Let's draw dad. How to draw a family with a pencil step by step. Cheerful, fat and very funny dad - we draw with the kids

Drawing a family: step-by-step lessons for children and beginners.

For a child, family is the whole world! These are people who love, this is a place where they wait, this is a magical similarity and at the same time dissimilarity with each other. The family begins to draw their first drawings at the age of 2-3 years, and children return to this plot many times. This article is compiled for children and adults who are planning to draw their family. In it we will talk about how to draw a real masterpiece in the simplest way!

How to draw your family with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

First, you need to determine who exactly you plan to draw. Mom + dad + child + several children + grandparents, and possibly pets.

Now decide who will be where. Never put everyone on the same line, it’s not aesthetically pleasing, and in life it doesn’t happen that all family members are the same height. It is better to draw small children and small animals on the hands, with the parents in the center, with children between them or standing/sitting around them.

We propose to draw several options for a family, both cartoon and real, consisting of 3-5 family members.

So let's get started! In the first lesson we will draw a mom and dad holding a child in their arms. The first step is to draw the outlines of dad and mom. Please note that dad's head is significantly higher than mom's head, and there is enough space between the silhouettes to fit three people.

Now, using oval shapes and straight lines, we draw the main contours of all family members.

We draw large and small parts, and also carefully erase the extra lines. Draw lines in bold with a simple pencil, add to necessary places. The picture is ready!

Now let's draw a mom, dad and two children. Youngest child will sit on daddy's shoulders. We draw the contours of father and son.

We detail the head and torso of the couple and son. We repeat the outlines as in the photo. Don't forget that the dad's head should be larger, and the baby's head should be rounder. We monitor the proportions of the face, ears, and hairstyle.

Let's draw dad's T-shirt. Since the sleeve is short, we next draw the arms. We pay careful attention to the collar area and neck.

Let's move on to drawing the trousers. Maintain the necessary symmetry and proportionality of folds and pockets.

And now we draw eyebrows, noses, eyes for dad and son.

Let's move on to the second half of the picture. We draw mom and eldest daughter who runs next to her mother.

After marking, you can proceed to drawing the details. This time we decided to start with the hair and the shape of the face.

Now draw the face, do not forget about the facial features: in children they are more rounded and delicate.

I would like to add an interesting detail, such as a briefcase. And this is no longer just a family, but parents picking up their daughter from school.

We draw dresses for mother and girl. Don't forget about the anatomical shape of the mother - the bust.

We finish the drawing - draw the legs and shoes. Finish the drawing and paint!

How to draw a family of 3,4,5 people?

And in this wonderful step by step wizard The class shows how to draw the most popular family in the world - the Simpsons with many children! The master class is so detailed that it does not require text accompaniment.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with several video lessons that contain examples of drawing close-knit families.

Video: How to draw a friendly family?

Video: How to draw a family?

How to draw a family portrait?

A family portrait is more difficult to draw than big picture, since the portrait places greater emphasis on the faces of family members. In this case, it is important to place the faces so that they look either at one person or at each other. To make the picture more atmospheric, it wouldn’t hurt to add small family details or heirlooms to the portrait.

In this section we will draw the Griffin family consisting of six family members. Please note that the atmosphere of this portrait is given by the dog, which is included in the family and added to the portrait.

How to draw a portrait of a family: using the example of Family Guy

Using ovals, draw dad in the center, and then all the family members around. Small ones a little in front, tall ones on the sides. First, we draw ovals proportional to the parts of the body.

We give the outlines of the body and faces of our heroes.

We draw small details of faces, torsos, clothes.

We finish the work and decorate it if desired. Don't forget that in black and white drawings the presence of shadow and light is mandatory, but in color you can either create shadows or do without it.

How to draw a happy family with a pencil?

In this section we suggest drawing happy family using things that are always at hand, and then decorate with gouache. This method is perfect for young children and their parents.

For work, we will need, in addition to pencils, rulers and paints, bottles and bottles as in the photo.

We lay the sheet vertically and place a large bottle on the right, a smaller one on the left and barely noticeably outline it so that the lines are visible, but then they can be easily erased.

Put one more bottle on top of two bottles in front, and outline the “baby in the hat.”

The lids will help us draw the hats, and with our hands we will complete the scarves by hand as in the photo.

We draw small details and decorate. We decided to decorate with paints, but you can also use pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.

Light brown paints draw eyebrows and eyes.

We create a background and draw details on the clothes: stripes on a scarf, a checkered pattern on a coat.

Video: Draw your family through the eyes of a child?

Drawings for children on the topic MY FAMILY: sample drawings

In this section we provide many drawings on the topic My Family for creative inspiration. When a child decides to draw his family, that’s great. Give the opportunity to realize the vision that the child imagines. While drawing, do not compete, and in no case correct the drawing. Happy drawing to you and your kids!

Drawings for children on the theme MY FAMILY

Video: How to draw a family?

Elena Kurinnaya

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group " Dad's portrait»

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senior group

Subject : - drawing based on diagrams - photographs.

Tasks :

Learndraw a man's portrait , trying convey features appearance, character and mood of a particular person(father, grandfather, uncle, brother) . Arouse interest in the search visually - expressive means, allowing you to reveal the image more fully, accurately, individually. Continue to get acquainted with types and genres visual arts ( portrait ) .

Material tooccupation : colored pencils, tinted paper the size of an album sheet, family photographs; reproductions of paintings by famous artists -portrait painters ; reference drawings to show the stages of work.

Preliminary work :

Getting to knowportrait as a genre of painting. Looking at reproductions of paintings by famous artists(Serova, Repin, etc.) . Conversation"Our fathers and grandfathers" , Consideration family photos, brought togroup .

Progress of the lesson.

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?(Children's assumptions.)

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their Motherland, the Fatherland from enemies. This is the army(asker) . Since men have always been defenders, warriors, guardians of the world, I suggest listening to the poem« Dad's professions » .

2. Reading a poem« Dad's professions » , author Anastasia Dobrota

The pavement trembles and the engine howls -

It's my dad's driver coming to us.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.

It's piloted by Dad the Pilot.

Walks together with the military in a row

Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is our record holder in all-around?

We answer : Dad-athlete !

I’m not tired of chopping coal in the depths of the mountains

Dad, black with soot, is a miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -

Dad is a worker, he is a steelmaker.

Heals thousands of broken arms

At the children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The faucet will be installed and the blockage will be cleared.

Dad is a plumber, or a fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?

This is a famous dad-artist.

There is no unnecessary profession in the world! -

Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

After reading the poem, have a short conversation about where and who our dads work, what they are like(brave, strong, skillful) and offerdraw portraits to decorate men for the holiday kindergarten exhibition.

3. Give the children a riddle

If you see what's in the picture

Is anyone looking at us?

Or a prince in a capeancient ,

Or like a steeplejack,

Pilot or ballerina

Or Kolka is your neighbor

The picture must be called( portrait )

Consider with childrenportraits of famous people .

Then show the children the supporting drawings displayed on the board or easel, suggesting the sequence of work onportrait :

1) pencil sketch; 2) oval face; 3) hairstyle; 4) marking of facial features(dots or thin strokes outlined in pencil) ; 5) eyes; 6) lips;

7) nose; 8) clothing items and accessories(tie) . Invite us to think together and discuss in what order we willpaint (show and comment on the stages sequentially, covering the subsequent ones with a strip of paper).

Pay special attention to the fact thatportrait is , usually an image of a person's face (what shape a face usually has, so you need close-up all over the sheet of paperdraw an oval . Ask how best to place a sheet of paper (vertically or horizontally, and why. Visually demonstrate the correctness of the answers by applying Blank sheet paper to your face.

On a separate diagram, show children the proportions of the face and the placement of the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Explain image options men's hairstyles. Advise you to remember what color dad’s eyes and hair are in order to choose desired color pencil.

Say that children can at willdraw portrait of any size on a white or colored background.

Children choose a sheet of the desired format and color tone and startpaint .

After completing the drawing, I invite the children to listen to the poem

"MY DAD" author Lika Razumova

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

Beloved, attentive,

He's affectionate.

I look forward to

Dad from work.

I'm always inportfolio

He brings something.

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He can handle it

Even a difficult matter.

He's also a naughty guy

A mischief maker and a prankster.

With him every day

It turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

And it's boring without dad


Nobody knows how

Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard

He's the nicest.

He instantly turns

Whatever you ask.

He can become a clown

Tiger, giraffe.

But best of all

He knows how to be a dad.

I'll hug him

And I'll whisper quietly :

My daddy, I love you

I love you so much!

You are the most caring

The most native,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

Afterclasses .

Children make outportraits of dads , make up oral congratulations (you can write down the children’s statements on the backportraits or at greeting cards). In independent artistic activity children, under the guidance of a teacher, draw upportraits of their dads (grandfathers) beautiful homemade frames, complemented with accessories prepared forapplication lesson (ties made of paper or fabric) and preparing an exhibition.

Used Books : I. A. Lykova | Visual activities in children'sgarden : planning,class notes , guidelines.Senior group .

To do beautiful portrait your family or to depict a family tree, coat of arms, you don’t have to be an artist. This task is within the power of every child who wants to present an original work at a competition or simply give it to their loved ones. cool pictures. Using the following master classes with photos and videos, you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4 or 5 people. Simple instructions will help you draw beautifully a mother and father, daughter or son. It is recommended to make blank pictures in pencil. But if you wish, you can color them with regular paints and crayons. Step-by-step master classes will also help you choose what to draw on the theme “My Family”. They can be used not as lessons, but as ideas for creating new drawings.

How to draw a family of 3: mom, dad and daughter - master class with video

Quite often, girls, when portraying each member of their family, pay special attention to their clothes, hairstyles, and accessories. With the help of the following master class, you can get ideas on the rules for depicting the human figures themselves. He will tell children how to draw a family of 3 people: mom, dad and daughters really neatly and simply.

Step-by-step video on a master class on drawing a family with mom, dad and daughter

Using the following master class, you can draw a beautiful portrait of a family, which will definitely become good decoration bedroom or hall. You just need to follow the instructions exactly.

How to draw a family of 4 or 5 people step by step with a pencil for a child - photo tutorial

One of the most complex tasks For each child, drawing a portrait of 4-5 people can be considered. He needs to carefully think about the poses and clothing of each of his relatives. Therefore, a large family with children should be drawn in several stages: creating a sample, drawing individual characters, coloring all the elements. The following master class will tell your child in more detail about the rules for creating complex images with a pencil, with instructions on how to draw a family of 4 people step by step carefully and beautifully.

Materials for the step-by-step creation of a children's drawing of a family of 4-5 people in pencil

  • simple and colored pencils;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • set of colored crayons.

A step-by-step photo lesson in drawing a family portrait by a child using pencils

How to draw a family: dad, mom, me - step-by-step pencil master class

To draw your family beautifully and originally, you don’t have to be a real artist. Just following simple instructions, you can create a cool family portrait. The next master class will tell children and their parents how to draw a family “Dad, Mom, Me” quickly and really simply.

List of materials for drawing a family with pencils

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • a set of colored pencils or paints;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class with photos of creating a family portrait in pencil

How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step - master class with video

A beautiful coat of arms of your family is one of the most important relics for every person. But such an emblem can be either real or fictitious. Eg. A child can create it to participate in a competition, or simply make cool decor for their home. In the next master class you can learn how to draw your family’s coat of arms for school step by step with a simple pencil or chalk.

Step-by-step master class with video of drawing the family coat of arms with a pencil

Using the following video, it will not be difficult to create an amazing coat of arms for your family with your own hands. The child just needs to look through the proposed master class and get ideas and useful tips for creating such a picture.

How to draw a family tree step by step with a pencil - master class for beginners

For any child, drawing a family tree with their own hands and indicating all the great-grandparents will be too difficult. Therefore, they will certainly need the help of their parents, who will tell them what structure the tree should have and how many branches it needs to depict. But the next master class will help novice artists draw a family tree step by step and learn how to color it with a pencil or decorate it with photographs.

Materials for drawing a family tree step by step with a pencil

  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • rectangular pieces of cardboard.

Master class for beginners on drawing a family tree with a regular pencil

Using the proposed master classes with videos and photos, you can easily draw not only your family, but also a family tree and family coat of arms. Such cool pictures will be a wonderful decoration for any home or apartment. For example, a cute drawing “My Family”, which depicts a mother, father, son and daughter, is suitable for living room decor. The family coat of arms can be hung in the corridor or hallway. In these instructions you can learn how to draw a family of 3, 4, 5 people easily and simply. Also, the proposed materials can be used as ideas for preparing for competitions in school and kindergarten.

Let's draw dad. Master class for children 9-10 years old with step by step photos

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, fine arts teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 of the city of Ulyanovsk.
Description: This master class is intended for 3rd grade students, as well as for teachers, parents and everyone creative people. In art class, children learn to draw a portrait. The presented master class is consolidation and training.
Purpose: interior decoration, DIY gift.
Target: drawing a portrait.
- clarify children’s knowledge about portraits;
- broaden the horizons of younger schoolchildren;
- teach how to do work step by step;
- develop fine motor skills hands, eye;
- develop creative thinking, imagination and initiative;
- cultivate accuracy when performing work;
- cultivate interest in artistic creativity generally.

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka is your neighbor,
The painting must be called...
A. Kushner

In portraits, artists strive not only to accurately convey external resemblance, but also the character of a person.

V. Tropinin. Portrait of a son

K. Bryullov. Rider

A. Ryabushkin. Merchant family in the 17th century

I. Repin. Portrait of P. M. Tretyakov

Let's remember what we know genres of fine art.
Still life

I. Mashkov. Fruits on a platter

V. Serov. Apples on leaves

In still lifes, artists convey the colorful richness and diversity of the objective world.

I. Aivazovsky. The ninth wave.

Landscapes can be lyrical, depicting modest corners of nature, or epic, praising wide open spaces.

I. Shishkin. Winter.

Today we will talk in more detail about portraits and we will practice drawing a portrait step by step.
What is a portrait?
Portrait is a genre of fine art. In other words, it is a picture of a person or group of people.
What types of portraits are there by genre?
Front rooms, family rooms, children's rooms and others.
Let's remember what monumental, chamber, miniature portraits are.
Monumental portraits– a person is depicted taller than himself, intended for large rooms.

D. Korin. Alexander Nevskiy

Chamber portrait– the person is depicted as tall or shorter.

F. Rokotov. Portrait of an unknown woman in a pink dress

Miniature portrait- Very small portrait.

You can create a cool album that will include postcards, reproductions of paintings with portrait images of children and adults. In addition, everything in the album should be arranged by genre or other criteria.

What is a self-portrait? Which artists can you name who paint themselves?
V. Vasnetsov, I. Kramskoy, V. Tropinin, K. Bryullov.

Do you recognize?
This is famous Mona Lisa (Giaconda) by Leonardo da Vinci.
Helpful advice or hint: During the Master Class you can turn on musical composition R. Schumann "Dreams". And ask her to determine which portrait she fits into.

V. Borovikovsky. Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina

Z. Serebryakova. In front of the mirror

V. Vasnetsov. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible

Today we will practice drawing a portrait.
Helpful advice or hint: Close your eyes and imagine in front of you the person you wanted to draw.
Let's remember a little about the composition of the portrait.
Let's decide: we will draw a human figure or head; where we place a person’s head on the sheet; Will there be a profile or full face, what colors will we use: warm or cold, contrasting or nuanced.
For the master class we will need the following:
- a sheet of A4 paper,
- pencil,
- eraser,
- watercolor paints,
- gouache,
- sippy cup.


We take a pencil, a sheet of A4 paper and start drawing a portrait.

Draw an oval. Draw a vertical line or axis of symmetry.

We divide the oval into four equal parts with horizontal lines. These will be the hair, eye and mouth lines.

Next we draw all the parts of the face. First the eyes, using two arched lines. In the middle of each eye we draw an iris and pupil. Then eyebrows.

Draw the nose. We start from the eyebrows, drawing with a smooth arched line. Draw the wings of the nose.

Then we draw the mouth.

Next we draw the ears. We draw two horizontal lines from the eyebrows and the tip of the nose. In this gap we draw the auricle.

Then we draw the hair. Working out the hairstyle.

Draw the neck.

Next, we give the portrait individual features and make it look like the person we painted.
Helpful advice or hint: If you decide to leave the portrait in pencil, then next comes the development of light and shadow, shading. With the help of this, the expressiveness of the image and portrait resemblance are achieved.
Now let’s draw a sketch of the portrait in color.
Helpful advice or hint: It is better to work from top to bottom so as not to smear the sheet by touching it with your hand.
Carefully paint your hair yellow.

Next, paint the eyes green.

Then we make the eyebrows black.

Then apply red paint to your lips.

The portrait is ready!
Helpful advice or hint: You can color the portrait with colored pencils or felt-tip pens, since small details are difficult to color.
Here's another option.

Helpful advice or hint: As a rule, after finishing work on a painting, the artist begins to think about the type of frame in which he will place his canvas. You can follow this example and place completed works in rectangular, oval, round or other shaped frames.

But what portraits of mothers we got!