Odessa expressions catchphrases funny words. Jokes - pictures, video jokes, funny stories and anecdotes Dictionary of Odessa

languages. During the 19th century, the influence of the Yiddish language increased, due to the growth of the Jewish population. Thanks to the media and the stage, a specific Odessa accent and local expressions became known outside of Odessa.

In Odessa, they speak mainly Russian, but it has features associated with the influence of other languages, so we can talk about the existence of a special Odessa dialect. Words most often were not fully borrowed, they changed both the verbal form and the semantic content.


Humorous dictionary of the "Odessa language"

Modern Odessa prose

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Odessa jargon" is in other dictionaries:

    GOP stop- 1. robbery. Criminal jargon 2. Street assault with the intent to steal property, with the use of violence or under the threat of violence. And we warm the eared sucker on the gop stop. Criminal jargon 3. Robbery in the middle of the street. No one… …

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    anyhow- If only, if only. 1. And in our time ... cleaners go to bed early, so as not to miss the morning regulars. (A. Chekhov. "Conscientious") 2. In the tram. - Tell me, when will "Chikalova"? - Not "Chikalova", but "Comrade Chkalov Street"! –… … Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    benin mother- The mother of a certain Beni, who simultaneously lives on different streets of Odessa. A hospitable woman who is able to accept and warm everyone who is not sent to her. 1. Enemies began to send Cossacks to Benin's mother from the Hospital. 2. At that time, ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    pale appearance and rosy cheeks- A terrible look, in which it is no longer possible to act in a horror film because of a face obviously overmade with fists. 1. From that visit, he had impressions all over his body, and pronounce it - a pale appearance and rosy cheeks. 2. See what ... ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

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Ah, Odessa

For a wonderful dictionary - thanks to Ela Myers (I don’t know who the author is, but I found it from her)

So yes!(as a statement), Yes, yes, yes!(as negation) - a universal phrase, the meaning depends on the intonation of pronunciation
Let me pass! — Let the parachute go!
(by the way, a well-known trick to pass through the crowd hysterically squealing: “carefully boiling water” or something like that
Not the same - Two big differences
Look out! — Legs!!!
Note! — Moment!
Take it please - Here you go!
Sad expression - Lemon muzzle
drunk - gassed
Knife - Rezhik)) (I like it the most)
Well, you lowered the price! — And you won't get tired?
For free - On the ball
Expression of surprise - Hello to you!
Don't take me for a fool Don't take me for a fraer!
Shut up! — Breathe through your nose!
Disagree - "Why yes?"
Stop doing that! — Finish these things for me!!!
You weren't in line! — You were not here!
Stop pointing me out! — Get off the wheel!!!
I am a member of the orange revolution - I was on the Maidan
What do I have to do with it?! — There is no need to beat questions to the mine!
I won't even move! — Right now, I’ll just stroke the laces on my slippers !!!
You bored me a little - I'm just starting to like you!
Stop talking! — Shut your mouth, the fillings will fly out!
I'm sorry! — I'm wildly sorry!
Taxi - Farah
Zaporozhets - Charlick
Client - Patient
Listen - Listen here!
Problem - Gembel
What is the price - How much money?
I do not understand! — Shoot me in the head!
Microphone - Matyugalnik
Are you the smartest to climb ahead of everyone?! — Make way, the sea, the shit is floating
What's the real deal? — What is it?
Holy simplicity - blue naive

A is the first letter of the alphabet, which often becomes the last in Odessa ...
Bora, get out of the sea! (meaning from the sea)
In addition, the letter<<А>> often begins phrases with a negative connotation.
Ah, the weather! (bad)
A SHO IS - the most convincing argument in the dispute.
ADIYOT - idiot, short form - ADYA.
And ITSIN TRACTOR - I imagined.
ANTON (aka APPARAT) is the male reproductive organ.
ARTEL<<НАПРАСНЫЙ ТРУД>> - the work performed by the Sisyphus team.

BANANA (same as Anton see)
BANANA WAM - a delicate form of expression<<Банан тебе в грызло>>
PREGNANT HEAD - swollen from unnecessary conversations.
TAKE AN EXAMPLE ON ME - instruction.
BLADKI - not what you thought, but 1) a dance evening; 2) date.

YOU WERE NOT HERE - a polite warning about a possible conflict.
SEA VIEW AND BACK - depends on intonation: either bad or good.
VITAMIN DE - money
VITAMIN CE - products: salce, beer, wine, meat, etc.
TAKE EYES INTO HANDS - look carefully.
TO GIVE EVERYONE - THE BED WILL BREAK - a saying, like<<самому мало>>.
Ripped YEARS - chores.

GAVRIK - subordinate.
GAZ-URAGAN - the strongest intoxication.
GELEMTER THE GOOD GUY is a clumsy, whose hands do not grow from there ...
GESHEFT - deal, business. GESHEFTMAKHER is a businessman.
NAKED VASSER (VASYA) - it's useless.
HEC is a hot-tempered person.

YES - with an Odessa intonation, rather no.
TWO FUCKERS IN THREE ROWS - a pair of morons who have no equal in idiocy
TWO RUBLES? YOU WANT WELL! - dispute in the market.
TO MAKE SOMEONE FUN - to cause trouble.
DOLPHIN - a corpse found in the sea.
TO THE FUCK KARI OCHI - complete indifference.

JEWISH HAPPINESS is happiness in reverse.
EZh, SAME F - same.
TO RIDE - the traditional willingness of the inhabitants of Odessa.

ZAY A MENTH -<<будь человеком>> (Spanish -<<будьте любезны>>, <<прошу Вас>>)
SHUT YOUR MOUTH - stop talking.
TAKE - borrow.

FROM -<<из>> but maybe<<с>>…
OR - and then!
HAD TO HAVE - a delicate form of the mat.
YOKALAMENE - among cultured people is used when you want to say
specific words, but you have to be content with only individual letters.

KABYZDOKH is a popular nickname for pets.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT - what do you say to that?
JUST THAT CASE - you will wait a long time.
SAUSAGE CUTTINGS - a reproach for professional unsuitability.
ROUND-RUN - in the end.
TWIST THE BUTTON - be self-willed.

LEMON Muzzle - sour mine.
CATCH WOOF - yawn.
PEOPLE! - the cry of the soul, designed for everyone.

MAMA BENINA is a hospitable woman who is able to accept and warm everyone who
sent to her.
DEAD BJOLI DO NOT HOOM - equiv.<<тяжелое алкогольное опьянение 3-й тяжести>>
YOUNG PERSON - an appeal to a man aged 18 to 70 years.

ON MEDICINES - a threat.
FOR A MINUTE -<<ничего себе!>>
OUR MAN is a Jew.
DO NOT SEE ON TICKETS! - pay the fare.
DO NOT STS IN COMPOTE - TOMATOES WILL turn sour - do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fail.
WELL! —<<и вы мне еще об этом рассказываете?>>

ABOUT! - one of the most Odessa words, can include almost any
feeling and experience.
WHAT WE SEE ABOUT - the result of life observations.
OYTS is a tragedy in life.
OTSYM-POTSYM (OTSN-POTSN) - out of place, all of a sudden. An expression indicating
extreme irritation.
OTSYM-POTSYM, TWENTY EIGHT - the next, stronger degree of otsym-potsym.

STOP SAYING - and don't speak; don't talk nonsense.
UNDER HIM THE FLOOR RISES UP - he can barely keep on his feet.
LOST (AYA) - a rude curse.

WORKING FOR A TOILET is a job that only pays for food.
SMOOTH PORRIDGE - talk a lot in vain.
Crayfish - shrimp.
ROGOMET - a native of the village.

SAM is one.
FREE EARS - a grateful listener.
SIT-RIDE - approx.<<расслабься, и не мешай серьезным людям заниматься
BOOBS AND PUSKY - Meat pies or pasties, for the manufacture of which
minced beef was used for this purpose.
DRAIN THE WATER! Stop unnecessary conversation.
SPECIALIST - porter.
A QUESTION IS ASKED - a question arises.
AMONG HERE - in this place. Opposite — AMONG THERE.

SO ON SO - for no reason.
TAKI is an amplifying particle.
GOODS TO THE HOMELAND - return things.
VOKE ON NERVES - to pronounce.
THIRD TOAST - traditional.<<за тех, кто в море>>.

KILL WITH A BROOM! - a pleasant surprise.
ALREADY OR MORE - a traditional question in the market, means: you have already dropped the price,
it is taken into account that the day ends, or the goods cost the same as
in the morning.

FITS MONEY - spend in vain.
A POUND OF RAISINS is a unique measure.

HA - you will tell me.
COLD PHOTOGRAPHER - taking pictures on the street.
WELL LITERAL - nimble, businesslike.
GOOD TO WANT - to wish too much.

CENTRAL LAUNDRY - you can send any complaint there, bypassing the authorities
structures, the result is the same.
The CIRCUS is funny on the one hand, and sad on the other.

THROUGH WHY - because of what?
WHAT WILL I GET FROM THIS? is the fundamental question of philosophy.
FOR YOU TO KNOW - cut yourself on the nose.
MAKE YOU DIE - a universal Odessa wish.
TO YES, SO NO - not quite so.

SHA! - quiet!
SHAMIL CATCH - drink up to the squirrel.
SHANETS - a chance, but a small one.
WHAT IS IT? — what's the noise, but no fight?
WASHED NECK - readiness No.1.
SHOB I KNEW AS I DON'T KNOW - I have no idea.

NOW! —<<разбежался!>>…

Y is a letter that many Odessans cannot pronounce.

EXPRESSIONISM is an express train Odessa-Moscow, on which<<сионисты>> went to
the capital of Russia to fly from there to Israel.
a big man, but in Odessa...

I BEG YOU - 1) do not worry; 2) there would be something to talk about (iron.)
I CALCULATED YOU - I found out everything about you
I KNOW? - I find it difficult to answer.

Miss, can you tell me what time it is?
- Oh, you know, I forgot the clock at home, come to me, and we'll see!

Are you leaving, thank God, or are you staying, God forbid?

I can't say much, but I want to.

In the Odessa tram crush:
- Man! I'm already all under you! Do it, Schaub I pleasantly recalled this route ...

In what fireproof closet did you hide your shame?

Mom, he's old!
- Are you new?

Do not fool mine with the place where the back ends its noble name!

I'm blowing on you, buy yourself a tractor, and shoot yourself in change!

A sign in the Odessa tram: "Schaub you got there the way you paid..."

Bora, you just went to look at the moon, and now you are taking cheese with the same hands.

Well, I'm not a chervonets to please everyone.

Please, what should I sit on to get to Deribasovskaya?
- Sit on your ass, you are already on Deribasovskaya!

Syoma, iron your shirt, otherwise they will say that I don’t do anything with you.

He is a great master of predicting the weather for yesterday.

Senya, eat borscht, Schaub you are dead, you must get better!!!

Do you eat fish with a spoon or with a fork?
- Oh, I don't care, as long as yes!

Good evening, Sarah Abramovna! How is your headache?
- Oh, he went to play cards ...

Madam, your beautiful eyes make me forget the cases.

In the Odessa tram crush:
- Man, your leg is already across my throat!

Oh, such a familiar face, somewhere I saw you ...
- Oh, do not remember me, otherwise I will remember you!

How do you iron thin women's underwear?
- Hand.

Moses Abramovich, what kind of holiday did you have yesterday?
- Sarochka celebrated the tenth anniversary of her fortieth birthday.

Tell me, doctor, are you a gynecologist by any chance?
- No, but I can see!

Do not throw eyebrows on the forehead.

Sonya, don't shake the sofa: you'll burst all the springs!

Oh, you know, Easy has such grief, such grief!
- What grief?
- He did die!

Sarah! Sarah! Your son eats from the garbage heap!
- Abrasha! Don't eat much, have lunch soon!

Why is it worth burying? And without the dead?

About a too open dress with a deep neckline: “Madame, you have a heart in the yard!”

And why are you going broke without a penny of money?

Either I have feelings for the girl, or the girl is not worth me.

I have a couple of questions to ask...

Sarah! A chiryak jumped out at me!
- Shaw, really?
- No, nearby.

Man, I understand. You are so charming, well, not to the same extent!

Where is this boy's crazy mother? He is still here, she - no one knows where, but he will grow up and leave, and where will she return all this later?

Shout from the top floor of the brothel down:
- Madame Zosia! Tell the stokers to burn less! The client sweats and slips!

Come on, make mom an orphan.

Sarochka! You look just great today!
- Ha! I still feel bad!

Don't make me nervous - there are still places to spoil them!

Moishe, when you are not at home, the neighbors say such things about you! ..
- Oh, when I'm not at home, let them even beat me!

Don't fool me medebacyly.

You drive mom into the coffin and even deeper!

Chaim, how could you take such an ugly wife?
- You know, she's beautiful on the inside...
- Shlimazl, why don't you let her turn inside out?!

Can you tell me how much this meat costs?
Why won't I tell you? Have we quarreled?

Shaw you are trembling like mice on the import.

The elevator does not go down.

Fima, you're talking insulting!

I'll show you where the chicken's tits are...

I'm not as stupid as your father's children.

Or do you think you're not too late? So I'll tell you, yes, yes.

Don't spin my Faberge for me!

The inscription on the monument: The famous Odessa dentist Boris Rafailovich Katz is buried here. And his son Monya receives in his office on Prokhorovskaya, 21.

If you agree that I fry eggs in your bacon, I will allow you to boil your meat in my soup.

Sarochka, it's not about you and generally turn off the radio ...

Bora, get out of the sea!

What does little mean? Sarah also shouted: “Not enough!” - and then she nursed seven bandits, not counting the girls!

Mom shouts to her son, who climbed a tree:
- Monya, either you're going to fall and break your neck, or you're going to get off and I'll punch your face in!

Don't brainwash me!

He married Rosa with a veranda and hot water...

Come on, you're tearing my heart out!

I had that nail on which your grandfather's portrait hung.

Tell me, if I walk along this street, will there be a train station there?
- You know, he'll be there even if you don't go there!

Those are two big differences.

Shchob you lived like you are sorry!

Or do you have to sing?
- We have a drink, this is a store, not a conservatory!
- Or do you have a drink, Schaub was sho sing?

Don't give me a pregnant head!

So will you buy or will I forget you forever?!

Two Odessans are talking in the middle of the street. A third one approaches them. He listens in silence for a long time, turns sharply and, leaving, says:
- Oh! Don't fool my head...

Would you like to go to Deribasovskaya? And you yourself will be from somewhere, not from Mariupol, it’s a pity, it’s somewhere over there or over there, go wherever you want, you will gradually find where it will go!

Schaub You lived like that, as I laughed at it.

Shut up your mouth.

Tell me, do you know where Deribasovskaya is?
- I don't know where Deribasovskaya is? I don't know where Deribasovskaya is! Yes, Schaub you are dead, if I do not know where Deribasovskaya is!

You make me laugh.

Yesterday I saw crayfish for three rubles, but big ones. But three rubles. But big, but three rubles each, but very big. Today there were two, but small, but two each, but small, but two each, but small, but two each. And yesterday - three, but very large, but three.

I'm not interested in walking with you along the same Odessa.

Tell me, did you pull my Abramchik out of the hole yesterday?
- Yes...
- And may I ask - then where is his hat?

Syoma, look at those calloused hands! This man does not want to work with his head at all!

Don't get on my nerves!

I do not have the talent to say beautifully, so I will say from the heart.

Fima, shut your mouth on the other side, let the doctor calmly make his own opinion!

Odessa computers are loaded with the inscription "Are you on business or just poke ?!"

Schaub I saw you on one leg, and you saw me with one eye!

Don't wave your hands, you'll catch a cold.

If you already managed to be born in Ukraine, then, thank God, in Odessa!

Grandma, I'm bored...
- Right now I'll make you a scandal, and it will be fun!

Do not tear the tonsils, catch a cold, heals for a long time.

Tsilya, can you hear how my new perfume smells?
- Well, of course! Shaw, do you think I'm blind, or what?

Mom, what is the correct way for mine to write - “flacon” or “flacon”?
- Oh, write "Pizurok", and that's it!

Senya, don't run so fast, otherwise, God forbid, you'll catch up with your heart attack.

Tsilya! Why don't you ask how I live?
- Rosa, how are you?
- Oh, Tsilya, don't ask!

Monya, do you live according to the law or according to your conscience?
- I beg you, according to the situation, of course!

Announcement: “I am looking for a woman who loves fishing and has a boat! A photo of the boat is a must!!!”

Semyon Markovich, you are wearing such a suit! Now they don't even bury them.

Borya! Don't hit Izya so hard! You will sweat!

Oh, no need to persuade me, I will agree!

Stop getting on my nerves!

Two Odessans are arguing:
- Oh, you old whore!
- What does age have to do with it?

Tell me, in honor of what today tomatoes are not a ruble, but one and a half, in honor of what?
- In honor of our meeting with you, madam.

You know, Abrasha, today I saw a queue where people stood for a drink. So they had such eyes, as if they were for killing!

What will I get from this?

And where is your horse?
- Shaw you say, what kind of horse, I sell chickens, where are you looking?
- I look at the price...

Yes, you already know this, what I haven’t told you yet?

On Privoz:
- Mila, are the tomatoes already good, or will they be cheaper later?

Tell me, does this tram go to the station?
- It is, but now it is moving in the opposite direction - at least sit there with your face.

Is it true that you are giving your Simochka in marriage?
- Of course, we give out ... a little bit

Stop warming up your ears!

Why are you making eyes at me?
- And sho, I have to build a cooperative for you?

Schaub I knew as I don't know.

I'll just iron the laces.

No need to make surprised movements with your hands.

And why are you asking me how I'm doing. Ask my neighbor, he knows better...

Right now you'll have something to listen to.

Let's visit each other. You come to us for a name day, and we come to you for a funeral!

Listen to my words.

Is it true that in Odessa they always answer a question with a question?
- Who told you that?

Well, what are you doing with her? We have and so cases for the tonsils!

Doctor, will I live?
- And sho, without it in any way?

Why not when yes?

Tell me where you can see old Odessa?
- At the cemetery.

Stand there and listen here.

Mom, you gave birth to an idiot!

Citizens bathing, be careful on the water. Yesterday, citizen Kudryashova drowned, and only selfless actions managed to save her.
- Oh, I saw that scene. They did everything, but on the wrong side! A! It's CPR on the wrong side. She laughed like crazy.

Abraham, what is fate?
- Oh, if you are walking down the street and a brick falls on your head!
- And if by?
- Means no luck.

I saw you walking down Deribasovskaya...

Oh, what do you know... this is such a rich woman, so rich... You should have seen what kind of carpet she wanted to buy!

In the pharmacy: “Young man, I accidentally gave you potassium cyanide instead of calcium chloride! Get another 45 kopecks to the cashier!

You wash your feet first, and then do a pedicure!

Go to the import, buy a rooster and twist the beats for him ...