The concept of professional competence. Types of professional competencies. The concept of competencies and their types, and levels of development of competencies. Types of competencies in the pedagogical process. Types of competencies in education

IN currently the gap between the knowledge students receive at the institute and real knowledge and the skills required in the enterprise are still great. This is due not only to the level of education, but also to problems at enterprises. Rare HR specialist can formulate a profile professional competencies for one position or another. It is demand that creates supply; it is enterprises that must create a set of required knowledge and skills that an employee must have when entering work.

What are professional competencies? How are professional competencies developed and formed? These are the questions that are answered in this material.

Rules for developing a profile of professional competencies

Professional competencies – competencies that characterize a group of positions

Developing a profile of professional competencies is a very labor-intensive process that begins with the main groups of positions. For example, if the Company is engaged in sales, development must begin with the positions of Sales Department Managers.

There is no standard competency model. For each company, it may be radically different for similar positions.

It is possible that when compiling a competency profile, data from other companies is taken as a basis, but this must be approached thoughtfully. If, for example, we take sales department managers, then we should take into account that for the sale of complex technical products and ordinary goods and services there will be some overlap in profile, but there will also be significant differences.

An HR specialist, line managers and top managers should be involved in the development of a competency profile. It is important that everyone at their own level adheres to the creation stage and actively participates. Before you begin, you need to arm yourself with literature on this topic.

When forming a profile of professional competencies, it is important to involve department employees to reduce resistance to implementation. This does not have to be done at every stage, but the more regularly it happens, the easier the implementation phase of the new system will be.

Project plan.

A vision of the final result, how the organization can apply the result of the work in the future? Implementation deadlines. It is important to decide for what purpose the competency model is being created. IN in this case There are two options.

  • The entire system of personnel management and development will be implemented through the competency profile in the future. Assessment of the level of development, as well as the learning process, will take place through a model of professional competence.
  • Building a model is necessary for receiving large quantity personnel and is necessary to standardize selection methods.

After we have decided on the purpose of the project, we need to convince line managers of its necessity.

After this, it is necessary to determine the time for the implementation of this project. On average, it takes 2-4 months to develop a profile of professional competencies.

Creating a project team

A group leader must be identified. Think about who needs to be included additionally, who will be an expert opinion. What literature will be used?

Designing a competency model: collecting and analyzing information

At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the work of the departments. Collect all examples of standard behavior that are successful. Based on the collected data, formulate examples of standards of behavior that will bring positive results in the future.

Sources of information include employees, managers, colleagues, clients, partners, mentors, and coaches.

The following methods can be used to collect information:

  • Analysis of the department's work
  • Conducting focus groups
  • Drawing up questionnaires, conducting surveys of department employees
  • Project team brainstorming
  • Working groups with employees and managers

Defining competency model levels

At this stage, it is necessary to create a matrix of priorities, what is important, what is not. To carry out this work it is necessary to divide into several groups. Each group individually works through each item. Next, you need to get together and combine the result of the work.

It is important to remember that the model should contain a limited number of competencies and levels; the more there are, the more difficulties arise with implementation and application.

No precise recommendations, how many levels are optimal. In the competency models implemented at enterprises, there are both 3-step and models that contain 7 steps. The most commonly used is 4-speed. Next, you need to determine the values ​​for each level of development and set a standard.

An example of constructing levels of competency development.

As an example, we suggest considering the competence of a key account manager.

Competence: Service with maximum consideration of customer needs.

Definition:Desire to help and serve the client in a way that meets their needs the best way. This quality is expressed in the efforts that a person makes to understand exactly what the client expects and wants, and to provide him with a high level of service, which will become the basis for long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. A client is any person or organization that provides services (this can be an internal client, colleagues at any level, consumer partners, etc.

  • Level 1. The employee is personally responsible for the quality of service
  • Responds to customer inquiries.
  • Keeps the client informed of the progress of the project or task.
  • Personally makes sure that the client receives what he asked for.
  • Takes action necessary to resolve any problem.
  • Completely puts himself and his time at the disposal of the customer (for example, spending additional time and effort when the customer needs it)
  • Level 2. Able to identify the true needs of the client, which underlie everything else, and take the necessary actions.

Behavioral signs of this level.

  • Strive to learn more about the business and the client's needs.
  • Matches existing products or services (which can be tailored to the client's individual needs) to the client's underlying needs.
  • Anticipates what the client will need in the medium and long term.
  • Spends a lot of time communicating with the client, trying to better understand his needs.
  • Level 3. Acts from a position and in the interests of long-term mutual benefit.

Behavioral signs of this level.

  • Knows how to earn the client's trust, which will allow him to give advice or guide the client in his choice.
  • Pay more attention to building long-term relationships for the future and future profits than to today's interests.
  • Offers mutually beneficial actions to build long-term relationships with the client. Involved with the client in the decision-making process.

Formation of competency profiles for specific positions.

At this stage, the task is to check the compliance of competencies with roles. This must be done by the immediate head of the department. If everything is clear to him, then the system can be implemented. If not, it needs to be finalized together with the HR department. Below is the competency profile for the position of regional manager.

Anna Sudak

# Business nuances

Term meanings and detailed examples

American experts in the field of occupational psychology are proponents of the “personal” approach. They limit the scope of the concept of professional competence either to personal qualities or to knowledge, skills and abilities

Article navigation

  • Definition of competence
  • List of professional competencies
  • Model of professional competencies
  • Factors shaping the competency model
  • Manager Competence
  • What qualities should a sales manager have?
  • What qualities should an HR manager have?
  • What qualities should a Project Manager have?
  • Manager's competence
  • Competency assessment

In this article, we will look at the general and personal competencies needed to achieve results in business and career. Let's talk about what qualities a leader should have to get what he wants without manipulation, stress and effort.

Definition of competence

Professional competence is the skills and abilities of an employee to solve issues and problems in the subject area entrusted to him.

This concept is also used in personnel assessment and is a list of qualities of an employee, group of people or company.

Let's divide it into three conditional groups:

  1. Corporate. General knowledge necessary for all employees of the organization.
  2. Managerial. Knowledge and skills required by a group of people in leadership positions.
  3. Narrow profile. A set of qualities necessary for a specific employee (group of employees) to solve a target problem. Examples: copywriter, sales manager, layout designer, and so on.

List of professional competencies

Regardless of position and salary, a person must have three basic skills:

  • educational and cognitive. The employee is obliged to learn new things, improve theoretical and practical skills. Read specialized literature, attend training events. Typically, the company provides an appropriate base for personnel development, or turns to a professional competence center for help;
  • informational. The employee must be able to find, analyze, and process information necessary for work;
  • communicative. The employee must be able to communicate with the team and clients. Work in a team to achieve high results.

Model of professional competencies

Models of professional competence are the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform a particular job. Divided into five groups:

  • personal;
  • social;
  • organizational;
  • administrative;
  • technical.

When developing a model of professional competencies for business, you need to understand that it should be:

  • structured;
  • simple and clear;
  • adapted to the requirements of the specific company for which it is being developed.

You can create a single model for all employees, with adjustments for management positions. After all, they include the performance of administrative and management tasks to a greater extent, and functional tasks to a lesser extent.

Thanks to the presence of such a document, it will be much easier to fill vacancies in the company, since jobs will be filled by people who satisfy pre-defined and well-thought-out requirements and can increase the efficiency of the work process.

It is better to immediately delegate the task of developing professional requirements to an internal HR specialist. And take a direct part in filling management positions, select the best of the best and create a dream team for developing and scaling the business.

But if you want to control the process from start to finish, you need to understand how a particular model is created. Its development includes the following stages:

  1. Project planning. At this point, you set clear goals and outline future (desired) results. This stage can be called “Trying on” suitable knowledge, skills and abilities. Each position has its own model.
  2. Formation of a project team. To avoid falling into stereotypes and clichés, the meaning of each item on the skill scale must be justified.
  3. Analytics. At this stage, information is collected and the results of each employee’s work are analyzed.
  4. Development of model levels. The core competency and the number of levels in which it is included are identified.
  5. Formation of requirements for positions. The validity of the draft competency profile is tested.
  6. Test run analysis and error correction.
  7. Putting the corrected project into production.

Factors shaping the competency model

A huge number of factors influence the formation of a competency model, but only two of them are decisive. Let's talk about this.

Compliance with the requirements generation plan and the reliability of the facts used. The most important thing in the process is the contribution of each individual employee to the development of the company. If this is not taken into account when forming a list of professional and personal requirements, then there is no point in launching this project, since it will become just a bureaucratic useless formality.

Valuing and constantly rewarding knowledge and experience. The company must understand that if it only takes, the performance of the staff will decrease, motivation and the desire to give 100% will disappear, and this will inevitably lead to a decrease in the company’s performance. Therefore, work should not just be paid, but rewarded with additional material and non-material bonuses. The company must invest in the development and training of personnel in order to obtain results that exceed expectations.

In any case, the requirements for the project manager will differ from the requirements for the personnel involved in production. Therefore, the competency model is formed for specific circumstances.

Manager Competence

According to experts, today there are 533 competency models, but they are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. Technical. Qualities required to perform a particular job.
  2. Behavioral. Personal qualities that contribute to increasing work efficiency.

What skills and qualities should a person in this position have in order to bring the company to a fundamental level? new level development, and with it improve your career position?

Let's start with the fact that a manager is too broad a concept to define a specific competency model. Therefore, let’s try to figure out which managers are most often found in modern business and determine the optimal “package of requirements” for each of them.

What qualities should a sales manager have?

There are 10 main qualities that a specialist in this field has.

  1. Understanding of technologies for expanding the customer base. The seller must know the client’s psychology, his needs and desires.
  2. Knowledge of effective sales techniques. He knows several sales techniques and skillfully combines them depending on the situation. He doesn’t shout “buy” or push. Therefore, it always exceeds the monthly plan.
  3. Having experience. Often many companies look at previous work experience. They ask for characteristics and other evidence of skills. But they always forget about one thing: what looks great on one person can destroy the image of another. Therefore, you should not pay too much attention to this point. It’s better to give the employee a chance to prove himself by talking with a “test” client or developing an exam that will confirm the information from the resume and application form.
  4. The desire to devote oneself to the profession. In sales there are a lot of people “passing by” who go to work because they don’t have anywhere else. Of course, they don’t stay in companies for long. Personnel turnover occurs, and you, as the owner of the company, lose a lot of money on finding personnel and training them.
  5. Communication skills. A person, just by opening his mouth, captivates. It doesn’t matter who: the recruiter, you, your clients. And a real seller must be able to find mutual language with everyone. And not just speak well, but listen and hear your interlocutor.
  6. Ability to apply sales tools in practice. For example, the only tool in your company's arsenal is a discount. And, of course, the employee who sells must be able to use it in such a way as to make a profit. To calculate an understanding of the applicant's sales specifics, ask him a simple task: the client requested a discount that the company cannot provide him. How to get out of this situation by making a sale and without losing a client? A truly experienced seller who has had to work with discounts will provide you with 3 to 10 options for solving the situation, and will mark one as optimal.
  7. Ability to resolve conflicts. This skill is especially valued. Because there are few people who know how to smooth out a conflict in such a way that they will also sell the most expensive product to an angry client. Moreover, the buyer will come back again and again.
  8. Analysis of client potential. Of course, no one can immediately identify a client’s potential. But for an experienced salesperson, it is enough to hear a few remarks in order to put together a portrait of the client as close to reality as possible.
  9. Work with objections. A true seller is always on top because he knows how to sell what a person needs here and now to solve his problem or satisfy his need. Dealing with objections is the basis without which career advancement is impossible.
  10. Ability to find a common language with VIP clients. It happens that clients want too much, but all because they really don’t want anything. Just on this moment they have extra money and are looking for best options for their investments, which will bring dividends in the future: moral, mental or financial. This is where sellers usually use all their skill, since VIP clients are the backbone on which the entire business rests.

Many companies believe that anyone can be taught to sell, so they do not make special demands on candidates. But in vain. Not everyone can sell. If you don’t have the inclinations and abilities, you will simply waste effort, time and money on training, and the results are unlikely to please you.

The seller is a treasure for the company, Goldmine, bringing money. Therefore, when choosing such people, it is important to discern talent and properly motivate it to obtain maximum results.

What qualities should an HR manager have?

First, let's briefly look at what the responsibilities of an HR manager are.

  • Labor market control and wage monitoring.
  • Search, selection of personnel to meet the needs of the enterprise, creation of a personnel reserve.
  • Creation of a non-material motivation system for enterprise employees.
  • Developing a corporate culture and monitoring its compliance.
  • Personnel adaptation.
  • Training.
  • Consultations for employees.

Based on this list, the requirements for knowledge and practical skills in a particular company differ significantly, but there are general provisions(core competencies of an HR manager), which are present in all models, namely:

  • A recruiter must know, understand and understand the professional qualities that candidates for a particular position must have.
  • A recruiter must be able to communicate with people.
  • The personnel inspector must understand psychology, sociology and have an idea of ​​the influence of certain behavioral factors on the result of work.
  • A person holding the position of a recruiter must thoroughly know the legislative labor base and the subtleties of the work process.

What qualities should a Project Manager have?

Each employee has his own specific work. Project managers were no exception. What skills are people required to have in this profession?

  • Management skills. Project manager - leader. Therefore, he simply must be a leader and be able to manage processes and people.
  • Communication skills. This is also a required skill, since the project is a team effort. And in the process of launching it, you need to communicate with people: employees, customers, management.
  • Good sense of humour. Ability to be both a boss and good friend- priceless. And there’s no way in business without humor.
  • Constant learning and implementation of new knowledge. The company values ​​employees who know how to use proven project management tools. But even more are those who have knowledge in related fields.
  • Implementation of corporate culture. The project manager is one of the main links in the team, so he has to not only deal with the launch and development of projects, but also pay attention to the “climate” within the team.
  • Negotiation skills. Ability to handle facts, bargain and find compromises.
  • Thorough knowledge of corporate hierarchy and authoritarianism. The company's management is the power. Each of the superiors has authority, which has a direct influence on decision-making in a particular structural process. A project manager is a kind of link connecting senior management with performers. Therefore, it is important that this person has tolerance and is able to competently convey the opinions of one side to the other.
  • Conflict resolution. The ability to smooth out rough edges is a necessity.
  • Sales skills. Understanding target audience- the basis. Therefore, it is imperative to know it.
  • Change management. Any company is constantly undergoing some changes. This process is inevitable, so you need to come to terms with it and accept it. In this case, the manager's task is to convey these changes to employees with the least resistance and implement them as painlessly as possible.
  • Always be in trend. It is necessary to know the market, monitor it and keep abreast of new products in order to give customers the best.

Manager's competence

The leader of any level is a person with pronounced charisma and the ability to raise, “start” and lead people. He must have thorough theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as high-level professional skills. He is obliged to inspire his students to new achievements by example. What are the key features? class teacher, let's sort it out right now.

  • Knowledge and professionalism. Anyone who holds a high position should not be able to launch and configure individual processes, but understand their essence in the long term. Knowledge is important for a person in a leadership position.
  • Strength of spirit and a high level of self-organization. If the boss is weak and under the influence of his subordinates, does not know how to understand the situation and see it in all planes, he has no place in the director’s chair.
  • Knowledge of economics. A leader must know what turnover, profit, payroll, ROI, EBITDA and so on are.
  • Using analytics and market monitoring tools. To calculate the current situation and determine the future of the company. There is no way without this.
  • Planning. It is important to always have a clear action plan and several backup ones in case of force majeure.
  • Organization of the work process. This includes: setting goals, Feedback with employees, search optimal solutions and compromises, the ability to react quickly, adapt to the situation and make decisions.
  • Achieving the goal. I set a goal and achieved it with minimal energy and financial costs. This point also includes time management and self-management.
  • Management skills. A leader must inspire and motivate employees to achieve a common goal.
  • Oratorical skills. The boss must be able to speak correctly, competently convey information to people and be responsible for his words.
  • Personal qualities. A person holding a leadership position must be positive, flexible, and responsible. Develop and organize the development of employees. Be a team player and a leader at the same time.

Competency assessment

The recruiter's responsibilities include recruiting, onboarding, training and consulting employees. Now let’s talk about what methods are used to evaluate personnel coming (working) to a particular company.

  1. Certification. The description of the certification process rests on the shoulders of the manager, since it is he who decides which employees his enterprise needs for development and scaling. A special document is drawn up, which specifies the details: what theoretical knowledge a candidate for a particular position must have. What practical skills do you need to have to work in an enterprise, etc. Competency assessment in this way also includes recommendations and confirmation of professional achievements from previous places of work, and results of activities within the company. Employees who have worked at the enterprise for up to a year, pregnant women and top managers do not undergo certification.
  2. Assessment Center (assistant center). This is a department that obtains information about the personal and career achievements of each employee. Using this method, a comparative report is drawn up to show how well the staff corresponds to the company’s goals and policies. The assessment is carried out in three stages:
    Preparatory. The stage at which the assessment goals and its model for each specific employee are determined.
    Development and testing of the procedure, including the use of techniques in practice.
    Development of cases, games and exercises center assistant. Preparation of a report and feedback for those being certified.
  3. Testing. Psychological and occupational tests are used for this type of assessment.
  4. Interviewing. The interview method is a question-answer session. It is carried out in a free form to identify the applicant’s reaction to certain questions. But there are also structured interview models. The most effective is considered to be the reproduction of behavior in a stressful work situation from the previous experience of a potential employee.
  5. Expert assessment of personnel. Experts with knowledge in the field and a deep understanding of management competencies are involved in the assessment. There is an internal assessment of the employee, which consists of the opinions of the immediate management and colleagues of the person being tested. There is an external assessment, in which outside experts are involved.
  6. Business games. This is a simulation of an often complex work situation in which the employee demonstrates potential, resilience and problem-solving skills.

In each evaluation method, the following are important: simplicity, reliability of the scheme, mutual understanding and trust between all participants in the process.

As you can see, competence in a particular area is a combination of personal and professional qualities that contribute to your growth.

To get maximum results from your actions, do not stop there. Strive to be better. But do it in a balanced way so that work does not become a burden, but brings pleasure.

“Professional competence: concept and essence”

Radical changes in the socio-economic policies of developed countries necessitate changes in national education systems. Modern politics considers education to be the most important source of social development. Knowledge and education provide from 40 to 70% of the increase in national income of a developed state, therefore in modern conditions priority is given to solving problems that contribute to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of education.

John Raven writes: “Society needs new beliefs and expectations. But they cannot be developed without regard to personal value systems, and the education system, school and social, must take this into account. Those interested in developing competence have a responsibility to help people think about how organizations should function and how they actually function, and to think about their role and the role of others in society.”

In psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept"competence"became widespread relatively recently. So, in the late 1960s - early 1970s. in the west, and in the late 1980s. V Russian literature a special direction is emerging - a competency-based approach in education. At this stage of development of pedagogical science there is no precise definition concepts of “competence” and “competence”. Various scientists put forward their hypotheses on this issue. Various scientists put forward their hypotheses on this issue.

The most famous scientist in this issue is Emeritus Professor at the University of Edinburgh, Dr John Raven. He defines competence as a specific ability necessary to effectively perform a specific action in a specific subject area and includes highly specialized knowledge, a special kind of subject skills, ways of thinking, as well as an understanding of responsibility for one’s actions.

Along with the concept of “competence”, the concept of “competence” is also used, which also has a variable description in various sources. Some identify it with the concept of “competence”, others identify it as an independent structure.

For the first time, the authors of the explanatory dictionary, edited by D.I., tried to show the differences between these concepts. Ushakova: “Competence is awareness, authority; competence - a range of issues, phenomena in which this person has authority, knowledge, experience, range of authority.”

At the beginning of the new century, along with the problem of defining the concept of competence and its types, the question arose about the relationship between the concepts of “competence” and “competence”. In pedagogical science, two directions can be distinguished - synonymizing and differentiating. Representatives of the first direction (V.A. Bolotov, V.S. Lednev, M.V. Ryzhakov, V.V. Serikov, etc.) identify these concepts, focusing on the practical orientation of competencies. Proponents of the second direction (I.A. Zimnyaya, O.M. Mutovskaya, A.V. Khutorskoy, S.E. Shishov, etc.) fundamentally differentiate these concepts, positioning competence as the primary category. I.A. Zimnyaya understands competence as some internal, potential, hidden knowledge, ideas, value systems, which then manifest themselves in a person’s competence. A.V. Khutorskoy understands competence as “a social requirement (norm) for the educational preparation of a student, necessary for his high-quality productive activity in a certain field.” Competence from his point of view is “possession of the appropriate competence, the totality of the student’s personal qualities, determined by the experience of his activities in a certain socially and personally significant area.” Thus, the author considers competence as a set of interrelated personal qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities, value and semantic orientations) and the readiness to use them in certain activities. A.V. Khutorskoy focuses on the activity basis of competence. Along with A.V. Khutorskoy, competence, considered by A.G. Bermus, G.K. Selevko, O.M. Mutovkina, S.E. Shishov and others. From the perspective of these scientists, competence is not just a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and personal qualities, but the ability to use them in a specific situation. It is “a measure of a person’s ability to engage in activity.”

Most researchers adhere to the point of view that competence is the ability not just to have knowledge, but rather to potentially be ready to solve problems with knowledge of the matter.

Therefore, we can conclude that competence is a parameter social role, which in personal terms manifests itself as competence, the correspondence of a person to the place he occupies, “time”; is the ability to carry out activities in accordance with social requirements and expectations. Competence can be seen as the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, or, more in a broad sense, as the ability to find, discover a procedure (knowledge, action) suitable for solving a problem.

One of the aspects of preparing a highly qualified teacher is the formation of professional competencies. Professional competence is the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems.

In modern practice, the term “professional competence” most often defines an employee’s ability to perform tasks in accordance with given standards. In approaches to understanding professional competencies, two main directions of interpretation of the concept of competence can be distinguished:

A person's ability to act in accordance with standards;

Personal characteristics that allow her to achieve results at work.

Let us dwell in more detail on the professional competencies of the future teacher. In accordance with the requirements of the 3rd generation Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, the following professional competencies are identified that a university graduate must have:

General professional:

realizes social significance his future profession, has motivation to implement professional activity;

is able to use systematized theoretical and practical knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems;

masters the basics of professional speech culture;

is able to bear responsibility for the results of his professional activities;

owns one of foreign languages at the level of professional communication;

capable of preparing and editing texts of professional and socially significant content;

In the field of pedagogical activity:

capable of implementing learning programs basic and elective courses in various educational institutions;

ready to apply modern techniques and technologies, including information technologies, to ensure the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution;

capable of applying modern methods diagnosing the achievements of students and pupils, providing pedagogical support for the processes of socialization and professional self-determination of students, preparing them for a conscious choice of profession;

able to take advantage of opportunities educational environment, including information, to ensure the quality of the educational process;

ready to engage in interaction with parents, colleagues, social partners interested in ensuring the quality of the educational process;

is able to organize cooperation between students and pupils;

ready to ensure the protection of life and health of students in the educational process and extracurricular activities;

in the field of cultural and educational activities:

is able to develop and implement cultural and educational programs for various categories population, including using modern information and communication technologies;

is able to professionally interact with participants in cultural and educational activities;

capable of using domestic and foreign experience in organizing cultural and educational activities;

is able to identify and use the opportunities of the regional cultural educational environment to organize cultural and educational activities.

The formation of professional competencies of teachers is the result of the skillful application of different teaching methods in combination with a specific situation, values, abilities and knowledge, carried out in the process of teaching them subject training disciplines at a university.

The processes of modernization of Russian education and its integration into the global educational space are determined by increased requirements for the professional training of teachers secondary school who must not only have knowledge and skills in certain areas of pedagogy, but also have highly developed competencies in the field of the subject being taught, i.e. professional competencies.

Branch of NOU SPO

"Stavropol Cooperative College of Economics, Commerce and Law"

in Budennovsk

Methodological report

on the topic of:


Prepared by:

teacher c/c

"Accounting and economic disciplines"

Pogorelova E.V.

2015-2016 academic year

Currently, the priority direction in education is the competency-based approach. The main objective of the competency-based approach is to prepare a competitive graduate who can easily adapt to modern society. The implementation of the competency-based approach in secondary vocational education is carried out within the framework of the federal state educational standard, which is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs in specialties.

Requirements for the results of mastering a professional educational program include general and professional competencies. By general competencies of students, we mean a person’s ability to establish connections between knowledge and the real situation, to adopt the right educational direction and to develop an algorithm of actions for its implementation in conditions of uncertainty. These competencies are the basis for other, more specific and subject-oriented components. General competencies act as quantitative and qualitative equivalents for assessing educational outcomes with a focus on modern requirements to the quality of graduate preparation.

In the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard, the formation of general competencies has its own specifics. The first feature is that the formation of professional competencies is standardized by the Federal State Educational Standard through educational disciplines, professional modules, and approaches to the formation of general competencies do not have clear guidelines. The second feature is that an unambiguous decision is made about the development of professional competencies after mastering the professional module program, and the development of general competencies can be assessed only after mastering the entire main professional educational program. The third feature is that at the stages of mastering the OPOP, the maturity of aspects of general competencies should be assessed in accordance with the requirements for the level of activity of students in the process of developing each competency.

Analysis of the definition and content of general competencies allows us to identify their essential features:

– are not limited to knowledge, skills and even experience practical activities, are integrative in nature;

- consist of various aspects, indicators;

– are formed and manifested only in conditions of conscious and active activity of the subject;

– carry a relational component (conscious and active work cannot be carried out without a semantic, value-based, emotional attitude);

– universal in relation to objects of influence;

– long-term in terms of formation time;

– develop starting from the initial level, i.e. have a level character;

– are determined by describing a specific activity (operation) that a student performs, demonstrating one or another level of development of general competence.

Thus, the formation of general competencies of students is a process of personality formation during the implementation of an educational program. To successfully develop general competencies in a technical school branch, it is necessary to create a number of conditions and teach students:

– organize your own activities from the first lessons;

– use regulatory documents that contain requirements for the performance of professional work; in particular, in any specialty acquired, it is necessary to acquaint students with job description And qualification directory, which will form their idea of ​​the specialty they will receive;

– apply information and communication technologies to present processed information;

– competently use Internet resources, information sources from the first days of training at a technical school branch, etc.

In the process of mastering a specialty, the formation of professional competencies is given paramount importance. The goal of any training is for students to acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

The goal of vocational training is to master professional skills and abilities, as well as knowledge that contributes to solving professional problems. Let's consider the concept of “professional competence”, defined by several authors.

SOUTH. Tatur reveals professional competence as the ability to act on the basis of skills, knowledge and practical experience in solving problems of professional activity. A competent person knows not only how to do it (skill), but also why it is necessary to do it that way, and is able to make a choice from the arsenal of his skills that best meet the conditions of a given situation. That is, skills are an integral part of competence, its materialized essence.

Competence is a set of skills multiplied by a person’s moral and volitional qualities, his motivation and desire.

V.D. Simonenko defines the understanding of professional competence as an integral characteristic of the business and personal qualities of specialists, reflecting the level of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience sufficient to carry out a certain type of activity that is related to decision making.

Describing the specialist’s readiness to carry out professional activities, A.N. Sergeev sees professional competence as a combination of key, basic and special competence. The components of core competencies are common, and they are necessary for any professional activity related to individual success in a rapidly changing world. Key competence is a system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities based on experience, independent activity and personal responsibility. Basic competence reflects the specifics of a certain professional activity. In the professional community, basic competence is defined as a mandatory requirement for employees, established by senior managers and employers. Basic competence includes functional competence ( necessary requirements to the position); role competence (a requirement for work behavior), as well as self-motivation, self-realization, and career development. Special competence reflects the specifics of a specific subject area of ​​professional activity, implements basic and key competencies in the field of an academic subject. Specific competence reflects the specific skills and knowledge required to perform job responsibilities. Their receipt is confirmed by official documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.). Consequently, professional competence can be defined as an ability that is expressed not only in the manifestation of skills and knowledge, but also in solving professional problems at the required level of quality, the ability to organize one’s own activities, the manifestation of personal qualities and forms of behavior in everyday life. professional life. Thus, the implementation of the competency-based approach in modern conditions is carried out taking into account the requirements of employers who see professional competence in three aspects: key, basic and special.

Educational activities are carried out through the use of various means and teaching methods. For example, in my lessons I use various educational tasks, which in turn perform various functions:

– Educational tasks of a reproductive nature are aimed at developing the skills to perform any operation; In order to improve their skills, students are given tasks that they complete in class. For example, in lessons on the discipline “Taxes and Taxation,” students are asked to make calculations for specific taxes using the current articles of the Tax Code.

– I use competency-oriented learning tasks at the stage of developing competencies. Characteristic feature such tasks is the activation of independent educational activities students, which promotes deeper understanding educational material. In the lessons of the discipline “Taxes and Taxation”, students, using previously made calculations, independently fill out tax returns for specific taxes. Students are also invited to independently study taxes and fees that are not included in the training program for the discipline “Taxes and Taxation.” Students present independently studied material in the final lessons in the form of presentations.

– Integrated learning tasks are used to develop competencies. A mandatory component of such tasks is interdisciplinary or intra-subject integration, which contributes to the development of systemic thinking, cognitive activity, and the establishment of qualitatively new connections between facts and concepts. The implementation of integrated educational tasks is carried out through different kinds activity, which also allows one to develop the ability to carry out activities in which knowledge becomes not the goal of learning, but its means. They are learned in order to use them to perform actions, act, carry out activities, and not so that they are simply remembered and serve only to increase erudition. For example, using the knowledge gained from studying MDK . 02. 01. “Practical basics accounting sources of formation of the organization's property" of the professional module "Maintaining accounting records of sources of property formation, performing work on inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization" students solve problems on taxes. A striking example is the use of knowledge acquired while studying the topic “Types, procedure and accounting of deductions from employees’ wages provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation” when solving problems on personal income tax.

These are the areas that are proposed to be relied upon in the process of implementing third generation standards as part of the formation of general and professional competencies.

To implement a competency-based approach in secondary vocational educational institution it is necessary to create a number of conditions:

– competence is manifested in activity, therefore, it is necessary to create such activity within the framework of the educational process;

– from the first lessons, teach students to organize their own activities, navigate regulatory documents that contain requirements for performing professional work, teach them to present information using various information and communication technologies, etc.;

– when mastering the professional module and the main professional educational program, use interdisciplinary integration, which will allow the student to perceive professional skills and knowledge holistically.


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The development of professional competencies is a continuous process that helps maintain a high level of staff professionalism. Find out which methods and models are considered the most effective and efficient.

From the article you will learn:

Development is based on improving the employee’s personal abilities. Competence refers to professional qualities that help solve a certain range of tasks assigned to personnel. The body of knowledge and experience is the basis of competence.

The level of development of professional competencies depends on the semantic scope of the concept:

models professional behavior, abilities, skills without a specific level covers the entire range of work with simple standards. The list of behavioral indicators for all types of professional qualities includes the main functional roles of all employees without exception;

What personnel assessment methods should be used to determine the required level of development of professional competencies?

To be successful when working in a particular organization, an employee possesses a number of competency models. A systematic assessment of methods for developing professional competencies is carried out taking into account the main indicators. Corporate competencies are required for all working personnel. Managerial ones will be required by company leaders. Specific competencies are based on the performance of a highly specialized function.

Marina Veselovskaya,
manager for succession planning and personnel development at Efes Rus in Russia

Why is the development of professional competencies of personnel an urgent need for the company? How to develop professional competencies among employees after 45?

In conditions rapid development technologies and market volatility, businesses need to respond quickly and effectively to what is happening. The high level of professional competence of employees comes to the fore in this situation, therefore the development of competencies in Efes Rus is one of the strategic goals of the company.

Taking into account the developed model, the most effective method assessment center assessments. Competency-based interviews are often used in practice. When assessing candidates for a position, a recruiter often takes into account only the ability zone and pays little attention to needs.

As a result, an applicant who is professionally trained and has the required level of knowledge, skills and experience is accepted for a vacant position. But already at initial stage adaptation, it becomes obvious that the employee is not satisfied with the position received, works sluggishly and shows signs of apathy. What is the reason? The fact that personal needs and expectations were not taken into account. Psychologically, the employee is not ready for the assigned duties.

When assessing a candidate, it is worth considering his needs

Methodology for developing professional competence

It must be taken into account that at the initial stage it is important to correctly select personnel. And only at subsequent stages of management consider which methods will be the most effective. If some employees only need training or a seminar, for others it is rational to use classical methods based on studying theory and undergoing practice.

What is the model for developing professional competencies based on?

The model is based on the creation of a set of relevant competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful performance of professional activities of personnel. In the main methods, such factors are described as indicators of behavior.

The development of methods for developing professional competence is carried out in several stages:

at the preparatory stage they plan the project, set goals and objectives, create a team to collect and subsequently analyze information;

on the next one they work on the model necessary skills and skills, choose performance criteria, make criterion sampling, analysis techniques, collect information, check the validity of the project itself;

The next stage is to put the model into operation.

Development methods include:

  • obtaining behavioral examples through interviews, employees are asked to focus on critical situations, talk about how they coped with the tasks, what skills were required in the process of performing work under stress;
  • while working with a group of experts, discuss the personal characteristics of each working employee;
  • information is added to the competency library statistical analysis, develop and launch the competencies necessary in the conditions of modern production process;
  • using the repertory grid method, they determine the level of competence of highly professional specialists working in the company;
  • using the analysis of work tasks, they determine the specification of the assigned tasks and establish the level of cognitive skills;
  • on final stage Direct observation is carried out with written recording of the main indicators of behavior.