Drawing with handprints with children. Drawing with palms and fingers for preschoolers. With a marine theme

Hand drawing “Bird” master class with step by step photos.
"Bird" drawing from the palm, step-by-step instruction with photo.

Zherdeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 11 from Prokhladnoye, Nadezhdinsky district, Primorsky Krai
Children start drawing from the very beginning early age. But this can only happen if an adult gives the child a pencil, teaches him to hold it and shows him how to draw the lines. It should be remembered that creative manifestations in drawing in children 4-5 years old largely depend on the method of perception aimed at independent examination of images.
One of the possible artistic techniques is outline drawing the child’s palms, which serves as the basis for graphic image. Every new image“hidden” in the contour of the palm. You can see it with the help of several lines that will turn the contours of the fingers into an object.
Each drawing is a little game. You should not strive to ensure that the child’s drawing is a copy of the image - this is just your sample. But the original will definitely be different.
Description: the master class is intended for older children preschool age, educators.

Purpose: Use in drawing classes.
Target: drawing in an unconventional way.
Tasks: maintaining the direction of movements with a pencil, timely stopping and regulating the scope of movement depending on the size of the surface being painted, changing the direction of movement depending on the direction of the contour lines of the depicted objects., drawing objects of a round, oval shape, the ability to convey the proportions, shape and structure of objects. Develop graphic skills.
Material: album, simple pencil, wax crayons.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, drawings depicting birds.

Execution sequence:

1. With your fingers spread out, place your palm on the sheet and circle with a simple pencil.

2. A circle is drawn at the wrist - the head of a bird.

3. Four spread fingers form a tail.

4. Thumb - there will be a wing.

5. The drawing is painted over and this is what the bird looks like.

Artistic creativity for children of primary school age

Unconventional drawing "Magic palms"

Soldatova Elena Ivanovna, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 of Novouzensk, Saratov region"
Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators and primary school teachers for conducting lessons on fine arts with students of grades 1-2, in extracurricular activities.
Target: demonstration of the teacher’s experience in an unconventional way of drawing with the help of palms.
-continue acquaintance with the techniques of unconventional drawing techniques
-develop children's imagination and imagination
- cultivate perseverance, accuracy, and interest in fine arts.

“The child’s mind is at his fingertips” V.A. Suchomlins cue
One of the most interesting and fascinating unconventional ways drawing is drawing with the help of your palms.
Palms are the very first tools with which children can create bright and original images. This very exciting activity will help children discover new and Magic world artistic creativity. After all, drawing with your little hands young artists develop imagination and thinking. And when a child traces his palm, he uses both hands, which perfectly develops coordination. Like any visual activity hand painting helps aesthetic education, enhances speech activity, develops imagination, spatial and figurative thinking.
Drawing with palms is one of the most favorite activities of kids. It gives the joy of creativity, captivates and surprises. There is something intriguing, mysterious, and alluring about drawing with your palms. All the resulting palm figures are not only bright, but also very personal, since the palm belongs personally to the child and no one else.
Creating such drawings is a very fun and exciting game for children. In the process of creation, the child improves, remembering details, features, develops his imagination, finger motor skills, and most importantly, he develops an idea of ​​the world around him.
“Everything in this world has beauty. But not every eye is able to see it,” says Chinese wisdom. Drawing with your palms will help your child develop a subtle sense of beauty. After all, all children have a vivid imagination and a desire to fantasize, and with the help of one single palm you can get a huge number of different prints, and by adding your own imagination, turn them into real masterpieces. Children's palms hide many mysterious images and characters.
You can draw wonderfully with your palms, leaving imprints on paper or completing the outline of your palm to create some kind of image. To create with your palms you don’t need to be able to draw, you only need imagination and a good mood.
Ideas for hand drawings.

And you can make applications. To do this, just place your palm on colored or white paper, circle it and cut out the resulting design. Or make a lot of handprints and cut them out. And then let’s use our imagination!

Children from palms
the sun was folded,
To be sure
people were all friends
To this sun
shone for people
In every window
came to visit.

Tasks: introduce children to unconventional technology drawing (palm); learn how to independently come up with the composition of a drawing; develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

Equipment: a simple pencil; set of gouache paints; brushes; palette; jars of water; napkins.


Teacher: Today I offer you new way drawing. You've never drawn like this before. We will trace our palms and make ideas out of them interesting drawings.
(Then the lesson is conducted with a demonstration of drawing diagrams.)

Baby dinosaur
Smiles sleepily:
Mom is nearby, dad is nearby -
What else do you need for happiness?

Take a closer look:
This is a cactus. It's prickly.
And when the rains come,
All the thorns will bloom.

The elephant gave flowers to the baby elephant,
And then she said in my ear:
“You eat better, my glorious son,
So that you can grow up strong, like dad.”

How many stars are there in the sky?
I wish I could get at least one,
You won't get one -
Let's bark at the moon.

There is a stump in the clearing,
He is neither short nor tall.
Look, guys,
What grows on it? Honey mushrooms!

Son's dad is an octopus a whole hour I couldn't catch up.
The octopus barely calmed down a little,
Because I need to sleep
Your legs need to rest.

Rushing fast, as fast as he can
Underwater seahorse.
Here I am stuck in the thick grass,
I shout: “Gotcha, stop!”

My friend and I are drawing a riddle,
Let's press one palm and the other in order.
Let's add circles and decorate them again -
And now our butterfly is ready.

A scarlet flower blossomed in the thicket,
Every petal shines like a firebird.
This is such a miracle. On my sheet
A fairy tale comes to life in complete darkness.

- Do you want to try? Take a close look at your hands. Place your palm on a piece of paper. Turn it, move it.
- Look! Imagine! Let your imagination run wild! Our palms can turn into anyone we want! Did you come up with it? Then press your palm and trace with a simple pencil.
- And then fill in the missing details.
- Well, now you can color your drawing using pencils, crayons or paints.


Guys, we're a little tired, let's take a rest:
We painted today
Our fingers are tired.
Let's shake our fingers
Let's start drawing again.

Teacher: Well done boys! Look, we tried our best and we succeeded beautiful drawings. Guys, did you like turning your palm? (Children's answers). Today we will arrange an exhibition so that parents can also admire your work.

This is the kind of exhibition of “funny palms” we got.

With the help of this article, you can teach your child to create interesting drawings by tracing their palms and fingers. See for yourself how exciting and fun this process is, and also very useful.
Conscious finger movements stimulate speech development in children. By tracing the palm and fingers, the child uses both hands, which perfectly develops coordination.
In left-handed children, such drawing promotes full development right hand. Any visual activity contributes to the aesthetic perception of the world and enhances speech activity, develops imagination, spatial and figurative thinking.
When a child creates an image, his understanding of the world around him improves. He remembers characteristics and details of objects, masters visual skills, finds the first design solutions.
A child’s imagination is varied, and drawing is not mathematics. But the baby may not succeed on the first try.
It can be difficult to draw a perky cockerel so that it looks exactly like a cockerel, with a bright colored tail and a red comb. Here you simply cannot do without the help of mom, dad, grandparents. In our article you will find simple and understandable patterns for drawing with palms.
A distinctive feature of children's perception from two to five years old is the desire for independence. Therefore, it will be better if you draw on a separate sheet of paper, showing your child how to perform this or that element, and he will repeat after you, drawing his own picture. Be sure to praise your child - this supports his confidence and desire to create something new.

Place your palm on a piece of paper, spread your fingers and trace. Turn the paper so your fingers are facing down and round the outline where your wrist begins.
Now take a closer look: here it is, a dinosaur!
The big toe is the head, the other four are the legs.
Draw teeth on the back, and eyes and a sweet smile on the head.
If one of the adults agrees to put their hand on it, then the little dinosaur will have a mom or dad.

Our dinosaur lives in the desert, where they grow spiny cacti. Trace one outline of your palm over the other. All that remains is to draw the spines and flowers - the cactus is ready. You can simply trace your fingers, moving from top to bottom, and you’ll get a different cactus.

Let's draw bully cockerels! Trace your palms: first the left and then the right. The main thing is that the contours of the palms of the thumbs point at each other. Close the outline at the wrist.
The thumbs are the heads of the cockerels, the rest are the tails that the cockerels spread before the fight. Draw legs with spurs, beaks, combs and eyes.

Where did our cockerels meet? In field? By the fence? To draw a bush, trace your palm. If you trace a few outstretched fingers, you can draw a fence or grass. Add a crossbar for the fence, and add flowers on the grass. The cockerels have stopped fighting! We decided that being friends is more interesting!
There are so many butterflies in summer! To depict a butterfly, first draw the wings. Place your palm so that your outstretched fingers look to the side. Trace the outline. And the second palm is nearby, but looks in the opposite direction. Draw the body, head, antennae and color. But our butterfly is bored of flying alone. Let's draw her a friend - a dragonfly. For the wings, you need to circle four fingers, folded in pairs. First to the left side, then to the right. Draw the body, head, big eyes and antennae.
Who else can you see in the summer? Moth and snail! Shall we draw? Place your palm on the sheet, closed fingers pointing upward. Trace the outline. Place the second palm on the first contour so that thumbs overlapped each other.
To draw a snail, clench your fist thumb set it aside and circle it - you get a house and a snail's head. Draw horns and a tail for the snail and color it.
Now we will draw an elephant and a dog, Moska... An elephant needs a large palm. Ask dad to help. Clench your palm into a fist, move your thumb to the side (this will be the trunk) and circle. Turn over the sheet. Draw the ear and four columns down for the legs, don’t forget to draw the tail at the back. Moska - angry dog. She barks at the elephant. Place your palm on the sheet, bend your thumb up and your little finger down. Trace the outline. The thumb will become Moska’s ear, and the rest of the palm will become the muzzle. Complete the eye, nose and spots. br/>

The contours of palms, fingers and fists can turn into anyone and anything. You just have to look carefully at what happened on paper. Fold your fist so that the folds index finger and little finger peeked out above him. Trace the outline. Where the toes protruded upward, the cat's ears turned out. Now draw the eyes, nose and mustache. What kind of kitten do you have? Gray, red, striped?
And where there is a cat, there is a mouse.

And then a bunny came galloping towards us!
The one who ran away from the hunter.
Make a fist. Leave your index and middle fingers uncurled. Trace the outline. Well: the index and middle fingers became ears, everything else became the Bunny’s body.
Place your thumb twice so that it looks down - these are the bunny's front paws. Now let’s draw his eyes and tail. And he hid in the bushes. To draw a bush, fold your fist in the same way as for a mouse. Trace and color.

Other unconventional techniques drawing:

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Galina Zheludkova

My kids love it very much paint. And if we draw in an unusual way, it simply delights them. We draw very often palms. Drawing with palms- This is another way of depicting the world around us. Draw with children's hands I start at an early age. They don't know how yet paint with brush and palm or finger is the best way for a small child. Paint for babies should be poured into a flat saucer so that the child can easily dip palms. From 5 years of age children palm They can already paint with a brush. In such classes, children get acquainted with the properties of paints, color, develop artistic taste, and spatial imagination. In progress palm painting development of fine motor skills, sensory skills, and color perception occurs. By using palms you can create any abstraction, draw story pictures. Overboiling palm in different ways,Can finish drawing different details and realize any ideas, enjoying the color.

I would like to present to your attention the work of children preparatory group hand drawn.


Flowers in a vase.

Undersea world