The real name of Lera Frost from house 2. Lera Frost. Photos before and after plastic surgery of the nose, lips, chest

Lera Frost is bright personality, model, participant in the television project “Dom-2”. In fact, the presented reality show brought incredible popularity to the girl, after which she was able to achieve certain results in the modeling business.

Particular interest is focused on Valeria because of her frequent changes in appearance; she has performed a huge number of plastic surgeries. If you look at photos of Lera Frost before and after plastic surgery, you can note that these changes only benefited her.

Participation in the television project “Dom-2” was not so successful, but Valeria received her share of popularity. Today she - famous model, who has achieved incredible results. But she was able to build such a career only thanks to plastic surgeries, which helped her completely change.

Talk about whether the girl did plastic surgery yourself, you don’t have to, since it’s noticeable from her photographs. Lera Frost came to the Dom-2 show several times and her appearance changed quite a lot. After the first arrival, many girls wrote that Lera was a man whose gender was changed, since she had the features of a male physique.

Valeria Frost before plastic surgery

But after leaving the television project for the first time, she set certain goals for herself. Already in 2017, she again decided to attend the reality show “House 2” and significantly improved. List of plastic surgeries:

Lip correction. Lera had thin lips, which, in combination with big face looked courageous. But she knew about this for a long time, so from the age of 18 she began to resort to help plastic surgeons. The experience was not always positive. But as a result, we managed to achieve the required effect and today Lera Frost looks incredibly attractive. According to Lera Frost herself, her negative experience of working with plastic surgeons ended successfully only after all their mistakes were remade. She met the first master on the Internet, and he did everything poorly, the lips turned out to be asymmetrical, uneven and simply ugly.

Rhinoplasty. Surgery to change the structure of the nose also had positive influence to improve a girl’s external appearance. Of course, important factor became the skill of the specialists who performed plastic surgery. At first Lera had more male type The nose is hooked, but the surgeons managed to do something simply incredible. Today, many fans admire what Lera Frost did with her face. Now she has a thin and neat nose, completely symmetrical.

Breast augmentation. This is probably the most dubious operation, about which practically nothing is known. As Lera Frost herself notes, she has completely natural breasts. But according to plastic surgeons and experts, such ideal proportions and a volume of 95 centimeters practically do not exist. Thus, certain doubts remain, but even if there was plastic, it also turned out to be of incredibly high quality. In the photo Valeria looks very organic, since her body has perfect proportions.

Facial correction. Looking through photos of Valeria Frost before and after plastic surgery, you can note certain changes in the cheekbones. The girl herself denies that she had her face corrected. According to experts, the cheekbones may have changed slightly during rhinoplasty and lip augmentation. also in Lately the model lost a lot of weight, which could also cause the appearance of sharp cheekbones.

Lera Frost photos before and after plastic surgery

If we talk about the changes that Lera Frost made to her body, then everything turned out extremely perfect. On the Internet you can easily find photos before and after Lera Frost’s operations, since she herself posted material on changing her appearance. The girl is proud of what she has achieved at her age.

Valeria Demchenko (Frost) was born in the small Ukrainian city of Lugansk, in 1993 on December 21. Very little information is known about the family since the girl hides all information. Her parents tried their best to help the girl get a good education. That is why she graduated from school with honors.

After graduating from school, she decides to move to Kyiv, where she easily entered the university. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and today is a certified specialist. But the girl did not intend to work by profession. She had dreams and wanted to become famous and popular. While studying journalism, she understood that a lot of knowledge would help her become one, but to do this she needed to strive for her dream and do it as quickly as possible. Valeria Frost became a participant in the television project “Dom-2”.

Valeria during the first approach to Dom-2

After a series of plastic surgeries, she began to receive offers from modeling agencies. Thus began her successful career.

Lera Frost, a participant in the television project “Dom-2”, became famous thanks to the plastic surgeries she performed. Valeria's career in the modeling business developed very quickly. We can say that no matter what she undertakes, she achieves it with ease. incredible success. Lera even worked as a DJ in a nightclub and was in great demand. She was invited to various entertainment venues, since many managers wanted to have a handsome DJ.

Lera Frost did not intend to work in the field of journalism; she understood that she was not at all attracted to this direction. She dreamed of dreams, wanted to become famous and popular, but she could only make herself known through television. Having set a goal for herself, Valeria began to move towards it. Within a few months, she auditioned for various local reality shows, where she was gladly invited. The main achievement was participation in the “I Want Viagra” program.

Valeria worked as a DJ

Every day her desires only increased; Valeria wanted something bigger and larger-scale. Having an incredibly attractive appearance, I decided to visit a modeling agency. Having received a good offer, I decided to devote myself to the modeling business. Subsequently I decided to visit television project"House 2".

In 2014, all fans learned that Valeria Frost had undergone several plastic surgeries on her face. This event did not occur in in social networks, and on the TV show “Ukraine Speaks”, which was broadcast throughout the country. Valeria was invited as the main guest, where she talked about her changes in appearance. She represented that part of the girls for whom, after plastic surgery, everything turned out extremely successfully.

Valeria's first appearance on the television project Dom-2 occurred in 2015. She appeared and immediately gained her share of popularity. Her bright statements and actions only increased the ratings of the reality show. Lera came to Oleg Bukharov with whom she was going to build a relationship. As it turned out, young people had been communicating on social networks for a long time, and it was Bukharov who invited the girl to his place. They already had plans to build Serious relationships on shows that were supposed to be successful, but things turned out completely differently.

Lera Frost and Max Rozhkov

Some time after meeting Oleg personally, she became disillusioned with him. Possessing such an attractive appearance, she probably became the style icon of the project. The next chosen one was Sergei Katasonov, but this time too there was a failure. Sergey left the project after some time.

Lera Frost's next boyfriend was Max Rozhkov. Incredible love broke out between them. They spent a lot of time with each other, even leaving the project for privacy.

With Ivan Barzikov

But, as in any couple, disagreements and quarrels began, which led to another separation.

After all this, Valeria Frost decided to leave the television project and began to study modeling business, which went uphill for her. As for her personal life, the girl still has not found her soulmate. Valeria Frost attracts particular interest precisely with her photos before and after plastic surgery. Many girls would dream of changing something in their appearance, but the fear that plastic surgery does not always end successfully discourages all desire. But Lera Frost’s experience showed that the most important thing is to find a qualified specialist and trust him.

Many shocking and interesting participants TV project "Dom-2" very often return again. Most likely, these are planned promotions that keep viewers coming back to watch new episodes, as interest in reality TV shows is decreasing every day. Lera Frost returned to Dom-2 in 2017, it happened after the New Year holidays.

The triumphant return caused a storm of emotions among the audience, as the girl set herself the goal of building love with a guy who was already in a relationship. The choice fell on Ivan Barzikov.

The girl is dating Zakhar Salenko

But there was no sympathy on the part of the guy, since he loved his girlfriend. Of course, Lera Frost tried to get the guy’s attention, but it all ended in unsuccessful attempts.

Probably a big influence in the biography and popularity of Lera Frost were her photos before and after plastic surgery, which made her famous. Today, she receives incredibly great attention from not only spectators, but also representatives of modeling agencies.

Lera Frost now

Valeria is currently trying to find herself new love and is not going to leave the television project. She is actively developing modeling activities, especially since the girl’s popularity is steadily growing.

Lera Frost or Valeria Demchenko- participant. Native of Ukraine. Valeria worked as a model for some time. Before House-2, Lera was a guest on several Ukrainian television shows, one of them “Ukraine Speaks” on the topic “Silicon beauty: standard or bad taste?”, where the girl talked about her plastic surgeries.

Lera - best friend, it was Vika who pushed her to come to Dom-2. And on March 3, 2015, Lera was already sitting on the execution bench. She singled out the entire men's bedroom, but after talking with him, she switched to. Leroux was not embarrassed by the fact that Maxim was paired with. She easily took him out of the relationship.

Valeria with Maxim Rozhkov and other participants of House-2

The relationship between Maxim and Valeria cannot be called ideal. If Maxim has some feelings for Lera, then she can be suspected of insincerity. The girl had long wanted to get to the Seychelles, but as a single person, she would not have been sent there. Together with Maxim, they easily got the right votes and went to the island of love. On the island, the couple is together all the time, they fight a lot, and “periodically break up,” at the same time they often talk about family and children.

Lera Frost is a sexy brunette who became popular on Russian television thanks to her participation in the cult TV show House 2. A beauty with memorable appearance touched the hearts of many colleagues on the television set. How Valeria got involved in the project and how her appearance changed, you will learn from our material.

Biography of Lera Frost

Demchenko Valeria Vladislavovna was born in the industrial city in eastern Ukraine of Lugansk on December 21, 1993 in a very ordinary family. Studying at school was good for the girl, but since childhood she dreamed of the stage and world fame as a TV star. After graduating from school and at the insistence of her parents, the girl entered the Kiev Institute to study journalism.

While studying, Lerochka tries herself in different roles: she works part-time as a DJ in nightclubs, and auditions for participation in various television shows.

She gained her first experience working on television by participating in the show “Goddess of Shopping,” and then dreamed of getting on stage through the project “I Want to VIA Gro“, there she even reached the semi-finals, but did not make it into the main group. In 2014, there was another significant shooting for the “Ukraine Speaks” program, in which the issue of silicone lips was discussed.

Mrs. Frost on House 2

Valeria's biography changed dramatically in March 2015.

  • Rumor has it that the first visit to Dom-2 was organized under the patronage of Lera’s friend. Before this, the friends had rocked out together more than once in nightclubs and private parties. Now the friends are rocking again, but this time on a project.

“Valerka’s” chosen one was initially Oleg Burkhanov. The couple communicated online and called each other before the broadcast. But upon Demchenko’s arrival, their relationship did not go well, because the girl lost all interest in Oleg, switching to Sergei Kotasonov. But this relationship did not work out either, because Sergei soon left the perimeter. The loving brunette’s new object of affection has become former footballer Maxim Rozhkov. For Lerunchik, even the fact that Maxim had a partner at that time, Kristina Deryabina, was not an obstacle. Having easily won the guy away from Christina, the brave lady immediately moved into a city apartment with her chosen one.

This seemed not enough, and the lovers moved under the tropical sun of the Seychelles. Unfortunately for the viewers and organizers of the program, the couple’s relationship only died out on the islands. The young people became uninteresting to fans, so they were “asked” to leave not only the Seychelles, but also the project.

  • The “Second Coming” of Lera Frost to House 2 took place at the end of January 2017. After participating in another talk show, the lady again asked for a project, this time with Ivan Barzikov, who was also in another relationship. Having never tried to try a relationship with him, the beauty switched to Sergei Zakharyash. At that moment, the man was also in a relationship with. The guy rushed from one girl to another, there was even a fight between the ladies, which instantly made them stars of the TV project. But soon the former lover ceased to be interested in the burning beauty. Active Lera turned her attention to her new gentleman.

Valeria and Zakhar Salenko recently settled in the Seychelles. Before this, the couple almost broke up when the hot Ukrainian woman found out that the object of her affections and (his ex) were communicating again. It is unknown what awaits Lerochka next, but already now the bright brunette will leave an indelible impression on herself.

Plastics by Lera Frost

Note that Lera’s appearance changed noticeably in the first and second arrivals. Initially, envious people and competitors on House 2 slandered that Valeria was born a man, after which she changed her gender. For the second time, a much prettier Lera Frost came to television after plastic surgery.

  • Lip correction. Lera Frost looked really strange before her lip surgery. Large facial features combined with stringy lips looked rough. The girl’s mouth began to change long before she joined the project, from about 18 years old. Already on the TV show “Ukraine Speaks” Lera Frost, after plastic surgery, sat with significantly enlarged lips. Note that the first experience of increase was negative.

Ms. Demchenko found a cheap specialist with a dubious reputation on the Internet, the gel was introduced with process violations, the lips became insensitive, asymmetrical and constantly itched.

Over time, the young lady again turned to specialists to correct the error. At house 2, the plump mouth of the new girl often attracted male participants, although in different time Almost all the participants in the TV show “pumped” their lips. Remember only the failed correction or ideal features.

  • If we compare what Lera Frost looks like before and after plastic surgery on her nose, we will note significant changes for the better. Initially, a wide, hooked nose spoiled the girl’s appearance, but the surgeons performed a miracle. On her Instagram page, the bright participant in the TV show systematically posts hundreds of selfies, where close-up the result of the witchcraft of the Aesculapians over her face is visible.

The nose has become perfectly smooth, with a thin back and a neat tip. These changes were beneficial and brightened the girl’s appearance.

  • It is difficult to find photos that would show Lera Frost before plastic surgery for breast augmentation, but now perfect shape mammary glands, their tightness and volume of 95 cm raise doubts about their natural origin. The TV star’s Instagram can be described as sexy and provocative, because every now and then there are pictures in which Frost, practically naked, poses in enticing poses. Even in unedited photos, Lera Frost's figure looks great.

  • The origin of the girl’s cheekbones is also shrouded in mystery. It is believed that the pictures on the Internet show Lera Frost before and after plastic surgery, because in latest photos Valeria's cheekbones became clearly defined and prominent.

The information is contradictory, since Valeria has recently lost a lot of weight, so sharp cheekbones could be a consequence of such a sharp weight loss.

Lera Frost's tattoos

  • Leo on index finger left hand. According to the girl, in honor of her mother's zodiac sign.
  • Initials loved one by the wrist.
  • Crown and inscription "Le bella vita", which means beautiful life. It was thanks to this tattoo that the young lady met Vika Romanets on social networks. By coincidence, Victoria had exactly the same tattoo.

  • The tattoo inscription “Audaces fortuna juvat” on the forearm means “fortune favors the brave.”
  • On the left shoulder is a tattoo of Lera’s date of birth in Roman numerals.
  • On the right collarbone “Just go forward and your dream will come true” in English.
  • On the back there is a tattoo of the name “Lera Frost” of impressive size.

  • On the side is a phrase from the movie “The Secret”, its meaning is that if you really want something, then the whole universe will contribute to it.
  • The inscription “Live, Love, Laugh” is printed on the lower belly. Not everyone can see this tattoo.
  • On right hand There is a cross and the words “save and protect” on it. In addition, a “hamsa” is impaled on the hand, which protects against the evil eye.

  • On the left forearm are words that translate as “believe in God and believe in yourself.”

Now Lera Frost bears little resemblance to the simpleton who first crossed the threshold of House 2. The beauty constantly takes care of herself, spending a lot of time in beauty salons. The provocative image and bright appearance do not allow the public’s attention to the top participant of House 2 to fade.

Video: Lera Frost. The whole truth of life in one interview

Lera Frost is one of the most prominent participants in the reality show “House 2”. The girl became famous not so much for her eccentric behavior as for the number of plastic surgeries performed.

Lera Frost before plastic surgery

Valeria Demchenko, aka Lera Frost, will soon celebrate her 24th birthday. The reality show star has been actively working since the age of 18: she managed to be a model, singer, DJ and participant in television projects.

Lera’s arrival at “House 2” caused an extraordinary reaction among the participants. The girl had a long, uneven nose, thin lips and eyebrows, and almost no breasts. But the weight was a little higher than normal.

All these indicators indicated that Frost would have to undergo more than one plastic surgery, which is what happened later.

Photo of Lera after plastic surgery

Several plastic surgeries were performed on the lips. The first one was at 18 years old. Then Lera used the services of an unqualified surgeon and her lips turned out asymmetrical. After it, I had to urgently correct the situation - as a result, the girl’s lips became fuller and more beautiful.

The next operation changed the nose. Lera's is large and hooked from birth. Successful rhinoplasty made it neat, thin, slightly upturned.

Frost enlarged her breasts by one size using silicone implants. Now the star has ideal body proportions.

There was also a correction of the cheekbones. Previously, Lera had round cheeks and an “apple” shaped face. Now the cheekbones protrude noticeably, the shape of the face is elongated, and the chin has become more prominent.

Lera Frost has noticeably lost weight. But, as she herself states in numerous interviews, she did it on her own, with the help of a strict diet and heavy physical exercise. Although many journalists doubt this. Helping her stay in shape now regular classes V gym, swimming and food restrictions. Be that as it may, there is no noticeable surgical intervention in this area.

Lera Frost causes a mixed reaction among colleagues and ordinary people. Some consider her bright and eccentric, others discuss her mental abilities and criticize her appearance. In any case, this girl stands out noticeably among other participants in the “House 2” project.