Singer Hannah in everyday life. Hannah: biography, personal life, photo Hannah: biography, personal life, photo

Soon singer Hannah and label CEO Black Star Pasha will become parents. In anticipation of this event, we decided to remember how their romance developed.

Anna noticed Pasha even before they officially met. The girl was watching an episode of a program in which her future chosen one was giving an interview. Even then she felt how she melted at the sight of the charming blond. This happened two months before the fateful meeting. But you shouldn’t get ahead of things. Of course, Hannah didn’t rush out to find the influential guy from Black Star. The young people were brought together by a happy accident.

Anya and Pasha accidentally met in a restaurant, then they did not yet know that this meeting was fateful
Photo: Instagram

The singer at that time participated in a beauty contest in Turkey. In the morning, sitting at breakfast in a restaurant, Anna noticed Pasha. A conversation began between the young people and, after flirting a little, they exchanged phone numbers. However, at that time, the director of the music label was spoiled by female attention, and Hannah was not going to give up quickly, so the guys just occasionally communicated as friends for several years.

The couple travels constantly, it seems that they have already traveled all over the world.
​Photo: Instagram

During this time, changes took place in Anna's life - she was already thinking about agreeing to a marriage proposal received from another. And one evening fate brought the young people together again, again in a restaurant. Already tired of constant parties, warming drinks and women, Pasha looked at Anya completely differently that evening. They realized that they no longer wanted to part. Hannah immediately refused the gentleman who wanted to walk her down the aisle, and went to live with her future husband.

As a child, Anna studied sports dancing and did vocals
​Photo: Instagram

The guys lived together for a long time, brick by brick laying the foundation for future family, because from the very beginning Pavel made plans to get married and have children. During life together Anna turned into Hannah and began to study musical career. And her husband, as a producer, helped her in every possible way. It was a difficult stage of “grinding in” between lovers. Spouses had to learn to differentiate family life and work. At first it turned out badly - there were quarrels, tears, a desire to stop working together. But after a while, Anya and Pasha were able to come to an agreement and build a relationship so that everyone was comfortable.

Hannah (real name Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova) – Russian singer and a model, winner of the Miss Cinema, Miss Chuvashia, Miss Volga and Miss Apollo awards, etc. The wife of the director of the Black Star Inc. label. Pavel Kuryanov.


Anna was born on January 23, 1991 in Cheboksary. From the first years of her life, the girl began to get involved in music - she went to music school and studied vocals. At the age of 6, her career in ballroom dancing began. When Anna turned 13, the coach took her to the capital, where the girl began to live in Butovo, in the same apartment with two boys: one was her dance partner, the other simply went to the same dance club.

Anna remembers nothing from her childhood except school and dancing. She had no friends and no free time for TV, computer, or walks. Every day the girl left early in the morning for school, then went to training on the other side of Moscow and returned after midnight. It was incredibly difficult, sometimes I didn’t even have the strength to cry into my pillow.

At the age of 15, the young beauty won an unconditional victory in ballroom dancing and earned the Novorossiysk Cup. Literally a year later, her collection was replenished with two new awards - the “Caucasus Cup” and the “Federal District Cup”.

The pseudonym “Hanna” was born during the time of her passion for dancing. First, Hannah is the Hebrew prototype for the name Anna. Secondly, the girl’s idol in those years was the dancer Hanna Kartunen.

In the end, the girl realized that she wanted to quit dancing. And it wasn’t even a matter of the inhuman load. Anna knew that in the future the “ball players” would have a coaching career, and more than anything else she wanted to sing. In addition, health problems began.

Modeling career

In 2007, Hannah tried herself in a new role as a model. Having won the Miss Cinema media beauty contest, she got the opportunity to appear on the pages of the youth glossy Elle Girl.

Its heyday modeling career occurred in 2009–2010. During this period, she won victories at the competitions “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Volga”, “Miss Apollo”, “Miss Viva Volga-Don”, “Miss Kemer” (the latter played an important role in her fate, but more on that later). In 2010, Anna Ivanova took part in the Miss Russia competition, but did not enter the top 15 (the winner was Irina Antonenko). After that, the girl moved to Kyiv to realize herself as an actress. Love brought her back to Moscow.

Hannah's personal life

Hannah met her love in Turkey during the Miss Kemer International 2010 beauty pageant, which she won. Fate brought the model and her future husband, director of the Black Star label Pavel Kuryanov, known as Pasha, together in the same hotel - they met during breakfast.

At that time, Anna was in a relationship, and Pavel was spoiled by female attention, but they still exchanged contacts, and for a couple of years they corresponded and met periodically, but there was nothing serious between them. Anna lived in Kyiv, she had a boyfriend in Moscow, and one day, having arrived to see him (he had just proposed to her and given her 3 days to think about it), Anna decided to spend time with her friends in a restaurant. It was there that the girl met Pavel again.

The next day, Pavel sent Anna a message, admitting that the previous day was the best day of his life. After this, the girl answered “no” to her boyfriend’s marriage proposal and returned to Kyiv, where Pavel went a week later. They returned back together.

Three years later, in the summer of 2015, the lovers got married. They signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow, and the celebration itself took place in Capri.

Music career

Soon, who had great connections in musical world Pavel became Anna's producer, who all this time did not give up her dream of a professional stage. It must be said that in everything related to work, Pasha is a very demanding person, so at first it was not easy for Hannah to abstract herself and not mix personal matters with work matters.

Imagine a young man who constantly yells at you. Naturally, I thought that he didn’t love me, and I was offended.

By 2013, Hannah recorded her first single, “I'm Just Yours.” Soon the video was released. Then Hannah sang a duet with Yegor Creed (“Being modest is not in fashion”). In addition to this composition, 7 more tracks were released in 2014 (“Sighs”, “So you know”, “So that summer does not end”, etc.).

Hannah ft. Egor Creed - “Being Modest is Out of Fashion”

In 2015, the girl recorded 3 songs and released 2 videos (“Mom, I fell in love”, “Lost my head”), in 2016 – three songs and again two videos (“Omar Khayyam”, “I can’t live without you”). The same thing happened in 2017 – listeners were treated to 3 songs and 2 videos (“Te Amo”, “Bullets”).

Hannah (singer)

Hannah (real name is Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova). Born on January 23, 1991 in Cheboksary. Russian singer, TV presenter, actress, model.

Father - Vladimir Ivanov.

Mother - Tatyana Nikolaevna Ivanova.

As Anna said, with early years she wanted to stand out from the rest. In the 6th grade, she even dyed her hair red and kept it that way for a year and a half. She drew tattoos for herself and resorted to bright cosmetics. Together with my mother, I sewed original clothes that others paid attention to.

Since childhood, I dreamed of being a singer, studied vocals, and graduated from a music school with a degree in piano.

Then I became seriously interested in sports ballroom dancing. She recalled: “Every day when I went to bed, I said: “Mom, can you imagine, some famous coach will come to us in Cheboksary and take me to Moscow.” Mom answered: “Well, how will he take you? “And it’s true that Moscow trainers came, held seminars and left. Of course, when I, a twelve-year-old girl, was suddenly offered to go to Moscow, my mother let me go without hesitation.”

She took part in various competitions in Russia and abroad. Candidate for Master of Sports in ballroom dancing.

Exhaustive training for thirteen hours a day did not go unnoticed: at the age of sixteen, Anna became very ill and after three months spent on hospital bed, she was banned from dancing.

And then beauty contests came to replace dancing. She managed to win eleven beauty contests in a row! Among them are “Miss Chuvashia - 2009”, “Miss Volga - 2009”, “Miss Apollo - 2009”, Miss Viva Volga-Don - 2010, Miss Volga International - 2010, Miss Kemer International - 2010. She was a finalist in the Miss Russia contest 2010".

Hannah at Miss Russia 2010

In 2013, she graduated from the branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics with a degree in Economics and Management in Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises.

She lived in Kyiv for some time, starred in television series, worked as a TV presenter, then moved to Moscow.

In 2013 started solo career as a singer. The debut song was the composition “I’m Just Yours,” for which a video was then shot. The directors of the video were brothers Dmitry and Evgeny Misyur (they shot videos for Ivan Dorn, Vera Brezhneva, DJ Smashe and many other artists).

In the spring of 2014, she recorded the song “Being Modest is Not in Fashion” in a duet with Yegor Creed.

In 2015, she was the host of the author’s program “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah” on the RU.TV channel. In the same year, she released two singles - “Mom, I fell in love” and “Lost my head” - the latter of which was included in the rotation of leading radio stations in Russia.

Hannah - Lost her head

In 2016, Hannah took part in the Big Love Show at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex (Moscow), and also released new track"Omar Khayyam" In 2016, she was nominated for the 2016 Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In 2017, she presented a video for the compositions “Te Amo” and “Bullets” (directed by Vlad Akushevich).

"I write all my songs with my music producers. Together we think about the melody, arrangement and theme of the text. Writing words is much easier for me than writing melodies, but we are working on it,” said the singer.

In March 2017, Hannah opened a beauty studio “X LASHES BY HANNA” in Moscow.

“The secret to success is one and has long ceased to be a secret! I tell everyone and everywhere about it. For me it works. You need to constantly go towards your goal, dream, clearly know what you want, work on it and be sure that it’s all real "," says Hannah.

Hannah's height: 174 centimeters.

Hannah's personal life:

Married. Spouse - Pavel Kuryanov, better known as Pasha, CEO of the Black Star inc. label. They met at the Miss Kemer International 2010 beauty contest. We got married in July 2015.

The singer resorted to plastic surgery. Although she herself does not comment on this topic, when comparing her more early photos with the current ones, it is clear that she enlarged her lips, changed the oval of her face - she sharpened her cheekbones, and her nose and eyebrows were also corrected.

Hannah's songs:

2013 - “I’m just yours”
2014 - “Sighs”
2014 - “So you know”
2014 - “I Know”
2014 - “Being modest is not in fashion”
2014 - “Mannequin”
2014 - “Sky”

2014 - “It’s better not”
2015 - “Instagram”
2015 - “Mom, I fell in love”
2015 - “Lost my head”
2016 - “When he comes in”
2016 - “Omar Khayyam”
2016 - “I can’t live without you”
2017 - “Innocent”
2017 - “Te Amo”
2017 - “Bullets”

Hannah's video clips:

2013 - “I’m just yours”
2014 - “Being modest is not in fashion” (with the participation of Yegor Creed)
2014 - “So that summer never ends”
2014 - “It’s better not” (Internet video)
2015 - “Mom, I fell in love”
2015 - “Lost my head”
2016 - “Omar Khayyam”
2016 - “I can’t live without you”
2017 - “Te Amo”
2017 - “Bullets”

Singer Hannah is just getting started variety career, and it has already been talked about many times in the press. The main topic is the number of plastic surgeries performed on her.

What Hannah looked like before plastic surgery

Anna Ivanova (Hanna's real name) has been professionally involved in sports dancing for many years and is a master of sports.

This is what the singer looked like before plastic surgery

This allows her to maintain a beautiful, slender figure, so no surgeries have been performed on her body.

Hannah before show business and now

Although surgical breast augmentation remains questionable. The star herself denies everything and does not even comment on changes in her appearance.

Photo of Hannah after plastic surgery

The singer definitely enlarged her lips with Botox. They became more voluminous, the shape also changed a little.

Rhinoplasty was performed. The nose decreased in size, became more neat, slightly turned up. According to the press, this was one of the most noticeable plastic surgeries performed on the star, and there is no point in denying it.

Correction of the cheekbones also took place. The girl used to have beautiful round cheeks. Now the cheekbones have begun to stand out noticeably. Thanks to this, the face became longer and acquired a diamond-shaped rather than an oval shape.

Another operation, according to the press, was performed on the chest. The singer's bust was already a decent size, but she apparently decided to have a lift and increase it a couple of sizes. Eyebrows were tattooed and teeth were whitened. My hair also became several shades lighter.

Hannah herself denies everything attributed to her. plastic surgery, and says that he changes his appearance with the help of well-chosen makeup.

Secrets of singer Hannah's slim figure

Singer Hannah shared her beauty secrets in an interview. The star comes first balanced diet. The girl is a vegetarian and has given up meat, fish, fast food, baked goods and refined sugar. But Hannah loves dairy products. In her opinion, homemade milk, cottage cheese - reliable source vitamins and calcium.

Another important point in maintaining beauty – sport. The girl runs every morning, does gymnastics, and several times a week goes to the gym for an hour and a half. Gym. Hannah also loves massage, and often does it at home.

The star prefers to highlight her beauty with professional cosmetics that do not contain alcohol or dyes. For trips on tour she stocks up big amount micellar water, cleansing gel, good day and night cream.

Hannah is a prominent star in Russian show business. She is young, discussed, talented. Whether there will be more plastic surgeries, time will tell.

    Hannah is a singer who is quickly gaining popularity. There is even a show with Yegor Creed. Which is not surprising, with such a producer husband.

    The girl has been performing since childhood, mastering how music competitions, and beauty contests. In particular, Miss Chuvashia 2009. She studied at a music school. Now I got out and big stage, moved to Moscow.

    A cute, young girl, we wish her creative success.

    In fact, the name Hannah is the creative pseudonym of the singer, whose name is Anna Ivanova.

    There are few facts about her on the Internet and much is shrouded in mystery, but she is next to Timati, and he is on given time is its patron and producer.

    Previously, she dated Pasha, who is also a friend of the well-known Tim.

    Anna is a lifelong candidate for master of ballroom dancing; she previously graduated from music school.

    When she moved to Moscow, she won a competition called Miss Kemer International. And her rise began after that and in creative career and of course Timati’s great merit here. Her weight stays at fifty kilograms, but her height is a model one hundred and seventy-four.

    New details about her personal life and the work of TV presenter and singer Hannah can be found in her detailed interview on the pages of the men's magazine Maxim for November of this year. On these same pages you can look at her candid photos. However, for many readers this did not come as a big surprise, because at one time she participated in more than one beauty contest. In just less than two years, the singer gained a sumptuous bonus for Russian stage and television, which indicates the demand for Anna Ivanova (this is the singer’s real name) in the domestic show business. She is currently 24 years old and has a heart nova no longer free - she is married to her producer Pasha, in any case, such information was leaked in many of our media.

    Hannah is the pseudonym of singer Anna Ivanova.

    So far, little is known about Hannah, first of all, that she is Timati’s fiancée, and Timati is also her producer at the moment.

    Although Hannah was recently the bride of Timati Pasha’s friend, in any case She said so herself before.

    The biography of Anna Ivanova is not long, but significant in terms of achievements.

    Hannah is a candidate for master of sports in ballroom dancing, and also has a degree in music school in the city of Cheboksary.

    After moving to Moscow, the capital of show business in Russia, the future singer Hannah won the Miss Kemer International competition.

    Other information can be found at her official page In contact with.

    Hannah- popular singer, catwalk model and photo model, star social network in contact and instagram. The girl's real name is Anna Ivanova. Hannah has four video clips, each with a million views on YouTube. Now the girl is dating Timati, recording videos and songs and hosting the show Two with Greetings (replacement Nelly Ermolaeva).

    Anna Ivanova - this is the real name of the singer Hannah

    Born in January 1991.

    The girl graduated School of Music, got married pretty quickly

    She dances well, worked with Yegor Creed and Timati

    Hannah's height is 174 cm, Weight - 50 kg

    In general, the girl is no mistake. They are already talking about her. Let's see how her career goes

    Anna Ivanova or better known as the Russian singer and presenter Hanna was born in 1991, she is 25 years old. The girl is also a model, she looks after herself, and with a height of 174 centimeters, she weighs only 50 kilograms. She started her singing career several years ago, but has already worked with many celebrities.

    The real name of the singer Hannah is Anna Vladimirovna Ivanova.

    This is a young singer and TV presenter.

    The girl has been studying music (piano) and sports ballroom dancing since childhood.

    While still at school, Anna sang in an ensemble and took part in charity concerts, participated in sports ballroom dancing competitions both in Russia and in foreign competitions.

    Interestingly, Hannah is the winner of several all-Russian and international competitions.

    Hannah received an award - the All-Russian Medal of the Gifted Child of Russia, she was even included in the encyclopedia Gifted Children - the Future of Russia.

    Since 2006 he has lived in Moscow, where he performs in the team of the Aleko dance club, the most prestigious dance club in Russia.

    Anya is a truly gifted girl: she won the Miss Cinema competition.

    Singer Hannah is 25-year-old Anna Ivanova, who has taken part in more than one beauty contest. So in 2009 she became Miss Chuvashia and won the Miss Kemer International competition.

    In 2015 she married general director Black Star Inc Pasha.

    The girl's height is 174 cm, weight - 50 kg. She is beautiful and photogenic.

    Singer Hannah in the world goes by the name Anna Ivanova. Exactly this beautiful girl became Miss Chuvashia in 2009.

    The girl says about herself that she is constantly evolving. Model, actress, singer. She has a great future.

    Constantly changes images and is always different.