Designing a musical environment object in a dow. Musical subject-spatial developmental environment as a means of musical education and development of preschool children. The teacher must teach children to live with utmost comfort in the preschool organized for them.

OO integration

Interaction with parents

Requirements for music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, came into force. About what changes the Federal State Educational Standard has made to the musical development of preschool children, and how to change now professional activity music director, read our article.

The first thing you should pay attention to after reading the program musical education according to the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution, this is the focus of the document on the socialization and individualization of the child’s personality development, starting from 2 months and ending at 8 years.

Musical activity is a means and condition for a child’s entry into the world social relations, discovery and presentation of one’s “I” to society. This is the main guideline for specialists and educators in interpreting the content of the music education program in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main content of the educational field "Music", to which we have become accustomed in the logic of the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, now, as part of musical education according to the Standard, it is presented in another educational area “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” along with two types of art: visual and literary.

This is a big plus in terms of making it easier to combine multiple art forms. The most important thing in the musical development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the communication of children with works of art, the development of artistic perception, the sensory sphere, and the ability to interpret artistic images, in this all types of art are the same. The purpose of any of them is to reflect reality in images, and therefore the task of every specialist, educator is to teach the child to perceive, think, and decorate the ideas of an artist, director, writer.

The goals of music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education are the formation of conditions for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; development of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about types of art through projects on music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard; perception of folklore, music, fiction; inducement to empathy literary characters; implementation of independent creativity of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Objectives of music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Realization of the goal involves solving a number of problems:
introducing a child to beautiful world music;
development of musical erudition and culture in preschool children; color and musical development of children in preschool educational institutions;
developing a sense of respect for music as an independent art form, holidays and traditions;
development of perception, empathy for musical works and images, development of children's skills - sound, sensory and intonation, where music acts as a language, one of many, introducing children to the human world, his emotions, the world around him, the world of objects.

Types of activities in the musical development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education In infancy (2 months - 1 year) - emotional, relaxed communication with parents, perception of children's music, poems, songs, tactile-motor games. At an early age (1 year - 3 years) - this is the perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, motor activity.

For preschoolers, musical development according to the Federal State Educational Standard (3 years - 8 years) occurs in the form of various games, including plot-role-playing play as the main activity of preschool children (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity.

Programs and technologies for the musical development of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard In accordance with the Standard, musical education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions for preschoolers is carried out on the basis of a program developed musical director, and in addition to the main general education program, it may also include original developments and technologies.

The music education program according to the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions is aimed at students kindergarten, their needs, interests, as well as the capabilities of the child care institution.
In accordance with the standard, the time for the part formed by the participants in educational relations is 40% of the child’s time in kindergarten, which provides opportunities for creativity of the music director.

Psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children in musical development according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Respect for children by adults, participation in the formation of positive self-esteem in preschoolers, confidence in own strength and abilities;
The use of forms and methods in music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) that correspond to the age of children and their individual abilities (it is prohibited to artificially accelerate or slow down the development processes of children).

Construction educational process based on cooperation between adults and children, focused on the capabilities and interests of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development.

Promotion of adults in the friendly attitude of pupils towards each other and their interaction in various types children's activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard;
Supporting the interest and initiative of preschool children in activities specific to them within the framework of music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard;
Providing students with the opportunity to choose - materials, forms of activity, participants in general activities and communication; Protecting children from all forms of violence - physical and psychological.

What are the goals of the standard within the framework of music education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard?
Providing the state with equally equal opportunities for every child to receive high-quality preschool education Providing state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs, their structure and the results of their development
Preserving the unity of the educational space Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions: “Musical, aesthetic and subject-development environment within the preschool educational institution”

Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education are a set of requirements that ensure the implementation of the program and are aimed at achieving the planned results of preschool education.

The integrative result of the implementation of the conditions is the creation of a developing educational environment, meeting a number of requirements. Child education preschool age occurs in the child’s activities, therefore the most important condition To ensure this activity, one can consider the creation of a subject-development environment.

A subject-development environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity that functionally models the content of the development of his spiritual and moral character. This is an organization of the surrounding space that allows the child to realize himself in various activities. The music room in kindergarten is, as a rule, the largest, brightest and the best way equipped room, this business card kindergarten. Not only classes for children are held here, but also all kinds of holidays, entertainment and other events for children, employees and parents.

Subject development environment in music hall has its own characteristics associated with the specific focus of the educational field “Music”.

Modern Scientific research indicate that musical development has an irreplaceable impact on the overall development of children: emotional sphere, thinking improves, the child becomes sensitive to beauty in art and in life. The lack of full-fledged musical and aesthetic impressions in childhood is difficult to compensate for later.

The most important indicators of a child’s creativity include:

    creative activity , i.e. readiness and high level of motivation to create new things;

    self-expression otherwise - the child’s free choice of the type of musical activity, the method of realizing his plan;

    intelligence , "intellectual abilities",

    “musical intelligence” - the ability to perform, compose and perceive music;

    knowledge and skills.

Factors that contribute to the development of children's creativity include:

    informational , allowing you to develop intelligence;

    social, providing support for children in the process of their creativity, providing the opportunity to communicate and exchange impressions;

    emotional , providing psychological comfort and safety.

Thus, the musical environment becomes one of the components pedagogical system and represents musical arrangement life activity of children.

In accordance with this, in our kindergarten we highlight musical Wednesday preschool educational institution, family and cultural and educational institutions.

1. Musical and educational environment of preschool educational institutions

A block of organized (regulated) musical activities: musical classes and entertainment, holidays, theatrical performances and other activities using music (for all children).

A block of unregulated (joint with the teacher and independent) musical activity of children in a group outside of class (in warm weather - in the fresh air):

Joint with the teacher (in role-playing games using musical repertoire, round dances, musical-didactic, musical-creative, etc.)

Independent musical activity of children outside of class (occurs on the initiative of children, is represented by songs, musical games, exercises, dances, as well as song, musical-rhythmic, instrumental children's creativity).

2. Musical and educational environment of the family.

The relevance of working with parents is determined by the fact that kindergarten is the first non-family social institution in which systematic pedagogical education of parents begins. The further development of the child depends on the effectiveness of our joint work with parents.

The main problem in interaction with families is parents’ lack of understanding of the importance of musical education of children, so we, together with our kindergarten teachers, have set ourselves the following tasks:

    to form among parents a strong belief in the importance and necessity of the child’s early musical development;

    teach ways to create musical environment, methods of musical education of children in the family;

    promote musical education of parents.

A child receives his very first life lessons in the family, so it is important from the first days of a child’s visit to a preschool institution to establish contact with parents, so that in the family, and not just in kindergarten, favorable conditions are created for the child to communicate with music.

In our kindergarten, parents are surveyed annually to obtain the necessary information about their musical culture(their musical preferences), their awareness of children’s musical development, their attitude towards cooperation with preschool teachers.

We have developed various shapes interactions with families, such as consultations, seminars, parent-teacher conferences, joint holding holidays and entertainment, etc. (contest of hats and sweets, Neptune festival). They all have a certain effect.

However, we became convinced that this is not enough, it is not enough to convince parents of the need for musical education of a child in the family; I realized that it is also important to teach them the most accessible methods of organizing this work (for example, tell them how to create a musical environment, at what age and how to start listen to music with children, what kind of music is preferable to listen to, what musical toys and instruments to buy or make with your own hands, how to organize a children's party.

With the aim ofmusic education for parents we organize parent meetings (round tables), open days, individual consultations, as well as the organization feedback, questionnaires, informing parents through a corner for parents - “Musical Palette” and a stand “Kaleidoscope of our Holidays”. We hold exhibitions of works by children and their parents on the theme “Drawing Music.”

Experience shows that thanks to the combined efforts of our kindergarten teachers and parents, their personal participation in some aspects pedagogical process, work on the musical education of children in general and their development creativity becomes more successful.

3. Musical and educational environment of cultural and educational institutions.

The environment of society differs significantly from the environment of preschool educational institutions and families. Therefore, we strictly adhere to the principle of integrity when organizing this environment. The musical and educational environment of cultural and educational institutions is aimed at the musical education of children attending preschool institutions. Our preschool educational institution often organizes concerts for students of the music school and art school, puppet and drama theaters and so on.). We cooperate with the Rozhdestvensky Theater, with the Lyceum and schools of the Western Intracity District, with local history museum them. Felmtsyn.

Thus , the musical environment as a means of introducing a child to musical culture and the environmental approach are an integral means of ensuring close and successful interaction between children, educators and parents.

The musical activity of preschoolers has always been integrated, even before the release of new FGTs. Such types of classes as complex, thematic and integrated have been in the arsenal of music directors since their appearance in the staffing table of preschool educational institutions.

The table below shows the integration of the educational field "Music" with other educational fields in the light of modern requirements

« Physical Culture»

Development of physical qualities in the process of musical and rhythmic activity, the use of musical works as accompaniment in exercises and physical education classes.


Preservation and strengthening of children’s physical and mental health, formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle through musical and playful images, relaxation.


Development of free communication with adults and children in the field of music; development of all components of oral speech in theatrical activities; practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.


Expanding children's horizons in the field of music; sensory development, formation of a holistic picture of the world in the field of musical art and creativity


Formation of ideas about musical culture and musical art; development of gaming activities; formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community


Formation of labor skills, education of hard work, education of a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results.

"Artistic creativity"

Development children's creativity, introduction to various types of art, use works of art to enrich the content of the “Music” area, consolidate the results of music perception. Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.

"Reading fiction"

Using musical works to enhance the emotional perception of works of art, composing simple operas based on the plots of famous fairy tales.


Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life in various types of musical activities.

It is impossible to cover the entire wide range of equipment in a music hall; we will only touch on the equipment with which the integration of educational areas is carried out.

Separately, I would like to say about the importance of such an object of the subject-development environment as multimedia equipment in the music room. The presence of such equipment provides almost unlimited possibilities in terms of integration of educational areas. And greatly enriches musical activity child and facilitates the work of the music director in observing the principle of comprehensive thematic planning. Provides an opportunity to diversify musical and didactic material, helps the child to significantly expand his general horizons, to form complete picture peace.

We live in the southern region of Russia, so from May to November we spend classes, entertainment and holidays in the fresh air. Our garden has all the necessary equipment for holding such events: a synthesizer, radio microphones, a mixing console, a speaker amplifier, theater radio microphones.

The listed principles are taken into account when building a developmental environment, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils, as well as program objectives, which helps to increase the level of independence in preschool children.

Thus, the subject-development environment created in the preschool institution complies with federal state requirements.

One of the characteristic trends in modern preschool education is the creation in a preschool institution

aesthetic and developmental subject-spatial environment. In research one can find various definitions of this concept. The subject-spatial, socio-cultural, aesthetic-developmental, cultural-educational environment, etc. are considered. But when the names differ, we are always talking about the creation optimal environment, providing psychological comfort to the child’s personality (Diagram 32).

The environment of a preschool institution is currently considered as a condition for the child to realize his abilities, a means of nurturing personal qualities, an enriching development factor that serves as a background and mediator in personal developmental interaction with adults and other children.

At the same time, in preschool educational institution are being implemented various directions development and upbringing of children, the creation of an environment for which will have certain specifics. We are interested in the artistic and aesthetic direction, and above all musical education as its integral part, and the features of creating a developmental environment for its more effective implementation.

E.P. Kostina, a specialist in the problems of musical education, considers it as a process of organized introduction of children to musical culture and believes that we can talk about a musical subject-development environment as a means of introducing a child to musical culture.

Thus, the musical environment becomes one of the components of the pedagogical system and represents the musical design of children’s life activities.

The author, based on an analysis of this problem, argues that musical education of children requires a rich musical subject-development environment, including the musical environment of preschool educational institutions, families, cultural and educational institutions.

Musical and educational environment of preschool educational institutions includes:

block of organized (regulated) musical activity: musical classes and entertainment, holidays and other activities using music. Here the child hears for the first time musical works, gains knowledge, skills and abilities, a positive emotional background is created here, a desire is formed to continue encountering music;

■ block unregulated (joint with the teacher and independent) musical activities of children in a group outside of class:

- musical activity together with the teacher- in games: role-playing games using a musical repertoire, musical didactic, musical creative, etc.; in the process of conditionally figurative and conditionally schematic modeling of the content, nature of music, means musical expressiveness and so on.;

- independent musical activity for children outside of class, arising on the initiative of children - songs, musical games, exercises, dances, as well as song, musical-rhythmic, instrumental children's creativity.

Musical and educational environment of the family, where is it carried out unregulated musical activities of children, This:

■ joint organization of family leisure with parents (the content is adequate to similar activities of a teacher with children in a preschool educational institution) (L. N. Komisarova, G. V. Kuznetsova):

■ carrying out family holidays;

■ visiting museums and theaters with your child (drama, music (opera, ballet, musical), puppet theater);

■ creating a “home museum” (for example, a museum of a favorite composer);

■ collections of children's musical toys and musical instruments, home orchestra, home “theater” (puppet, dramatic);

■ organizing a variety of musical activities for children and entertainment using music at home;

■ the presence of a music library from valuable artistically works;

independent work(similar to independent musical activities of children in preschool educational institutions). Musical activities organized by parents give the child rich impressions, which are a powerful stimulus for his creative expression. In addition, he is offered various models of behavior, which is important for his socialization and for the development of relationships with others.

Musical and educational environment of cultural institutions andeducation, aimed at musical education of children,

attending preschool institutions (concerts, School of Music or art school, theater performances, etc.).

In general, the musical and educational environment has its own structure. It consists of subject And musical components.

The musical component is represented by audio-musical information, i.e. music, regardless of its source. Everything else, including musical instruments, toys, aids and means of extracting music (tape recorder, etc.), refers to the subject component. Thus, the subject-development environment is a system of material objects of the child’s activity.

Since the child gradually enters the spaces of the objective (man-made) world and social relations, in addition to the objective and social, they distinguish development environment, in which they take place social interactions child that influences his

Scheme 32

development. Peers and adults surrounding the child make up his environment, and adults, in addition, are the organizers of the pedagogical process. In the social component of the environment, such an essential point is identified as the organization of the motivating factor, emotional background of the environment. Maintaining such a background that creates comfortable conditions for the child and cultivates him musical creativity, is an important task of the teacher.

There are a number of requirements for the design of a musical subject-development environment (S.L. Novoselova, E.P. Kostina):

■ take into account the need to develop leading children's activities;

■ the environment should be aimed at the zone of proximal mental development (L.S. Vygotsky);

■ the musical environment must correspond to the structure of the child’s cognitive sphere, i.e. contain both conservative (already known to the child) components and problematic ones that are subject to research;

■ unrealized desire to immediately apply acquired knowledge leads to the fact that knowledge is not consolidated; and, on the contrary, the knowledge constantly used by the child lives and is enriched.

It is noted that whether this environment will become developmental, whether the child will want and be able to master it in his activities, depends on the competence of the adult, his goodwill and interested attitude towards the musical activities of children, especially independent ones. The developmental influences of the artistic and aesthetic environment can only be realized by a teacher who is passionate about music and shows interest in music games, demonstrating to children the possibilities of a musical subject environment, creating creative situations, awakening interest in musical games and toys. As a result, children often play with them and get creative.

When developing and evaluating a musical environment, it is recommended to rely (E.P. Kostina and others) on the following criteria for its quality.

Quality of content. The musical environment should reflect the entire spectrum of children's musical activities.

The blocks of environmental components correspond to the logic of the development of children's musical activity (perception, reproduction, creativity), each provides for an orientation towards the presentation in the environment of all types of children's musical activity:

■ music perception - aids that help to perceive works;

■ reproduction of music - aids that encourage performing activities (singing, playing or dancing, instrumental music-making);

■ musical and creative activity - manuals that encourage creative improvisation in various types of musical activities).

This is ensured by a variety of children's musical instruments, educational musical games and toys, visual teaching aids, various audiovisual means (tape recorder) and a set of cassettes for them and other technical means (TV, VCR).

The content of the musical environment should reflect the principle systematic in mastering musical activity: it must correspond to the age of the children and the content of their musical activity, therefore the content of the environment should be complicated by age level. The content should provide opportunities to obtain from the environment the necessary information for musical creative activity.

The dynamism of the content of the environment provides interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it. TO Quality of structure. The musical environment should be presented in the form of modules, including transformable parts, which maintains children's keen interest. It should be organized so that all types of children's musical activities are visually represented in it and conditions are created for active interaction children with any benefits, musical instruments. Mini-centers are convenient for developing musical activities for one child, two children or a subgroup.

The environment involves flexible integration and zoning, providing for complete and partial transformation of the game modules of mini-centers, which provides a varied functional load for children.

Consultation for educators

“Subject-developmental environment in music education”

Before we begin to consider this problem, let's dream a little.

Let's try to imagine a child in an empty room. What will happen? He will make every effort to leave her: it’s not interesting, there’s nothing to do.

Another variant. There are many interesting toys, games, and aids in the room, but there is nothing for musical activities. Will the child do it? Of course not. He will do what the objects around him are suitable for. Third option. In a preschool educational institution, two groups of children of the same age are equipped with the same games, toys, and aids, including for musical activities. In one group, the teacher does not pay attention to them, sometimes even expresses a negative attitude towards them. As a result, children's interest gradually fades away, and they stop engaging in musical activities on their own. In another group, the teacher shows interest in musical games, demonstrates to children the possibilities of a musical subject environment, and creates creative situations that awaken interest in musical games and toys. As a result, children often play with them and get creative.

So, we come to an indisputable conclusion: for the musical education of children, a rich musical subject-development environment (hereinafter referred to as the musical environment) is necessary, and for the development of the personality of preschoolers, there must be a teacher next to them who is passionate about music and who knows how to realize creative potential musical environment and manage the development of children's creativity in musical activities.

In the concept of “subject-spatial musical environment” we include those objects and special equipment that accompany the child in the process of his life in kindergarten and at home and contribute to a more successful implementation of his musical development.

The most important indicators of creativity include creative activity, i.e. readiness and high level of motivation to create a new product; self-expression, in other words, the child’s free choice of the type of musical activity, the method of realizing his plan; intelligence, “musical intelligence” - the ability to perform and perceive music; knowledge and skills (L. Ermolaeva – Tomina).

Factors contributing to the development of creativity include:

1 Informational, allowing to develop intelligence

2. Social, providing support for children in the process of their creativity, providing the opportunity to communicate and exchange impressions.

3. Emotional, causing psychological comfort and safety.

For a preschool child, the environment can be represented as a combination of several main functional zones:

1. Family environment.

2. Preschool environment.

3. Social environment.

Speaking about the musical development of preschoolers, subject environment is presented as musical-educational, which consists of subject and musical components and social.

The musical component is represented by audio-musical information, i.e. music itself.

Everything else, including musical instruments and means of extracting music (tape recorder...), belongs to the subject component.

The social component is represented by peers and adults surrounding the child. And adults are the organizers of the pedagogical process.

The subject-spatial musical environment of the kindergarten should:

1. Provide joint musical activities for children and adults. (Whether this environment will become developmental depends on the competence of the adult, his goodwill and interested attitude towards children and music.)

2. Ensure independent individual and joint activities of children that arise at their request and in accordance with their interests.

3. Contribute to the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge about music.

4. Stimulate the development of creative abilities.

5. Develop curiosity and the desire to experiment.

6. Take into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

7. Ensure the availability of materials and equipment necessary for the child’s musical development.

8. Provide for the creation of a special musical zone in the group.

Types of equipment for the group's musical environment:

1. Children's musical instruments (metallophone, drum, triangle, castanets, maracas, wooden spoons, rattles, whistles). The techniques for playing such instruments are not complicated.

2. Musical and didactic aids, games.

3. Methodical manuals for the teacher (notebook with lyrics and movements).

4. Technical training aids:

Record player;

Video recorder;


Slide projector.

5. Various attributes for conducting classes (handkerchiefs, flags, flowers...).

6. Sets of puppets for puppet theater.

7. Costumes for theatrical performances.

8. Portraits of composers, children's drawings on the theme of musical works.

9. Audio and video libraries based on the principle of libraries, which will enable parents to periodically use ready-made recordings for musical education in the family.

All of the above must be stored in a certain place accessible to children. The content of the musical environment should be made more complex according to age.

Design of a musical environment for children of early and younger age It should be plot-based, and for older children it should have a didactic orientation.

An objective musical environment should be created not only in the garden, but also at home, in the family.