The child draws himself separately from his parents. Test: What does your child draw?

The “Drawing of a Person” test (K. Makhover) refers to projective techniques (drawing tests)

The “Human Drawing” test was developed by K. Machover in 1946 based on the F. Goodenough test in order to determine individual characteristics personality.

Goal: determination of individual personality characteristics.

The child is given a simple pencil and a standard sheet of A4 paper and asked to create a drawing. Instructions: “Please draw the kind of person you want.” Questions should be answered evasively (“Anyone”, “Draw whatever you want”). During the drawing process, all questions, remarks, behavior patterns, as well as such manipulations as erasing elements of the drawing and additions are recorded. After the drawing is completed, you should move on to the conversation.

The conversation may include questions: Who is this person? Where does he live? Does he have friends? What does he do? Is he good or evil? Who is he looking at? Who's looking at him?

During a conversation with your child, you can ask him to clarify the unclear details of the drawing. Another conversation option is to ask the child to make up a story about this person.

A short version of graphical information processing.

Evaluate the child’s drawing on the following points:
A man's head is drawn.
He has two legs.
Two arms.
The body is sufficiently separated from the head.
The length and width of the body are proportional.
The shoulders are well drawn.
The arms and legs are connected to the body correctly.
The junctions of the arms and legs with the body are clearly highlighted.
The neck is clearly visible.
The length of the neck is proportional to the size of the body and head.
The man's eyes are drawn.
His nose is drawn.
The mouth is drawn.
The nose and mouth are of normal size
The nostrils are visible.
Hair is drawn.
The hair is drawn well, it evenly covers the head.
The man is drawn in clothes.
At least the main parts of the clothing (trousers and jacket/shirt) are drawn.
All clothing shown other than the one above is well drawn.
Clothes do not contain absurd or inappropriate elements.
Fingers are depicted on the hands.
Each hand has five fingers.
The fingers are fairly proportional and not too spread out.
The thumb is quite well defined.
The wrists are well drawn.
The elbow joint is drawn.
The knee joint is drawn.
The head has normal proportions in relation to the body.
The arms are the same length as the body, or longer, but not more than twice as long.
The length of the feet is approximately 1/3 of the length of the legs.
The length of the legs is approximately equal to the length of the body or longer, but not more than twice.
The length and width of the limbs are proportional.
The heels of the legs can be seen.
The head shape is correct.
The body shape is generally correct.
The outlines of the limbs are conveyed correctly.
There are no gross errors in the transmission of the remaining parts.
The ears are clearly distinguishable.
The ears are in their place and are of normal size.
Eyelashes and eyebrows are drawn on the face.
The pupils are positioned correctly.
The eyes are proportional to the size of the face.
The person looks straight ahead, his eyes are not squinted to the side.
The forehead and chin are clearly visible.
The chin is separated from the lower lip.

The closer the child’s drawing is to this model, the higher the level of his development. Give each positive answer 1 point and add up the points received. A normally mentally developed child should score the points indicated below in accordance with his age.
5 years – 10 points
6 years – 14 points
7 years – 18 points
8 years – 22 points
9 years – 26 points
10 years – 30 points
11 years old – 34 points
12 years old – 38 points
13 years old – 42 points
14 years old – over 42 points

Additional details of the drawing, such as a cane, briefcase, roller skates, etc., speak in favor of the child, but provided that this detail is appropriate in this picture or even necessary for a given image (a sword for a warrior).

Analysis of the drawing.

First of all, note whether there are gross errors in the depiction of the figure. The drawing of a human figure symbolizes the image of the body, which is very susceptible to external stimuli that disturb the emotional state of the child, therefore the problems that he experiences will be symbolically reflected in the drawing. The more severe the child's disorder, the more both his body image and graphic representation are affected.

Serious deviations include the depiction of a figure with disparate body parts, completely inappropriate details, the depiction of another object instead of a person, the erasure of a drawn human figure, rigid, motionless, robot-like or very bizarre figures. Another significant negative factor is the child’s depiction of a figure of the opposite sex. This may be an expression of sexual role confusion, strong attachment or dependence on a parent (some other person) of the opposite sex.

The symbolic meaning of the human figure.

Head. If a child pays little attention to his head, this may indicate problems in adapting to social environment, difficulties in communication, or even the presence of neurosis, since the head and, in particular, the forehead are a reflection of self-control and the sphere of social contacts. Absence of a forehead - the child deliberately ignores the mental sphere. A disproportionately large head is a sign that the child suffers from headaches or other negative impacts in this area. Fixation on the head may be associated with weakening of intellectual abilities or control, as a result of which the importance of this part of the body for the child increases. A large head in this case acts as an expression of the desire to compensate for what is missing.

Hair . Highlighting hair on the head is a desire to emphasize the masculinity of a male figure. The emphasis on girls' hair, the careful depiction of voluminous hairstyles, long, cascading hair in combination with other obvious elements of decoration - early sexual maturation.

The face is a symbol of the sphere of communication, the most social part of the drawing. Facial features are not clearly depicted, poorly drawn, the face is sketchy, omits the depiction of facial features, the face is drawn last - difficulties in communication, timidity, very wary, expects only bad things from others, often hostile to others. Goggled eyes, compressed lips, an open mouth with bared teeth - aggression and hostility. Well-drawn facial features mean attention to yourself, healthy self-esteem. A painted-over face, an image of an animal-like face or a robot-like face, an impersonal, expressionless face is a negative sign, a loss of identity, a loss of a sense of one’s own “I”.

The chin is a reflection of willpower, authority, masculinity. Passion for the image of the chin (often erased, redrawn, outlined, protruding strongly) is compensation for weakness, indecision, fear of responsibility, desire for superiority and gaining significance in the eyes of others. Especially if in the image of the remaining parts the lines are weak and light. The author of the drawing does not have such qualities in reality, but only pictures himself as such in his imagination.

Brows . Neat eyebrows are evidence of caring about one’s own appearance, grooming, restraint, and moderation. Thick, shaggy eyebrows - rudeness of character, obstinacy, intemperance, primitiveness of morals. Raised eyebrows - arrogance, arrogance.

Ears – openness of perception or alertness to the outside world. Omitting this part or hiding it with hair is a minor omission. A certain ear discharge – sensitivity to comments and judgement; indirectly – stubbornness and disobedience to authority.

Eyes are a reflection of the child’s inner world. A fixed, piercing gaze – aggressiveness. The eyes are large, with drawn pupils or without pupils with shaded sclera - a symbol of fear or anxiety. Eyes wide open, but not exaggerated - curiosity. The gaze is not straight, but slanted - suspicious. Small eyes – secrecy, self-focus, preoccupation with one’s own feelings. Closed eyes– an attempt to isolate yourself from the outside world, from contacts. Absence of pupils, empty eye sockets - extreme egocentrism, the child does not find anything around worthy of his attention. Beautiful, symmetrical, well-drawn eyes - the desire to be attractive and likable to other people.

The mouth is a multi-valued element. Mouth open – aggressiveness, verbal activity of an aggressive nature; if the teeth are drawn, there is obvious aggression, possibly defensive. Selection of the mouth (erasure, displacement, disproportionate sizes, underlining, etc.) is typical for young children who, not so long ago, were in oral dependence on their mother. In older children it is a sign of lack of independence and dependence. A mouth marked with one straight line indicates internal tension.

Lips are a generally accepted symbol of the sexual sphere. Plump lips on a figure drawn by a girl are a sign of correct gender identification. Drawn lips (in a teenager) – the presence of narcissistic tendencies.

Nose. The absence of a nose is a certain degree of intellectual disability.

The neck is the connecting link between the body (symbol of animal passions, impulsive life) and the head (intellectual center, mind, control). A long neck is a tense, constrained person who has good self-control. A short neck means naturalness, straightness. The absence of a neck is a sign of immaturity.

Hands are a symbol of activity, communication and contact. Hands are spread to the sides, as if for a hug - a sign of sociability, active interaction with the outside world. Hands are hidden behind the back, hanging sluggishly along the body, pressed tightly to the body, palms hidden in pockets - unsociability and isolation. Flexible, mobile, freely positioned hands – good social adaptability, ease of establishing contacts with others. Rigid, inflexible, mechanically extended, bent at right angles - superficial, unemotional contacts with the outside world. Large, large palms are a sign of an active, explosive character. Absence of palms – maladjustment, lack of self-confidence, feeling of unfitness. Carefully drawn fingers – the ability to control the situation, hold it in your hands, manage it. Long fingers with nails or emphasizing fists - aggression, belligerence. Fists on the hand away from the body - open hostility, rebellion, confrontation. Hands with clenched fists are pressed to the body - a hidden, suppressed tendency to revolt. Aggression – fingers like the claws of a bird of prey; hands raised up, painted hands. The absence of hands is an extreme degree of passivity, inactivity, unsociability, timidity, intellectual immaturity; for older people - a feeling of guilt in connection with their aggressive attitude. The same goes for the heavily shaded hands. Short arms- isolation, turning inward, on oneself. Long arms - focus on external world, contact. Large, muscular arms – the priority of strength, the desire to become physically strong, compensation for one’s own weakness.

The torso is a symbol of the child’s idea of ​​the physical appearance of a person. A strong, muscular body drawn by a fragile, weak child is a sign of compensation. Large, strong body with powerful shoulders - inner strength, strong ego. Broad, massive shoulders are an expression of physical strength and superiority. A strong child draws a weak body - this is associated with an experience from past experience. A fragile body is an expression of one’s own weakness. The navel (small child) is a sign of egocentrism, if an older child - immaturity or a desire to withdraw into oneself. The rounded shape of the body means balance, a calmer character, and some femininity. An angular, rectangular figure – masculinity, energy and expressiveness. Figure decoration (bows, buckles) – increased attention to one's own person. Image internal organs– an extremely negative sign – serious mental disorders.

Legs are a symbol of support and stability. The feet are drawn in profile - a sign of stability and self-confidence. Feet with fingers towards the observer, or absence of feet - a feeling of insecurity. Separation of the lower half of the body with a bold line (teenagers) – problems in the sexual sphere. Weak, short, poorly drawn or shaded legs are an expression of uncertainty, weakness, worthlessness, and loss of spirit. The feet of a dressed person are depicted with toes - extreme aggressiveness. Small, unsteady feet – a feeling of insecurity.

Genitals. Hiding the genital area is common in teenage girls. The female figure's arms are depicted shyly covering the lower abdomen, while the male figure's arms are boldly spread to the sides. Various objects (bouquet, etc.) can be depicted above the lower abdomen.

Explicit depiction of genitalia is very rare. A shift of interest from one’s body to the fascinating world around us, which is typical for the behavior of children during the period of hidden sexuality. The child is probably precocious and aware of the high emotional value invested in the genitals. Hernia surgery or circumcision can cause castration fears. Seduction by older children or adults or more subtle maneuvers can arouse the child during a period of latent sexuality. In most cases, the reason for depicting genitals is behavioral disorder, aggression, or phobia.

Because the drawn figure is closely related to the author of the drawing and, in a certain way, characterizes him; attention should be paid to the size of the figure, its pose, location on the sheet, the quality of the lines (pressure, hardness, duration, intermittency), the sequence of depiction of details, the use of background, as well as extraneous objects. The proportions of the body parts of the figure, the presence of unfinished elements of the drawing, the level of detail drawing, the presence of strong pressure and its localization, erasing, making changes to the drawing, emotions expressed on the person’s face and in his posture are taken into account.

Size and location.

A small figure that modestly occupies only a small area of ​​space - a feeling of insecurity, anxiety, depression, inadequacy. Excessively large, cumbersome body size – weak internal control and expansiveness.
A tilted figure means lack of mental imbalance, instability. The figure is shifted to the right - orientation towards the outside world. Shift to the left - emphasis on yourself. The drawing mainly at the top of the sheet is optimism. The location of the figure at the bottom of the sheet is a feeling of oppression, depression. A large figure drawn on a large scale, placed in the center of the sheet - inflated self-esteem. The child draws a line of the ground, and places the person high from it, as if floating - isolation from reality, a tendency to fantasy and games of imagination, poor contact with reality.

Perspective. Boys (rarely girls) of adolescence sometimes depict a person with their body in front and their head in profile - a sign of social tension, a certain feeling of guilt associated with the sphere of communication. Head in profile, body in front, legs in profile - low mental development and impaired spatial imagination.

Other image features. Transparency effect (the ability to see one detail in a drawing through another). This is a natural factor if the drawing was made by a 6-year-old child. At an older age, this has a negative meaning, because contradicts reality. Possibly a sign of mild developmental delay, as well as personality disorganization or mental retardation. In the “soft” version, transparency indicates that the child lacks support and protection. The negative value of transparency is assessed by the number of transparent elements and the size of the transparent part (the second case is more indicative).

Optional details. Cigarette, pipe, weapon, cane, buttons, pockets, hat. A weapon in the hands of a figure is a sign of hostility and aggressiveness. Buttons, pockets in the drawings of older children - insufficient maturity, infantility. Emphasizing a tie or hat has a sexual connotation. Other sexual symbols are a pipe, a cigarette, and less commonly a cane. Highlighting pants fly (teenagers) – preoccupation with masturbation.

Scattered body parts.

This evidence of deviations - a refusal to create a holistic picture, is noted in children with personal disorganization.

Excessive shading. Focusing on the shading of the entire drawn figure or part of it (face, lower body, etc.) is anxiety. Excessive, energetic shading, sometimes directed at the genital area, can be observed in the drawings of depressed, overly controlled elementary school children, at an age close to the period of latent sexuality. For children over 13 years old, shading is an indicator of emotional distress.

Drawings without people. For young children, there are likely difficulties in interpersonal communication. Refusal to draw a person and depict inanimate objects must be considered as an unusual, possibly deviant act, suggesting difficulties in interpersonal relationships, abnormal indifference, emotional detachment, autism.

Dark clouds and shaded sun. The shining sun is a well-adjusted child. Rain clouds, shaded sun - an unhappy, anxious, depressed child.

Erasing. The facts of erasure are an expression of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Drawing of a man endowed different meanings. Some consider the image of a human figure projection of body image, other reflection of self-concept. He is mistaken for projection of the child’s relationship to a significant person from his environment, projection of the image of his ideal self, expression of habitual actions. It may be an expression of how a person perceives external circumstances, how he relates to life and society in general, or a combination of the above.

Test Description

The “Human Drawing” test was developed by K. Makhover in 1946 based on the F. Goodenough test in order to determine individual personality characteristics.

Test instructions

The test procedure consists of giving the child a simple pencil of medium softness and a standard Blank sheet A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) and asked to create a drawing: " Please draw the person you want".

If the child refuses, you must try to convince him. All kinds of questions, which, as a rule, are of a clarifying nature (“what kind of person?”), should be answered evasively, for example: “anyone”, “draw whoever you want.” To any expressions of doubt, you can say: “just start, and then it will be easier...”

In response to your request, the child will not necessarily create a full-fledged drawing of a person. He can draw a person partially, something like a bust or as a caricature, a cartoon character, an abstract image. In principle, any drawing can provide important information about the child, however, if the drawing does not meet the requirements, the child is asked to take another sheet of paper and draw the person again, now in full height, entirely: with head, torso, arms and legs.

The instruction is repeated until a satisfactory drawing of the human figure is obtained. You should record all the child’s questions and remarks during the drawing process, the peculiarities of his behavior, as well as such manipulations as erasing elements of the drawing and additions. The same goes for drawing time.

Observations of the child made while working on the drawing will provide important information about his characteristics.

  • How did he react to the task?
  • Did he express resistance or a sharp refusal?
  • Did you ask additional questions and how many?
  • Did he express an urgent need for further instructions?
  • If so, then in what way: did he declare it directly or was it expressed in his movements and behavior?
  • Maybe the child boldly began to complete the task and did not express any doubts about his abilities?
  • Or were his doubts and insecurities reflected in everything he did and said?

Such observations provide a lot of food for thought: maybe the child feels unprotected, he is anxious, restless, unsure of himself, doubtful, suspicious, arrogant, negativistic, extremely critical, hostile, tense, calm, trusting, curious, embarrassed , alert, impulsive, etc. and so on.

After the drawing is completed, ask the child if he has drawn everything, and then move on to a conversation that is based on the drawing and its features. During the conversation, you can clarify all the unclear aspects of the drawing, and through the attitudes, feelings and experiences that the child expresses during the conversation, you can obtain unique information regarding his emotional and psychological state. The conversation may include questions:

  • Who is this man?
  • Where does he live?
  • Does he have friends?
  • What does he do?
  • Is he good or evil?
  • Who is he looking at?
  • Who's looking at him?

Other questions to ask your child to get as much information as possible:

  • Do you know this person?
  • Who does he look like, who does he resemble?
  • Who were you thinking about when you were drawing?
  • What does the drawn man do, what is he doing? this moment busy?
  • How old is he?
  • Where is he located?
  • What's around him?
  • What is he thinking about?
  • How does he feel?
  • What does he do?
  • You like him?
  • Does he have bad habits?
  • Does he have any wishes?
  • What comes to your mind when you look at this drawn man?
  • Is this person healthy?
  • What does this person want most?

During this conversation with your child, you can ask him to clarify or comment on the unclear details, dubious or unclear places in the drawing. Also ask which part of the body, in his opinion, turned out best and why, and which part was the worst, why.

Another option for talking with your child is to ask him to make up a story about this person.

Interpretation of test resultsShort version of graphical information processing

The answers to the questions below will make it clear whether the child is showing any obvious deviations or whether there are signs of psychopathology.

  • A man's head is drawn.
  • He has two legs.
  • Two arms.
  • The body is sufficiently separated from the head.
  • The length and width of the body are proportional.
  • The shoulders are well drawn.
  • The arms and legs are connected to the body correctly.
  • The junctions of the arms and legs with the body are clearly highlighted.
  • The neck is clearly visible.
  • The length of the neck is proportional to the size of the body and head.
  • The man's eyes are drawn.
  • His nose is drawn.
  • The mouth is drawn.
  • The nose and mouth are of normal size.
  • The nostrils are visible.
  • Hair is drawn.
  • The hair is drawn well, it evenly covers the head.
  • The man is drawn in clothes.
  • At least the main parts of the clothing (trousers and jacket/shirt) are drawn.
  • All clothing shown other than the one above is well drawn.
  • Clothes do not contain absurd or inappropriate elements.
  • Fingers are depicted on the hands.
  • Each hand has five fingers.
  • The fingers are fairly proportional and not too spread out.
  • The thumb is quite well defined.
  • The wrists are well drawn by narrowing and then widening the forearm in the hand area.
  • The elbow joint is drawn.
  • The knee joint is drawn.
  • The head has normal proportions in relation to the body.
  • The arms are the same length as the body, or longer, but not more than twice as long.
  • The length of the feet is approximately 1/3 of the length of the legs.
  • The length of the legs is approximately equal to the length of the body or longer, but not more than twice.
  • The length and width of the limbs are proportional.
  • The heels of the legs can be seen.
  • The head shape is correct.
  • The body shape is generally correct.
  • The outlines of the limbs are conveyed accurately.
  • There are no gross errors in the transmission of the remaining parts.
  • The ears are clearly distinguishable.
  • The ears are in place and of normal size.
  • Eyelashes and eyebrows are drawn on the face.
  • The pupils are positioned correctly.
  • The eyes are proportional to the size of the face.
  • The person looks straight ahead, his eyes are not squinted to the side.
  • The forehead and chin are clearly visible.
  • The chin is separated from the lower lip.
  • It is very easy to draw conclusions. In general, the child’s drawing should correspond to the description given. The closer his drawing is to this model, the higher the level of his development. Give each positive answer one point and add up the points. A normally mentally developed child should score the points indicated below in accordance with his age.

    • 5 years – 10 points.
    • 6 years – 14 points.
    • 7 years – 18 points.
    • 8 years – 22 points.
    • 9 years – 26 points.
    • 10 years – 30 points.
    • 11 years old – 34 points.
    • 12 years old – 38 points.
    • 13 years old – 42 points.
    • 14 years old – over 42 points.

    Additional details of the drawing, such as a cane, briefcase, roller skates, etc., speak in favor of the child, but provided that this detail is appropriate in the given drawing or even necessary for the given person depicted, for example, a sword for a warrior.

    The picture may also contain negative signs, which you should pay attention to as they may indicate certain problems.

    • There are no eyes on the face; one eye on the face from the front; two eyes on the face in profile.
    • There is no nose, the nose is in the form of one vertical line or point.
    • No mouth or one-dimensional mouth as a horizontal line.
    • No torso or stick torso.
    • There are no hands (the figure has one hand in frontal view), no fingers.
    • Brushes in the form of mittens, stub brushes or fingerless circles.
    • No feet.
    • There are no clothes and no sexual characteristics.
    • The shin is wider than the thigh and other violations of body proportions.

    First of all, note whether there are gross errors in the image of the figure, for example, those listed above. If we assume that the drawing of a human figure symbolizes body image, which is considered very susceptible to external stimuli that disrupt the emotional state of the child, then the drawing will symbolically reflect the problems that he is experiencing.

    The more significant the child's disorder, the more both his body image and his graphic representation of the latter suffer. Following the body image, the child’s drawing may suffer in whole or in part, or simply become slightly different from the generally accepted one. Serious deviations include the depiction of a figure with disparate body parts, completely inappropriate details, the depiction of another object instead of a person, the erasure of a drawn human figure, rigid, motionless, robot-like or very bizarre figures. Similar cases indicate serious problems and disorders.

    Another significant negative factor is child's depiction of a figure of the opposite sex, which is not necessarily associated with homosexual tendencies, as is often believed. It may be an expression of sexual role confusion, a strong attachment or dependence on a parent of the opposite sex, or a strong attachment or dependence on some other person of the opposite sex.

    Symbolic meanings of the human figure

    Each part of the depicted figure acquires a special symbolic meaning, since it displays echoes of emotional and social life child.

    When interpreting this test, hasty conclusions are unacceptable. Research shows that the ways and manner of expressing emotions, experiences, conflicts and other aspects of a child’s mental life change depending on the situation and vary from person to person. Therefore, there is no need to make any diagnosis based on a single sign; in the process of analysis, it is necessary to take into account the drawing as a whole.

    Head, forehead

    The personification of the sphere of intellect, the place of localization of the child’s “I”, his mental center, therefore it is not surprising that maximum attention is paid to the head.

    If the child pays little attention to the head- this may indicate problems of adaptation to the social environment, communication difficulties, or even the presence of neurosis, since the head and, in particular, the forehead are also a reflection of self-control and the sphere of social contacts. This is the part of the body that is always open to the gaze of others and through this is involved in the process of relationships with other people.

    No forehead means that the child deliberately ignores the mental sphere. The ratio of the proportions of the head and body is the relationship between the physical and spiritual in the child.

    If a person disproportionately large head– this may be a sign that the child is suffering from headaches or other negative effects in this area. Fixation on the head may be associated with weakening of intellectual abilities or control, as a result of which the importance of this part of the body for the child increases. A large head in this case acts as an expression of the desire to compensate for what is missing. Teenagers who are aware of their lag behind their peers in mental development, in the development of reading or writing skills, etc., or who suffer from adaptation disorders, also often draw a large head on a person.


    Highlighting hair on the head may indicate a desire to emphasize the masculinity of a male figure.

    Emphasizing girls' hair, careful depiction of voluminous hairstyles, long and cascading hair in combination with other obvious elements of decoration may indicate early sexual maturation.


    A symbol of the sphere of communication, the most important center of communication. It is considered to be the most social part of the drawing.

    A child who has difficulty communicating, is timid, strives to avoid problems associated with conflicts in relationships with others, depicts facial features unclear, draws them poorly, depicts them very schematically, misses the image of facial features. At the same time, he can carefully and confidently highlight other parts of the figure.

    Another indicative case is when The child draws the face last. The relationships of such a child are very superficial; he tolerates other people to the extent that he can. He is extremely wary, expects only bad things from others, and is often hostile towards others.

    We can also talk about aggression and hostility in the case of depicting the corresponding facial expression: wide eyes, pursed lips, or an open mouth with bared teeth.

    Well-drawn facial features They talk about self-attention and healthy self-esteem. On the other hand, focusing on this part, excessively emphasizing and highlighting facial features may be an attempt to create an image of a socially adapted, successful person with personal energy in order to compensate for one’s inadequacy and weakness of self-affirmation.

    Painted face– a rather negative sign that correlates with a loss of identity, a loss of a sense of self. An equally disturbing fact is the image of an animal-like or robot-like face, as well as an impersonal, expressionless face, which can be said to be inanimate.


    It has a stereotypical meaning, according to which we know that the chin is a reflection of willpower, authority, masculinity, etc.

    Fascination with the image of the chin, which manifests itself in the fact that it often erased, redrawn, outlined, or drawn prominently(in the pictures the figure is in profile) can be regarded as compensation for weakness, indecision, and fear of responsibility. This may indicate a desire for superiority and importance in the eyes of others.

    This interpretation is even more justified if the strong, pressing drawing of the entire facial profile is combined with weak, light lines in the image of the remaining parts. In this case, we can assume that the author of the drawing actually does not possess such qualities and only imagines himself as such in his imagination.


    Eyebrows are given the same importance as the scalp.

    Neat eyebrows, just like a neat hairstyle, is evidence of caring about one’s own appearance, grooming, restraint, and moderation.

    Thick, shaggy eyebrows they talk about rudeness of character, obstinacy, intemperance, primitiveness of morals, etc. Raised eyebrows are associated with arrogance and arrogance.

    If they exist, then they indicate openness of perception or wariness in relation to the world around us.

    Children begin to draw ears at a fairly late age, so skipping or hiding this part of the body hair is considered insignificant. A certain emphasis on the ears in the picture may indicate sensitivity to comments and condemnation and, indirectly, stubbornness and disobedience to authority.


    Eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul, a reflection of the child’s inner world. Just the look in the eyes can say a lot about a child: shy, dreamy, gloomy.

    Intense, piercing gaze- an expression of aggressiveness.

    Eyes large, with drawn pupils or without pupils with shaded sclera– a symbol of fear or anxiety. Large and carefully drawn eyes are mostly drawn by girls and much less often by boys.

    Eyes wide open, but not exaggerated, can be a sign of curiosity. The gaze is not straight, but squinted, indicating suspicion.

    Since with the help of our eyes we contact the world around us, in the case of with small eyes we can talk about secrecy, self-focus, preoccupation with one's own feelings.

    Closed eyes aza is an attempt to isolate yourself from the outside world, from contacts with others. The absence of pupils and empty eye sockets probably indicate extreme egocentrism, that the child does not find anything around him worthy of his attention.

    Beautiful, symmetrical, well drawn eyes are a reflection of the desire to be attractive and likable to other people.

    The mouth is a multi-valued element. If mouth open, then this is considered to be a sign of aggression or verbal activity of an aggressive nature if teeth are drawn, then this is obvious aggression. Perhaps it is protective in nature.

    Selection of the mouth, which can be expressed in erasure, displacement, disproportionate sizes, underlining, etc., is generally typical for young children who, not so long ago, were in oral dependence on their mother. In older children, this already becomes a sign of dependence and lack of independence.

    Mouth, marked with a single straight line, may indicate internal tension.


    Lips are a generally accepted symbol of the sexual sphere. In children's drawings, lips are one of those details that convey the overall facial expression.

    Plump lips the figure drawn by a girl is a sign of correct gender identification.

    Drawn lips in a drawing of a teenager may indicate narcissistic tendencies.

    The nose itself has no interpretive meaning. Often in connection with the nose, one recalls the psychoanalytic interpretation, in line with which it is considered a sexual symbol. Although practicing psychologists believe that the person experiencing sexual problems a teenager is more likely to focus on symbols such as a tie or trouser pockets rather than the nose. The absence of a nose may indicate some degree of intellectual disability.

    The neck is the connecting link between the body (symbol of animal passions, impulsive life) and the head (intellectual center, mind, control).

    The neck area is given attention by those who are concerned about the relationship between bodily impulses and conscious control. Such people are not sure that they can always cope with their impulses. They are characterized by a state of certain duality.

    Long neck associated with a clamped, constrained, moralizing, mannered person who has good self-control.

    Short neck can symbolize naturalness, straightforwardness. The absence of a neck in children's drawings is a sign of immaturity.

    Hands, palms, fingers

    Hands are a symbol of activity, communication and contact. If a person's hands spread apart, as if for a hug, extended towards the environment - this is a sign of sociability, active interaction with the outside world.

    If, on the contrary, hands hidden behind the back, hanging sluggishly along the body, pressed tightly to the body, palms hidden in pockets- this may indicate unsociability and isolation. In combination with other features of the drawing, this may be a sign of withdrawal, narcissism and vanity, or strong internal tension.

    Another important characteristic of the image of hands is their tone. Flexible, mobile, free-standing arms, probably indicate good social adaptability, ease of establishing contacts with the environment, and active integration into the environment. Rigid, inflexible, mechanically outstretched, bent at right angles arms can characterize superficial and unemotional contacts with the outside world.

    Large, large palms- a sign of an active, explosive character, while the absence of palms indicates inability, lack of faith in one’s strength, and a feeling of unfitness. Poorly drawn palms indicate insufficient contact, limited scope of communication and low productivity in classes practical activities. Carefully drawn fingers mean the ability to control the situation, hold it in your hands, and manage it.

    Long fingers with nails or emphasizing fists- a sign of aggression, belligerence. Fists on the hand away from the body - open hostility, rebellion, confrontation. If hands with clenched fists are pressed to the body, we can talk about a hidden, suppressed tendency to revolt. Fingers depicted as if the person is ready to grab something, like the claws of a bird of prey, can indicate aggression. Other possible symbols of hostility: hands raised, painted hands.

    No hands– extreme degree of passivity, inactivity, unsociability, timidity, intellectual immaturity. In combination with such features of the design as the absence of a mouth, the absence of a torso and the general grotesqueness of the design, the absence of hands indicates a poor adaptation of the child.

    For older children, the absence of hands is very unusual fact. In addition, this may express the feeling of guilt that the child experiences in connection with his aggressive, hostile attitude. Can mean the same thing heavily shaded hands.

    Short arms may indicate isolation, turning inward, on oneself, and the desire to keep oneself within certain limits, not allowing one’s impulses to manifest themselves.

    If a child draws Long hands- this speaks of an orientation towards the outside world, contact, the desire to acquire, accumulate.

    Big, muscular arms drawn by children who recognize the priority of strength, who strive to become physically strong, who are also large and Strong arms appear in the drawings of those who are trying to balance and compensate for their own weakness in this way. On the other hand, a child who is aware of his weak physical condition can depict thin, fragile hands.


    The torso is a symbol of the child’s idea of ​​the physical appearance of a person.

    A strong, muscular body drawn by a fragile, weak child- this is a sign of compensation for the missing, ideal physical appearance for him.

    A large, strong body with powerful shoulders in a drawing of a child of normal build– inner strength, strong ego.

    Broad, massive shoulders serve as an expression of physical strength and superiority. Adolescents experiencing sexual inadequacy may express this in their shoulders, which are very prominent in relation to other parts of the body.

    If a strong child drawsweak body, then perhaps this is due to some experience from past experience. A fragile body can be an expression of one's own weakness. A child who seeks to indulge his desires and ignores any manifestations of self-control may draw a weak, limp body with a disproportionately small head.

    If a small child pretends navel- this is a sign of egocentrism, if the navel is drawn by an older child - this becomes an expression of immaturity or a desire to withdraw into oneself.

    Overall round body shape- balance, calmer character, some femininity. An angular, rectangular figure is associated with masculinity, energy and expressiveness.

    Often the figure is decorated additional accessories(bows, buckles, etc.). This means increased attention to one’s own person.

    An extremely negative sign - image of the insides of the body. It indicates serious mental disorders.


    Legs are a symbol of support, stability, and practical orientation.

    If feet drawn in profile- This is a sign of stability and self-confidence.

    Feet with toes facing the observer or no feet express feelings of uncertainty.

    teenagers , separating the lower half of the body in the figure with a thick line, can thus express the presence of problems related to the sexual sphere.

    Weak, short, poorly drawn or shaded legs- an expression of uncertainty, weakness, one’s own worthlessness, loss of spirit.

    If Feeta dressed man is depicted with fingers, then this may indicate extreme aggressiveness.

    Small, unsteady feet– a fairly common feature in the drawings of children experiencing a feeling of insecurity. Such children draw unstable figures, ready to fall at any moment due to the extremely weak stability of their tiny feet. The child unconsciously expresses in symbolic form the instability of a personality built on a weak, unreliable foundation. In the absence of a basic sense of security, personality development is impaired; Constant anxiety continues to hinder progress towards emotional maturity and mental health.


    Hiding the genital area often found in drawings by teenage girls. The female figure's arms are depicted shyly covering the lower abdomen, while the male figure's arms are boldly spread to the sides. One girl drew a picture of a bride holding a bouquet over the center of her body. Other objects may also be depicted above the lower abdomen.

    Explicit depiction of genitals. The depiction of the genitals is so unusual that their presence in the drawing can be very significant. The refusal to reproduce genitals does not appear to be due to a cultural taboo. A more likely explanation may be a shift in interest from one’s body to the fascinating world around us, which is typical for the behavior of children during the period of hidden sexuality.

    Between the ages of six and twelve, well-adjusted children become more and more involved in learning new skills and doing things that are in keeping with the habits of their schoolmates and friends. Drawings by children of the period of hidden sexuality, in which the penis or vulva are depicted openly, are very rare. The reasons for this unusual addition must be sought in cases which involve precocious children aware of the high emotional value invested in the genitals. Hernia surgery or circumcision after infancy can cause castration fears. Seduction by older children or adults or more subtle maneuvers can arouse a child during a period of latent sexuality, especially a smart, sensitive child. Whatever the reason for those rare cases of open depiction of genitals - and in most cases these were behavioral disorders of one kind or another (aggression, phobias) - this did not prevent children from developing and adapting well when reaching adolescence.

    Position and size of the picture

    Since the drawn figure is considered to be closely related to the author of the drawing and characterizes him in a certain way, the interpretation should cover as many features of the drawing as possible. Aspects of a person's drawing such as the size of the figure, its pose and location on the sheet, the quality of the lines (pressure, hardness, duration or discontinuity), the consistency of the depiction of details, the use of background or background effects, as well as foreign objects, represent significant aspects of the child’s self-image and are also analyzed. The proportions of the body parts of the figure are taken into account, the presence of unfinished elements of the drawing, the level of detail, the presence of strong pressure and its localization, erasing, making changes to the drawing, emotions expressed on the person’s face and in his posture.

    Size and location

    Feeling insecure and anxious children tend to draw small figures, which modestly occupy only a small area of ​​available space. A small figure can indicate depression and a feeling of inadequacy. In contrast, well-adjusted children with a strong sense of security draw freely and easily, creating designs that, through their size, scope, and conspicuous placement on the page, express freedom from anxiety and worry.

    Unnecessarily large, bulky figure sizes, apparently, express weak internal control and expansiveness.

    Bent figure may reflect a lack of mental balance, instability.

    A figure shifted to the right on the sheet, speaks of orientation towards the outside world, left shift- means focusing on yourself. If a child spends most of his time drawing top of the sheet, which means he is prone to optimism. The feeling of oppression, despondency is often reflected in the position of the figure in bottom of the sheet.

    A large, sweepingly drawn figure placed in center of the sheet, speaks of inflated self-esteem.

    If the child draws a line to the ground and positions the person high from it, so that he seems to be floating in the air, then he is probably characterized by isolation from reality, a penchant for fantasy and games of imagination, and weak contact with reality.


    Boys (rarely girls) of adolescence sometimes depict a person body in front and head in profile. This unnatural position of the figure is usually considered a sign of social tension. In addition, this may be a sign of a certain sense of guilt associated with the sphere of communication. If this position - head in profile, body in front - is aggravated by the image of the legs in profile, then in this case we can talk about low mental development and impaired spatial imagination.

    Other Image Features

    Transparency effect (the ability to see one detail in a drawing through another).

    The presence of transparent elements in a drawing can be a completely natural factor if the drawing was made by a 6-year-old child.

    At an older age, this may already have a negative meaning, since the transparency of details contradicts reality. We can talk about either a slight developmental delay or more serious disorders, such as personality disorganization or mental retardation. In a “soft” version, transparency may also indicate that the child feels deprived of support and protection. The negative value of transparency is assessed by the number of transparent elements and the size of the transparent part (the second case seems to be more indicative).

    Optional Details

    Among the optional details of the design are such as a cigarette or pipe, a weapon, a cane, buttons, pockets, and a hat. Weapon in the hands of a drawn figure is interpreted as a sign of a hostile, aggressive attitude. Buttons in the drawings of older children they can speak of insufficient maturity and infantilism. The same thing seems to be evidenced by the selection pockets. Focusing on elements such as gal knock and hat is generally believed to have sexual overtones. Other sexual symbols are pipe, cigarette and less often a cane. Selection pants flies can be observed in adolescents preoccupied with masturbation.

    Scattered body parts

    Such cases undoubtedly indicate a deviation, since the vast majority of children, even from their earliest attempts to depict a person, draw an integrated figure. A drawing of a person in which parts are scattered without regard to each other is a clear deviation from the norm. This failure to create a coherent drawing has been observed in children with severe disabilities and is an indicator of their personal disorganization.

    Limited, ascetic, robot-like designs

    Emotionally immature children draw limited, stereotypical figures. This disorder can take many forms, but the most typical for most children is a discrepancy between abilities and school performance. Many of them are quite bright, but are poorly receptive to academic pursuits. Often the origins of the problem can be traced back to a family situation marked by excessive tension.

    Excessive shading

    The emphasis on shading of the entire drawn figure or part of it can be observed in the drawings of anxious children. The shading may be limited to the face, lower body, or specifically the genital area.

    Excessive, energetic shading, sometimes directed at the genital area, can be observed in the drawings of depressed, overly controlled elementary school children, at an age close to the period of latent sexuality. For children who have passed this stage, that is, over the age of 13, who have reached an age when the child is prone to introspection and experiences anxiety about his abilities, such reactions are atypical. Incidents of shading in drawings may be indicators of emotional distress.

    Drawings without people

    Refusal to draw a person and depict inanimate objects must be considered as an unusual, possibly deviant act, suggesting difficulties in interpersonal relationships, abnormal indifference, emotional detachment, autism.

    Dark clouds and shaded sun

    Many well-adjusted children can illuminate a drawing of a human figure by adding a shining sun. Usually in one of the upper corners of the leaf, often in the shape of an arc. The lines emanating from the circle represent rays, and the sun may have a smiling face.

    It's unusual for children to add rain clouds and shade the sun. These ominous signs have been seen in the drawings of unhappy, anxious, depressed children.


    Acts of erasure are considered an expression of anxiety and dissatisfaction. As a rule, erasures lead to deterioration rather than improvement of the drawing, thereby confirming that they serve as an expression of conflict.

    • Family Drawing Test/ Taylor K. Psychological tests and exercises for children. A book for parents and educators - M., 2005.
    Material prepared
    • Gerasimova Anna ()

    All children, without exception, love to draw and already in early childhood are happy to pick up pencils. The child “puts his soul” into each of his drawings. On an ordinary sheet of paper, the little artist reveals his mood, anxiety, sadness, fear. Exactly from state of mind The mood of the drawing depends on the child - whether it will be kind or gloomy.

    Color palette of the picture

    For the first time, a child consciously picks up pencils at one and a half to two years of age. The baby's first drawings are meaningless dots, lines, and squiggles. The chaos of the first children's drawings testifies to the impossibility of dividing the world into two parts: external and internal, while for him it is one whole. Small child does not yet understand the form, but feels the color. It is the colors in a child’s drawing that will tell parents about the baby’s feelings.

    Children's favorite colors that are most often used in drawing are yellow and purple. If a child prefers to use them in his drawings, this means that the child has positive emotions, calmness and cheerful imagination in his soul.

    The red color in the drawings indicates increased activity, aggression, and excitability.

    Blue - that the child misses someone or something, about his focus on internal problems and introspection.

    Green color communicates perseverance, independence, stubbornness, and the child’s desire for peace.

    The brown color in the drawings indicates the baby’s physical discomfort, often negative emotions.

    The color black speaks of the child’s depression, his protest, his demand for change, his desire for positive emotions. The preference for black in the little artist’s drawings should cause particular concern to parents.

    Gray color indicates indifference. However, this color is practically not typical for children’s drawings, but if a child often uses it in his drawings, this indicates a lack of positive emotions for the child.

    In their drawings, preschoolers usually use no more than 5-6 primary colors, which shows the child’s normal emotional state. If there are more colors in a child’s palette, this indicates his emotionality and sensitivity, and the choice of 1-2 colors in a drawing serves as a signal of depression and anxiety in the child.

    Period, period, comma - it made a funny face. Hands, legs, cucumber - a little man has appeared!

    By the age of three, the child’s scribbles form a shape, the first uneven circles appear, to which arms and legs are attached, and so the first little man appears! For a child, this clumsy little man is, first of all, himself. From this moment, in his drawings, the child begins to reveal his inner world, to transfer onto paper his thoughts that he cannot yet express in words.

    The most difficult thing, it would seem, is to draw a person’s eyes, nose, mouth, ears; these are the ones the child diligently draws out. These facial features in a drawing by a young artist will tell you a lot.

    First of all, the eyes of a person will tell you a lot. Large, open eyes express the child’s inner anxiety and ask for help. The dot eyes are afraid to express their fear - in their soul the child has forbidden himself any requests and tears. If only eyes are present on a person’s face, this indicates his caution and suspicion. The absence of a nose, mouth and ears in the child’s portrait indicates his reluctance to communicate.

    In a child's drawing, the neck expresses the connection between mind and body. It appears in a child’s drawing when he begins to control his emotions and how more difficult for a child control them, the longer the man’s neck.

    Hands are of great importance for a child, because through the tactile sense he learns about the world. Therefore, through long arms and a large number of fingers on the hands (more than five) the child tries to express the strength and abilities of his character. If a person has more fingers on his left hand, it means that the child feels more influential at home, on his right - outside the home, i.e. in kindergarten, among friends, on the street. The character’s arms spread to the side indicate a desire to act, while long and weak ones indicate a request to protect.

    Legs are what help a person stay on the ground. Therefore, the more support the little man in the picture has, the more confident the child feels in this world. Very long legs the character's desire for independence, short ones are a sign of helplessness.

    My family

    The first “cephalopods” in the child’s drawings have the same features; the child first draws, and then comes up with a name for what he depicted. But by the age of four, the young artist’s drawing becomes more meaningful, and the child separates himself and the world, yourself and your parents. The most important motive of his drawings is family, family is the closest space for a child - physically, emotionally, spiritually.

    And if, when drawing his family, the child did not depict someone, this is not accidental: it means that the child has a hidden conflict with this family member. It happens that a child, on the contrary, does not want to draw himself surrounded by his family, this is because he has not found his place in it, the child is sure that he is not loved. Instead of family members, next to him the child can depict an animal, a loved one fairy tale hero or a fictional character. This highlights the difficulties in relationships and suggests that he prefers to live among fantasies.

    The largest character in a family drawing is the most significant for the child in the family, and the one who is located above all others is the most influential. The distance between the child and family members speaks about his relationship with them: the closer the child in the picture is to mom or dad, the closer she or he is to him in life. The close psychological connection in reality is also indicated by the contact between the characters in the drawing, which is why in his drawings the child almost always holds his father and mother’s hand.

    Pay attention to the character who is drawn with strong pressure, outlined or shaded - this person instills anxiety in the child.

    If in a child’s drawing the sun is shining above the family, this means that he is cozy and comfortable in the family, and this is the most important thing in life for any child!

    Painted Fear

    With age, the space of the child’s cognitive world expands, and the space of the child’s drawing expands, composition and new visual images appear. By the age of six, using all kinds of details, a child can express his emotions, feelings, thoughts and imagination.

    Encourage your child's desire to draw, because drawing performs many important functions for his development. Drawing at an early stage develops coordination and fine motor skills hands, helps to understand the form, develops the child’s perseverance. Over time, drawing develops creative thinking, correct perception of the world, and promotes the interaction of spatial, visual and motor functions. The drawing allows you to look into the inner world of the child, to find out what worries him and worries him. In addition, through drawing you can try to solve these children's problems. After all, if a child has depicted his fear on paper, then he can get rid of it with the help of paper. For example, if a child is portrayed as a scarecrow, then you can place it behind the high walls of a castle, crying boy Give a car or candy for drawings; you can even reconcile a child with a quarreling parent using a drawing. Problems will go away and your child will smile!

    Children's lives are full different emotions and feelings. However, it is problematic for a child to express them correctly; this is where art therapy comes to the rescue. In the process of drawing, the child fully reveals his inner world and expresses his feelings, experiences and other emotions on the piece of paper. The main task of parents is to learn how to correctly and regularly “read” their child’s art; this will allow them to get to know the child better and, if necessary, seek help from specialists in time.

    What does it say children's drawing about the child and his attitude towards others?

    While drawing, children do not control their emotions; they create a “masterpiece” with their soul, not their mind. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to all the details of the drawing, because this allows you to draw certain conclusions about psychological state the child and his attitude to everything that surrounds him. Let's consider below how some features and details of a child's drawing can be used to understand what the child thinks and feels.

    Color selection

    Each child feels very subtly and compares his sensations with a certain color. For accurate testing, it is important that the baby has the maximum range of colors to create a drawing.

    What does the predominant color in the picture say?

    Color What character traits do children who prefer a certain color have? What does the predominance or absence of this color in the picture indicate?
    Red Aggressiveness, willpower, hot temper, excitability, eccentricity, increased activity and determination. The predominance of the red tint in the picture indicates openness and activity. Such a child is restless, disobedient, excitable, and often breaks toys.

    In the future, such children strive to achieve recognition, success, and praise against the backdrop of assertiveness and selfishness.

    The absence of this color may indicate an inferiority complex and a desire for privacy. Most often, these are children raised in a family with frequent scandals between parents.

    Pink Refinement, tenderness, sentimentality, weakness, compassion, timidity and optimism. There is dependence on others, seeks constant support, needs love from parents and constant tactile contact.
    Yellow The child is inquisitive and optimistic, spontaneous and sociable, positively emotional, but dependent and jealous. A love of yellow is characteristic of creative individuals. Dreaminess and fabulousness, originality and dissent distinguish the child who chooses this color. He prefers loneliness and abstract toys (sticks, pebbles, etc.) He always believes and hopes in something. Irresponsibility and impracticality may emerge.

    If a child doesn’t like a color, it means he is somewhat closed and focused on his inner world.

    Orange The main qualities of a child: cheerfulness, rich imagination, daydreaming, energy and good intuition. Increased excitability that has no way out, fun, pranks and screaming for no reason are signs that characterize the baby’s condition. Excessive use of this color should alert you.
    Green Symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, independence and poise, high intellectual abilities, the desire for security and spiritual tension. Application of this color in large quantities talks about shortage mother's love and a feeling of abandonment.

    In the future, conservatism and fear of change develop. The child needs to feel protected and experience a sense of reliability.

    Blue The child is distinguished by concentration and focus on the problems of his inner world, seeks peace and satisfaction, tranquility and fidelity, he often resorts to introspection. The predominant emotions of the young “artist” who loves to paint in blue are calmness and poise, and a tendency to self-sacrifice. The choice of this color indicates that the child currently needs peace.
    Blue Frequent changes in lifestyle, optionality, carelessness and carelessness are typical for lovers of the color blue. If there is a lot of blue in the drawing, then this indicates the child’s balance and calmness at the time of drawing.
    Blue-green Willpower, serious disposition, pedantry, concern for others and integrity. The predominance of a blue-green hue in the picture characterizes a special condition nervous system, or rather her overexcitation. The child needs more freedom and encouragement, perhaps even a reduction in demands.
    Violet Characteristic of children with a rich imagination, excellent intuition, sensitive and vulnerable, with a rich inner world, as well as immaturity both intellectual and emotional. Impressionable, vulnerable, excitable, suggestible, in need of support - these characteristics are suitable for children whose drawings are dominated by purple.
    Lilac Children who love this color are weak, tender, lonely and defenseless, honest, often withdrawn and musical. A child uses this color when he is self-absorbed and feels lonely, weak and defenseless.
    Brown Slowness, discomfort, negative emotional state. A lot of brown in the picture signals poor health, troubles in the family, dramatic events, mental disability.
    Grey Indifference, prudence, avoidance of worries, detachment. A lot of gray in the picture speaks of a feeling of hopelessness, routine, poverty and rejection. The child is characterized by isolation and timidity. Perhaps the child is just tired.
    Black Depression, destruction and protest. A black drawing indicates that the child is experiencing stress, he is not confident and unhappy. This color symbolizes the premature maturation of a complex psyche.
    White The child is honest and clean, often suffering from loneliness and emptiness. A child uses white to draw when he feels lonely, experiences nervous tension and mental anxiety. The baby has no Vital energy and curiosity.

    Bright rainbow colors speak of good mood and positive emotions of the child, and a pale pattern with a predominance of gloomy colors indicates a reduced emotional state or bad mood, perhaps the child is unwell.

    Images of people, facial expressions

    At an early age, children draw people as cephalopod circles with sticks instead of arms and legs. In this case, pay attention to the colors and pressure of the pencil, the proportionality of each character relative to each other. At an older age, children begin to draw heads and faces, arms and legs.

    • Normally, a child most often draws people of the same gender, otherwise we can talk about internal discord.
    • The size of the head symbolizes mental development and abilities, and the presence of a headdress shows that the child needs protection.
    • The presence of a face and the clarity of its features indicate the baby’s openness and sociability.
    • The worse the face is drawn, the “closed” the child’s character is.
    • Ask your child about the emotions and mood of the characters depicted, this will allow you to reflect on the situation from the child's point of view.
    • The presence of ears is an indicator of receiving information through hearing and the ability to listen.
    • The mouth and teeth are drawn by children with an aggressive attitude, and the eyes large sizes indicate children's fears, especially if the pupils are drawn.
    • Hand size is an indicator physical development, and hidden ones speak of the child’s insecurity.
    • Hands raised up represent aggressive kids, and a wide swing indicates a readiness to act.
    • Long legs indicate the child's independence, and a wide stance indicates the baby's self-confidence.
    • Disproportional torso small size Children draw with a feeling of inferiority.
    • Demonstration and expression of aggression in the drawings of children over 4 years old is manifested through the depiction of the genitals.

    Figure sizes

    The more important a person or object is for a child, the larger he depicts it and vice versa. The picture depicts the most significant characters in the baby’s life.

    Often a manifestation of aggression or a defensive form of behavior is the image of large fists, drawn nails and teeth, the presence of a threatening pose and even weapons.

    Line outlines

    • Clear, bold and even lines, drawn confidently and without doubt, indicate that the child is self-confident and that he is happy.
    • A weak pressure speaks of the young “artist’s” indecision, his rapid fatigue, emotional sensitivity and unstable psyche.
    • Strong pressure and frequent breaking of the stylus are typical for aggressive children.
    • Different pressure levels while drawing indicate frequent mood changes.
    • A baby with a soft character uses winding and smooth lines, and with a strong-willed character, angles and straight, clear lines predominate in the drawing.
    • A sign of impulsiveness is unfinished lines or a sweeping, careless style of writing.
    • Self-corrections, especially if they did not lead to an improvement in the image, indicate increased anxiety in the baby; this is also evidenced by the shading.

    Layout of the drawing on the sheet

    Self-doubt in children is manifested in the layout of the drawing. They place it compressed in some part of the sheet, and not over its entire area. There is frequent erasure of details, the child has doubts about the correctness of the image, the border (line) of the ground or floor is drawn above the bottom border of the sheet.

    Drawing of your family

    • Children begin to draw a family with the most significant person for them, and the larger he is drawn, the more authoritative he is for the “artist”. It is better drawn and decorated.
    • If a child has poor contact with someone, then the child does not draw or depicts him schematically.
    • The child’s family is friendly if everyone holds hands, and, conversely, if everyone is busy with their own business.
    • If there are separating objects between people (for example, a tree), then the child feels that there is a problem in communication.
    • The image of the game indicates the presence of rivalry in the family. If someone is drawn with their hands raised up, it means aggression is coming from them, or they need help.
    • The presence of unreliable information in the picture (dead or non-existent people) indicates the child’s discomfort and his desire to change the situation.
    • If a young “artist” depicts himself larger than the adults, it means he feels unique and significant. But the absence of the child himself in the picture speaks about the feeling of being superfluous.
    How to decipher a child's drawing: 5 examples

    It should be remembered that the child transfers onto paper in the form of a drawing what he feels and experiences at the moment. To correctly assess the psycho-emotional state of the baby, several drawings made at different times are required.

    It may be that the child is generally positive, open and everything is fine with him, but at the time of drawing he was in a quarrel or was under the influence of a not very pleasant moment, it is natural that negativity will appear in the drawing, but this is only now. Or perhaps the child draws a “cry for help” every day, but the parents do not understand.

    Examples of decoding children's drawings

    Figure No. 1.

    What does picture #1 say?

    Somewhat chaotic, but at the same time bright and dynamic drawing. The child highlights his mother as the emotional center of the family, decorates her dress and places the sun (a symbol of warmth), himself and the dog nearby. The author portrays herself as an equal with adults, but at the same time, lacking the earth - most likely she is an impulsive, combative girl with a boyish character. The level of self-control is low, as evidenced by the sweeping style of writing with strong pressure.

    Figure No. 2.

    What does picture #2 say?

    The pattern is typical for children over 6 years old, therefore the child develops ahead of schedule. The family is depicted dynamically, brightly and at the same time restless. The color scheme suggests the gender identification of the “artist” with his father, but he is still closer to his mother. Judging by the picture, it can be assumed that the boy does not have enough space, he does not stand firmly on his feet. Wherein purple indicates possible psycho-emotional instability and frequent mood swings. Large and angular figures indicate straightforwardness in communication and a tendency to conflict. Drawn pupils and the presence of shading indicate hidden anxiety.

    Figure No. 3.

    What does Figure 3 say?

    The overall composition indicates that everyone is happy and the child is growing up in a friendly atmosphere. The author has grouped all family members, children and cats to the right, and adults to the left of the tree, this speaks of a clear hierarchy, dad, mom and grandmother enjoy great authority, only the depicted late grandfather is alarming, and the presence of a tree between him and grandmother speaks of the division of their irresistible an obstacle.

    Figure No. 4.

    What does Figure 4 say?

    The girl depicted her prototype. You should pay attention to the large and bright drawing, however, located at the top of the sheet, this indicates positive self-esteem, activity and emotionality, a high level of self-control, sociability and developed intelligence against the background of uncertainty and lack of stability (small legs and a clear emphasis on the ground line) . This situation is observed in families where they pay a lot of attention to the child, which deprives him of the opportunity to show independence.

    Figure No. 5.

    What does Figure 5 say?

    The image in the figure indicates a positive perception of the world. Mom and dad are drawn together, although they are divorced. Dad carries flowers, which speaks of the boy’s hope that his parents will be together again. The depicted birds, as a symbol of hope, only confirm this assumption. The boy wants to be like his father, this is evidenced by the similar colors of the clothes of father and son.

    Allow your child to draw more often, because this way he can express his emotions, and you can get to know your baby better, the main thing is to correctly read the messages of the child’s subconscious. You can also understand your child with the help, which you can read about on our website.

    off topic... I’m reading about topics, who draws how and why. And I remember how I drew myself... Why does the fence around the house mean that it is closed... but there was nothing to do, I sat and thought about what else to draw... the smoke from the chimney also appeared exactly like that, the curtains on the windows too. When drawing a family, someone could have turned out very big or small, but simply because I didn’t calculate it, it didn’t fit on the page... I didn’t draw the hands because it’s difficult to draw, you’ll draw it and it’s not beautiful... it’s better to put them behind your back... .When I read books about how children’s drawings say a lot.... God, I thought that they would think about me when they saw my drawings... From my drawings you can say that my childhood was terrible and I had a lot of problems and complexes, ahem... and all because I drew this squiggle... but I was guided by rather banal things... The desire to embellish and regret that I finished drawing, but I want to draw something else... or simply the lack of ability to draw and, as a result, the reluctance to detail some moments....

    Doesn’t anyone have the feeling that what is written about these techniques based on the drawings does not correspond to the real thing... didn’t you really draw a handle on the door to the house because you are a private person... or did you draw curtains on the windows because you are secretive? I see a lot of problems in myself that could be read in my drawings: banal decoration and inability to draw.

    And I’ll add about the colors.... sometimes I chose the colors of the pencils - simply because they were sharpened better... and that’s it... the bright ones were sharpened faster... and accordingly there was a period of drawing with dark pencils... And a psychologist, looking at it in time space, would say about- oo! The girl has obvious problems and depression during this period... 02/08/2005 14:38:18, Shtuchkina Masha

    “I didn’t draw hands because it’s hard to draw, you’ll draw it and it’s not beautiful” - why is it important for a given child that EVERYTHING is beautiful, while for most children it’s important that a person has EVERYTHING (that is, the presence of arms, legs and ears, it doesn’t matter , did it turn out beautifully or not)?
    “The bright ones wore off faster...and accordingly there was a period of drawing with dark pencils” - again, why does this reb prefer to draw with dark colors instead of sharpening his favorite light ones? I (and most of the children I know) didn’t like to draw with dark ones, I sharpened my favorite ones, asked my parents to buy a new box of pencils - felt-tip pens (I remember I could not draw for a week or two, because there was no red felt-tip pen, it always ran out first)
    That is, a too abstruse approach to the interpretation of drawings is too much, but denying this science as such is also too much.

    02/08/2005 18:03:20,
    I completely agree with the last paragraph, this is exactly what I wanted to convey... there is a theory and it really works, but sometimes excessive dripping leads to false impressions... if you want, you can find anything in the drawing.