Practical advice on home magic. A strong spell to bring your husband home

Has the man called for a long time? Stopped appearing? What could have happened? What has cooled him down, why does he not want to communicate with you?

In this topic:

By asking such questions to yourself, you can be tortured, suffer, suffer, but this will not give any result. But if you take more tangible steps than self-torture, you can achieve the desired result.

Walnut shell ritual

To make your boyfriend remember you and come to you with his love, you can spend strong ritual to attract a man. You should prepare a little for this ritual. First take the shell walnut and drill a small hole in it.

You need to insert a thread into it and tie it in a knot so that it does not slip back. Water is taken into an ordinary bucket, and the shell is lowered into it. We need to hold her by the thread. The shell will float on the surface, and you will pronounce the spell:

“The seas and mountains are not a barrier, come back to me soon, my love. I cast the spell of Ghana: love is always right, my dear.”

Then, holding the thread index finger, immerse it in water and begin to rotate it. This movement should cause the thread to wrap around your finger. She should end up completely wrapped around him. While winding, you need to say the cherished words 2 more times. When the thread is wound to the end, the shell will be pulled to your finger.

After this, you can remove it from the water and take it out of the house. Behind the doors, the thread is removed from the finger and placed inside the shell itself. In this form, it is buried near the entrance to the house or entrance, if you live in apartment building. After this ritual, you will only have to wait a little while for the man to remember you and return.

Ritual with sewing on buttons

Exists effective ritual associated with sewing on buttons. He encourages the person to appear at the place of the one performing the ritual. You need to take 12 buttons, black thread, sit down with your face facing east, and sew buttons to any underwear.

It could be a T-shirt. You cannot cut the thread with scissors; you must use a knife. While sewing, read the defiant plot:

“Lord, have mercy on me. Theophan the recluse, arouse love in the heart of God’s servant (name) for me, God’s servant (name). Open the way for the meeting, and do not delay the meeting, do not let it interfere with either the old or the young, or wives, or husbands, or the highest ranks, or the lowest ranks, neither the first nor the last. May the holy apostles help my meeting. Amen".

Then this underwear is put on and worn for 12 days. Therefore, it is better to take a T-shirt for sewing on buttons, rather than another part of the lower wardrobe. While these 12 days are going on, a meeting with the desired man should take place.

Ritual to call a loved one

To wait for your loved one's visit, you can perform the ritual described below. Action begins at midnight. At half past eleven you should already be completely alone in the room with the window open. Church objects (icons, candles) are first removed from the premises.

The electricity must be turned off, and to make it light, they light a simple candle or several, the main thing is that they are also not from the church. You need to lay any black fabric on the floor; if there is no fabric, you can use a black wardrobe item. Then they undress almost completely. A nightgown or T-shirt should remain on the body, that is, it is better to choose something without buttons or zippers, as simple and comfortable as possible.

There shouldn't be anything else on you. You will have to remove all hair jewelry, watches, and other accessories. Makeup is completely removed. In this form, with your hair down, you should stand on a prepared black cloth. Each heel should stand on the same coins white. Next, clearly imagine your lover and say the following words:

“I will go out of the door without blessing myself, out of the gate without crossing myself, I will go into an open field, behind clear field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a big tree- an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and eldest devil. Damn father, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red young man/girl (name). Let them take his/her heart, take out his/her soul, dry out their chest with longing. They will bring their soul and heart to me, (name).”

When the next morning comes, you need to stock up on change and give it away different people who beg for alms. Be sure to give gifts to at least two people asking. Then they wait a few days and perform the same ritual again. This should be done until your loved one arrives.

Red candle ritual

To attract a lover to your home, they often use spell words on a red candle. To carry out the ritual, you will need not only a red candle, but also a photo of the man. You need to place the candle in front of the picture, and use scissors to cut the flame from the candle and say the magic text:

“I cut off the flame from the red candle, I cut off all obstacles, all obstacles, barriers, people that interfere with the reunion of the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name). So that you cannot, the servant of God (name), not sleep, nor eat, nor drink, nor live without the servant of God (name). Just as wax melts from a burning fire, so you, the servant of God (name), from my mighty slander, appear before the servant of God (name), not in thoughts, but alive. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the word “Amen” is pronounced, cutting movements cannot be made. This ritual has a special impact because it is based on ancient fire magic. The red candle also plays its role. Red color is very widely used in magical practice, and not only in love rituals, but also for protection from dark forces.

When turning to special conspiracies designed to ensure that your loved one comes to you, you must remember that one visit is not enough to establish a relationship. Therefore, you need to make an effort so that the man who comes stays with you for a long time.

Women in relationships with men often lack attention. This is because for many women, relationships with their beloved man come first, and only then their own interests. Therefore, the girl often has to invent different ways to attract the attention of men, including magical ones. In this case, you can use a conspiracy to make your loved one come.

How does the conspiracy work?

This, it would seem, is how you can influence an adult who is completely independent of you to come and visit a girl according to her will, and not his own. This is indeed possible. The fact is that a love spell works in such a way that it partially suppresses the will of the person you are bewitching to you. As a result, thoughts appear in his mind that are pleasing to the customer of such a magical event. Other thoughts, his true ones, are suppressed with the help of a conspiracy and the person begins to act exactly as it pleases you, that is, the woman.

In this matter, one important nuance must be taken into account. If your beloved guy previously had no interest in you at all and even, on the contrary, experienced hostility, then this can complicate the situation. In this case, your loved one will receive intrapersonal conflict. In this case, two completely opposite opinions will be present in his mind. One of them will be his true one, about the fact that he doesn’t like you, and the other imposed by you, that he really likes the girl. Even if such a person enters into a relationship with a girl, there may be unpleasant consequences. They will consist in the fact that he will have mood swings, his attitude towards the woman he loves will change from hatred to love. All because completely opposite opinions will fight in it. Relationships with such a person are not very pleasant. Therefore, if a young man dislikes you, then you should think about whether you need to bewitch him.

But if a man liked you at least a little, then the conspiracy will only strengthen and show his sympathy for the woman for his own sake. In this case, using such a conspiracy is very environmentally friendly.

When can a spell be used?

In what cases does a woman want her beloved to come to her, and when a conspiracy can help with this:

  • You can do a conspiracy to make your loved one come or come if you and your boyfriend had a fight and now you don’t know how to make peace.
  • You can read a plot for your loved one to come if he is somewhere far away and you cannot do anything about it. Then such a magical ritual will remind the man that he has feelings in a woman and that she means a lot to him. This will speed up his arrival.
  • Strong conspiracy So that your loved one comes, it will also help if there is an interesting guy in your environment, and you want to attract his attention immediately.
  • If the sweetheart is interested in another woman, the conspiracy works to ensure that the husband, the man, returns home psychologically and physically. Perhaps he would have returned anyway, but the ritual would work in such a way that it would happen quickly.
  • Lover who is dating married man, this one can do it too magical ritual for the guy to move into her home. But here the situation is more complicated; it is not easy to untie a married man from home. Therefore, a series of conspiracies must be carried out. It will take a lot of energy for a man to leave his family, who was in love triangle, knows about this.

Conspiracy for slippers

This ritual is more suitable for a situation where a girl is already in a relationship with a man, perhaps this is her husband, but something is not going well between them. Perhaps for this man the house has ceased to be attractive, he has lost interest in his wife, but he used to live there. It is impossible to rationally force such a person to return. But you can remind him of the love between you. This plot is done on slippers. If there are no his slippers in the house, then you can buy new men's slippers, which will symbolically belong to him. In the evening, during the waxing moon, expose your slippers to the moonlight and you need to read the following plot on them:

"Today your name I remember the servant of God (name of the man), today I send you my love. Your spirit flies around in this house, you don’t give yourself peace, you don’t give yourself any peace. I want to help both you and myself. Remember how bad you feel without me, the servant of God (woman’s name). How a house disappears without you. I want to regain what I have in you, the person I love. I want to make peace with you, I want to love with you. Just as my soul has now come to you, so let your soul come to me, so your shoes are ready. Come back, I love you. Yours. Amen".

This magical ritual works especially well if there is a son or daughter in the house, the child will draw the man home even more. Place these slippers at the entrance, as if the guy is about to return home; if his son or daughter is waiting for him, he will feel it too.

Boiling water spell

In order for your loved one to come into the house, you can also use a spell for melancholy. This spell is with a pot of water. On a waxing moon, after sunset, you need to put a large pot of water on the fire. Wait until it boils, and then you need to read the plot:

A conspiracy to make your loved one miss you.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

This love magic ritual is more suitable for those cases when a girl is tired of loneliness and wants an interesting guy to come into her life. This ritual should be done on the waxing moon. When it is already late evening, go to the intersection that is closest to your house. Stand in the middle of the intersection and read this magical text:

“There’s a red maiden standing there, weary of love, standing and waiting and wanting a handsome guy to come to her. Come to me, dear, I’ll warm you up, I’ll love you dearly like I’ve never loved any person before, you’ll have a son if you want. And you will love me, we will be good together. No matter from which side it comes, I will still accept it. Come from wherever you want. I am waiting".

And go home.

The husband goes on a spree or goes to live with another woman.

There are, of course, many options, but they all usually end with one thing: ex-wife begins to look for ways to bring her husband home.

Here, listen to what one woman writes:

“My husband left me, it’s not clear why. Here’s the situation: we lived together for four years, two of which we were married. We were both passionately in love and did everything together. They said about us: “The perfect couple.” Of course, we also had quarrels and discord, but they quickly ended in reconciliation and hugs. But recently everything changed dramatically. If previously the husband would return from corporate events by 11 p.m., and even then he would have time to buy flowers somewhere, but now the parties could last until one in the morning or even all night. He made new unmarried friends, and the drinking began in an endless series. My husband went to work regularly, but now he might not answer my calls. Last time The husband went to the night kiosk for cigarettes and returned only the next morning. He said that our life together is over, he doesn’t want to carry the burden of responsibility and strives for loneliness. He couldn’t explain anything: what was the reason for the breakup? He reassured me that I was okay in perfect order and... disappeared. Help me! I can't live without him! What should I do to get my husband back?

We are so sorry you are going through all this! We sincerely wish your husband to return, but in order to analyze the current situation, it is very important for us to get to the reasons for such an act and see what we can do practically.

What is the reason for your husband leaving?? Maybe he's just tired of life together and he’s embarrassed to admit it? Maybe he committed some reprehensible act and now he doesn’t want to upset you with his confession?

Many people do not recognize the right to make mistakes, thereby destroying the lives of not only their own, but also those of everyone around them.

Unreasonable change can be caused by many factors:

  • drugs;
  • homosexuality;
  • adultery;
  • simple irresponsibility.

Without understanding the reason for his departure, it is quite difficult to guess what can be done to save your family.

Wrong, awkward attempts to win back your husband quite often lead to completely the opposite result.

If you are unable to bring your husband home on your own or with the help of a psychologist, try reading folk conspiracies, dry spells and love spells.

A conspiracy to bring your husband home.

Through open window look out into the yard and quietly call your husband’s name. Then read the plot:

"Wind, you are my wind,
Air, you are my air,
I love you, I live by you, I breathe by you,
So would my husband, servant of God (name),
He loved me, the servant of God (name),
He lived alone with me,
He breathed for me, he suffered for me alone.
Wind, you are the wind, you are my air,
Bring God's servant (name) home.
Let him hurry to me,
It flies as quickly as the wind itself,
Let him not fall asleep anywhere,
Until he comes to my house.
Be strong, my words,
Modeling, not changeable. Amen".

A very strong conspiracy against treason.

Cut off an old clothesline, cast a spell over it and place it on the threshold of the apartment so that your returning husband will step over it. Immediately remove the rope, cut it into pieces and gradually sew them into your husband's trousers or underpants. CONSPIRACY:

"Father and Son and Holy Spirit,
Forgive and help!
How this rope bends, crumples in my hands,
Hangs, not standing upright,
So is the penis of the servant of God (name)
Let it wrinkle like a rag, twist like a rope, bend,
Not worth it to all the women in the world,
Besides me, his wife, God’s servant (name).
All the women in the world have a ring on them,
And on me, my wife, with a hard end. Amen".

Fire smoke spell.

Light a fire and, looking at the smoke rising to heaven, read the following plot:

“Go for a walk, smoke is free, not in the chimney,
Servant of God (name) along the path.
Smoke up the mountain - God's servant (name) to the threshold,
So that he does not drink, does not eat, does not sleep,
It was impossible without me, God’s servant (name).
For these times and for those times, now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever and forever. Amen".

So that the newlyweds, the bride and groom, are not jinxed at the wedding and they do not spoil the divorce, before wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to pick her up at the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother must pin an English pin on the inside of the jacket at home

  • The plot needs to be read to return a husband to his wife or a wife to her husband even after a divorce if the wife or husband stop loving each other. This most loyal and effective magical method can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who have quarreled. A conspiracy to reunite husband and wife after a quarrel or disagreement

  • You can cast dryness on a person with a conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of the spell are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in left hand photo of the person you want to dry out and covering it from above with your right hand, read the words of this

  • If your husband has left for his mistress or is just about to leave you, this powerful conspiracy against your husband’s mistress will help, which will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel between them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the homewrecker disgusted with your loved one. Read the words of the spell - you need to spell early in the morning on

  • It will help to stop loving a person after a breakup white magic and a simple spell over water. It happens that people break up and it doesn’t matter who the reason for the separation was, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the severity of the separation and fall out of love someday loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it

  • Love drying made using this method is very strong and has long lasting effect. The following dryness of love is equated to action easy love spell, but it’s very convenient that magic words spells - dry spells are spoken when meeting a person and do not require special training except learning by heart short text love sugar. If you decide

  • The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in a photo right on the cemetery and gravesite. This ritual belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent ritual for love, take a photo of the person you want to bewitch and find it in a cemetery

  • This strong love spell using a photograph of your beloved girl and church candles You can do it yourself at home. To cast a love spell, you need to purchase three candles from the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ritual. Before performing the love spell ritual, place a photo of your beloved girl on the table and put

  • This is perhaps the most powerful and fastest-acting love spell that you can read on your own at home. For reading love plot you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the love spell ritual, so take this into account when choosing a photo for a love spell. Rituals using a person's photo are very common and can be read

  • Casting a love spell on a loved one with prayers is a very common ritual of white magic for love. Magic words to make your loved one fall in love with you without consequences for yourself and him are read in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magic words on how to make a loved one fall in love with you or meet your soul mate who will marry you, for this you need to read the most powerful spell yourself -

  • Very strong love spell words said to water in a glass front door They will make your loved one very bored and force him to always return home. Read fast love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy ritual can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of cheating. As soon as the person leaves

  • More and more often, women resort to the help of love magic when they simply cannot find any other way out. There are several types of rituals that can help make your beloved man fall in love with you, return your husband to the family, or bring your meeting with your beloved closer.

    Not all magic is safe to use on your own, so it is better to entrust serious rituals to specialists and people with a special gift.

    But there are some conspiracies and rituals that you can carry out yourself. They do not have a strong impact, but are only an assistant in a given situation. Such rituals include conspiracies to make a man get bored and return home.

    An effective ritual to make a man bored

    The conspiracy for the guy to come is better carried out in evening time in the new moon phase. To implement it you will need auxiliary items, such as:

    • Fishing hook;
    • magnet;
    • lock with keys;
    • red candle

    The ritual is performed in absolute privacy and complete silence. The attributes prepared for the ritual are laid out on the table and the candle is lit. On the candle fire it reads in a whisper magic spell:

    “Just as this key cannot open another lock, so the servant of God ( full name guy) will not be able to live without me, the servant of God (his full name). I attract you to me like a magnet, you will come to me soon, my dear. Key. Lock. Amen".

    While casting the spell, molten wax is dripped onto the closed lock, keys and magnet. Next, the items must be firmly connected. Extinguish the candle with your fingers, and wrap the enchanted attributes of the ritual, without separating them, in a new handkerchief. Put the package in the far corner of the closet with personal belongings.

    Conspiracy for a meeting

    You can carry out a simple ritual to get a man to come on your own on the evening of the waxing young moon. Especially for the ritual, you should buy any item on which you can mentally concentrate the image of your beloved man.

    Over the purchase, you should read the “Our Father” prayer in a whisper three times to prepare for the conspiracy ritual. Light a red candle and speak the words of the spell into its flame:

    “As the fire of this candle melts the wax, so your heart doesn’t resist, I’ll tie a thread into seven strong knots so that we can see you sooner.”

    While pronouncing such words, the ritual purchase should be tied with a red thread and seven strong knots should be made. Give the enchanted item to a dear man as soon as possible.

    Spell for a phone call

    Sometimes, for some unknown reason, your loved one simply stops calling. Women's pride or fear of being rejected does not allow a girl to dial her sweetheart's number first. When you don’t have the strength to simply wait for his call, and calling first is taboo, you can influence the situation with light magic.

    This plot can be done for any long-awaited call: for a loved one to call and return after a quarrel, for a new acquaintance to call, or after an interview at a prospective job.

    Like all rituals, a conspiracy for the long-awaited phone conversation must be carried out in solitude and complete silence. It would be better if it was a new moon evening, but in this case it's not that important.

    • The easiest way is to imagine that the phone is ringing and even hear the ringtone. Mentally pick up the phone and imagine the conversation. At this time, you need to fully concentrate on the desired subscriber and not think about anything other than the call.
    • A similar ritual is to write a message with the text: “Call me, please!” and mentally send a message. If the method does not work immediately, it can be repeated, but no more than seven times.

    In order to provoke a loved one to remember and call, you need some object that carries his energy. It could be anything that only he and no one else touched. Take the object and bring it to your heart. Imagine the image of your beloved man as clearly as possible and say the words of the magic spell three times:

    "Be with me, my dear

    Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon

    Dove with dove

    Servant of God (man's full name)

    Calls on the second day"

    If everything is done correctly, then already on the second day there will be a long-awaited call from your lover and a return to your family.

    A very effective conspiracy

    So that after a quarrel your loved one gets bored and comes back quickly, you can perform a very simple but effective ritual. You pick up the phone, dial the man’s number without the last digit, and before the first ring you need to have time to read the words of the magic spell:

    “If you want to hear me, call me!

    If you want to see me, call me!

    If you want to love me, call me!

    You can’t live without me - call!”

    This ritual is performed three times. If there is no call within nine days after the ceremony, then some mistake was made in conducting it, or the call was actually not so desired.

    The next ritual is to gain a man’s love feelings. Reading over a glass clean water exactly at midnight these magic words:

    Give me a drink, some water!

    So that the servant of God (full name of the beloved) could fall in love with me

    He languishes in melancholy and sadness,

    In the dark night he cannot sleep.

    Find greater love

    Take the phone and call me (name).

    After reading, you should drink all the water and go to bed. Already in the morning or in the near future you will receive the desired call from your loved one.

    Spell on a scarf to make a man come back

    The scarf spell is carried out exclusively during the waxing moon phase. For the ritual, it is necessary to make sure that your loved one touches a new scarf, purchased specifically for the conspiracy. In the evening, looking at the new moon, tie knots on the diagonal edges of the scarf. In this case, the following conspiracy should be spoken:

    “I tied a knot in a handkerchief

    I wished for your name, my love

    The heart only yearns for me

    And let you dream about my face

    Pick up your phone in the morning

    Dial my number

    And talk about love!”

    When the knots are tied and the plot is read, the scarf should be hidden away so that no one can see it, but at the same time you need to keep it close to you.

    After the long-awaited return, the knots can be untied.

    An active conspiracy to make your loved one feel sad

    So that in separation a man would feel sad and come back, you can carry out a conspiracy for the arrival of your loved one. This ritual will not allow a loved one to have fun and cheat on the side. To carry it out, you need to take a fresh red apple, make sure that there are no damages or flaws on it. During the ritual you need to look at the apple and fully concentrate on the image dear person, pronouncing the following magical spell:

    “Just as you, a red apple, fade, just as you, a ripe apple, wither, just as you, a juicy apple, dry up, so you (the man’s full name) without me (your full name) are depressed, sad, and in anguish. There are no thoughts and worries of others about how to meet me, there is no other sweetheart to forget about me, there is no other sadness like heartache. Amen".

    After the plot is read, you should put the apple in the sunniest place and let it dry.

    Conspiracies “path under your feet” to return your husband

    Such conspiracies operate at the energy level. It has long been known that if people communicate, an energy channel begins to connect them. And the closer and longer the connection between people, the stronger and stronger the connection.

    It is this fact that explains what can often be predicted phone call or mood loved one even very long distance. With the help of conspiracies, you can not only return your husband or boyfriend to the road after a quarrel, but also always be sure that your loved one will return and will not go to the left. The calling ritual can be done at any time of the day, indoors or outdoors.

    By photo

    The fastest and easy way, for which you only need a photograph of a dear man. The photo is taken in the left hand, the right hand is placed on the heart, to activate the connection with the man. At the same time, repeat the magic spell three times:

    "I'm waiting for you, I'm waiting

    I boast about my new clothes

    I am sending for you (name)

    Your guardian angel.

    Let him lead you to me.

    My word is strong. Amen"

    If everything is done correctly and the energy channel is activated, the effect will follow within half an hour.

    For church candles

    The ritual begins with the purchase of candles. You need to buy a candle in church on Sunday, pay for it with small coins, and give them with your left hand. The candle should be lit in the dark, away from sunlight, and ideally carry out the ritual in the evening.

    As soon as the candle wax begins to melt, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “Candle wax melts, it melts from the fire. So you (man’s name) cannot find a place without me, you long to come to me. Come, I'm waiting for you. Amen".

    During the ritual, you need to look at the candle flame for a long time and imagine your chosen one. You can mentally contact him and call him to you.

    For salt

    One of the simplest rituals for inducing melancholy so that the beloved man returns to family home- this is pouring salt under his door with a spell.

    “I don’t pour salt, but I add pain,

    I don’t take the world, but I steal peace.

    Take laughter and smiles from (man’s name)

    So that the light would not become sweet from melancholy and pain.

    To be bored and sad day and night

    Under the Sun and Moon.

    Eat up the salt, warm up the melancholy.”

    It is known that magic words have enormous power not only to create, but also to destroy. That is why in the use of any magical rituals caution should be exercised. We must not forget that one wrong word or the action may not only not help bring your loved one home, but even harm his future life.

    For a successful result in love magic rituals to attract a loved one, you should remember the two most basic rules.

    • Rituals should be performed in solitude during the waxing moon phase, and preferably during the new moon.
    • Guide love spells It is possible only to a close man with whom there was a temporary separation or quarrel.

    But, under no circumstances should you tie someone else’s man to you. IN best case scenario such a ritual simply won't work.

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