Skateboarding records. What is the maximum speed on a speed skateboard The highest ollie

The development of electric skateboards does not stand still. Companies such as Acton and Revoll have already made carbon fiber boards equipped with all-wheel drive. This is no surprise to anyone. But the engineers at Carvon decided to raise the bar even higher and make a really fast board with an electric motor.

The Californian company Carvon is not a new player in the electric skateboard market and has been releasing them for about five years. But now she's launched a Kickstarter fundraising campaign for a truly unique board.

Usually electric skateboards from Carvon are equipped with separate motors for each wheel, but in this case the board is equipped with a V3 Dual Direct Drive. The company explains that the new engine layout allows for thicker wheels, which ultimately reduces the load on the engines.

Carvon has developed a 100cm Revo 4WD skateboard made from multiple layers of carbon fiber. At the same time, the board has an unusual shape in the form of an arch - this was done specifically so that a person while riding is as close to the ground as possible for a brighter feeling.

What really makes this board stand out is its performance. The skateboard can accelerate to a maximum speed of 55 km/h and also has faster acceleration dynamics than any other electric board. On a single battery charge, it can travel up to 32 km.

As an added bonus, the Revo 4WD has removable wheels. The board comes complete with 97mm polyurethane wheels and 7" air-inflated tires for off-road riding. The electric skateboard weighs about 10 kg.

There's also the simpler, cheaper Evo electric skateboard, which uses the same board but has a slightly weaker dual motor. It can accelerate to a top speed of 48 km/h) and is capable of climbing inclines of up to 15 degrees. Such a skateboard weighs 7.5 kg and can travel 22.5 km on a single battery charge.

Instead of a conventional electric board remote control, Carvon has developed a portable controller that straps to the back of the hand and is controlled by the thumb.

Carvon's electric skateboards are now available for pre-order for $999 for the Evo and $1499 for the Revo 4WD. In retail, they will already be more expensive (Evo will cost $ 1,499, and Revo 4WD - $ 1,999).

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Skateboarding is an extreme sport, the essence of which is the virtuoso performance of tricks on a special board - a skateboard. It originated a long time ago - back in the 30s of the last century. Surfers came up with such entertainment so that in the absence of waves on the coast they would not be bored without their favorite entertainment. Since the surfboard is quite large, they got it first. And then they noticed that doing tricks is much more convenient on a shorter and more controllable board. Since then, people have been skating.

In recent years, skateboarding has been gaining popularity among young people, turning from a simple entertainment into a real subculture, with its own music, clothing style, behavior and leisure activities. And yet, quite recently it was recognized as an official sport, they created a set of rules and their own International Association of Skateboard Companies.

On June 21, the official holiday of fans of this sport is held - International Skateboarding Day. So, tricks on the board have proven themselves from the most serious side. And every year the number of admirers and passionate about this sport is growing steadily.

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A hang glider with a motor is correctly called a hang glider. read our article.

Basic styles of skating

  • Flatland(from the English "flat earth") - the very first style, which involves riding and performing various tricks on a horizontal surface - asphalt, concrete slabs.
  • Straight- as the name implies, this is a style of street skating, in which all kinds of stairs, railings, ceilings, and fenders become the basis for tricks. This style is currently used by most skaters.
  • Freestyle- a style very popular in the 70-80s, in which tricks were required to be performed exclusively on one plane.
  • vert- a style that originated in 1976 thanks to the Z-Boys team - due to the drought, they began to ride and do tricks on a skateboard in dry pools. This is the style of ramp stunts.
  • A park- the successor of the vert in the performance of tricks on the ramp, but now in skate parks specially created for this, where special ramps are built to perform especially spectacular and complex elements.

Whatever style you would like to learn to master, this process for a beginner will be time-consuming and quite costly, since proper skating begins with the selection of high-quality and comfortable equipment: boards, comfortable shoes, spare parts for a skateboard.

Quality and comfortable equipment

The most important asset of a skater is his board, or in Russian a board. For beginners, a good choice would be to purchase the so-called American kit, which includes the following components:

  • tracks (suspension) and shock absorbers
  • wheels
  • bearings
  • flu tape
  • wrenches, screws

Without question, all these components must be selected only in specialized stores and after consultation with the seller, who will be able to choose the right combination of parts for a particular skateboarder. But there are also general rules in the choice, and you should learn about them in advance.

The board is the most important part of a skateboard. But also the most short-lived - as you build up your skills in skating, you will have to change it quite often.

The board is usually made from several layers of Chinese or Canadian maple glued together. The quality of the glue determines whether the deck will delaminate. In some models designed for the street, another plastic layer (slick) is glued along the bottom of the board, which provides the board with good sliding along the railing.

How to choose a board so as not to get on a defective or dry copy? The easiest way is to chat on the skater forum and ask someone experienced to help with the choice. But if this option is unrealistic, you will have to act on your own.

How to choose a skateboard yourself

If you decide to choose a skateboard for yourself or for a child, what you need to pay attention to:

Deck Width. It can range from 4.7 to 10.625 inches. For beginners, an eight-inch board is the best choice, and already in the process of studying, it will be easy to understand whether it is suitable, or whether a board is wider or narrower. The wider deck gives stability and better traction. Narrow - more maneuverability.

From board length The complexity of skiing practically does not depend, and therefore you can choose any. The standard is 31 inches (78.7 centimeters). For very young skateboarders, they produce smaller models - a mini-skateboard. Also, in general, it does not affect the complexity and bend of the board (concave) for beginners - its convenience is determined only by experience.

When choosing, you need to carefully examine the board for transverse cracks - this is a sign of marriage. But the longitudinal cracks in the area of ​​the bolts are not so terrible - they appear on almost all boards in the first week of skiing. The most famous brands of boards are Mystery, Jart, Toy Machine, Almost- if there is no experience in choosing boards at all, it is better to focus on them.

The next part of the board - pendants. They are selected depending on the width of the deck, wheels and bearings are attached to them. The stiffness of the suspension is adjustable for different riding styles. Material - aluminum. Sometimes there is a suspension made of steel, it is more durable, but also heavier.

wheels For a skateboard, there are a wide variety of types. For beginners, you should choose regular, medium-sized hard wheels. Their size ranges from 50 to 180 millimeters. Standard 54mm wheels will be optimal. You should remember that you will have to change them often - the wheels wear out quickly when riding.

Important part of the kit bearings. It is not worth saving on them, because both the speed of the skateboard and the safety of the skateboarder depend on their quality. Therefore, it is better to avoid buying Chinese consumer goods, and look for bearings of brands such as Fkd, Lucky or Cliches. In addition, bearings differ in number ABEC(Annular Bearing Engineering Council): 1 and 3 are low-end bearings for beginners, 5, 7 and 9 are for professionals.

Skin or flutape- this is a film that provides adhesion of the board to the shoes. It can already be chosen based on taste preferences - with or without a pattern, no one has started to ride better from its color.

It is also important to choose proper shoes for riding. It can be sneakers or sneakers - depending on personal preferences. But in any case, it is better to choose those brands that are specially designed for skateboarding and are sold in specialized stores. And, of course, they must be comfortable and the right size.

All these components form a single kit, which, with the right selection, will greatly facilitate the comprehension of skateboarding skills.

You can learn how to tie the main ones by reading the article at the link.

Before you travel by car, read about what camping is.

Let's figure out how to learn to ride a skateboard for a beginner

In beautiful videos, it may seem that skateboarders easily perform difficult tricks. Nevertheless, one must understand that performing complex tricks on a skateboard comes at the cost of long and patient training, as well as bruises and abrasions. So the first tip is buy protection. You will need a helmet to protect your head, knee pads, elbow and palm protection. Properly selected protective kit will not cause much inconvenience. With broken knees and palms it will be much more uncomfortable!

After choosing ammunition, you should get used to the skateboard. To do this, you need to put it on a flat surface and learn to balance on it, stand, choose a comfortable body position, try to move your legs and rearrange them.

Then you need to understand which foot will be in front - left or right. It doesn't necessarily depend on whether the person is left-handed or right-handed. To do this, you can try to kick any ball with your foot - the one with which it is more convenient to do this will most likely be behind and become a support. Another way to test this is to push the person. The leg that he puts forward when pushing will be the supporting one on the skateboard.

After correctly placing on a skateboard, you can slowly begin to master the movement and stops. This process is lengthy, it will certainly be accompanied by falls, but with the right board and the supporting leg set properly, progress in skating will be noticeable quite quickly. Therefore, one should not be shy, not afraid to fall, and boldly ride first on a flat surface, then slowly learn to turn and overcome barriers. All this is best done on skateboards, and best of all not alone - in the company and to the music, training will be more pleasant and more fun.

Photos of interesting skateboards

Incredible tricks and speeds that the board is capable of in capable hands

Skateboarding records

Incredible tricks and speeds,
what the board is capable of
in capable hands

Who would have thought that this small board on four wheels, for all its outward frivolity, is capable of giving out some unimaginable things that can only be realized with the help of the language of numbers. Of course, no one says that you can’t just skate or long along the alleys, occasionally grinding curbs and jumping over pits, without even thinking about any world records. Can! Well, about those who went even further and made the board go to the record with their own feet, you will find out below.

The highest ollie

In skateboarding, the ollie is considered the basic element that forms the basis of most tricks, but even this seemingly simple element can be turned into a real feat. In 2011, at the finals of the Maloof High Ollie Challenge in Las Vegas, Aldrin Garcia set a new world record by lifting his skateboard 114 cm from the ground, breaking the record that has held for 10 years. Two years later, the Austrian Bernd Tratting raised the bar to 115 cm, but his record remained unofficial.

Above and Beyond

It's hard to say when the history of skateboarding began, but the first thing that comes to mind is the king of the mega-ramp, one of the founders of the DC brand Danny Wei, who once jumped over the Great Wall of China. In 2004, at the Skateboarding Big Air contest, this madman, having accelerated to 88 km / h, flew a record 24 meters, flying up to 7 meters.

Rotations on the ground

"Richie Carrasco did 142 continuous rotations on the rear suspension"

Richie Carrasco is not even an old star, but rather an ancient skateboarding school from the distant 70s. Therefore, the record of this slalom master will seem strange to today's skateboarders and far from modern sports. 142 continuous rotations on the rear suspension - even ballerinas and figure skaters will envy such a vestibular apparatus!

Max speed

In order to understand what this speed is, imagine that you are riding in a commuter train at the moment of its maximum acceleration, and a man in a motorcycle suit without a motorcycle, standing on a longboard, flies past your window. Represented? So this guy could well be Michaud Erban, who accelerated to a record speed of 130 km / h on an ordinary automobile track with an 18-degree slope in Quebec.

Rotations in the air

"At the age of 12, Tom Schaar did a 1080-degree spin"

Rumor has it that when Tony Hawk saw a 1080-degree rotation beyond his control performed by some jerk Tom Shaar, he involuntarily reached for a pack of sleeping pills, but in time he remembered his wife and children. First, Tom became the youngest athlete who succumbed to 900 degrees in the mega ramp, and only then, at the age of 12, he gave out 1080, defeating skateboarding veterans. By the way, Tom often repeats the trick.

The biggest skateboard

"The weight of a 16-meter copy of a normal skateboard is 1620 kg"

No, not from bread and not from Lego cubes, but a real giant skateboard with all the necessary details and options. The weight of a 16-meter copy of a normal skateboard is no less than 1620 kg. The giant board was built by the director of several California skateparks Joe Ciagli and Rob Dyrdek, who also participates in our selection of record holders in the paragraph below.

Longest slide

It may seem that Rob Dyrdek is one of the most confused skateboarders on the records. In total, he has 21 world records, some of which, however, have already been broken. Along the way, he manages to host a show, shoot his own show, support his charitable foundation, and much more. An active skater got into our selection with the longest slide on a skateboard on a rail or, if you like, with a 30-meter trick 50/50 rail grind! When watching the video, at some point it begins to seem that this is the hero of Tony Hawk's game, stuck in the textures.

Recall that all the tricks you saw were performed by professional loafers, psychos and just skaters. Do not try this at home, and as the voice in the subway says: "Go to college, find an interesting job ..."

The development of speed skateboarding and the growth of its popularity encourage manufacturers to develop new, more advanced types of boards for practicing this sport. A high-speed skateboard differs not only in appearance, but also in many other design parameters that help the rider develop high speed on such a board.

The maximum speed that a speed skateboard can develop

In skateboarding at high speed skateboards are used - longboards. The deck length of such boards can be from 100 cm or more. The axes of the longboard are removed to the maximum distance from each other. Wheel diameter - 65-75 mm. The most suitable degree of rigidity of rollers for high-speed skateboards is 78A - 85A.

The wheels peek out over the side lines of the deck. This design reduces the maneuverability of the longboard, but allows it to be as stable as possible and cope with high speeds. In addition to this, you need a good damped suspension to comfortably overcome bumps on the pavement and extend the life of the board.

The maximum speed of a skateboard depends on what kind of this unit. Downhill skiing is best done with a deck length of about 1 m. This skate is characterized by high rigidity, increased suspension and a small angle for turning. Such parameters allow you to maneuver as smoothly as possible at high speeds. Downhill downhill can be accelerated to about 140 km / h.

The potential maximum speed of freerides and slides is almost equal to that of downhill boards, but the design of the wheels allows such boards to demonstrate controlled skidding.

Rigid and straight slalom boards with a length of 60-70 cm have good controllability, but they cannot withstand a long distance downhill, and their maximum speed is lower.

A hybrid board is a development that uses the average parameters of a cruiser and a slalom board. The length of the deck of such a device is 70-80 cm, which allows the hybrid to be more maneuverable compared to a carving board and develop speed, the maximum values ​​​​of which are higher than that of a slalom skate.

Skate speed records

In 2007, the world learned about the fastest skateboarder - Douglas Da Silva. On his board, he was able to reach speeds of up to 113 km / h.

Canadian Michaud Erban from Quebec in 2010 managed to accelerate on a board on a highway descending to the St. Lawrence River, with a slope of 18 ° to 129.94 km / h.

Eric Lundberg on his skateboard has developed a speed of 0.06 km / h, exceeding the record result of Urban. American Kyle Wester from Denver in 2016 broke the speed record set by Lundberg on a skateboard. On his board, he was able to go down the hill at a speed of 143.9 km / h.