The hand of the giver will not fail where it is written. A brief dictionary of biblical phraseological units

Prayers for money

Money prayers

Money prayers are very effective method attract wealth and prosperity into your own life. You should understand what it is prayer appeal will definitely be heard by the Lord. For this alone, it is very important to ask for financial well-being with pure thoughts and an open soul. It is important that money prayer is not aimed at harming other people.

Praying for money should not be considered a sin. There is such a conviction that Jesus Christ was not rich, and most of the Saints got by on little during their lifetime. Very often, church officials remind believers that the desire for wealth makes a person a sinner, and this is a direct path to hell.

This is actually a misconception. There are a huge number of prayers to the Lord God and the Saints for material well-being. These prayers are very effective, so they are recommended for believers.

Do prayers help improve the financial side of life?

If you pray sincerely, then money prayers will definitely help you put your financial sphere in order. But one should not think that this will happen overnight after a one-time prayer request.

It should be understood that financial prayer is a prayer appeal to the Higher Powers, which is of a grateful nature. For money prayer to be effective, you need to let gratitude and kindness into your heart. Before praying, you need to drive away envy, hatred, and stinginess from your soul. We must strive to help people in life who need it. It is important to remember the covenant: “Let not the hand of the giver fail.”

Prayer for financial well-being will definitely be heard. If you pray but do not see results, you should be patient. You need to understand in this case that you have to work off some of your sins, and you should also remember that nothing is given right away. To make prayer for money more effective, you need to pray alone in front of the icons.

Which Saints are usually approached with a petition for financial well-being?

You can pray for financial well-being to different Saints. Most often, believers turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. As a rule, he never refuses in difficult situations. In a prayer appeal, you need to specify the current situation.

Prayers for money directed to the Guardian Angel, which is always given by God to every person at birth, are also considered effective. This messenger of God will definitely hear the money prayer. But it is very important that prayer for money to the Guardian Angel begins with repentance. In order to get what you want, you also need to fast for several days before praying.

The Holy Matrona of Moscow also helps resolve financial issues. A prayer that will be said near the icon in the temple will be more effective. You can also offer prayer for money at home.

A prayer for money to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is very effective. It is this prayer appeal that is considered the most effective; the main thing is to read it in the morning.

Powerful prayers for money and luck

Any prayers asking for financial well-being should be read with great inner strength. You cannot let anyone interfere with you while reading your prayer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

To attract money and well-being in general, you should turn with the following prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

One of the most powerful money prayers is a prayer appeal to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. This prayer can solve any problems in the financial sphere. It is often used to resolve real estate issues. It must be remembered that it is necessary to pray in front of the icon of the Saint.

When turning to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous, you should remember that you are asking for help, but at the same time you must act and believe in own strength. Only in this case will prayer be effective.

During his lifetime, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky worked miracles in order to help suffering people who had large financial difficulties. There is a legend that one day a peasant turned to the Saint for help. He was unable to purchase grain for sowing, and this threatened his family with famine in the future. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky asked the man to come again the next day. In the morning the Saint gave it to the peasant big piece gold, but at the same time set the condition that he would definitely give up the debt after the harvest was harvested. The peasant bought grains, sowed the field, and since the year turned out to be very fertile, he was able to harvest good harvest. According to the agreement, the peasant came to the Saint to repay his debt. Saint Spyridon took a piece of gold and immediately turned it into a snake. That is, in order to help the peasant, the Saint turned an animal into material value, performing a miracle.

The prayer appeal to Saint Spyridon is as follows:

How often to read prayers to get results

Prayers for money should be read constantly. It is very important to fill prayer texts with emotions and even passion. But we must remember that prayer for financial assistance should be positive, there should be no aggressive notes in words and phrases. In addition, the thoughts of the praying person must be pure, it is necessary to remove any sorrows and fears from the head.

It should be remembered that only people who lead a righteous lifestyle can count on God’s help in financial matters. You also need to know that, in addition, after any canonical prayer in church, you can say a prayer appeal for money to the chosen Saint.

Prayer for urgent money

Even when you urgently need money, you should not turn to magic, thereby committing a sinful act. You should resort to prayers and sincerely believe that they will help you get the required amount of money in the shortest possible time.

The most effective is considered to be a prayer appeal to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. If you need to raise a specific amount of money very urgently, then you should pray in front of the icon of the Saint several times a day.

The text of the prayer goes like this:

Prayers and conspiracies from Vanga for wealth

Prayers to attract wealth into life from the Bulgarian healer Vanga are in great demand. The great soothsayer never denied the importance of financial well-being in a person’s life.

Raising money

In order to attract money into life, it is necessary not only to read a prayer, but also to perform a special ritual. First of all, the day before the event money ritual visit the temple and collect blessed water there.

The ritual takes place early in the morning at sunrise. It is important not to eat or drink anything before the ceremony, and you should not wash your face. In a separate room, completely alone, you should place a glass of water on the table in front of you. blessed water and a plate with a slice of black bread.

The following prayer is said over these attributes:

This prayer must be repeated three times. You can’t stammer, so it’s better to memorize the text first. Then you need to break off a piece of bread and eat it, wash it down with holy water. The remaining bread should be broken and distributed to your family members.

To quickly return the money debt

To return the money that was borrowed from you, you need to use the following prayer of the Great Healer. Prayer words are said immediately before bed with a lit church candle.

They sound like this:

To find a high paying job

The seer Vanga offered many prayers so that a person could call good luck into his own life. Texts that help you find a well-paid job are still in great demand today. You need to pray to your Guardian Angel during the waxing moon. When pronouncing words, you must sincerely believe that they will be effective.

The ritual consists of taking a glass of blessed water in your hands and saying the following words:

Any prayers for money will be effective only if they are read by a sincere believer. It should be remembered that you should not resort to magic even in the most difficult financial situations, because this is a sin that will take a very long time to atone for.

Prayers for money - “let the hand of the giver not fail”

Everyone has an invisible connection with God - it doesn’t depend on whether you go to church or not, whether you keep fasts and church holidays. This connection is not fiction - it is real, objective and does not depend on our desire. There are many different religions, but when turning to God with our prayer, we must understand that no one will help us better than He.

Prayer for luck and money is one of the most common among the people. After all, unfortunately or fortunately, a lot in our lives depends on these two components. Prayer for money, can be addressed to various saints: Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Solomon - these are the most common personalities, so we will not focus our attention on them now. There are other saints in Orthodoxy to whom you can turn with a request for financial well-being. " To my Queen, Presuming…."that's how it starts prayer for big money to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the Joy of All Who Sorrow. They also pray to her in front of the icon of the Spreader of Bread and the icon of the Life-Giving Spring. Eat strong prayer for money to Saint John the Merciful, which will bring prosperity to the petitioner.

Also for greatest success in financial matters it is recommended to contact the angel of Aziel. For this, prayer is not enough - you need to prepare thoroughly in order to find success in money matters. You will need to write a short letter to the angel, read Psalm 23 and perform a special ritual.

As an appeal to one or another saint, it is common prayer for money back, which will attract the finances that have left you. This could be either a loss or a debt that they are somehow in no hurry to repay.

In any case, you need to pray not on the run, but in detail, setting aside a special time and place for this. It doesn’t have to be a church or cathedral - you can read a prayer for money in front of an icon in your home. How much money to ask for? And as much as your heart desires. In the words of a famous cartoon character: “Even though I’m greedy, it’s from the bottom of my heart.”

Metamorphoses: May the hand of the giver never fail

Journalists often use catchphrases to create headlines and catchphrases. Most often, perhaps, biblicalisms are used. Just look at “not by bread alone”: in place of bread, the only thing that hasn’t been here is a deflop with croutons. However, sometimes the authors of texts change expressions beyond recognition. “Pravmir” decided to compile its own list of biblicalisms that most often appear in the press, and find out what metamorphoses are happening to them.

Today we will talk about the phrase “Let not the hand of the giver fail.”

The hand of the giver never fails- a proverb indicating that a generous person will always find the opportunity to help others, his goodness returns to him as the favor of fate, success in business. (Dictionary-reference book “The Biblical word in our speech”, Nikolayuk N.G.)

It is curious that you will not find the very expression “the hand of the giver fails” or “let the hand of the giver fail” in the biblical texts. This, in essence, is simply a formulation of the idea of ​​mercy, for which the Lord rewards. References to the “hand of the giver” can be found, for example, in the provisions of the Law of Moses: “If there be a beggar among you, one of your brothers, in one of your dwellings in your land, which the Lord your God is giving you, harden your heart and do not close your hand to your poor brother, but open your hand to him and lend to him, according to his need...” If we talk about the New Testament, we can remember the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians: “He who sows sparingly , he will reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

In the press, the catchphrase “Let the hand of the giver never fail” for some reason, as a rule, changes in such a way that it becomes completely illogical. The leader in the number of mentions in the media is the option “Let the hand of the taker never fail.” We are, of course, talking about corruption. The point here is that the direction changes - from FROM someone to TO someone. And many questions immediately arise: how can a hand become impoverished if it already takes? And what does it mean “let it not become scarce” - that we need to take even more? But “not to become poor” and “to get rich” are not synonyms at all. And yet, “the taking hand” appears in the press with enviable regularity.

However, not only this version of the modified catchphrase conveys the meaning of appropriation, addition, and not giving. Another example: “Let the hand of the one who steals copyright never fail.” Here, too, it’s not entirely clear: if he steals with copyright, that means he’s not really stealing anymore.

And sometimes the hand completely changes into a leg, as in the headline for some sports news “Let the runner’s leg never fail.” The leg, by definition, cannot become scarce - it does not own anything, does not take anything and does not give anything. Unless you run out of strength.

On the contrary, there are also very logical options. I once saw an article in Izvestia entitled “Let the chewing man’s menu never become scanty.” Here, by at least, everything is clear: the menu must be rich and varied.

Or again: “May the taxpayer’s hand never fail.”

The verb “to become impoverished” itself is not changed so often. “Let the tongue of the one who sings not wither,” I saw this topic title on some forum.

It is interesting that almost all transformations of this catchphrase in the press are in one way or another connected with the sphere not of the spiritual, but of the material and practical. And the idea of ​​generosity inherent in the original version changes to the opposite - hoarding, acquisitiveness, increasing wealth. Or primitive satiation, as in the case of “menu” and “chewing”.

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The giving hand will never fail

Do not turn away your heart, says Scripture, clasp your hands below before your brother who demands. Opening, may you open your hand to him. By giving and giving to him. Whoever gives you to him, the Lord your God will bless you in all your deeds and in everything(Deut. 15:7-10).

Those who give to the poor will not become scarce(Proverbs 28, 27). Grow old, says David, and I did not see the righteous abandoned, below his seed asking for bread(Ps. 36:25). The truths are immutable, for they are confirmed by countless examples of the miraculous replenishment for the merciful, distributed by them. I bring to your attention one of them is the following.

In Mount Ascalon there was one pious man who spent all his time in deeds of charity. He distributed alms to the monks and the poor, fed strange monks and other strangers, and his house was a refuge for all the homeless. One day, when, according to his custom, he needed to send alms to poor monasteries, he needed money, and he, not knowing where he could get it, sat mourning. Suddenly a handsome old man appears at his house and asks: “What are you grieving about?” “Yes, about my sins,” the merciful one answered as usual. “No, not about sins,” the elder continued, but about the fact that you don’t know where to find money. But God cares about you. Here are three hundred pieces of gold and the same number of pieces of silver. Send them according to your custom.” Having taken the money, the merciful man went to put it away, but as soon as he left, the elder became invisible. Returning and not seeing the elder, the owner of the house angrily began to reprimand the family and the gatekeeper why they had released the elder before his return: but everyone swore that there was no one in their house and they had not seen any elder. The merciful husband then realized that the gold had been sent to him from above, and from then on he became even more merciful and distributed all his property to the poor. When he lived in poverty, one day two monks came to him and gave him an ark of gold. The poor man began to persuade them to taste the food, but they, making the excuse that they had to visit the Egyptian hermits, left him, promising to come to him in the evening. The evening passed and they were gone. The Merciful One inquired about them from the Egyptian fathers; but they said that they had no one. Again here he became convinced that the gold was given to him by God. There was also a third incident in his life, also miraculous. There was once a shortage of wooden oil in his church, and the sacristan wanted to tell him about it - but although he did not have time to say it, he returned to the church and saw a vessel overflowing with oil. Thus, the more the merciful one gave, the more mercies he received from God and through them, of course, he had the opportunity to be convinced of God’s special favor to himself.

So, brothers, it is clear from here that, as Basil the Great says: “mercies return to those who give. You gave to the hungry - you tried to benefit yourself; for what you have given, you will receive in abundance” (For those who are rich). And St. Ambrose of Milan says the same thing: a person (about the death of Theodosius the Great) is merciful when he helps others, does himself good, and heals his own wounds with someone else’s medicine.” Amen.


God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

(Conciliar Epistle of the Holy Apostle James. IV, 7)

Journalists often use catchphrases to create headlines and catchphrases. Most often, perhaps, biblicalisms are used. Just look at “not by bread alone”: in place of bread, the only thing that hasn’t been here is a deflop with croutons. However, sometimes the authors of texts change expressions beyond recognition. “Pravmir” decided to compile its own list of biblical words that most often appear in the press, and find out what metamorphoses are happening to them.

Today we will talk about the phrase “Let not the hand of the giver fail.”


The hand of the giver never fails - a proverb indicating that a generous person will always find the opportunity to help others, his goodness returns to him as the favor of fate, success in business. (Dictionary-reference book “The Biblical word in our speech”, Nikolayuk N.G.)

It is curious that you will not find the very expression “the hand of the giver fails” or “let the hand of the giver fail” in the biblical texts. This, in essence, is simply a formulation of the idea of ​​mercy, for which the Lord rewards. References to the “hand of the giver” can be found, for example, in the provisions of the Law of Moses: “If there be a beggar among you, one of your brothers, in one of your dwellings in your land, which the Lord your God is giving you, harden your heart and do not close your hand to your poor brother, but open your hand to him and lend to him, according to his need...” If we talk about the New Testament, then we can remember the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians: “He who sows sparingly , he will reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

In the press, the catchphrase “Let the hand of the giver never fail” for some reason, as a rule, changes in such a way that it becomes completely illogical. The leader in the number of mentions in the media is the option “Let the hand of the taker never fail.” We are, of course, talking about corruption. The point here is that the direction changes - from FROM someone to TO someone. And many questions immediately arise: how can a hand become impoverished if it already takes? And what does it mean “let it not become scarce” - that we need to take even more? But “not to become poor” and “to get rich” are not synonyms at all. And yet, “the taking hand” appears in the press with enviable regularity.

However, not only this version of the modified catch phrase conveys the meaning of appropriation, addition, and not giving. Another example: “Let the hand of the one who steals copyright never fail.” Here, too, it’s not entirely clear: if he steals with copyright, that means he’s not really stealing anymore.

And sometimes the hand completely changes into a leg, as in the headline for some sports news, “Let the runner’s leg never fail.” The leg, by definition, cannot become scarce - it does not own anything, does not take anything and does not give anything. Unless you run out of strength.

On the contrary, there are also very logical options. I once saw an article in Izvestia entitled “Let the chewing man’s menu never become scanty.” Here, at least, everything is clear: the menu must be rich and varied.

Or again: “May the taxpayer’s hand never fail.”

The verb “to become impoverished” is not changed so often. “Let the tongue of the one who sings not wither,” I saw this topic title on some forum.

It is interesting that almost all transformations of this catchphrase in the press are in one way or another connected with the sphere not of the spiritual, but of the material and practical. And the idea of ​​generosity inherent in the original version changes to the opposite - hoarding, acquisitiveness, increasing wealth. Or primitive satiation, as in the case of “menu” and “chewing.”

Do not turn away your heart, says Scripture, clasp your hands below before your brother who demands. By opening, may you open your hand to him... By giving, may you give to him. Whoever gives you to him, the Lord your God will bless you in all your deeds and in everything(Deut. 15:7-10).

Those who give to the poor will not become scarce(Proverbs 28, 27). Grow old, says David, and I did not see the righteous abandoned, below his seed asking for bread(Ps. 36:25). The truths are immutable, for they are confirmed by countless examples of the miraculous replenishment for the merciful, distributed by them. I bring to your attention one of them is the following.

In Mount Ascalon there was one pious man who spent all his time in deeds of charity. He distributed alms to the monks and the poor, fed strange monks and other strangers, and his house was a refuge for all the homeless. One day, when, according to his custom, he needed to send alms to poor monasteries, he needed money, and he, not knowing where he could get it, sat mourning. Suddenly a handsome old man appears at his house and asks: “What are you grieving about?” “Yes, about my sins,” the merciful one answered as usual. “No, not about sins,” the elder continued, but about the fact that you don’t know where to find money. But God cares about you. Here are three hundred pieces of gold and the same amount of silver. Send them according to your custom.” Having taken the money, the merciful man went to put it away, but as soon as he left, the elder became invisible. Returning and not seeing the elder, the owner of the house angrily began to reprimand the family and the gatekeeper why they had released the elder before his return: but everyone swore that there was no one in their house and they had not seen any elder. The merciful husband then realized that the gold had been sent to him from above, and from then on he became even more merciful and distributed all his property to the poor. When he lived in poverty, one day two monks came to him and gave him an ark of gold. The poor man began to persuade them to taste the food, but they, making the excuse that they had to visit the Egyptian hermits, left him, promising to come to him in the evening. The evening passed and they were gone. The Merciful One inquired about them from the Egyptian fathers; but they said that they had no one. Again here he became convinced that the gold was given to him by God. There was also a third incident in his life, also miraculous. There was once a shortage of wooden oil in his church, and the sacristan wanted to tell him about it - but although he did not have time to say it, he returned to the church and saw a vessel overflowing with oil. Thus, the more the merciful one gave, the more mercies he received from God and through them, of course, he had the opportunity to be convinced of God’s special favor to himself.

So, brothers, it is clear from here that, as Basil the Great says: “mercies return to those who give. If you gave to the hungry, you took care of your own benefit; for what you gave, you will receive in abundance” (For those who are rich). And St. Ambrose of Milan says the same thing: a person (about the death of Theodosius the Great) is merciful when he helps others, does himself good, and heals his own wounds with someone else’s medicine.” Amen.

Beggars on the streets have long become part of the city interior. We meet people begging near churches, in underground passages, near shops, on trains... These are women with children or signs in their hands, and men in wheelchairs or crutches, children, homeless people, old women... We, the city dwellers, are mired in loans and everyday problems. in affairs, exhausted by the race for big money, deprived of heartfelt prayer, their appearance evokes a storm of different emotions: from pity and compassion to disgust and indignation. We are annoyed by ordinary beggars, who are often impudent... We give money or pass by, mentally justifying or explaining the chosen decision. What is alms and how to give it? Should all beggars be given equally? Or maybe someone should be refused? The clergyman of the parish in honor of the icon kindly agreed to help sort out these issues Mother of God“Joy to all who mourn” Archpriest Alexander Pronin.

Almsgiving is an expression of our Christian love to God, to people, to everything around us. Without love, salvation is impossible. By giving alms with love and faith in your heart, you force yourself to do good deeds, which become more perfect and effective over the years. Alms must be given in a variety of ways: in word, in deed, and in caring for others (helping the disabled and infirm around the house, crossing the street, carrying a bag). This must be done with joy, intelligence and reasoning. Saint John Chrysostom said: “The benefits of alms are mutual. The Lord God Himself commanded to give alms not so that the poor would be satisfied, but so that those who give would receive benefits, and even more for the latter than for the former.” The Holy Fathers call alms “the queen of virtues, which very quickly takes you to heaven.”

- How much should you give, because people are often embarrassed to put in fifty or a hundred rubles?

A person should not be bothered by the fact that he gives a little charity to his neighbor. A good deed done with sincerity, meekness and mercy, even small in size, is always highly valued by God, as it is proof of our unity with the Lord and the fulfillment of His commandments.

“I’ve noticed more than once how people turn away, get angry, or quicken their pace when they see an outstretched hand. Why do they behave this way?

Because they are ashamed. You know, every person, even the most greedy and heartless, feels ashamed if he is begged for help and he refuses. Not helping when asked is always a shame. I foresee your question that among those who ask for alms there are many deceivers who have never been in poverty, who have not been crippled as they claim to be, and whose houses have not been burned down. They play on our gullibility, kindness, responsiveness and simply extort money. But that doesn't mean that because there are a few scammers, no one should be helped! Tell me, what would you choose for yourself: stand with an outstretched hand or give alms?

- Of course, give alms.

You see, and all because giving is much easier than asking. When a person gives, he feels joy, satisfaction, he is not humiliated, but is elevated in soul.

- Father Alexander, as far as I know, the Church allocates two alms - material and spiritual. If everything is more or less clear with the first, then I would like to know more about the second.

Nowadays, unfortunately, it is less common, although it is often much more valuable than material. It is a pity that today we have forgotten how to listen and hear, thereby providing each other with spiritual charity. Prayer is one of the most important manifestations of spiritual almsgiving. For example, a neighbor came to you with some kind of misfortune or problem, but you know that you cannot help her. financial assistance. However, you are able to express your compassion and complicity through prayer. God knows who needs what. Therefore, it is not necessary to name a specific request in prayer. You just need to pray for the person so that the Lord will have mercy on him. God's mercy will be manifested in what he needs today.

Timely advice is also spiritual charity. If you share yours life experience or simply listen carefully to the person - this will also be spiritual alms. Any of us, once in difficult situation, especially needs affection and attention. And if they tell us a kind word from loving heart, it gives a positive spiritual impulse that inspires and strengthens us, which is accompanied by joy and spiritual uplift. So almsgiving can be expressed in a kind word. Even our good thought about a bad person, regret about his fall, is also a kind of alms.

— Many lay people believe that when you give alms, God forgives all sins. Is that really true?

It is impossible to pay off sins with the help of material offerings. Just as it is impossible to make a deal with God and with your conscience. Sin can be expiated through repentance, daily prayers. Repentance is not only an “act of contrition,” but also a transformation of one’s own mind, a change own life, work on yourself, life according to the commandments. If the Lord sees that a person has repented and is changing his life, he will definitely forgive and accept the sacrifice made from a pure heart.

— There are times when it takes more Christian charity to not give money than to give it. Take, for example, drunkards who beg for alms, clearly not for bread and butter. What do you say about this?

-- There is no universal answer to the question “to give” or “not to give.” Even among the holy fathers there are different attitude to alms. Some say that the main virtue is prudence. If our help panders to someone else’s laziness, idleness, deceit, and even more so drunkenness or other passion, then this help will not bring good. Filaret the Merciful, for example, advised giving to everyone, but how a person disposes of alms is a matter of his conscience. Saint John Zlotoust believed: you should always give alms, even if you see that it is a drunkard or a thief. “Give it to him,” he said, “and he won’t go stealing or satisfying his sinful desires.” True, this was during the Byzantine Empire, when there was no social support like we have today. Also in his writings, he expressed a useful thought: “If you argue about who to give and who not to give, then... you will come to the conclusion that you will not give to anyone.”

Saint righteous John Kronstadtsky described an instructive incident. Once he was taught that he should give the first person he met a large amount. One day, John of Kronstadt was hurrying to the parish for the morning service, and a drunken naval officer was walking towards him. Father remembered the admonition and gave a lot of money. After some time, an absolutely sober officer came to John of Kronstadt and thanked him for saving him from a terrible sin.
- suicide. As it turned out, the officer was either lost or broke, and he had a wife and children. In despair, he got drunk and wanted to drown himself. The money the priest gave saved his life.

So, if you want to help a person, help, first of all, his soul, which must prevail over the flesh, over the passions.

- Father Alexander, what happens if you don’t give alms?

The Lord will ask us for everything. Even in prayers it is said: we will be responsible not only for what we did bad, but also for what we did not do good when there was an opportunity. Saint Simeon New Theologian said: “Leaving inappropriate inquisitiveness, give alms to all those in need and do it with great generosity, so that we ourselves may be rewarded on the day of the future Judgment with great alms and condescension from God.” I don't think there's a better way to say it.

The hand of the giver will never fail

I remember one story from my grandmother. And her mother, my great-grandmother, in turn, told her this.

On Christmastide they usually came to her to tell fortunes and find out their fate. And so, one woman arrived, very rich at that time. A woman asked my great-grandmother why she had not gotten pregnant for nine years. What is the reason? My great-grandmother answered her:

“You’re already pregnant, although you haven’t felt it yet.” You're having twins. But your offspring will not be a joy to you. When the twins turn eighteen, they will die on the same day, on Ivan Kupala.

After hearing this, the woman left, but returned a year later. She actually gave birth to twins, and she was haunted by the thought of what my great-grandmother told her.

The woman began to ask to take death away from her children, to which she answered:

– If it weren’t on a holiday, I would have helped. But the day of your children’s death falls on Ivan Kupala. On this day they pray to God and bow to the roots. But you yourself can try to appease God by helping people who suffer, so that later you yourself do not suffer.

And she gave her an example from the Bible.

Many years passed, and that woman came to my great-grandmother again and told what my grandmother had heard while being present at that conversation.

It turned out that the mother of those twins had been helping those in need all these years, remembering the order to do whatever she could with alms.

For her children's seventeenth birthday, she sold one of her richest houses and gave all the proceeds to the monastery. And so, when the children turned eighteen years old, the raft capsized on Ivan Kupala, and everyone died except her children.

My grandmother used to say: “The hand of the giver will never fail.”

From the book Rituals of Money Magic author Zolotukhina Zoya

The hand of the giver will not become scarce If you, for example, sold berries by the glass or mushrooms by the pile, the last glass or two or a bunch of mushrooms will wait for their buyers for a very long time. So it's better to stop trading and go home. These mushrooms or berries will happily eat your

From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your destiny is in full view author Makeev A.V.

Philosophical hand The hand is distinguished by: a large or medium-sized hand, knobby fingers, and half-cone-shaped nail joints. Both thumb joints have same shape, as well as length and magnitude, which is a sign of uniform development of force

From the book Control Your Destiny. Mentor to world celebrities about success and the meaning of life by Chopra Deepak

Motor Arm Only in men can the true shape of such a hand be discovered. The motor type arm has strong bones and developed muscles. The palm is, as a rule, quadrangular in shape, the fingers are predominantly strong and mobile. Particular attention is drawn to the large

From the book Basics corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand author Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Sensitive hand This type of hand can only be observed in women. The outline of the sensitive hand as a whole has a delicate, fragile structure. The muscles are very weak. The thumb is relatively small in size. The remaining fingers are thin and relatively long,

From the book The Wiccan Encyclopedia of Magical Ingredients by Rosean Lexa

Mixed hand Occurs in the vast majority of people, combining the characteristics of at least two types, so it is easy, for example, to mistake a conical-elementary hand for an artistic hand, and a philosophical hand for a highly developed practical one.

From the author's book

From the author's book

Male hand FINGERS. Knobby fingers are found in men much more often than on women's hands. If nodules are observed on conical fingers, this indicates that this man gifted with some kind of talent, he has an unusually developed creative potential,

From the author's book

Lucky hand Important indicators of a lucky hand are:? the Life line must be double;? Saturn's line is straight, which is a sign of all-consuming happiness;? at the beginning of the Saturn line there should be branches, which symbolizes luxurious and happy

From the author's book

20. Finger on the Pulse Sanjeev Deepak achieved success and we were very happy for him. He took a huge risk when he gave up a thriving practice to follow his calling. Perhaps this is how Sir Winston Churchill defined courage in what I remember as

From the author's book

Shovel-shaped hand The signs of such a hand are: thickened, large sizes a wide brush with spade-shaped fingers, the ends of which are wider than the bases of the fingers (Figure 34). Such a hand speaks of the practical mind of its owner, who strives for activity,

From the author's book

Artistic hand This hand has a hand with conical fingers and elongated nails (Figure 35). For the owner of an artistic hand, feelings clearly prevail over reason. People with such a hand are fickle and irregular in character and behavior; they love

From the author's book

Practical hand This hand has average value, with knobby fingers of a quadrangular shape, thumb This type of hand is well developed (Figure 36). A practical hand characterizes a person who is patient, restrained in emotions, persistent, who loves in everything

From the author's book

Philosophical hand It, as a rule, has a square shape (Figure 37). The fingers are long, with clearly defined joints. People with such hands love to analyze everything without exception. In order to better understand the reason for such meticulousness, you can use the following

From the author's book

Mixed hand Those hands that do not fall under the above classification are classified as mixed hands (Figure 39). A mixed hand is observed in most people and combines at least two of the above types. Rice. 39. Mixed type handsType mixed

From the author's book

Hand Ruler: Fortune.

From the author's book

Type: human body part. Magic form: open palm; a metal, paper or wax talisman in the form of an open palm. One of the most