Ryan Gosling with his wife and children. Star romance: Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes. Ryan Gosling: stills and photos

Ryan Thomas Gosling is Hollywood's first handsome man, who has played in films and television programs from a young age. The boy could be seen in “The Mickey Mouse Club,” “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” and Goosebumps, so he was quite a popular and at the same time difficult teenager.

Ryan is currently famous actor and a popular musician in the USA, England and Canada. At the same time, Gosling is an exemplary family man and a loving daddy, he is happy in his world with three princesses and is not going to change anything.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ryan Gosling

A whole army of fans of all ages are eager to find out the actor’s exact height, weight, and age. How old Ryan Gosling is can be determined by knowing his date of birth.

Ryan was born in 1980, so he is already thirty-seven years old. According to the zodiac circle, the young man received as a gift the sign of the vengeful, sexy, passionate, ambitious Scorpio.

The eastern horoscope endowed the man with character traits that are characteristic of the Monkey, namely artistry, dexterity, intelligence, resourcefulness, and sociability.

Ryan Gosling: photos in his youth and now - these are still the same photographs, but in later photographs he young actor a beard, mustache or slight stubble has already appeared. At the same time, for many years the guy’s hairstyle and luxurious hair have not even changed. wavy hair.

Ryan's height is one meter and eighty-five centimeters, but the guy weighs no more than eighty kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Ryan Gosling

The biography and personal life of Ryan Gosling are pages that have never been a terrible secret for his fans. The boy was born in London, but not British, but Canadian.

His parents had nothing to do with the creative world, but a handsome and talented boy with early years was in demand in the field of film and television.

Father - Thomas Gosling - worked as a traveling salesman who offered paper mill products almost around the clock.

Her mother, Donna Gosling, worked as a secretary for a large Canadian company, so she was also often away from home.
Sister Mandy Gosling is older than Ryan, she is very close to her brother, so she often accompanies him at awards presentations and other awards. She is unmarried and is involved in the film industry.

Little Ryan was calm and bright child, but he had some disabilities as he suffered from dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. At the same time, the guy was having a hard time with the breakup of his parents, he became a hooligan, insulted his neighbors and even threw knives at his classmates, after which he was transferred to homeschooling.

The mother was lucky enough to find a qualified psychologist who advised him to enroll the talented boy in creative studio, that’s how he got into the Mickey Mouse Club. The guy constantly caught the attention of producers, he sang great and was incredibly artistic. From 1995 to 2002, he was a regular on talent shows, but to climb musical Olympus can't.

Filmography: films starring Ryan Gosling

Ryan made his debut in the children's horror films Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark? in 1995. Later, his filmography was replenished with films and TV series “The Amazing Journeys of Hercules”, “The Fanatic”, “The United States of Leland”, “The Notebook”, “The Print of Evil”, “The Youth of Hercules”, “The Place Beyond the Pines”, “The Big Short”, "La La Land", "Blade Runner 2049".

Since 2008 he has been the creator and frontman musical group“Dead Man’s Bones”, and since 2014 he has been trying himself as a director, directing the popular fantasy “How to Catch a Monster”, for which he received two palm branches at the Cannes festival.

Ryan Gosling's personal life was incredibly stormy and vibrant; he constantly had affairs with fans and actresses. The guy dated the beautiful Sandra Bullock, whom he met in 2002, but two years later he was spotted with another talented girl, Rachel McAdams. She disappeared from the actor’s life three years after the first meeting, but remained Ryan’s friend.

Gosling has had relationships with Jamie Murray, Famke Janssen and an unconfirmed romance with Emma Stone.

Family and children of Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling's family and children are his most beloved and congenial people, as they constantly support each other in sorrow and in joy. For example, Gosling surrounded his other half with care and love during pregnancy, and also supported him when Eva Mendes’ older brother suddenly died from cancer.
The guy was born into a family that was incredibly far from creative process, his parents never played on the stage of theater or cinema. Moreover, the family was incomplete, because Gosling’s father and his mother divorced when the guy turned thirteen.

Ryan often talked about how he lived in women's team, therefore, I not only learned to think like a woman and understand the fair sex. By the way, the guy’s family was a believer; like true Mormons, they forbade their children to watch any television programs and films, except for educational biblical ones and those about wild nature.

Ryan's children are very beautiful girls, because they are mestizos, because French, English, Cuban, German, Scottish, Canadian blood flows in their veins. Esmeralda and Amada constantly go out with mom and dad, they are trendsetters in children's fashion in Hollywood.

Ryan simply adores children, he never tires of dedicating his awards and victories in the field of theater and cinema to them. He takes the girls on trips with him and fills them with expensive and high-quality toys.

Ryan Gosling's daughter Esmeralda Amada Gosling

Ryan Gosling's daughter, Esmeralda Amada Gosling, was born in 2014. She is a very active and incredibly athletic girl. Esmeralda looks like her mother, but she has her father's character.

The baby is very capable of learning foreign languages, she speaks excellent English, Spanish and Cuban. At the same time, Surzhik from all of the above languages ​​often appears in the speech of the little angel. The girl is engaged in a Cuban folk dance studio and art school, while she tries herself in vocals.

Parents believe that the baby should learn something new, so they often travel with her to different countries peace. More than anything else, Esmeralda Amada loves to listen to her mother’s singing and the national Cuban cuisine that her maternal grandparents prepare.

Ryan Gosling's daughter Amada Lee Gosling

Ryan Gosling's daughter, Amada Lee Gosling, was born two years later than her older sister in 2016. The little beauty, on the contrary, looks like her star daddy, but she took after her mommy in character.

The girl loves the time when her dad is at home, because she does not leave his arms. Quite often, Amada, her sister and mother come to the set, where the little girl amazes everyone with her smile and lively facial expressions.
The baby smiles and tries to sing along with her mother when she sings fun Cuban songs for her, while Amada goes crazy puppet theater, many of the dolls from which were created by the grandmother.

Ryan Gosling's wife - Eva Mendes

Ryan Gosling's wife, Eva Mendes, came into Ryan Gosling's life in 2012, as the young people met each other while filming The Place Beyond the Pines. Eva managed to tame the main womanizer of Hollywood, who, before meeting her, constantly changed partners. Among his love conquests were Sandra Bullock and Emma Stone.

At the same time, the conversation that Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are divorcing because of Emma Stone turned out to be ordinary gossip. The fact is that the couple stopped going out on various events and business receptions together, which immediately led to talk of separation. Everything turned out to be much simpler: in 2014, Eva was pregnant with her first daughter, so she took off wedding ring from a swollen finger and tried to appear less in public places.

It is worth noting that Eva is six years younger than Ryan, but this does not prevent young people from living together and even playing lovers in films. They try not to make their feelings public so that people are less jealous of other people's happiness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ryan Gosling

The young actor has had Instagram and Wikipedia for Ryan Gosling for quite some time, as fans wanted to know absolutely everything about him. The Wikipedia article is small, but quite informative, so from it you can learn about his family and education, favorite films and colors, personal and family life, filmography and awards.

The Instagram page has no less than 588 followers, but the guy posted only nine uninformative posts, and then lost interest in social networks. At the same time, only those who subscribe to his page can view personal and creative videos and photographs.

In his roles we often see ambivalence on the verge of schizophrenia and exposed nerves, experimental music about zombies is his outlet, and he himself is an absolute object of desire for millions of fans.

Ryan Gossling is one of the “hottest bachelors” (People version and more) in Hollywood. He has everything that attracts, conquers and disarms - to the extent of eccentricity, to the extent of brutality and a lot of natural male charm.

"I know guys like that, they take all the air..."

This is what Michelle Williams said about Ryan after filming together in “Sad Valentine” (“Blue Valentine”). Well, let’s believe her, because she knew one such person...

And even though the tabloids from time to time try to attribute this or that affair to Ryan Gossling, the status of a womanizer does not stick to him at all - he is as picky in choosing companions as he is in choosing roles. This thoroughness apparently developed as a result of Mormon upbringing.

The general trend in his personal relationships is that he has those with older girls. First serious romance, after untangling himself from the tight embrace of Disney school, happened to him at the age of twenty-two. And not with just anyone, but with Sandra Bullock, her co-star in the film “Kill Countdown.” The difference of sixteen years seemed to disappear between them after passionately dangerous scenes on film set. In addition, Ryan admitted that he "dreamt about Sandra" from the moment they met. And she couldn't resist.

They were together for almost two years. But Sandra understood perfectly well that you couldn’t build a family with this “boy,” no matter how mature he seemed, and she was already approaching forty. Their paths diverged in 2003, peacefully and without incident. In subsequent interviews, Ryan always spoke of Sandra with respect and warmth. She was one of the two "greatest women in his life."

Second great love Ryan Gosling's co-star in The Notebook is Rachel McAdams. Ryan would call their acquaintance one of best events in your life.

“Rachel is wonderful. She is very independent. In addition, she is the one who inspires me to do everything as well as possible. She will re-read the script 100 times, tirelessly... And she looks absolutely amazing! Absolutely!"

The passion on the screen migrated to real life.

I think God blessed The Notebook... He brought me together with one of the most beautiful lovers in this world. However, people have done Rachel and me a disservice by assuming that our love story is as beautiful as our on-screen characters. No, ours is much more romantic - such, you know, love hell. But very, very romantic.

“Couple of the Year”, “The Most Sincere Kiss” - when they appeared together, the audience roared with delight. They were predicted a happy future. But alas, having left behind 3 years of relationship, two of which the couple spent in a civil marriage, Ryan and Rachel decided to part ways as friends. The constant employment of the actors was cited as the reason for the breakup.

"I had two greatest women modernity. I haven't met anyone better. But when both a man and a woman are busy in show business, work takes away everything free time. It is difficult to build a serious relationship on such a basis.”

And yet, the next companions for both also turned out to be actors. Rachel was seen in a relationship with Josh Lucas, and Ryan was credited love affair with Famke Janssen (I did not find photo evidence of this fact).

In July 2009, an event expected by many fans of the McAdams-Gosling couple happened - the actors reunited.

True, only for a few months, and apparently only in order to finally be convinced of the correctness of the decision previously made by both.

After breaking up with Rachel, Ryan disappeared from the scene for a long time. public life. And he devoted little time to acting. His new passion became music - his group “Dead Man’s Bones” released their first album, videos were shot, and concerts were given. During this period, Ryan was only occasionally noticed in the company of one lady or another, but serious relationship he didn’t get involved with anyone - it was just flirting, parties, going to cafes, eating ice cream (Ryan, by the way, has a big sweet tooth). He was spotted doing such activities with Kat Dennings

a girl outside the cinema Hilary Roland

Blake Lively

Olivia Wilde

After taking a break from movies and serious relationships, Ryan returns to both. Since 2011, he has been involved in several projects at once, including the thriller “The Place Beyond the Pines.” Here Eva Mendes becomes his partner and wife according to the script.

They immediately have a lot in common in life - they both love dogs, Desneyland and sweets. In addition, Eva is seven years older than Ryan, which he is so not indifferent to.

Their relationship has been going on for almost a year now and so far everything is good (thu-thu). They visit each other for filming and enjoy life. As for more serious steps... we know that Eva is an active opponent of the institution of marriage; a spiritual connection with a person is important to her. However, such life position does not at all go against what Ryan himself thinks about relationships:

The main theme for me is love. We all want it, but we don’t know how to get it, so everything we do is just trying to find happiness.

P.S.: And yet, Ryan has already repeatedly stated how he dreams of fatherhood. I don’t even dare to guess where their relationship will lead, but... the kids would be beautiful)))

Photo: Splash/All Over Press,
National photo group/All Over Press,
Jackson Lee/All Over Press.

Ryan Gosling has driven more than one Hollywood beauty crazy. He had affairs with Sandra Bullock and Rachel McAdams, Olivia Wilde and Famke Janssen. However, since 2011, there is only one woman in Gosling’s life - Eva Mendes. More precisely, two more of them common daughter Esmeralda. And when choosing films, a movie star does not rely on external data: he prefers different roles in order to more clearly demonstrate his talent. He can handle dramatic images (“The Place Beyond the Pines”), lyrical (“The Notebook”), and comedic-sexual (“This Stupid Love”).

All photos 13

Biography of Ryan Gosling

Ryan was born into an ordinary Canadian family: his mother Donna worked as a school secretary, his father Thomas worked in a paper mill, the couple already had eldest daughter Mandy. Ryan himself was by no means a good boy: he constantly fought with his classmates, sometimes he was beaten mercilessly. The parents, unable to bear all this disgrace, took their son to home schooling: from fifth to ninth grade, Gosling studied independently.

At the age of 13, Ryan Gosling appeared on the popular American TV show “The Mickey Mouse Club.” There he performed with other talented teenagers who later became real stars: Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. The guy was noticed and began to be invited to television series. At first, for filming in episodes, but already in 1997, the first leading role appeared - in the television series “The Youth of Hercules.”

As a film actor, Ryan Gosling was remembered after the film “The Fanatic” (2000), where he played the main character - a Jewish skinhead who beats his relatives and at the same time reverently treats the holy book of the Torah. The next significant project was the detective film “Murder Countdown” (2002): Gosling played the role of an arrogant, unprincipled guy who, together with a friend, killed unknown girl. Sandra Bullock stars as the police officer investigating the murder.

In 2004, female viewers discerned a lyrical nature in Ryan Gosling: the melodrama “The Notebook” was released on screens. novel of the same name Nicholas Sparks. Steven Spielberg planned to direct the film, but was unable to due to his busy schedule. As a result, Nick Cassavetes took on the job. Gosling stole the role of the main character Noah, who loved one woman throughout his life, from his Mickey Mouse Club colleague Justin Timberlake. The success of the film brought the actor popularity among girls around the world and the fame of one of the main heartthrobs of Hollywood.

This was followed by two roles of unbalanced men: in the thriller Stay (2005), Gosling played a suicidal student, and in the drama Half Nelson (2006), he played a drug-addicted teacher. In Breaking Point (2007), Ryan Gosling once again proved to himself and others his acting skills. The thriller is built on the confrontation between Gosling's hero, a young prosecutor, and Anthony Hopkins' hero, a killer who successfully covered up the traces of the crime. Critics and viewers noted that Gosling did not lose at all next to Hopkins. And the “heavyweight” actor himself admitted in an interview that he had not met such talented guys as Ryan for a long time.

Gosling continues to give one or two major roles a year: a motorcycle racer in Drive, an aspiring robber in The Place Beyond the Pines, a charming womanizer in the comedy This Stupid Love... The only exception was 2014, when Ryan Gosling tried his hand at a new as: became the director, screenwriter and producer of the fantasy “How to Catch a Monster.” However, acting career He, to the delight of his fans, did not abandon it. Continues to expand the list of interesting roles.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

The actor is well aware of his sexual attractiveness. He even beat her in the comedy “This Stupid Love”: according to the plot, his hero seduces girls using a simple technique - he invites everyone to repeat the number from “Dirty Dancing”.

The first high-profile romance happened on the set of “Murder Countdown”: in 2002, Ryan began dating Sandra Bullock. The couple was not embarrassed by the age difference - 16 years, but the relationship gradually faded away on its own. The Notebook brought not only fame, but also new love- starring Rachel McAdams. Members film crew complained about the frequent scandals of Gosling and McAdams, but on the screen the love between the actors is visible to the naked eye. It didn’t end after filming: Ryan and Rachel were together for four years – until 2007. Then too different characters Nevertheless, they made themselves felt, the former lovers ran away. Gosling continues to play in the band Dead Man’s Bones with Zach Shields, whom he met through Rachel: both dated the McAdams sisters.

Gosling's next lovers were again actresses: he dated Famke Janssen in 2007-2008, and Jamie Murray in 2009-2010. But filming The Place Beyond the Pines in 2011 made Ryan Gosling look bad an exemplary family man. Of course, not the filming itself, but the romance with Eva Mendes that began during it. The heroine of Eve gave birth to a son from the hero Ryan. The plot almost coincided with real life: in September 2012, the common daughter of Gosling and Mendes was born, who was named Esmeralda Amada. In honor of the baby, the actor made a tattoo on the fingers of his left hand - the first four letters of her name. And on April 29, 2016, the couple gave birth to their second daughter, Amada Lee. Now Gosling admits in an interview that he has found happiness and harmony. All he wants is to be home soon, where his wife and daughters are waiting for him.

Ryan Gosling is often called one of the most... desirable men America. It cannot be said that he is an example of standard beauty, or, say, the owner of a brutal appearance. However, many girls would prefer to have this blond guy with his unique look and smile as their lover.

Although the actor’s track record includes many roles where he plays his characters impeccably, it was only in “The Notebook” that he fully revealed himself as the charming hero of girls’ dreams. Very little time passed after the release of this film, and the public and critics were already ready to give him the status of a Hollywood sex symbol. But he cannot be called a new Casanova, since he approaches the choice of his partners thoroughly and with taste.

Sandra Bullock (2002-2003)

First famous novel Gosling happened to Sandra Bullock, who was 38 years old at the time. Ryan himself was 21 years old at that moment, which, in general, did not prevent a spark of passion from breaking out between him and Sandra. The relationship began after the film “Murder Countdown,” where they played a police officer and a suspect. In one of the scenes, Gosling's character, a juvenile delinquent, had to seduce a law enforcement officer played by Bullock. The actress recalled Gosling's words as he improvised: "He said, 'Please don't be mad at me when the scene is over.' It was exciting and enjoyable. I liked it." Later, the actor admitted that he was captivated by Sandra from the first moment of their meeting: “Don’t say that I’m in love with her - I’m fascinated by her.” Bullock was able to appreciate the charm of young Ryan, but after a year they ended the relationship. Gosling landed a role in “The Notebook,” a film that was destined to play a significant role in both the actor’s career and his personal life.

Rachel McAdams (2004-2007)

The real melodrama, which received recognition from the audience and was awarded all sorts of prizes (even such as “best kiss” and “best on-screen chemistry”), did not end for Gosling and Rachel McAdams on the screen, but continued in the lives of the actors. Although, in fact, during filming everything was not so simple. Ryan and Rachel often quarreled and constantly found points where they strongly disagreed with each other. So what we see in the film is the result of their great game, and not a natural manifestation of feelings. It even got to the point that Gosling demanded that the director replace Rachel with another actress. But he did not give in.

But hatred star couple gave way to no less passionate love and the time has come for them romantic relationships– at the end of filming they started dating. Alas, the love did not last long and three years later the actors broke up, maintaining friendly relations. During numerous interviews, Gosling called Rachel his muse, the woman of his life, the standard of beauty and best friend. He ranks his meeting with her as one of the best events of his life.

Kat Dennings, Blake Lovely, Olivia Wilde (2009, 2010, 2010)

The actor, whom the People tabloid began calling “Hollywood’s hottest bachelor,” spent 2009 and 2010 searching. He was credited with several affairs with actresses who worked with him. Rumors first centered on Kat Dennings, who was spotted with Gosling on a date at Disneyland. Then it was Blake Lovely's turn. Here, however, the only evidence was the conversations of eyewitnesses. And very soon Ryan was eyeing Olivia Wilde, which gave rise to new wave rumors

He also played a love duet with Emma Stone twice (“This Stupid Love” and “Gangster Hunters”), but this relationship did not go beyond the scope of films.

Eva Mendes (2011 -)

With his last lover, whom Ryan is still dating to this day, Eva Mendes, everything worked out in best traditions cinema - the relationships that developed on the screen (“The Place Beyond the Pines”) imperceptibly flowed into real life behind the scenes. The fact that Eva turned out to be older than Ryan surprised no one. Unlike past unions, this couple tried to limit information about the relationship, so for a long time no one seriously believed that this time everything would last. Moreover, about three years ago, Eva stopped accompanying him on the red carpet.

She wasn’t there either at the Cannes Film Festival, where Gosling presented his directorial project. The public was sure that the couple had broken up. In fact, everything turned out to be much better: Mendes had to disappear from view due to pregnancy. Two years ago, she and Ryan had their first child, a daughter whom they named Esmeralda Amada (Spanish for “beloved emerald”), and in the past another daughter, Amada Lee Gosling.

The actor was born in Canada, in the fall - November 12 - according to one horoscope he is Scorpio; 1980 year of birth corresponds to the year of the Monkey. With such a horoscope, it is difficult not to be a talented, versatile, but sad artist. Hometown- Canadian London, in the suburbs of Ontario. Gosling's ancestors come from France, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. By nationality he considers himself Canadian.

Father: Thomas - worked as a courier- a salesman from a paper manufacturing factory. Mother: Donna - worked at this factory as a secretary. Ryan has an older sister named Mandy. The family was poor and unfriendly.

Actor's childhood

The boy was not too happy as a child, as his parents often quarreled. The child saw the quarrels and swearing of his mother and father and became sad, distracted by watching a movie. He probably got some from his older sister: old clothes and toys. At the age of 13, the talented boy survived his parents' divorce.

The split in the parental family was probably facilitated by the offer to Ryan to participate in the filming of the film “The Youth of Hercules.” The actor's thirteenth birthday was happy and difficult - in 1998 he was chosen as the only one out of thousands of applicants for main role. His mother accompanied him on his trip to New Zealand where the filming took place. The mother influenced Ryan’s passion and advancement and devotes her entire maternal life and care to her child, leaving her job.


Young Ryan was addicted watching action movies with Sylvester Stallone. This sparked the child’s passion for cinema. But one day, Ryan’s passion for cinema almost destroyed him when he began throwing knives at his classmates during recess. Ryan mutually hated his classmates and was involved in constant fights. He didn’t even finish his studies at school, switching to home schooling so as not to disturb his inspired soul and protect himself from anger and envy.

School incident ended without bloodshed and without any leads to the police. The teachers strictly forbade the young talent from watching action films. Then, the future idol, realized that cinema can greatly influence the younger generation. But he could no longer stop himself - the film industry occupied all his dreams and activities. From stunt work to scripts, from music to acting, the whole process of filming the movie was interesting to the young future idol.

School life did not work out. But future star screen I found friends from my talented social circle by joining the children's Mickey Mouse Club. This club was founded by Walt Disney, dreaming of uniting gifted children under his auspices. It was a real musical theater. Children sang and danced, while simultaneously playing roles in creative productions.

At the Mickey Mouse Club, children learned performing arts. Through classes and productions, Ryan became friends with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. He became such friends with Justin Timberlake that the boys founded a singing duet and performed together for some time. Ryan plays on musical instruments and has a good voice.

Ryan's pleasant appearance and versatile talents could not but affect his rapid advancement along the stellar ladder to the heights of fame.

Childhood idols influenced for Gosling's subsequent sports activities - he worked out in gym and became the owner of a muscular body. But, besides this, the actor also does beach fitness. Practicing this sport helped the actor gain a classic, masculine, “V” shaped figure.

Adult Gosling's physique

Ryan Gosling: personal life

Such parameters of the actor, plus his charming appearance, could not but affect the increased attention of women. The movie star still hasn't tied the knot. Apparently, this was influenced by the actor’s childhood: looking at his father and mother who were unhappy in their marriage, he is in no hurry to legitimize relationships with women. He had several long romance novels. With "colleagues in the shop." Sandra Bullock, Rachel McAddams, Famke Janssen, Jamie Murray, the artist met over the years.

Even with the beauty Eva Mendes, who gave him two daughters, he has had a civil marriage since 2011. Ryan loves each of his children, but does not marry their mother. Apparently, lovers are not afraid of losing each other even without a stamp in their passport. After all, “marriages are made in heaven.” And the Goslings have a friendly family - Eva Mendes lives in luxury home Ryan, along with his mother and loving mother-in-law. Ryan Gosling is a secretive person. He doesn't talk too much about himself.

Birth of a celebrity

Acting skills of a young man so shocked the viewers of the Fox Kids channel that Ryan overnight became a sought-after artist. Fifty episodes of the series about Hercules delighted fans of the popular fantasy action movie for six months. And the actor played with such dedication because this role suited his temperament. He, in fact, played himself - deprived of a father and surviving among enemies.

But Ryan Gosling did not limit himself to the image of Hercules and his filmography is very rich.

Movies starring Ryan Gosling

The talented actor played in these films:

Many films were prepared annually. Some films were released in the same year. This is serious work of transformation. Gosling works tirelessly and develops his talent, investing it in what he loves.

In the movie "How to Catch a Monster""The actor was a director, screenwriter and producer. The film was not awarded high awards. Many of the artist's acting works were nominated for the prestigious Oscar and Golden Globe awards.

Ryan Gosling will delight fans more than once good films. Her role in the new musical “La La Land” in 2016 was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, as well as some other roles.

Ryan Gosling: stills and photos