Pavel Slobodkin cancer. Died Pavel Slobodkin cause of death. Main news. Did you know that Slobodkin is ill

On Tuesday, it became known about the death of the founding father of the Cheerful Guys group, Pavel Slobodkin. He died quietly in his wife's arms in his apartment on the Arbat. The legend of the Soviet stage, the "godfather" of Alla Pugacheva, the lover of Anastasia Vertinskaya, the gentle loving husband of the beautiful Lola Kravtsova - how did Slobodkin live in recent years?

Pavel Slobodkin with his wife Lola Kravtsova.

The departure of the legendary Soviet producer did not blow up the social networks with the condolences of the stars, as usually happens after the news of the death of one or another representative of show business. Most likely, representatives of the current generation of artists did not immediately understand who they were talking about. After all, the name of this man thundered throughout the country in the 70-80s. It is without exaggeration that he can be called the "godfather" of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. Back in 1974, the venerable showman invited the then-unknown singer to join the Merry Fellows ensemble. And a year later, the song "Harlekino" arranged by Slobodkin made Pugacheva a star...

Igor Nikolaev is one of the few representatives of show business who left a comment on Slobodkin's death on the social network.

“This name is inseparable from my childhood and youth. How many songs of "Merry Fellows" I sang in Sakhalin restaurants. How many vinyl records collected. I had a chance to work with Pavel and with "Merry ..." on a musical film for the Central Television of the USSR about the Old Circus. Sasha Buinov, Lyosha Glyzin... Pavel Yakovlevich was very scrupulous in the issue of copyright, he called me repeatedly to find high-quality recordings for the release of a record with our songs. And he told a huge number of interesting, almost fantastic stories from his life. I remember them all... Eternal memory.”

Alexander Buinov also expressed public condolences: “At different times, many famous musicians worked in the ensemble under the direction of Pavel Slobodkin. I also went through the school of "Merry Fellows", gave seventeen years to the cause of VIA. Thanks to Slobodkin for wonderful music, for cultivating good taste, for strictness (it was not easy to manage with us). We are all grateful to him for everything.”

Pavel Slobodkin is called the first Soviet producer - perhaps that is why his name was not well known to the general public. The soloists of the ensemble "Merry Fellows" broke the applause for him: Alexander Gradsky, Alexander Lerman, Leonid Berger, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Alexander Barykin, Alexander Buinov, Alla Pugacheva. Slobodkin had a long (about two years) romance with Primadonna.

Pavel Slobodkin has long moved away from show business. For more than 15 years he was the artistic director of the Moscow theater and concert center with a chamber hall for 600 seats. He did not supply "fried" facts to journalists, he led a calm lifestyle, and was not seen at social events.

Now everything has turned upside down so much, and such odious personalities are “in trend” that it remains only to spread their hands in complete misunderstanding of what is happening, - says the poetess Lyubov Voropaeva. - And, by the way, journalists are partly to blame for the fact that this is happening. Yes, the sad news about the death of an outstanding musician, a talented producer and manager, a major cultural figure, came from the Internet. I got a call from a singer who read a post by Alexei Stefanov, concert director Roxana Babayan, about Slobodkin's departure, I, in turn, called back to the Slobodkin center, where the phones were not answered. Then there were calls between those who knew Pavel Yakovlevich closely. And everything was confirmed.

- Have you talked with Slobodkin for a long time?

Quite a long time ago. He called me with a request to write another new verse for our song "Signorita, I'm in love" with him, which he intended to record with the new composition of the "Jolly Fellows". I complied with his request, sent him the material, he called and thanked me, and also said that we should definitely see him. Have not seen.

- Do you remember how you met?

We were introduced in the 70s by Nikolai Agutin, the father of Leni Agutin. In those days, he worked as a director at the Mosconcert, including with the VIA Vesyolye Rebyata. Agutin liked my poems published in one almanac, and he asked me if I would like to try my hand at a song. I really wanted. We talked and started working.

Slobodkin contacted me through the same Nikolai Agutin. Pavel Yakovlevich came to my house and tried to charm me. On a human level, of course. Because in terms of personal, he then had a vivid romance with Anastasia Vertinskaya. This was already after Pugacheva.

Over time, Pavel Yakovlevich and I became quite close friends. I remember he shared with me the circumstances of his difficult relationship with Nastya. He was very in love with her, even went on a diet to lose weight. Ate buckwheat with milk. I remembered this diet of his for the rest of my life, but I never tried it.

- They say he was a hard man?

In his work, Slobodkin was extremely demanding. I got a lot from him. By building a storyline in the text of a song, by reading aloud the written text in a singsong voice. Our main joint work was the song "Red is always lucky", dedicated to Pugacheva. I wrote the text by order of Pavel Yakovlevich, and only after that he wrote music for it.

Why did you end up working with him?

Our cooperation with Slobodkin came to naught when the enterprising Viktor Vekshtein offered me to become a member of his group of the VIA “Singing Hearts” and even knocked out a rate for me at the Mosconcert. Thus, I began to work in a competitive team.

But with Pavel Yakovlevich we periodically saw each other and talked. Once he came to visit me, found my mother. I remember that Pavel Yakovlevich then convinced my mother to dissuade me from marrying Dorokhin, who at that time worked as a drummer at the Mosconcert. “Why does our girl need a drummer?” Slobodkin told my mother. - She needs a composer, they must develop together! As life has shown, he was right. As a result, I married Viktor Dorokhin, forced him to start writing songs with me, and he became one of the top composers in those years.

“Novels are written about such love”

Pavel Slobodkin has a page on the social network. Absolutely "deaf", not saying anything about a person. More like a flyer for his activities. It is known that Slobodkin was alien to virtual reality, he opposed social networks. That is why his page was run by his wife Lola Kravtsova.

Commentary of a friend of the Slobodkin family, Ilona Spielberg, on the social network: “Lola Kravtsova is an amazingly beautiful, strong, sincere person. An amazing and smart woman. I know how much grief and injustice fell in her life, so she was immensely happy thanks to her marriage to Pavel, who managed to appreciate and love her. They say that God always sends trials according to one's strength. But not in this case. For the death of her husband for Lola is a terrible punishment, and not a test at all. ".

We contacted Ilona Spielberg, who spoke about the famous couple.

Lola on Tuesday, early in the morning, replaced her avatar on the social network with a black square. I immediately understood: "Something happened." And this "something" can only be connected with Slobodkin. He was everything to her.

I started calling my friend, the phone was switched off. Tried to call all day but she didn't pick up the phone. I know what love was between them and I understand that most likely, Lola simply cannot speak. I can't even imagine what's going on with her right now. She's not the kind of woman who tends to melodramatic gestures. Just like that, he will not put up a black square instead of his photo. Thus, she told the world that complete blackness had come in her life. And this silence on the phone scares me too.

- Did you know that Slobodkin was ill?

The thing is, no one knew. We were so friendly and frank with Lola that if something happened to her husband, she would certainly share it. The last time we corresponded with her was a couple of days ago. I live in another country, so we often communicated on social networks or on Skype. As always, they laughed and joked. There were no prerequisites for the fact that something terrible was coming.

Moreover, the other day she posted photos of her dogs online, joking in the comments. We talked about the upcoming vacation. The usual chatter. She looked after her husband like a small child. If a terrible disease overtook him, it would turn the earth, but put him on his feet. I can't understand what happened. It must have happened all of a sudden.

- What was the relationship between them?

About such love that reigned between them, they write novels. I will say this: Slobodkin could create, work and live in peace only because Lola was nearby. She not only idolized him, she protected him from all troubles, protected him from troubles and unrest. And how she cared for him, how she looked after his health - words cannot describe. After all, she blew off dust particles from him, was afraid of the slightest breeze, God forbid, her beloved catches a cold.

- Pavel Yakovlevich reciprocated?

He also could not breathe on his wife.

- Have they been together for a long time?

A long time ago. I don't even remember how many years. Seems like a lifetime.

- Do they have children in their family?

Lola has no children.

- How did they meet?

I can say that Lola appeared in Pavel's life not by chance. She was previously married to a very famous person from the music community. (The first husband of Lola Kravtsova is singer Valery Obodzinsky. The marriage lasted two years - Auth.)

The initiator of the novel was Slobodkin. Lola has experienced many tragedies and trials. She is a very impressive woman. When walking down the street, the men instinctively turned their necks.

Because of her beauty, she suffered. She was envied in black. It seemed to everyone around that she, with her stunning appearance, could outshine any other beauty, they gossip that she catches men on a spectacular image.

But Lola is a sincere and honest person. And if he loves, he does not play. In addition, she is smart, intelligent, educated, she has a law degree. If from all the men who surrounded her, she chose Slobodkin, this says a lot. When I first saw them together, I realized how deep her love for him was. Next to him, she always tried to push herself into the background, remained in his shadow. She tried to extinguish her individuality, her brightness. Although Lola could shine even against his background. But she didn't do it with him.

- She dealt with the affairs of Slobodkin?

Lola became the director of the Center. He was an artistic director. Responsibility for the so-called "economic part" fell on her shoulders, she was engaged in tyakuchka, routine work. Completely fenced off Slobodkin from squabbles, conflicts and problems, so that he calmly continued to create.

- Are they believers?

Yes, we observed fasts and went to church. They did a lot of charity work, but they never shouted about it. They were friends with one priest, often went to him. Helped orphans. Their faith is not a tribute to fashion. It came from within and is very powerful. I understood their reverent attitude towards Orthodoxy. We could joke on any topic with Lola, and quite harshly. But when it came to religion, here I thought ten times whether it was worth joking. It seems to me that Lola begged for this late love.

- Slobodkin was not worried that his professional time was running out?

It cannot be said that his time has passed. He attracted young forces to his Center. He moved away from pop music, but rose a step higher in development. If he wanted to go back to show business, then, believe me, Lola would help him, and they would do it. But he didn't want to. In addition, they have always been above this secular tinsel and star gossip.

- Does Lola have any close relatives left?

Only niece. Her parents are long dead.

- Did Lola recall to her husband his former bright novels with Anastasia Vertinskaya, with Pugacheva?

Never talked about the past. He didn't want to remember.

- Who organizes the funeral?

I'm sure Lola will pull herself together and organize the memorial service, the funeral herself. Just because he considers it his duty.

"Paul left a will back in 2006"

The group "Merry Fellows" has devoted fans who studied the life of the leader of the ensemble under a microscope. We contacted one of Slobodkin's fans. Oleg teaches boxing lessons to orphans at the Kursk Root Nativity-Bogorodichnaya Hermitage.

I have known Pavel Yakovlevich since 1974,” the interlocutor began. Since then we have always been in touch. The other day I was sent from Germany a rare video recording of the Merry Fellows concert, which everyone considered lost. Two days ago I sent the recording to Slobodkin. But he never saw her.

- What was Slobodkin like for you?

He was a difficult person. But he always helped people if he saw a “zest” in them. For example, he always read my poems that I sent, praised them. Once he gave me 14 discs (archive of the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble). This is a very valuable gift.

- Does Slobodkin have children?

Daughter from first marriage. The first time he was married to a ballerina Tatyana, I don’t remember her last name. Also, no one knows where she is or what happened to her. According to rumors, Slobodkin broke off all relations with her a long time ago, he also did not communicate with his daughter. I know that Tatyana was not liked in the Cheerful Guys team, she tried to lead the musicians, put herself in charge of Slobodkin. She was also extremely jealous. She was jealous of the soloists, threw tantrums. Paul didn't like it. Perhaps this was the reason for the breakup.

- Have you contacted Lola Kravtsova, expressed condolences?

I can't call yet. But I know that she will take care of everything - the funeral, the organization of farewell. After all, when her first husband, Valery Obodzinsky, died, she herself organized his funeral. Even though they haven't spoken in a long time. She also paid for everything, helped his last wife.

- Did Slobodkin maintain relations with all the ex-soloists of "Merry Fellows"?

Yes, except for Igor Gataullin, with whom he was suing because of copyright. Well, with Slava Dobrynin, his relationship also deteriorated.

Will all the musicians he worked with come to the funeral?

As far as I know. Everyone will come. Alla Pugacheva is also going.

- Did you hear that Pavel Yakovlevich had cancer?

Heard. Two years ago, he and his wife went to Germany for treatment. That's when I realized that things were bad. I contacted them, asked about Slobodkin's health, Lola then said: "Just pray for us." I work in a monastery, so every day I put candles for the health of these people. But Slobodkin's cancer seems to have been diagnosed much earlier. However, he lived for a long time with a terrible disease. All thanks to my wife. Lola did not tell anyone about his illness. He also had a lot of pain in his legs. When he died, I thought: maybe a blood clot broke off ... And I scolded him for visiting the southern regions when the sun was contraindicated for him. But he didn't listen to me.

Did he leave a will?

My friends said that he wrote his will back in 2006. He transferred all the property to his wife Lola. After all, she pulled him all these years. Slobodkin often repeated: "Oleg, if not for Lola, I would have been in the other world for a long time."

On Wednesday, Lola Kravtsova published a post on her wall: “My favorite, the best in the whole wide world, 08/08/2017 at 11.11. in his beloved home, he departed to the Lord three times having received the Holy Mysteries of Confession, Communion and Unction. Such care must be earned, and he deserved it, you all know that ...

He ordered to convey his love to everyone, asked everyone for forgiveness, and only love for everyone remained in his heart. And he demanded that no one should cry or grieve, that everyone should rejoice, stay where they are, not violate any of their plans, so that there would be no fuss if possible, and remember him as much as possible, of course, better with prayer, as best you can. Everyone should be comfortable, light and joyful.”

According to Lyubov Voropaeva, the funeral of Pavel Slobodkin will be held on August 10 at 10.00 in the Trinity Church. Burial will take place at 12.00 at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

Journalists report that at the age of 73, the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, the founder of the VIA "Merry Fellows" Pavel Slobodkin, died. According to correspondents, in recent years, the cultural figure has been struggling with cancer.

From 1974 to 1976, Alla Pugacheva sang in the ensemble, with whom Slobodkin had an affair. Since Pugacheva intoned well, at first Slobodkin put her backstage on backing vocals. However, soon the future Primadonna became the full leader of the team. In early 1975, Pugacheva was chosen as the representative of the USSR at the XI international competition "Golden Orpheus", which was held in Bulgaria. Especially for the competition, Slobodkin reworked the melody and made a new arrangement for the song "Harlekino" by the Bulgarian singer Emil Dimitrov. Pugacheva received the Grand Prix, and this song brought her all-Union popularity. From this moment, the singer's road begins on the way to the title of Prima Donna.

Pavel Slobodkin died on the morning of August 8 at the age of 72. The cause of death is not officially reported, the musician's colleagues agree that she was the result oncological disease. The producer's funeral will take place on August 10.

Recall that Pavel Slobodkin was born on May 9, 1945 in Moscow. In March 1966, the man created the "Merry Fellows" ensemble. Eight years later, the composer and producer invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to join him. A year later, the aspiring performer took the Grand Prix at the international pop song contest "Golden Orpheus" with the song "Arlekino". After that, the artist woke up famous throughout the Soviet Union.

When is the funeral of Pavel Solobodkin. News to this hour.

Pavel Slobodkin was born on May 9, 1945 in Moscow. In 1966 he created one of the first vocal and instrumental ensembles in the Soviet Union called "Merry Fellows".

According to the source, Slobodkin's death occurred in the morning. At about 7 am, the wife of a 72-year-old teacher called doctors to his Moscow apartment on the Arbat. However, they could not save the composer. According to some reports, in recent years Slobodkin suffered from cancer.

), Moscow, USSR - August 8, 2017, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet and Russian composer, music producer, director and teacher. Founder and permanent leader of the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Merry Fellows" from 1966 to 2017. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1993).

Pavel Slobodkin, the founder of the Soviet pop ensemble Cheerful Guys, died on August 8. This was reported in the Department of Culture of Moscow.

The name of Pavel Slobodkin was not known to the general public. Soloists deserve much more attention, list headed by Alla Pugacheva. Before her joining the ensemble, such significant figures of the pop genre as Alexander Gradsky, Alexander Lerman, Leonid Berger, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Alexander Barykin and Alexander Buinov worked in its composition. The team managed to record the songs “People meet”, “How beautiful this world is”, “I won’t come to you” and many more hits before Pavel Slobodkin invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to the group. Such compositions as "Arlekino", "Let's sit and have a look" and "Very good" were first published under the brand of VIA "Merry Fellows".

In the repertoire palette of the early "Merry Fellows" there was a place for the works of old-school authors like Oscar Feltsman, for the works of young hitmakers Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Yuri Anotonov and David Tukhmanov, for adapted hits by Stevie Wonder and The Beatles, later for the pop avant-garde of Yuri Chernavsky and Vladimir Matetsky, and even for adaptations of works by Johann Sebastian Bach, for which Pavel Slobodkin himself was responsible. The repertoire was so much more important than the performers that the public was not very interested in the names on the posters, although each of the star soloists, of course, had their own small armies of fans.

According to some reports, on tour in 1974-1976, the famous performer and Pavel Slobodkin lived in the same room. The musicians were credited with a stormy romance, which, however, turned out to be fleeting. Some time after the triumph of Arlekino, the future Primadonna left the Merry Fellows VIA and became a soloist with the Armenian Symphony Orchestra conducted by Konstantin Orbelyan. However, Alla Borisovna did not work long in a new place - already in December 1976 she decided to concentrate on her solo career.

Slobodkin began his career as a composer in 1962 - he worked as the musical director of the variety studio of Moscow State University "Our House". Two years later, he moved to the Mosconcert as a conductor and musical director of the orchestra.

Where Solobodkin will be buried in which cemetery. New details.

Pavel Slobodkin was born in Moscow, in the family of cellist Yakov Pavlovich Slobodkin, on Victory Day - May 9, 1945. Uncle - pop singer Yuli Slobodkin (born 1939). He began to study music from the age of three.

In 1970, the Melodiya company released the first "minion" of "Jolly Fellows". It included the super hits "Alyoshkina Love" and "What Love Stands On", as well as two songs by The Beatles translated into Russian - "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" and "Drive My Car". The very fact of the release of The Beatles songs in the USSR, even in this form, was an absolute sensation, the disc sold 15.7 million copies.

In the period from 1981 to 1996, Pavel Slobodkin taught at GITIS, where he created separate courses "Musical genres on the stage" and "Fundamentals of sound engineering and sound recording" from scratch. Among his students are Elena Kamburova, Evgeny Petrosyan, Klara Novikova, Nadezhda Babkina, Valery Garkalin, Vadim Mulerman, Leonid Bortkevich, Laima Vaikule, producers Viktor Vekshtein, Matvey Anichkin and Mikhail Plotkin.

In 2006, he completed work on the musical "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", the premiere took place in November at the R. Simonov Theater. From 2007 to 2010, he released 9 CDs with recordings of the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble and 9 CDs with recordings of 27 concerts by W. A. ​​Mozart performed by the People's Artist of Russia - M. Voskresensky and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Pavel Slobodkin Center. Since 2007, Pavel Slobodkin has been releasing archival recordings of the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble. In December, he participates in the program "Song of 2007" and becomes a laureate for the seventh time. In 2011, he successfully performed at the XX anniversary festival "Slavianski Bazaar", and in December he released a new album "Chershe la ..." on CD. In October 2012, Pavel Slobodkin was elected an academician of the International Theater Academy. The diploma of Academician Pavel Slobodkin at the Romen Theater was presented by the oldest actor of the theater - People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin. In 2013, he released a new album by the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble - the CD "How beautiful this world is." In December 2013, P. Slobodkin is awarded the Samara Cross award from Bulgaria. In 2014 he was awarded the Moscow Government Prize. In April 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In December 2015, he releases the new 14th album of the ensemble - the CD "Crossroads of Fate".

In May 1966, more than 50 years ago, Slobodkin created the VIA "Merry Fellows", inviting a young and then little-known singer, Alla Pugacheva, to the ensemble. She performed the song "Arlekino", which was arranged by Slobodkin. With this song, Pugacheva won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria. Pugacheva did not stay long in the ensemble, but this performance actually brought her to the big stage.

In 1962-1964, Pavel Slobodkin was the musical director of the variety studio of Moscow State University "Our House". In 1964, he began working in the All-Russian Touring and Concert Association (VGKO), transformed in January 1965 into Mosconcert, as a conductor and musical director of an orchestra with outstanding pop artists, people's artists of the RSFSR: G. Velikanova and M. Bernes.

Pavel Slobodkin biography personal life photo video. All latest information as of December 20, 2017

In 1981, the ensemble "Merry Fellows" performed at the All-Union Festival for the best performance of pop music "Yerevan-1981" and was awarded the main prize of the festival. In 1984 the ensemble took part in the Days of Moscow Culture program in Finland. In 1985, the Vesyolye Rebyata ensemble took part in the Bratislava Lira international pop song contest, became the winner and owner of the Grand Prix for the song Wandering Artists (L. Vardanyan - I. Shaferan), arranged by P. Slobodkin. In 1985 he took part in the cultural program of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

In 1981-1996, Pavel Slobodkin taught at GITIS as the musical director of the acting and directing courses. Alexander Buinov, Evgeny Petrosyan, Nadezhda Babkina, Laima Vaikule released from under his wing.

The famous composer, showman, "godfather" of Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva Pavel Slobodkin died today in Moscow. This was reported to MK by a source close to musical circles.

On the morning of August 8, the founder of the Cheerful Guys group, People's Artist of Russia Pavel Slobodkin, passed away.

Of all the soloists who came out from under the wing of Pavel Slobodkin, only the Alla Pugacheva brand could compete with this brand in popularity. The fact that there are such, for example, musicians as Alexander Buinov or Alexei Glyzin, the general public learned only after they took up solo work in the late 1980s. Prior to that, they worked for many years in "Merry Fellows", and among other things, they recorded instrumental parts for the album "Banana Islands", the song from which "Hello, boy Bananan!" entered the "countercultural" film by Sergei Solovyov "Assa". Pavel Slobodkin painted his own picture of the world, using both classics and allowed Soviet pop, as well as The Beatles melodies and American funk.

Pavel Slobodkin is called the "godfather" of the Diva, because it was thanks to him that she took her first steps in the world of music. The sad news about the death of the composer and producer TASS was confirmed by the poet Lyubov Vyrypaeva. According to her, the composer's funeral will take place on August 10.

In 1988, for great merits in the field of musical art, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR and the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR approved the status of a musical theater for the ensemble "Merry Fellows", tours in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In 1991, the ensemble for the sixth time becomes a laureate of the All-Union Song Festival "Song of the Year" and celebrates its 25th anniversary with a series of concerts in Moscow, Kyiv, Leningrad. In 1995 he created the musical play Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. The premiere took place at the E. Vakhtangov Theater in November. For this work, composer Pavel Slobodkin was awarded the Moscow Prize in Literature and Music in 1996.

Composer Pavel Slobodkin, the founder of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Merry Fellows", died at the age of 73, the press service of the Moscow Department of Culture reports.

Numerous friends of the composer's wife express their condolences to her on social networks. “It is difficult to accept this news”, “Kingdom of heaven”, “Impossible to believe”, “I sympathize with your grief”, “Great loss”, “There are no words”, “I cannot believe it”, “It is impossible to speak about Pavel Yakovlevich in the past tense. You are always with us, our hearts and memory”, “It’s a pity. Be strong”, “Shock. Pain. Bright and sincere memory of a bright person, ”they write on Kravtsova’s Facebook page.

At a very young age, not yet in his twenties, Pavel Slobodkin began working as a conductor at the Mosconcert. And in March 1966, he created the Cheerful Guys team, which became the prototype of all Soviet VIA. In the very first years of its existence, the team began to collect awards from various competitions, which Pavel Slobodkin cherished very much.

Pavel Slobodkin Wikipedia. All information summary.

In Moscow, at the age of 73, Pavel Slobodkin, People's Artist of Russia, composer, teacher, founder of the VIA "Merry Fellows" and the music center of his own name, died. On Tuesday, August 8, TASS reports.

In 2005, Slobodkin updated the composition of the Merry Fellows, inviting young performers. A year later, "Merry Fellows" received the "Platinum Disc No. I" for the absolute record in the USSR and Russia in terms of sales of records - 179 million 850 thousand copies. Among the hits of "Jolly Fellows" are the songs "Pink Roses" ("Svetka Sokolova"), "Traveling Artists", "I Won't Come to You", "People Meet".

Little has been heard of him in recent years. Pavel Yakovlevich struggled with a serious illness, he had an oncological disease.

In the post-Soviet era, "Jolly Fellows" continued to work, but the public did not hear a single hit comparable to "Alyoshkina Love" or "Wandering Artists". The new vocalists actively toured with a repertoire that had been tested for decades, and Pavel Slobodkin plunged into the affairs of the theater and concert center. It opened on Stary Arbat in 2001. In 2003, a chamber orchestra began to work under its roof, which was also directed by Pavel Slobodkin. The recording studio operating at the Pavel Slobodkin Center is considered one of the best in Russia.

It would be wrong to put "Merry Fellows" on the same level as "Tender May" or other boy bands with easily replaceable soloists. Pavel Slobodkin always prioritized the quality of performance, and resorted to sound recording only during filming on TV.

In the autumn of 1974, Pavel Slobodkin invited the young singer Alla Pugacheva to the ensemble. The result of this creative community was the victory (Grand Prix) of Alla Pugacheva at the international pop song contest "Golden Orpheus" Bulgaria in 1975 with the song "Arlekino", which was processed and arranged by Pavel Slobodkin and brilliantly performed by Alla Pugacheva. This song brought her All-Union popularity. In 1975, the ensemble "Merry Fellows" recorded the first solo disc (minion) for Pugacheva. In 1976, he twice went on tour in Germany (guests of honor at the Dresden Schlager Festival international pop song contest), Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and also performed at the Golden Orpheus international pop song contest (Bulgaria) as guests of honor.

On Tuesday, August 8, at the 73rd year of his life, the People's Artist of Russia, composer and founder of the Vesselye Rebyata VIA Pavel Slobodkin died, TASS reports with reference to the Moscow Department of Culture. According to preliminary data, the funeral will take place on Thursday, August 10.

Pavel Slobodkin died video. All information summary.

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Yesterday in Moscow, at the age of 73, the famous composer, People's Artist of Russia Pavel Slobodkin died. Many people associate his name with the Cheerful Guys ensemble, with which such Soviet and Russian pop stars as Alexander Buinov, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Alexei Glyzin and Alla Pugacheva were once closely associated.

It so happened that Pavel Slobodkin became the first producer in the USSR, when, perhaps, few people knew what this word meant. And the history of his creative life is no less interesting than that of the stars lit by the Master.

Everything about Slobodkin is amazing, even his date of birth. The leader of the popular in the USSR ensemble "Merry Fellows" was born, perhaps, on the most memorable day for many generations of our compatriots - May 9, 1945. He was born into a musical family, his father, Yakov Pavlovich Slobodkin, was a world famous cellist, so the artistic beau monde often visited their apartment. Even as a child, Pavel was lucky to communicate with Olga Knipper-Chekhova, David Oistrakh and Svyatoslav Richter. Later, he recalled his conversations with "uncle Seryozha Prokofiev, who often looked at the light."

It is not surprising that in such an environment, Pavel began to study music from the age of three. The first high-profile fame came to him at the age of 11, along with the title of winner of the All-Union Competition for Young Musicians. An additional reward for this was an unexpected invitation to perform as part of the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Since the beginning of the 60s, Pavel Slobodkin has been the conductor and artistic director of the famous orchestra led by Mark Bernes. Incredibly, at that time Paul was not yet twenty years old.

The first in the Soviet Union vocal-instrumental ensemble (VIA) "Merry Fellows" Slobodkin managed to create in 1966. Their first record with Beatles songs in their own translation and Liverpool compositions in English sold millions of copies. Slobodkin said at that time that fellow musicians who simply copied Western stars failed, and his ensemble created a unique product in Russian, which was "in demand and loved throughout the Union."

Slobodkin owes her rise to the young Alla Pugacheva, who performed in Merry Fellows. Not everyone knows that her song "Harlekino", which suddenly instantly shot and immediately made the red-haired representative of the USSR on the Bulgarian "Golden Orpheus" famous all over the world, was arranged by Pavel Slobodkin. He later said that this song was born hard. The original product was really bad. I had to add the chorus, rearrange the paragraphs of the text, come up with a march at the beginning. Everything was done the night before the trip to the festival in Sofia.

People of the older generation remember that the songs of "Jolly Fellows" were known and sung on every corner. But only those who managed to get tickets for their concerts saw the "guys" live. They were allowed on TV only in 1985, when the film "Traveling Artists" was shown, filmed in Bulgaria by director ... Pavel Slobodkin.

"Merry Fellows" was constantly updated, giving a start in life to all new talents. Slobodkin tirelessly repeated that he certainly did not have a “star factory”, because every artist he made was a piece product.

Slobodkin himself received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1988, and in 1993 he became the People's Artist of Russia.

One of the most beautiful buildings on the Arbat is the Pavel Slobodkin Moscow Theater and Concert Center, which has a hall with modern acoustic systems. The construction of the center was directed directly by Pavel Yakovlevich himself, achieving a unique musical sound. And music lovers will come to the center more than once to jazz and classical music concerts, remembering its creator with a kind word.

“In recent years, Pavel Yakovlevich has been in a fierce struggle with oncological problems,” said Lyubov Voropaeva, an old acquaintance of the musician, poetess. - He lost a lot of weight. Apparently, at some point, the disease decided to insidiously shoot. And she added that quite recently the musician asked her to compose a new text for an old song to be performed by today's Merry Fellows. The text is there, but it's gone.