When is the student card valid? Freebies for students: what discounts and benefits are available to students

Many students receive their education away from their home. To see your family, you have to travel quite a distance, so discounts on train tickets are especially in demand. However, such financial support is provided only during the academic year. Let's look at how much students and schoolchildren can buy a train ticket for, as well as what is needed to receive the benefit.

Is there a discount for students on train tickets?

Students of Russian universities can buy a train ticket with a 25% discount. They can also take advantage of discounts on public rail travel in suburban services. A train ticket for full-time students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education will cost half price - 50% of the current tariff in the period from September 1 to June 15.

Students can buy a train ticket for an electric train with a 50% discount, and for long-distance trains running across Russia - with a 25% discount.

Russian Railways: discounts for students in 2018 under the bonus program

Full-time undergraduate and graduate students at universities across the country can take advantage of the loyalty program and purchase a train ticket using a simplified scheme. A discount on train tickets is provided to students for travel in compartment cars of long-distance trains of JSC FPC.

University students aged 16 to 25 can take advantage of a 25% discount. To apply for a benefit, you must send a request for assignment of the “Student” status and a scanned copy of a certificate on the letterhead of the educational institution confirming the fact of study. The request is sent through the feedback form in your personal account on the website of the Russian Railways Bonus program - there is now no need to contact the trade union committee of the university. However, the carrier has the right to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

A ticket with a student discount can only be issued in the name of the bonus card owner.

Are there discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets?

Yes, schoolchildren and students of general education institutions in Russia are provided with a 50% discount on train tickets. It is provided to children from 10 to 18 years of age for travel in general and reserved seat carriages, as well as in carriages with seats on fast and long-distance passenger trains in domestic traffic and commuter trains.

When traveling in general, reserved seat carriages and carriages with seats on branded fast and branded passenger trains, 50% of the fare on a regular fast or passenger train and the difference between the cost of travel on a branded fast or branded passenger train and the cost of travel on a regular fast or passenger train are paid. train.

The period for providing benefits to schoolchildren is from January 1 to May 31, from September 1 to December 31. In summer, the full cost of the ticket is paid.

You can buy an electronic ticket at a reduced rate on the website for a child whose age does not exceed 18 years at the time of train departure. For passengers over 18 years of age, travel documents are issued at the ticket office. Special fares are also provided for travel by organized groups of schoolchildren.

To buy a train ticket at a discount, you need a certificate from an educational institution. If it is absent, you will not be allowed to board the train. Discounts for schoolchildren on train tickets are not provided for travel on high-speed and high-speed trains numbered 701-788.

A certificate from a full-time student or pupil must be presented when boarding the train - the ticket can be purchased without it.

I have collected for you all the most interesting places to visit in Moscow, so that every day is bright and memorable! At the end there is a nice bonus for those who finished reading!

1) Quests
A great way to spend time with friends while immersing yourself in a fascinating story. You will find yourself locked in a room, from which you can only leave after solving all the problems.My Univer gives you the opportunity to play the best Claustrophobia quests completely free of charge! More details:vk.com/wall-57680131_11900

2) Cinemas
This is especially true in cold autumn and winter. Moreover, students can go to the cinema with big discounts. A complete list of cinemas can be found here:vk.com/wall-57680131_2767

3) Gorky Park
Here you can find entertainment for every taste: walks, cinema, food, the Garage art center, master classes in drawing, dancing and much more. But you have to be prepared that in such an interesting place there will be quite a few others who want to have fun.

4) Design Factory Bottle
This is the territory of art and inspiration. A variety of exhibitions, lectures and master classes are constantly held here.

5) Red October
A huge space on the territory of a former confectionery factory has become one of the brightest and most popular in the capital. Here you will find many interesting cafes and bars, unusual shops and exhibition halls.

6) Boulevard Ring
In good weather, you can go to any of the boulevards in the center of Moscow. Moreover, now almost everywhere you can rent a bicycle and ride around the entire ring.

7) Strelka Institute
This is a place for those who always want to learn something new and dream of listening to international experts in the fields of architecture, design and media. Many lectures are free.

8) Bunker-42
This is a secret bunker during the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. Here you can go on an excursion or order an entire staged game.

9) Planetarium
The stars are romance. At the Moscow Planetarium you can visit different museum halls and watch films about the stars and the universe. Students get a 10% discount on tickets and on their birthday they can be purchased with a 20% discount.

10) Kolomenskoye
This is an amazing park near the center of Moscow. Its main advantage is its stunning nature. Taking a walk to the center of the park, you can feel like you are far away from the city.

11) Anticafe
There are many cafes in Moscow where you can have fun playing consoles or board games, reading or just chatting. In such places, you don’t have to pay for food or services, but simply for the time spent.

12) Theaters
Sometimes you want to experience beauty. As long as you have a student ID, you can do this almost for free. List of theaters with discounts for students:vk.com/wall-57680131_2664

13) Kuskovo
The 18th century estate, which belonged to the Sheremetev counts, is one of the few estates preserved as close as possible to its original appearance.

14) Museums
Students can get to the most interesting museums in Moscow completely free of charge, and this is worth taking advantage of! Explore options here:vk.com/wall-57680131_6147

15) Water parks
Special visiting conditions apply to the following water parks: “Caribia”, “Fantasy” and “Moreon”. Especially good prices at “Fantasy” - 500 rubles for the whole day! And in the Kva-Kva park you can get to a night disco at a discount.

16) Bowling
You can relax and bowl at a discount in such bowling clubs as “Roll Hall”, “Turtle” entertainment complex, “Pharaoh” club, “Cosmos” and “Samokat” bowling alleys. Some clubs will require you to purchase a discount card, but it will pay off.

17) Walking tours
Do you want to learn not only from textbooks, but also to feel the history and atmosphere? Go to the site

In 2018, for the third year in a row, the Russian Railways company provides a year-round discount of 50% for schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years old (for younger children the discount is 65%). In addition to the fact that such a discount is valid for teenagers during the school year, starting from 2016, they are also entitled to it in the summer. What about students? Is there such a benefit for them? Let's find out whether there is a discount on long-distance train tickets for students in 2018, what opportunities to save on train travel exist for students of secondary and higher educational institutions in Russia.

Does Russian Railways provide a discount for students on train tickets in 2018?

When talking about discounts for students, we will keep in mind that we are talking specifically about those students who are over 17 years old. Students of secondary educational institutions in their first years may be younger than this age, and then they will enjoy the discounts that teenagers are entitled to. The discounts for schoolchildren that we are talking about are called so conventionally; in fact, it does not matter where the child studies, the discount is provided to him only based on his age.

As for the majority of students who are over 17 years old, then, alas, there is nothing to please them with - Russian Railways does not provide any special discounts for them in its tariff plans for long-distance trains. Students buy train tickets on a general basis.

However, although there are no special discounts for students in Russian Railways, this does not mean that students do not have the opportunity to save on travel.

Standard train fares in Russia offer some savings opportunities, and almost all of them are suitable for students. Let's consider what is suitable for young passengers and how they can save in 2018 when planning a trip by rail.

How can a student save on buying a train ticket in 2018?

A good opportunity to save money is to use the so-called dynamic pricing RUSSIAN RAILWAYS. The essence of the system is that the cost of tickets is determined by a special computer program, which in real time analyzes many factors influencing the cost of a ticket. If on the website of Russian Railways or partner companies there is a special mark “DC” for a particular train, this indicates that such a system is used.

You can save money using such a system by buying tickets for not very convenient train departure or arrival times. unpopular day of the week or season, etc. If a similar system is in place for the train the student needs, it makes sense to analyze different options in order to choose the cheapest one. But it is not recommended to waste time - in most cases, tickets will become more expensive closer to the departure date.

Another great opportunity to save money is the promotions section on the Russian Railways website.

The Russian Railways Internet portal contains a special page that lists current stock for train tickets. As a rule, promotions apply to trains that depart in the coming days and that are not yet full enough. In some cases, you can find tickets there for 200-300 rubles. For example, at the time of writing, there is a promotion for trains Moscow-Tula and back with tickets for 299 rubles, as well as Moscow-Vladimir with tickets for 200 rubles.

Russian Railways also had a promotion in its arsenal “Happy Tuesday”, when weekly tickets for some trains could be purchased at very low fares. At the moment, the promotion is frozen, but it may be resumed, so it makes sense to visit to find out whether it is still frozen or the promotion has been resumed.

Finally, for short one-day trips to popular destinations (for example, Moscow - St. Petersburg, Moscow - Kazan, etc.) Russian Railways has a promotion “It’s cheaper without a hotel”, the essence of which is that you can buy a ticket for two consecutive night trains. In the morning you arrive in the city on business or to walk around the city, and in the evening you go back. Thus, the journey takes place at night, and during the day one of the country’s major cities is at your complete disposal.

Let us remind you that all the listed promotions are valid for any passenger, and not just for students. Russian Railways does not offer special promotions or discounts for students on long-distance trains in 2018.

Starting from this academic year, the basic scholarship amount for students at Russian universities has increased slightly. On average, according to representatives of the Russian Students' Union, 1200–3000 rubles per month. Obviously, it is impossible to live on that kind of money, but a student can get a lot of discounts - on transport, travel, going to the cinema and theater. AiF.ru found out where a student card can help you save a lot of money.


During the academic year, a student can buy at half price an upper berth in a compartment on a long-distance train within Russia. The rule applies to full-time students of universities, as well as students of primary and secondary vocational education institutions with Russian citizenship. You must confirm your right to the benefit with a student ID or student certificate and a document confirming citizenship.

Urban transport

In every city in Russia, travel costs are different, but for students it is always cheaper. For example, in Moscow, a student needs to apply for a social student card. With it, a monthly subscription for travel to Moscow will cost 350 rubles, which is very profitable considering the usual cost of one trip is 28 rubles and the price for an unlimited monthly subscription for an ordinary buyer is 1,710 rubles.

In addition, in the capital, students of public and commercial universities (with state accreditation) can apply for a visa, through which they can receive discounts not only on travel, but also in some stores.


All university students, regardless of the form of study, have the right to free visits to state museums and libraries. However, many museums violate this rule by setting “preferential” prices for students. You can, of course, cut it out and carry it with you. 16 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education,” where this rule is spelled out, or start complaining to the prosecutor’s office.

Many cinemas are willing to give discounts to students. It operates, as a rule, only on certain days and during the daytime. But the discount is quite large. This is often 50% of the regular price.

Discount tickets are often sold to students by theaters, exhibition halls, clubs, etc. For full-time full-time students, for example, free entry to the Moscow Zoo is provided.


According to Chairman of the Russian Trade Union of Students Alexey Kazak, a student can receive a free or heavily discounted ticket to a sanatorium or holiday home. “Universities buy such vouchers to improve the health of their students,” he says. It is better to find out how you can relax at the expense of the educational institution in the student union.

Some insurance companies are ready to sell voluntary health insurance policies to students at a discount. Moreover, the company’s website may not have information about discounts - you can negotiate directly with the agent. The discount is offered around 10%.


It is not only Russian students who have to live in austerity mode and at the same time surrounded by many temptations. Therefore, in all countries there are various discounts and benefits for them. To enjoy benefits around the world, you need to apply for an international student ISIC certificate(International Student Identity Card). It is also a discount card with which you can get about 20 thousand discounts and benefits around the world.

Discounts from 5% to 100% can be obtained in hotels, on air and train tickets, public transport, in museums, theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, cafes, etc.

If previously discounts on the card could only be obtained abroad, now Russian commerce is also beginning to get involved. For now, discounts on cards can be obtained mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Moreover, you can get a discount, for example, on language and driving courses.

In addition to ISIC, EURO cards are also popular<26, IYTC и ITIC. Все эти карты платные, но цена символична – около 400–500 рублей. Заказать их можно через Интернет или в любой международной молодёжной организации.


Alexey Kazak adds that some universities issue vouchers for free lunches to certain categories of socially vulnerable students. “But it depends on the position of the university,” he said. Wealthier students can look for discounts at cafes.