Cuban Roberto Kel Torres became the winner of the "New Wave" (6 photos). Biography of Roberto del Torres new wave

Roberto Kel Torres sang Serdyuchka's "Hollyanka" to us and talked about why he had no education and what the street had taught him.

Roberto, congratulations! Admit it, you had a premonition that you would win?

- To be honest, yes. Because already after the first day, when I spoke, I saw how the audience reacted to me and how the audience accepted me. I realized that I need to “finish them off to the fullest” (laughs).

What will you spend your 50 thousand euros on, have you already decided?

- Until this amount is given to me in my hands, I cannot say where I will put it. But I planned to go somewhere with my family to relax, and also to do repairs in the house.

Tell me who are your parents?

- My mother is a designer of mechanical machines, but my father, like me, was associated with music. But, alas, he died 4 months ago, and I took his death very hard ... Even my participation in this competition was in doubt.

Do you already have your own family?

— Yes, I am married and I have two kids, but I usually hide this information from people. Firstly, I don’t want the details of my intimate life to be discussed by someone else, and secondly, you yourself understand that a free male artist is much more interesting to fans than a deeply married one (laughs).

Okay, just tell me, did your family support you here in Jurmala?

- No, they stayed in Berlin, where we moved a couple of years ago from Havana, where I was born. I myself asked my wife not to come to Jurmala so that she would not be nervous again.

On the last day of the competition, you sang a song in Russian. How long have you been studying it?

— But I don’t teach him (laughs). So, I only know a few words: "yes", "of course", "I love you", for example. The song that I sang on the last day, I wrote in Spanish, and then it was translated into Russian for me, and I studied it for more than a month. By the way, I know one song in Ukrainian too (Serduchka's hit "Hulyanka" starts to sing. - Auth.).

Where does such knowledge come from? Have you been to Ukraine?

Yes, but only once. It was the city of Dnepropetrovsk. I was invited to sing at the wedding. I really liked the city, but I dream of visiting Kyiv. I heard that there is a very beautiful nature and girls.

What is your education?

- I do not have a special education, I went to the same tutor for 4 years and studied opera singing. The street taught me everything else. I confess that at school I studied very poorly, they even wanted to expel me a couple of times. And only music has always saved me (smiles).

Do you have a hobby?

Yes, I love to dance salsa. Also, I exercise every day. If I have time, I also play basketball and swim. As a child, he loved to fish, but over the years this hobby has faded.

Are there any singers you would like to duet with?

- There are a lot of them. As a child, I had a dream to sing with Ray Charles, but, alas, he died. After the "New Wave" I'm not averse to recording a duet with some Russian or Ukrainian performer. Who would you suggest?

For example, Tina Karol. What do you think?

"Fine, I'll remember that name." Now it remains to find her contacts (laughs).

Do you have any bad habits?

— I don’t smoke and, frankly, I have never drunk myself unconscious in my life (smiles). I even once wanted to get drunk and for this I emptied 4 bottles of real Cuban rum with a friend. But only if my friend was having fun, then I spent a week near the toilet (laughs). Since then, I have not experimented and drink a little bit and only on holidays.

But today will you celebrate your victory?

Well today, of course! For this, I just brought the rum that I spoke about.

What is your personal opinion, why did Ukrainian performers get such low scores all the time?

— You know, the level of participants in this competition is very high. Arkady and Olga, it seems to me, did not have enough luck and fighting acumen. But they have pleasant voices, and I wish them only success in their work.

School Anna

The participants of the "New Wave-2013" were a strong, charismatic and extremely diverse composition. But Roberto Kel Torres from the first minutes fascinated the fans of the music competition. And with his voice, and an excellent repertoire, and a bright, memorable appearance. Still would! The guest from Cuba is becoming one of the favorites in Latvian music, putting all the beginning performers into a creative knock-out.

And here's another highlight! A stately and talented southerner is married to a Russian girl. This is probably why he can speak a little great-powerful, understands Russian quite well and, when meeting in the backstage of the festival, invariably rewards with a radiant smile and clearly says: “Good evening!”, And he sang the song “My beloved” easily and completely freely, even though and with an exotic accent.

He conquered all the members of the jury and the entire auditorium with lightning speed. And on the first competitive day, even the harsh "judges" gave the guy a standing ovation!

It was a touching love story in song. Everything was here: the blue sky of his native Cuba, love for a woman, warmth of the soul and a special, touching, personal and such a unique performance. The admiring eyes of Laima Vaikule, the enthusiastic "Bravo!" Toto Cutogno is worth a lot!

In a short interview, the rising star admitted that she did not have time to enjoy her stay in Latvia and hopes that next time she will definitely be able to have a good rest in our country. The key word, of course, is "next time". I hope that such a charming vocalist will be a frequent guest with us. But for now, Roberto dreams of a good sleep and works around the clock.

But he did not pay attention to the fair sex. “I have so much work to do that I don’t have time to look back at the girls. And this is absolutely serious. But your audience is absolutely wonderful! It’s a real dream to perform on this stage and I do it with all my heart, giving the audience my heart.”

Maybe it will surprise someone, but the hot Cuban singer never ventured into the harsh Baltic Sea. He was not bribed by such a rare opportunity to swim in the icy waters of the Gulf of Riga. "Too much! It's too cold for you!"

Well, we already know this, but Roberto Kel Torres met all the expectations of the most diverse age group of fans and left the stage of the Dzintari concert hall today with the title of winner. With which I wholeheartedly congratulate him!

Born in Havana, Roberto Quel Torres is one of the best performers of romantic and dance music.

Since childhood, Roberto had a real vocation. At the age of three, he began performing in his father's plays, and from that time he was on stage.

He grew up during the most difficult period of recent decades in Cuba, when clothes were a luxury, almost unattainable, and water with sugar replaced food.

At that time, Roberto realized that a passion for music would help him earn a living.

After an initiation from the University of the Arts (ISA), he performed in several local musical groups of Hispanic origin in his youth.

At the age of 17, he began his professional career at the National Opera in Cuba, where he gained intensive classical experience and laid the foundation for his future musical development.

During his 4 years at the opera, he perfected his voice every day and performed on international tours that took him to Germany, Austria and Spain.

In 2003, he joined the Havana Night Show. It was a unique opportunity during which he increased his screenwriting experience. Traveling with shows throughout the United States and Europe, Roberto has worked with many artists and professionals such as Maestro Kenny Ortega.

Although his work has always been between pop and classical music, romantic ballads and contemporary trends, he defines himself as a freelance artist.

Roberto Quel Torres has been living in Berlin for the last ten years and during all these years he has performed all over Europe.

His talent is warmly welcomed and appreciated both at private parties, as well as in concert halls and stadiums. His performances are broadcast on various television channels in Germany, Spain, Mexico, Russia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, England, USA, etc.

Roberto Quel Torres is versatile, plays sports, loves to read, knows many languages ​​and includes singles in Spanish, English, German, Russian and Italian in his work.

The prestigious international television competition "New Wave" brought him to the Russian market.

Kel Torres is the 2013 New Wave winner. Every year, the TV competition is broadcast in all Russian-speaking countries, attracting more than 200 million viewers.

After the release of several singles "Baila", "Love at your fingertips" and "Armenia".

Diferente is an album in which he combines modern styles and musical trends of previous decades, creating a new sound. The album contains 15 new tracks, including two versions in English and two in Italian.

Roberto's radiant smile, his unique and impeccable voice are his presentation card on stage.