A special mentality or “a kind word and a gun. Special mentality Anna Akhmatova Prize

Somehow, a friend of mine from Russia became interested in my words that we, Russians living in Kazakhstan, have a different mentality. In continuation of our conversation with him, I will try to explain this solely from my point of view, as a person who was born and raised in Russia, but has been living in Kazakhstan for more than 25 years.

Upon arrival, my first a vivid impression there was Kazakh tea, with milk, which my husband and I were treated to by his childhood friends. It was very tasty, but they poured it into the bowl almost to the bottom, and I quietly asked my husband - do they feel sorry? It turned out that this is customary, this is a sign of respect for the guest, hot water is added more often, the conversation lasts longer. It seems like a simple thing, but if I then asked the owner to pour more, he would regard it as my desire to leave quickly and would be offended. It is in such nuances that one realizes that all people are seemingly the same, but in some ways very different, each with their own culture, worldview, and traditions. And your respectful attitude towards someone else’s mentality, even if different from yours, causes a respectful attitude towards you.

When Muslims in Moscow celebrated Kurban Bayram, the Internet was simply bursting with indignant and sarcastic cries - what the Russian capital had become, the invasion of Muslims, good people stand up. And in Almaty every year, on Parents’ Day, traffic for private transport in the area of ​​cemeteries is blocked and additional buses are allocated, because Christians on this day come in a continuous stream of thousands to remember their loved ones. And this doesn’t bother or outrage anyone. And even at work, both in government agencies and in private companies, there is an unspoken rule to release those who need it from work on this day.

And even though Kazakhstan is a secular state, but two days a year - Orthodox Christmas and Muslim Eid al-Adha are officially declared holidays. And my Muslim friends congratulate me, and I, a Christian, congratulate them from the bottom of my heart. And together we celebrate New Year, Victory Day and our other common holidays. And I believe that this is normal, this is how it should be in a multinational society that does not divide its citizens into friends and foes.

There is a lot of talk now about the federalization of Ukraine. Undoubtedly, government structure Each state is its own business. But I would like to give an example of Kazakhstan, unitary state, which is home to 17 million people of more than 120 nationalities. Think about 120 peoples with different mentalities, boiling in one pot. What helps to avoid conflicts in such a large communal kitchen?

I am not a great sociologist or political scientist, an ordinary woman, however, having lived in many regions of the former Union, I can conclude that mono-ethnic societies are more closed; an unfamiliar way of life is perceived with difficulty, as something alien and potentially dangerous. In a multinational society, someone else's way of life is perceived naturally and does not cause aggression.

I live in a house where one of my neighbors is Kazakh, the second is Ukrainian, the third is Armenian, above is a Korean, below are Tatars. And we live normally, without swearing and hostility. We congratulate each other on the holidays, we rejoice if there is an addition to the family, and we are sad if there is a decrease. Our children went to the same schools, were friends, two from our building even got married. Now the children are grown up and working, but even where they work, a multinational team and a person are judged not by the shape of their eyes, but by their knowledge and skills.

And it would be a huge tactlessness on my part not to say sincere word thanks to the owner of this big house. This is the ancestral land of the Kazakhs, a people who for several centuries have been and remain true friend, who in moments of hard times always offered his shoulder, shared bread and shelter, and in Time of Troubles change said - stay, this is your home, there is enough room for everyone, the main thing is that there is peace and harmony. And this is worth a lot and this must be understood.

Therefore, I would like to dwell separately on the topic of the state language, since in Ukraine, for example, it has simply become a stumbling block. Kazakhstan has one state language – Kazakh. I believe that this is how it should be in a sovereign state, the state-forming nation of which determines the state language. But since it so happened historically that the Russian language is the language of interethnic communication, then it has remained so.

The President sets the tone, always speaking in two languages. Yes, in government agencies, office work, as expected, is conducted in Kazakh, but is duplicated in Russian. At the same time, conditions are created for civil servants to study the state language if they wish in free courses during working hours.

IN Everyday life I don’t experience any problems - the inscriptions are in Kazakh and Russian, both on medical descriptions of medicines and on descriptions of the composition of products in the store. News on TV is in Kazakh and Russian, there are separate channels purely in Kazakh and purely in Russian, and there are mixed ones. Just like schools, there are those teaching in Kazakh, but Russian in the curriculum, and vice versa, teaching in Russian, but Kazakh is mandatory. In any government agency I address the Kazakh manager in Russian and also receive an answer in Russian. And it’s completely normal that a Kazakh guy gives up his seat to me on the bus, addressing me in Russian, and I thank him in Kazakh.

I am not trying to idealize the society and country that has become near and dear to me. There are, of course, some unsightly moments. For example, there was a case when one of the officials insulted a flight attendant on the internal line because she did not respond to his question due to ignorance of the Kazakh language. This case caused a great resonance in the press and in the treasury. But, having shouted a lot about the topic of whether the flight attendant should or should not have known the state language, nevertheless, for the most part, our people condemned the rudeness and bureaucratic arrogance.

As elsewhere, there is a big problem with employment in small towns, villages and villages. Life is in full swing in big cities; in small cities, basically the entire working-age population goes to work in big cities. Contrast between modern city, full of sparkling lights of supermarkets and expensive foreign cars, and a small village that sometimes plunges into complete darkness at nightfall, is of course striking, hence a certain social tension. It happens that in a crush public transport, unable to cope with the growing population of the metropolis, conflicts break out on the topic of “we’ve come in large numbers here” on both sides, but as a rule, they are quickly suppressed by the sensible part of the public of all nationalities. By the way, I almost never hear swearing either in transport or in in public places, this is also condemned and immediately stopped.

… There are crowded buses, electric trains, trains of our lives, in which we all crowd, stepping on each other’s feet. And it seems to me that only by respecting and striving to understand each other, we can coexist normally and calmly in our one big house called Earth. Everyone is so different and so everyone is the same in their desire to simply live, love, raise children, work and relax, go to visit...

This is the secret of our special, Kazakhstani, mentality.

At the end of the year, rolling blackouts were installed in the city. And in our time, as we know, a power outage entails a loss of the meaning of life. We sat in the evenings without light and became sad. We remembered the old days, when there was no cinema in homes, but it was successfully replaced by lotto and dominoes. After such reasoning, the son decided to make the family New Year's gift- games (in case of forced sitting by candlelight). In addition to the already mentioned classic lotto and dominoes, gift set added modern logic game“YesNo.”

And since January they stopped turning off the lights. Games lie idle. On the beautiful box with the intriguing name “DaNetka” there are explanations: “To solve “DaNetka” means to solve a puzzle. The presenter tells part of the strange complicated story, and the guessers restore the situation. The presenter can only answer “yes” or “no” to the players’ questions. Here is an encouraging word: “Go for it!”

Time is running. Interest in the box is growing. I decide to open this “Pandora’s Box”, which contains “secret knowledge”. I open it. I get acquainted with the contents and... now I look at the world with different eyes.

The instructions say that the game began its journey in the United States of America. There are 50 cards in the box. On one side is a question, on the other is an answer with American humor. I read the questions, tried to comprehend the answers and realized: the game is not for us. It was then that Mikhail Zadornov came to mind with his conclusion: “stupid Americans.”

Out of 50 cards, I selected 10 that were calmer (without suicides, murders, robberies and other crimes), and decided to invite readers to test themselves by the standards of American humor.

1. Bill knew that John was lying to him, and smiled pleasantly. Why?

Answer: “John is a photographer. He lies: “The bird is about to fly out.” What kind of lie is this? We understand that this is a joke. And if no one saw the bird, it was either too small or too fast.

2. A man with a gun is running, followed by a crowd. He stops, shoots, shouts: “You won’t see my gold!”, and runs on. What is the situation?

We have a joke on this topic: “A thrilling chase, exciting shooting, charming guys. What is this?" You can already guess - biathlon competitions.

3. Mary started smoking because of Peter. Why?

Answer: “Peter is Mary’s lover. Mary's husband, returning from a business trip, found a cigarette butt in the house. Mary had to tell her husband that she was the one who started smoking and confirm it.”
Our women are more inventive!

4. Bill thanked Max for the eggs, which he did not receive, and Max did not give them. Why did Bill do this?

Because he's a hypocrite! Answer: “Bill and Max are neighbors. Max's chickens entered Bill's garden through a hole in the fence and trampled the beds. Bill had to thank his neighbor for the chickens supposedly laying eggs in his garden. Greedy Max repaired the hole in the fence.”
Our people would have resolved this issue differently. Either they would have fixed the hole themselves, or they would have found a use for the chickens.

5. The stepmother gave Cinderella into the wrong hands. She slept for 13 days. Why?

A question like this would be clearer to us on this topic. Why did Tyutchev write: “I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May...”, but he meant a thunderstorm at the end of May? The point is the difference between the calendars of Tyutchev’s time and ours. The answer in YesNetka: “Transfer of Alaska. 13 days - the difference between the calendars at that time in Russia and in America.” It would never occur to our people to call Catherine II a stepmother or Alaska Cinderella.

6. Engineers arrived at the military plant, did their work, and left. Why did the guards stay up all night?

This is definitely because “stupid Americans”. Answer: “The guards wrote down the names of the engineers. One engineer had double surname. They were released after counting their heads. They spent the whole night looking for an engineer who was on the list, but never left the factory.”

7. Rich woman goes into a cafe, orders food, including cream soup. He eats everything except the soup and leaves. Why did you take the soup?

Answer: “If a gang breaks into the cafe and starts tearing off the decorations, the lady will have time to take them off and throw them into the opaque soup!” O God, save us from such a situation!

8. Tom went to the “Milk Cafe” and a) remained dissatisfied, b) leaving the cafe, changed his mind, c) never went to this cafe again. Why?

Answer: “The tables are uncomfortable, the food is bland, the waiters are curious, they kept asking: did he come alone? On his way out, Tom saw an old woman feeding a cat at the table and realized that this was a cat cafe.

9. They sat at a table in a cafe, ate, and when he left, she laughed at herself for a long time. What's the story?

Long answer: “The girl took the soup, put it on the table and went for a spoon. She's back. A black man sits at the table and slurps her soup. I decided to take it with humor. She sat down opposite and began to eat with the black man from the same plate. We ate. The black man left, and she looked back... On the next table there is her untouched soup.” Well, how can you not burst out laughing! Well, a very funny situation!

AND last question. Also with American humor.

10. A woman tries on a new dress and asks her husband: “Darling, how do I like this? Is it coming? Where's the humor in this?

Answer: “My husband is dying. Wife tries on something new black dress, in which he is going to appear (what a word!) at the funeral.” And is this funny?

This kind of American humor is difficult for us to understand. We are different. We have a different mentality, a different life. And it’s good that we don’t have to hide jewelry in soup, mistakenly eat at an animal cafe, be a hypocrite, and much, much more that I don’t want to talk about here.

We do not visit psychoanalysts to relieve stress. For this we have our own national product. And the concept of 100 grams (not grams, but grams!) is not weight, but the name of this product. By the way, no one complains that they drank in vain. He complains that he didn’t have a snack in vain, that he mixed it in vain.

Our man reads the instructions when he is already convinced that the thing is broken. No problem! Nothing is impossible for our people. We know how to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The only pity is that we are even more famous for our ability to find the entrance there.


Dear Galina, it’s all about the perception of feelings, which are written by understanding the letters of Russian and English languages communication (in the Russian language of communication there are 33 letters - feelings, in English there are only 24 letters - feelings). For this reason, the Iusian man large quantity options for resolving such variants of the proposed events, which in no way can be correlated with the understanding of the American mentality - worldview. And as Zadornov wrote about a broom for a bathhouse in the American understanding: Why do you need this broom... In the bathhouse, whip yourself... You are a masochist... And also soar a friend like that... You are a sadist... Those are really Stupid Americans. .. And the publishers of this game are even dumber... As in the version of selling the notorious medicine "The Dog..." for headaches...
With respect to you and a smile :), like a bouquet of flowers, that one... with humor...

Tolya, hello. The Russian alphabet has 30 letters and three signs (ъ, ы,ь), and in English there are 26 letters, which is 24 in Greek. Chekhov’s work “The Horse’s Name” is oats and it became fun from Ovsov. Zadornov laughed, it’s no longer funny, he’s stupid from the path that he understood, but he’s not smart enough because of the letters, and you’re right here, Anatoly. The essence of laughter in Chekhov's work? The comedian created a funny situation out of nothing, but the stork is not a cabbage.
Russians and Americans have different mentalities and perceptions of life. This doesn't mean they are stupid. Ram and goat - who is smarter? Also Russian and American.
All nations are like some animals according to traditions. Tradition is a good start = it’s like eating grass, but the mind feeds on words and there is a thread in the letters.
33 letters are like the thirty-three heroes that Pushkin wrote about, all handsome and daring.
The hero is like God, and you are RUB or just steal. ABC speaks of a syllable - the spirit, as Pushkin understood, and the alphabet speaks of a letter as a soul. The spirit speaks to the stupid soul and laughs at it, offending it. America will not understand the world, it is moving towards moderation; if there were Amirek, a permutation of the letters “IE,” then a commonwealth with Africa, part of it, is possible.
A dispute of knowledge gives nothing but a quarrel, because of which a war begins.
Zadornov simply set fire to the corners, but in Mowgli there is a promotion of understanding.
The last war of wolves and dogs that awaits us.

The structure of personality is multifaceted. It highlights different levels of activity. In psychology, consciousness has been most thoroughly studied in its relationship with the unconscious. It should be borne in mind that the variety of forms and manifestations of the unconscious is extremely great. In some cases, we can talk not only about the unconscious, but also about the supraconscious in human behavior and activity. The creation of spiritual values ​​by a creative person (an artist or scientist), while being accomplished in reality, does not always become the subject of reflection and in fact turns out to be a combination of consciousness and the unconscious. Another important form of integration of these levels is the mentality of the individual.

The concept of “personal mentality” is used to highlight special phenomena in the sphere of consciousness, which in one way or another public environment characterize its differences from other communities. If you "subtract" from public consciousness what constitutes the universal human principle, in the “remainder” we will find the mentality of a given society. Love for loved ones, pain at their loss, angry condemnation of those who caused their death are a universal human property and do not turn out to be something specific to some and absent from other communities. However, the moral justification for blood feud (vendetta from Italian “revenge”) is, undoubtedly, a feature of the mentality affirmed by folk tradition meeting the expectations of others. If the consciousness of each individual person were automatically controlled by the mentality of the community, then, probably, this community would be subject to complete self-destruction after some time. Obviously, the universal principle overpowers the inertia of traditions enshrined in the mentality, therefore, the mentality of the community and the consciousness of the individual, a member of this society, form unity, but not identity.

So, mentality is a set of views, opinions, stereotypes, forms and methods of behavior accepted and generally approved by society, which distinguishes it from others human communities. In the consciousness of its individual member, the mentality of society is represented to a degree that depends on his active or passive position in public life. Being, along with science, art, mythology, and religion, one of the forms of social consciousness, the mentality is not fixed in materialized products, but, so to speak, is dissolved in the atmosphere of society and has a supranational character. Having entered the structure of individual consciousness, it becomes accessible to reflection with great difficulty. Ordinary consciousness passes by the phenomena of the individual’s mentality, without noticing them, just as air is unnoticed until it begins to move due to changes in atmospheric pressure. Why?

There is reason to believe that there is an installation mechanism at work here. Moreover, a person does not realize his dependence on an attitude that has developed against his will and operates on an unconscious level. That is why mentality does not allow the subject to carry out reflection. Its bearer is convinced that he himself formed his beliefs and views. This circumstance lies in the enormous difficulties of restructuring human consciousness in a changing world.

« Special mentality» No. 8 (1061) dated February 25, 2012.


Congratulations to all personnel, veterans of internal affairs bodies and Internal Troops on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We pay tribute to deep respect for the exploits of the heroes who defended its independence and territorial integrity during difficult periods in the history of our Motherland. We honor those who today, showing courage, stand guard over the freedom and safety of citizens and reliably provide them peaceful life and creative work!

I sincerely thank the employees and military personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, who, continuing the glorious traditions of older generations of law enforcement soldiers, valiantly fulfill their professional duty! I express my sincere gratitude to veterans for their selfless assistance in training and educating young people!

I wish everyone health, prosperity, peace and success in serving for the benefit of our great state!

Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation R. NURGALIEV.


The notary refused to accept my cousin's inheritance. Was he right, because I was her only relative?

You are an heir of the 6th stage (clause 2 of Article 1145 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), therefore you can claim property only if there is no will in favor of other persons and closer relatives. In addition, the aunt must be your blood relative, and not the wife of your great uncle. To prove your right to inheritance, you will have to present to the notary five birth certificates of your relatives of this branch, and possibly certificates from the registry office, if they changed their last names. Practice shows that it is very difficult for relatives to receive an inheritance beyond the third stage. However, if a notary denies your right to inheritance due to the lack of some documents, you can try to establish family relationships in court with the help of witnesses and other evidence.

My brother lives in Chuvashia and is going to come to Kazan in the summer to work part-time. Will stay with me. Will he need temporary registration?

If he intends to live in your apartment for more than 90 days, then by law he is obliged to contact the migration service to register at his place of stay. The registration period in this case is determined by mutual agreement with the owner or tenant of the property. Keep in mind that in in this case he does not have to be deregistered at his place of permanent residence.

My 10-year-old daughter and I live in my apartment ex-husband(father of his daughter), which, according to the will, should go to his son from his first marriage. Is my child entitled to a mandatory share in it?

Article 1149 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines a mandatory share as a part of the inherited property that must be transferred to the heir regardless of what is said in the will. Minor or disabled children of the testator, which is your daughter, have the right to receive a mandatory share in the inheritance. First, contact a notary, where you will receive more comprehensive information.

Please explain what is the difference simplified procedure state registration ownership rights to individual residential buildings, as well as to houses in gardening partnerships from the “dacha amnesty”. How long will these programs last?

the deadline for transferring the object to the participant in shared construction;

the price stipulated by the contract, terms and procedure for its payment;

...Noble Steffani, or simply Steffi, is an ace in apprehending criminals. A seemingly imperturbable creature, she behaved indifferently. She looked at the white Labrador waving his tail in front of her as if it were an empty place and quietly waited for orders from dog handler Ayrat Gubaidullin, who was dressing up colleagues Ilnaz Fatykhov and Alexander Chentaev in dress suits. When they prepared, they agreed that both would “attack” Steffi. One went ahead. The dog on the command “Fast!” she quickly grabbed his hand and began to tear the canvas suit. Airat, neutralizing the “bandit,” immediately directed the shepherd dog towards the second one, who was moving forward to help his “accomplice” from behind the car. And Steffi, gaining speed, sank her fangs into him! But the defendant did not give up. He circled, waved his arms, trying to get rid of the dog, but its iron jaws closed securely. And she flew in a circle, like on a carousel, not letting go of the “enemy”...

The four-legged animals received a gift for demonstrating knowledge, courage and combat training.

“Reconstruction will begin soon at the Zonal Center,” Naumov continued his story. - It is planned to build new apartments for four-legged residents, reconstruct the educational complex, create an emergency room at the veterinary center, a quarantine unit, a pharmacy, a surgical room, a diagnostic room equipped with an ECG, ultrasound, and so on. It is planned to reconstruct the Elabuga, Bugulma, and Chistopol nurseries.

Our large, friendly and highly professional team is headed by an experienced leader Valery Nikolaevich Ushatov. There are no random people here and there cannot be. Such qualities as love for animals, the ability to understand them, educate them, train them, whether a person has them or not, you cannot hide this. And in the assessment of activity, any kind of guile is excluded: the dog took the trail - the criminal was detained, the crime was solved; no, it means she is poorly prepared.

Our dog handlers take an active part in team meetings and service dog exhibitions and competitions, where their work, appearance and other qualities are comprehensively assessed not only by experts, but also by colleagues. Pets of the ZTsKS Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan invariably enjoy success.


In Naberezhnye Chelny, in the middle of the avenue, two robbers snatched a case with a violin “Bernhard Videnhoterin Posth 1795” from a musician and were gone! Dog handler Svetlana Zhachina’s dog, sniffing the tracks of the criminals, rushed through the courtyard of a nearby house, went out to the square of the Energetik House of Culture, passed three more houses, crossed the roadway and overtook the robbers at the entrance of the house.


Last year, 4,589 crimes were solved with the help of sniffer dogs.

Dogs took part in the inspection of crime scenes about 19.5 thousand times. This contributed to the solution of 63 murders, 155 robberies, 637 robberies, 2729 thefts. Dogs searched for explosives, weapons and ammunition more than 3,600 times and helped discover 12 firearms, almost 600 rounds of ammunition, eight grenades, 6 fuses, 600 grams of gunpowder and an explosive device. Drugs were searched for more than 2,340 times, with the help of four-legged animals, more than 460 crimes were solved and about 14 kilograms of potion were found. Expert forensic studies of human scent traces with the participation of detection dogs contributed to the solution of 48 crimes.


In Nizhnekamsk, during a search of the city square, the search dog of the head of the Central Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhnekamsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, Firdus Gataullin, sat next to a plastic bag lying on the ground, from which, during the inspection, a Nagan system revolver and a sawed-off single-barreled hunting rifle were seized.

Recorded by Stanislav AMBROSENOK

X stripe - Club

Know ours!


The prestigious literary prize based on the results of 2011 was awarded to the Kazan poet Liliya Gazizova. The award ceremony will take place on March 7 in Moscow.

Liliya Gazizova was born in Kazan. Graduated from the Kazan Medical Institute (1990) and the Literary Institute named after (1996). She worked as a pediatrician for six years. Repeatedly published in Literaturnaya Gazeta, " Literary Russia”, in the magazines “Yunost”, “Daugava”, “Druzhba”, “Prostor”, “Tatarstan”, “Idel”, “Kazan” and other publications. She is the author of five books of poetry. Laureate literary prize name and All-Russian competition named after Artyom Borovik. In November 2009, she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.”

During that Kazan visit, Edouard Manet made sketches of the Tatar settlement and its inhabitants. In 1996, at Sotheby's auction, these paintings, labeled in the catalog as “Turkish (!) Landscapes and Portraits,” were purchased by a private collector.

After the revolution of 1917, a Tatar-Bashkir battalion moved into the Apanaev mansion... And while the expropriation commission described the merchant property and determined into whose proletarian hands it should go, family silver, Viennese furniture, rare watches and paintings slowly floated away from the estate... And the bronze nymphs , which once decorated the main staircase, were removed and thrown into the storeroom as unnecessary, from where they also disappeared.

Alas, the owners of the house, rooted in the Old Tatar Settlement, who never thought about going abroad, joined the mournful list of victims of the red dictatorship: Gabdulla Apanaev was shot in 1919, Abdulhamid and Harun - in 1937, Ibrahim and Yakub - in 38th. Akhmet Apanaev died in Ustpechlag...

Nowadays, the Apanaev estate has been renovated in a European style, the façade of the house has been restored to its original form, there is even a monogram left on it - a fancy letter “A”, and in the building itself there has been a trauma center in the Volga region for many years.


Almost all residents of the capital of the republic, no matter what area they live in, know well what Kekin’s house looks like (Gorky Street, building 8). The building was built in 1905 by the then popular architect Rush (the same one who designed Shamil’s house in the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda). But few people know that Kekin had three houses in the city!

The first, which, in fact, is the name of the owner, is distinguished by its original architecture in the pseudo-Gothic style. In the mansion, which has long been considered an architectural monument, electric lifts were used for the first time to connect floor-to-floor corridors. Before the revolution, it housed a private gymnasium, as well as a gymnasium of the famous Pedagogical Society of Kazan, a preparatory school, the board of the Kazan Railway District, a library, a printing house, a bookstore and a haberdashery store.

In general, the castle was rented out right up to the roof. On the second floor there were the most prestigious apartments, they were rented by civil servants and retired generals, while the attic was occupied by low-ranking officials and officers dismissed for drunkenness and theft of government property. The basements and first floor were reserved for benches and storerooms. This was the case until recently, with only one difference: all that remained of its former luxury in Kekin’s house were thick marble window sills and a cast-iron staircase.

It is curious that due to legal delays, Kekin could not achieve the demolition of the dilapidated house that stood on the site of the future mansion for a long time. The merchant acted in the most original way: he placed a wretched building on... the roof of a newly built castle. And as soon as the conflict was resolved, the problematic house was dismantled...

The second apartment building stood on the opposite side of the street (in it last years The Institute of Traumatology was located). It was more aristocratic, and it housed a closed merchant club. It was not possible even for a nobleman to enter there without special recommendations. There the rich were partying until dawn - drinking champagne, throwing a bank, rolling billiards and spinning the roulette. Colossal fortunes were lost in the club! It is known for certain that the island of Marquis Paulucci on the Volga with a very profitable restaurant, which at that time belonged to the merchant Elagin, was won here by the Elabuga merchant Muzafarov.

The merchant Leonty Kekin himself lived in a cozy small mansion (now the radio committee and TNV radio are located here) not far from the garden of General Lyadsky (in another version the surname sounds like Lyatskoy).

The size of the merchant’s fortune could be guessed not only from two huge apartment buildings. He also owned a paper spinning mill in Chistopol. Conducted brisk trade with St. Petersburg. There he bought paper yarn and sent it for sale to Kazan, and from here he exported lard, butter, honey, and goat fluff. Trade turnover was carried out with the help of a staff of clerks, as well as sons, who were involved in work from the age of 12.

February and October revolution they left no chance for Kekin's heirs to get their share. The houses went to the city, loans and bank accounts turned into pieces of paper. But the legend about the merchant’s countless treasures lived among the people for a long time. Even in the 1950s and 60s, the house was repeatedly subjected to a thorough inspection by certain “electricians” who tapped the walls of the basements, opened the floorboards, parquet in the halls and closets, even the flooring in the attic.

In later Soviet times, there was a large grocery store at the end of Kekin’s house. Its interior decoration retained the original features of the mansion. During the years of total shortage, during the time of the “coupon system,” this store was popular and people simply called it “Kekin’s store.” Well, these days a beer restaurant has opened here. There was once a dietary canteen in the building; by Soviet standards it was considered quite good. As they say, I was there too... When we were students, we often ran there to eat borscht and a salad with sausages for 30 kopecks.


This clinic was built on a hill in Osokina Roshcha from the side of Tretya Gora Street, from the foot of the hill modern Kalinin Street originates. The building attracts attention with its strict and laconic architectural forms. Everything is done simply and elegantly. This has become especially noticeable now that modern VIP cottages have appeared in the neighborhood (for me, chests of drawers are chests of drawers!).

Contemporaries said about the merchant, with whose money the hospital was built: “A millionaire, an Old Believer, the largest grain merchant in the Volga region.” At first he served as a clerk for the famous merchant Fomin, then he advantageously married his 28-year-old daughter Agrafena and was admitted to the “trading Olympus”. Soon he becomes merchant I guild, rents a city mill on the Kazanka River, annual turnover which amounted to half a million rubles.

During the First World War, Yakov Shamov supplied flour to the army. In one of the batches, stale flour was discovered, which caused the soldiers to develop stomach problems. The merchant’s guilt was proven, a scandal erupted, and Shamov was threatened with prison. But he proposed, as they would say now, a gentleman’s agreement: to build a hospital in gratitude for the forgiveness of sins. True, the project was supposed to have four floors, but Shamov only gave money for three, but 400 thousand rubles! The hospital was opened on April 25, 1910, after the death of the benefactor. Residents of the city - townspeople, firefighters, policemen - were eligible for admission into it. 20 places were allocated specifically for peasants of the Kazan district. The hospital was funded by the city and was always in need of funds. Treatment was paid: 8 rubles were charged per month, and if the patient stayed for less than this period, then he was charged 30 kopecks per day of stay in the hospital. Some of the places were paid for by merchants-charities. Unprecedented generosity in modern times...

Yakov Shamov was a member of the board of the Kazan Society for Charity and Education of Deaf-Mute Children, and donated a lot to the needs of free school drawing at the Kazan branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. The will of a millionaire merchant published in the press caused a lot of talk in the province. Thus, he donated 5 thousand rubles to the Society for Charity and Education of Deaf-Mute Children, 6 thousand to the Committee of the Society for the Care of Poor and Sick Children, and 10 thousand to the Shamovskaya Hospital. Almost all charitable institutions in the city received generous gifts. He did not forget his employees, relatives and friends. Today this is hard to believe. We have become too rational and practical.

After October 1917, all movable and immovable property of the merchant was nationalized. His wife Agrafena Khrisanovna was left with only a room in the attic of her own house, where she lived out her days in loneliness and need... But the memory of Yakov Shamov’s good deed still remained!


XV stripe - Sports

Strength martial arts


The republican championship of the Dynamo sports society in sambo wrestling has ended in Kazan.

87 wrestlers took part in it as part of 23 teams from various law enforcement agencies and cities of the republic. The fights took place in nine weight categories. According to the website of the FSO "Dynamo" of the Republic of Tatarstan, most of the athletes represented a variety of units of the Tatarstan police.

It is clear that the policemen gained more fame for themselves on the carpet.

So, in the first group of teams in the overall standings, they got the entire podium: the gold team medal was won by the wrestling team of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kazan, the sambo wrestlers of the Naberezhnye Chelny department were second, and their colleagues from the Nizhnekamsk region were third.

In the individual competition of the Dynamo championship, the police performed as follows. The gold medals of the tournament were awarded to Kazan residents Mares Badretdinov (52 kg), Eduard Fazulzyanov (57), Dinar Shakirov (68), Ruslan Gafiyatullin (90), Vasily Ryabov (over 100 kg) and Chelny residents Nikolay Lapshin (62), Alexander Shaburov (74) , Alexander Oboimov (82) and Iskander Gaifullin (100); “silver” - Nizhnekamsk residents Alexander Molostvov (57) and Rustam Faizrakhmanov (74), Kazan residents Lenar Shaikhutdinov (100) and Dmitry Ryabov (over 100 kg); “bronze” - Chelny residents Ilnar Bashirov (62) and Ranis Zaripov (74), Nizhnekamsk residents Sergey Shulyumov (68) and Ilmir Kurtasanov (100), Kazan resident Timerkhan Ziyatdinov (82).

The tournament, held at the Kazan Dynamo sports complex, was considered as a preparatory tournament for the All-Russian Dynamo Championship...

Prepared by Vasily PETROV


Four young Dynamo players from Tatarstan are now preparing in the Karelian ski camp " Big Adventure» to a possible trip to the North Pole. These are Linar Khaliullin, Nikita Zakharov, Ilya Mamakov and Denis Trunov.

All of them are students of police classes in republican schools. The first lives in Naberezhnye Chelny, the other three live in Kazan.

In total, in Karelia at the training camp for the fifth Russian youth expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” 40 candidates from various regions of Russia are being trained. Of these, only seven will have the honor of ascending to the top of the Earth in April. Fortunately for our guys, one of them will definitely take part in this journey. One place has been reserved for Tatarstan due to the fact that in a year Kazan will become the capital of the international Universiade.

The purpose of the event is to popularize youth ski tourism, promote healthy image life, instilling in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and high moral qualities, as well as strengthening Russia’s international prestige as an Arctic power.

According to the press service of the FSO “Dynamo” of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Tatarstan participant in the polar ski epic, along with the Russian flag, will hoist the flags of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Dynamo physical culture and sports society on the northern cap of our planet.

Presumably, the expedition “On skis to the North Pole!” will last from April 11 to April 23 this year...

Prepared by Vasily PETROV

Hockey with a ball


For several rounds in a row, the Kazan bandy club “Dynamo” has not lost. Moreover, he does not score less than eight goals against opponents. In the last away match with Ural Trubnik, for example, Vladimir Alekno’s team won with a difference of 10 goals - 12:2...

In Pervouralsk, the Kazan team eliminated the question of a winner already in the first half, hitting the hosts’ goal six times. This was done by Pakhomov, Shaburov, Chermnykh, Bushuev and twice by Obukhov.

In the second half, Dynamo did not slow down, and as for Obukhov, he only increased it, scoring three more goals against the Pervouralsk team in the 49th, 57th and 77th minutes. Laakkonen and Radyushin only had to complete the defeat of their opponents. The first upset the Trubnik goalkeeper twice, the second - once...

At the post-match press conference, the mood of the Urals head coach was worse than ever, however, he found the strength to appreciate the actions of Dynamo.

The movement of the Kazan team in this match, in comparison with our other opponents, in my opinion, was the best,” he said. - Their midfielders simply pinned us down, moving twice as fast... I would also note the guests’ ability to play long, targeted passes to high speed. This game is close to ideal. It seems to me that this team can solve the most serious problems.

Of the defenders, we only have Frank and goalkeeper Bergvall left,” he noted with a sad joke. - All the rest are forwards. So we attack. In general, I think that our guys have authority, and he apparently put pressure on the hosts’ young players, who looked a little constrained. We took advantage of this...

Dynamo Kazan has two matches left in the regular Russian championship: on February 24 - in Novosibirsk with Sibselmash and on March 1 in Ulyanovsk - with Volga. No one can displace them from fourth place in the standings, but most likely they will not rise higher either. All the most important things for Yanko’s players will now happen only in the final stage of the “play-offs” of the Russian championship...

Prepared by Vasily PETROV

Football off-season


More transfer news has arrived from the Kazan football club Rubin. It became known that the team will be replenished with two young players.

Kurban Berdyev's team signed three-year contracts with forward Georgy Nurov and midfielder Nikita Bocharov.

According to the website of FC Rubin, Georgy Nurov, who this moment 19 years old, a graduate of Dynamo Moscow. From 2009 to 2011, he played for the Lokomotiv youth team. He is a player in the Russian youth team. In her last meetings he showed a very mature game.

Last year, as part of Lokomotiv Moscow, Nurov won the Russian championship among youth teams. It is still unknown why, but the promising player did not sign a new agreement with the railway workers, but preferred to continue career in Tatarstan.

As for Nikita Bocharov, he is the same age as Nurov. He was brought up at the Sports School "Smena" (St. Petersburg). Last year and the year before, he played for the Zenit youth team and was considered a leader there. There was no place for him in the current senior Zenit yet, and Nikita also decided to move to the team from the capital of Tatarstan...

Prepared by Vasily PETROV



On Wednesday, two of our volleyball teams opened their account with victories in the playoff stage of prestigious European tournaments - women's and men's European League champions On their site at the St. Petersburg volleyball center, Zenit first defeated the German Friedrichshafen - 3:0, and then the Dynamo team repeated their success, beating the Baku Azerrail with a score of 3:1...

As for the “anti-aircraft gunners”, they have already met with the Germans in the current Championship Cup. Last year in October, at the group stage of the tournament, they also defeated the Germans dryly - 3:0. Vladimir Alekno’s team did not experience any problems in the fight against Friedrichshafen this time either, winning in each set with a comfortable score - 25:17, 25:21, 25:18.

Thus, the Kazan team took a confident step towards the Polish city of Lodz, where the decisive “final four” of the Champions League will take place in mid-March...

The volleyball players of Dynamo Kazan had a more difficult time in the fight against Azerrail. Women's volleyball in Azerbaijan is now on the rise, as the girls from the Caspian Sea tried to prove in the first game of the match, which they won with a score of 25:22. They immediately took the lead in the second set. And only thanks to an incredible effort of will, Rishat Gilyazutdinov’s team managed to tilt the outcome of the game in their favor - 25:23.

In the third and fourth sets the game turned out to be equal and very nervous. But the greater international experience of the Kazan athletes still had an effect, and they won twice - 25:22 and 25:21.

After the game, Azerrail head coach Faik Garayev did not look upset. He did not hide that he had high hopes for the return meeting in Baku.

It was tense interesting game equal rivals, as evidenced by the score of the games,” he told reporters at a press conference. - Everything was decided by two or three points. Unfortunately, we failed the reception. Because of this, we often left our opponents in the lead, and then at the end of the games we had to constantly catch up with them, which is difficult. The price of today's match is very expensive, but this is not the end. In Baku we will give the opponent a fight and will do everything to reach the Final Four. I think the return match will be even more interesting. Now in Azerbaijan there is, one might say, a stir around women’s volleyball, and we will try to please both our fans and sponsors, who do a lot for our team...

Let us remind you that the return matches of the quarter-finals of the men's and women's Champions League will take place on February 28...

Prepared by Vasily PETROV

XVI stripe - At ease!

On everyone's lips


Tough! The global battle for every child has begun! For example, the Norwegian Ministry of Family, Children and Social Affairs has proposed that the government introduce new criteria for assessing child well-being. The main thesis is that biological parents no longer have priority in raising their own children. That is, all children born in Norway or brought to this country become the “property” of the state.

Tatiana UKUSNIKOVA, senior inspector for special assignments UOOOP Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan:

This is complete nonsense! I hope it won’t come to this in Russia. In general, the tendency to appropriate children by the state seems dangerous to me. Why create an incubator where not individuals will grow up, but impersonal clones who have no idea about the institution of family and obligations to loved ones. In addition, parents are also raised in the process of caring for children. If they are deprived of this duty, we will get a declassed stratum of society that has nothing sacred or sacred.

Natalya TOPAL, correspondent news agency"Tatar inform", culturologist, teacher at KSTU named after Tupolev:

It is not surprising that in such conditions the Norwegians themselves do not strive to have offspring. I know that a third of the children in Oslo, for example, are from national minorities, that is, people from Asia and Africa. I look at such practices around the world (in Finland they often sin by separating children from their parents) with horror: child protection services are simply destroying the institution of the traditional family. The other day, in the Tetyushsky district of Tatarstan, six children were barbarically taken away from absolutely normal parents because, living in their own village house, they did not have registration! This is complete chaos! Why did the authorities consider it better to send the children to a shelter instead of helping the family register at their place of residence?

Igor SIDENKO, record studio producer, musician:

What the heck! I have five children, and no one has ever helped us, I built a house with my own money! And now the inspectors will come and say that there is “stale cottage cheese” in our refrigerator and take the children away? Parents need to unite and jointly defend themselves against the encroachments of officials. This is the only way to protect the family from gross interference.