Maybe from an injection. Abscess after injection: treatment of post-injection abscess on the buttock. Non-standard methods of treatment

Hematomas, bumps and bruises from injections on the pope are unpleasant consequences of injection intramuscular manipulations. Such consequences are formed in patients both after a single administration of a drug, and as a result of a long course of intramuscular injections. Depending on the cause of the resulting bruise, seal or bruise from an injection in the buttock, there are methods to get rid of this painful defect.

Cause of bruising and bruising after an injection in the buttock

First you need to figure out why bruises, hematomas and bumps appear after injections in the buttock. Sometimes the source of such unpleasant consequences is too sensitive skin, a large layer of subcutaneous fat or fragile capillaries in the patient. But more often, the reason for the appearance of a hematoma, swelling or bruising from injections on the pope is the inexperience or negligence of medical personnel.

Erroneous actions of health workers, after which bruises and bruises remain on the pope:

  • A hematoma after an injection in the buttock is formed when a blood vessel is damaged by an incorrectly selected needle. Capillaries can also become brittle due to a lack of vitamins C and P in the body, as well as after prolonged use of blood thinners.
  • A bump at the site of intramuscular injection of the drug remains if, after damage to the capillary, when a hematoma occurs, the patient immediately assumes a sitting or lying position. Instead, you need to walk around a bit, rubbing the puncture site. Swelling may be due to an allergic reaction. And also due to the thick consistency of the drug administered intramuscularly.
  • A bruise will remain after the injection if the drug is given too quickly or jerkily. Due to the thick needle of the syringe, bruises after injections are also very likely to appear.

Bruises, bumps and bruises from injections on the buttocks are likely to remain if an intramuscular injection is given to the patient while he is standing. In this position of the body, all muscles, including the gluteal muscles, are tense. This circumstance will become an obstacle to the correct distribution of the drug within the muscle tissue. And as a result, a painful swelling with bruising or bruising will appear at the puncture site.

Rules for intramuscular injections

For intramuscular administration of medicinal preparations, the left or right upper corner of one of the buttocks is usually used. This zone is visually divided into four areas, one of which is injected.

If the patient is prescribed a course of intramuscular injections and the nurse made them all in one buttock, then this will inevitably lead to subcutaneous hematomas, bruises and pain at the puncture sites.

In order to prevent such consequences, it is better to distribute the number of injections prescribed by the attending physician evenly on both buttocks. Because the result of such unskilled actions of a medical worker can be very serious. In addition to pain and a cosmetic defect, damage to tissues and capillaries on the buttocks can lead to complications.

What can be exacerbations after intramuscular injections:

  1. Infiltrate (compaction) due to the rapid administration of the drug.
  2. Damage to the nerve trunks located in the shallow layers of the skin leads to pain. The cause of injury to the nerve processes is an incorrectly chosen injection site or an inappropriate needle size.
  3. An abscess may develop as a result of non-compliance with antisepsis by a healthcare professional conducting an intramuscular injection. A needle that is too short can also lead to infection at the puncture site.
  4. can be formed when the tip of the needle enters the cavity of the blood vessel and the introduction of a medicinal solution there, especially an oily consistency.
  5. Injury to the periosteum is possible if the size of the needle does not match the patient's complexion. With severe thinness and thin skin, you should not choose a long needle. Conversely, if the patient is overweight and there is a significant layer of fat in the gluteal region, then the length of the needle should be maximum.

With repeated puncture of blood vessels, despite the appearance of hematomas and swelling in these places, the patient may develop soft tissue necrosis. Such a pathological condition can be suspected by strong, often throbbing pains at the sites of hematomas after injections on the pope.

Symptoms of complications after intramuscular injections

Soreness and swelling usually go away on their own after a week or two after completing the course of intramuscular injections. But if this does not happen, and on the contrary, a person notices a deterioration. Then you need to immediately appear in the manipulation room, from where they should be redirected for examination to the surgeon.

What signs should be the reason for an urgent visit to the hospital:

  • Redness at the injection site.
  • Incessant pain in the area of ​​injections on the pope.
  • Growth or thickening of a hematoma at the site of punctures in the buttock.
  • Local or general increase in body temperature.

Don't underestimate the warning signs. Any serious pathology begins with minor damage or just a fleeting contact with the infection. But to what extent the disease will develop depends only on the person. How quickly he will take measures aimed at eliminating a particular pathology. If you cure the disease at the initial stage, then for the body everything will pass without consequences. When the disease state gets the opportunity to progress, complications cannot be avoided.

Therapeutic measures to eliminate the effects of injections on the buttocks

Sometimes, after a course of intramuscular injections, patients wonder what to do if hematomas occur or how to remove bruises after injections on the pope. There are several well-known ways to get rid of the consequences of unsuccessful intramuscular injections. Treatment of bruises, bruises, small bumps and swelling is carried out using an iodine mesh. The attending physician may recommend bodyagi ointment, which quickly removes bruises and bruises, which is why after a few days there is no trace of them.

Independent therapeutic manipulations can be carried out in the first few days after the start or completion of a course of intramuscular injection procedures. And only in the absence of signs of complications. But better than any treatment is, without a doubt, the prevention of situations that could lead to exacerbations after injections in the buttock. To do this, together with the doctor, you need to foresee possible undesirable consequences from intramuscular injections.

In contact with

The formation of a seal, or bump, after an intramuscular injection is, unfortunately, a frequent phenomenon. It occurs with injections made both independently and by professional doctors. The appearance of such consequences in most cases is associated with errors made during such a procedure. This complication is not considered dangerous and in most cases resolves on its own within 7-10 days after the injection. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to start treatment, in which medications and folk remedies are equally effective.

What can cause a lump

The main reasons for the appearance of seals on the body after an intramuscular injection are:

  • Needle too short. There are cases when, for some reason, an intramuscular injection is given with an insulin syringe, due to which the drug penetrates not into the muscle tissue, but into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. In it, the medicine cannot be absorbed, and therefore a painful seal is formed. In a similar way, a seal is formed when the needle of a conventional syringe is not deep enough (a common mistake of novice nurses who, pitying the patient, try not to make too deep injections).
  • Spasm of the muscle into which the injection is made. This happens if during the injection the patient could not completely relax.
  • Excessively rapid administration of the drug. When the drug comes out of the syringe into the muscle too quickly, it does not have time to disperse through the tissues and a seal forms.
  • Damage to the vessel during injection. Occurs when a needle accidentally enters a vessel, in this case, the blood pouring out of it forms an internal bruise, which becomes the cause of the bump.
  • Infection during injection due to violation of sanitation rules.

In most cases, these bumps can be dealt with on their own, but sometimes medical help is still required.

When Doctor's Help Is Needed

It is necessary to refuse self-medication and seek help from a doctor if:

  • an increase in body temperature to more than 38 degrees;
  • significant swelling of the skin at the site of the bump from the injection;
  • severe redness of the skin at the site of the bump;
  • significant soreness of the bump;
  • discharge of pus from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bump.

All these symptoms indicate the development of a purulent-necrotic process, which can only be eliminated in a medical institution. Self-treatment in this case threatens to cause sepsis.

Medications to eliminate cones from injections

In order to get rid of the seals that have arisen after the injection, doctors, in most cases, when no special treatment is required, prescribe ointments and creams that absorb and restore damaged blood vessels to patients. Most often used for this:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • heparin ointment;
  • troxevasin;
  • creams containing leech extract.

All these ointments are applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bumps in the form of a compress for 3 hours. Continue this treatment for 10-14 days. Do not forget about iodine, which has a pronounced absorbable effect and can easily eliminate many bumps. They draw a mesh 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, for 2 weeks. If there is no improvement, the doctor will decide to change the therapy.

Folk remedies for bumps caused by injections

Alternative treatment for such a problem is very effective and can quickly eliminate the bumps caused by injections.

  • An effective remedy for getting rid of bumps after injections is propolis tincture, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. For treatment, the skin area around the bump is abundantly smeared with baby cream and a cotton pad moistened with tincture is applied to the seal. Fix it with adhesive tape. On the day do 1 procedure lasting 3 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Cabbage leaves and honey perfectly save even from old cones. For therapy, you need to take 1 leaf of cabbage and beat it well with a hammer. After that, put 1 teaspoon of honey on the surface of the sheet and smear it lightly. The leaf is applied to the cone with the honey side and fixed with a plaster. Leave cabbage all night. Such treatment continues, depending on the rate of resorption of the bumps, from 7 to 14 days.
  • Aloe is a very effective cure for bumps. In order to use a plant in treatment, you need to pick 1 leaf from it and put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After that, you need to cook gruel from the sheet. It is put in place of the cones, covered with polyethylene on top and, fixed with a plaster, insulated with a woolen cloth. This compress is placed for the whole night. Treatment is carried out until the bump resolves, but no more than 15 days. If during this time the neoplasm has not disappeared, you should seek medical help.
  • Pickled cucumbers are an excellent remedy for seals formed due to injections. In order to use them as a medicine, you need to take 1 cucumber, cut it into thin circles and apply them in several layers to the seal. From above, the cucumber is covered with polyethylene and fixed with adhesive tape. The effect of the compress lasts throughout the night. In most cases, the patient feels a noticeable improvement in the morning. The entire treatment takes 5 to 7 days.
  • Banana peel is also an excellent remedy for prickly bumps. For treatment, a piece is cut off from the peel, the size of which will completely close the seal, and applied to the sore spot with the inside. After fixing the peel with a plaster, it is left for the whole night. This treatment is continued for 10-14 days. In most cases, the lump begins to decrease in size after 3 days of therapy.
  • A cranberry compress is also very effective for tightness caused by a prick. To carry it out, 1 tablespoon of cranberry berries is crushed and spread on gauze folded 2 times. Then the agent is applied to the affected area, covered with polyethylene, fixed with a plaster and left for 12 hours. Make this compress in the evening. The duration of treatment directly depends on the speed of recovery.
  • Lilac leaves also eliminate bumps quickly. For treatment, it is enough to simply apply a crushed leaf of the plant to the affected area and replace it every 3 hours. At night, the leaves are laid in 3-4 layers. Usually recovery occurs within a week.

Prevention of bumps after injections

Since in most cases, bumps are formed due to violations made during the procedure itself, their occurrence can be prevented. To do this, simply follow the following simple rules:

  • intramuscular injection should be carried out only with the maximum relaxation of the patient - for this, when the drug is injected into the muscle of the forearm, the arm should be leaned on the table or back of the chair, and when injected into the gluteus muscle, the patient should be laid on the couch;
  • for intramuscular injections, insulin syringes cannot be used;
  • the introduction of the drug should be slow;
  • be sure to wipe the injection site with medical alcohol.

Only if the injection is performed correctly and the vessels are not affected, you can not be afraid of the appearance of cones. Although they are easily treated, they cause significant discomfort, and therefore their appearance must be prevented.

Injections hurt what to do, how to help yourself in exceptional cases? We will learn how to give injections correctly so that they do not hurt - the problem will disappear.

Injections hurt what to do, general concepts:

Sometimes the patient is forced to do injections on his own in case of serious illnesses (for example, multiple sclerosis). Through ignorance and lack of skill, you can bring the infection.

With an intramuscular injection (shot), the medicine must be injected deep into the muscle, so it reaches the blood faster.

Intramuscular injections are indicated when another route of drug delivery is contraindicated or not available:

  • This is an intravenous injection. The medicine is injected into your vein.
  • Oral treatment (simply take a pill and swallow it with water).
  • Subcutaneous route of drug administration (delivered to adipose tissue, bypassing the skin).

There are medicinal substances that cannot be injected into a vein, they irritate the veins very much, or are destroyed by the digestive juices of the stomach. The replacement is drug delivery through the muscle.

Injections hurt what to do, how to do injections correctly:

Zones for intramuscular injection of drugs:

  • In the shoulder (deltoid muscle), but for self-introduction, it is not convenient. The usual administered dose of the drug in the shoulder is not more than 1 ml.
  • The muscle of the buttocks is the most common and convenient site for self-injection. But there is a high risk of damaging the sciatic nerve.
  • Drugs are also injected into the thigh muscles.

Before you make an injection yourself and avoid pain, inflammation needs to be learned.

What you need to properly inject:

  • First, you must have all the doctor's prescriptions on hand. What syringes should be used (1 ml, 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml).
  • This is indicated on each syringe.
  • The name of the drug and its dosage (for example, analgin, 2 ml). If this is written on the ampoule, you can read it for sure, then inject calmly).

Processing before the procedure is mandatory:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap (try to clean everything between the fingers, nails).
  • Prepare the medicine, syringes in the package, cotton pads (sold in pharmacies), alcohol (you can use vodka) or any alcohol wipes.

The procedure itself:

  • Prepare the injection site, wipe it thoroughly with an alcohol wipe, let it dry a little (to avoid burning).
  • Prepare for injection: remove the syringe from the package, break off the top from the head of the drug where the point is made (this is the break point), after wiping this place on the ampoule with an alcohol wipe. Better wrap the top with a napkin and break it off.
  • Remove the protective cap from the syringe needle without touching the needle itself (this is very important to get rid of infections). Start removing the syringe from the package from the piston area.
  • Draw the prepared preparation into your syringe.
  • Carefully remove all air from the syringe by holding the syringe up, sometimes tapping the syringe with your fingernail will help (bubble removal will improve).
  • Now everything is ready, it remains to insert the needle one third into the muscle that was prepared for injection. If you need to put the syringe, first put on it the previously removed cap.
  • We make an injection in the gluteal muscle, namely in the upper, mentally defined by us outer square (in order to find it, mentally divide the gluteal muscle into four parts). Here in the upper outer square you have defined and inject.
  • The needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin for three quarters of its length.
  • After the injection with a cotton swab or a piece of gauze, close the puncture site. Press a little on it, hold it for processing. The injection site can be massaged gently for better absorption of the drug.
  • Disposable syringes are discarded.

The buttock hurts after an injection, what to do, educational program:

  • After the injection, everyone experiences some discomfort, because this is a skin puncture.
  • Remember, bumps at the injection site are formed from the rapid administration of the drug due to a spasm of the gluteal muscle or an infection.
  • The needle should be exactly intramuscular, and not subcutaneous, if we make an intramuscular injection in the buttock. By doing this, you are only making things worse for yourself.
  • The gluteal muscle during the procedure should be as relaxed as possible so as not to get a seal in it after the injection.
  • There are drugs that are very bad, slowly absorbed (for example, vitamins A, E).
  • Pain after an injection and bumps are formed if during the procedure you hit a blood vessel. Sometimes nerve endings are also affected, the muscle will be spasmodic for a long time.
  • Currently, self-administration of drugs into the thigh is more common.
  • Injections into the thigh are done from a sitting position.
  • Mentally mark the thigh into three equal parts, inject into the middle part of the thigh.
  • If you are a thin person for an injection, gather the skin into a fold, if, on the contrary, you are full, to facilitate the delivery of the medicine to the muscle, stretch the skin with your fingers on the sides.

Injections hurt what to do, complications:

But if you notice redness, pain at the injection site, immediately consult a doctor.

Other symptoms are possible:

  • Numbness, constant tingling.
  • The skin at the site of the injection was reddened, hot, swollen.
  • Severe, constant pain.
  • The injection wound is bleeding.
  • , breathe heavily.

Such symptoms should never be after an injection, if they appear, call a doctor.

The buttock hurts after an injection, what to do, how to help yourself:


If there are still bumps at the injection site, but there is still no redness, a lotion of magnesia (in the pharmacy it is called magnesium sulfate) can help the body temperature of normal indicators. It is better to use injection solutions:

  • On an ordinary cotton pad from an ampoule with magnesia, we apply so much of the preparation so that it does not flow.
  • We close the top with a piece of plastic bag, fasten with adhesive tape.
  • Change twice a day. You can go to work with him.
  • It will help to dissolve the bumps in one week.

Vodka compress:

  • On a cotton pad, apply a small amount of vodka, if the skin is sensitive, add water.
  • Close the disc on top with a piece of cellophane. Secure with adhesive tape.
  • Due to the smell of vodka, such a compress should only be used at night.
  • It will help in eliminating pain, getting rid of bumps in 7 to 10 days.
  • If the skin is irritated at the site of the compress, lubricate it with a little boiled vegetable oil.

WITHetka from ordinary iodine:

  • Well removes discomfort, bumps iodine mesh, drawn on the site of a greater sensation of pain.
  • You can use a stick for cleaning the ears for the procedure.
  • Apply the mesh several times a day.
  • The bumps and discomfort will go away in one week.

Cabbage leaf or burdock leaf:

  • We take one sheet, knead it a little, fasten it to the place of pain (apply to the sore spot, cover with cellophane, glue with adhesive tape).
  • Walking with such a compress during the day is not convenient, so we do it at night.
  • It takes 10 days to heal.

Use of laundry soap (72%):

  • Wet it a little, rub it on painful places. Try not to wet the soap too much so that it does not run away. Well helps to dissolve seals, removes pain from injections.

Application of ointments:

  • Ointments based on troxevasin help well (they are used for diseased veins). Due to the improvement of blood circulation in the sore spot, all the phenomena of seals, pain from injections quickly pass. Just apply the ointment on sore spots 3 times / day.

WITH compress mixture:

  • Equal amounts of honey, butter, eggs mix, put on the night. It takes 7 days.

Compress dimexide, furatsilina:

  • You will need to make a compress in a ratio of 1:5. If we take 1 teaspoon of dimexide, then 5 teaspoons of furacilin will be required. We make a compress for the night. Furacilin dissolves the bumps, dimexide is assigned the role of a drug conductor.

Now we know, injections hurt, what to do. We know how to properly put them on ourselves, to avoid seals and infections. When you need help, you can help yourself.

And as always, I'm waiting for you on my site, come visit.

Watch the video, injections hurt what to do:

Almost every one of us has undergone a course of treatment in his life, which included injections. Not only does the injection process itself not give us any pleasure, but the consequences after these injections are quite painful. And it doesn’t matter who gives you injections - a qualified specialist or a girlfriend - the result is always the same: bruises appear on the body, and the injection site itself hurts very badly and for a long time. In this article, we will tell you about what you need to do if your injections hurt.

Where do bruises come from.

Bruises or bumps in the scientific world have their official name - infiltrates. This is the name of the places in which the accumulation of lymph and blood cells occurs. These very infiltrates appear as a result of any physical or mechanical effect on a certain area of ​​the skin.

The introduction of any drugs can also contribute to the appearance of bruises on the body. When pricked, the needle penetrates our skin, thereby provoking the appearance of bruises, which disappear with time, however, if you have a seal in this place, it is highly recommended to treat these formations.

Most often, there is no danger in the "presence" of such bumps on our body. We just feel uncomfortable in a situation where we want to sit down. However, sometimes these bumps can give us a lot of trouble. So, for example, during an injection, any infection can be introduced into the body, which can later lead to various inflammations and even blood poisoning.

So, bruises occur in the following cases:

    if the muscles are overstretched during the injection. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to relax during such an event, however, remember that the most optimal body position during an injection is the lying position. This way your muscles can relax.

    if the needle is irregular or short, then bruising can also form after such injections. If the needle is short, then it does not reach the muscle layer, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of drugs in the fat layer.

    the composition of the drug can also lead to this. If the structure of the injected substance is thick enough, then its resorption will be long.

    if the injection site itches and edema appears, this indicates that you have an allergic reaction to any component that is part of the medicine.

When to be concerned:

    if after the injection you have bumps that feel “burning”.

    if after the injection you have a fever and chills.

    if you have suppuration at the injection site.

How to get rid of bruises and bumps after an injection

In order to get rid of pain and bruising acquired as a result of injections, it is necessary to use drugs based on troxerutin (this component relieves inflammation and improves tissue trophism) or heparin (helps thin the blood). The following drugs are recognized as the most effective in this case:


  • arnica ointment;


Before using any product, be sure to read the instructions for its use. Particular attention should be paid to side effects and contraindications, because there is a risk of creating additional health problems for yourself.

If you are the owner of very sensitive skin, and your bruising takes a very long time, then you can make an appointment with a physiotherapist, who, in turn, will prescribe warming events and massage for you.

Traditional medicine

    in order to relieve swelling and quickly get rid of bruises, you can apply cabbage leaves or aloe leaves to the injection sites. This procedure must be repeated 3-4 times a day.

    iodine mesh. This method should be used at the very beginning of the injection course.

    you can do various alcohol compresses, however, remember that this method can cause burns, as well as peeling. If you still decide to use this method of eliminating bruises and swelling from injections, then do not forget to pre-lubricate the skin with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

    hot temperatures also help the process of resorption of infiltrates; a warm heating pad can be used as such an assistant.

    the so-called "copper cakes" - another effective tool in the fight against bruising. To prepare it, you need to melt honey in a water bath and add a little flour to it. The medicine is ready. The resulting mass must be applied to the sore spot. It is recommended to do this at night.

Let's start with the fact that the doctor should treat. At a face-to-face appointment, visually examining the patient, questioning, and so on.
And the purpose of this article is not to replace the advice of a specialist, but to provide information for reflection, to suggest when there is no reason for concern, and when the "bump" from the injection has become a problem with which it is time to run to the doctor.

Intramuscular injection is the introduction into the muscle with a syringe of a drug (more often a few milliliters). The drug, injected through the needle into the muscle area, should "disperse". If for some reason this does not happen promptly (too fast injection, spasmodic muscle, etc. - read here), a bump forms at the injection site.

If, in addition to the palpable bump, a bruise is visible, this means that a certain amount of blood has leaked out from the blood vessel damaged during the injection.

Is it dangerous?

There is no reason to worry if the lump (with or without a bruise)
- not worried
- palpable but not painful
- the injection site did not turn red
- the injection site is not hot
In a word, it does not interfere, does not bother.
As a rule, such cones diverge on their own in a period of several days to several weeks.

You can help the bump to dissolve by such means:
1) iodine grid: apply several times a day
2) cabbage leaf: notch well with a knife (option - beat off), apply with or without honey
3) honey cake take 1 egg, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. butter, add flour ("by eye") - knead the uncooked dough. From such a cake, you need to pinch off a part sufficient to make a circle 1 cm in diameter larger than the existing seal and 0.5-1 cm thick. Apply the cake to the disturbing place, fix it in a convenient way, leave it overnight. (One of the fixation options: cover the cake with a bandage, put on tight-fitting underwear). Remove the cake in the morning, if it is possible to apply the cake for the day (for example, if you plan to be at home all day) - do this, if this is not possible, draw an iodine mesh. At night, apply a new portion of the cake.
4) heparin-containing gels

Traumeel helps some patients.
You can make a compress with a heparin-containing gel (for example, Lyoton) and dimexide: apply the gel on the surface, and a folded bandage moistened with a diluted 1:5 dimexide on top.

Be careful:

If you observe the following signs at the injection site, you should be alert and double the observation:

  • slight redness at the injection site
  • a slight increase in temperature at the injection site
  • slight soreness when pressed
  • slight numbness of the skin

If such symptoms do not go away in a day or two, and everything only worsens, see a doctor.

Or maybe it's an allergy?

If the drug was administered for the first time, and after the injection you observe redness, itching, it may be an allergic reaction. Discuss it with the doctor who prescribed the drug. You may need to change your medication.

Numb skin at the injection site

Numbness can be an individual reaction to the administered drug. If it does not bother you much, the condition improves in a couple of days - there is no reason to worry.
Numbness can also be the result of injury to the nerve ending. In general, it's okay, but it takes a long time.
If at the injection site something “shoots”, “pulls the leg”, “gives away” and other strange sensations, this is already a reason for examination and consultation with a doctor. For example, a neurologist.


If during the injection the rules of asepsis and antisepsis were not observed, and the wound became infected after the injection, a complication such as an abscess may develop.
This is probably the most serious complication of the “bump” and it is not worth delaying the treatment: it rarely goes away on its own, but it happens to sit until the need to “cut” it.

To the doctor!

If after the injection you experience
- fever (at the injection site and / or general body temperature)
- pronounced redness of the injection site
- severe pain
- swelling
- exudes pus
please see a surgeon immediately! The doctor, unlike the surgeon from the joke, is unlikely to cut right away (he has a set of conservative methods of treatment in his arsenal), but the later you turn to him, the higher the likelihood of the need for surgical intervention.
A visit to the doctor is all the more necessary because the “bump” may turn out to be a deep abscess or infiltrate, and the treatment tactics will be different.

In general, bumps are not an obligatory companion for injections at all. By choosing the right syringe, making an injection without deviations from the instructions, seals can be completely avoided - for many years, readers of the Site about syringes and injections have known that an injection can be invisible, and have learned how to give intramuscular injections without pain and consequences.