record was a source of pride family archive until I was lost forever. In high school I became interested in playing KVN and singing. After entering the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, she became a member of the faculty KVN team “Simples” from the first league. She graduated from the faculty with a degree in teaching Russian as a foreign language. I did not work in my specialty, I only conducted a few practical lessons for Chinese students.

Marina Kravets joined the team in 2007. She was invited to play by a classmate and then singer Zhenya Kobich. On stage, the girl felt “at ease.” The team often traveled to various festivals. I also visited Sochi, at the KVN Premier League. Once she even appeared on the screens with a successful parody of the program “Own Game”. But the “Simps” failed to take leadership positions. The team broke up.

Marina sang in three groups: “NotNet”, “Mary & Band” and “NestroyBand”. The brightest and most significant thing for my future career was working in the latter - a young St. Petersburg group. They performed their own songs and remade already known ones.

Some songs performed by Kravets turned into hits. First of all, these are the songs “Hop, Trash Can,” “Disco Goddess” and “There Will Be No Sex.” Videos appeared for some compositions. The song “Hop, Trash” turned out to be especially popular in a jazz arrangement. Many popular compositions of NestroyBand contain obscene language.

One day, one of the founders of the group, Igor Meyerson (Elvis), invited the group to perform their song in the popular show “Comedy Club”. He himself was a participant in the project. It cannot be said that the musicians accepted the idea with great enthusiasm, but they recorded a TV version of the song.

Unexpectedly for everyone, she received a rather warm welcome. For Marina Kravets, participation in the show was of particular importance. She met the producer of the group “Vorovaiki” Yuri Almazov. The girl’s creative career was gaining momentum. The biography of Marina Kravets has been enriched with new bright pages. In 2011, the singer and her band were invited to anniversary concert group "City 312". Together with Svetlana Nazarenko she performed one of the songs.

A couple of years later, Marina Kravets sang in a duet with another star - the soloist popular group“Uma2rman” by Sergei Kristovsky - composition “Carrion”. Soon a video for this song appeared. The first successful video was followed by a second, recorded together with DJ Smash for the song “Oil”. Marina Kravets appeared before the audience in the image of a glamorous beauty in a pretentious outfit and wig.

Earlier, during her collaboration with the NotNet team, Marina Kravets met bass guitarist Ilya Pavlyuchenko. Except musical activity Ilya had a job at Radio Rox. One day Pavlyuchenko let it slip that the radio needed a girl who could host morning show"Full speed ahead." Marina Kravets immediately volunteered to try her hand. So the girl became a radio presenter. For 4 years, her sonorous voice delighted listeners of Radio Rox. But in 2011, Kravets moved to the capital. She successfully passed the interview and was invited to work at the Mayak radio station. Here she hosted a night show together with famous radio hosts and artists Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdotetsky. The program was called “First Detachment”. But in the late autumn of 2012, the entire “troop” of artists moved to the new “Comedy Radio”.

Once Marina Kravets remembered how, while still playing in KVN, she received a call on behalf of Natalya Yeprikyan and was invited to star in several programs of “Comedy Woman” (then “Made in Woman”). The artist agreed and appeared on the screens. Soon Marina Kravets was invited along with Nestroyband to participate in the Comedy Club. The team and spectators liked the girl so much that she received an offer to become a resident of the club. Since then lovers comedy show see Kravets in a wonderful company with Andrei Averin, Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua, Dmitry Lyusk Sorokin and Demis Karibidis. Viewers believe that Marina “fits in” well with the men’s team.

Marina Kravets for a long time was in a civil marriage with a young man named Arkady, and in 2013 they got married. As it turned out, the artist met her future husband during her student years. Arkady Vodakhov, together with Marina, played in “Simples” and studied at the philology department. Friendly relations grew into real romance. The personal life of Marina Kravets was happy. She has complete mutual understanding and trust with her husband.

Member name:

Age (birthday): 18.05.1984

City: St. Petersburg

Education: St. Petersburg State University

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Read with this article:

Marina Kravets was born in Leningrad, grew up a good, obedient girl and was fond of singing.

Her parents did everything to ensure that Marina studied singing professionally, and she really enjoyed this activity.

After school Kravets entered State University St. Petersburg, choosing the Faculty of Philology. In her third year of study, she joined the KVN team, starting her creative career.

Marina was radically different from her classmates - she managed not only to study and play in KVN, but also to earn money so as not to depend on her parents and not limit them.

Her first job was a regular supermarket, where she was a promoter offering hamburgers to customers.

Then she got a job as a secretary at a car dealership, and after graduating from university she was invited to host one of the radio programs. Hard work and perseverance, instilled by her parents, helped the girl achieve her goals.

In 2008, a number of events occurred important events for a future artist- she made it to the finals of the “KVN Player of the Year” competition. She was noticed by the producers of the TNT channel and invited to the show Made In Woman, later renamed Comedy Woman.

Marina’s artistic abilities made it possible to try on all sorts of images on her, but she did not stay long in the project. At the same time, her career developed in NestroyBand, a group performing humorous songs.

Just one performance at the Comedy Club made her a resident of the club. She became the first and so far only girl in a purely male team and fully met all expectations.

The song “Oil”, as well as the video for it, became a hit on the Internet; it is still played in clubs and at parties.

Popular skits by Marina Kravets: I am a disco goddess, how to get a girl drunk, purely hypothetically (with Semyon Slepakov), etc.

In parallel with this, Marina leads vocal career , she recorded several songs, including a duet with Sergei Kristovsky. In 2011, the artist became a co-host of one of the programs on Radio Mayak, and a year later she was casting for the film “The First Squad.”

So fast career and her first film auditions made her think about getting vocational education actresses.

In 2014, Marina first tried to voice a character in the cartoon “Flap Your Wing.” In 2015, she took part in vocal competition Main Stage, hosted the program “Russo Touristo”, talking about travel and attractions different countries. Now he still performs at the Comedy Club, broadcasts on Comedy Radio, actively participates in various projects and writes songs.

Despite such a busy schedule, Marina Kravets is married - husband Arkady Vadakhov, with whom she studied at the university. At first, the couple lived in a civil marriage for a long time, and later registered their relationship.

They don’t have children yet; Marina Kravets claims that they are not yet ripe for such a serious step.

Photo of Marina

The girl runs Instagram, where there are photos from Everyday life and footage from filming. Marina Kravets is among the top 100 sexy women in the country according to MAXIM magazine (2015, 2016).