Entering a university after the army and technical school. Are there additional benefits when entering a university after military service?

In general, admission after service is not much different from the standard admission procedure. The admission process takes place either based on the results of the Unified State Exam or based on the results of the university’s internal exam. A big plus was the decision of the Ministry of Education on the validity of the Unified State Examination results for two years. Thus, a student who has passed the Unified State Exam and joined the army can use his certificate within a year after leaving service.

Often, the knowledge acquired at school is forgotten during military service, so soldier applicants prefer to take three to six month preparatory courses for entering a university. If the unit commander is loyal, training can begin while still in service.

Benefits when entering a university after the army

Benefits for entering a university for those who have served in the army are prescribed only in Federal legislation, and even then it is very vague. In particular, the law states that, other things being equal, former soldier has an advantage. In practice, this means that out of two applicants who received an equal number of points, the university must accept the one who has served. There is another provision according to which a university must enroll a student on preferential terms if there is a petition from the military commissar. Not only the students themselves, but even many universities are unaware of this opportunity. Those universities that are familiar with the law prefer not to comply with it, considering such a petition to be a departmental matter and not mandatory for execution in non-military educational institutions.

If a person already has an incomplete or complete higher education from a military university, then he can enter a university after service without passing entrance exams.

Serve in the army before or after university?

Each young person decides this issue at his own discretion, and there is no general recipe here. In 2011, the state accommodated school graduates who had reached conscription age and gave a short-term deferment while they entered university. Now 18-year-old applicants will be able to freely try to enter higher education educational institution in the current academic year.

However, not all schoolchildren want to take advantage of the deferment and prefer to be included in the spring draft, so that already in next year catch the university entrance ceremony. This decision has its own logic: it is no longer possible to blackmail such a student with expulsion and further transition to the “soldier” category. And getting a job right after university seems easier than after serving in the army.

There is a category of applicants who, by any means, want to become students, and preferably in an accredited university with the right to defer from the army. And then we’ll have to solve the problem with conscription: either do alternative service, or get a rank at the military department of the university, or simply “cut it off.” There are many ways, many of them are not entirely legal, and we will not touch on them in this article.

Only a small part of students go to serve in the army after graduating from university. It must be said that their decision is not without meaning. Young people with higher education are rarely considered to be ordinary soldiers. Most often, they are sent to knowledge-intensive branches of defense: missile forces, air defense, etc. As a rule, the conditions are better there, there are no problems with hazing, and there is a chance to do work close to the specialty they received.

The day before yesterday you were a schoolboy, yesterday a soldier, and tomorrow a student? Alas, in reality it is not so simple. Chances to get student ID on an equal basis with others for a 19-20 year old who has served in the army or navy young man not much.

The state, which managed to convince him to go to serve, turned a blind eye to the fact that in a year away from home and textbooks, the young man simply forgets much of what he was taught. And in entrance exams, he often becomes uncompetitive for “freshly minted” high school graduates.

And no one has long heard the “bitter” joke that wanders around the forums and is addressed to those eager to learn: “Dear former military personnel, welcome to our fence-building institute!” As well as nods towards other states that provide their military personnel with country-guaranteed benefits.

For example, in Israel, when entering a university, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a young man or a girl, they will immediately ask: have they served? And in fact, it is the “demobilization” who enjoys an advantage during enrollment.

After serving in the Israeli army, its “graduate” always receives a check from the state for 17 thousand shekels (about $4,250). They are allowed to be used either to purchase housing or to pay for a year’s tuition at the university.

The law was given, but what does it give?

The Federation Council even adopted a special law, by which deputies tried to solve the problem of the entry of recent paratroopers and tank crews into universities and academies. In particular, it states, although rather evasively, that if the scores on the admission exams are equal, those who have served in the army have an advantage over an ordinary applicant. But this provision is not mandatory and is not subject to control or verification.

As, by the way, is another provision that seems to be also written down in the law. According to it, the basis for benefits may be a recommendation from the military commissar. However, it was not only he himself who usually did not hear that the military commissar has the right to give it. Privates and sergeants who were transferred to the reserve do not know about this, and even admissions committees. Or they pretend that they don’t know.

A certain benefit for applicants who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be considered permission to use the results of their own Unified State Exam the year before last when applying. But only once.

To the university - through courses

Entering university, according to psychologists, is always a huge stress. Although, perhaps, a little smaller than for a recent schoolchild herself. Preparatory three- or six-month courses can help you adapt a little before the entrance exams. A good option, although not very realistic, is to start preparing for entry into the army. But here a lot depends on the soldier’s place of service and the loyalty of his commanders.

Without removing the shoulder straps

The only category of Russian universities where yesterday's and even today's army men are always welcome are the military. In order to become a cadet at a military school or institute, it is enough to receive a direction and characteristics from the command of the unit, go through a 25-day training camp and pass exams with at least a “C”.

Another thing is that during the training camp, future officers will also undergo a very serious check of their health, physical fitness and psychological state. And numerous tests are added to the exams.

In 2019, when applying to universities, you need to take into account the new admission rules, and guys need to learn more about entering a university after the army. The new conditions presuppose the admission of conscripts to the preparatory department or to a previously chosen specialty. The main requirement is that the choice be made within the quota allocated by the state.

Changes in legislation are aimed at increasing the prestige of the army. But the decision to provide benefits to the soldier will be made directly at the educational institution of his choice. The soldier's preferential right is not the only benefit. Current legislation determines the conditions for implementation various forms his right to higher education. A soldier is allowed to write a statement directly at his military unit.

Preferential conditions for applicants after the army

To enroll, a conscript soldier will need to pass the Unified State Exam and submit an application to the chosen university. Unified State Exam results valid for 2 years. Therefore, school graduates should take the Unified State Exam after receiving a certificate, since the results are used for admission to the country’s university after military service.

Note! Previously, entering an educational institution after the army was easier for a conscript soldier who served during preparatory courses. Since 2014, benefits can be provided within the state quota.

The allocation of quotas should be carried out in all higher educational institutions of the country, but most of them are in military universities.

The quota involves providing a place to a conscript soldier if he scores the same number of points as an applicant without benefits. The quota size is 5% of the total number of budget places.

Features of entering a conscript soldier

It is a proven fact that soldiers are not always welcome guests in the country's universities. The main problem is the lack of sufficient knowledge, which is due to forgetting the school curriculum during service.

A conscript soldier has the right to apply for study at several universities at once, but benefits will apply to one of them. Admission to other universities occurs on the same basis as other applicants. At the same time, benefits for conscripts are provided for enrollment at the university and during the preparation period. In accordance with the conditions for providing benefits for receiving

budget place

Note! Using the results of your own Unified State Exam, which was taken the year before, is also a benefit. They can only be used once for admission to the university.

To receive benefits for providing a budget-funded place, a conscript soldier must collect a package of documents, the list of which is determined by the university of his choice. You should also prepare and attach to them:

  • military ID;
  • recommendations received from a military unit or military registration and enlistment office.

Conscripts who served in the army and submitted documents to the preparatory department of the university received the right to receive a budget-funded place.

This condition is determined by current legislation. Conscripts and contract soldiers have the right to use it if their service experience exceeds 3 years and recommendations have been received. To make entering a university after the army easier, it is advisable for a conscript soldier to take preparatory courses at the chosen educational institution. This will allow you to remember school curriculum

and get a better chance of getting a budget place. The duration of the courses may vary: 3-6 months. Also, much will depend on where the military unit is located and the possibility of obtaining permission from the commander. The easiest way for conscript soldiers is to enroll in a military university.

For admission, you will need a reference and referral received from the commander of the military unit in which you served. It will also be a prerequisite to attend training camps (25 days) and pass exams. It is acceptable to receive a mark of “3”.

Do not forget that benefits for admission after military service are provided to all conscript soldiers. Only the most persistent and purposeful of them will receive a diploma. Don't just rely on benefits! Thorough preparation is a chance to get a higher education for free. If you have paid your debt to the Motherland, it’s time to think about higher education

. We will tell you how to change your military ID to a record book and what bonuses you can count on.

Admission procedure You have the right to submit documents to 5 universities at once, for 3 directions in each. To enter, you need to pass the Unified State Exam and pass internal tests

at the educational institution, if necessary.

All current information about admission is presented on the official websites of universities, as well as in the admissions office.

What benefits exist after the army and how to get them

Of course, the army will not open doors to everything, but you can still count on some bonuses. You'll get:

  • The right to take preparatory courses at the university free of charge. If you are not confident in your abilities, this a great opportunity improve knowledge. After completing such courses, your chances of admission increase significantly. A prerequisite is the presence of completed secondary education.
  • Advantage for enrollment, if you and another applicant score the same number of points .

Applicants who have served under conscription or contract can take advantage of such benefits.

In addition to the main package of documents, you must provide:

  • military ID;
  • letter of recommendation from the head of the military unit in which you served.

It is best to get a recommendation in advance. To do this, a month before your transfer to the reserve, contact your immediate superior (company commander). If a positive decision is made, he requests a recommendation from the unit commander. Make sure that the document bears his signature and the seal of the military unit.

A recommendation can also be obtained after dismissal. It must be issued upon your written application, which must be considered within a month. The issuance of the document is recorded in the military ID, in the “Special Notes” section. The entry is also certified by a signature and seal.

  • presence of unfilmed disciplinary action;
  • bringing to administrative or criminal liability during service;
  • expulsion from a previous university due to violation of discipline and academic failure.

If refused, you must be given a written response explaining the reasons.

Special rights upon admission for those who have served in the army

Only applicants who have received during military service disability, severe injuries and illnesses. They have the right to priority admission to the budget, subject to successful completion of internal tests. You can take advantage of this benefit only at one university, in only one direction. To provide it, you need to obtain a certificate of disability or a conclusion from a medical commission.

Features of admission to a military university

If you decide to link your future fate with the army, you can count on special benefits when entering a military university.

These include:

  • non-competitive admission;
  • advantage for admission with equal results with applicants who have not completed military service.

The university itself sets the procedure for distributing benefits. Prerequisites To receive them, you must have a recommendation from the commander of a military unit and successfully pass a professional selection process.

You have the right to apply to a military university directly from service(fixed-term or contract). To do this, you need to submit a report addressed to the head of the military unit, in which you need to indicate detailed information about yourself and your chosen university. The following must be attached to the report:

  • copies of birth certificate and identity document;
  • a copy of a school or college certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of service;
  • service card;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and others medical documents;
  • 3 photos 4.5 x 6 cm without headdress;
  • copies of documents confirming benefits and individual achievements.

If a positive decision is made, the unit commander himself sends the documents to the university. For applicants from among the military personnel, the educational institution conducts 25-day training camps, where they prepare for professional selection.

If you are applying after leaving the service, you must submit documents yourself to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. A letter of recommendation from the commander of the military unit must be attached to the application and the main package of documents.

After passing the preliminary selection at the military registration and enlistment office or military unit, you are admitted to professional selection at the university. It includes:

  • definition general condition health;
  • study of socio-psychological state;
  • internal tests, which consist of assessing the level of general education (USE), passing sports standards and creative exams (in some specialties).

If you successfully pass the professional selection process, you can count on priority admission to the university.

If you were expelled from the university due to for no valid reason, the army does not provide benefits

You can not only repay your debt to the Motherland, but also get something in return. You will receive the most benefits if you enroll in a military university. However, for several years now, discussions have been underway to ensure that all universities allocate a special quota for admission to the budget for those who have served in the army.