Kuprin's personal life. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Alexander Kuprin is a great Russian writer who left a rich legacy of works to humanity. Observant, subtle and sensitive by nature, Alexander Ivanovich reflected in his works the life and morality of that time.

He was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the family of a minor official in the small town of Narovchat, which is located in the Penza province. His father died a year after Alexander was born. Three children remained in the arms of mother Lyubov Alekseevna - older sisters and Sasha himself. The girls are sent to a boarding school, and Lyubov Alekseevna leaves with her son for Moscow.

It is worth noting that the writer’s mother is a native of the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakov. She has a strong character, stubborn, and loves her children very much. Life in Moscow was hard, miserable, and the mother enrolled her six-year-old son in the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (1876). It was not easy for Alexander, the boy was sad and homesick, and even thought about escaping. He read a lot, knew how to invent stories, and was popular for this. Alexander composed his first creation, a poem, at the age of seven.

Gradually, life got better, and Kuprin decided to become a military man. After graduating from the boarding school in 1880, he immediately entered the Second Moscow Military Academy. Eight years later he studies at the Moscow Alexander Military School. The years of study were not in vain for Alexander Ivanovich; later he would write and expose them in his works. There will be a lot of thoughts about honor, uniform, courage, the characters of the heroes, as well as corruption.

He continued to read and study literature, and in 1889 his first story, “The First Debut,” was published. In 1890, after completing his studies, Kuprin entered service in an infantry regiment as a second lieutenant. Its new location is Podolsk province. Four years later, Alexander Ivanovich retired. Having no specialty, Kuprin tries himself in various fields activities.

This person, greedy for impressions, takes on any job, he is not afraid of anything, everything is interesting to him. His character is explosive, but he is ready for an adventure. It was important for him to communicate with people, to get used to their atmosphere of life, to capture the feelings, character and subtleties of each person. Then Kuprin will skillfully reflect his observations in his works.

Soon he meets, and. Publications in Moscow and St. Petersburg begin to publish his works, notes, and essays. In 1901, Alexander Kuprin married Maria Davydova, and a year later their daughter Lida was born. In 1905, the story “The Duel” was published. In addition to the army impressions set out in his works, Kuprin writes about love and animals (“ White poodle"1902), becomes popular and is published a lot. In 1907, after a divorce from his first wife, Alexander Kuprin remarried Elizaveta Heinrich. Daughter Ksenia is born.

Alexander Ivanovich served in Finland in 1914, but was discharged due to health reasons. (1914-1918), then he and his wife Elizaveta and daughter Ksenia set up an infirmary at home. They provided assistance to wounded soldiers. Kuprin perceived the revolution negatively. He was on the side white movement, although at first he tried to cooperate with the Bolsheviks. Like many others creative personalities, Kuprin and his family leave Russia, they go to France. Alexander Ivanovich continues to create, but not so productively; he misses his homeland. Actively participates in the anti-Bolshevik press.

In the spring of 1937, the writer and his family returned to their homeland. He was greeted warmly and cordially. Unfortunately, the writer was seriously ill and died a year later. He died on August 25, 1938 in the city of Leningrad. Most popular works Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin:

"Duel", " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya", "Pit".

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a famous Russian writer and translator. He made a significant contribution to the fund of Russian literature. His works were particularly realistic, thanks to which he received recognition in various strata of society.

Brief biography of Kuprin

We present to your attention short biography Kuprina. It, like everything else, contains many interesting facts.

Childhood and parents

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26, 1870 in the city of Narovchat, in the family of a simple official. When little Alexander was only one year old, his father, Ivan Ivanovich, died.

After the death of her husband, the mother of the future writer, Lyubov Alekseevna, decided to go to Moscow. It was in this city that Kuprin spent his childhood and youth.

Training and the beginning of a creative path

When young Sasha was 6 years old, he was sent to study at the Moscow Orphan School, from which he graduated in 1880.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

In 1887, Kuprin was enrolled in the Alexander Military School.

During this period of his biography, he had to face various difficulties, which he would later write about in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and “Junkers”.

Alexander Ivanovich had good ability to write poetry, but they remained unpublished.

In 1890, the writer served in an infantry regiment with the rank of second lieutenant.

While in this rank, he writes such stories as “Inquiry”, “In the Dark”, “Night Shift” and “Hike”.

Creativity flourishes

In 1894, Kuprin decided to resign, being at that time already in the rank of lieutenant. Immediately after this, he begins to travel around, meeting different people and gaining new knowledge.

During this period, he manages to meet Maxim Gorky and.

Kuprin’s biography is interesting in that he immediately took all the impressions and experiences he received during his considerable travels as the basis for future works.

In 1905, the story “The Duel” was published, which received real recognition in society. In 1911 his very meaningful work“Garnet bracelet”, which made Kuprin truly famous.

It should be noted that it was easy for him to write not only serious literature, but also children's stories.


One of the most important moments in Kuprin's life became October Revolution. In a short biography it is difficult to describe all the writer’s experiences associated with this time.

Let us briefly note that he flatly refused to accept the ideology of war communism and the terror associated with it. Having assessed the current situation, Kuprin almost immediately decides to emigrate to France.

In a foreign land, he continues to write novels and short stories, as well as engage in translation activities. For Alexander Kuprin it was unthinkable to live without creativity, which is clearly visible throughout his biography.

Return to Russia

Over time, in addition to material difficulties, Kuprin increasingly begins to feel nostalgia for his homeland. He manages to return back to Russia only after 17 years. Then he writes his last piece, which is called “Native Moscow”.

Last years of life and death

Soviet officials benefited from a famous writer returning to his homeland. They tried to create from him the image of a repentant writer who came from a foreign land to sing the praises of the happy.

About Kuprin’s return to the USSR, 1937, Pravda

However, the internal memos of the competent authorities record that Kuprin is weak, ill, incapacitated and, practically, unable to write anything.

By the way, this is why information appeared that “Native Moscow” belongs not to Kuprin himself, but to the journalist assigned to him, N.K. Verzhbitsky.

On August 25, 1938, Alexander Kuprin died of esophageal cancer. He was buried in Leningrad at the Volkovsky cemetery, next to the great writer.

  • When Kuprin was not yet famous, he managed to master many different professions. He worked in a circus, was an artist, teacher, land surveyor and journalist. In total, he mastered more than 20 different professions.
  • The writer's first wife, Maria Karlovna, really did not like the unrest and disorganization in Kuprin's work. For example, having caught him sleeping at work, she deprived him of breakfast. And when he didn't write necessary chapters for some story, his wife refused to let him into the house. How can one not remember the American scientist who was under pressure from his wife!
  • Kuprin loved to dress in national Tatar attire and walk the streets like that. On his mother's side he had Tatar roots, which he was always proud of.
  • Kuprin personally communicated with Lenin. He suggested that the leader create a newspaper for villagers called “Earth”.
  • In 2014, the television series “Kuprin” was filmed, telling about the life of the writer.
  • According to the recollections of his contemporaries, Kuprin was truly a very kind person who was not indifferent to the destinies of others.
  • Many are named after Kuprin settlements, streets and libraries.

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Famous Russian writer, classic of Russian literature.

Date and place of birth: September 7, 1870, Narovchatsky district, Penza province, Russian Empire.

The most Interesting Facts from the life of Kuprin. To learn about Kuprin, we made this post just for you, where the whole life of the Russian writer is collected in facts.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in county town Narovchate (now Penza region) in the family of an official, hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of his son.

Kuprin loved to sniff the people around him like a dog.

Garnet bracelet

A story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written in 1910. Based on real events.

On her name day, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina received from her longtime anonymous admirer as a gift a gold bracelet with five large deep red cabochon garnets surrounding a green stone - a rare variety of garnet. Being married woman, she considered herself not entitled to receive any gifts from strangers.

Her brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, assistant prosecutor, together with Prince Vasily Lvovich found the sender. It turned out to be a modest official Georgy Zheltkov. Many years ago he accidentally circus performance saw Princess Vera in the box and fell in love with her pure and unrequited love. Several times a year, on major holidays, he allowed himself to write letters to her.

Mother - Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), née Kulunchakova, came from a family of Tatar princes (noblewoman, princely title Did not have). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where they held early years and the adolescence of the future writer.

Alexander Ivanovich had Tatar roots, and he was proud of it.

At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumov School, from where he graduated in 1880. In the same year he entered the Second Moscow Military Gymnasium.

Kuprin always behaved gently and politely with female representatives, as well as impudently and harshly with male individuals.

In 1887 he was enrolled in the Alexander Military School. Subsequently he will describe his military youth in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junkers”.

The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. One of Kuprin’s first major works, written in 1898 and published in the newspaper “Kievlyanin” in the same year. According to the author, this is one of his favorite works. main topictragic love the city master Ivan Timofeevich and the young girl Olesya, who has unusual abilities.

Kuprin liked to quarrel with everyone he could get his hands on when he was drunk.

In 1890, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was released into the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment, stationed in the Podolsk province, in Proskurov. He served as an officer for four years.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin changed about 10 professions before he became a famous writer.

In 1893-1894, the St. Petersburg magazine “Russian Wealth” published his story “In the Dark,” the stories “Moonlit Night” and “Inquiry.”

“The Garnet Bracelet,” written by Kuprin, is based on a story he heard as a child.

In 1894, Lieutenant Kuprin retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession. IN next years He traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life experiences that became the basis of his future works.

Alexander Kuprin's story about prostitution. In the Yamskaya Sloboda (simply called “Yama”) of a certain southern city, on Bolshaya and Malaya Yamskaya streets there are a number of open brothels.

In the Yamskaya Sloboda (simply called “Yama”) of a certain southern city, on Bolshaya and Malaya Yamskaya streets there are a number of open brothels. We are talking about the establishment of Anna Markovna Shoibes, which was not luxurious, but not low-grade either, in competition with Treppel’s establishment. It describes the typical way of life of local prostitutes deprived of their passports, an attempt to “save” Lyubka, one of the girls, which ends with her being abandoned and her returning to the brothel.

One of the main storylines one can call the story of one of the prostitutes of Yama - Zhenya, who had the most striking character (proud and evil - Platonov would characterize her). When a client infected her with syphilis, at the beginning she, not wanting to be treated, wanted to infect as many as possible for the sake of revenge. more men, but taking pity on the cadet boy, who was the only one polite to her, she, having “confessed” to the reporter Platonov, hanged herself. It is important here that prostitutes were given fictitious, “beautiful” names, and only when Zhenya hanged herself, the author calls her real name - Susanna Raitsyna - which can be perceived as a kind of personification of liberation.

In 1909 he managed to receive a prize for a three-volume work.

First literary experience Kuprin had poems that remained unpublished. The first published work was the story “The Last Debut” (1889).

Kuprin took part in the military uprising of sailors that took place in Sevastopol.

1890-1900 Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone.” Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902), “Horse Thieves” (1903), “White Poodle” (1903).

Kuprin was often called “Russia’s most sensitive nose.”

In the years between the two revolutions, Kuprin published a series of essays “Listrigons” (1907-1911), stories “Shulamith” (1908), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911), etc., and the story “Liquid Sun” (1912). His prose has become a notable phenomenon of Russian literature. In 1911 he settled with his family in Gatchina.


A story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, published in 1905. The story describes the history of the conflict between the young second lieutenant Romashov and a senior officer, developing against the backdrop of a clash between the romantic worldview of an intelligent young man and the world of a provincial infantry regiment, with his provincial morals, drill and vulgarity of officer society. The most significant work in Kuprin's work.

Kuprin was distinguished by excessive laziness.

After the outbreak of World War I, he opened a military hospital in his house and campaigned in newspapers for citizens to take out war loans. In November 1914, he was mobilized and sent to the militia in Finland as commander of an infantry company. Demobilized in July 1915 for health reasons.

Until his death, Kuprin had to do the “dirty work of journalism.”

In 1915, Kuprin completed work on the story “The Pit,” in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in brothels. The story was condemned for excessive naturalism. Nuravkin’s publishing house, which published “Yama” in the German edition, was brought to justice by the prosecutor’s office “for distributing pornographic publications.”

Russian soul

The book by A.I. Kuprin (1870-1938) includes works different years, including such recognized masterpieces as “ Wonderful doctor”, “White Poodle”, “Listrigons”, “Paganini’s Violin”.

.Kuprin wrote more than 20 works that are famous today.

In 1917, he completed work on the story “The Star of Solomon”, in which, creatively reworking classic plot about Faust and Mephistopheles, raised questions about free will and the role of chance in human destiny.

Kuprin liked to wear a painted robe and skullcap because it emphasized his Tatar origin.

After the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the policy of war communism and the terror associated with it, Kuprin emigrated to France. He worked at the World Literature publishing house, founded by M. Gorky. At the same time, he translated F. Schiller’s drama “Don Carlos”. In July 1918, after the murder of Volodarsky, he was arrested, spent three days in prison, was released and added to the list of hostages.

A novel by Russian writer A.I. Kuprin, written in 1928-1932. It is a continuation of the story “At the Turning Point”. At first, individual chapters were published in the Vozrozhdeniya newspaper. In 1933 it was published as a separate edition.

Kuprin tried to describe only positive features own heroes.

After the defeat of the North-Western Army, he was in Reval, from December 1919 - in Helsingfors, from July 1920 - in Paris.

Surname famous writer comes from the name of a river in the Tambov province.

In 1937, at the invitation of the USSR government, Kuprin returned to his homeland. Kuprin's return to Soviet Union was preceded by an appeal by the USSR Plenipotentiary Representative in France V.P. Potemkin on August 7, 1936 with a corresponding proposal to I.V. Stalin (who gave the preliminary “go-ahead”), and on October 12, 1936 - with a letter to the People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs N.I. Ezhov .

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin loved animals very much and dedicated many of his works to them. “I have never seen Kuprin pass by a dog on the street and not stop to pet him,” recalls one of the writer’s friends. All the animals that became the heroes of his stories actually existed: some lived in the house of the writer himself or his friends, he learned about the fate of others from newspapers. Kuprin’s favorite was Sapsan, a beautiful and powerful dog of the ancient Medellian breed. This book will teach children to treat our smaller brothers with love and attention, to appreciate their devotion and affection for people. Expressive illustrations by Mikhail Solomonovich Mayofis perfectly complement the touching and good story O true friend Peregrine falcon.

Kuprin's first wife was Marya Karlovna Davydova, the adopted daughter of a publisher.

Soviet propaganda tried to create the image of a repentant writer who returned to sing happy life in USSR. According to L. Rasskazova, in all the official notes of Soviet officials it is recorded that Kuprin is weak, sick, incapacitated and unable to write anything.

Kuprin had to work as an orderly in a morgue.

Kuprin died on the night of August 25, 1938 from esophageal cancer. He was buried in Leningrad on the Literary Bridge of the Volkovsky Cemetery next to the grave of I. S. Turgenev.

From his second marriage, Kuprin had a little daughter, Ksenia. She worked as a fashion model.


Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

(1870 - 1938)

Born on August 27, 1870 in the small town of Narovchat, in the Penza province, in the family of a minor official. The writer did not know his father, because he died a year after the birth of his son, from cholera. His mother came from the ancient princely family of the Kulanchakovs. After her husband's death, she moved to a widow's house in Moscow. Only thanks to this, Kuprin’s childhood years were spent close to his mother, whom he, by the way, literally idolized. And there really was something to admire.

His mother had a strong, even somewhat tyrannical character. She was a proud princess, had excellent taste and keen powers of observation. Unfortunately, financial difficulties forced her to send the young writer to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage) when he was 6 years old.

After graduating from the boarding school, he entered the Second Moscow Military Gymnasium, which was later renamed the Cadet Corps. After graduation, Kuprin continued his education at the Third Alexander Junker School in Moscow. All this during the 1880-90s. The writer reflected his military youth in the story “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junkers”. He left school with the rank of second lieutenant.

Already, while at school, Kuprin felt a craving for literature; his first attempts were poems that remained unpublished. The first work of Alexander Kuprin that the world saw was the story “The Last Debut”, published in the magazine “Russian Satirical List” in 1889. The story turned out to be not very successful, and Kuprin himself did not take the writing activity.

After graduating from college in 1890, the writer was enrolled in an infantry regiment. Served for four years. Military career gave a lot of material for Kuprin’s writing. After retirement in 1994, he moved to Kyiv. The writer did not have a regular profession and was still very young. He traveled a lot around the country, took different positions and tried many professions. This was reflected in his work.

In the 1890s, he published the essay “Yuzovsky Plant” and the story “Moloch”, the stories “Wilderness”, “Werewolf”, the stories “Olesya” and “Kat” (“Army Ensign”).

During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began working as a secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone,” married M. Davydova, and had a daughter, Lydia. Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902); "Horse Thieves" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "The Duel", which had big success. The writer’s performances with the reading of individual chapters of “The Duel” became an event cultural life capital Cities. His works of this time were very well-behaved: the essay “Events in Sevastopol” (1905), the stories “Staff Captain Rybnikov” (1906), “River of Life”, “Gambrinus” (1907). In 1907 he married his second wife, sister of mercy E. Heinrich, and had a daughter, Ksenia.

Kuprin's work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays "Listrigons" (1907 - 11), stories about animals, the stories "Shulamith", "Pomegranate Bracelet" (1911). His prose became a notable phenomenon of Russian literature at the beginning of the century.

Kuprin did not accept the revolution, his relationship with M. Gorky cooled. The writer's creativity was constantly hampered by financial troubles and family troubles. In 1907, Kuprin again took up journalism to pay off his debts and support his family.

In the fall of 1919, while in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich's troops, he emigrated abroad. The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris did not bear much literary fruit. Constant material need and homesickness led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland, warmly received by his admirers. Published the essay “Native Moscow”. However, new creative plans was not destined to come true. Died on the night of August 25, 1938 after serious illness(tongue cancer).

In addition to Kuprin's biography, also pay attention to other works.

A.I. was born. Kuprin on August 26 (September 7 according to the new style) in the city of Narovchatov, in a poor family. He lost his father. When the boy was 6 years old, their family experienced a feeling of hunger, and as a result, the mother had to send her son to an orphanage in 1876, which was abandoned at the age of 10, then he had to study at military school in the same year, which later became known as the cadet corps.

In 1888, Kuprin graduated and continued to gain knowledge at the Alexander School (from 1888-90), in which he described everything that happened to him in the story “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junker”. Afterwards, he took the oath to the Dnepropetrovsk regiment and later dreamed of entering such an honorable place as the Academy of the General Staff, but there was a failure due to a disagreement with a policeman, whom he, without thinking, threw into the water, which turned out to be a return coin for his act. Upset by this incident, he resigned in 1894.

The first work to be published was the story “The Last Debut,” published in 1889. From 1883 to 1894, such stories as “In the Dark”, “ Moonlight night" and "Inquiry". From 1897 to 1899, stories entitled “Night Shift”, “Overnight” and “Hike” were published, also in the list of his works there are: “Moloch”, “Yuzovsky Plant”, “Werewolf”, “Wilderness”, “Ensign” army, the well-known “Duel”, “Garnet Bracelet” and many other writings that are worthy of being read by our modern generation. In 1909 he was awarded the Academic Prize. Published in 1912 full meeting essays that one can only be proud of.

Kuprin was strange in his behavior, as he was trying to master various professions who attracted him and was interested in a wide variety of hobbies that even threatened his health (for example, flying an airplane, which led to an accident, where he miraculously survived). He carefully studied life, conducting his research, trying to learn as much as possible in this world of various information.

In 1901, in St. Petersburg, the writer married Maria Davydova, and their daughter Lida was born.

He loved to travel around different corners of our planet such as St. Petersburg, where at that time his name was heard in every circle, Finland, from where he returned at the beginning of the First World War, France - here he went at the beginning of the revolution, because he saw all the chaos that was happening and treated it with hostility to Lenin, and in this country he lived for the full 17 years, yearning for his homeland. After he is notified that he is seriously ill, he asks the government to allow him to return, and on May 31, 1937, he arrives in Leningrad. On the night of August 25, 1938, he passed away due to cancer.