Why do Latin Americans choose Russian girls? Russians vs Latin American men

Creating what ethologists are into Lately began to be called a pack, and I call it “the Family Project”, it is included in the goals of almost any man. In a good way, a harmonious family is one of the main goals of movements for men's rights, as well as one of the foundations for building a healthy society. However, as I wrote earlier, after analyzing my experience and some factors, I realized that with a Russian woman this very project would almost certainly be doomed: there are too many risk factors, so I decided for this purpose to take a closer look at women abroad, and, preferably, further away from countries former USSR. For myself, I decided to go for this purpose to South America - a land of contrasts, where slums coexist with huge business centers and skyscrapers, cathedrals coexist with basement shamanic sanctuaries, and a woman from the same man can have two children with different colors skin. Go.

I've been to quite a lot of places in South America: I've been to Cuba 4 times, I've been to Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, the Dominican Republic. Argentina and Chile are practically European countries, the others on the list are developing countries, the standard of living and salaries are quite low. In all of these countries, Russian men are treated normally, even positively, no matter what some of our compatriots say. They believe that Russia is a patriarchy. My Colombian friend’s friends said: “He’s Russian - he’ll take you to his place, tie a scarf on your head and ban you in the house - he won’t let you go anywhere!” This is how it turns out that in Russia it is customary to treat women. But the men don’t know... I will talk mainly about Cuba (in other countries it’s about the same, adjusted for the standard of living and surroundings), because... I prefer this one out of all the others. main reason- safety. Even in wealthy Argentina and Chile, it is better not to go to some areas, especially if you are a white man. Firstly, there is strong street crime, and secondly, in the slums, among the poor, all sorts of leftist ideas are quite common, coupled with traditional pagan beliefs, the main essence of which is: “It is the whites (capitalists) who are to blame for the fact that we live so badly )! In general, like our fascists and Jews. In Caracas, I was once robbed on the street: having decided to wander around in the evening before going to bed, I got lost, and because... I didn’t take my wallet with me so as not to waste money on all sorts of garbage, and I didn’t have any money with me for a taxi. In general, in one side street two guys blocked my way on both sides - one had kitchen knife, the other has a machete. In general, I lost my electronic wristwatch and a cheap office phone (my personal one, thank God, I forgot in the room). In principle, the watch was, at one time, bought by me during the transition, and the fine for the phone was not that big. The main thing is that he remained intact. Well, it’s his own fault - after the ban on firearms, Caracas became the most criminal capital in the world, which only cities in the African failed state can compete with. In Cuba, theoretically, ultra-violence against a tourist is also possible (I read it on forums, although, as far as I know, tourists will not be punished for any self-harm), but, in principle, the worst thing is that they can scam you out of money. Oh well, I digress.

Tourists go to Latin America mainly for paid sex, and therefore I’ll tell you about it first. After all, fucking professional prostitutes is not a shame, it’s a shame to fuck everyday prostitutes on their terms, which is what most men do. There is an opinion that women used to give there for an amount equal to the price of a can of Coca-Cola - maybe that was once the case, but not now. Now the prices for this business have long been quite European (and in Russia, apparently, they ask for the same amount for this business) - on average, 50 dollars - depends on many factors, first of all - where you will find this prostitute. Street ones are the cheapest, bar ones are more expensive, hotel, salon and club ones are the most expensive. Many Americans and Canadians come here for this business, and Europeans too, which surprises me: in addition to the fact that, according to my observations, European women treat sex quite lightly (I’m not talking about family and serious relationships now), the requirements for men are especially high they don’t have, and paid sex is more than available (Gran Via in Madrid, Soho in London, Bois de Boulogne in Paris, Red Light District in Amsterdam), and there are a lot of Latinas who offer it, and at about the same prices prices - why go far away for this business? The Americans, judging by the post left here on the forum, have the same problem. the same as ours, only in profile. Sex is, in principle, available to a Russian, but it’s inadequate high price that he simply cannot pay. An American can, but there is no one to whom he could pay for the provision of services. Something like this. In the comments under the first part there was a remark that all women are sold for currency and begin sex life from 10 years old. This is partly true. Prostitution, in principle, is condemned in decent families (as elsewhere), but is very common: people live poorly, and a prostitute can earn more in an evening than a programmer or teacher with considerable work experience can earn in a month. There is no need to look for this business here - just go out into the tourist area in the evening - they will come up and offer you something. In addition to street ones, you can go to a bar, for example. The bar ones are cleaner, more beautiful, although more expensive. During all my trips to Latin America, I resorted to the services of prostitutes once - in Cuba, in one of the bars on the Malecon - after 22:00 there are usually flocks of people sitting in bars there. In addition, in a number of countries there is the so-called. “intimate packages” when, by agreement, prostitutes of your choice are brought directly to the hotel. I haven’t tried it - it’s expensive and there’s no need for it. Well, there are intimate salons, of course. There are fewer and fewer prostitutes living in large cities every year, mostly from villages or from provincial towns. Once again, the stubbornness of the slaves is surprising: when average price At 50 dollars, if you offer a Latina to accompany you during your stay in the country, she will most likely agree. These are ready to pay extra for the company 200, 300, 500 dollars a day - they offer it themselves! They tell you a specific price, fool, why pay 10 times more? While accompanying her, she eats, of course, not at her own expense either; most likely, she also begs for all sorts of gifts.

In addition to professional and everyday prostitutes. These dream of finding themselves an overseas prince and sitting on his neck. As the singer Osmani Garcia, famous in Latin America, sings, “A ella no legustan los mikis, a ella no le gustan los repas, ella quiere yuma con money, q le abastezca la vida” (She doesn’t like either majors or clear boys, - she wants a foreigner with money who will provide her with life). In principle, there are plenty of such songs - they illustrate the general mood well. Usually they say: “I’m not one of those whores, I’m not like that,” they ask to take them to restaurants, buy a cell phone, laptop, tablet, clothes. Many people buy. Previously, most Latins dreamed that some tourist would fall in love and take them to their place, to the land of the elves. Now the trend has changed: the trend is to stay in your homeland, having Alen, who would send By more money, and would come less often. Preferably, more than one. Of course, men from the first world countries who were not in demand in their homeland have long been frequenting there to pick up their wives, and when they arrived with them, the ladies were surprised to discover that a “qualified middle-class specialist” was, in fact, a petty clerk with 2/ 3 salaries are spent on loans, and the “agricultural business owner” is a farmer with a dilapidated ranch in such a wilderness that some Bucaramanga, in comparison, is the center of civilization. True, there are also plenty of people who want to leave. In general, although many Latinas want to marry a foreigner, I haven’t heard any nasty things about my men, unlike my compatriots. The worst thing was that the answer to my question: “Why a foreigner?” was “Our people are cheating.” No other negative reviews I did not hear.

The topic of lookism also happens to be quite acute. The locals also have requirements for appearance, but they are somewhat different - some young people from the locals, for example, complained to me that women did not want to have any relationships with them because they were black (the topic of race here is generally deep and interesting). And my appearance (I’m tall, very thin and blue-eyed), which evoked a rather negative assessment from Russian women rather than a positive one, was perceived quite normally by Europeans, and Latins even found it attractive (and not only from beggarly Cuba and Venezuela, but also Argentinians and Chileans too). These are the standards of appearance that are different everywhere.

In general, after this, the question arises: “Is it possible to find a decent girl there?” Can. Naturally, you should not look in a tourist area - there, in 95% of cases, you will run into a prostitute from the above categories. There is an option - to “pick out” a sane girl via the Internet in advance - they, in principle, as I wrote earlier, respond normally. You can go to a disco or a bar for locals (not for tourists) - here you need to ask the locals where to find them - when I asked taxi drivers to take me to an establishment for locals, they always brought me to tourist ones - with drunken tourists and prostitutes, - Apparently, taxi drivers have an agreement with establishments there. Latins love discos and dancing. In principle, you can meet people on the street - they are completely normal about it - well, it depends on your luck. The best option, in my opinion, go up to some university and meet a student or young professor who is hanging out at the entrance. If you invite them to have dinner together in the evening, 90% of people will agree. I usually met this way, the girl traveled with me during my stay in the country, ate at my expense, but cooked, showed places where it was tasty and cheap, worked as a guide at the same time - in general, I even managed to save money in the end.

In general, how do Latin women differ from Russian women? First of all, they don’t hold dynamo in high esteem - as I already wrote, usually, if a woman allows herself to be paid for, this means consent to sex. I also noticed this trend: if you go to a restaurant with a Russian woman, she will order one for herself. full program, they “bite” every dish, and that’s it, but here they order exactly as much as they can eat (though they can eat quite a lot). More emotional and temperamental, but less hysterical and less prone to rudeness and dominance. Upbringing takes its toll - being rude can get you in the face, and the guy won’t get anything for it. Plus, in general, boys and girls tend to be treated equally in schools. They believe that since a man did good to them, then he should do good too. The only thing is that, unlike Russian women, for whom everyone who is not the first is the second, here they do not try to hide the number of sexual partners, and they can even boast about their number, as some men do in our country. However, despite their easy-going attitude towards sex, their wives are loyal and flexible. This is confirmed by numerous immigrant families in other countries. 90% of families of immigrants from Russia abroad break up. This also happens to Latin Americans, but less often: there are a lot of Peruvian families in Argentina, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban families in the USA who came there penniless and, together, built their lives there. Could the women from these families jump on the pain of the aboriginal and, leaving their husbands, solve the problems? They could. This is especially applicable to the United States, where the situation with ACP appears to be similar to the Russian one, and men have more money. However, for the most part, this was not done.

This is the impression I got about Latin American women. You won’t find a traditional woman in a headscarf there, but you can find a woman for a harmonious family. Just be careful.

Look, Olenka, how the Russian men cried out, and their ins and outs are spilling out and stinking all over YouTube: anger, curses, insults of almost the entire female race, and even some kind of wild national jealousy with a mixture of racism. Russian men in all their glory, so to speak:) And women, regardless of nationality, want respect, understanding, love. I have watched more than one video of this beautiful girl. The way she loves her husband is wonderful! It’s not so often that you meet a girl who is ready to support her husband as the leader of the family, who is ready to go to the ends of the earth for his sake. She said in a video about moving to New York (if I’m not mistaken) that for the first time she met a person with whom she had such a close relationship, such mutual understanding. What woman doesn't want to be loved by the one she loves? What woman would want to give up her man, even if it’s not her nationality, for the sake of who knows why? For the sake of men like you, dear gentlemen, who, instead of at least to respect the choice of another person, are they openly insulting? I wouldn’t be surprised if you also humiliate your wives, and then go after your daughters. Funny and sad.

Sandra Moore

Lord, what vile, disgusting and redneck male primates are in the comments here. The girls didn’t compare who was better or the pros and cons of both, they didn’t draw the conclusion that “fuck these Russians, let’s date others.” They told what the differences are and what their men (of a different nationality than themselves) do. There was no call for marrying foreigners in this video. Russian “men” have gone so crazy here in their attempts to “more gracefully” insult girls that they simply humiliate themselves and their nation with such words and behavior. And also future (or already) heads of the family... Shame. What difference does it make to you with a guy, what nationality these girls meet? If they did not find suitable and worthy men in their country, then why immediately “cheating” and so on? What nonsense? Maybe the problem then is not with women, but with men, if Russians are increasingly finding husbands abroad rather than in their own country? Not? Maybe they don’t like such vile, disgusting and trash men of their country, who insult everyone and everything for no reason?
With such words and behavior, “men,” you only push girls of your nationality away from you, because you show disrespect in all your “glory.” You should be ashamed. It’s scary to imagine where you grew up and with whom you were pouring out such aggression and verbal diarrhea on people who never said a bad word about you.

And thank you very much to the girls for telling us about some peculiarities of national cultures:)

Like if you saw their husbands in GTA San Andreas!

Why didn’t they touch on the point about what kind of womanizers they are? I have been living in America for 10 years. Almost all of my friends are Latinos. And my boyfriends were Latinos. Argentinean and Mexican. I really don’t know another nation where men cheat so much, and their women also like to go to the left. All the Latinos I know cheat on their girlfriends, fiancees and wives. And believe me, I have a lot of acquaintances, friends, and even Latinos who beat up guys. I know that a lot of Russian guys cheat too, but Latinos are 100% straight. As friends, they are certainly cool, but it is better not to start a serious relationship with them.

Dom perignon

Yes, the comments of male individuals, who cannot be called men, speak for themselves! They really don’t like the fact that such beauties leave with men from other countries. They can’t draw conclusions due to underdevelopment of the brain. Good luck to you in your new life, girls! You are beautiful and you will succeed!

Yulianna Sobol

In my opinion, such a comparison is disgusting from the lips of Russian girls, and they also say that men are “male”, but, for the most part, we are not looking for Asian or African women (although there are breathtaking beauties), and many girls, in in particular, in the countries of the Middle East, they are well brought up, which, I think, is important for a man. Don't deceive yourself and others - it's not you, it's you....All over the world.

Alimkhan Bdyashev

Kudakhtakht akh. Po-po-pok. Cluck-cluck-tah-tah.

You can summarize the comments and draw conclusions from moaning Russian women:
1) there are no men in Russia
2) she alone carries a thousand people, visits children’s homes and at the same time cuts down forests on Saturdays
3) all Russian guys are drunk and incapable of anything
4) having gotten married, she doesn’t want to get married because it’s too hard and they didn’t teach her anything
5) they come abroad - they are fucked and then thrown out
7) they return to Russia.

And the conclusion is this: Russian guys have weakened their power in the country, and the ladies have gotten very greedy. such a schedule. And the videos usually reek of propaganda and Russophobia.

Andrey Korobov

Would you rather tell me what your husband does, where he works, who he works for, or does he just dance and apply creams and use drugs in between?


So you need to remember this is a normal topic)).

I can imagine these gopniks coming up to you, like give me the phone to call, and you

Lyokha zOyBiRg

In fact, everything is correct, I had a Spanish wife and a bunch of Canadians, Americans, French women, etc... now - no one except Russians

And you yourself will understand everything when you grow up

And Latinos are in the trash right away, if only they had married an Arab. and by the way, the girls were (and are) MUCH more beautiful than these stupid 2 sluts

Hola Olga Rojas, vi tu video en otro canal de youtube y estaba subtitulado al todo perfecto contigo y tu amiga el unico detalle es HABLAS DEMACIADO RAPIDO:)


Olya, it’s always interesting to learn about the characters, traditions, and customs of other nations, other countries, if your consciousness is not limited to the nightly study of the influence of brewer’s yeast on the human brain. Don't pay attention to this negativity, it comes from dissatisfaction with life. I'll leave mine positive feedback, since self-development and broadening one’s horizons are one of the main life priorities. Interesting and lively conversation, I feel like I’m with you in Central Park)) Thank you! Good luck!

Tatiana Ermishina

Her shape is just not good either. Board. No offense.

I was very pleased with the fact that Latin American men are not afraid to express their feelings. Otherwise, all these stupid stereotypes I'm a man means the face should be a refrigerator only ruin life!

Elena Kondrateva

I listened to the girls and got the impression that the Latin men good husbands for life in some prosperous Mediterranean country. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me that they don’t have enough “traction” to live in Russia (somewhere in the Tyumen region or Krasnoyarsk Territory). Especially in our rural areas.

And Dud

In general, it makes sense to talk about marriage with someone after at least 10 years life together. The first years of marriage are one thing, but many years of marriage are another. At first everything seems like a fairy tale. As life shows, many people living in Latin America return to Russia after ten years. So, wait and see how your marriage ends. In the meantime, your video looks as if you met a guy, met once, and then you tell your girlfriend how cool he is, and soon it turns out that he is “a jerk, like all men.”


"There is nothing worse than wandering in foreign lands." - Homer. 8th century BC e.

I looked at the comments - where did so many come from? evil people? I think it's envy. Not everyone manages to leave Russia. And what difference does it make who sleeps with whom and who marries whom? Guys from the comments, pass by if you have so much negativity.
Olga, you speak very well, you are tongue-tied. Nice to watch and listen to. I wish you and your husband happiness!

Nina Murzilkina

I wonder why the Latnos guys are beautiful and their girls are scary, but on the contrary, our Russian girls are beautiful, and the guys are sad shit both in mind and in appearance

Foreigners behave differently in the online dating process. For example, Europeans, Australians and Americans will differ in their courtship and communication styles. Alexandra Ivanova explains how meeting men from countries differs Latin America.

Your chosen one is Latino

The man you met via the Internet and who is interesting to you for personal acquaintance, and perhaps for marriage, lives in one of the Latin American countries or is he a native of the Ibero-American region living abroad? How to understand it and make communication more effective? What should you consider when communicating online with such a person? We will try to consider these questions in more detail.

Latin American as a person

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that despite mutual language And historical events, associated with the Spanish and Portuguese conquest, the culture of Mexico and the countries of Central and South America, Caribbean varies considerably.

Social Features

Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic - all these are completely different states, each of which has its own cultural characteristics, social stratification, traditions, historical events that leave a deep imprint in the minds of people.

Most countries in the region still have high levels of poverty, crime, corruption in government structures, discrimination on one or another basis, and in some of them - such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala - the consequences of protracted and bloody conflicts have not yet been completely overcome. civil wars. Drug trafficking and related social problems and features are a separate page of history and part of modern life in Colombia and Mexico.

All these factors, to one degree or another, directly influence daily life and the psychology of residents of Latin American countries. However, optimism and lightness of life are very characteristic of the inhabitants of this colorful region.

To be honest, it is worth noting that life in Latin America and relationships with a person from this area globe– not for everyone. This is a world full of paradoxes and truly surreal stories. However, people also live here who enjoy life in all its manifestations, realize their dreams, love and raise families.

Max from Mexico and Anastasia from Russia on the website Elenasmodels.com.

Vivir la vida or "live life"

Ease of communication, a sense of humor, unpredictability and sometimes some extravagance, a love of music and dancing, cheerfulness and the ability to “look at life more simply” - all these are the qualities that make Latin Americans attractive to representatives of other nations. This is the very art of “living life” that Marc Anthony sings about.

However, there are enough here who have qualities that, as a rule, decent people do not look for in their chosen ones. This includes hypocrisy mixed with double standards, a tendency to lie, irresponsibility and unpunctuality, sexism that has not yet been completely eradicated. All this is condemned in decent societies in Latin American countries, but the problem exists. “Not caught, not a thief” - this Russian proverb quite accurately characterizes the difficulties that can be encountered here.

However, the probability of meeting decent person, who will be a suitable partner for living together and starting a family, as well as a good, understanding friend, is also great here.

To better navigate relationships with representatives of the Ibero-American region, let's consider some aspects, knowledge of which will help you avoid possible troubles.

What kind of men are looking for Slavic brides?

In reality, the percentage of Latin American men who consciously search for a Slavic wife via the Internet is small. There are several reasons for this - lack of information, and sometimes financial position, which does not allow investing a large sum to transport a foreign wife.

However, sought-after professionals in more economically prosperous countries do not exclude the possibility of implementing such a project in their lives and are quite capable of supporting a family with children, although increasingly educated men with decent jobs want to have an equal partner who will also develop as a professional and contribute their share in the family budget.

“I talked with Russian and Ukrainian women who live here, and I do not exclude the possibility of building my life with a Slavic woman. If a woman is ready for serious relationship, I am ready to help her with the move and financially support her during her adaptation. However, modern life makes it increasingly difficult to have a traditional family, where the husband alone provides for all its members, especially if there are children,” says S., 41 years old, photographer and journalist from Mexico.

Wedding of Anastasia and Max (Russia, Mexico). can be read here.

Those who purposefully look for Slavic wives are most often those Latin Americans who received their education in the countries of the former USSR and for some reason were unable to find and bring a wife for themselves after graduation.

“I would like to marry a Russian. Russian girls are beautiful, educated and very sensual, besides, I like Russian cuisine. When I graduated from university and returned home, I had to look for a job and establish myself in the profession; I also needed to first acquire own home. So maybe the dream of a Russian wife will come true someday,” says B., a 33-year-old doctor from Costa Rica.


A huge number of Latin Americans already live abroad, mainly in the USA, Canada, and European Union countries. Such men often resort to the Internet to find a partner, but their priority is their compatriots who are already in the countries where the men themselves live.

Compatriots living at home and in neighboring countries are treated with caution in the online space, since there is real danger meet a scammer whose goal is to use a man to leave his country, or ask him to send money, supposedly for a visa, and then disappear.

Casual acquaintances that develop into more

Among the couples consisting of a Slavic woman and a Latin American, there are quite a few who met on the Internet by chance - in language chats, thematic forums, initially without the goal of finding a partner, but during their communication they liked each other so much that they decided to meet in person.

Couples meet in different ways - from dating sites to thematic forums.

What to pay attention to when communicating online

When communicating with a Latino, it is worth considering that it is still very widely used here, however, recently everything has appeared more men, adhering to Western style.

Also, many Latin Americans often fall in love with very cunning women, subtle manipulators who know how to masterfully flirt and get a man hooked on emotions. What emotions depend on the character of the man; it is difficult to generalize here. These emotions are not always associated with sex, although the inhabitants of the region predominantly have a strong sexual constitution.

But this only works in one case - if the ability to “twist men” is given to you by nature. If this is not the case, and coquetry, games of “hot and cold”, the ability to be “beautifully” offended are not your thing, you should not try to copy your friends who are “experienced” in this matter or use some techniques ineptly yourself. In this case, you will be seen through quite quickly, and if a man understands that you really like him, but you are trying to play some games, they can treat you very harshly. It's like putting shoe polish on yourself and trying to pass yourself off as an African - sooner or later, the truth will come out.

Properly built, self-sufficiency and the ability to be happy on your own - this is what will help you in the absence of “devilry”.

So, if the man you like is of this type, it is better for you to break up at an early stage than for him to lose interest in you after several years of marriage and having children and go in search of new emotions. There are decent and serious people here too, and you are quite likely to meet a man who will need you just as you are.

It is quite possible to meet a serious man for marriage, who will need you as you are, in Latin America.

Important aspects

When communicating online with a native of Latin America, be sure to pay attention to the following points.

1. Language

If your chosen one lives abroad, you plan to live there and know English - this may be enough. But if your plans are to live in a man’s homeland, then first of all, you should master Spanish (or Portuguese, if we're talking about about Brazil).

2. Honesty

There are many liars among Latin Americans, moreover, they are much more difficult to catch in a lie than Westerners. The fact is that many are so accustomed to lying about little things that it has become natural and easy for them. And many men here behave very romantically, quickly talk about feelings, but not because they want to take advantage of a woman, but are truly in love with her at that moment, and at that very moment they consider everything they say to be true. True, falling in love can quickly pass, and then the surprise for a lady who is unaccustomed to this will turn out to be unpleasant.

How can you avoid running into such a chatterbox? Believe in real actions, not just words. There is no point in asking direct questions; he can easily tell you what you want to hear. Instead, model the situation and ask him to find out his attitude to what is happening, watch his reaction, analyze his stories about himself, compare the facts.

3. Migration status

If a man lives abroad, find out his migration status. Does he have a residence permit, a work permit, or is he living in the country illegally? Unobtrusively ask to see documents. The one who has them will show them to you with pride.

4. Place of residence

If a man lives in his homeland, ask what area he lives in. In such Latin American capitals as Lima, Mexico City, Santiago, Buenos Aires, people immediately make a lot of conclusions about a person upon hearing the name of the area where he lives. Try to find as much information as possible.

5. Family relationships

What is the way of life in his parents' house? Is his mother a housewife or a professional? For a father, is a mother a beloved wife and life friend, or “a woman who should know her place”? Do they condemn or condone violence? Again, do not ask questions directly, but ask to talk about his family, so as to clarify the above.

6. Having children

In most Catholic countries in Latin America, abortion is illegal, so many men may have “young mistakes” that they may not talk about. It is better to ask about this directly and ask for an answer immediately and honestly. In some countries there are websites of government organizations where any user can check the civil status and presence of children of any citizen. For this it is enough to know full name and the man's last name.

7. How he imagines your life together

Buying or renting a home, household chores, having and raising children, financial issues, leisure. It is especially important to find out this if the young man has an “easy” disposition. You wouldn’t want him to react just as “easily” in the future to, say, health problems, lack of work or debt on important payments?

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