Draw a wooden house step by step. House in two-point perspective

Home is architectural structure, therefore, when drawing it in stages, you first need to build a general drawing of the house, and only then begin to “build” and add other parts of the house to the picture. When drawing a house, you can’t do without a ruler, and, of course, a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately mark the dimensions of height, width, etc. using a ruler.
The house can be depicted in different ways, for example, by making a roof out of tiles, drawing double doors, or adding a fireplace chimney lined with bricks. Draw these “little things” according to your wishes, but any house must have a foundation, walls, a roof and doors with windows. If you follow these rules, then the lesson how to draw a house it will be very easy for you.

1. General drawing of the house

To create a house drawing, first draw a rectangle. Measure out more than half the space inside it and draw a vertical line at this point. It will divide the house into two parts, an entrance hall and a living room. The purpose of this lesson is to learn to see the proportions of the house, you don’t have to copy my drawing, you can choose a different house layout for your drawing.

2. Contours of roof and doors

Inside the left half of the house, draw, in the middle of the roof line, the point of its apex. From the end of the right line, draw a horizontal line all the way to the end of the house itself, it will separate the roof from the walls. On the right side of the picture, draw a rectangle for the future door.

3. How to draw windows

You see that when drawing a house step by step, using a ruler, everything turns out quickly and smoothly. And as soon as you draw the windows and foundation, the picture of the house will be almost ready. At the bottom of the picture, draw a line for the foundation; any house must have one. Outline the contours of the roof with additional parallel lines. In the living room, draw two rectangles for the windows.

4. Add more details to the house drawing

Now you need to slightly “cut” the roof on both sides, making a slight slope for it. Rarely are the roofs of houses straight; builders always try to give them an interesting, unusual shape. “Cut” the roof with diagonal lines in two places. Outline the windows and door with additional contour lines. At the bottom of the house, add another plane for its bottom. Near the vertical dividing line, draw a rectangle with a small other rectangle on top, this shape will serve as a chimney. Draw a line connecting the roof and the wall on the left side under the roof.

5. How to draw a house. The final stage

Make it with a pencil parallel lines the front part of the roof to create the effect of laid boards. Draw lintels in the windows. Draw the doorway from two halves. Draw a threshold at the bottom of the entrance. “Make” the foundation out of brick, dividing general outline on cells. The roof also needs to be decorated. The best way to do this is to draw the details of the tiles. You'll have to work a little harder, but house drawing it will be more beautiful. The chimney will also be made of brick.

Drawing video country house in a three-dimensional perspective.

6. Color picture of the house

When drawing a house, you can’t do without the surrounding landscape, consisting of trees, grass, blue sky, bright yellow color sun, pets, people, etc. Be sure to color the picture of the house at your discretion with colored pencils or paints.

Drawing a house or a castle is a good lesson for learning to draw. Ordinary with a simple pencil step by step you will learn to draw the proportions of a building, create a perspective for the landscape surrounding the house, and learn to add volume to the walls using shadows and lines.

Trees quite often become the subject of children's drawings. After all, what would a drawing of a house be without trees? But a tree is not as easy to draw as it seems, so it is better for novice artists to draw a tree in stages and first with a simple pencil.

It’s beautiful when trees grow near the house and flower beds are laid out. When drawing a house, be sure to draw flowers nearby.

First of all, some tips on drawing techniques. Some people have a habit of drawing with broken lines and sometimes tracing them. Try to learn how to draw lines in one motion, don't be afraid to make mistakes.

A favorite cat at home on the sofa, a cat in boots from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures can become good decoration children's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

Saint Bernard is a bad guard at home, but a reliable friend. He will not bark assiduously at a stranger who comes into the house, but he will save a person covered by an avalanche. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a St. Bernard dog with a pencil step by step.

Today our children are learning creative activities, they barely begin to walk confidently. First we buy them colored pencils, markers, etc. But when it comes time to learn letters and first awkwardly try to write them, the ability to draw an outline becomes as important as knowing and recognizing colors.

In order for a child to understand what contours are, you need to teach him to draw with a simple pencil. For example, children's favorite plot is a village house. Such a concept as perspective can be omitted; as they grow up, they will figure it out. They can color their “creation” at any time, but first they need to create an outline image together. This article will tell you how to use a pencil step by step.

So, how to draw a wooden house? You will need pencils, paper, an eraser and your patience.

Drawing the walls and roof

The drawing must begin with the outline of elementary geometric shapes. The first step will be to draw a square, to which we will “attach” the walls and roof. Draw a triangle on top of it. What it will be, isosceles or another, is not so important. And already at this first stage the child recognizes the house, the same one that he has seen many times.


Now let's create something similar to perspective. We continue to teach the child this step by step with a pencil. We take the second step - we “attach” another square next to the first one. But on top we no longer draw a triangle, as in the previous case, but a parallelogram. The child may not understand the meaning of this artistic “effect”. You will need to clearly explain how to draw vertical lines and connect them to create a “side view”. Believe me, children grasp such nuances very quickly. A window remains, which is square in shape. In addition to the fact that you are drawing, you can also have a very meaningful and educational conversation about squares, triangles and rectangles, which will be very well remembered.

Creating volume

Pencil step by step and hold, at least for a short time, the child’s attention? At the third stage, we begin to decorate our house. We draw doors that have the shape of a rectangle. We will have a chimney on the roof. Because the young artist asked about how to draw a wooden house; we will paint one wall with a window with stripes imitating boards. Thanks to this, we will get the illusion of volume.

We imitate roof tiles

Now, at the fourth stage, we put the initiative in the hands of the child. Let him draw the tiles himself. It doesn’t matter what the roof will look like, “fish scales” or “squares”. The main thing is to carefully “fit” the pattern without going beyond the boundaries of the contour. Dormer window above front door also an important element, it is oval.

Drawing a fence and bushes

You should think in advance about how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, paying attention to the development of the child’s imagination. To do this you will have to apply all your own Creative skills. Your house is almost ready! Now, at the fifth stage, all that remains is to improve the area around it. We draw a fence and bushes behind the house.

Fairytale houses differ from our houses in that they can be funny and unusual, colorful, crooked, very small and huge, and sometimes even edible, or, on the contrary, poisonous. Let's try it together draw a fairy house, in which gnomes could live, and we also find out how to draw a house in the shape of a Christmas gingerbread. What do you think of the idea? Like? Then let's go!

I have prepared several options for fairy-tale houses for you. One of them is in the video.

How to draw a house for gnomes step by step

You can also lightly mark where the walls end and the roof begins.

2. Let's draw the walls and roof. The most interesting thing in the process of creating a drawing of a fairy-tale house is that you can draw walls and roofs of any shape, the main thing is to fantasize as much as possible and make the house original.

3. If the main elements of the house are ready, it’s time to take care of the windows and doors, because a fairy-tale house should not only be funny and original, but also serve as a cozy home for the gnomes. Windows and doors can also be various forms: curves, round, oval, square. In a word, fantasize!

4. Now you can move on to the details. Let's designate patterns on the roof that will remind us of tiles, and draw brick walls.

5. Let’s add a few more details to the drawing of the house: a chimney, as well as a flashlight, so that the gnomes will not be afraid to return home at night. Now let’s draw the background elements: bushes, trees, flowers, clouds.

6. Congratulations! Fairytale house ready! Color it bright colors using pencils or paints. You can use color to make your house design even more fantastic and original.

How to draw a house in the form of a Christmas gingerbread

1. First of all, let's think about placing the house on paper. Let us mark the extreme upper and lower points of the drawing and align them with a central line. It will help us maintain symmetry.

Also mark on the center line where the walls will end and the roof will begin. For convenience, you can draw a horizontal line through the marks.

2. This house will be a little more similar to the houses in which people live, so let's try to start by building it from geometric shapes that are familiar to us. A rectangle is for the walls, a triangle is for the roof. Also mark doors and windows. Now this house has become like an ordinary one, but we will add a fabulous touch to it.

3. Let’s add two caramel columns on the sides to the walls, and make the roof in the form of icing flowing down onto a small window. Also at this stage we will draw the windows and doors in detail.

4. All the main elements are ready, let's move on to the sweet details? Decorate the drawing of the house as you wish. For example, I decorated my house with garlands with various sweets. And I added caramel stones to the bottom for decoration.

At this stage, you also need to complete the background elements. Our house is Christmas, so the background should be winter: snow, a festive tree and the like.

5. Congratulations! Sweet Christmas house is ready! Color it with pencils or paints, as desired. Success in creative work!

Children like to draw. They begin to create their first masterpieces as early as early age, gradually moving from curves and fuzzy lines to completely understandable images. With the help of their parents, children master drawing simple elements and objects, for example, the sun, a house, a cloud. With a certain skill and patience, even younger preschoolers can achieve interesting drawings. Let's look at how to draw a house with children of different ages, what skills and tools will be required.

In order for a child to sit at the table and painstakingly do something, preliminary preparation is required, regardless of the age of the preschooler. Parents will need:

  • conduct an active outdoor game before drawing;
  • prepare workplace for a child. Depending on the age of the baby, this is done in advance or immediately before drawing. Joint training can replace physical activity. It is necessary that the table surface is clean, level, and well lit. The light should come from the left. You should put several sheets of paper, pencils, a sharpener, a ruler, an eraser, and a garbage container in advance;
  • be positive and cooperative. It is important to support the child in the process of creating a drawing, not to scold, to remember that his picture of the world differs from the adult worldview;
  • When drawing, it is important not to interfere with the child’s creativity. If you want to show your version of the drawing or the child asks for help, then this should be done on a separate sheet. Otherwise, the initiative will disappear, he will not want to finish his picture.

After drawing, you need to jointly remove all objects from the table.

How to draw a house with a 2-3 year old child

Children under 3 years of age have difficulty sitting in one place for more than 20 minutes. Suitable for kids simple drawings, containing a minimum number of elements, for example a house. Parents should purchase triangular pencils for their child, as they are most comfortable for small hands to grip. Wax pencils are also suitable; they draw softly and have bright shades.

At an early age, it is difficult for a child to independently draw a circle, square, etc., so a ruler with geometric shapes. It will make the process of creating a house easier, will help you clearly draw the necessary shapes, and if you wish, you can repeat their name. You shouldn’t draw everything you have planned at once. At the slightest sign of fatigue, the child should stop the lesson and continue it another time.

So, how to draw a house with your baby:

When working wax crayons the house becomes bright and colorful. The background of the sheet can be painted over with watercolors the next day. The peculiarity of wax pencils is that you can paint on top of them with paint. The wax repels the watercolor and only the white background of the sheet is painted over, while the house remains in its original color. Small children really like this kind of work, and the drawing looks finished.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a house for children 3-5 years old

From the age of three, children develop skills spatial thinking. Therefore, if the baby has already mastered a simple drawing of a house, move on to more complex options. For example, they draw a simple house, based on the previous example, but without a ruler. They color it with colored pencils and explain to the child that they must not go beyond the boundaries of the outline. It is advisable to complete the drawing of clouds, grass, trees and similar elements.

For children over 4 years old, they explain how to draw a three-dimensional wooden house. Step by step instructions is presented below:

Preschoolers aged 4-5 years willingly add elements to the house. They depict a chimney, smoke, steps, a path, flowers and trees. The child should be praised for taking the initiative. Consult with him about the completed elements, recommend adding something, for example, the sun, rainbow, people or animals. It is advisable to color the resulting picture with colored pencils, gel pens or paints.

To get quick results, it is better to use wax pencils. They paint over all the elements of the picture, and apply on top watercolor paint bed tones. The beauty of the lesson is that you can drive onto painted elements. After the drawing dries, they will appear and will be the same color as before. The result will be a beautiful, finished picture that will be a pleasure to give to family and friends.

A complex house for children over 6 years old.

How to draw unusual house, for example, a hut on chicken legs or a house with furniture? You will need to be patient and use your imagination. To begin with, you should invite your child to draw a house that will contain the main elements: several rooms, windows, a foundation, a roof. It is necessary to explain how to use a ruler and measure length and width.

Sequence of drawing:

If desired, the house is supplemented with steps, shutters are made on the windows, and the surrounding landscape is added. Color with colored pencils or paints.

Without a ruler you can draw Baba Yaga's house. Step-by-step scheme drawing:

They complement the landscape around the hut with tall fir trees and, if desired, depict a flying Baba Yaga.

Girls are interested in options for houses with many small parts. They can draw furniture, wallpaper, and interior items. It could be multi-storey building in line with big amount rooms. If you depict it on a thick A3 sheet, you can later use it for playing.

For children of different ages, there are many more options for houses that differ in complexity. You can select drawings that depict city or village houses. If a child is interested in the topic of drawing houses and asks for new options, he will need to select different styles houses. It is convenient to combine a drawing of a house with applique or plasticine. Usage different materials allows you to get interesting original works that will become the pride of your baby. The choice is up to the child. The adult’s task is to promptly suggest an idea and help implement it.

Draw beautiful Vacation home in just 20 minutes.

To do this you will need:


.Simple pencil;

Definitely a ruler!


Colored pencils;

Our lesson.

This lesson consists of 10 step-by-step tips. Let's start drawing our big house:

Stage 1. The house itself will consist of two parts: the front and the back. We start drawing from the front of the house. Using a ruler, we draw an auxiliary frame for the front of our house as follows:

Stage 4. Erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and move on to drawing the second part of the house. Now we draw auxiliary lines for this part of the house; in the picture below they are highlighted in green.

Stage 5. Now, similar to the first part of the house, we also draw the second part of the house, i.e. We add some straight lines to the auxiliary frame, they are highlighted in red in the picture below.

Stage 6. Now we draw windows and doors on this part of the house. To make the door and windows even, it is better to draw them using a ruler

Stage 7. Our house is ready. Erase all auxiliary lines.

Stage 8. At this stage we need to draw the ground on which our house stands, as well as the fence. It will be quite difficult to draw a fence. For ease of drawing, we have enlarged the fence in some parts

Stage 9. All that remains is to paint various greenery on the back yard of the house like this: